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File 137038959747.jpg - (15.81KB , 468x267 , 468px-Xbox_one_console_controller_too[1].jpg )
175239 No. 175239
Last thread: >>171992

In other news: http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/4/4392674/halo-spartan-assault-windows-8
>Halo: Spartan Assault is a new top-down, twin-stick shooter due out this July for Windows 8 devices.
>We were told the upgrades that require players to spend real money are designed to make the game much easier, and based the purchasable options in the demo, will represent the majority of unlockables.
>Halo: Spartan Assault will be released for Windows 8 tablets, phones and personal computers in July for $6.99.

>Windows 8 Only
>Pay to Win
At this point I think Microsoft has decided that as long as they're digging, they might as well dig the biggest hole and hope that they hit diamonds or buried treasure at the bottom.
255 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 178461
>you only get one chance to make a first impression
If that were really a hard and fast rule, Playstation 3 would've never recovered from its own bad first impression. Lest we forget, everyone hated the PS3 at launch because of its fumbled launch announcements and over the top pricetag despite not being demonstrably that much better than the 360 in terms of hardware power, other than the disc thing.

And the Nintendo DS would never have recovered from being seen as "a gimmicky system with no games that no one owns, where the only games worth playing are Game Boy Advance games, most of which are Super Nintendo ports anyway."
>> No. 178469
With the PS3 and DS the only thing holding them back was a lack of interesting games for the first year of their lives. The systems themselves didn't scorn their audience as drastically as the Xbone did. It will take quite a bit to convince their customers that they've totally changed their stripes and won't try it again with more subtlety.
>> No. 178475
>The systems themselves didn't scorn their audience as drastically as the Xbone did.

The DS backlash was pretty bad, and the PS3 backlash was even worse than the Xbox One's.

The Xbox One's biggest problem is that the 360's lead on the PS3 was pretty much imaginary. Even when it was a piece of shit, it outsold the 360 every year, and that was while costing way more than the 360. All the good will they had at the beginning evaporated with Kinect and slowing down on real exclusives, and very few people are thinking "I had an Xbox, so I may as well get another one."

I think I said it here before, but Sony's job with the PS4 was to not fuck up, whereas Microsoft's job was to blow everyone away.
>> No. 178481
As I recall, the DS didn't have much a backlash so much as it was seen as the next Virtual Boy; Nintendo was lauding it as their "third pillar", to be something alongside the Gamecube and Game Boy Advance, but many didn't see the point in this, nor why having a second screen (touch or not) could be useful (this was all before the iPhone.) It was seen as useless or irrelevant when everyone was clamoring for a more advanced Game Boy instead.

Lacking in quality titles over the first year (this seems to be a thing lately) didn't help. But, as we know now, this "third pillar" bashed in the second and replaced the Game Boy.
>> No. 178485
Man I still have my DS lying around somewhere but I never really played it... was an impulse buy and it never really interested me, the thing was sort of a hassle.

I think I've actually played more DS roms on my laptop than DS games. (Japanese stuff like Gundam strategy games, or that one with all the manga series featured in a Smash Brothers style fighter)
>> No. 178487
>that one with all the manga series featured in a Smash Brothers style fighter
Jump Superstars?
>> No. 178488
Yes, but it was the second game Jump Ultimate Superstars. Some people made an English patch for it.
>> No. 178577
Are you mother fuckers ready for the upcoming Dead Rising 2, Case Files, and Crackdown for the Live Free Games thing?

you best be.
>> No. 178833
File 137597109486.png - (341.62KB , 929x518 , Screenshot_2013-08-08-08-56-31-1.png )
Sticker confirmed.

>> No. 178836

Is it just me or does that controller look really ugly and flimsy?
>> No. 178837
File 137597535381.gif - (713.12KB , 310x299 , tumblr_mml8rnHYyA1r868elo1_400.gif )
>Day one console DLC
>> No. 178844
I hope you're not serious. It's a code card for a specialized achievement for those who preordered Day One. Seems certain types of achievements can actually get you stuff.
>> No. 178845
>It's not DLC, it's just this code that you use to download content
>> No. 178847
For fucks sake Tiki its a preorder bonus.

If you are going to whine and bitch at least use the right terms.
>> No. 178848
He is... fruity. That is the main thing I take away from this vid.
>> No. 178850
I'm not even really bitching about it, it just seems like a very odd choice to make, like I get the idea of it as an incentive...it just seems lame.

I actually really like him, he seems peppy and genuinely excited.
>> No. 179213
According to a reliable source >>179212 Platinum Games will develop an exclusive title for the Xbox One. It may be an established franchise, judging from the Bayonetta comment, which leave us with two options

>New MadWorld game, or
>New Vanquish game
>> No. 179222
both of which fit well with Xbox's favored style of image.
>> No. 179224
I think Platinum intended to retire Vanquished because of Mikami leaving the company to form Tango. Also the fact that the first one didn't do that well at all.

That said if it's true it sounds like Microsoft's trying to steal Nintendo's thunder after seeing the batshit insanity of the Bayonetta 2 reaction.
>> No. 179272
So, a Fable MMO. Dunno. Is this even a post-worthy thing? I thought people stopped giving a shit about both Fable and MMOs.
>> No. 179279
Haven't played a Fable game, but I'm curious what'll happen when a Fable title gets made without Peter Molyneux.
>> No. 179280
Will that shitty villain-sue Reaver still be in it?
>> No. 179415
Killer Instinct stream going on right now.

>> No. 179417
My prediction would be that it will be more competently made, but less ambitious, and will ultimately be entirely unremarkable.
>> No. 179418
tough if the Port is of the Arcade version of KI then that will be nice to play.
>> No. 179420
He's talking about fable.
>> No. 179426
Oh well yea it'll be garbage due to the habitual promising the moon and getting a nice picture of said moon that Fable has always had a habit of doing.
>> No. 179427
Molyneaux is not involved.
>> No. 179431
Will it have decent character morphing again? That's what I hated most about 3. They put all the effort into those stupid achievement morphing weapons. Your character hardly changed at all.
>> No. 179471
File 137730589245.jpg - (51.59KB , 567x407 , Untitled.jpg )
>"When we launched Kinect obviously there was a big focus on 'everything must be Kinect,'" he said in a behind-closed-door chat at the show. "Now it's in the box, use it where it make sense, don't where it doesn't. It can be used in some really - not gimmicky ways, which is what I think you'll see a fair amount of - but ways that actually really enhance the game. We've got some ideas for how to use it in the right way." Which might even be in a new Perfect Dark.

>"Maybe! We've got an idea for that. It would be controller plus Kinect. We've got ideas for most older Rare IP, you won't be surprised to hear. There's quite a lot of desire to do that, and Viva Pinata, Conker... Banjo's very popular internally, a lot of people want to do stuff with Banjo.

>> No. 179496
I'll hold out for Snake Rattle 'n' Rollerskates.
...Which now that I think of it, would at least fit with the song its name references as long as the game is 50s themed?
>> No. 179504
>Banjo's very popular internally, a lot of people want to do stuff with Banjo.
At this point...I kinda don't want them to.
>> No. 179721
the battle lines have been drawn.
>> No. 179909
IGN News: Xbox One Release Date Announcedyoutube thumb
Aw. I was hoping the early November release rumour was real. Still, at least we have a date now!
>> No. 179992
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>> No. 180099
File 137867315556.jpg - (8.65KB , 284x177 , 1378670915907.jpg )
Xbox One dashboard leaked.

>> No. 180100
Oh good. Its just as gross as the Windows 8 interface.
>> No. 180101
Cuz it is gross windows 8.
>> No. 180109
And besides, how can you force dem ads if you don't have dem tiles?
>> No. 180110
At first I thought tiles where kinda nifty, but then I got stuck with a Windows phone for a year.

Now I just hate them. So much.
>> No. 180112
I love the Metro tiles, you can fit so much on a page without it being horrible. I don't give no fucks, Metro is a good style.
>> No. 180113
Yeah, I like it too. I tend to assume the Metro hate is just more of the people who hate Windows 8 for not being Windows XP.
>> No. 180115
Windows 8 is fucking terrible, I uninstalled it and put up Win7 in its place on my new laptop
>> No. 180116
>you can fit so much on a page without it being horrible.
It's hard to make boring squares of color look totally horrible.
It's also hard to make it look even moderately interesting.
>> No. 180122
You guys do realize this is mainly used for controller input, right? It's easier to scroll around on tiles with a controller than it is to go through fucking lists. It's not horrible, it doesn't look bad, and there is a shit ton of customization for it on Windows 8 that allows you to even not use it if you don't want to.
You're just being dumb. Turn it the fuck off, which is an option in Windows 8.
>> No. 180125
File 137874874780.jpg - (57.97KB , 318x293 , HAW.jpg )
I guess you could say Windows 8 is for squares.
>> No. 180127
>Turn it the fuck off
Too bad I have it on my fucking worthless piece of shit windows phone.

And customization? Have fun choosing from a small list of colors and having the capacity to move them around a grid. You can even make some bigger than the others. So freeing!

>It's easier to scroll around on tiles with a controller than it is to go through fucking lists
At least lists have an easily recognizable order.

Honestly, I'd probably like it more if it wasn't just stupid plain color swatches.
>> No. 180261
>> No. 180262
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