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File 128596632584.jpg - (137.23KB , 411x612 , pa_computer_by_raultrevino.jpg )
2220 No. 2220
I need help. I'm in need of a new computer, with a maximum price of around $700. Good graphics capability is important, as gaming would be one of its primary uses.

I'm not opposed to the idea of building my own computer, but I've never done such before and wouldn't know where to begin. Though I'm willing to learn if need be.
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>> No. 2221

You can watch this video set to see how to basically build a PC. The parts they use are outdated but the set up is still basically the same.
>> No. 2222
File 128598037614.png - (477.04KB , 1400x2800 , Guide.png )
>> No. 2231
Well, these make the prospect of building my own seem a bit less daunting. Thanks!

Any other advice/recommendations anyone might have is welcome.
>> No. 2232
I would totally try building a computer if I had the room for a desktop.
>> No. 2246
I'll help out. USA, right? Any are there any old parts you'll be salvaging/reusing? Peripherals like mouse, keyboard, and monitor count too.


Well... They do have the mATX form factor. Leetle babby PCs.
>> No. 2253
Really, for the space I have (I share a tiny room with my sister) it's either a laptop or nothing.
>> No. 2256
>> No. 2258
PS, will be need an OS? y/n
A zip code would help to factor in shipping costs and keep the price total under budget.
>> No. 2262
Buy a shitbox at Wal-Mart for around $300, then stick a decent GPU in it.

My rig cost me about... $600, with no construction needed. I did upgrade the power supply and stick in a relatively expensive GPU though.

But if you feel like building one, Moe's image seems like a good jumping off point.
>> No. 2263
File 128640521357.jpg - (299.47KB , 1091x1170 , Untitled.jpg )
I made a thing while I had the time today, more of a starting point for me to tweak when I get your feedback than anything.


= $732.90/$677.90AMIR before shipping/taxes.
>> No. 2264
>USA, right?

>Any are there any old parts you'll be salvaging/reusing? Peripherals like mouse, keyboard, and monitor count too.
The old mouse and keyboard are serviceable enough until I can get something new, but everything else is shot/outdated.

>PS, will be need an OS? y/n

>A zip code would help to factor in shipping costs and keep the price total under budget.

I will confess I'm still largely a babe in the woods with all this, but within my beginner's knowledge that looks like a nice build that doesn't seem to lack for anything I'd need (not counting peripherals).
>> No. 2265
>The old mouse and keyboard are serviceable enough until I can get something new, but everything else is shot/outdated.

Is a new monitor going to be part of your 700 dollar limit?
>> No. 2266
I will be needing a new monitor, but that doesn't count toward the main budget.
>> No. 2268
I'm having trouble working a copy of W7 in without making significant hardware performance cuts. Are there any student deals or anything like that you can take advantage of for a price lesser than Newegg's $100?
>> No. 2271
Sadly I don't qualify for anything like that, however a bit of a windfall has granted my budget some wiggle room. Another $100 to the total to cover the OS shouldn't be a problem.
>> No. 2288
So which Windows 7 pack should I be getting? I'm seeing several priced around the hundred dollar mark.
>> No. 2289
>Buy Windows

Woah, buddy. Slow down. Why don't you just pirate it and buy a key later?
>> No. 2298

Home Premium 64-bit should be good. Sorry for not responding for a while but so uhh, are you planning to buy it or be a scurvy sea dog?
>> No. 2299
If I was still on my previous budget, I might have opted to uh, plunder it, but I figure I'll buy it since I can now afford it.
>> No. 2303
So the new budget is pretty much $800, aye? Is this before or after mail in rebates? :3c
>> No. 2305
A little more than that, and before rebates. Anything else I ought to get?
>> No. 2306
A lot of quad core processors are hitting the 350 dollar range if you're not afraid to shop around and know how to install the damn thing without getting coolant applicator crap all over the place.
>> No. 2308

Uhh, I can't think of anything but I'd be glad for input from anyone else. With the listed parts in that last post and Win7 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116754) it should come out to $823.69 after shipping.


On that note, for anyone reviewing the build I made up for Chainerman: You might notice there isn't any thermal compound in the buy list. The Freezer 7 Pro comes with pre-applied Arctic Cooling MX-2. Good TIM and even though I generally don't trust pre-applied anything, reviews show the stock beating manually applied AS5. I'm sold.
>> No. 2311
Okey dokey then. And thanks for all your help. I was a lost babby walking into this so I really appreciate the assist. :)
>> No. 2314
File 128746440575.jpg - (23.82KB , 264x218 , HEYYYY.jpg )
Glad to help~ Oh lawdy I hope you like it D:

Hey, let us know how the assembly goes!
>> No. 2338
Askal, I'm sure I will love it. :)
I'll have a full report on how the building process goes.
>> No. 2341
Are there services you can get custom builds made for you? I don't trust my own abilities to put something like this together without breaking something, and since I'm going for the exceptional builds, (I have just enough for all of them together.) I'm worried I'll mess something up along the way.

I mean, I know I'm not supposed to be enticed, but some of the premades at Fry's look fine. Sure, they're more expensive, but I COULD pay for them with only a little more work...
>> No. 2342

I know several Canadian stores that do that so I'm sure there must be American retailers who do too. I know for sure Mwave.com does. It's usually an additional "pc assembly and testing" option at checkout or something.
>> No. 2397
I put my PC together yesterday, and got the OS and other software installed today. Still getting used to Windows 7 (I'd still been on XP), but everything seems great. Thank you Askal, I love my new computer. :D

The build was pretty easy, just time consuming because I'm a bit of a newbie and was being extra cautious. The only part that might have been tricky was installing the CPU fan, and that was only because the instructions seemed a little backwards. A pair of metal plates is needed to clip the fan to the motherboard, but the instructions would have you place the plates in position on the bracket, then attach them to the fan. Screwing them on a little first, clipping the whole thing in place, then tightening the screws until everything was secure, proved to be the more practical method.
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