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File 128614378614.jpg - (9.98KB , 400x314 , dell Inspiron 14z top view cropped.jpg )
2233 No. 2233
So I may be able to get a laptop cheap from my uncle soon. What kind of laptop should I get?
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>> No. 2234
If he doesn't plan to do much with it aside from browse the net, a netbook might be a good choice
>> No. 2235
No, it is for me.
He gets laptops really cheap and he's going to let me get one from him and I need to know what to get.
>> No. 2243
I don't know much about mobile computers but if he can get you them, look at the Asus models. Their motherboards have always been solid so I expect no different of their laptops and they have the best warranty I know of. they even cover accidental damage. (US and Canada)
>> No. 2250
Do you have a budget? Is there a specific brand he can get for you or is there some he can't get for you? What do you want to do with it?
>> No. 2254
I've had good experiences with Thinkpads, but even the midrange models are pretty expensive.
>> No. 2255
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