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64696 No. 64696
Old thread is autosaging >>64226

Shit son, this whole thing just got a lot more interesting.
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>> No. 65214
Wow. This is the most forced scene I think I've ever had to read in Homestuck.

Why do I do this to myself?
>> No. 65215
Sad to say, I'm getting less and less interested in these new kids.
>> No. 65216
Whenever I get bothered by all the romance shit and whatnot, I remember Hussie stating that the whole point of Homestuck is being a coming-of-age story, that's the core of it. Everything else is just intertwining threads stuck together around it. Well, I honestly can't give two shits about this theme, but the whole rest of it is appealing enough for me to read it, not to mention that I think he's doing something great to both webcomics and input-based storytelling. So I just grin and bear it because he rarely sticks with it for more than 5 updates anyway.
>> No. 65221
So more of that kinda stuff huh? I'm out.

I might come back when there's a long stretch of updates so I can move through them at a steady pace like I did when I first started reading HS.
>> No. 65223
We had some backstory dropped on us and all you two focus on is the romance stuff? For something you dislike, you seem to dwell on it a lot.
>> No. 65224
This is the really unfortunate result of Andrew having a ton of worldbuilding and ideas and feeling the need to incorporate them all, but it's too late to incorporate them naturally, so he has to make mouthpiece characters to infodump about them.
>> No. 65225
It doesn't have to be too late though. He could carry this comic on longer than his imagined goal of ending it on an Act 7. That or take time to actually pull Act 6 out to be massive.
>> No. 65226
No, it's definitely too late for some things. Titles, for instance. We are in the midst of finding out what each title means NOW when that is really basic information about the game that, if they were relevant, should have been expanded on when they were first introduced or when opportunities to explain the game further during acts 4 and 5.1 came up. The fact that there is still speculation on what John's aspect actually represents isn't really a good thing.

It's not exactly the product of shitty writing, it's more like Homestuck's format backed him into a corner and now he has to throw down all these mechanics and backstory because they will be relevant later. He can't go back and edit them in, and narrative infodumps won't really work at this point in the story because there is pretty much no narrative at all--lately the story has been conveyed almost entirely in dialogue. So the only thing that's really left to do is have characters who know more talk to the protagonists about them. And that's boring.

At this point I think the best way to do it is another walkaround flash where one of the characters can speak to the ghosts of their consorts and read wall inscriptions about these things. It would get a lot of information out of the way and it would be a lot more fun than these pesterlogs, if only because consorts are charming.
>> No. 65227
>> No. 65228
Did you think that maybe the reason we are finding out about title meanings is because those ultimate potentials we're learning are going to be realized soon? He is practically setting us up.
>> No. 65229

Narrative infodumps won't work? UU and Aranea have had infodumping on lockdown since Act 6 started. We'll learn what all the titles are no problem, it'll just be in the incredibly slow and arduous manner that we're used to at this point.
>> No. 65230
Romantic situations allow for certain kinds of humor to be more accessible to the story, for example the humor inherent in seeing a character become flustered in certain awkward situations.

>JAKE: Aaaaargh oh god oh god you sensed my stupid sexy thoughts i KNEW it.

Wow would you look at that. Comedy.

Every moment of 'romance' in Homestuck that I can recall has in some way or another been intended as comedic. You can say Homestuck is a coming of age story, or a story about a magical adventure, or use a shitload of other descriptions, and you'd be right, but Homestuck has always fundamentally been about comedy and pushing the limitation of how webcomics are defined.

As long as the romantic parts are, or are at least intended to be, comedic, they fit into the story just fine. I find it odd that fans never react so vehemently to parts of the story that focus on other kinds of interpersonal relationships. There have been more plot delaying pesterlogs focused on friendship rather than romance, but those don't normally cause heated reactions. Why is that? Friendship and romance both allow for comedic dialog and situations, development for characters and their relationships with each other, and move the story along at about the same pace. So why such a vitriolic reaction to one and not the other?
>> No. 65231
girls are icky

love is dumb

beep boop beep boop
>> No. 65232
cause loveless nerds are haters >B)
>> No. 65236
>pushing the limitation of how webcomics are defined.


if by that you mean a manga in all things but artistic style and an american creator.
>> No. 65237
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Well, this is officially the dumbest shit I've ever seen said on this board.
>> No. 65238
There are hundreds of webcomics where that would be an accurate statement, and yet you decide that the pseudo-sprite comic made by a dude who doesn't even read manga is most fitting of that description.

Wow. Just wow.
>> No. 65239
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>> No. 65241
Hey they don't call Hussie the Anime Whisperer for nothing!
>> No. 65244
Couldn't you call a bucket of KFC the same thing?
>> No. 65246
I don't get people who are *mad* that Homestuck isn't paced like a story about Sburb. It isn't about Sburb. The only person in the entire comic who played the game "correctly" is Aranea; every other character has been too busy with more important Green Sun/Lord English shit.
>> No. 65247
>implying homestuck doesn't read any differently than some magical girl manga.
> Implying it matters whether hussie even reads manga or not.
>> No. 65248
Hahaha, how the fuck do homestuck and the mahou shoujos have anything on common on a more than superficial level.
>> No. 65256
they have both characters and illustrated art, intended to be read in sequence along with text. obviously homestuck is derivative.
>> No. 65257
I'm not against Homestuck having romance.
I just find this whole exchange really dull.
>> No. 65258
I understand your opinion and can see how you'd form it, but nuh-uh these pages make me giggle.
>> No. 65267
Yeah, I'm gonna agree with Chapmaine, here. These updates are cute!

Aranea is actually just really, really cute. And it's funny how she's describing herself and then being like "No no, just because I sound like I'm cool doesn't mean I actually am!"

And any more information on Universe A1 is appreciated, imo. I may be alone in this sentiment, though, but I still hold it.
>> No. 65280

You are (not) alone.

Jake's dreambubble is the most fun I've had with the non-Roxy B2 kids so far, and Aranea is entertaining as well. Plus, everything I wanted to be true about the A1 trolls seems to be. :)
>> No. 65291
Why do I find these conversations so hilarious.
>> No. 65295
>DIRK: I'm going to make you have a seizure and get you to mime the message to her with your spastic gyrations.
>DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.
I was a quarter second away from a literal spittake.
>> No. 65296
So Jake will make the snackrifice later down the line when he's god-tier to defeat Lord English, giving hope to all life throughout paradox space that he can be stopped, robbing him of his power. Then Jake will get to have sloppy dead-makeouts for the rest of eternity with Aranea

Or something
>> No. 65300
A lot of focus on the Dersie agents this sub-act, isn't there?
>> No. 65301
I think Hussie is just tired of focusing on Pesterlogs all the time. He needs to transition in and out.
>> No. 65302
I can't say I mind it at all.
>> No. 65303
Hahaha, oh my god.

Is he seriously going to use that thing?
>> No. 65304
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Your wish is granted!
>> No. 65306
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>> No. 65309
DD is the secret best Homestuck character.
>> No. 65315

What good is a zero prototyped ring though, anyway?
>> No. 65316
It probably has some power in it.
>> No. 65317
At the very least, Red Miles doesn't seem to come from any particular prototyping; my bet is that it's a function of the ring itself.
>> No. 65319
Myeah, but isn't Red Miles practically an euphemism for those rivers of blood he just mentioned? Blowing planets to bits really isn't his style.
>> No. 65321
perhaps it gives him some sort of control over derse's citizenry? Or derse itself? It is the keys to the kingdom, maybe it's how the queen forces the dersites to war? Only DD is gonna use it to make everyone look for Dirk?
>> No. 65322
Back in [S] Seer: Descend, one of the books you could look at mentioned the ability to add orbs to a queen's ring. That could become pretty relevant soon.
>> No. 65323
Incoming Draconian Catnitary later in the session.
>> No. 65326
Oh gosh, that's right. DD's silly cat ears band!
>> No. 65331
DD is just so cool.
>> No. 65332
New thread, anyone?
>> No. 65335
Let's do it with the first page of the next update.
Dramatic, but not as super spoilery as the last page of the update is likely to be.

Actually, even then we're not in danger of falling off page 1 for a while. Meh, we'll see.
Someone will hopefully use good judgement.
>> No. 65351
And with a big update, I guess NOW is the time to make a new thread?
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