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File 137142603539.png - (688.26KB , 1283x955 , dullahan.png )
176236 No. 176236
Ye olde thread: >>173756

Was overwhelmed with nostalgia when I saw EpicNameBro start a Vagrant Story LP. But since I left my original copy with my parents, I had to emulate it, which worked surprsingly well. It's still fucking fantastic amazing spectacular. You should all play it.
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>> No. 176243
>Kingdom Hearts L2/R2 camera control
Wow, it has been a long time, I really don't remember that. What was the R stick used for again? And any word of them changing that for the HD Collection?
>> No. 176247
File 137144186891.jpg - (23.59KB , 256x300 , j.jpg )
Has anyone else played this yet? When you're not focused on Leeloo's ass, this is a pretty great game. (see: girls in games, mis cis tumblr, etc)

At least, good concept with some neato mechanics (see: memory changing) and a solid twist on a simple intuitive fight system.
>> No. 176261
File 137144440570.jpg - (161.02KB , 1280x720 , Go203cS.jpg )
Yes I played it. Actually played it too hard and stayed up all night to the point I got sick.

It wasn't the most amazing gameplay but it was enjoyable and I liked the plot. Also the aesthetics of the setting and Nilin's abilities.
>> No. 176266
If they can wrangle a sequel I think the game would play better as an open world along with fine tuning the mechanics (not making the combos so locked into certain patterns and making the memory remixes a bit more variety instead of just one solution things)
>> No. 176267
There are only 4 times you can memory remix and they are all boring, you just roll around an option until it does something. The combat is simple, but can be very hollow when you get to the point where you're just dodging until that brief moment where you can attack once or twice. And according to Tiki, there are some serious bugs you can get.
>> No. 176277
It's used for switching between commands like the D pad. They do give the option of using it for camera control in the HD collection, thankfully.
>> No. 176290
I like the idea of a combo being a pre-set series, and you tuning in results to capitalize on them. Combos to access your toolkit gives the endless punch punch kick punch an edge.

That being said, the point where you stack your combos to only do two-button recharge (ala: dodging endlessly until you can turn on your real ass-beatin mode) kind of shows it's flaws. I'd like to see the idea taken further, moreso focusing on player skill before stopping at instant-health punch.

Memory remixing too, could use a lot more attention. What could be, and seems-to have been at some point, as key point in the game had a ton of potential.

Honestly, I thought the plot was one of the worst parts of the game. The aesthetic was spot on, as was the overall world/feel, but the plot you had to take to get there borderlined on parody. Your guide is Edge, who wants you to take down the man and throws vague pseudo-Fight Clubs at you the whole game.

I'm not going to lie, when I got the gist of the game, I was expecting Ghost in the Shell: Mirror's Edge Forever and I can't bring myself past that crushing despair.
>> No. 176294
File 137148599934.jpg - (280.04KB , 1281x959 , wasted design.jpg )
No, seriously you guys. Play Vagrant Story. One of the best games ever made. You don't need a beastly PC to emulate it. And it holds up so well.
>> No. 176296
What the shit, I JUST got done watching the Gametrailers Final Fantasy Retrospective and then I read this.

Also guys? Brutal Doom is fucking awesome. Just sayin'.
>> No. 176300
Ah, the days of when Square was still good. So good.
>> No. 176309
>Rhianna Pratchett not working on Mirrors Edge 2

well that is a strike against it.
>> No. 176314
What did she do for the first game that was so good? I wasn't particularly impressed with it, or with Heavenly Sword for that matter.
>> No. 176325
Moreover seeing how Tomb Raider turned out in the Narrative I thought she'd be better with Mirrors Edge this time around. Shame she wont get the chance apparently.
>> No. 176335
Good to know Spoony still has the touch.
>> No. 176350
>Of course that’s not all, and Respawn started working on the game without any exclusivity in mind. Things changed when they realized the potential of the cloud feature brought by Windows 8 and Xbox One.
Welp, there goes my interest in that game.
>> No. 176353
File 137157228387.jpg - (111.61KB , 679x612 , 1330051114717.jpg )
>they realized the potential of the cloud feature brought by Windows 8
>> No. 176363
Tom Francis talk about the success and future for Gunpoint, as well as continues to prove himself to be the hero the industry needs, not the one it deserves:

>> No. 176372
wah what are we going to do on the hitsoundyoutube thumb

I suddenly wish to play TF2 again.
>> No. 176373
Content Patch - June 18th, 201…youtube thumb

Regarding Dead Rising 3, Capcom actually came out and said "We want the CoD audience."
>> No. 176374
Alright, only a month or so until the Steam Summer Sale.

I belong to a survey site where I get "points" (displayed as US$, but it's not) that I can trade in for gift cards and stuff. 99% of the offerings don't interest me at all, but you can get Gamestop gift cards (Gamestop is how I got in in the first place.) So before the Steam Sale I'll get a $50 wallet card from Gamestop with these gift cards and go crazy buying more games that I won't play for years. :3
>> No. 176376
And it has to be the month where I'm spending a week in Oshkosh with my flight school. Damn you, Gabe. Dam nyou.
>> No. 176377
Be honest here: Do you not have enough unplayed games to last you till Halloween sale?
>> No. 176379
I have enough to last me until the Halloween Sale in 2015. http://steamcommunity.com/id/tukaro/games?tab=all
Note how many of those have no hours on record.

And that's only on Steam; I have two games in UPlay and a dozen or so boxed games. And that's only on PC; I have another 40ish titles spread across three consoles and three handhelds.

But I'm still going to give gaben so much money. :(
>> No. 176383
Content Patch - June 18th, 201…youtube thumb
>> No. 176390
File 137158838951.jpg - (598.15KB , 1763x1080 , waitwhat.jpg )
So this screenshot from the upcoming Civ V expansion was rather interesting.
>> No. 176394
What is? Can you summarize it? Not gonna watch the whole thing. Totalbiscuit is grating to me.
>> No. 176397
>Totalbiscuit is grating to me.
You and me? We tight.
>> No. 176407
Old news. The developers decided that Paratroopers needed a late-game upgrade.
>> No. 176408
File 13716008847.gif - (0.95MB , 500x265 , tumblr_moba2dSbOD1stlzxpo1_500.gif )
Dead Rising 3 is seriously the fucking worst.
>> No. 176410
"Get yourself a PEN."
I'd play the shit out of a Re-Animator simulator making formula selecting lab locations getting test subjects.
>> No. 176411
Wait there is a dr3 coming? This is the first I've heard about it

Oh its an Xbone game, never mind
>> No. 176412
File 13716031347.gif - (967.60KB , 500x265 , tumblr_moba2dSbOD1stlzxpo2_r1_500.gif )
Make it like a combination of X-Com and Spore where like, you can just mix and match bodies and then send your minions out to semetaries guarded by Sheriff's, swat guys and Hill's "Survivors."
>> No. 176413
It's an Xbone game with pay to win, brown and targeted to the "call of Duty" crowd.
>> No. 176415
Freshness matters, also intelligence breeds better thinkers but they are also prone to instability and biting you in the ass.
>> No. 176416
OH MY GOD YES, Timed Corpse freshness and possible turning on you is THE BEST IDEA EVER, put in an element similar to like in X-com where using explosives destroyed the parts you can recover where in this it would be like you try to kill the opponents without mangling their bodies too much.
>> No. 176426
... This I have to concede.
>> No. 176464
File 137162852641.gif - (1.39MB , 240x252 , R2qFh.gif )


Must-have Final Fantasy VI Adv…youtube thumb
>> No. 176473
Was looking forward to playing games and listening to the Giant Bombcast during it. Turns out that is kinda impossible with how fucking low they mix the sound for those. Never really noticed since I usually work while listening to it. But goddamn that messed with my plans for today something fierce. Either no playing games or no listening to Bombcast.
>> No. 176476
Man, tell me about it. Giant Bomb really needs a good sound guy.
>> No. 176491
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Pls no, Witcher 3.
I'm broke. Pls.
>> No. 176557
It's so wavy
>> No. 176565
File 13717022926.jpg - (419.70KB , 1680x1050 , witcher2.jpg )
Playing The Witcher for the first time.This game is pretty great! Although the fact that it's built on the Aurora means that it keeps giving me flashbacks to the tens of hours I spent playing Neverwinter Nights in my youth, haha.

I've got a little problem, though. I've finished Haren Brogg's quest in chapter one (to kill the drowners that were fucking with his stuff) but the cocksucker's disappeared. It doesn't seem to matter what time of day I go around that dock area, he's not there. And if he has a house, I can't find it. Any advice?
>> No. 176567
Real time fur engines.
>> No. 176570
I really need to get back into that game, I'm a couple hours behind where you are.
>> No. 176576
Due to a lack of a steady income, and parents who try to dissuade me from buying games a lot of the time, most of my games are gifts from friends, all of which are greatly appreciated from the bottom of my heart, and they're all games from 2-3 years ago that have gone down to $20 or less. I've even told my friends not to spend more than $20 on a game for me.

So a short while back, it was my birthday. I got a couple games from friends, plus the DLC for said games. Again, all of the games were $5, $10 at most.

Another friend proceeds to flip out at me when she sees the games come up on my Steam feed, calling me an entitled rich asshole who gets things whenever I want from Mommy and Daddy, and then proceeds to buy herself several games, all of which are more than the total cost of everything I got for my birthday.

>> No. 176630
File 137176154663.jpg - (56.14KB , 1536x1152 , 1371759180470.jpg )
Tell me about Halo, /cog/. It seems to have quite a bad rep because of dudebros, but I think it looks interesting. Is the singleplayer worth the time?
>> No. 176632

I've only played the first one. It was enjoyable, good mechanics and weapons. Decent story and writing. Great aesthetics. Only problem was that the level design was unbelievably repetitive. Recycled area after recycled area. One level, the Library, has become infamous for it, but the whole game was like that.
>> No. 176633
With the occasional talk about how AAA games are overblown and over-budgeted, I wonder if anybody's really down a breakdown of the average budget for mainstream projects. Hell, how much of that money goes to the actual development? Most of it seem to go towards marketing, licensing and big name talent.
>> No. 176634
...Yeah, I would too.
MAX IS WEAK!!! The Videogame Dilemmayoutube thumb
>> No. 176637
>that deep feeling of shame when the Wii Fit Trainer comments on how inflexible you are
>> No. 176673
Check 12:50ish in this video
Let's Play The Witcher Episode 5: Ambiguityyoutube thumb

This LP is all I can say as far as seeing the game's directly is concerned though.

And speaking of The Witcher, turns out Times of Contempt comes out in English on July 1st! I'm still reading the Song of Ice and Fire novels, but that's cool to know.
>> No. 176681

Yeah, I figured it out like twenty minutes after posting that.

You know, the one thing that really bugs me about the combat is that Geralt takes a year and a half to take his sword out, and if you've got a fight right after a scene transition or a door you don't have the option of having it already out. Groups of enemies can seriously fuck up your health bar in the time it takes him to get ready to fight.
>> No. 176701
>Most of it seem to go towards marketing, licensing and big name talent.
Everything wrong with business in a fucking nutshell.
>> No. 176702
and by big name talent I assume you mean actors instead of developers.
>> No. 176706

Ouya is truly everything we knew it would be: total garbage.
>> No. 176721
I doubt everyone on this board is a subscriber. TNTs are still getting archived on Twitch. Ouya stuff starts at 54:00. Though the Last of Us multiplayer match was also kinda interesting. But yeah, that thing was even worse than I imagined. What a piece of shit.
>> No. 176732
File 137184786630.png - (8.87KB , 300x300 , 137088785541.png )
>In a local restaurant, having a late lunch with a co-worker
>there's a family of, I assume at least, Russians as it sounds like they're speaking that.
>almost choke to death on my food when one actually says "Chiki briki iv damke"

I blame stalker generals.
>> No. 176736
File 137184941753.jpg - (66.02KB , 475x302 , fear-and-loathing.jpg )
They had to restart the system just to add a second player.
>> No. 176738
Using a PS3 controller, which is annoying to set up for PC as well sometimes. Ouya still looks like crap, though.
>> No. 176740
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His expression says it all.
>> No. 176741
Honestly, I'm still interested in the Ouya, if only because
1.) Like everything nowadays, it's hitting the ground running, so of course it's going to suck at first. From what I'm seeing, most of the problems (so far) are software-based, which is fixable.
2.) From my perspective it really isn't fair to put it in the same lane as the main three consoles. It's really seems more aimed at a niche-in-a-niche like the Steambox platform (the gaming/home theater PC crowd).
3.) It lowers the barrier for indie devs who want to get their feet wet with little hassle.

At worst, there will be lessons to learn from its failure. After it comes out.

Games like COD and Battlefield are not sold on technical merit (ha) alone, and publishers tend attract people from other fields (screenwriters, comic book artists/writers, movie stars....) to anchor non-gamers. But yes, among people who know their vidya "big name talent" could refer to well known/popular developers. But then, "big name" and "talent" being used together would probably be very contested in those circles, I think.
>> No. 176742
I'm more concerned about issues with control latency. That's a big problem. Like, HUGE.
>> No. 176762
I feel like there's more to gaming than just "hardcore" and "casual" fans. It's a really blurry spectrum, and I think it's partially because a lot of people have very different gaming habits.

What I haven't seen discussed often are people who only seem to like one genre, or one franchise, even (example: I've met people who only play Pokémon, and could not care less about gaming otherwise, and I've met a couple of people who are content to only ever use their XBOX for HALO and Netflix, and nothing else, or people who only play RTS games, or only MOBAs), and never seem to step out of it, or be interested in doing so. I'm guessing for some of them it's difficult to persuade them to play anything else, although for others it may be just a lack of knowledge of anything outside the one thing that piqued their interest.

There also seems to be a group that just hops from AAA title to AAA title, with no real theme in what they play other than it's the big release of the moment. Granted, this happens a lot with films, too. The trend seems to be to play the big hyped thing once, finish it, and never replay it again.
>> No. 176765
Inside Titanfall: Official Beh…youtube thumb
I like the subtex I hear, "yo dog, I hear you only care about the multiplay so we put the epic campain stuff in it!"
Just like Killzone 3.
>> No. 176774
This game looks FUCKING AWESOME. It's a roguelike/metroidvania thing with crazy traits and a whole bunch of other shit.
>> No. 176775
Yep, pre-ordered it.
>> No. 176778

I remember TB looking at this game a long time ago. It's 5 bucks on GoG right now so I grabbed it, it's quite enjoyable, even if the dialogue occasionally makes me want to kill myself.
>> No. 176779
File 137194252828.png - (319.07KB , 1362x768 , mini rogues.png )
Oh God, this game is dangerous. It has the typical roguelike trap of "Just one more try. Real quick.". But it's so much fun. Loving all of the secrets you can find. It feels a bit unfair at times, though, even if you are expected to die a lot. Some room configurations are just downright impossible to clear without getting hit.
>> No. 176783
You have my full attention.
>> No. 176785
File 137196221814.jpg - (42.58KB , 640x360 , Ratigan is going to lose his temper quite soon.jpg )
>replaying Silent Hill: Downpour
>Overlook Penitentiary
>don't get to keep all the ammo and health I hoarded in the town proper
>bullshit enemies everywhere

There are a lot of things I like about this very strange and admittedly very uneven game, but this last section IS NOT FUCKING ONE OF THEM JESUS CHRIST GODDAMMIT.
>> No. 176786
Classic Game Room - REMEMBER ME reviewyoutube thumb
>> No. 176793
File 13719900643.jpg - (119.22KB , 1024x576 , Killer-is-Dead-DLC-10.jpg )
Killer is Dead 'E3 2013 Traile…youtube thumb

The new Killer Is Dead trailer looks promising.

As is the...first DLC episode.
>> No. 176809
Still better than homecoming
>> No. 176812
I thought the combat in Homecoming was refreshingly dynamic, if glitchy at times, and I found myself genuinely afraid of fighting common enemies (rather than thinking "goddammit not again" as I do in Downpour) for the first time since those baby headed assholes in The Room.

Basically, I like all the games. The only one I'd never want to replay is the first one because DAMN that shit did not age well.
>> No. 176844
File 137215076988.png - (144.20KB , 1000x757 , Killer_is_dead_tumblr_moxl33zAOo1rkrn29o1_1280.png )
New Killer is Dead Trailer is up:

『KILLER IS DEAD』第5弾PVyoutube thumb

Victor turns out not to be such a pushover
The screaming women from the last trailer is attached to something...vile
And Mondo, the best dressed man in the game, meets David, the least dressed man in the game...who is also King of the Moon.
>> No. 176847
Maybe it's because I haven't played a traditional JRPG in ages, but I'm actually kinda OK with DQ9's retarded amounts of grinding.
>> No. 176849
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>> No. 176850
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>We purposefully built the Xbox-One wrong as a joke
>> No. 176863
So about this tracker that gives you a different rank depending on how many Steam games you have.

Are they counting DLC and stuff like Source Filmmaker as games? Mine says I have 50+ games, but looking at my list, I don't see 50 games.
>> No. 176865
File 137219783589.jpg - (1.74MB , 1058x1607 , FC3_Blood_Dragon_box_art.jpg )
I'm a little late to the party on this but Blood Dragon is RADICAL!

Way more awesome than Farcry3
>> No. 176888
I didn't enjoy it, but I seem to be the odd man out.

I will have to give it a second chance.
>> No. 176893
good its getting a full developed sequel then. gotta love more music from Powerglove
>> No. 176895
Since I got a new video card, I can't play HL2 for more than 20 minutes without the video driver crashing. TF2 would sometimes, as well. :(

Just flashed my BIOS with a new version that "increases compatibility", so here's hoping it works.
>> No. 176898
Had that happen a few cards back, I think it was more a conflict between the motherboard and the card something to do with voltage control while OC.
>> No. 176905
Goddamn it B-team, you had one job!
And you Dark of the moon'd it!
>> No. 176908
something tells me this was in Dev Hell for w bit longer than they like to talk about and just got boosted to the top due to their Cinematic Universe plans.
>> No. 176909
Not playing as a stupid yuppie is a +1 right there.
>> No. 176913
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Oh God, this part. The bitch tears just won't stop. I've never felt so bad about getting a ship in a JRPG before. I don't even want to play anymore right now. Too bummed.
>> No. 176915

Because we can't end E3 with out hearing from someone who hates absolutely everything.
>> No. 176922
File 137227927195.jpg - (70.30KB , 219x300 , cover_orig.jpg )
These "free to play" arcade games you can download off Xbox Live are so fucking stupid, they force you to connect to the remote servers even for single player gameplay and surprise surprise the servers are always down.
>> No. 176925
What game is this?
>> No. 176934
Valve has taken Steam Trading Cards out of beta and expanded the list of games that are part of it: http://store.steampowered.com/search/?category1=998&category2=29

However, there are still very few "big name" games outside of the more recent Valve titles. And you still can only every collect half a set just for playing a game. There are "booster packs", but the requirements are stupid:
>Booster packs are granted randomly to eligible users as more badges are crafted by members of the community.
Your level increases your chances, but to get a higher level you need more badges, which means more cards, which means you better start paying someone money.
>> No. 176936
>which means you better start paying someone money.
Or not. Do they even do anything?
>> No. 176943
Did beanie babies do anything?
>> No. 176944
Dragon Quest IX
>> No. 176948
Sentinels of the Starry Skies.
>> No. 176952
My goal is to complete one full set of Steam Trading Cards for each game I own, but it's been hard to find people to trade with, since I only want a 1-for-1 trade of my dupes for dupes they have and I don't.

I can't use the Marketplace, since I buy games very infrequently. There's a Steam "you must buy one game a year to use the Marketplace" quota, and last time I actually bought a game, it was a Humble Bundle, and that doesn't count as a Steam game, Steam codes, or no.
>> No. 176953
A slow, agonizing, march of death, grinding, and puns.
>> No. 176955
You can't do that with just a 1-1 trade. You only ever get half the cards for each game you play, once, so the best you can do is get a badge for half of the games you own that have cards.

There are booster packs, but apparently they don't drop that often.

Actually, speak of the devil. I just got two drops:
Good job, Valve!
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