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170429 No. 170429
Gonna g'head and start us a new one to revive interest and since the last one's kinda outdated in OP and topic.

Topics to start!
>NECA Action Figures and their code for Genuine Classless Update hats
>The announcement of the Chess Set. What Classes are what pieces?
>Steam Market beta and how you can make half a dollar off DOTA2 invites: or; How I learned to stop worrying and price crates at over 300 dollars each (go look, I ain't kiddin')
>Incoming Promotional Items. Brutal Legend Hair and Taunt and Demo/Scout Sneakers.

I've also found a lot of good fanart to fill the thread out with.
227 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 174849
I still have that haunted scarecrow you wanted.
Also, robocrates!
New apartment? Tell us more!
>> No. 175084
File 137006942193.gif - (0.98MB , 260x146 , 4620-oh-god.gif )
>been using my laptop for a year
>since my desktop was out of commission
>finally got my desktop back
>with a brand new 27" 120hz monitor
>start playing to test it out

>> No. 175091
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>27" 120hz
Sheiße himmel, mein neger.
>> No. 175125
It's actually not that impressive. I'm thinking of returning it and getting a hi-res monitor instead.
>> No. 175126
I'm not that enthused by 120hz lately either, really. I'm just waiting for a cheap 60hz 4K monitor with Displayport.
>> No. 175145
guys i think im having a little too much fun with the baby face blaster
>> No. 175168
Incoming nerf confirmed.
>> No. 175171
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I don't have an Oculus Rift or plans to get on any time soon, but I'm enjoying playing cl_first_person_uses_world_models 1 a lot.
It's throwing off my aim a bit with the Flamethrower, but I'm still fine with just the crosshair when it comes to weapons like the shotgun and GL/SL. It's not being able to see reload animations and which weapon is out without looking at the ammo count or down at my hands sometimes that are the biggest hurdles at the moment.

tf_taunt_first_person 1 is great for Hadoukens.

Wish I could talk about the game, but all I can think of for topics is hat collecting.
>> No. 175187
So they had a short commercial for Team Fortress 2 during the premiere of Season 5 of Venture Bros. last night. The clip itself is a bit funny, but I was expecting something to go along with it from the game itself.

Also, it tells you nothing about the game except that there's a secret agent guy who can turn invisible and uses a knife and some other guys that you might be able to guess the jobs of.
>> No. 175209
That sounds disappointing.
At least the season premiere was amazing!
>> No. 175210
I like how people are all excited for the new items spoiled like the St. Cloud hat; but piss over the Skullgirls stuff which is arguably better.

Still though good to see TF2 on the tele as with a new Venture Bros season. Just wish the season was longer than 8 episodes.
>> No. 175211
Well they did get an order for actual two seasons this time in a row instead of just one season with a multiple year hiatus in between.
>> No. 175212
Team Fortress 2 TV spotyoutube thumb

I wish this was real.
>> No. 175213
Can't say the chosen song really worked (any number of TF2's own themes would have been great), but overall that was a far more informational commercial about TF2, though not as entertaining as the one that did air.

But, at this point, I don't know why they're advertising. It's F2P and supposedly the majority of Gabe's money pool is filled by TF2 item sales. Maybe the number of keys being sold has been steadily dropping?
>> No. 175214
It's the same thing really
8 episodes, then a gap for probably 8 more
They just cut a season in half and said it was two
>> No. 175410
Is it me, or is Engineer always the first class newbies pick?
>> No. 175412
I think in theory Engineer, Medic, and Heavy look easy, but in practice, they're really not.
>> No. 175413
yep all take concentration specially Engie and Medic lest one end up getting spies up their ass. Course once in the game for a while being able to pick out the spies becomes second nature. See that blank facing the Engie Nest and not looking the other direction..that's a spy.
>> No. 175415
Agreed. As a person who frequents Heavy, I'm a frequent Spy target too (to the point where I've seen some enemy Spies exclusively target me), and simply spraying bullets everywhere doesn't work as well as it seems.
>> No. 175416
Or if someone is circling around their own teammates, or following the exact path of another player, or coming from the general area of the other team, or out of some area that no one cares about now (i.e. the barn on Goldrush Part 1 after BLU has capped the first point). Or a slow scout (that stupid weapon that slows the scout down makes spy checking more of a pain).

A good spy doesn't just disguise, but mimics the role they're disguised as, looks to be part of the team, etc.
>> No. 175418
If I'm sure there are spies about like on a payload then I automatically go to the Heater which gives me the time I need to react because once I hear the *fwoosh* of an afterburn taking effect then engage primary and that that nutter down. Though I have to be very vigilant since a lot have been using Ringers as of late.
>> No. 175470
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By rule, and ironically, almost all the new players pick Sniper or Spy for the thrill they give.

There is no class that doesn't face difficulties, it's just that it's different for each one and the rate they encounter them; take the Engineer for example, you may say "yeah, build stuff and you are done", well NO. You need to keep your things in shape, in a good location, and always stay sharp for any incoming attack, because even if no one simply engages an Engineer nest to be under attack all the time, when it happens and you are playing against decent players, most of the time you are going to get your things wrecked if you aren't quick in milliseconds and/or if you didn't place them in a good position; you are most likely going to die while trying to save them and start over again on a place further back where you were. And it's not only about spies; demomen, soldiers and medics are the real classes that can AND will get you wasted, and don't even think of leaving a single spot out of range of your sentry because Snipers will join the fun, too.
And all of this eventually becomes frustrating, because you are not like the other classes that you can just pick up and go, you don't have raw power to do something significant, so you build your sorry purpose from scratch. By levels. Every building. Once done, THEN you are useful, or somewhat useful, that really depends in what part of the map you build your base according to your team's progress. If your stuff is gone, you are no longer useful, and the cycle repeats, and there you are again spending more time to be credit to the team.
You really need to count on your team to help you protect your buildings, and that's why I approve things like the Gunslinger and Wrangler.

I went on a rant there, but you get the point.
And don't let me start on the Medic, because when playing with good players, the sole idea that everyone is out to get you first than everyone else is just really horrible.
>> No. 175475
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>And don't let me start on the Medic, because when playing with good players, the sole idea that everyone is out to get you first than everyone else is just really horrible.

Welcome to my world.
>> No. 175486
When I started playing I played sniper and spy a lot because i thought it was most similar to cod4, the game I was migrating from.
>> No. 175487
Sniper is a fascinating class in that more often than not it turns into a duel between just two looking for each other across a map.
>> No. 175488
Weirdly enough, I've been playing for three years, and I've almost never had a desire to play Sniper or Spy. I've played each of them maybe once each.

But then again, TF2 was my first shooter, so I always just shrugged off Spy and Sniper as "classes I'd never be good at".
>> No. 175490
Medic to me is the most intense class in the game. I know some like to call the medic the team bitch, but holy shit I have on more than one occasion carried the whole game.
>> No. 175491
It's just you. Sniper and Spy seem to be first picked because one's a popular play style from one game and the other is unique to TF2. My little sister started on Medic and Heavy.

Spy hunting is ingrained in my psychi. They are Prey to me now. I know their sounds, the way they move, the places they go. Backstab screams, the killfeed, spycicle melting, decloaking, disguising. All are audible across busy battlefields. I can smell them, it's like that. My eyes are in all directions and they see every Scout that doesn't double jump, every Engineer that runs at his nest without the wrench out, every Sniper that's not zoomed in.

And I always kill them twice.

It's commendable that in a game called Team Fortress the classes all rely on other members of the team for maximum effectiveness.
>> No. 175993
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>> No. 176024
>One kid I played with said he spent his entire student-loan check trying to get nice hats.
Pretty much every kid into TF2.

>Hats like the Industrial Festivizer, which resembles a loop of Christmas tree lights, took Mr. Cass hundreds of hours of game play to find. (They are locked inside special crates.)
>locked inside special crates
>Getting shit from crates

>Guns are worthless, you want the hats
NO, I want MORE GUN. There is a very delicate balance between the amount of hats and weapons in the game, the lastest batch of hats just crossed the line. Balancing broken and underpowered weapons count as getting MORE GUN.
inb4 ">valve balancing anything", don't.
>> No. 176028
Whoever said that obviously meant the guns individual players have are worthless because they drop so often, not that no one wants new weapons to exist.
>> No. 176458
So there is a big update incoming.
Welp, I wonder when and what is going to be, probably something for copetitive gameplay or so I heard.
>> No. 176459
Do we have proof on this?
>> No. 176466

>This isn’t the big update we hinted at in the last post, by the way, or any of the other super-secret update content we've been working on that we haven't even hinted at yet*.
It's pretty much in the front page. And there was also some information hinting competitive gameplay on a twitter posted on SPUF, saddly, I lost the links to it.
>> No. 176469
Ah, yes.

I know there's a huge comic coming, and the 15-minute movie. Haven't heard anything about comp. stuff other than that rumor. I hope it's true.

Probably an unpopular opinion, but I'd take the movie and the comic together as its own update.
>> No. 176660
welp something is coming since last update seems to have shat on the menus
>> No. 176662
>> No. 176674
everything on the main screen is now #MMENU_PLAY and the like and all the items in my inventory are now seen as "unknown item"
>> No. 176683
Might just be you, I just played a few rounds without a hitch. Delete local content+re-download?
>> No. 176763
Surgeon Simulator - TF2 Teaser…youtube thumb
>> No. 176787
TF2: Surgeon Simulatoryoutube thumb
>> No. 176789
Oh fuck, my sides.
>> No. 176843
Backpack Expander are on sale if anyone needs some.
>> No. 176855
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>> No. 177303
Bah, I don't care.
That whole thread with those horrid female pyro models complete forgot about this one.

So anyways, who's ready for the summer?
>> No. 177412
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Thread isn't even at its limits, and the other one isn't even talking about the summer updates, because THERE is going to be more updates other than the summer Appetizer. Not that it's the best thing ever, but it's not bad either, at least everyone can get the recent workshop items for a cheaper price due to the supply.

Not being picky here, but damn we need more actual content than just cosmetics, game-changing; it's not that this year has been overrun by hats, it's the lack of updates overall. However, Valve said they have something neat planned, so all I'm looking for is to see it soon in this progressive update.

On other news, I'm hoarding harder than a obsessive hamster right now.
>> No. 177419
> I'm hoarding harder than a obsessive hamster right now.
I still have the transistor.
>> No. 177447
One of the reasons I like the TF2 fanbase is that it's the one place where I can like TF2, Portal, Half-Life, and L4D all at once. On Tumblr the Half-Life fans are over there hissing at the Portal fans, refusing to accept that the two games canonically share the same universe, the Portal fandom keeps to itself, and the L4D fandom also keeps to itself.
>> No. 177448
I heard TF2 fanbase on Tumblr has pretty nasty shipwars (seriously? fucking seriously? shipwars in fucking TF2?) so you should probably also stay the fuck away from them. A few years ago I remember the Sniper/Spy and Ukescout fangirls on /v/ of all places were already bad enough, and I bet those who've moved onto Tumblr have probably festered into the worst type of yaoi fangirl.
>> No. 177516
Thread locked since it's the older of two dueling threads. New thread (fetishist butts and all) is >>176971.

As a note, if someone posts a new General before the old one hits auto-sage, feel free to report it so it can be deleted before it gets traction
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