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File 13723426799.jpg - (865.73KB , 1920x1080 , 132034166964.jpg )
176971 No. 176971
This is the most superior pyro loadout ever:

Primary: Standard flamethrower (strange or unusual if you like)
Secondary: Reserve shooter
Tertiary: Homewrecker

This pyro is pro-tier at attack or defense, much upgraded from the standard pyro, without adding any weaknesses.
Expand all images
>> No. 176983
Pfft. Degreaser, Flare Gun, Axstinguisher (or, for me, Postal Pummeled named "MAIL TIIIIIIME")

Puff-n-sting is great for ambush pyro (M1-M2-Q-M1), plus flare gun for fire sniping. Maximum trolling achieved.
>> No. 176985
not much can beat a class that can crit hit with two of their three weapons of choice.
>> No. 176986
Except for, you know, the actual combat classes.

Also, Flare Jockey is the best Pyro loadout. Who needs a stupid axe?
>> No. 176988
if one can team with a reliable scout or sniper then a Neon Annihilator and Milk,Jar, Sleeper Combo becomes really handy. If they gave Pyro a "joke" water based secondary then I might have a new set choice.
>> No. 176989
I onl play Pyro for Flare Gun shenanigans and occasionally punishing spammy explosive users.
>> No. 176996
File 137237148752.jpg - (106.66KB , 1366x768 , 440_screenshots_2013-03-01_00001.jpg )
I think, after much consideration, Scout is my favorite class.

Baby Face Blaster, Pocket Pistol, Candy Cane. Maximum trolling. Especially on CTF.
>> No. 177036

Neon Annihilator
>> No. 177041
If you're taking the giant damage penalty on degreaser just for faster switch, you might as well go reserve shooter too and increase it further.
>> No. 177043
I've thought about it (the Reserve Shooter is part of my Defense loadout), but flare gun sniping is too much fun.
>> No. 177048
The flair gun is one of my favorite weapons. It's great for harassing large groups capping points.
>> No. 177049
Having way too much fun mucking about with Spy finding holes one can hide in. Also making the other team highly paranoid.
>> No. 177077
Better for that is the Scorch Shot, it's the one thing it's for.

The Detonator's jump and jarate removal bug may put it above flare, but it'll never top the Shotgun. Extends the Pyro's range to manageable measures, better vs enemy Pyros, standard clip. Reserve Shooter, well if you're putting someone in the air reliably, go for the puff n sting for the sure kill instead.
>> No. 177084
Flare is so much more fun though. Long-range killing heavies and snipers is extremely satisfying, as well as timing a flare just right against a scout running left or right of your vision.

I will concede that the shotty is all-around better though. Otherwise you're useless against other pyros and effectively can't swim. Not that you should be swimming anyway, but still.
>> No. 177085
True, but it's far more satisfying to use the flairgun... which is also far more useful in general.
>> No. 177086
>if you're putting someone in the air reliably, go for the puff n sting for the sure kill instead

Why do so many people seem to forget that you can still shoot while in the air? The burn, airblast, axe routine doesn't work well against experienced players unless you surprise them.
>> No. 177090
Game Theory: The TF2 Pyro...Male or Female?youtube thumb
I'm OK with this. Enjoyed the video immensely.

Nothing works well against experienced players unless you somehow get a jump except your own experience.
>> No. 177091
I know Pyro was designed as male originally. The "Artwork" section of the official site has a pic of what his face was meant to look like. As for what Pyro is now, I don't know. Things change from 2007 to 2013.

Forgive me for going all SJ for a second, but I don't like the video using the term "heshe" and relying on physical "if you look feminine, you must be gay", or "women always have longer ring fingers" stereotypes, because they're not consistently true. That, and artists don't always take that stuff into consideration when drawing. If Pyro is female, I don't think she's super sexualized like the Succubus model is. Valve tends to keep their sexualized women to DoTA, and even then, I figured it was because it was based on a Warcraft mod, and that's how Warcraft's artwork is.

As for my Pyro loadout, I use the same as Auto for normal play. Degreaser, Flare Gun, Axtinguisher. I don't reskin anything, but I saw a cosplayer on Tumblr who carried a Postal Pummeler that looked like Carl and Ellie's mailbox from "Up", and I want that in-game. For MvM, I switch the Ax to the Third Degree.

Cosmetics-wise, I wear the Genuine Foster's set, though sometimes I switch out the mask for the Beanie (got from a friend), or the Pyromancer's Mask that I got from a lucky craft. I had a bunch of non-tradable items I crafted together, and I was praying I didn't get something terrible, and ended up with the one Pyro item I wanted most. I'm trying to find the Halloween demon wings so I can make Dragon Pyro.
>> No. 177098
Even against experienced players, airblasting them gives at least a second if disorientation and throws off their aim.

The key in puff-n-sting strategy is that you don't airblast them away from you; the point isn't distance, but the aforementioned disorientation (so directly up is far better if you can manage). This small window gives you time to switch to Axstinguisher and attack once. (If you manage to blast too high, you may have to jump to successfully connect, leading to the Barkley Puff-n-Sting.) If you let that second pass, become disoriented yourself (perhaps by a nearby rocket blast), or if the target has been overhealed (make sure to watch out for nearby enemy medics), you're fucked, especially if it's a Heavy. If they're not good, you're able to circle around for a second sting, but after that you have to retreat or switch back to your main.
>> No. 177099
The big problem is having to melee them. The only way to melee a decent player is to surprise him.

>you don't airblast them away from you; the point isn't distance, but the aforementioned disorientation

How often do you really need to immobilize or disorient an enemy who didn't notice you? The instant weapon switching doesn't give them any time to react before they get axed even if they do spin around immediately.
In most cases the airblast is either redundant or actually helps them by giving them that extra split second to live.

In my experience "puff-and-sting" is just the next step of w+m1: a better newbie destroyer. Whenever I get axed it's either because the Pyro got me when I was distracted (the airblast didn't matter) or I missed despite him giving me a second to counterattack (I played badly).

Now what the airblast is really useful for, that's Flare combos. Unavoidable 90 damage projectiles actually make a difference.
>> No. 177100
>How often do you really need to immobilize or disorient an enemy who didn't notice you?
Anyone will notice when you set them on fire. Even if you're a good Ambush Pyro, a decent player's first instinct when spontaneously combusting is to turn around. Also, the flamethrower has a bit of distance on it, so the airblast keeps them confused longer so you can close the distance for melee.
>> No. 177106
>I don't like the video using the term "heshe"
It's probably he"/"she. I've never heard the term "heshe" as one word, and why take offense to it when he also says a myriad of other male-female mashup words, like shemale.

>and relying on physical "if you look feminine, you must be gay",
Good that he doesn't do that to decide the Pyro is gay. He uses other things like schizophrenia being >2x more common in homosexual men

>or "women always have longer ring fingers" stereotypes, because they're not consistently true.
It's not "women always" it's "the large majority", and stereotypes it may be (and he addresses this in the video, be mad all you want feminists, there's trends to biological sexual dimorphism and women are not exactly the same as men, deal with it) the whole video series is based on heavy research and scientific fact.
We don't discuss truths. If it's truth you're looking for, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall.

>That, and artists don't always take that stuff into consideration when drawing.
This I can certainly agree on in general, but take into consideration it's VALVe. A company of artists electronic that have such attention to detail that they put a bruise on the Sniper's thumb in and out of game to represent pinching it when cocking his rifle and a scar on his cheek where a Spy once sliced him. That put a chance of Birds flying from the Scout's gibs because in a video he accidentally ends up with one contained in his chest cavity.
Design gets them rock hard.

So puff and sting is the next step of what every class does in the game? The very use of the phrase w+m1 discredits you, especially so if not used ironically. w+m1 is not a Pyro thing, it's a TF2 thing, and it only came about because butthurt babbies needed a way to cry en masse about being bad at the game and getting killed by the unique gunfire of a particular class.
>> No. 177107
>he also says a myriad of other male-female mashup words, like shemale.
You could take offense to that too, if you wanted an answer to that question.
>> No. 177111
File 137256477933.jpg - (214.54KB , 700x650 , pyro2.jpg )
TF2: Succubusyoutube thumb
>did i just masturbate to a rubber suit

Have you considered detonator? If you time the detonation right you can ignite everyone on point with 1 shot.
It also works a bit better on longer ranged maps, where the enemy can move away from flares
>> No. 177116
Why are 24/7 servers dead?
>> No. 177118
One can take offense of anything, my friend.
Still makes them a jackass.
>> No. 177120
Get that goddamn tele up

Before we all go belly-up
>> No. 177131
Why are you setting them on fire if you're not in melee range already?
Airblasting them when you're already in range only helps them, and if you need to get closer after airblasting you're just giving them an even bigger advantage.

Are you saying that every class in the game just walks forward and holds the fire button? Because the only non-Pyro class that does this is the Heavy (who actually threatens people with that, unlike the Pyro).
>> No. 177134
That specific word actually does have a history of being used as a really ugly slur against transexuals.
>> No. 177135
I disagree. Shemale has a history of being used to refer to women with masculine features or personalities.
The earliest I can remember hearing it is in a Popeye cartoon, wherein he spots Olive Oyl working as a horse shoe maker and admires the "shemale blacksmith".
Nowadays, it's used as a porn biz term, like tranny. Yes, no one uses it to refer to themselves outside of that fetish modeling, but when someone says "Tranny" or "SheMale" they're just using abbreviated lingo they're most familiar with; unless the whole statement they're making is offensive in the first place and then it's obvious.

This ain't a thread for discussing nomenclature and politically correct terminology, it's for TF2. So let's shut up.
>> No. 177143
I apparently need a sound file that makes it more obvious that my uber is ready, because I keep forgetting I have it before I die.
>> No. 177145
isn't there a chime option like for the secondaries that charge?
>> No. 177147
No. Only the sniper rifle.
>> No. 177149
What >>177134 said. It's been used as a slur, so I don't use it.

I do agree there's trends, and it's not anti-feminist to say things crop up often, but I take it with a grain of salt, due to "most likely, so must be". As for schizophrenia, I don't actually know what's going on in Pyro's head, or whether they know they're killing at all.
>> No. 177158
I thought you heard a "bzzt" kind of sound and saw the crit/uber lightning around your Medigun.

I know that if you switch away and switch back you hear this power up noise to indicate it's charged.
>> No. 177162
I know you do, but amidst all the gunfire and explosions I don't notice it, can't notice the lightning either since I'm so focused on my teammates.
>> No. 177163
I think it may vibrate when using a controller.
>> No. 177165
>using a controller
u wot m8
>> No. 177169
nah that is way too slow I just have it hooked and noticed that happening at certain times.
>> No. 177184
what does it mean when medic is your favorite class
>> No. 177190
File 137273605525.jpg - (481.61KB , 1440x900 , goldenhearted_mgsmedic.jpg )
That you have good taste, and enjoy helping your team win.

I have seen many a team get decimated simply because they lack a Medic.
>> No. 177223
How is it that /tf2g/ can have such good guides, tips and tricks, yet it's full of retards flinging shit at each other and everyone there honestly believes anything other than stock is a crutch?
>> No. 177227

That you are credit to team.
>> No. 177294
In my experience medics are either genuinely cool people or complete douchebags that refuse to heal specific people and activate ubers at the worst possible time just to be a dick. And they can't get votekicked either because he's also a "funny" micspamming personality.
>> No. 177317
File 137296513354.jpg - (314.30KB , 1280x960 , 7b13168039bcb963e8d1e6be31ae1fde.jpg )
Here's what I do.

* If I popped an Über prematurely, it's genuinely a mistake.
* I tend to follow around whoever needs me, usually a Heavy or a Soldier, and I leave and come back if someone else needs me.
>> No. 177354
Looks like the upcoming mega update is going to fix a number of map bugs. Their recent post talks mostly about Badwater:

Interestingly, they also talk about folks jumping behind RED to go blow up shit at their spawn. I don't know about you guys, but I never thought of that as a bug, so I certainly hope they're not going to try to "fix" it.
>> No. 177356
Can that trick be done to the Blues? If not, it's a bug. It may make the game more interesting but it is still a bug.
>> No. 177364
So apparently there are now vouchers for special crates. So you eed a special ticket to get a special crate you can only open with a special key.
We are through the looking glass.
>> No. 177366
better than having to craft ash to get a crate and then key
>> No. 177367
at least ash is easily found.
>> No. 177372
Warehouse has a healthy supply of the tickets
>> No. 177396
The warehouse and other trade services have a healthy supply of just about everything.
The point I'm getting at is that without trading, these tickets aren't too common and all they do is just give you access to a crate you have to spend money on to open.
>> No. 177413
true and with the market now in place it really cuts the price of the common items. most stuff I remember trading for a key before the market came around now trades for about a ref.
>> No. 177501
Hadn't played cp_Standin, heres a good peek at it.

TF2: New Official Map/Gamemode - cp_Standinyoutube thumb
>> No. 177507
Ugh, I can't believe the old one thread was locked out of nowhere in favor of this one.
Oh well, I can deal with that a least.

But anyways...
I was about to ask if anyone has played on the new maps.
It seems like a more hectic gravelpit and I love it.
Too bad there isn't any new koth, ctf or payload maps.
Also, I would like to see a cp map of three stages, kinda like dustbowl but with less chokepoints.

>shipping wars
So fucking surreal.
>> No. 177512
Not everyone who ships slash is a bad person, though I do have to admit people who get very nasty (shippers or otherwise) and start yelling about how one class or another should be deleted from the game, I avoid the hell out of. People who get obsessive over balance are just as bad.
>> No. 177515
Dueling threads, even on such a slow board, are never good. I should have caught it sooner, but since I didn't the newer gets to stand.

>It seems like a more hectic gravelpit and I love it.
Yes, I am highly interested for this reason. Hopefully I can convince one of the non-official-map servers I run on to load it for a night so I can try it out before it is officially released.

Also I'm sad we still don't have an official Tug-Of-War/Payload Control mode. I finally played one and, while the map itself suffers from some design problems, I enjoy the idea. I've had an idea for a good three-ish years but never attempted to implement it.

The thing about shipping is that there's usually some underpinning that an OTP group can latch on to in order to invest in their OTP. In TF2 there's nothing. In any interaction we've seen between players they, at best, tolerate each other. The only two exceptions I can think of is the classic Heavy-Medic pairing, but that's because in the beginning Heavy was the best Uber buddy (far less true now), and Blue Soldier/Red Demo thanks to the War Update (though they now officially hate each other, but that hasn't stopped shippers in the past; in fact, it's sometimes made shipping worse.)

This isn't extreme stretching like "Oh Matt and Tai held hands so Agumon and Gabumon could Warp Digivolve so they must loooooove each other!" This is full-blown delusion. Sigh.
>> No. 177520
If you look at the hat descriptions, there's more to it (like Heavy making Medic a homemade fur ushanka for "the special man in his life"), and the Robo!Soldier/Robo!Demo's Domination lines saying stuff like "I still love you, man." and "Byyyye, seeya later!" to each other.

I get kind of annoyed at people who have said there's no way any of them could possibly be gay. Even if it's not hinted at. I argued in defense of characters being gay with someone once and they just came right out and said if it was canon, they'd stop playing the game, because it was "unmanly and gross". Which is just...argh.
>> No. 177523
Oh yeah, I forgot about things like the hat. Probably something similar with things like the Pocket Medic. Didn't know about the robot lines, though.

Anyway, I wasn't saying they can't be gay, I was saying there was near-0 situational support for any one of them being romantically involved with another one. (Though, I admit there's more than I initially thought since you brought up those things.)

(It would surprise me if Valve decided to "out" one or more of them, but it wouldn't change my playing style. I'd love to see them "out" the Scout, though, just because I know the average number of them per team would drop significantly as others share a stupid view like your friend.)
>> No. 177525
Personally Scout would be the last class I want to see turn out to be gay, if only because he is the direct source of most dumb fangirls so it would only make the terrible yaoi fanbase exponentially worse. Plus having the most feminine looking of the group be the gay one would open up a whole new can of worms. It's just not worth it in my opinion.
>> No. 177531
>he is the direct source of most dumb fangirls so it would only make the terrible yaoi fanbase exponentially worse.
Better to contain the fallout and have it be Scout, then, instead of giving that horrible fanbase some new fodder.

>open up a whole new can of worms
If Valve did this (and they won't, thank goodness, because that's not how they roll), they would get massive shit from every direction regardless of who they "outed". (Though it would be interesting to see the fallout if they "outed" all classes at once. "The Gay Update.")
>> No. 177534
If you wanted a gay TF2 character with no annoying yaoi fanbase, your best bet would be Demoman. Most yaoi fangirls assiduously avoid the inclusion of black men in their fap fodder. Not quite sure why. Racism, I guess.

>The Gay Update
I don't think I'd ever stop laughing.
>> No. 177535
It just wouldn't make sense. All that shit about him hitting on Pauline and those high school cheerleaders.
>> No. 177538
Nah, it would make sense. Cover/beards since he would be "in the closet".
>> No. 177541
Nah, Demoman is actually fairly popular, surprisingly enough. Just not as part of a ship, more like a free agent.
>> No. 177546
I thought Heavy and Medic were the natural pair?
>> No. 177548
Heavy and Medic are the natural pair, though there's been a rift between shippers/players who prefer Soldier and hate on Heavy existing.

Demo/Soldier is mostly because of the "WAR!" Update.

>> No. 177549
>shippers/players who prefer Soldier and hate on Heavy existing
... What? I mean, Soldier doesn't hate Medic as much as you'd think a delusional WW2 vet-wannabe would, and Soldiers do make good Medic buddies. But how the fuck is there enough between the two in any way whatsoever that you'd build up a srsbzns ship around them to the point that you'd get defensive of it? I mean, yeah, yaoi fangirls, but the mind still boggles.
>> No. 177554
I have always tried to play as the scout, but I'm too in love with a John-Woo fantasy version of the class to use a sensible playstyle. And more importantly, my twitch aim skills are hopeless. It took 5 minutes as Soldier to beat the best killstreak I'd gotten in 12 hours of playing scout.

The most fun I can have in TF2, though, is as a Mini-Sentry Engineer. On a map like Hightower, I never get tired of figuring out unexpected place to set that thing up.
>> No. 177557
Another update teaser, this time about weapons and how they're buffed/nerfed. The article itself is interesting, IMO, but the short and sweet:
-Battalion's Backup will build charge off of damage done (like the Buff Banner) instead of taken
-Taking damage while using the Dead Ringer, once "dead", will decrease the amount of charge left
-Item set bonuses will be attached to a specific item in the set, and existing sets will get new, passive bonuses
>> No. 177558
>-Battalion's Backup will build charge off of damage done (like the Buff Banner) instead of taken
Thank you.
>-Taking damage while using the Dead Ringer, once "dead", will decrease the amount of charge left
What's the point?
>> No. 177561
DR spies won't be able to run half the map before they de-cloak now, meaning that teams won't have to be chasing them nearly as much.
>> No. 177564
File 137334456013.png - (77.42KB , 200x200 , 1373014548415.png )
>go on Valve server to practice playing demo
>eventually give up and just play pyro
>become second best player on server
>super elite pro soldier with 100 points is top player
>doms me
>only because he has a medic up his ass the whole time
>get revenge finally
>type "yeah bitch" and nothing else as a trash talk joke
>get called a tryhard kid
>votekicked for scamming
>> No. 177568
Nice, now if only they could improve the Cloak n' Dagger, and the Razorback as well.

I know that perfectly, but shipping wars and obsessiveness over it are the biggest displays of embarrassment for the human kind.
>> No. 177570
File 137335389950.gif - (1.07MB , 250x187 , Exciting report.gif )
Now that you guys left the gay shippment aside

>weapon balance
>> No. 177571
Greaser about to get fucking nerfed.
>> No. 177572
I don't think so, but I wish the combo degreaser + axtinguisher gets a nerf. Not a nerf for the axtinguisher, but a penalty when used with a degreaser.
Seriously, that combo is cheap as fuck.
>> No. 177573
It's also one of the few edges the pyro has, and is no more unbalanced than Jarate + Bushwacka. Next you'll say the bullet vulnerability they added to the Gas Jockey set was a GOOD thing.
>> No. 177577
I hope they make garbage weapons like the Winger and Dalokohs useful. Way too much chaff in the game.
Get ready for almost every Sniper to be immune to headshots until Valve finally understands that headshot immunity is bullshit.
On the other hand, hooray for the Flarejockey loadout soon no longer requiring that ugly hat.

Watch it be like the GRU and barely mattering for good players.

They still have to melee you. Getting airblasted doesn't stop you from shooting.
Now Degreaser + Flare Gun, that's kind of unfair since they actually want distance between you.
>> No. 177582
Getting back into the game after walking away from it for many months. Unsurprised yet still disappointed to see only one new weapon (Rescue Ranger) since the last time I poked my head in.

Yeah, the Axetinguisher/Degreaser combo does actually require some skill to use well, and necessitates the pyro getting within melee range, at which point nearly all hostile fire from their target is going to be a lot more lethal. It's not nearly so overpowered as people seem to complain it is, and most often when I'm on the receiving end of it, it only succeeds when they take me completely by surprise, at which point I would probably be dead regardless of their loadout.

At the very least I appreciate that people using effective item combos like that are actually showing some thought, unlike most Phlog pyros who take suicidal W+M1 charging to a new level.
>> No. 177586
It is, as a matter of fact.
Though the speed bonus should be a bit faster.
While jarate + bushwacka is strong, sniper's hp is low enough to make it a do or die plenty of times, if you're not sneaking people of course.

I've been killed so many times by that combo, and so easily, I don't believe it requires any kind of skill.
I would believe that you use the regular flamethrower.
Now there's skill on there.
>> No. 177591
>Let's look at another example with the opposite problem: The Dead Ringer. At roughly 80%, the equip rate for the Dead Ringer is staggeringly high. Given the many other items available in this category, this means that players feel they don't have any other viable option but choosing the Dead Ringer. We've gotten emails from players who describe the item as frustrating to fight against, requiring too little skill from the Spies and too much from their opponents.
... Shutting down Ringers isn't that hard people. It's just annoying.

In any case, I might have to start playing the game more if some of the garbage in my backpack might end up at least fun. Good to see the team doing something other than stuffing more hats down our throats.
>> No. 177593
>item set bonuses
I thought Valve said those where mistakes? I can't say I disagree... but at the same time I'm morbidly curious to see what we'll be looking at.
>> No. 177597
>I've been killed so many times by that combo, and so easily, I don't believe it requires any kind of skill.

That sounds more like a personal problem on your end. Perhaps try not to suck so much.
>> No. 177598
>I've been killed so many times by that combo, and so easily

Have you tried aiming better? I lost count of the Pyros who think they can just airblast me and then walk up and melee me.

If you got ambushed your complaint is irrelevant anyway since any non-joke class can easily kill you in that case.


Pyro is more about luck since other classes are better at just about everything the Pyro can do and good players can shut down a Pyro easily.
>> No. 177614
Wow, why people keep whining about mini-sentries?
Don't they have any soldiers, demos or spies on their teams?

>Perhaps try not to suck so much.
I'm gonna pretend I didn't read that.

But anyways, I've seen many people of many classes fall like flies as well, from decent players to pretty "skilled" ones.
And yeah, I tried to aim as well. It doesn't work sometimes.
Also, there is some level of skill you need to play pyro (taking advantages at ambushing, when to use mmpphh), alongside common sense (when to puff, extinguish teammates, etc).
>> No. 177616
New blog post: http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11063
Nothing super big, just some explanation of how they choose community weapons to include (they do state that they're including 64 community items in this next update)

I think these are leading up to the update (one post per business day starting Friday), so it's either Thursday (more likely) or Friday and will be in conjunction with the start of the Steam Summer Sale.
>> No. 177624
I feel that way too, sadly enough. I don't know enough about numbers and stats to understand balance, and I assume if I lose, either the person who killed me has a better computer, or most likely, it's me that sucks.
>> No. 177634
Oh sweet, I finally got a Booster pack for TF2. Two medics and a heavy, nice.
>> No. 177637
How do you get booster packs?
>> No. 177644
>If I have problems dealing with [tactic] then it must be overpowered, it's not about my skill.

Don't do this. What you're doing is on the same level as "he can just walk forward and kill everyone!!" and incorrect for the same reason.

If the Pyro was overpowered he'd see more competitive use.

>why people keep whining about mini-sentries?

Unfun to play against if you're a Scout or Pyro.
Though they really ought to stop them from regenerating while building. Spawning with full health is enough.

>there is some level of skill you need to play pyro

The only unique skill is airblast timing, the rest is general game sense and experience. I'm not calling the Pyro a "skill-less" class, it's just that other classes are simply better.
>> No. 177646
After a certain amount of time playing, and only after you've maxed out your drops.
>> No. 177659
>taking advantages at ambushing
I haven't played TF2 in like 5 months, but I have some 800 hours logged, so I'm gonna pop in here and get angry about this sentence fragment for a second.
Every time someone bitches about the Pyro being too strong, and it gets pointed out how weak he really is, you see
>Not if he ambushes!
>b-b-but he's an ambush class!
>he's skillful, you just have to ambush!
That is the shit I hate. So much.
You know what class ambushes? The fucking Spy. You know what makes his ambush worth it? The fact that he can instantly kill people regardless of any other factor.
>b-but muh puff-n-sting!
No. Do not fucking compare that shit to a backstab. It does ~195 damage on impact, and another ~60 over time. And it takes some 2-3 seconds per person to perform. Per person. Per person.
The backstab is instantaneous, silent, quick to perform, and an actual certain kill. So, so many times I've been lit up, puffed into a corner, and turned around and blown the Pyro right the fuck up, or turned him into ground meat with gunfire.
You know what I do when I realize there's a Spy behind me? I fucking die. Because by the time you hear his footsteps, it's too late.
THAT is why it is worth ambushing with the Spy. THAT is why he's a "support" class, because he supports the team by playing a very passive role and thinning out huge pushes and taking out key targets.
The Pyro is an Offense class. And you're telling me that the way to play him is to hide in a corner in these linear-ass maps, with your inability to cloak or disguise or blend in, with your huge fucking gun("J-just swap to the Flare Gun so they don't notice you!"), hope some idiot runs past your brightly-colored ass, light him up, hope he doesn't turn around and obliterate me with his VASTLY superior DPS (as of the last time I had this argument, even the Syringe Gun had a higher DPS than most flamethrowers. Yeah.) when he sees the particle effects and hears the yelling, puff him into a corner, hope he doesn't turn around and fuck me up at THAT point, swap my weapons, still hoping he doesn't fuck me up, close the distance, and hit him with a melee weapon, which isn't a guaranteed kill against Heavies or any overhealed heftier class, and you're telling me that's overpowered?
Fuck you.
I generally don't say this except ironically, joking with friends, but just
get good.
>> No. 177661
While I agree with most of what you said

>The Pyro is an Offense class

No, he isn't. He is a support class, useful for deflecting projectiles, stalling übers and guarding Engineer nests sometimes.
>> No. 177662
File 13734889913.png - (87.11KB , 318x696 , well officially youre wrong but.png )
>he's useful for being an Engineer's passive buff
>> No. 177663
Okay, I'll bite. How is the Pyro an offensive class when his mobility is subpar and his damage output is terrible?

Not to mention that by the classification you're referring to the Demoman is a defensive class, and everyone knows that he is just as good on the offense.
>> No. 177664
File 137349032718.png - (561.16KB , 817x652 , slowpokeandtopgun.png )
>How is the Pyro an offensive class when his mobility is subpar and his damage output is terrible?
That's exactly my point, buddy.
>> No. 177666
So you were nitpicking just because?

Yes, Valve is bad at understanding how their game actually works, this is obvious to just about everyone.
>> No. 177668
Yeah; at this point, with the options available, I'd say that Pyro is more Defense than Offense, and Demo is the reverse. The way they were conceived, the Pyro straddled the line and the Demo was Defense since he has no direct attack and his stickies made for a good blockade. Demoknight greatly changed the balance, though, and various changes to Pyro (especially the airblast) moved him to be stronger as a defensive class.

Which is not to say that you can't have both both ways. I often dominate as offense Pyro, and a decent Demo is always a credit to defense.
>> No. 177669
I wasn't nitpicking, it was a comment on how weak/UP the Pyro is.
Did you understand the point of my post at all?
>> No. 177670
>no direct attack
What is the Grenade Launcher? What is airbursting? Neither of those are new. Stock Demoman is good on both offense and defense and always has been.
Demoknight is a sometimes fun gimmick. It didn't change the role of the class.

>various changes to Pyro (especially the airblast) moved him to be stronger as a defensive class

That's a nice euphemism for "gave him a reason to exist at all".
>> No. 177671
I misinterpreted it as "no, you're wrong", because that is how the argument in your image is usually used.
>> No. 177672
Calm down bro, it's just a game
>> No. 177673
File 137349196484.gif - (146.11KB , 460x240 , slowpokeand__.gif )
The general point of why I brought it up was "the Pyro is supposed to be an offensive class, but his most effective playstyle is spending 3/4 of his time standing in a corner waiting for someone, and he's not even as good at that as a support class."
I will be irrationally angry over all the unimportant stuff I want and you can't stop me.
>> No. 177675
"Direct attack" as in "click button, hurt man". All of those are indirect because it's not an attack down your sights, and they have the additional burden of slower attacks. Good demos can airburst and aim to where a player will be, not where they are, but it takes time to learn those skills which are useful mainly for attacking.

I believe the Charge did radically change the class, because it allowed the Demo to either quickly close the distance for a melee (making up for his lack of medium-to-short-range weapons until the Cannon) or to zoom past the opposing team and plant charges as they turn around to attack him. Also to get in closer to attack, then use the Charge to escape.
>> No. 177676
>There we go, update shipped.
I thought we'd get another day of process info. This brightens my day quite a bit. That list is HUGE AS FUCK, so it will take me a bit to go through it, and I'm still at work, so just dig in.
>> No. 177677
And the important stuff:

Removed: Damage taken mini-crits
Added: Damage taken increased 25%

Added 20% bonus healing while deployed
Added 80% vulnerability increase to all push forces while deployed

Added +25% Jump Height bonus when active

>The Special Delivery (set)
Removed: +25 max health on wearer
Added: Leave a calling card on your victims

>Battalion's Backup
Added additional +15% Sentry damage resistance to all teammates while banner effect is active (50% damage reduction while banner is active)
Rage is now generated from damage dealt instead of damage received

>Black Box
Rocket explosions now use correct sound

>Begger’s Bazooka
Fixed an exploit that allowed players to hold a set fixed number of rockets (reload cancelling)
Misfired Rockets now remove one loaded rocket from the clip

Rage is now generated only from damage dealt
Buffed players now receive a speed boost, in addition to the previous Health-On-Hit effect

>Cow Mangler 5000
Reduced clip size (from 5 to 4)
Removed -10% damage attribute
Removed 5% slower reload attribute
Added missing "sets players on fire" description text
New particles and sound

>Escape Plan
Players receive the Marked-For-Death effect after deploying, and for a short period after holstering.

>Liberty Launcher:
Removed: 25% reduced clip size penalty
Added: 25% reduced damage penalty

Rocket explosions now use correct sound

>The Tank Buster (set)
Removed: +20% Sentry damage resistance on wearer
Added: Leave a calling card on your victims

Fixed "Mmmph" progress resetting after touching a resupply cabinet

Added: 15% increase move speed while deployed
Added: 20% damage vulnerability to all sources

>The Gas Jockey's Gear (set)
Removed: +10% faster move speed on wearer
Removed: +10% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer
Added: Leave a calling card on your victims.

>Chargin' Targe
Added: Afterburn immunity

>Loose Cannon
Range no longer affects direct cannonball impact damage
Reduced charge time to 1 second
Added: Double-Donk (directly impacting an enemy within half a second before the bomb explosion) sound and particle effects
Double-Donk damage now mini-crits

>The Expert's Ordnance (set)
Removed: +10% fire damage resistance on wearer

>Buffalo Steak Sandwich
Removed: Damage taken mini-crits
Added: Damage taken increased 25%

>Dalokoh's Bar
Increased amount of health restored per-bite from 15 to 25

Fixed a bug that caused mini-sentries to heal while being constructed

>Rescue Ranger
Minor increase in damage per bolt
Increased building healing from 50 to 75 per bolt

>Short Circuit
Ammo cost reduced when an attack destroys a projectile.

Slightly reduced accuracy of manually-controlled sentry at long range
Protective shield now fades 1 second after the owning Engineer dies

>Crusaders Crossbow
Changed arrow projectile to a large syringe
Added new trail effects
Smoothed out reload animation (DPS unchanged)
Fixed being able to heal players that are using items that block healing

Added 50% Overheal
Über now affects the medic when there's no heal target
Shotguns with pushback (Force O' Nature) no longer affect players under the effect of Quick-Fix’s Über

Über now fully absorbs crit damage for the selected damage type, but depletes Übercharge based on the amount of damage prevented

>Bazaar Bargain
Fixed the starting charge rate being -40% instead of -20%
Capped the max charge rate to 200%

>Cozy Camper
Removed movement penalty.
Added: Damage taken increased by 20%

>Darwin's Danger shield
Added: Bullet damage taken reduced by 15%
Added: Explosive damage taken increased by 20%

>The Croc-o-Style Kit (set)
Removed headshot immunity
Added: Leave a calling card on your victims

>Dead Ringer
When under the effect of Feign Death, damage taken decreases the duration of the effect

Added: 40% increased cloak duration

Fixed a bug that would cause the charge meter to not reset when the spy was killed

>The Saharan Spy (set)
Removed: Reduced decloak sound volume
Removed: 0.5 sec longer cloak blink time
Added custom particle effects when taunting
>> No. 177678
File 137349535030.png - (551.88KB , 1415x1036 , 1373495003799.png )
Happy Summer.
>> No. 177679
Interesting things:
>In MvM, when robots are killed by sniper headshots or explosive headshot upgrade, they will drop ‘red’ money that will automatically be collected when it would otherwise dissolve
>Fixed height of door leading to spiral stairs in Blu base so players can now crouch past a placed dispenser
>Players can no longer be trapped with teleporters under the sign by the first capture point
>Players can no longer enter the room overlooking the final cap through the windows before point 3 is captured
>Players will now be crushed by closing doors upon the capture of point 2
>Players can no longer build on the shack roof near the end of stage 3
>Escape Plan
>Players receive the Marked-For-Death effect after deploying, and for a short period after holstering.
I don't understand why.
>Liberty Launcher:
>Removed: 25% reduced clip size penalty
>Added: 25% reduced damage penalty
Suddenly I want to use the Liberty Launcher again.
>Chargin' Targe
>Added: Afterburn immunity
>Slightly reduced accuracy of manually-controlled sentry at long range
>Protective shield now fades 1 second after the owning Engineer dies

That's all I found interesting. I'm sure others who use other weapons listed will find more. I'm disappointed overall, because they talked about a "huge" update and I thought it was going to be an Event-style update, not an update with a huge amount of small changes. Two maps and another bazillion hats does not appeal to me that much. Standin looks fun, though.
>> No. 177681
Now what are the odds almost all of these will be summer exclusives?
>> No. 177682
>FINALLY no more gameplay-affecting hats
>minisentries no longer regenerate while building
>wrangler nerf
>no more headshot immunity
>obvious fake deaths less annoying
>quick-fix can overheal


On the other hand

>burn immunity on some Demoknights
>Snipers can't be quickscoped anymore

Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, eh Valve?

>Pyro speed boost now requires weapon switching

Not too keen on that but the Degreaser is still a thing so whatever.
>> No. 177683
File 137349985246.png - (147.99KB , 302x438 , 1372706746982.png )
>burn immunity on some Demoknights

Only because everyone used the Splendid Screen which pretty much made the Chargin Tard obsolete.

>Snipers can't be quickscoped anymore

This I have no idea what you're talking about.

>Medieval Medic set gone
>Quick Fix no longer shit
>use Quick Fix now

guys i feel dirty
>> No. 177684
none I'd say. I'll do my customary opening of one crate because I like to kick money their way but I'd say most stuff will be in the store after the initial period and their values will be reflected as such.
>> No. 177685
>>Snipers can't be quickscoped anymore
>This I have no idea what you're talking about.

Darwin's Danger Shield Snipers now survive uncharged headshots.
>> No. 177695
Anyone else getting an issue where if you go to craft class weapons, it only shows you one copy of anything, even if you select "View Entire Backpack"?
>> No. 177696
You ever think people who cheat on Valve servers are mentally ill/sadists?
>> No. 177697
File 137351439833.jpg - (163.96KB , 1920x1080 , 2013-07-10_00002.jpg )
Welp that is my crate for the summer season, things went better than I hoped.
>> No. 177698
File 137351751370.jpg - (73.60KB , 687x347 , gabe no.jpg )

Blood Banker
Birdman of Australiacatraz
Heavy-Weight Champ
Caffeine Cooler

The Brawling Buccaneer
The Rebel Rouser
Das Metalmeatencasen
Wet Works

Also have:
Magistrate's Mullet
The Koala Compact
Industrial Festivizer
>> No. 177699
Black Cooler has the Gabe set so I've heard
>> No. 177701
Feeling pretty ambivalent towards the staggering bulk of the new community items. A few of them made me crack a smile, and eventually I might see some appeal in others, but nothing made me sit up in my chair and go "Oh hell, I need to get hold of that!"

As for the weapon "balancing"...
>Escape Plan
>Players receive the Marked-For-Death effect after deploying, and for a short period after holstering.
Why? The whole point of the Escape Plan is that it's to help you retreat and recoup. It was already a big bullseye on the soldier wielding it because having it out is typically a signal of low health, and now they've made it near-suicidal to deploy when you're already hurting.

>Added: 15% increase move speed while deployed
>Added: 20% damage vulnerability to all sources
I'll have to try this out to get a proper bead on it, but I'm incredibly leery. I loved the Powerjack as it was, sans speed boost, and being vulnerable to everything while using it is not very appealing.

>Chargin' Targe
>Added: Afterburn immunity
I love demoknighting, but this seems kinda bullshit. And if they did this to try and get more people using it over the Splendid Screen, I'm not sure how successful they'll be. On the other hand...

>The Expert's Ordnance (set)
>Removed: +10% fire damage resistance on wearer
After neutering this set, the Targe's new afterburn immunity seems well deserved.

>Cozy Camper
>Removed movement penalty.
>Added: Damage taken increased by 20%
Ehhhh... Not being able to move around that much while scoped-in felt like a big enough handicap, and the increased amount of damage taken makes me start to question using it at all. Yeah, you don't get knocked around while trying to scope with incoming fire, but if you're going to die that much faster, you're going to have to bail out anyway.

>Darwin's Danger shield
>Added: Bullet damage taken reduced by 15%
>Added: Explosive damage taken increased by 20%
I get that this was to try and make up for the removal of headshot immunity, but I feel like they went about it the wrong way by adding an entirely new handicap. Granted, bullet resistance is good for more than just enduring other snipers' shots, but taking that much more damage from explosions blows. It's why I've never bothered with the Candy Cane.

>Removed the Hibernating Bear and Medieval Medic set bonuses.
I want to be pissed off about former, but the crit resistance from the Hibernating Bear set was always so meager as to make no real difference. The extra health regeneration being removed is more immediately noticeable though. Honestly not sure whether I'm pissed or glad that Valve didn't try a hamfisted compensation for these sets' removed bonuses the way they did with some of the others.

As for all the other changes, unless in-game experience changes my mind, I'm going to say Valve got those right, for the simple fact that they elicited no strong feelings from me whatsoever. No thoughts of "well that's overpowered/underpowered/useless", just "yeah, that seems fair enough".
>> No. 177702
I missed a lot of things today.
And I don't think I'll check them until saturday since tomorrow it's WiiiU night with friends, and on friday I have a meeting with my local streetpass group.

I need to talk to you on steam later.
>get good
Look, I think you're a cool fella, and I don't want to sound harsh. And I don't want to get into what it could be a pointless discussion that lead us nowhere. But...
What do yo know?
What. Do you. Know?

Fuck you.
>> No. 177704
File 137352682676.gif - (3.95MB , 600x323 , Comp.gif )

Alright, I didn't post anything after the game updated because all I wanted was to play and test the new balances. I gave some of my time to each weapon, so here are my thoughts:

> Crit-A-Cola
Buffed a bit, tiny baby buff, but a buff is a buff.

> Shortstop
Holy flying scouts, Batman!
But really, the new stats seem kinda off, nothing to do with the weapon concept.

> Winger
Still useless.

> Battalion's Backup
Now we are talking!

> Beggar's Bazooka
> Misfired Rockets now remove one loaded rocket from the clip

> Concheror
I... think they reworked it? I mean, now the rage meter only fills on damage dealt, technically in exchange for a speed buff, which seems kinda useless for two things:
- You DON'T simply use the speed to charge onto the enemy and expect something good to come out from it. You are supposed to push with damage.
- You can't use speed to evade when it's clearly meant to be a GROUP buff. Groups and evasion just don't get well.

Nevertheless, this probably could work well in medieval mode, and I FUCKING HATE mode-specific weapons. (See: buffalo sandvich)

Yeah, useless.

> Cow Mangler 5000
Now, if only they could remove the unneeded crit-boost restriction.....

> Escape Plan
Damn, some people won't be happy until they see this weapon removed from the game.
Still, minor nerf overall, would use.

> Liberty Launcher:
I see this as a massive "fuck you" to those people who kept complaining on how the lack of a 4th rocket was a big downside. Was the original one really a crutch? Maybe, but now it became another Natascha.

> Phlogistinator
About fucking time!

> Powerjack
The speed buff is ok, alright, but 20% damage vulnerability to all sources, on wearer? That's harsh, but I guess it's ok, I mean, the pyro is already squishy, so if you fuck up the results will be the same, regardless of what loadout you are using.

> Chargin' Targe

> Loose Cannon
They definitely made this weapon more viable, now it's a lot easier to "Double-Donk" someone.
Still, I don't know if it's worth to swap the stock GL for it since it still requires a bit of concentration and time, unlike the former where you just need to aim and no need to wait for a "fuse time".

> Buffalo Steak Sandwich
Dear Valve,
This weapon's current concept is shit, get your ass in gear and fucking rework it already.
With love,

> Dalokoh's Bar
3 munches to heal 300 points instead of 5? With 50 of overheal and unlimited uses?

> Gunslinger
> Fixed a bug that caused mini-sentries to heal while being constructed
> Fixed a bug
> a bug
I'm gonna call Valve "Neo" from now on, because they sure dodged a bullet there, Matrix style.

> Rescue Ranger
I made it my favorite primary weapon for my main engineer since it came out, now I don't have reasons to not have it always equiped.

> Short Circuit
> Ammo cost reduced to 18 only when an attack destroys a projectile.
WOW, it's fucking nothing!

> Wrangler
I can live with this.

> Crusaders Crossbow
They didn't touch it at all, but the cosmetic changes are cool, I guess.

> Quick-Fix

> Vaccinator

> Bazaar Bargain
It's ok.

> Cozy Camper

> Darwin's Danger shield
Oh boy, no more sniper wars, at least not proper ones.

> Dead Ringer
"Oh, were you trying to run? Sorry, DED"

> L'Etranger
"Nevermind, guys, he got away."

> Spy-cicle
Not that much of an issue since you either had a resupply locker near or the meter filled itself almost completely by the time you spawned, but a bug is a bug.

Well, there you go.
>> No. 177706
>Buffalo Steak Sandwich
>Dear Valve,
>This weapon's current concept is shit, get your ass in gear and >fucking rework it already.
>With love,

It briefly turns Heavy into a melee berserker. The concept is beautiful, and needs no major overhaul.
>> No. 177709
File 137353235794.jpg - (7.63KB , 95x100 , Really.jpg )

>Use buffalo steak
>Try to kill something
>Die anyway
>> No. 177710
File 137353491380.png - (497.51KB , 1415x1036 , Untitled.png )
Hey nerds, LONG TIME NO SEE. Who wants to trade some JUNK?

Green is what I have, blue is what I want.

Hit me up.
>> No. 177711
File 137353535463.png - (237.94KB , 405x500 , Picture1.png )
It's Crit-a-Cola with a melee restriction, what exactly do you think it's supposed to do? Yeah, if you use it and go diving into a crowd of enemies, you're probably going to get killed, but that'll happen regardless of class/loadout. Like any other item, it's knowing when/how to use it that makes the difference. When you know how to use it well, and you slaughter several people in quick succession, regardless of whether you then get taken down, it's satisfying as fuck, and that's plenty enough to endear the Steak to me.
>> No. 177712
Just in case there are people who don't realize this: the Crit-a-Cola and Steak buffs are more than just 8% less damage. Minicrits negate falloff.
>> No. 177743
File 137358551933.png - (81.61KB , 269x265 , wat.png )

When using the buffalo steak sandvich, you are MUCH less efficient than a pyro using only the stock flamethrower that is just spraying flames, and that's a big offence FYI.
Also, walking straight into the enemy is the current purpose of this weapon, there isn't a right time to use it other than not munching on it in front of the enemy. And if you are playing against decent players, regardless if you are flanking or not, you are going to get wrecked; the offensive pyro even has a lot of problems with this and it's supposed to ambush, and you really think you stand a chance? The way you said that you can slaughter several people in quick succession really makes me question on what kind of players you have as enemy, with good players you are lucky if you get 1 single kill before dying or trying to escape, and that would be because you successfully caught the first player unaware.
If you are calling it fun, well, that's a matter of opinion, but it's irrelevant to its efficiency in combat.
>> No. 177763
Jerma985 did a nice resumed version of all the weapon changes in one video.
TF2: The Housekeeping Update! …youtube thumb
>> No. 177773
>Fighting off Pyro's as a DemoKnight

Welp I just found my new friend for Capture Points
>> No. 177774
My reaction to this update:

>> No. 177795
It would be beautiful if it increased his health to allow him to survive long enough to punch someone.
OR increased his speed to allow him to survive long enough to punch someone.
OR lowered the time of the "eating" animation to below 15 minutes, so I can actually take advantage of the opportunity to punch someone.

As it is he can't get in range for a punch anyway.
>> No. 177834
I wish Blutsauger got buffed. It's hard enough to aim the syringe gun as it is, a little more health regen per hit wouldn't hurt.
>> No. 177836
Finally tried some of the new stuff:

-I'm gonna miss the sets, but at least the grave that it leave when you kill someone are very satisfying.

-Powerjack is ridiculously delicious, even with the damage penalty.

-Shortstop feels very fine to me, even with that push.
>> No. 177857
File 137383384051.jpg - (77.95KB , 643x386 , 1373017508539.jpg )
>play DR spy for a year
>always suck with it
>"well if I suck at DR spy I should just stop playing spy"
>re-organizing loadouts after the update
>Letranger, Big Earner, stock watch/sapper
>mfw suddenly doing way better

Oh shit. DR really is a crutch.
>> No. 177860
Demo Fire Fighting
Medic Jumping (I'd forgotten about the tandem jumping ability they'd tied to that)
Spy level sneaking (cept when the damned strange notifier goes off "your strange watch just.." FUCK)
>> No. 177862
Spy is the strangest class. You're terrible for years then one day you're good, after that you're pretty decent and actually enjoy playing spy while still being useful.
>> No. 177863
its the patterns that take the longest least for me. At the moment I've been most useful in that class disguising as Sniper so I can hang back in a perch and nobody really notices and then during a push I can get in a couple of backstabs and maybe disrupt the engie.
>> No. 177871
TF2: Pocket Scout - New Quickfix / Shortstopyoutube thumb
>> No. 177925
Oh my god I love the new powerjack. The speedboost it gives lets me catch up to more speedier and average speed classes like scouts, medics and other pyroes when I'm behind them and they run onwards, helping my ambushes.

Half the time the damage penalty is neglectable when you get a crit kill with powerjack and heal it all up.
>> No. 177953
File 137403916317.jpg - (114.90KB , 1680x1050 , XToxNaH.jpg )
>be spy
>engineer dominates me
>he's one of maybe 2 people on the server that recognize a spy decloak sound so it won't be easy
>never leaves nest
>he's afk at his dispenser
>get in position behind him next to dispenser, uncloak
>moves away right there, FUCK
>well I can wait
>cloak again
>realize his dispenser isn't helping
>realize I forgot to disguise before I left, uncloak, disguise
>comes back right there and shoots me down
>60 seconds left when respawn
>wait by dispenser this time, maybe I can taunt kill him
>get discovered by other engi
>can't switch to knife in stalemate
>have to watch him laugh in my face while i try in vain to switch to knife and taunt kill
>> No. 177956

Isn't it just exactly the same speedboost you used to get from wearing the Gas Attendant's outfit, only now it's on the powerjack which also makes you take more damage for some reason?

I don't get why they made those changes, anyways...
>> No. 177957
well they are retiring some of the older hats and eventually the ones for sets will come up.
>> No. 177958
Aside from cosmetic items having mechanical effects being utterly stupid and out of place in this game, they explained their reasons for removing set bonuses on the blog.

Community items will never be retired, that would only screw over their creators.
>> No. 177959
The set bonuses were +10% speed and +10% damage from bullets.

New Powerjack doubled those with +20% on each one and then some with damage taken from all sources, not just bullets.
>> No. 177961

Ah, 20% speed would be a significant improvement.
>> No. 177962
Actually, the new speed bonus is +15%, though it makes a bigger difference than it sounds.

The other big thing is that you can get this without using the Degreaser (even though the fast-switching makes it more useful in-combat), which is handy just to get around quicker.
>> No. 177967
And the bit that the Powerjack healing effect can overheal does help when dealing with the new Fireproof Demos
>> No. 177980
File 137411279917.png - (22.41KB , 109x149 , 1372904997638.png )

>As of last week, players can no longer receive item drops unless they are actively playing the game.

>We will continue to examine how the Item Drop System is used, and make any adjustments as needed to benefit the players.

Awww SHIT. Here we go.
>> No. 177982
ouch there go the idle farms.
>> No. 177983
Get ready for some whining, and for some "meh" NerfNow strips about it.
>> No. 177988
The most interesting thing will be to see how TF2's drop system thinks someone is "active", and how people will figure out what creates the difference between active/idle. If it's just "makes some sort of move or command", then you just log into an idle server and set a keyboard macro to press Spacebar every second. But I don't think it would be that simple. Likely, measuring some combination of expected actions during a game including movement keys, jumping, and M1. Keystrokes/minute? And if you're someone like a Medic, does it also count M2? Does it have to include kills/deaths, to keep someone from being in a server and sending out random key presses? What if someone just sucks? Or they're just starting the game and learning to be a spy and so stay cloaked the whole round because they're worried about being found if they move in?

NerfNow needs more Engie-tan fanservice.
>> No. 177989
Annnnd of course I wait to view the blog post until after I make my comment, and they spell it out in the blog post:
>From an item drop perspective, a player is considered to be actively playing if they meet all of the following criteria:
> Is connected to a VAC secured server.
> Is responding to in-game drop notifications while not utilizing external programs to do so.
> Is running only one instance of the game.
> Is not in textmode.
I was way off base, but that's usual. So it seems like they start off assuming you are not idling, but if you don't respond to a drop notification they stop counting time?

>The new system ensures you won’t become disadvantaged for playing TF2 the way you always have.
I don't understand the need to state this. Except immediately after a new weapon (not just a skin) has been released, the drop system has never put someone in a disadvantaged position, because few weapons radically alter the balance of play (and those that do tend to get nerfed, though it might take time) and the drop system makes all items moderately common so it's easy enough to trade. If anything, the TF2 Store does that.
>> No. 177990
well testing one of my idle in text reading the info, it looks like there is a connection http to the item schema now since my textmode window showed a 404 error when attempting to update.
>> No. 177997
I don't get it. I can aim with every single gun except the revolvers. They fire in a straight line, they're hitscan, and yet every single time it looks like I'm aiming straight at somebody it ALWAYS misses. It's not because of panic from being discovered either, I'm staring at a pyro as he literally runs straight at me barely moving my mouse at all, and yet my gun keeps missing. I'm not even going for headshots.
>> No. 178001
The people who believe that metal will become more valuable are in for a rude awakening when the price of everything else rises before metal does. All that idled metal still exists, it's not leaving the system. Valve would need to introduce a large metal sink, like another "golden" item event, in order to make metal more valuable.
>> No. 178030
File 137417667778.jpg - (284.42KB , 500x620 , CEREAL.jpg )

Old news, like they said, it has been around since last week and I thought you guys already realized that by now. It was a good run.

Since now it's official that they are aiming to stop idling for items, they might as well remove the drop cap, so players actually consider playing more.
>> No. 178033
Define actively playing...
also I'm fucked.
>> No. 178036
>no more idling
Well this doesn't affect me in the slightest, as I'm probably one of only a handful of people who've never idled/item-farmed using alts.

That would be fantastic. At the very least they could stand to raise the weekly limit.
>> No. 178037
See >>177989
>> No. 178039
yea that would be better since wasn't the cap to making idling unproductive after a day or so?
>> No. 178040
Oh hey I do this stuff anyway when I'm idling.
Now I just have to check more often I guess.
>> No. 178041
Looks like it
>There's now a maximum amount of playtime per week in which you get item drops. Playing beyond that amount won't find any more items. The amount varies, but if you play an hour or so a day you're good. Some of your unused time will rollover to the following week, so if you're an intermittent player you'll also be fine.

>If you're an idler, you're going to find fewer items than you were prior to this change. Sorry. On the bright side, there's less reason to idle, because it won't earn more than players who are playing regularly.

But I doubt it would make them consider increasing the drop rate, because that means taking money from their precious store.

>yfw there are over 11,000 blog posts
>> No. 178045
>get nothing from the drop while playing
>only time I've gotten good items (Fast Learner and Sneaking Spats) was from an idle account
>> No. 178050

Over 200 hours logged and the first hat drop I got was on my fiance's account I was using to idle with for shits and grins.
And whenever I played? Maybe one item every two hours if I was lucky.
>> No. 178051
>Maybe one item every two hours if I was lucky.
The longest possible time between item drops is 70 minutes.
>> No. 178066
File 137426107433.gif - (663.66KB , 233x249 , 1374123835612.gif )
>Mann Co sale

oh god what am i doing buying all these hats OH GOD WHAT AM I DOING
>> No. 178067
Buying TF2 hats isn't so bad.

I spent over... 3-4 thousand MS points buying gold on Spartacus legends, mainly to try and get all the achievements, I hate this game now but I HAVE to grind to level 50 fame just to get the last thing to justify the wasted points.

At least you enjoy TF2 right? And as well as wearing the stylish hats maybe you can trade said hats in a profitable venture with your fellow TF2 gamer if the opportunity arises.
>> No. 178069
The damage is done. There's not point to participating in the economy now and for a long time. People with privileges of technology have long since ruined any kind of fairness and chance. It's like the real world.
There's a 1% in TF2, mates. And I know no one here is in it.
>> No. 178071
>still not keys on sale
Then I don't care.

There's a big difference between the TF2 "1%" and real-life "1%": in TF2, it doesn't matter. Someone in TF2 can go out and buy all the keys and crates and hats and buds they want and it deprives no one of anything. They have have a million pages of Unusual hats and I'll still get my drops, I'll still be able to play on my servers, and my items will still be there until I decide otherwise.

Does their existence bring market values down if they flood the market? Yes. Does it matter? Absolutely not. These are intangible, indefinite, unnecessary items. They aren't an investment, they aren't life-giving, and they aren't used as any kind of mainstream currency. (Though now I wonder, how many buds for a bitcoin?) You can still find people to trade item for and bypass the entire "economy" altogether.

I just get annoyed whenever someone complains about something in the Mannconomy; I liken it to crying over the devaluation of Pet Rocks.
>> No. 178072
try the market, at times when there are special crates like right now regular keys tend to go for a bit less. Seen a few going for about 1.99 or less even.
>> No. 178073
File 13742716984.jpg - (17.29KB , 200x347 , 1320465624001.jpg )
>make offer literally 10 minutes ago
>"Yeah I'll buy your shit with my shit"
>"Yeah sorry man, sold"
>> No. 178074
Yeah, if I buy keys its from the market, but it's rare that I buy keys. You're right, though; right now the starting price for a standard key is $1.92.
>> No. 178089
File 137431143493.gif - (666.09KB , 320x192 , Hades RAGE.gif )
>Make expanders look like they are on sale
>Sale ends, price remains the same


[Insert long rant here]

I don't know how the TF2 Team is going to make it up for everything, I already can see it going on a streak later on..... I.....
I quit
I fucking quit. Seriously, fuck this game, fuck Robin, and fuck you, Gabe, for letting things like this happen.

Fuck you, too.
>> No. 178092
>oh no, I speculated and lost, CURSE YOU GABENNN

Good riddance.
>> No. 178109

To be fair, they never did something like this. Whenever there was a sale in the tf store they ended it by setting the price back to the original value, always. This just seem like they did it on purpose to trick everyone who wanted to take the opportunity to do something with it, waited and then cashed out.
It was a dirty move from valve.
>> No. 178117
Actually they did the same thing with name and description tags about a year ago. This isn't a new occurrence, and no one should be shocked.
>> No. 178118
So turning what started as a sale into a permanent price drop is now tricking people, because speculators exist? You claim that Valve did this with the intention to rip off traders?

Should Valve tailor their prices toward speculators instead of people who buy things to use them? Why do you think the store exists? Is it to enable easy for-profit trading, or could it possibly be to sell items to people who intend to use them?

>> No. 178127

When something goes on sale, it tells you it eventually will go back to the price it was, it gives the buyers that rush that you shouldn't miss the opportunity and that with the reduced price, they sell. You keep calling everyone who bought them to benefit from it (which it's nothing new) "speculators", when you couldn't really see the whole thing that was behind it, so
>So turning what started as a sale into a permanent price drop is now tricking people
Yes, it is. Or you either make a real sale, or make it obvious that you are going to reduce the prices permanently by not making it look like a sale. Also, with this current "sale" that it's going on the tf store you can expect the same thing to happen specially when you have expensive paints in play.

That said, I only bought some extra expanders which it's nothing compared to those who bought pages and pages of it, it's not like I lost that much like them, but my point still stands.


I think I missed that one, I actually use tags a lot.
>> No. 178147
File 137440288467.png - (245.18KB , 400x426 , THINK.png )

Ok, I certainly loved the changes they made to the Cow Mangler, and that fifth rocket made it broken as hell. However, it still needs a buff, a considerable one because currently this weapon is overshadowed by the stock.
Think about it, the 2 major features that make this weapon unique is the charged shot and the infinite ammo; the infinite ammo is a situational buff, may encourage spam, but at much it only prolongs it; the charged shot, fires a common rocket but mini-crits and causes afterburn, but it has its downsides in it, like the slow movement speed and wait time at the begining, and the complete depletion of the clip afterwards.

Alright, to the changes, what if

>Does not require ammo
>Alt-fire: A charged shot that mini-crits players, sets them on fire, and disables buildings for 4 sec
>No random critical hits
>Deals only 20% damage to buildings
>Mini-crits when it should crit
>Fires charged shots when mini-crit boosted
So we have a Cow Mangler that can be powered to unleash the UNTHINKABLE, medics can crit boost the soldier to turn every normal shot into charged shots! Same for things like the buff banner, which only will add afterburn and the delicious effects of charged shots.

But wait, there is another alternative, what if

>Does not require ammo
>Alt-fire: A charged shot that mini-crits players, sets them on fire, and disables buildings for 4 sec
>No random critical hits
>Deals only 20% damage to buildings
>Mini-crits when it should crit
>Hidden stats:
>Charged shot's blast radius increased to 25% (if not more)
>Charged shot's blast doesn't decay when going through players
Now we have a Cow Mangler where the charged shot is worth using, since now you are most likely to hit multiple enemies with it. I don't have the proper tools to measure the blast radius if there is even one, since valve removed those type of commands long ago, so I ended doing a raw test of it.

Win or win?

I tried making it simple by just removing the crit boost restriction, but the real problem is the charged shot, to find a way to make it more viable since that's the main feature of this weapon.
>> No. 178148
I call them speculators because that's what they did: they bought something they expected to become more valuable in the future.

>Or you either make a real sale, or make it obvious that you are going to reduce the prices permanently by not making it look like a sale.

So how should Valve have handled it if they at first wanted it to be a sale but then decided they'd rather reduce the price permanently? End the sale, wait X months, then lower the price? What value is acceptable for X? Is it more important to give players easier access to more backpack space (so they have room for all those new hats they can buy/uncrate) or to not piss off traders?
>> No. 178208
File 137465480794.jpg - (15.75KB , 342x328 , d47.jpg )
The teamscramble button is there for a reason, you fucking faggots. If the average score on RED is 30, and the average score on BLU is 5, that should clue you in. But go ahead being immature fuckwads saying "lol scramble cuz u losing XD" when the only reason you're saying no is because you love steamrolling the other team if it means you get to "win".
>> No. 178211
yea some thing winning actually matters in TF2. As long as its a good fight up to the wire then I've had a good match. My team may have lost but it was a damn fine match.
>> No. 178219
Asshole scouts. Seriously, what the fuck.

Tried to play spy once or twice and every scout on my team crowded around me no matter where I went. It took a fucking server admin to get them to stop after I asked the retards TWICE to scatter.
Heaven forbid you're an engineer because scouts on both team will swarm around you. Friendly scouts won't help at all and enemy scouts just waste me in an instant.
Playing as a huntsman sniper is easy as fuck when it comes to scouts, though. They stop jumping for whatever reason and I always manage to headshot them.
>> No. 178223
You just gave me the best idea for a team formation: The EggScout.

A Medic and a Heavy remain close together, and around them 4-8 Scouts run in a circle, moving with the pair. The scouts take out any minor threats nearby, especially stickies, allowing the Heavy/Medic to focus on charging. Once they activate, the Scouts scatter to the back, the Heavy/Medic does their Uber thing, and once the Uber is up the Scouts return and resume the circle.

Moving in tandem, especially with the Scouts maintaining a good circle form with proper distance, will require a lot of practice, but when it works it will be amazing.

The EggScout X is an advanced modification of the EggScout where the Scouts don't scatter and the Medic is able to more or less maintain Uber on the Heavy and all Scouts as they pass in front of the Heavy/Medic.
>> No. 178236
They ought to make servers that automatically kick you if they don't detect the Proof of Purchase in your bp.
>> No. 178237
>if you didn't buy the game before the über update or deleted/crafted the hat away you are inherently inferior

You're retarded. Like "achievement farming to get the unlocks is cheating"-level retarded.
>> No. 178262
To be honest I would be happy if they just removed the crit restriction, the first suggestion however amuses me, it could make everything more interesting. Not that the second one is bad, but I the first one sounds like more fun.
>> No. 178263
Well then kick people unless they've played a specific number of hours. Either way I'm tired of gibus engineers building their shit in retarded spots.
>> No. 178265
Why in the fuck did they add Marked for Death to the Escape Plan? Were people escaping too easily? Which was, you know, the entire damn point of the weapon. Playing with it now trends toward annoying, and I might take it out of my loadout completely.

So, unless you're playing on a server with class caps and your team is maxed out, switch to Engie and show him how it's done. At least give the guy pointers and direction (though whether or not he listens is another matter altogether.)

Even back when you had to buy the game, you'd still get noobs who wouldn't bother with any tutorials or read up on the game before jumping in. The only difference now is that they come in at a much faster rate.
>> No. 178267
Because kicking newbies just for being newbies totally wouldn't result in a toxic community filled with self-important "we kick noobs here I'm so pr0 lol" shitters.

Next you'll be crying about getting killed by bodyshots.
>> No. 178277
Heh oh the amount of times someone bitches because they get nailed (and die) from a Sleeper.
>> No. 178287
Truth be told.
This community has already a good amount of arrogant, self-proclaimed elitists, which ironically half, if not most of them, are tryhards. I don't know you, but I certainly wouldn't like more of them.

The Escape Plan, this weapon has received unneeded rage for quite a time.
As it is now, the mini-crits do little since you are pretty much low in health when truly using it, nevertheless, it can get in the way sometimes; as it should be, the mini-crits are not needed. If all the concern is when it's compared to stock, just simply reduce its damage. There is your balance.

Also, Jag is still crap.
>> No. 178290
> If all the concern is when it's compared to stock, just simply reduce its damage. There is your balance.

Wrong. The stock shovel is useless. Even with a damage penalty the Escape Plan would be infinitely better than stock, because it adds utility to an otherwise virtually empty slot.

Valve really needs to decide whether they want stock melees of all classes to be useful beyond "I somehow ran out of ammo but I am still alive" or whether they are fine with stock melees the way they are and accept that unlocks will almost always be better simply because of the added utility. This applies to all stock melee weapons except the Wrench, Knife, Bottle and to an extend Kukri.


It would need a rework, not a buff.The damage penalty is a joke of a downside for what it's supposed to do. If it wasn't almost unnoticeable it would be broken.
>> No. 178306

Just because you have a different playstyle doesn't mean that what you don't use is useless. For instance, I just have the escape plan equiped on only one of my loadouts and I barely use it, like really rarely, and if it had a considerable damage reduction to the point that meleeing with it is not as practical as a melee weapon that does full damage, Fan O' War style, I would definitely reconsider using it mainly because it wouldn't be a weapon at all.
Stock melee weapons are fine as they are. it's just the unlocks that need to be balanced according to them, otherwise we have direct upgrades like the solemn vow.
>> No. 178311
File 137487910772.png - (111.82KB , 231x256 , Waste of piss.png )
Also, Holy dooley! Jarate got a small nerf.
>> No. 178312
>different playstyles

Certain weapons simply being inferior to others has nothing to do with playstyle, unless you count playing badly or exclusively against bads as a playstyle.

Most default melee weapons are nearly useless because the situations in which they would be useful almost never occur, assuming decent skill level of all players involved.

Why would you use the stock bat when reloading the scattergun and firing it once does more damage at melee range?
Now when thinking about scenarios where you would use it, also think of situations in which an unlock would be useful. Then think about what situation is more likely to occur. Most stock weapons lose under these considerations.

>Stock melee weapons are fine as they are. it's just the unlocks that need to be balanced according to them, otherwise we have direct upgrades like the solemn vow.

The problem is that they are of so little use that actually balancing unlocks against them would result in garbage for most classes. How many melee unlocks are actually 'balanced against stock' without passive downsides that make them just bad most of the time? How would you balance something like the Übersaw against stock without either making it suck or still having it be better than the default?
>> No. 178318
File 137490042283.jpg - (23.50KB , 380x368 , c43.jpg )
I haven't heard anything about this. Also

>tfw you finally graduate from a crutch

>> No. 178321
>Playing Coaltown on Moderate
>Guy with a real thick Boston accent is on, only two other people
>We shit around until the team fills up, beat the map fairly easily
>Guy friends me
>Next map, while we wait he gives me a Rust Botkiller Scattergun
Well, that was pleasantly unexpected.
>> No. 178322
That's what happened with L4D and L4D2.

>> No. 178341
File 137495903715.jpg - (64.39KB , 500x313 , dep.jpg )

It was more like, a fix?
They just applied the same effect a explosion blast has on players: when going through them, it decays. Except that in this case, the blast decays completely so now enemy players can block the jarate effect to be applied on their teammates, which is reasonable. However, there is a problem when hitting someone directly with it: you successfully cover that enemy in jarate, but the blast is completely negated. This means that the 180° space in front where you hit the player won't apply the effect; looks like a bug, but it's uncertain that it was intended.
Same thing applies to Mad Milk.
>> No. 178349
>FaN, Winger, Atomizer
>> No. 178373
but i got rid of my PoP because it was a shitty hat
>> No. 178389
fanowar, milk, critgun

a scout that helps the team and deals actual damage!
>> No. 178390
fanowar, milk, critgun

a scout that helps the team and deals actual damage!
>> No. 178391
Vita Saw, Overdose and Quick Fix.
>> No. 178976
Only a few months until the TF2 Halloween event. I hope this year's map is PL.

Also that they make Tug-Of-War an official map type.
>> No. 179043
Beggar's Bazooka
Disciplinary Action

Gotta whip dem butts and blow shit up with the power of TEAMWORK!
>> No. 179049
couple that with a Quick Medic and you can aid anyone anywhere . Push Team GO!
>> No. 179050
Oooh, I'd never thought of that.
Medic: Ubersaw, Quick Fix, Blutsauger
Heavy: Natasha, Sandvich, Fists of Steel
Soldier: Direct Hit or Liberty Launcher (depending on your aim), Battalion's Backup, Disciplinary Action

>DA+QF gets the trio to the front lines quickly
>Medic/Heavy forward with QF Uber and Natasha, slows enemies
>Soldier stays in the back, uses DH/LL to easily take out the now-slowed enemies
>Battalion's Backup+DA+QF gives clean escape

Ubersaw used to charge QF even faster if the Medic gets in trouble, Blutsauger/Sandvich to maintain the Medic's health, Fists of Steel are to slow the Heavy's damage take while on the move (ideally the Medic is on the Soldier who is slapping the Heavy, as the Soldier can rocket jump him and the Medic away if they run into trouble sooner than expected.)

Call it "Operation Bulletstorm".
>> No. 179051
yea if one has an effective team then all rounds are cake. only encountered a couple of Solider that know how to travel well with a quick medic.
>> No. 179110
Since I now have Steam and TF2 is free to play I'm going to finally jump in (but not bother with all that key/locked chest extortion nonsense)

Any advice for a first timer?
>> No. 179113
Start with Soldier, Heavy or Medic. Don't play Spy or Engineer until you know the map you're playing on. Stay away from the Pyro.

Turn on damage numbers and hitsounds.

Most weapons do less damage at great distances.

Don't play on servers with more than 24 slots.

Look up what unlocks do un the wiki. Consider grinding with a friend for the achievement ones that might suit you.

If you go premium and you buy in with 5 bucks, buy 2 keys, then trade those for metal; that'll give you enough to trade fro any weapon you might need.
>> No. 179114
I've seen some of this before, what's the particular reasoning for "not playing on servers with more than 24 slots"?

Also is there a big difference between playing free and playing premium?
>> No. 179115
>what's the particular reasoning for "not playing on servers with more than 24 slots"?

The maps aren't built with more than that in mind. Things tend to get too spammy with more than 24 players.

>Also is there a big difference between playing free and playing premium?

>> No. 179117
Make sure to do all the tutorials in the game; they're especially useful for the more esoteric classes (engie, spy). Valve has a lot of "How to" stuff on Youtube, watch at least the main class ones.

All stock maps are designed for 24-player max (some work better at 16); going over that can be extremely fun but also a huge cluster-fuck. New players are far more likely to find it overwhelming, so it's in their best interest to start off on 24-player servers until they get the hang of the classes.

>Free and premium accounts only differ in the restrictions of the system of items, and as such, no restrictions for either type affect gameplay or offer particular players any advantage over others.
>> No. 179172
What do you do with crates if you aren't going to buy keys?
>> No. 179173
Put them up for sale on the market for $.03 and hope someone buys it.
>> No. 179175
I've heard people trading them for metal before.
Or is that only the special limited edition crates.
>> No. 179176
Salvaged crates or, sometimes, discontinued ones. You wouldn't even get a scrap for a crate; you're lucky to get a random weapon for one.
>> No. 179178
If you have pages full of crap crates you can probably find someone who buys in bulk; I've sold 50 random crap crates for 1 scrap + 1 weapon a few weeks ago.
>> No. 179389
Why the hell do all Capture The Intel severs have crippling connection issues? I've never been able to play a game.
>> No. 179578
We comic biz now.

>> No. 179582
PonyFortress2 has a couple of non hero servers that run well with intel maps in the rotation. Its a decent play community.
>> No. 179583
Furthermore, update!
Big notes:
>Added Chemistry Sets as a bonus drop. Chemistry Sets are recipe items that have varying inputs and varying outputs. You can complete a Chemistry Set by fulfilling all of its inputs, which will then give you the items it has listed in its outputs.
>Fixed a bug that would prevent Jarate and Mad Milk from applying to all targets within range
Oh, good. I thought that was part of the nerf.
>Fixed a bug that would cause the Marked For Death icon to stay in the world after the owning player died

Give weapons, get crunk. Looks like, for now, giving the right weapons (and right amount of those) will give a Strangifier so you can give a weapon the Strange quality.

...except the example given is using it on a Camera Beard. Which would be Unusual. Eh?
>> No. 179584
File 137766420764.png?spoiler - (141.71KB , 226x333 , granpameds.png?spoiler )
Tom Jones' death was totally a joke on Unusuals. "It's not unusual to be loved by you..."
I can't wait to see everyone pulling a Big Damn Heroes and rescuing Scout and Spy.
"Pyro, don't cut off Soldier's hand."
"Hello, fat Demoman!"
Olivia Mann = Buttercup. Cannot unsee.
Pyro being the president of a company was adorable, Grandpa Medic made me sad (but I also laughed). Saxton without power is also heartbreaking.
>> No. 179587
Why the frug isn't there an Adult Swim Team Fortress cartoon?
>> No. 179588
>Chemistry Set

and that is how we balance the market and get rid of the excess from the idling still around
>> No. 179589
A) it would be so good
B) it's animated
Thus, Adult Swim wants nothing to do with it.
>> No. 179591
Someone has not seen Metalocalypse, Venture Bros., or several of the anime they (at least used to) play.
>> No. 179592
>at least used to
is the operative phrase. Venture Bros and Metalocolypse are both from the heyday of [AS]. I call this "BTAE" (Before Tim & Eric). When Tim & Eric happened, they realized that instead of ordering a smaller set of good quality animated shows and building up a collection they could take 1/10 the budget, give it to shitheads like Tim & Eric, and make retarded live action shows to pander to the stoner/bro crowd.

I stopped getting cable around then, which is fine; I can't recall hearing about any animated show on [AS] since then. (I think the last one I saw with any promise) Looking at the list of series from Wikipedia, the only things of high note are ones that started pre-2007 (if I include Superjail!, which I didn't complete care for but a lot of others liked; otherwise, 2006).

So, no. Nothing new for [AS] that is also animated and good. Or even good, perhaps.

Toonami was a step in the right direction, but as I don't have cable I haven't been able to see what it's turned into. Looking at the current run, despite the immense amount of action cartoons (both anime and western) to choose from we still get a freaking hour of Inuyasha and the 11th thousand re-run of Cowboy Bebop and Big O (which are both series I highly enjoy, but they've been shown to death.) At least they're not looping FLCL for the millionth time...
>> No. 179597
File 137769427254.jpg?spoiler - (200.17KB , 1024x768 , DIABEETUS.jpg?spoiler )
>It's like [the Engineer] he dropped of the face of the--

More evidence, along with the Heavy robot in his lab, the look on the main page everyone's been giving him since the MvM update, and the extra life-extender order, that Engie's working for Gray.

Although it's still fifty-fifty it's just a huge red herring.
>> No. 179598
Don't forget bout Black Dynamite.
>> No. 179600
Well unlike the others his family is tied very closely to the history of this whole conflict.
>> No. 179601
I still think this is entirely fan speculation. He was never working for Grey Mann.

Also, does Olivia totally look like Buttercup, or is it just me?
>> No. 179612
If we want to inject logic into the TF2 world (laugh out loud), Grey Mann never won control of the company. Hale made Bidwell the CEO first, but when Bidwell started to refused he was fired and made Reddy the CEO. Except that, if CEO status can be transferred so easily, Hale no longer had the ability to make Reddy the CEO. Bidwell was still CEO at that point, and since he wasn't able to fully contest fighting Olivia the battle could have still continued. His stopping Reddy meant nothing, because Reddy winning or losing the fight wouldn't have mattered.

'Course, this assumes that Hale wasn't majority stock holder in the company... and, honestly, I would be surprised if he even knew what stock was.


If he's not working for Gray Mann, he is heavily involved in the robots somehow. He has their designs, has had pieces before they canonically appeared, and so forth.

And yes. Also I wonder if we'll get to see Mrs. Mann.
>> No. 179613
Also, how did Merasmus get his physical body back?
>> No. 179614
File 137770915083.jpg - (60.32KB , 489x266 , oh-ms-pauling.jpg )
80 hours in MS Paint
>> No. 179615
Heh yes Officer Pauline..keep the mustache on.
>> No. 179629
1. She's adopted.
2. What if Engie built them to help the team escape the war so they could retire, abandoned the idea, and Grey stole his designs? Or alternately, he stole Grey's tech and tried to figure out how best to stop him.

Pauling in a male officer's uniform and mustache with a strap-on, fucking Soldier in a dress. Go.
>> No. 179674
Waaait a second.

What if Grey Mann is biologically related to Olivia, because he ended up fiddling with Redmond and Blutarch's pregnancy machine (the one he denounced as an "idiotic crime of nature") and making it work? Sort of as a last "fuck you" to them?
>> No. 179722
File 137797190485.png - (96.69KB , 1071x352 , Wow.png )
damn, all for making a strange scarf. Though I've gotten a Strange Camera Beard Set without a barking mad recipe.
>> No. 179733
okay just missing a splendid screen and a Mangler so I can try out my strange chem set thing. Anyone want to trade a couple of weapons for those I've got plenty.
>> No. 179794
File 137809473612.jpg - (45.03KB , 216x267 , The Darkness.jpg )
Oh look, it's that tf2 maniac who is late to the party, again, because he dared to actually work once in a while.

I freaking loved everything about that comic, specially that newspaper part where Merasmus ends getting blamed for the death of Tom Jones.

Everything about this.

>Strange hats
Saw that coming.
>Jarate got fixed
So it was a bug after all!..... Holy crap, I just realized how some people extremely defended the idea about the "nerf", do they really like to suck valve's dick that much or just look for every chance to annoy people? Sometimes I forget how the internet can be. Welp, my fault.

>mfw all this
Now waiting for part 2, because something big is coming.
>> No. 179795

>all this dosh
and nothing to spend it on!
>> No. 179796
Is that actually Medic or just a random dude who happens to look that way? Kind of miss the Grumpy Medic characterization, now he's basically the science equivalent of Pyro.
>> No. 179798
Not sure. Either him, John Phantom, or both are a red herring. They can't both be Medic, but I figure they were stuck in to make people speculate until at least Part 2.

John Phantom looks too young to be Medic, but the vet looks too old.
>> No. 179821
>Finding out I can rocket spam with Beggar

Oh can't wait for them to fix that.
>> No. 179822
>Now waiting for part 2, because something big is coming.

New team BLU, featuring the long ago rejected concept designs for the Mercs? White Monkey Demoman and the like?

Team Fortress 3, the first game released in Source Engine 2?
>> No. 179828
>Team Fortress 3
>doesn't realize Gabe is scared of the number 3
>> No. 179830
But isn't that how the beggar works?
I mean, you can throw three rockets with bad accuracy.
>> No. 179842
nah I mean just lightly tapping you can fire the whole clip with some control and very little delay between rockets. If you know where the ammo spawns are or are near a dispenser you and pretty much rocket spam forever.
>> No. 179980
It will cost me k22 r4.66 to buy all the remaining hats and misc for Pyro in the qualities I'm lacking. I've fallen way behind on collecting.

That's roughly $45.98.
Sh-should I do it?
I can then finally just keep up with new releases and work on the Demo collection.
>> No. 179982
Don't you have items you could trade for them instead? With some patience you can even turn trading cards into metal.
Or are the items you want just too expensive to trade for?
>> No. 179996
No, not really. Which is why I looked up the dollar price too.
Everything is crafted immediately. I've got every weapon for the two classes I play, in Vintage, Strage, and Genuine where applicable.

My entire backpack is only estimated worth 65 bucks.

The reason just buying it out is on my mind is that by the time I legitimately have the mats to trade for what I'm lacking, another half a year's worth of community hats and shit have been introduced and I'm perpetually behind.
>> No. 180597
File 137945174355.gif - (2.04MB , 160x130 , 1297732849371.gif )

>Updated The Sticky Jumper to only allow 2 active stickybombs at a time
>> No. 180600
It's as if a million Demo jumpers cried out and were suddenly silenced...

You can still do map-clearing jumps as a demo, but it's going to be far harder now (namely, you'll likely have to be ubered). No more solo Demo launching themselves to the roof on Goldrush...
>> No. 180691
I could understand not allowing eight at once because that kind of acceleration fucks the game engine up, but three or four should still be fine.

>Updated Sentry Busters in Mann vs. Machine mode to damage teammates when they explode

Excellent! Let the robo-trolling begin! I forgot, how much damage do those things do, exactly?
>> No. 180696
>nerfing the Jumpers yet again
Man Valve, you're approaching Gearbox levels of fun-hating here.
>> No. 180705
>Gearbox levels of fun-hating
>> No. 180771
One of the reasons I don't play sports is the whole trash-talking thing.

At the same time I'm actually considering quitting TF2 simply because of dominations and taunting being a thing. I have homicidal thoughts when it happens. "But that's supposed to happen" No it isn't. Screaming FUCK YOU at the top of my lungs and playing out of frustration instead of fun isn't supposed to happen.
>> No. 180772
Seek help
>> No. 180774
That sounds like a problem with your attitude, not a problem with the game.
>> No. 180782
Gearbox constantly nerfs anything that lets you get good gear in Borderlands 2, in a game where having good gear doesn't inconvenience anyone except the AI-controlled enemies, and any of the ways to get good gear don't apply until endgame anyway.
Powerful weapon combinations that let boss fights not take 20 minutes apiece? Nerf.
Amusing weapon glitches that let you do some crazy-ass shit like have a quad-barreled shotgun that fires as fast as you can click and never has to be reloaded? Gone.
Treasure chests that have a slightly higher chance of giving you good loot than standard chests, that you could only access after beating a DLC anyway? You can now only access them twice per character.
If it were PVP I'd understand, having broken-ass gear on one player while the other had shit wouldn't be any fun, but...it isn't. Having broken-ass gear doesn't hurt anyone except the boss-developer's pride as they watch their boss with 18 billion health, 70% damage reduction, and multiple insta-kill attacks goes down in less than a minute.
I mean, I still play, but that doesn't make it less bullshit.
>> No. 180797
They need to buff the atomizer to where it can't kill you, just bring you down to 1 HP at most.

Half my deaths as Scout come from that shit.
>> No. 180801
>They need to buff an item that is better than stock >90% of the time because I'm lazy

Shit TF2 players say.
>> No. 180806
File 137987611276.gif - (520.71KB , 320x178 , 1355195846951.gif )

I'm pretty sure that Anon meant "nerf"
>> No. 180808
File 137987680610.jpg - (7.17KB , 250x250 , 1364415446311.jpg )
>guy spams "thanks" and "nice shot" after every kill just to be a douchebag
>"People like you are cancer"
>> No. 180809
>insult someone because you got salty

Seriously, what is with your attitude? It's like you take the game really seriously, but in a very dumb way.

Where did >>180797 imply that he/she wants a nerf?
>> No. 180812
>insult someone because you got salty

I don't know what you mean by either of those things.
>> No. 181453
Wondering if I should craft a Hale Mask or just sit on them till the event and trade them since I've already got one Hale.
>> No. 181458
It would actually be more proftiable to trade the masks now, since they'll be easily available for free during the event.
>> No. 181461
what would the whole set go for?
>> No. 181462
Backpack.tf lists them at 2 scrap to 1 reclaimed each (different prices for some masks); with that approximation and looking up what people are buying/selling them for on trading sites you should be able to set decent prices.

Absolute worst case is 1 scrap per mask, and it looks like you can reasonably get more than that at the moment.
>> No. 181489
Only 12 (give or take) days until Valve releases a shitload of community hats and then absolutely nothing else for Halloween.

At least the next comic will drop this month.
>> No. 181516
I too am excited for wasted potential and garbage that can only be worn 13 times a year.
>> No. 181520
Some of the servers I play on have a mod that allows time-restricted items anytime.
>> No. 181523
Pony Fortress servers allow for it though they are pretty dead right now save for one normal no random crit and a Hero Server.
>> No. 181538
Anyone seem to just lose stuff recently? I loaded up TF2 over the weekend and half of my loadouts were gone or had almost no customization. I think I'm missing a Sniper hat and maybe a Soldier hat (I may have just crafted those together, I don't recall.) Even items that I know I had equipped (like a Strange Jarate) got unequipped.

I noticed that my backpack was 100% full when I found the loadouts missing, and I didn't recall it being full before. Seemed like there were a much larger amount of crates, too...
>> No. 181539
yea I've had my loadouts drop off a couple of times recently.
>> No. 181761
File 138203005423.png - (111.10KB , 450x420 , V3A115T_Main[1].png )

>> No. 181764
Played yesterday after, like, three or four months and holy christ, plenty of my loadouts messed up.
>> No. 181766
This update http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/October_2,_2013_Patch

>Fixed several bugs that would cause inconsistent behavior when switching between or modifying loadout presets

might have caused that. I had to re-equip a lot of items after that one too.
>> No. 182081
File 138308241645.gif - (43.08KB , 90x120 , HAR HAR.gif )
>> No. 182084
>Hightower Halloween Map.

>> No. 182088
>we're magicians
>with magic books
>>magic spells of unspeakable lethality, nestled in between long passages of copyrighted characters having sex with each other
>slash fiction magic books
>kill skeletons
These tears are tears of joy.

On one of the servers I main, hightower maps can go on for hours; the map time limit doesn't force a stalemate when it hits 0, so either everyone agrees to rtv (never happens) or someone has to win. I got annoyed one night and went Scout with the Holy Mackarel, using nothing but that. Heavy? Fish'd. Sentry? Fish'd. Pyro? Fish'd. I die far more than not, but I find it quite fun and the map has become plr_fishmarket for me.

So now it's a haunted fish market. My pants can barely contain my excitement.
>> No. 182091
I'll be on sepulchritude, if anyone needs me.
>> No. 182104

Guess it's time for my annual TF2 session tomorrow night.
>> No. 182105
File 138309912189.jpg - (158.80KB , 512x512 , steamworkshop_tf2_unicorn_thumb.jpg )
So much butthurt.
So much hilarious butthurt.
>> No. 182106
So apparently every single new item is Halloween/full moon restricted.
God fucking damnit, Valve...
>> No. 182108
Are you surprised?
They said when they started accepting entries that they would be that way. Not to mention Valve tends to be pretty shit about Halloween items.
>> No. 182109
>Valve wants us to buy keys
>To unlock aesthetic items you can wear for a total of less than a month every year
>People are stupid enough to buy and trade for them
>> No. 182118
I don't keep up with every bit of development news, so yeah, the fact that all 100+ new cosmetic items are restricted, regardless of how unfitting it is for many items, is stunning in its stupidity and seeming vendetta against fun.

No one's happy about the restrictions though. I think most people only tolerate it because so many unofficial servers have full moon/Halloween mode engaged all the time.
>> No. 182123
Scream Fortress 2013: Bird Voice linesyoutube thumb
Medic - Second Opinion Voice Linesyoutube thumb
>> No. 182127
do things like Spectral Spectrum still work and are they permanent? If it is does anyone have they'd trade for some ref?
>> No. 182137
The Second Opinion became an instant favorite for me. I used up some leftover points I had in the Warehouse to buy a haunted one without a second thought. Even with the asinine holiday restriction dampening its glory, this is the happiest I've been to get hold of an item in the game since I got my Voodoo Juju.
>> No. 182139
It's not that people tolerate it; it's that people are encouraging it simply by buying keys.
Valve can't even say they're restricted to preserve style or anything like that since that all went out the window the second paints and the second wave of hats where introduced.
>> No. 182141
>Valve can't even say they're restricted to preserve style or anything like that since that all went out the window the second paints and the second wave of hats where introduced.
>Also remember that anything you submit with this tag will be restricted to Halloween and Full Moons. And because it's restricted to Halloween and Full Moons, get creative! The tonal restrictions we normally ask our Workshoppers to observe with TF2 items don't really apply to a holiday where wizards and bomb books regularly attack from glowing skull islands, so if there's anything crazy you've been itching to make, now's the time.

>Does the item interfere with class identification? Even in this new coat, the Medic is still easily recognizable as the Medic. The author has taken care not to remove areas that display team colors and has made sure the geometry complements the base character model underneath.

So it's true that they've stopped caring about maintaining a 60s aesthetic, but they still have restrictions. The classes were created with the idea that each would have a distinct silhouette so they'd be easy to recognize from a distance in order to better plan against whatever class you're about to engage. Hats, outfits, and so forth have to maintain that identification/silhouette, but with Halloween items they remove that restriction so the focus is more on Halloween and less on atmosphere, likely a reason that they place such a restriction on those items.
>> No. 182144
>New neat-o Halloween update, excitement
>Crashes every few minutes

>> No. 182145
Just the usual when it comes to this big updates.
Valve will eventually patch that around this week.
Maybe today!
>> No. 182148
Yeah, the server I was on last night went down two or three times. I hear a lot about clients crashing, too, but I haven't.

Issue seems to be related to some game effect/graphic not being found. When in Helltower, open your console and watch the thing constantly repeat one error. Didn't bother to remember what the error was...
>> No. 182155
got one server group running last years map in a rotation alternative so that people can get the paints.
>> No. 182161
That seems like a very flimsy justification at best, as even the most garish of Halloween items don't excessively alter the overall appearance of each class at a distance.
>> No. 182162
So can you get the new halloween items on drop or are they crate only?
>> No. 182164
Once in a while, you get a gift on hell tower, with one of the new items and one book page.
>> No. 182174
You can get new Halloween costumes from the gift, but it seems most of the time you just get one of those transmutation things (plus one or two spellbook pages). The costumes from the gifts are also untradable, so good luck getting what you want without spending money or dealing with highballers.
>> No. 182177
Well Valve seems to be trying their hardest to make getting things as cash grabby and aggravating as that one Avengers Facebook game I quit last year.
In any case, Happy Halloween guys!
>> No. 182188
File 138325661282.png - (61.06KB , 948x581 , Heh.png )
I love that deep commitment.
>> No. 182207
File 138332348875.png - (48.77KB , 950x450 , deleteme.png )
>I guess when you're always wearing disguises for a living Halloween may be the time to just sit back and be yourself.
>> No. 182227
So I've got a crazy amount of metal and I need to get rid of it.
Anyone have anything they're looking to get rid of in terms of aesthetic items or an expander (since I doubt I have enough metal for a even a cheap-o game)?
>> No. 182356
Tonight I achieved my unknown goal of being dominated by every single person on the opposing team.
Mini sentries on hightower everyone!
>> No. 182373
Y'know, there used to be a time where you could be a magical pink unicorn ironically and not be associated with a show that has a fanbase that has a vocal minority more obnoxious than furries, homestuck, and juggalos.

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