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File 132570368269.jpg - (91.08KB , 800x450 , Ep18Cleo.jpg )
42789 No. 42789
New year, new thread, and new member in the Brotherhood of Tofu.

Useful links, as usual:

- Mutant Squid's blog, for everything Wakfu related you'd want to download:
=> http://brotherhoodoftofu.com/

- Our Twitter feed to keep in touch with the releases:
=> http://twitter.com/#!/wakfu_fansubs

- Current thread in /co/ for general discussion:
=> https://plus4chan.org/b/co/res/152127.html
Expand all images
>> No. 42790
File 132570412042.jpg - (118.25KB , 854x581 , Subs.jpg )
More Cleophee goodness, finally in English.

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9X4L4RJM
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/7ASPLIH3
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=273888

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4DI7RKOL
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/03UXDQ52
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=273886

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XXF8B3J6
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=273889

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?am6ddcy80bhhtvs

>720p Hi10p encode:
=> Release later, when Sindalf has time to deal with it.
>> No. 42792
File 132570547787.gif - (1.50MB , 350x219 , 1325361774785.gif )
>> No. 42793
Finally I'm in time!
>> No. 42794
File 132570791447.png - (194.37KB , 450x375 , 13198359876.png )
>> No. 42795
Episode 19 720p 10bit

Sorta forgot to move the raw to the proper directory. My bad.

Now I am off to play more Katawa Shoujo.
>> No. 42796
File 132571261658.png - (966.75KB , 1256x1080 , AxY_2_0.png )
>> No. 42797
woohoo, downloadin'!
>> No. 42798
Good work you lot, eagerly awaiting the new episode!
>> No. 42800
Woo, thank you sub team! :D
>> No. 42801
File 132573374230.png - (337.39KB , 929x511 , chochanna.png )
I'd let you guys bake my baguette any day!
>> No. 42803
well, we have maybe 3 to 4 people interested in baguettes, the rest of the team prefers donuts, if you know what I mean.
>> No. 42804
File 13257456825.png - (97.50KB , 213x264 , 131159539819.png )

You mean like penis and vagina? HOW FRIGHTENINGLY UNCOUTH
>> No. 42805
File 132574955547.jpg - (75.74KB , 696x660 , homer.jpg )
Mmmm... donuts...
>> No. 42806
When does the hiatus end? Will there be a new episode next saturday?
>> No. 42807
Hiatus is supposed to end on the 14th.
Next saturday will be a rerun of the Ogrest special.
>> No. 42810
File 132581810736.png - (555.49KB , 954x521 , 1325781801036.png )

>> No. 42811

>> No. 42812
Hurrah! More Cleophee!!
>> No. 42813
I just started this show a week ago and here I am already caught up.
>> No. 42814
File 132588056957.jpg - (34.54KB , 1024x576 , moviecap-00001.jpg )
Just how do genetics work in this world?
>> No. 42815
Her mother was obviously into tentacles if you know what I mean.
>> No. 42818
Is it just me who notice that when the ship in the end set sail. The sails are a pair of ginormous panties and a bra?!
>> No. 42819
how does adoption work ?
>> No. 42820
On the site, it explains that he adopted her when she was quite small, and still hasn't told her that he isn't her genetic father. She's probably old enough to have worked it out, the question is, does she care?
>> No. 42821
File 132591350163.jpg - (172.37KB , 501x598 , 12739405723.jpg )
What's up with the increased amount of prostitution, decadence and sexual references in season 2?
>> No. 42822
File 132592558544.png - (503.56KB , 939x508 , yougonnagetsmisse'd.png )

You complaining son?
>> No. 42823
I wonder where you saw that, because it's not on her profile page.
>> No. 42824
Anyone know when the show will come back from the hiatus? I guess I missed the whole "we're having a new years break" thing.

Forgive me for not knowing, I rarely get the chance to use the internet these days.

Also, thank you for the subs, based subs-team.
>> No. 42825
Just popped in to say thanks to the the fansubbers. You guys rock!
>> No. 42826
They come back whenever they come back which, by Ankama standards, will prob be some time in May for another Boufbowl arc, then August for to carry on the plot.
>> No. 42827
See >>42807
>> No. 42828
Trailer for next episode: "Le Zinit".

>> No. 42829
Wait, Mount Zinit is supposed to be the mountain Ogrest is sitting on - and the original spaceship of the Eliatropes. Is this the same Zinit, or is it just some french word?
>> No. 42830
Mount Zinit IS the Zinit. Ogrest is currently occuping the top of it, so this should be fun.
>> No. 42831
>Encre Noire, le poulpe adoptif

>Elaine entretient une relation toute particulière avec le capitaine du Singe Hurleur, un Kralamoure nommé Encre Noire. Loin de s’étonner qu’un poulpe puisse commander un navire, la jeune fille va jusqu’à considérer l’animal comme son propre père ! Il faut dire que le mollusque n’a jamais rien fait pour la détromper. Au contraire, il veille sur elle comme le ferait un parent, et lui donne plus d’amour qu’aucun autre Kralamoure du Monde des Douze !

>Black Ink, the adoptive octopus

>Something like: Elaine has a very particular relationship with the captain of the Howling Monkey, a Kralove named Black Ink. Far from being surprised that the octopus commands a ship, the young girl considers the animal to be her father! The mollusk has done nothing to disabuse her. Instead, he watches over her like a parent, and gives her more love than any other Kralove in the World of the Twelve!
>> No. 42832
File 132600501353.gif - (1.84MB , 456x248 , Plot.gif )
I cannot wait
Any Idea if there will be another special episode coming up soon though?
>> No. 42834
Yeah, I would like to see a special about the main characters is drawn by Ankama, - not the devil knows who. Еnough already of all garbage like Ogrest special ....
wants a normlany special episode.
>> No. 42835
>enough of Ogrest
Yes, enough about the most important creature in the entire world, about who we know very little and what we know is often contradictory! Let's have a special about Yugo or Grovy, those two had way to little screen time.
>> No. 42836
stupid trolling attempt.
>> No. 42837
The original post was fucking stupid and clearly a troll attempt.
>> No. 42839

why Do not think about the Christmas special, like in anime?

why just Ogrest?
>> No. 42840
it seems that someone is short of imagination ..)
>> No. 42841
I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say with that post.
>> No. 42842

what planet are you from? :D, Bwahahaha!
>> No. 42843
File 132604598127.jpg - (179.06KB , 560x445 , Get-Off-My-Lawn.jpg )
>brags on how he sucks at grammar
>writes how he laughs like a retard
>uses emotes
>> No. 42844
File 132604676444.png - (308.90KB , 1268x706 , 754653453.png )
I hope we get an Eliatrope special.
>> No. 42845

I am just Otaku from non-English speaking country

and you a dumb Troll.
>> No. 42846
i am wagering on an eliatrope special and maybe a maskemane one.

maskemane is just me being really hopeful, though.
>> No. 42847
File 132605090853.jpg - (16.45KB , 310x300 , dammit_yugo_.jpg )
>I hope we get an Eliatrope special.
I'd cream my pants...
>> No. 42849
Oooh, found some Q&A bits by LG's lead developer, Azael. It's a post on his blog that was made this December. Some tidbits on unanswered stuff and what would have happened if the game had continued, via Google translate:

Apparently Boa survived the battle with Naïl, but was grievously injured. Afterwards, he came to realize that Baltazar had lied to them and that Naïl was right all along. Disillusioned, he retired to a private island and let the others think he was dead. Only Cyd knows the truth and sometimes visits him for advice, since the population now relies on him for leadership.
As one of the future quests now cancelled, Barron would grow suspicious of Cyd w/regards to the Blades since he skips meetings and shirks some of his responsibility and have the PC investigate him. That's how you'd eventually find the hidden island and Boa.

They didn't know whether Naïl or Baltazar survived the battle at the end of the first game, so it's unclear if they're dead or survived.

Zora survived and would have given you another quest. Tofu-related, of course.

He's going to make an article in March after finishing work on Wakfu (the game) detailing more about the aborted story arc of the game. I guess this will provide closure on various mysteries.

The Pikou race in the game were created only for LG and were based on imaginary creatures Azael made up when he was little, who caused trouble. Apparently, they were meant to warn against releasing Naïl, but did a bad job of it.

Players wondered what was inside Barron's chest in the library, this will be revealed in the article. I guess it's info on the Eliatrope civilization and some kind of clue that the outside world still exists.

The Blades will be detailed in the article. One hint he gave was that some of them were characters from the first game...

>> No. 42850
That's what I'm saying. You said
>it explains that he adopted her when she was quite small, and still hasn't told her that he isn't her genetic father

The profile says
>she even treats him as her father

You're gonna get people confused.
>> No. 42851
Hmm, maybe I misread/misunderstood it.
>> No. 42852
Completely forgot this in my last post, Azael hinted at NPCs from the game possibly appearing in the show's final episode(s)...
>> No. 42854
>> No. 42863
File 132630637187.jpg - (729.31KB , 1280x1280 , cleophee_groovy.jpg )
Good thing they've added Cleophee. Conflict between characters is always good for a story. Since Eva's sister is rebellious brat maybe we'll get some "fresh air". (Or not, because season is slowly ending.)
>> No. 42864

There's 7 episodes left of season 2, and there is still the possibility of season 3... It's up to France 3. I think it's in their best interest to keep it going (from what I hear, the show is doing quite well in France) so I'd say the likelihood of a season 3 is pretty high. I know at least the creative team wants to do it, and I'm convinced they could make it well.
>> No. 42866
there needs to be way way way less filler if this show is to keep my attention : /
>> No. 42867
For Iops sake, learn what that word actually means instead of throwing around buzzwords.
>> No. 42869
File 132637313996.jpg - (126.19KB , 745x520 , homer tells lisa off for not being able to use wor.jpg )
>> No. 42870
Someone's damaged by Naruto.
>> No. 42871
So... about that trailer. I'm surprised no one is talking about what the in-universe alphabet spells out there.

"I killed Yugo"
>> No. 42872
might be cause this is PROJECT and not General discussion.
Also most people who wanna talk about wakfu seem to be over at 4chan.
>> No. 42873
There is a thread on +4chan's very own /co/ for that kind of discussion.
>> No. 42874
There are tons of posts in this thread that aren't about the subbing at all.....
>> No. 42877
Don't be like NewWakfuFag.
>> No. 42879
just saw the latest translation and wanted to say thanks to the subbers. Here's to another job soon to be well done by you translators (rises wine glass)

I still can fathom that a guy with such a gentle demeanor like Quilby would betray the Eliatorpes and kill Yugo. On another side note: do you really believe Eva really needs to lighten up?
>> No. 42881
not to the extent that she'd be basically making herself into someone she isn't just for grovy
>> No. 42882
I wish people would stop blowing up this latest conflict. Eva calmed down last episode and it was more about Cléophée joining the gang than anything between her and Tristepin. She was even ready to conceed letting Cleo in, but Amalia protested. If anything, the new interpersonal conflict will be between Cleo and her, not Eva and Tristepin.
>> No. 42883
there was nothing about eva accepting her into the group, her thing that episode was wondering if she needed to lighten up.
>> No. 42886
File 132653418616.jpg - (105.93KB , 1024x576 , Qilby2.jpg )
Online here => http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/283982-episode-20-saison-2-zinit
>> No. 42887
Quite intereting episode, don't you think.
But I have one request: What did Sadlygrove say at the end of the episode. Something with Evangelyne, but I'm not sure what. Help guys!
>> No. 42888
File 132653597523.gif - (1.09MB , 423x200 , Ws2e20.gif )

Click the "file name" to order by name, if the series does not fit on one page, use the [Next] and [Previous] button
>> No. 42891
File 132654457752.jpg - (34.01KB , 859x454 , 20.jpg )
It begins.
>> No. 42892
File 132654566649.png - (325.65KB , 854x545 , 1326535612045.png )
more than you think
>> No. 42894
He was only telling her about his brother Adamai and the adventures the Brotherhood had.
>> No. 42895
Hmm, I heard the word "dragon" in Yugo and Elaine's dialogue. What if it turns out Elaine is Shinonome reincarnated? She is an orphan, knows the route to the Crimson Claw Archipelago, where Shinonome's Dofus is said to be... Maybe she's like Arty in the Dofus comic and doesn't realize it yet?
>> No. 42896

holy shit is this what eliatropes can turn into?
>> No. 42897
Downloadable MP4 version:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5J7E0B4X
>> No. 42898
File 132655404499.png - (423.89KB , 1024x576 , snapshot20120114190352.png )
>> No. 42899
Well they started this season ripping off Dragon Ball Z and now they've gone on to steal wholeheartedly from Bleach as well. And oh look, a girl power episode is coming up next we haven't had one of those since...Episode 10, 11, 12? God...at least we might get some decent bits with Cleo and Ami.
>> No. 42901
>now they've gone on to steal wholeheartedly from Bleach as well
>> No. 42902
>10, 11, 12 are girl power episodes
>when amalia and eva had to turn into GUYS just to play

piss off
>> No. 42903
>best player in Brakmar is revealed to be a girl
>day has to be saved by a technique Maude taught Kriss
>crowd shouts Long Live Women

How is that not girl power?
>> No. 42904
File 132656246259.jpg - (407.00KB , 883x636 , aizen_hollow_form_by_drickenin-d2yfsr0.jpg )
>Aizen, the villain
>Traitor who pretended to be a nice guy
>Stupid looking super transformation
>Petty excuse for murder and mayhem

And now you know, the rest of the story.
>> No. 42905
you just described, like, a really common villain trope. aizen isn't the first badguy to do what you described.
>> No. 42906
So Yugo's next unlockable, Berzerker mode.

"I must destroy the aliens!"
"No Qilby, you are the aliens."
And then Qilby went ticktock.
>> No. 42907
New Quilby suck balls.
>> No. 42908
File 13265630795.jpg - (240.17KB , 1920x1080 , [NoDRM]-126_-_le_mont_zinit_hd_fr_wmv_snapshot_17_.jpg )
>A set of events
>Happens in many shows under different circumstances

Pic related, it's me staring into the monitor.
>> No. 42909
He's the guy everyone in this fandom has been comparing him too. They have compared him to no one else.

Also, Aizen merges with an artifact to attain a serious power upgrade, getting rid of his glasses in the process and it takes a long while to unveil his true colors and...well I could be here all day ask someone else to take over.
>> No. 42910
But, this isn't Bleach. It's a good show.
>> No. 42911
File 132656390046.jpg - (69.54KB , 889x845 , Nox_by_arnaud_o.jpg )
Hey Nox, check it, he even stole your busted left arm encased in tech schtick and your energy beam schtick and your teleporting schtick and your laugh schtick and your light construct weapon schtick and your blue color coded schtick and your facial marking schtick:

You'd almost think that Ankama wasn't putting any effort in their new villain at all. At least you have your dress sense and the new guy is a tremendous sissy girl. Oh and he's ugly and uninteresting too.
>> No. 42912
>implying this past episode doesn't confirm the "nox got all his ideas from the cube" theory
>> No. 42913
>He's the guy everyone in this fandom has been comparing him too. They have compared him to no one else.
I haven't even seen this comparison made by anyone else apart from you, let alone it being a common comparison.

You're that fucking anime troll who ruins these threads all the time, aren't you?
>> No. 42914
File 132656403488.jpg - (36.59KB , 584x208 , Trailer_saison_2_bellaphones_def_mp4_854x480_1500k.jpg )
>>a girl power episode is coming up next

>> No. 42915
Where the hell have you been, they've been doing this since episode 6. There's even a shoop out there:


Since april slowpoke!
>> No. 42916
>1 set of posts in a thread from April
>> No. 42918
File 132656935560.png - (770.44KB , 1024x576 , vlcsnap-2012-01-14-20h15m15s91.png )
no one talks about quilby's personality? he really looks crazy and awesome like nox. i'm french so i understand this show. at one point,adamai laughed at him because he screamed like a little girl and he laughed too.
like I said I'm French so sorry for my miserable English, hoping to have been understood.
>> No. 42919
Hey folks, keep discussion about the series itself in the /co/ thread:


This thread should be just about making/finding fansubs.
>> No. 42920
Didn't Nox with the whole "listening to the cube" thing not steal the idea from Quilby? I mean, if I lost an arm due to laser or portal blasts, you'd goddamn jolly well expect me to make plans for a replacement.

And seriously, if you couldn't figure out Quilby was up to something you deserve that padded helmet you wear.

Also Aizen? Really? The first TechnoMagical betrayal I can recall was Visionaries. Clearly, since a cartoon I saw did something vaguely similar it must be what they are cribbing from.
>> No. 42922
And of course I post my response just after you said that, making me look like the dastardly villain.
I need to work on me timing
>> No. 42930
Please post the draft once it's ready.
>> No. 42931
File 132663922793.jpg - (65.98KB , 470x334 , rorschach.jpg )
"and i'll look down and whisper : No."
>> No. 42937
Sorry, the draft-posting is only for when we're running seriously behind schedule. We're running a bit ahead of schedule this week, so no draft-posting.
>> No. 42938

Awesome, got an estimate on when we can expect a release?
>> No. 42943

>> No. 42949
File 132677607561.jpg - (78.41KB , 505x604 , 64141143522893127478493.jpg )
When it's done.
>> No. 42952
Goddamn, why did I come here. Just wanted to check if there was an estimate on the episode, and suddenly DEM SPOILERS.

My own fault, I guess.
>> No. 42954
Get out of here, Colin Johanson
>> No. 42959
I just refreshed and found no episode yet. :(

I'll check back in another hour.
>> No. 42960
Check back tomorrow or in two days. There's no sense in wasting time waiting for the episode only to download it right away. When it comes out it won't go nowhere.
>> No. 42965
Can someone help me out. I've having trouble playing the HD releases of Wakfu on my BD player. It played them fine until episode 15 when the file sizes went from 700~MB to 500~MB.

How could I go about re-encoding them to specs of the older episodes?
>> No. 42969
Try MPC-HC. Nothing changed between the files except Kenny learned about the animation preset encode instead of the default. Plus you can add a bit of customization.
>> No. 42970

Me again. I just wanted to say that while I do blame myself for getting spoiled by coming here, what's up with you guys not caring about spoilers lately?

The release notice of the episode, posted by Kenny, is accompanied by a hella spoilerfic picture already. Even people not waiting for the subs could get it ruined for them that way. Also, all of you discussing the episode here without using the spoiler tags - ironically, since this episode came out, they've only been used to black out a bit of speculation.

So, as this mod here said,
PLEASE try to keep this topic spoiler-free. The discussion topic is elsewhere. And dear sub team, please do not accompany your releases with spoiler pictures of that kind.
>> No. 42971
Where can I start with S1E1? All I know about the series is that it's based on a video game and the art is beautiful.
>> No. 42972

link is already in the OP.
has all Wakfu related stuff you need.
>> No. 42975
Back again. Still no episode yet. =(

See you guys in another hour.
>> No. 42977
It won't be released today.
No need to come here each and every hour. Instead use our Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/#!/wakfu_fansubs . It'll allow you to know that a new episode is out as soon as it's been released.

Here again, the Twitter feed is made for people who want to keep in touch with the releases while avoiding spoilers. So just use it.
>> No. 42978

Can we expect a release tomorrow?
>> No. 42986
Still nothing, eh?

See yah in an hour.
>> No. 42989
Are you being ignorant on purpose or are you just fucking stupid?

Look here: >>42977
>> No. 42990
*pokes head in*

Nothing, eh?

*leaves for another hour*

>> No. 42991
I can view the files just fine on my computer. I'm going to be helping to run a video room at a small gaming con and we plan on playing Wakfu. I want to setup as much of the content on the bluray player as I can. If I have to I'll just use a laptop.

Episode 15 was also when styled subtitles were introduced. Perhaps that might be the cause.

Somethings causing the once clear video to gain artifacts.
>> No. 42993
Looks like you're doing it on purpose to be a prick.

>> No. 42996
Uploads have started, release later today.

Styled subtitles were used since the beginning, so that's not the cause.
Since ep.15, I changed 2 things in my HD encodes:
- I'm using the "Animation" tune preset,
- I switched to a higher quality profile in my encoding software, since I got a more powerful computer in the mean time which allowed me to do so.

I'm still using the same codec, though. But I guess that among the presets that changed in the new profile, one ended up causing your glitches. Problem is, I have absolutely no idea which one it is, so I can't do anything to fix this.

Anyway, if you want to re-encode your vids, you can use XviD4PSP (http://code.google.com/p/xvid4psp/downloads/list). I used to encode the HD vids with the "x264 Q18 HQ" profile.
>> No. 42997

Yes! Yes! This is delicious!
You will post links in this thread or start a new one?
>> No. 42998
In this thread.
I only start a new thread when the current one has reached the limit where it doesn't bump anymore.
>> No. 42999
Someone correct me if I am wrong but some x264 settings can cause improper playback with videos on DVD/BD players and other devices that are not computers. I think its level 4.0 or level 4.1 that most devices have compliance for while anything above that can cause playback issues otherwise. PCs of course really don't have this problem.

The 720p on the other hand is PC only due to 10 bit.
>> No. 43000
File 132699584312.jpg - (150.08KB , 1021x794 , Subs.jpg )
You can finally drop the spoiler tags.

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6J37ZJGE
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/CCCEFUPZ
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=277927

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RK7T3ICO
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/3PYO10KO
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=277926

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BXWC7740
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=277928

>720p Hi10p encode:
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=277904

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?i1z1ec3vevofb1k
>> No. 43002
File 132699675477.jpg - (5.00KB , 202x222 , 1291157982953.jpg )

(thanks by the way)
>> No. 43003

Wakfu get
Also, thanks
>> No. 43004
File 132699994382.jpg - (50.64KB , 864x480 , 1326741907392.jpg )
Fuck yeah! Love you guys!
>> No. 43006
>> No. 43007
File 132700464095.png - (227.98KB , 459x441 , 1326864310788.png )
i tried downloading the megaupload link for the sd hardsub, and the page just wouldn't load. then i found this


probably gonna have to choose a different upload site other than our now-defunct friend megaupload. either way, WOO
>> No. 43008
File 132700484468.png - (49.08KB , 275x270 , yugo deal with it.png )
>that feeling when I downloaded the episode just before MegaUpload got shut down
>> No. 43019
File 132702011253.jpg - (54.25KB , 1920x1080 , moviecap-00001.jpg )
Subs? I feel like the king of..... well, something
>> No. 43020
The torrent for ep20 is up, check twitter
>> No. 43021
When the smoke of MU going down clears, we will have to organize the working links somehow. Ideas?
>> No. 43022
RAPIDSHARE... but seriously I have no idea.
>> No. 43023
There are already mirrors. It's just up to Squid to clean up the links on the Tumblr.
>> No. 43024
Amazing job once again, I was surprised and delighted you guys released so early. Thanks!!
>> No. 43025
I am sorry for soundly like such a noob, I need some help figuring out how these torrents work. I usually just downloaded the HD video off of Megauploads, but since that is not the case anymore, I need some help. I went to the torrent link and download the HD video, but how do I get it to open?
>> No. 43026
Looks exactly the same as usual to me, what extension is the file and what do you usually watch them with?
>> No. 43027
File 132702881538.png - (269.72KB , 912x496 , my body was not ready.png )
My hard drive that held all the season 1 episodes got wiped last week. Does anyone have the DVDRips that they can upload?
>> No. 43028
Oh boy here we go again...
>> No. 43029
He's not talking about the VODs.
>> No. 43030
I have them (along with some other goodies), but my upload speed is atrocious...
>> No. 43032
There is still torrents to work from and I'm still seeding some(demonoid). It will take me some time, but I don't work Fridays so I can upload them all tonight/morning after work. Just tell me where you want them hosted.

Download uTorrent and open the .torrent file with it. It will start downloading. Use an older version since 3.x is filled with hurdur facebook trash.

>> No. 43033
So Quilby didn't seem crazy in Islands, what happened?

And I thought he wasn't the one who built the eliacube, so why is it pulling double duty as his arm all of a sudden?
>> No. 43034
>> No. 43035

Thanks! I downloaded the video and utorrent. I haven't watched it yet, kind of late now. But thanks again.
>> No. 43036
So Megaupload is down.

Luckily there are already mirrors for most of the SD versions, but the problem is the HD versions which can weigh 600-700MB.
Any suggestions for a good DDL site where I could post them in the future?
>> No. 43038
Wonderful subs, team! Thank you (again)!
>> No. 43039

If it weren't for mediafire's file size issues then I would suggest that. Otherwise I would say fileserve is the next best thing for downloading one file at a time. Often gives me a constant 650KB/s which isn't bad and good enough I would say for a ddl. You can also transfer the files via ftp using the server for fast uploads which should be much better than on our end then megaupload was. Downloaders on the other hand would just have to make due.

In other news I have jumped into the world of parallel encoding today and increased encoding speed 4x for the same quality. I'm pretty excited for working this week.
>> No. 43040
Megaupload is not only down, but it seems it's going through legal poopoo at the moment by the Feds. Don't think their service is going to resume, if ever.

Take a look at this and see what fits you?
>> No. 43041
Yeah, too bad Mediafire has that damn 200MB file size limit. I'll still use it as much as I can for the SD releases, but something else will be necessary for the HD releases.
Fileserve doesn't look bad indeed. At least it keeps free users' files for 60 days while most other sites only keep them for 30 days. I'll create an account and give it a try when I have some time.

Thanks for the link, it's very useful.
Among all those DDL sites, I noticed Free Public Sharing Bay. Seems like it allows to store 1GB files, keep them for 1 year, and has no download bandwidth cap. However, it doesn't handle MKV files. I'll have to zip the vids if I ever use this site.
Well, again I'll give it a try when I have time.
>> No. 43043
I have a request, not only for you, but for anyone who decides to reupload season 1.

Wherever you upload those files, please DO NOT name them in any way similar to: "Wakfu season 2 episode 6 - Qilby". This just asks for deletion. Try naming it something like WS2E6 instead.

I'm asking this because I had HORRIBLE experiences when reuploading TV rips of season 1 a year ago ("Adamai" was deleted 6 or 7 times). The good news is, every episode was downloaded over 2500 times on average ("Child of the Mist" had over 5000 downloads) before MU went down - great score, considering that most people probably have chosen the DVD rips/torrents instead.
>> No. 43044
File 132709190456.jpg - (130.14KB , 706x286 , fileserv.jpg )
I've tried to upload to fileserve .flv episodes of season two, but soon uploaded episodes are began to be a non-displayed in the file manager, and on loans after the upload links i've receive a such message (pic)

too bad ....
>> No. 43045
in my case it was a
>Kriss La Krasse
>The Masked Boufbowler
>> No. 43046
Did you name them "Wakfu xxxx yyyy zzzz"? Try doing the same but with a different, less obvious file name (see >>43043) or put them in a zip/rar. May help.
>> No. 43048

spamming a bit here (not on purpose though) .. should have taken your post into consideration.. oh well.. gonna rename and reupload them when they get deleted..
>> No. 43049
Please do NOT post these here. We (the subbing team) have distance ourself from DVD and VOD rips and we wish it stays that way. Feel free to submit it over at BoT but please keep this out of the project thread.
>> No. 43050
short names like WS02E10.flv not pass
short names like WS02E10.rar >has pass
long names like Wakfu - S02E10 - Kriss La Krasse.rar >also has pass
>> No. 43051

sorry about that then
>> No. 43052
I say just stop making the upscales.

They aren't real HD afterall. All the proper res files are below 200MB
>> No. 43054
Here we go again...

I know that my HD encodes piss off tech-nerds because they're not "real" HD, they're just so-called pitiful upscales, they're not even in 10 bits, blah blah blah...
Still, just looking for example at NyaaTorrents' download stats, it appears the HD version is the most downloaded one among all the versions that are released. So I guess it's not that bad after all, and most likely quite a few people might be displeased if I just stopped releasing it.

So I'll just keep on like this for the mere 6 episodes that are left. BTW, if I have to stop something, I'll just drop providing any TV .ts which takes me hours to encode, edit and upload; and just release subs files for the web raw.
>> No. 43055
It's the most downloaded because that is what people think it airs in that resolution as most people do not release upscales at all. They only release the highest possible resolution. To prove my point, the rest of the staff didn't even know it airs in 1440 * 1080i until I told them so while we were having a discussion about encoding. Myself included was quite surprised when I found out it didn't air in 1920 * 1080p due to normal release standards.

That is just my two cents anyway.
>> No. 43056
Fantastic job as usual, Thanks a ton! Good job on how quick you guys had subs up.
>> No. 43058
And I still don't see how my 1920*1080 version is an upscale since it's anamorphic 1440*1080, and your media player "upscales" it to display it as 1920*1080.
Sure I crop a few pixels on the sides, sure I deinterlace it; but in the end it's just as it's supposed to be: as it's displayed on TV.

>They only release the highest possible resolution.
That's precisely what I do.

>the rest of the staff didn't even know it airs in 1440 * 1080i until I told them so
>Myself included was quite surprised when I found out it didn't air in 1920 * 1080p
Which tends to prove that these HD encodes aren't that crappy...
>> No. 43059
Link found on /co/:

Not the best quality, but good enough to be linked as SD.
>> No. 43060

>Illegal Subs?
>Ankama, why has this 'fansub' project continued to spread?

<link to BoT>

>Despite having most of their download avenues destroyed by the fall of Megaupload, this site is still trying to sub and distribute episodes instead of directing people to the VOD or wait for the official release.

>What's more, this site is providing free downloads of episodes ripped straight from the dvd with no watermarks:

<link to plus4chan>

>I stayed quiet before because I figured you'd do something on your own, but now this has gone on too far. You have to stop this.

>> No. 43061
this has not been a good week for the internet
>> No. 43062
>> No. 43063
I saw that shit too.
>> No. 43064
That is clearly a post made by a newfag who doesn't know this subgroup doesn't tolerate watermarkless rips, it has been repeated so many times.
>> No. 43065
i think it's by that one guy who was trolling about a week ago over in the /pco/ threads.
>> No. 43066
>wait for the official release
Still waiting for any announcement about an official English release BTW. That's why we keep on providing subs.

>directing people to the VOD
Not to brag, but I think I was the first one (or at least among the very first ones) around here to buy VOD episodes. Haven't I always been trying to promote them since then?

Anyway, it's not as if we didn't know that kind of guy existed. He's at best a fool who thinks he acts as a white knight by bootlicking Ankama; or at worst a random butthurt dork who holds some kind of grudge against us.
>> No. 43067
To me, it smacks of NewWakfuFag, the self-proclaimed encyclopedia of the cartoon, seeking what he saw as panty-twisted righteous revenge (because everyone is tired of him injecting his conspiracy theories everywhere at every opportunity).

So he gets back at the board that slighted his 'genius', by filing lies and false claims.

I wouldn't put it past him to actually do that.
>> No. 43068
Explain to me watermarkless rips? You mean DVDs and such?

Also it's quite obvious that the companies know about this project already and are handling it in their own way. Notice how the webraw uploads get taken down asap while the subs continue to stay up weeks after release. From this you can infer one of two things.

1. Someone is taking the web rips and posting them elsewhere very fast to some place where they actually are watching for things to take down (highly unlikely)
2. Remove the raws while the sub rips stay up because they are being pretty cool guys when it comes to that sort of thing. Although this doesn't make a whole lot of sense I'm sure we have seen crazier things on the internet.

On top of it all even if they did want people to stop I don't think that would happen. As such those kinds of posts are pointless.
>> No. 43069
Rips without the Ludo or France3 screen bugs.
So, VOD and DVD.
>> No. 43070
Never understood the point of "not supporting" these. If you like something enough you will buy it regardless of the kind of rip you run into. I can understand if a group doesn't want to do it due to laziness or it being pointless but not supporting is quite a new concept to me.

I guess I am personally more an "anything goes" kind of guy.
>> No. 43071
You're also one of those ruin-everyone's-fun kinda guy because you think it's okay to spit in Ankama's face even after they supplied legally free stuff to work with.
>> No. 43072
Just what are you talking about? I don't see any legal subs sitting around bro.
>> No. 43073
Basically we just don't want to piss Ankama too much.
It's easy for you to be an "anything goes" guy while you're quietly sitting in NA. I'm also an "anything goes" guy when it comes to Japanese anime.

But remember that Frenchy and I are French, living within Ankama's sueing range. Of course they know perfectly about us, but they tolerate what we're doing. So we don't want to push our luck too far...
>> No. 43074
It's online => http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/284120-episode-21-saison-2-ile-bellaphones
>> No. 43075
>> No. 43080
Just one question to clarify things: is anyone uploading anything that has been lost when MU died?
>> No. 43082
Just one question to clarify things: is anyone uploading anything that has been lost when MU died? Do we have a plan?

I also noticed that many mirrors for season 2 linked on BoT are dead. If not for the torrents we would be back in the Wakfu stone age.
>> No. 43083
I'm in Europe so I obviously can't see things from the US forum, but what's the username that that's been posted under?
>> No. 43085
Just got onto the site and it's NOT NWF's Wakfu username (Touristism) but someone called Suturb who's just registered today.

I have a feeling that this is the same guy who tried ruining the project via a Zone flash thread on the French forum.
>> No. 43086
Okay. Maybe Qilby sucks balls a bit less than i thought. Sorry guys.
>> No. 43088
By chance, does anyone have another link for the web raw flv ep.20 file since megaupload is now closed?
>> No. 43089

Speaking of which, does anybody have the list of web raw urls that were streamed by ankama? I only have these:

>> No. 43091
Hey sub team, in ep20, Qilby calls the dofus sought by Yugo & co his "backup" dofus. Since a backup usually implies the existence of a primary, is Qilby saying he's got more than one dofus? (And that his dragon sister isn't even in his "primary" dofus?) Or is he referring to something else?
>> No. 43092
Nope he's only got one. Here, it's "backup" as in "that process through which the members of the Eliatrope council reset their lives once they kick the bucket". I think at one point we considered "safeguard" as another translation. Maybe it would have been better ?
>> No. 43093

Ah, that makes more sense. Yeah, "safeguard" or something similar might have made it more clear, but using the word "backup" does highlight that "if-I-die-it's-not-the-end" thought process.

Thanks for clearing that up! :)
>> No. 43094
File 132718390337.jpg - (168.12KB , 550x260 , ! 6150.jpg )
>> No. 43095
File 132718475348.png - (167.28KB , 682x383 , Dead Enutrof.png )
>Preview for next episode

N-no...it CAN'T HAPPEN....No, NO, NO, NO, NO! D:
>> No. 43096
So let's try Fileserve. I created an account and uploaded MP4 version of ep.21 webraw.
Let's see how long the link lasts...

=> http://www.fileserve.com/file/BsAEq7Y

About the vids that were lost due to Megaupload's shutdown: if someone feels like to re-upload them to other DDL sites, please do so. I'll probably won't do it myself because of my pitiful upload bandwidth.
Still, I'll try to see how we can release a torrent batch for the different versions once season 2 is finished.
>> No. 43098
File 132719488830.jpg - (16.58KB , 400x296 , 2353911615_small_3.jpg )
I wonder how long it takes on average to make a sub.
>> No. 43099
ask the germans
>> No. 43100
File 132719857647.png - (212.32KB , 689x893 , are subs out yet.png )
A classic.
>> No. 43103
File 132720937699.jpg - (68.30KB , 1024x576 , Wakfu22_Trailer.jpg )
After the trailer for ep.22 you probably all saw on Ankama's website, here's France 3's version which was aired just after ep.21.

=> http://www.mediafire.com/?2pfjyqg36d8crf3
>> No. 43106

Once again, this is the Project thread. So posts in here should only be about or in regards to the fansubs and related topics to that.
For everything else please use: https://plus4chan.org/b/co/res/155753.html
>> No. 43107
> MaxiMini

http://file.karelia.ru/98z8rz/ - MaxiMini #2 Incarnam !
http://file.karelia.ru/6jwj42/ - MaxiMini - Marwal et Crustacés

> Season 2 .FLV Episodes

http://file.karelia.ru/8jjtfz/ - Ogrest
http://file.karelia.ru/kj55n6/ - Ep 01
http://file.karelia.ru/wn9ksd/ - Ep 02
http://file.karelia.ru/r4tf28/ - Ep 03
http://file.karelia.ru/3gk8gr/ - Ep 04
http://file.karelia.ru/83298t/ - Ep 05
http://file.karelia.ru/gz3z8f/ - Ep 06
http://file.karelia.ru/8sw5j5/ - Ep 07
http://file.karelia.ru/znknqf/ - Ep 08
http://file.karelia.ru/w57848/ - Ep 09
http://file.karelia.ru/8wt4tk/ - Ep 10
http://file.karelia.ru/gg3r2q/ - Ep 11
http://file.karelia.ru/rftr2v/ - Ep 12
http://file.karelia.ru/ktsvqz/ - Ep 13
http://file.karelia.ru/668rdw/ - Ep 14
http://file.karelia.ru/jft3gt/ - Ep 15
http://file.karelia.ru/t3sztq/ - Ep 16
http://file.karelia.ru/nq6vjz/ - Ep 17
http://file.karelia.ru/ws27gt/ - Ep 18
http://file.karelia.ru/73zdgw/ - Ep 19
http://file.karelia.ru/wzjd4d/ - Ep 20
http://file.karelia.ru/zrgvqz/ - Ep 21
>> No. 43110
File 132726511414.jpg - (375.62KB , 989x895 , munope.jpg )
>> No. 43111
I wish there were HD HARDsubs.
>> No. 43115
File 132726942091.png - (701.95KB , 1024x576 , snapshot20120123011518.png )

http://file.karelia.ru/rqgd87/ (S2 Upscales Folder)
>> No. 43116
Hardsubs are already a niche format for the odd people who are streaming or not playing the file on a computer (console). In the case of streaming high res is moot.
Basically, high res hardsubs requires a LOT of extra encoding time, uploading time and extra storage space (or bandwidth in the case of torrents), for basically too few people in that niche to be worth it. Not mentioning that reencoding implies a bit of quality loss, which defies the purpose of HD.

If you're that big of a tech and quality junkie that you have a screen big enough to warrant the use of HD, while not being physically able to bear the little quality difference of SD files, then you probably have the means to connect you big screen to something that can play the softsub files.

And in the event that you do not fit in any of the categories I described, then you fit in an even smaller niche, but still, nothing prevents you from encoding your own hardsubs based on the softsub HD files.
>> No. 43118
Hello subbers. I finally got myself the DVDs and figured out what Ruel and Pinpin were saying in the background about the babies and cabbage in episode 17 (it's easier with headphones). Thought you might want to add it to a future remastering of S1's subs. Or maybe that other person who already improved them.

Pinpin: Euh... je sais pas...
(Well... I don't know...)

Ruel : Qu'est-ce qui te dit que c'est pas vrai ? Hein ?
(Who says it's not true? Hm?)

>> No. 43120

I only said that I wish there were hardsubs in HD. No need to be harsh about it with a "go make your own then" attitude.
>> No. 43121
Sorry if this sounded harsh, it wasn't meant to.
It was meant to :
- explain why there are no HD hardsubs in the releases
- actually give you a way of getting them if you really really want them
>> No. 43127
I'm a minority who's happy with SD hardsubs. I don't need SUPER-RES quality, and a bit of fuzziness feels like I'm watching video proper (in a nostalgic sense, like how extreme sharpness of HD movies takes away some of the theater feel)
>> No. 43129
>Ruel basically telling Pinpin that his belief about babies coming from cabbages is true
oh you
>> No. 43136

Goodbye guys, it was fun while it lasted.
>> No. 43137
File 132733515175.jpg - (29.51KB , 365x358 , Sadcra.jpg )
And Fileserve/Filesonic just died today.
They've been turned into mere online storage websites, with no more sharing features.
>> No. 43138
Qhat the hell is going on with all the filesharing sites, this is not good.
>> No. 43139
File 13273393664.png - (2.40KB , 169x148 , 1301249844786.png )

I am scurred. Hold me internets.
>> No. 43140
under this policy, I think second election campaign of Obama now crumble to dust (I wonder if he realizes this himself?) ......
>> No. 43141
dude this isn't the thread for this

(also a republican president would pass sopa and pipa so i'm still voting for obama regardless)
>> No. 43142
So we basically have only torrents left?
>> No. 43143
We still have torrents, right?
>> No. 43144
Okay, I'm going to brave the toils of an off-topic political tangent here: the White House has threatened to veto SOPA. Obama has nailed his colours to the mast of net neutrality. Not American here, but the way I see it, if your sole concern in this world is getting free stuff off the internet, it's your goddamned duty to keep that lily-livered law professor in office as long as constitutionally possible.

Anyway, back to more practical matters, if we're still stumped as to where to upload these files, the best bet is to use a file-sharing service that does not operate a single server in the United States. MegaUpload was killable because in a pique of stupidity it had bought servers in Virginia, effectively painting a giant "sue me" sign on its broadside. Current laws on the books are more than sufficient to shut down even obliquely US-based services.
>> No. 43145
we have mediafire
>> No. 43147
File 132734476674.jpg - (132.49KB , 600x338 , 130378593291.jpg )

Here is all of Wakfu Season 1 with the Nox, Goultard and Ogrest specials. The speeds are amazing and I think you can even stream the episodes if you want. Just be warned that when you do download it the file name will be a little messed up!

>> No. 43148
I'll share the link on the Twitter feed too, if you don't mind.
>> No. 43149
File 132734848738.png - (128.15KB , 466x321 , 13253826779.png )
It's not really the free stuff, i don't pirate stuff, but i dont know french, see where i am going here? These subs are creative work, if shit goes down, creativity goes to hell.
>> No. 43151
Well, we will have to read the subs on a Worpad Lol
>> No. 43152
You guys aren't gonna stop subbbing despite the filesharing troubles right?
>> No. 43154
Stop subbing...not due to the filesharer problems. Its only a bit problematic to find a site that lets us put up the HD sub version.
My own opinion is that we might should go the road of making that sub into a rar and splitting it into parts, but I'm not sure if that would have quality lose or trouble for our uploader.

But to point it out once again, if Ankama ever asks us to stop subbing we will stop doing it and not start things up again cause the risk of serious legal trouble would be to high.
>> No. 43155
But outside Ankama asking you, ( witch i dont thing will happen, because Ankama clearly knows about these subs but dont stop them, they love their fans) Would there be any other reason to stop subbing, i sure hope not. Also, i dont care for the HD versions, the FLV versions which run at 480 look better then the upscaled ones.
>> No. 43158
In my opinion you should rather focus on making SD softsubbed and be done with it, rather then using time to make HD versions which are not better then the SD versions. I mean, how many actually watch these ''HD'' upscaled versions, waste of bandwith, time, for a minimal increase in picture quality, that results in washed out colours.
>> No. 43160
I wouldn't mind to get just the .ass files so I can sub the vids myself. I love the anime, love the game, would import all the DVDs and subscribe to the MMO... But i'm not learning french!!!
Hell! I don't even speak english as my native language and I go through the english subs just to know what the hell is going on on my screen!!!
>> No. 43161
Hell! Just give me the french script and I'm Google-Translate-ing it myself!!! It isn't illegal to do my own translation work, isn't it?
>> No. 43162
Well as long as you keep it to yourself, whether it's legal or not is rather irrelevant. Even if it were they wouldn't go after someone making a script for personal use.

And yeah, the subbers should just release the .ass files. It would be easier and faster to upload and download. They could even be shared as text files on PasteBin or whatever.
>> No. 43164
Try this


Brought to you courtesy of the men behind Piratebay... AKA master internet trolls, trolling the US since times immemorable
>> No. 43165
>And yeah, the subbers should just release the .ass files
... and that's exaclty what Kenny does, you're just not paying attention

fresh from google translate, enjoy :
didn't turn out as bad as I thought, but there are still a few gems. Also it's not an exposition episode like ep.6 for example, things would be really different.
>> No. 43166
I think he meant "just uploading the .ass files instead of doing all that HD/SD hard/softsubbed jibberjabber", that way we can watch the episodes ASAP.
It's not that I don't appreciate all the work being done here, but maybe with a couple of extra hands doing the encoding with the subs already out we can have the episodes up and running faster...

Also, thanks for the script, bro!
>> No. 43167
you realise there's only a few hours gap between the .ass file being finalized and ready, and the download links being posted, right?
>> No. 43168
Maybe it's because i'm blind as a bat or because im in the middle of my finals and couldn't make a decent search anywhere, but I still can't find the ep. 21 subs...
>> No. 43169
Yeah I don't even care about the release time, I'm just saying it would save everyone (and especially the subbers) time and trouble to skip the video up/downloading.

Give them time, it usually takes a week.
>> No. 43170
well, there's only 5 episodes left, so we might as well keep releases consistent with what has been done this season so far.
>> No. 43172
>I think he meant "just uploading the .ass files instead of doing all that HD/SD hard/softsubbed jibberjabber", that way we can watch the episodes ASAP.

If you do it right the muxing subs to the raw process and doing distro only takes 5mins. This assumes you took the time during the week when everything else was being done to upload the raw to the distro server or encoded on the server and let everything thing. Encoding and let everything sit is what I do myself.

Of course as such the hardsubbed release takes a bit more time and for 90% of groups they just release the SD hardsub release later instead of at the same time as its better for everyone that way. Release stuff the moment they are ready and if people can't wait an hour or two for some eye cancerous xvid then tough nuts to them. Actually encoding the xvid shouldn't even take an two hours due to it being xvid and SD. Textsub() is a pretty cool guy.

Simple way of putting this all is that encoding, uploading, and distro shouldn't be a problem. Xvid SD release on the other hand itself will take an hour or so after release to do but that's it. The only time such things become a topic worthy of discussion and worry is when you are looking to speedsub something faster than you encode it. Not many groups actually run into this and this group especially will not will into this problem.
>> No. 43173
to Ridley i thank you for the upload you made as a recent fan this made it possable for me. to enjoy and understand wakfu and was able to download all of them in about a day. but i wish to bring to your attention that ep 16,17,and 18 don't have subs i don't if me or not but all the others do work. if you guys have advise i would gladly take or if any you happen to have hard or soft subs and know where i can find i would be most thankful for the help.
>> No. 43175
I apologize if this is off topic, but I'm an anime man and I'm not big on cartoons. However this is the first time I've watched a cartoon from Europe, let alone France.

If it wasn't for this subbing team and their dedicated and organized work on this show, i would have given up watching it a while ago and would have never actually touched or looked at the mmo. I can also say with certainty that if any merchandise (DVD's, the like) for this show ever becomes available over here in America i will buy it up.
>> No. 43176
I have no clue what exactly you just said to be honest but I think this should solve your problem.

Step1. Uninstall any media players and useless codec packs
step2. Reboot
Step3. Install cccp http://www.cccp-project.net/
Step4. reboot
Step5. Play the video in mpc-hc that came with cccp.

That should solve most playback problems unless there is something conflicting with mpc which should be solved during step number 1.
>> No. 43181
I've made some reuploads using Mirror Creator. Let's hope at least some links will survive for a few days.

>Ep.21 webraw MP4

>Ep.20 HD realease
>> No. 43184

Believe me, I'd buy the DVDs or Blu rays IF they were available in the US. However, I only dread that a US release would either have US voice-actors from Funimation who overemphasize their speech a la DBZ or it'll come in horrible subs a la "All your base are b'long to us".
>> No. 43185
Because it's a much larger file for no reason when media players do that anyway when you full screen.

I had assumed you did it for anyone slapping the video files on a PS3 or DVR or something. This is me assuming those don't upscale as I've never used one for videos personally.

Either way anything that fits on mediafire may as well be moved to mediafire
>> No. 43186
You can buy all the merchandise you want off Ankama Shop even if you're in the US. Sure the shipping is expensive, but if you buy in bundles it's more bearable. Just be aware that the DVDs are in PAL format, so if you don't watch it on a computer it probably won't play.
>> No. 43187
File 132740885682.jpg - (29.02KB , 329x289 , costanza bonanza.jpg )
>not buying the DVDs anyway
>> No. 43188
To be honest, I don't own any "dedicated" DVD player aside from my computers, so PAL or not PAL isn't an issue for me.
>> No. 43189
Same here, but I assume not everyone is in that case so it's better to mention it.
>> No. 43190
File 13274417106.jpg - (4.85KB , 299x169 , images.jpg )
Back to topic, when is the next sub out.

That isn't from the germans.
>> No. 43192
thank you Sindalf your adivse was wonderful and the subs are back .also sorry for the bad grammer i wrote that post at 2am last night anyway thanks again.
>> No. 43193
your new around here aren't you?
We usually put out the subs on Thursday or Friday, but keep in mind that those are NOT ETAs. Just the days that it usually happens.
We have to coordinate a number of people from different parts of the world and everyone of us also has either a job or are students so we don't have endless amounts of freetime we can put into the subs.
So the guideline for the subs is "its done when its done" but we usually wanna finish subs before the next episode airs so we don't pile up too much work.
>> No. 43194
Hrm...maybe I missed the memo on how to fix this, but the subtitles for "Igole" and "Quest of the Dofus" in Season One don't seem to want to work. Little stripes will appear at the bottom of the screen where the English subtitles usually are, but neither restarting VLC or disabling and re-enabling Subtitles seems to do anything. All the other files have worked fine. Anyone have any suggestions? >__>
>> No. 43195
Just one.

Media Player Classic.
>> No. 43196

I like to watch Wakfu on my iPad while in transit, so I use the program 'Handbrake' to convert to .mp4 and burn the subs onto it.
>> No. 43199

only necessary if you are on Windows 98.
>> No. 43200
Or Avidemux... Seriously, there are so many options for hardsubbing your own videos according to your needs...

Using FFmpeg and Avidemux (Linux user here) I set all my videos to 320x180 HS so I can watch them on my Android phone while on the subway. BEing my phone an "old" Galaxy 3, the videos look great and dont use more than 80 Mb per episode.
>> No. 43201
File 132750620769.jpg - (204.52KB , 1920x1080 , [NoDRM]-112_-_l_enfer_du_boufbowl_3_hd_fr_wmv_snap.jpg )
Uploaded more S1 stuff and made a pastebin of everything I have seen so far (aka this thread).

>> No. 43204
File 132755584052.png - (430.67KB , 912x496 , 1326094999107.png )

Poor Jay, all he wanted was to have a nice dinner with Eva...

But who wouldn't!
>> No. 43205

>Sure the shipping is expensive

I was thinking of ordering from the ankama.en shop soon. Any suggestions of what/how to do it to ensure speedy (or at least stress-free) delivery?
>> No. 43206
Using the EN site is not a good idea. Items are still sent from France, so shipping costs are the same, and it's got a much smaller panel of items (which does not include the DVDs).
Basically, it's meant to be a filter for non-french speakers/readers so that they don't mistakenly order things they couldn't understand.
That's also why you can still order from the french website even if you're from a foreign country, but they make sure you know what you're doing when you do so.
>> No. 43207
How's episode 21 coming along, guys?
>> No. 43208
Try and see if the item you want is on Amazon.fr first; shipping costs are usually lower and I can testify that my delivery went just fine.
>> No. 43210
I can vouch for this guy about Amazon.fr's shipping costs being much lower than Ankama's, as that was where I got my boxset from.

Also, you can buy the artbooks from Amazon.co.uk as well as .fr due to them being bilingual.
>> No. 43211
Ankama's fast; they already have the first 13 episodes of season 2 on DVD and the last 13 are coming out April 4th.
>> No. 43212
But still no VODs...
>> No. 43213
File 132760463572.jpg - (76.57KB , 1500x1500 , 71G7RzS6OlL__AA1500_.jpg )
and here's the boxart for that volume from Amazon.fr
>> No. 43215
File 132760676456.jpg - (205.14KB , 535x800 , don't believe Qilbys lies.jpg )
>> No. 43217
Hey Meowth, did you ever get around to making that FU4WM-compatible VM?
>> No. 43219

I'll be honest. I really cannot decipher the Amazon.fr site. I'd like to get the Deluxe figures for example, but i cannot tell which is Deluxe and which is not.
>> No. 43221
Wouldn't it be the DX ones?

There seems to be DX, Collector, Legend and Hero/HW.
>> No. 43222

Hey, a friend alerted me I forgot the HD Credits for 26 so they have been added for anyone who hasn't seen them.
>> No. 43223
File 132768366846.jpg - (44.35KB , 410x576 , Cleo.jpg )
>Ep.21 subs news
We're a bit late on schedule this week, so don't expect a release before sunday at best, or even monday.
>> No. 43224

Oh don't worry about it, it's fuck you
>> No. 43225
What did you say!?youtube thumb
>> No. 43226
43224 Be trollin'
>> No. 43227

So, what's the main differences between the types?
>> No. 43228
> The DX Collection is a series of 6 exceptional articulated figurines, with two accessories and a bonus part for the collectible Razortemps figurine to assemble!

- HW has nothing special except for a 1-week Dofus subscription.

- Legend seems to have two accessories per fig.

- Collector seems to be Remington-only with two different models. One is 15cm with alternate pieces (face, hands, etc.) and removable weapons, the other is 30cm, seems to have the same parts and they say it's "also a plushie", which seems weird. Both come with a stand.
>> No. 43229
Actually Remi is not the only Collector Figurine in regards to the 18 cm version. The Krosmoz Figurines Iop and Dark Vlad are the same style, and from the box of the Iop Figurine I own it seems like they plan to put out one for each class over time.
>> No. 43230
Yeah but those aren't on Amazon.
>> No. 43234
File 132774427737.jpg - (89.86KB , 911x572 , Amy.jpg )
It's online:
=> http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/284223-episode-22-saison-2-silence-anneaux
>> No. 43235
>> No. 43236
File 132774700034.jpg - (42.09KB , 550x260 , 6155.jpg )
>> No. 43238

Does that mean you'll be pushing back the release date on all episodes after this or are you going to 'get back on schedule'?
>> No. 43239
This has happened before with episode 15 of S2. The next episode's subs (16) were released before its next episode (17).

Now that there's a 2 week break before the show resumes, the subs should be out before episode 23 airs.
>> No. 43240
Let's try Bayfiles:
=> http://bayfiles.com/file/1DVT/K2XGMX/Wakfu_S2E22_WebRaw_MP4.mp4

We'll do what we can...
>> No. 43241
I am disappoint. =(
>> No. 43243
You may want to watch out with the Wakfu figures. Most of them are terrible. Haven't seen anyone talking about those huge-articulation figures though, only the simple ones that come with razortime pieces.
>> No. 43246

Which ones are the huge-articulation ones? The Deluxe? Neither ankama.en or Amazon.fr bother to tell you which is which. For all I know I could end up spending $50 and just get a Happy Meal quality Nox.
>> No. 43247
File 132780398484.png - (520.08KB , 1024x576 , snapshot20120129061035.png )
http://file.karelia.ru/rqgd87/ (S2 Upscales Folder)
>> No. 43249
As long as you order at least $25 of stuff from the shop (easy with how cute the plushies are and how badass the posters are) and it isn't over a certain weight (fairly high...I've ordered multiple large books and not gone over it) shipping is only $10.
>> No. 43250
collection of Web and some TV episodes of the first Wakfu season - (no subtitles)

>includes 3 HQ episodes (6,7,13), relayed by Ankama on Halloween 2010
--> http://file.karelia.ru/v87r6t/
>> No. 43254
>> No. 43257
eh...and subs 21?monday or tuesday?
>> No. 43258
actually today. kenny should be busy with uploading right now.
>> No. 43259
thanks ;)
>> No. 43260
File 132786997864.jpg - (110.46KB , 1024x701 , Subs.jpg )
No more mirror links for the SD releases, MirrorCreator has drastically reduced the size limit for uploaded files. If the DDL links die, use the torrents.

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?35g7zc9r9x7fcmf
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=281710

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://bayfiles.com/file/1Ihp/ktB9ew/Wakfu_S2-E21_English-Hardsubbed_0C62BFC3.avi
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=281709

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://bayfiles.com/file/1Iaz/dphWfm/Wakfu_S2-E21_HD-1080p_English-Softsubbed_FB041D84.mkv
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=281712

>720p Hi10p encode:
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=281711

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?fqe4vf5pvwjkeho
>> No. 43261
Yayyy TY!! :))

Just got into Wakfu again and having caught up, was eagerly waiting for this one. *Is excited to watch* LOVE WAKFU!!! :)
>> No. 43262
>> No. 43263
it's my imagination or BayFiles trying to look like MegaUpload ?
>> No. 43266
What do you expect from people who gave us The Pirate Bay?
>> No. 43267
I think every filesharing site is making themselves look like Megaupload right now. Last week's shutdown was the internet equivalent of the minke whale suddenly disappearing from the food chain, so all the small fry are rushing into the gap and engorging themselves to fill the space with their own biomass.

Anyway, excellent. I shall watch this in the morning. Good work, team!
>> No. 43268
File 132788512381.png - (427.99KB , 896x504 , Wakfu_S2-E21_English-Hardsubbed_0C62BFC3_avi_snaps.png )
IIs there a name for the track that plays during the cave escape when its collapsing?

It also played in the fountain battle Wakfu - Fountain Fight segmentyoutube thumb
>> No. 43269
File 132788518899.png - (291.26KB , 896x504 , Wakfu_S2-E21_English-Hardsubbed_0C62BFC3_avi_snaps.png )

Starting from 27 seconds, it seems the site code removed my timestamp.
>> No. 43270
Thank you so much all the team!
>> No. 43272
>> No. 43273

>> No. 43275
Maybe there's something wrong with my ears or my laptop has contracted some kind of bizarre weaboo virus, but did I hear correctly a japanese soundtrack playing in episode 22?
>> No. 43276
Yes: THE HERO/水木一郎youtube thumb
>> No. 43278
It's no different than having "Broken Glass" playing in one of the episodes.
>> No. 43279
Now, just a question here, taking your average Lyonnaise kid sat a centimetre from the telly on a Saturday morning in his turtleneck pyjamas with a bowl of milky croissants wrapped in an Asterix duvet...would he have the slightest idea what in-joke this scene is referencing?
>> No. 43280
File 132794530780.png - (122.50KB , 431x332 , 1327003373503.png )
>your average Lyonnaise kid sat a centimetre from the telly on a Saturday morning in his turtleneck pyjamas with a bowl of milky croissants wrapped in an Asterix duvet
>> No. 43281
File 132794542538.jpg - (22.37KB , 184x184 , KWANZA NOX.jpg )

>The hero

Dis gun b good.gif

Pic unrelated
>> No. 43282
Also, I can't remember which episode had "Broken Glass" playing, when was that?
>> No. 43284
Let's assume that I'm this kid. What reference?
>> No. 43285
One of the Boufbowl episodes; it was episode 11 from what I remember.
>> No. 43286
Wakfu - Tristepin and Evayoutube thumb
>> No. 43287

yes its episode 11. around the 12 minute mark.
>> No. 43288
No. your point being?
>> No. 43289
The point being kids are stupid, they don't know better.
>> No. 43290
First, you're mixing "stupid" with "uncultured/unexperienced" (who would have guessed, for a kid?)
second, I'm sure you knew 5 languages and were a scholar in at least 10 cultures across the world by the time you were 8 years old, right ? RIGHT ?
>> No. 43291
I hope they dont go this weaboo approuch, ep 22 was not a good episode :(
>> No. 43292
Whats up with the butthurt? they put in a japanese song and suddenly you start calling it weaboo. Its put in there for shits and giggles cause its funny. Also the whole scene is sort of a bit of a parody or homage to fight scene from japanese super hero series and movies.
Seems like to many people keep forgetting that Wakfu isn't taking itself too serious at times and throws in lots of parodies and homages to clichés from stuff like games, animes, pop-culture stuff and just cultural stuff in general.
>> No. 43293
>Seems like to many people keep forgetting that Wakfu isn't taking itself too serious at times and throws in lots of parodies and homages to clichés from stuff like games, animes, pop-culture stuff and just cultural stuff in general.
People also seem to forget that Ankama have a massive interest in Japanese culture anyway, what with them dubbing Gurren Lagann just because they wanted to.
>> No. 43295
Even the first fight in the forest back in season 1 was Japanese-inspired as hell with everyone shouting their power names with the typical backgrounds. If people don't get that Ankama likes to reference Japanese culture at this point, they should go back to whining about weeaboos on /b/ and stop watching.
>> No. 43296
It's Ankama being too busy masturbating to their geek fetishes instead of trying to marry that jacking off with a cohesive, well-paced storyline.
>> No. 43297
Let's not carry this bullshit on in the /coc/ thread though.
>> No. 43298
Did you guys make subtitles for the Maxmini shorts? How many do they intend to release, anyway?
>> No. 43299
Going by the MaxiMini site, three. And I think we wanted to translate the interactive parts before releasing the episodes, please correct me if I'm wrong.
>> No. 43300
Chojiki still has the script for all of MaxiMini 1 (interactive stuff + animation) but I don't know what he intends to do with it. I don't think anyone made plans for the other two chapters.
>> No. 43306
Newfag here, who recently got into Wakfu. Can someone tell me the usual schedule for Kennymc's sub releases? Thanks in advance.
>> No. 43307
There isn't one. Currently ranges from 4 to 8 days after airing.
>> No. 43309
Ah, I see. Thanks.
>> No. 43311
So, from what I gather episode 23 doesn't air in France next Saturday?

Anyone know, if there's an announced airing date for it?
>> No. 43312
Someone said two week break. This week is MaxiMini, don't know what next week is.
>> No. 43313
11th. Then no breaks till the very end on March 3rd.
>> No. 43314
the dates for the last 4 episodes have already been given, so yes, this saturday there will be only a Maximini but after that the run for the final 4 episodes will start.

Le 11/02/2012 : Épisode 23
Le 18/02/2012 : Épisode 24
Le 25/02/2012 : Épisode 25
Le 03/03/2012 : Épisode 26
>> No. 43315
Cool, thanks a lot for answering!
>> No. 43318
I just dl e.21 twice(from otakucop) and for some reason, I don't get to see the preview/credits. I think the 720 10bit may be messed up because I'm not sure about the 1080 one(dl'ing right now)
>> No. 43319
The 720 and 1080 are from the same source file which is the TV rip if I'm not wrong and its cause France 3 cut the credits short.
>> No. 43320
So, you didn't do anything wrong, France 3 mess this episode up. Thanks
>> No. 43322
Since ep.20, the TV rips lack end credits because France 3 skips them.
In my encodes (the SD versions + the 1080 one), I cheat a little and make some video editing using the web raw to add what's missing.
The 720p encode, on the other hand, uses the TV rip "as is", without the credits.
>> No. 43324
So, wait a moment.

If there's only four episodes left, and we have dates for them, then when the hell are the other two specials going to be airing?
>> No. 43325
Maybe sometime after the finale?
>> No. 43326
Your face when... when... the two specials are actually the real season finale at 45 minutes each.
>> No. 43327
That....would be highly acceptable.
>> No. 43328
File 132805933685.gif - (24.24KB , 325x475 , 1325127559483.gif )
thats pretty fuckin respectable
>> No. 43329
I want to believe.
>> No. 43330
oh god my balls
>> No. 43331
If I remember, that leaked rough list of episodes 13-26 had the final as a 2 parter.

You could actually be on to something here.
>> No. 43332
I have a question: is there any way to prevent the softsubs from breaking a line in the middle of a word? It's okay if there isn't a fix for that, but if there is, that would be awesome.
>> No. 43333
As it turns out, do indeed want.
>> No. 43335
In the middle of a word? That shouldn't happen. It can happen mid sentence but for words it shouldn't happen unless it was set manually which im 90% we do not do. Sounds like some random unique playback error.

I suggest double checking your playback set up and subtitle renderer.
>> No. 43336
yes please

unless the specials could be something even more amazing and unexpected
>> No. 43337
Sounds cool, but I think it's a far-fetched theory.

If I recall correctly, the Nox and Ogrest specals aired after season 1 completed, too.

So I wouldn't think much of the next 2 specials airing post-season.

I'm gonna make a wild guess and predict one special is going to be about Elaine.
>> No. 43338
Ogrest was a special that aired during S2.
>> No. 43340
Isn't the Maxi-Mini thing this week one of the specials?
>> No. 43346
don't think so. The previous Maxi-mini episodes were 10-ish minutes, whereas the specials were planned around 45-50 minutes
>> No. 43347
So close to the end of the season and still more filler?

>> No. 43348
My guess is they would consider doing a special on the Eliatrope exodus from their homeworld and how they came to settle on The World of Twelve.

Sounds more logical than a special on Elaine at least, right?
>> No. 43349
I think there's a pattern to it: the entire first half of this season was plot heavy, so all the episodic plots that were in the beginning of the first season are pushed to the second half. Saging because we have gone through this conversation before.

I'd really like to thank you sub guys for finishing episode 21 earlier than expected, as now I can get my Wakfu fix this week from 22. So excited for the finale next week.
>> No. 43352
most likely: more about ogrest

possible: something about the eliatropes/qilby

super wishful thinking: maskemane, maybe something about the brotherhood's pasts (save for yugo)
>> No. 43353
Something about the Eliatropes seems more likely to me than another Ogrest episode, although both are quite possible. A special would probably be the best way to wrap up everything from Les Gardiens, IoW and whatever happens with Qilby in the finale.
>> No. 43354
I just want ANY confirmation that they are still doing those specials. It's been what, 10 months since Ogrest aired? And we still have nothing about any potential new special...
>> No. 43355
Didn't they license 3 specials for the season? Maybe one will air soon, then another after season 2's finale, like with the Nox Special after season 1. It's just a guess though, don't listen to me.
>> No. 43357
They did license three specials. As far as I recall, they cancelled it after one because Ankama Japan couldn't stick to the damn brief (as in "okay, here's Ogrest, he was a pigletty little troll thing that grows into becoming the most awful threat the world has ever seen, his skin is brown..." "NO, HIS SKIN IS GREEN" "...uh...his face is plastered all over the literature, it's established that his skin is brown-" "WE ABSOLUTELY INSIST THAT HIS SKIN IS GREEN" "well then we absolutely insist that you do what you're fucking told or this relationship is over" "GREEN GREEN GREEN" "all right then, if you're going to be that way, fuck you"). Practical downside is, no more specials, at least until they find a studio that can actually follow directions.
>> No. 43358
No, it's the Dofus series that was cancelled because of the Japanese studio being faggots. There was no such mention about the three specials (although the example you state is real, they didn't say the specials were cancelled - although if they were planning to have the Japanese do them too, they may have dropped the idea without telling anyone).
>> No. 43359
I don't see why they don't make them themselves. Also I never looked into how cartoons were made, but don't they spend like a year making all of the episodes, then just air them a week apart? It's just a guess, I just know they plan shit out like a year before the first episode is aired.
>> No. 43360
They do not film an entire season of House before they air the first episode, why should they do this with a cartoon?
>> No. 43362
They finished making this season around October or November, if memory serves. Back in June I think they said they had about 10 episodes left?
>> No. 43363
Apologies for an off-topic post, but I want to rip my Wakfu DVDs to my PC for personal use, and I was wondering what would be the best DVD ripper programme to use to go and do it?
>> No. 43365
Check out HandBrake.
>> No. 43366
I actually downloaded that beforehand, but I'll try it out anyway.

And it's (supposedly) French too!
>> No. 43367
File 132821520543.jpg - (48.04KB , 854x480 , PinpinOuinouin.jpg )
>Ep.22 subs news
We're somewhat taking advantage of the small hiatus, so I'm afraid it means no release this week.
See you next week for further news.
>> No. 43368
File 132821745957.gif - (2.95MB , 267x199 , 1327260836964.gif )
>> No. 43369
1. I am not sad over the fact that there won't be any specials made by the japanese, they just ruin the fancy artstyle that wakfu has.

2. Give the subbers a break, they are using their free time to do this for us, and them. Got stuff to do anyways.
>> No. 43370
File 132821835851.png - (485.20KB , 912x496 , yugo and tristepin are not pleased by your shit.png )
Not cool Kenny.
>> No. 43371
Piss off. Kenny doesn't even have anything to do with the delay.
>> No. 43372
That was a joke.
>> No. 43373
I like the extras. it's exploratory, explanatory, and since someone else is doing it, leaves the Wakfu team more time to focus on the series than worry about filling in all the lore gap.
>> No. 43374
dude everyone is generally really nice to the subbers, save for people who are new to wakfu and don't know about the waiting
>> No. 43375
File 132822868455.png - (247.63KB , 662x576 , Sad Pandawa.png )
indeed! Y U do this Kenny?!
you really make me a sad panda
>> No. 43376
File 13282528464.jpg - (27.30KB , 302x425 , PinpinOuinouin2.jpg )
Yeah, I know...
I guess one of my guilty pleasures is to see Iop-brains crying!
>> No. 43377
File 13282536526.png - (320.56KB , 854x480 , 1327876654478.png )
Sigh, oh well. I can wait.
>> No. 43378
A thought just occurred to me. Why am I not releasing my raw during the week for people to watch? It will forever be a mystery.
>> No. 43379
Well, I don't see the point of releasing another raw, be it a 720p one, since there's already the web raw.
But feel free to release it if you want.
>> No. 43380
Why isn't this scene a gif yet?
>> No. 43381
File 132827203534.jpg - (23.75KB , 450x338 , oh you!.jpg )
Oh Kenny.
You so ka-razy.
>> No. 43382
>> No. 43386
mmm then....subs 22 s2 sunday or monday?Wednesday?
>> No. 43389
Monday after 23 airs
>> No. 43390
so we have to wait until the THIRTEENTH?!
>> No. 43391
Since MaxiMini turned out to be a mostly animated three-parter, I'll post this here if the subbers don't mind. Chojiki has given up on translating the Flash files directly, so we're looking for someone to make subs instead for MaxiMini 1. I know there are several people around who have expressed that they could help with subbing if needed, so we'd like one such volunteer to put subs over the screengrabbed parts 1 & 2 and the animated part 3 (with possibly a little bit of video editing [adding non-sub text on-screen]). The scripts are all ready to go except for a few adjustments for which we were waiting to see how the subbing is done.

Anyone interested, please e-mail me and we'll work out the details.

And a couple related questions for the subbers:
- Should we have you upload it with the series' subs? I expect we'll be exceeding MediaFire's 200-Mb limit so we can't put it on the comics' account either way.

- Was the subbing team going to translate MaxiMini 2 and 3? Otherwise I could tackle that eventually if there's any interest, provided we have a sub maker for them too.
>> No. 43393
1°) We have no DDL account for the series' uploads, aside of my Mediafire free account. So if it's over 200MB, just upload it to any DDL website which will still be running properly by then.
As for torrents, I'll handle them if Sindalf is OK to host this project on his server too.
And of course, I'll share all the links via our Twitter feed.

2°) There's no translation/subbing project for MaxiMini at the moment. The current team is already busy with the end of season 2, so if anyone else is up to the task, fell free to volunteer.

Release of ep.22 depends on how well proofreading goes. I don't know yet when it'll be done exactly, but it'll be next week before ep.23 airs. More details later.

Don't believe everything you can read here, unless it's posted by a member of the team.
>> No. 43395
File 132834911498.jpg - (62.29KB , 635x497 , Ep_23.jpg )
For those interested, the raw for MaxiMini 3 is online:
=> http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/284386-maximini-3-drago-tuning-festival

There's also ep.23's trailer:
=> http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/284391-trailer-griffes-pourpres-saison-2-episode-23
>> No. 43396
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?7ya43cc9a6nx0s4
>> No. 43397
File 13283509207.jpg - (42.79KB , 550x260 , 6171.jpg )

>> No. 43398
File 132835510988.jpg - (226.55KB , 854x480 , 129528342174.jpg )
Is that BLOOD?

Shit's on now, niggas.
>> No. 43399
Contact Sindalf on Rizon IRC (assuming I am awake or actually at my computer) if you need some help. We can quickly discuss this then and I will see what I can do.

Also didn't those also air on TV? Does kenny still have the raws for those? I haven't been following this at all but it seems short so it shouldn't take me long.
>> No. 43400
>Also didn't those also air on TV? Does kenny still have the raws for those? I haven't been following this at all but it seems short so it shouldn't take me long.
No; episodes 1 and 2 are flash animations on the MaxiMini website. However, the MaxiMini episodes are being included on the DVDs.
>> No. 43401
They DID air them on TV
Episode 1 aired after the first episode of season 2 on february 26th 2011
Episode 2 aired after episode 14 on november 5th 2011
>> No. 43403
If Kenny still has those raws around I'll make a fabulous 720p tv encode out of shear boredom. I didn't keep any of them around myself because I thought we wouldn't need them.
>> No. 43405
File 13283718482.jpg - (469.08KB , 640x1440 , subswhere.jpg )
From the makers of "subswhere.jpg"...
>> No. 43406
File 132837193899.jpg - (507.89KB , 854x1440 , subshere.jpg )
...now comes the sequel "subshere.jpg"!
>> No. 43407
>That last image
>> No. 43409
Depends on what you call "episode".
3 MaxiMini "episodes" aired on TV indeed. But for each MaxiMini story, there's more than just these cartoons. There are also flash animations and games you can find on the MaxiMini website, that's what >>43400 is talking about.

For the cartoon part of Seth's project, I have the usual SD and HD encodes I did when it aired, but I'm afraid I don't have the .ts anymore. I'll check my backups just in case though, maybe it's still lurking somewhere. I'll let you know.
>> No. 43412
MaxiMini Incarnam's game doesn't really need translating. Just follow the pictures on the screen to work out how to play. Dragotuning is pretty much the same, except it has a handful of jokes as well.
>> No. 43413
File 132845800257.png - (309.26KB , 854x480 , 1328431131502.png )
James Woods for English Dub Qilby.
>> No. 43414
File 132847279678.png - (389.15KB , 400x550 , tumblr_l929mcaNfF1qbemqao1_400.png )
Hades releases the Titans to further his own goals, Qilby releases the Shushus...Who's expecting an approximation of this scene to play out?
>> No. 43415
>Phaeris would be that way
>> No. 43418
Anybody else afraid that after watching so much of the french version, the english one will feel weird?
>> No. 43419
Of course it'll feel weird. That's inevitable; what we can hope for is that it'll be weird in a good way, like the differing art styles of the specials.
>> No. 43420
Tim Curry. No exceptions.
>> No. 43421
link to here from brotherhoodoftofu.com is to old thread(non-existant)
>> No. 43422
how long is this ep 22 too pop out
>> No. 43423
About a week, judging by the previous subs releases.
>> No. 43424
its been a week already and still no new ep to download
>> No. 43425

see >>43367

Based on previous delayed releases, they should be out by Thursday/Friday.
>> No. 43432
>skipped DAT ENDING.
How the fuck am I supposed to enjoy this then?
>> No. 43433
>Horrible quality recorded version of a super HD flash with looping and rewatchable scenes..

pffffftahahahahahaha. I dunno about you but when i watch Zones masterpiece it's fullscreen HD and lasts alot longer than 4 mins. You don't deserve an ounce of worship. You can't even find the actual flash to watch? What a pity!
>> No. 43434
how long will ep 22 pop out man I'm getting bored of waiting

>> No. 43436

wah wah mean subbers wont ditch their life for my pleasure of watching wakfu SUBBED for FREE

if youre that impatient go ahead and learn french yourself
>> No. 43437
File 132862645699.png - (238.20KB , 500x487 , 1327742373379.png )
I COMPLETELY support this.
>> No. 43438
>Know a good amount of French
>Still don't understand it all due to idioms, slang, puns and cultural references
>Wait for English subs because I don't want to ruin the episode by not understanding something

feels bad man
>> No. 43439
So ... the subs on Thursday or Friday?
>> No. 43440
When they are done.
>> No. 43441
File 132866382770.png - (335.71KB , 854x480 , Qilbes.png )
"Hey, whaddya' doin' there, spud? Can I get ya a drink or somethin'?
HEY! So I've got a little, teensy-tiny, itty-bitty proposition for you(and stop me if I'm getting ahead of myself); WHAT IF, you, the Lord of Shushus were to say, join forces with somebody, someone on the inside who could really let you stick it to em'? Whaddya' say? Do we got a deal or what? C'mon now, I don't have all day y'know?"
>> No. 43442
I for one have the patience of a saint and i look forward to every sub release. I would like to thank everyone involved for their time and effort put into bringing the subbed releases to reality and i look forward to the season finale!
>> No. 43443
File 132866629912.jpg - (133.30KB , 756x459 , jesus christ how horrifying (4th wall edition).jpg )
>> No. 43444
This is a terrible shoop, and I laughed. I actually had to rewatch that movie last night because of you (if you're the guy who's been talking about that VA).
>> No. 43445
It appears that some of the episodes of season 2 could use some reuploading.

Gentlemen, how do we so this?
>> No. 43446
File 132867384416.gif - (2.52MB , 481x356 , tofu kama argument.gif )
Not sure if anyone from /coc/ saw this on 4chan earlier, but I'm slowly going to get around to ripping the "Les Secrets du Tofu" shorts from the second DVD (6 x 90 second animations which don't really need subbing). I need a new copy of the disc though, as the one I have got mangled by an upright DVD player and so isn't able to be properly read by MakeMKV (not to mention that Handbrake only recognises the first epiosde of the six).

I'll update you guys whenever I get around to doing it.
>> No. 43448
Not the same guy but thought that it'd be funny to do. Yeah, I know. My PS skills are pretty piss poor.
>> No. 43462
so ... the ep 22 s2 will be ready on Friday?
>> No. 43463
It's ready when its ready
>> No. 43464

What the hell is wrong with you people?

Every damn time, the answer will be "THEY WILL BE READY WHEN THEY ARE DONE."

The sub crew does an amazing job, and this constant badgering under the guise of "I'm just staying informed." is BS.
>> No. 43465
As much as I appreciate the sub team's work, I think the main cause for concern at the moment is that we're getting ever closer to the movie-like 4-part finale that people won't want to fall behind on because of a late sub release.

We still have Thursday & Friday to go though, and Kenny did mention in >>43393 that it'd be released before episode 23 airs on Saturday.
>> No. 43466
When finale comes, I'm sure as heck gonna stay off this board to avoid spoilers. :P Especially with ones who like to watch early without subs. Happens every time...
>> No. 43467
I just wanted to make a post to say thanks for the great work so far.

I know we can be a little pushy about releases and were probably beyond annoying to deal with but I hope you know we appreciate your hard work.
>> No. 43468
Ep.22 subbed should be released on Friday.

The big delay is of course not due to some lazyness on our side, but once again due to several members of the team being busy IRL. So please stop with the "subs when" posts, it's annoying and doesn't make things go faster.

Of course, we understand why fans are pushy because of impatience, but make an effort too to understand that the job is done when it's done.
>> No. 43469
You bet. If I didn't speak French I think I'd get away from the entire fanbase for a month to make sure I can catch the subs for the whole finale without getting anything ruined. But I'm glad I don't have to.
>> No. 43472
Here we go. Took the time to upload all the SD Hardsubs I have that are under 200 mb to MF:


anybody has a suggestion for another site that lets me upload up to 250 mb with a free account?
>> No. 43473

Bayfiles, I think
>> No. 43474

Do you plan to do softsubs too once you're done with these?
>> No. 43475
unfortunately not. I don't have enough space on my harddrive for all of it and really only uploaded what I personalty have for my own use. Sorry.
>> No. 43478
I've got all of season 1 and season 2 up to episode 21 of softsubs, plus the three specials total. Not sure what of those you're wanting uploaded though, although I can send you the torrent I used for the first season and the first 12 episodes of the second, then upload the rest manually.
>> No. 43480
>of course not due to some lazyness on our side

Frankly I don't think too many people here would care even if it was as all these subs are a.) free and b.) consistent. Honestly I'm more surprised that there hasn't been a spout of laziness here and there.

PS. Thanks again for all your work so far anyways guys. All us french illiterate guys would be nowhere without ya.

Brownnose mode disengaged
>> No. 43483
It's russian storage service. Sorry, no english version.
Need registration to upload, anyone can download.
Up to 5 Gb (really 1Gb upload correctly).
>> No. 43485
All delays are my fault this week because I had a shit load of school work to do and then when it was done I just sorta forgot about working on it. Finished my job this morning though.

Also you can't fansub without being lazy. It's kinda a rule of thumb.
>> No. 43486
Don't worry, all the delays aren't your fault, editing/proofreading took time too.

>you can't fansub without being lazy.
Indeed, if lazyness means "wanting to do the job while providing the less efforts possible".
But if it means "not motivated to do the job", it doesn't get you anywhere, and of course you'll pile up delays. That's what I meant.

Anyway, subs file are now in QC. Uploads will begin soon after.
>> No. 43487
All of us are impatient and eager for the episodes, but the difference is we don't blame the subbers for everything, because we enjoy that they're even doing this. Aside from that, I hope to GOD they announce a third season.
>> No. 43488
I'm hoping they delay the subs just to piss you off.
>> No. 43491
>I'm hoping they delay the subs
wish granted!
>> No. 43492
>> No. 43493
File 132890294514.jpg - (11.31KB , 264x297 , 1268690747245.jpg )
oh no!
>> No. 43494
>> No. 43495
You're dying today.
In your sleep.
>> No. 43496
>I'm hoping they delay the subs
>wish granted!

The Real Reason:

Hello everybody!

Chojiki here, I've got some good news and some bad news...

First the bad news, it’s going to be at least another week before Ep. 22 is going to be out. We over at the sub team would like to apologize for the long wait.

However this leads us to the good news! We've had a thorough discussion about this and we're taking the subs in a new direction.

We're releasing a special preview of our work from Ep. 22. Keep in mind this IS a rough draft, the final will be much, MUCH better.


>> No. 43497
so...the ep 22 subs next week?¿
>> No. 43498
I like the way you troll.
>> No. 43499
Baka, you just went full weeaboo
>> No. 43501

The way you replied made me think they were troll-releasing a part of the episode with weeaboo subs.

Thank god for spyware detection tools.
>> No. 43502
What spyware?

It's just an .mkv file with the battle scene.
>> No. 43503

I raged so hard that I punched a hole in my door.
THIS is why are you taking ANOTHER WEEK???


Please, just release the regular subs without the weeaboo stuff. I don't care about the song during that fight, in fact, I will enjoy that scene more if I don't know what the hell are they singing in the background.
>> No. 43505
>> No. 43506
File 132891412487.jpg - (118.38KB , 1024x698 , Subs.jpg )
Ok guys, time to end the waiting game.

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?cn3vc5ylo6s9rod
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=285930

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?88vnggzz1hcyccy
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=285931

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://bayfiles.com/file/2Cm9/riU2aI/Wakfu_S2-E22_HD-1080p_English-Softsubbed_F25711AF.mkv
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=285932

>720p Hi10p encode:
=> Release a bit later, when Sindalf has time to deal with it.

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?bpg3deeh7g4dtvv

For those who're interested in the Hero insert song, you can find the lyrics and their translation here:
=> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_FgEyHwKm7KCJalEbML7c7-b-iSvv8AcOpbcEmj2iTE/edit
Or see Chojiki's animated version >>43496
>> No. 43507
File 13289146422.png - (1.29MB , 1276x718 , ohu.png )


Thank you guys.
>> No. 43508
Goddamnit, guys!!! You're great in every aspect, even in the trolling!!!
>> No. 43509
Don't forget this is a full featured Fansub! Now you too can be both weeaboo AND ouiabeaux, just switch the sub tracks!
>> No. 43511

Weird. I got a trojan warning.
>> No. 43512
Seems like there's a problem with the Mediafire link for the SD hardsubbed version. Some antivirus softwares, like NOD32, flag it as dangerous.

Note that it's the site which is considered as dangerous, not the file. The video is legit and clean, I've re-downloaded it to make sure.

So, what do?
- It's most likely a false positive. So you can try to disable your web shield just for the time you're downloading the video.
- Or even simpler: just use the torrent.
>> No. 43513

Just scanned my project and the un-muxed files used to make it with MSE. Nothing.

>Note that it's the site which is considered as dangerous, not the file. The video is legit and clean, I've re-downloaded it to make sure.

That's the stupidest thing I've heard today. Why not just mark the entire Internet as dangerous, Norton? You have about the same chance of getting a virus elsewhere.
>> No. 43514
ep22 720p 10 bit http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=285966

Tera Beta too important. Gotta grind like no other.
>> No. 43518
File 132892481429.png - (8.78KB , 485x251 , Alphabet Sufokien.png )
I deciphered most of Breta's alphabet (also used in Machevill harbor and the Trool fair, so I guess it's a Sufokian alphabet).
No super crazy thing hidden in those texts, but small joke here and there, as usual.

Like the inside of the ring reads "made in Amakna, copyr-(ight)"
The flavor text of the TCG cars reads "My precccious"
>> No. 43519
Yeah I was so glad when Yugo read that sign out loud, I'd been trying to figure this out since the Trool fair but I just couldn't get anything. Then all of a sudden I CAN SPEAK SUFOKIAN! (if that's what it is)

Say, speaking of the fair, did you have a look at Wargl's tattoo? It seemed to say SEVE in Brakmarian, and I have no idea why.
>> No. 43521
probably the name of his beloved, since there's a heart tatooed above.
>> No. 43523

Yup, It's always fun to have these alphabets. In the episode "Cleophee" I was able to use Frenchy's Brakmar Alphabet to make out "Touche pas a mon Trool" on those foam fingers everyone in the audience was waiving around. Now with the Sufokian Alphabet, it makes re-watching Episodes better because there's more stuff to find. In the same ep. Yugo or Ruel wins at the "Lucky Wheel" game. Before you couldn't make out how much it was, now you can easily read that the prize was "Bocoup" Kamas.
>> No. 43525
Yeah, that thing threw me off. I thought it would say Kama-something or Loto-something, but those letters didn't work with anything else.
>> No. 43526
On the poster advertising the singing contest, you can read :
>"Nombreux gros lots et gros lolos à gagner"
which translates as "several big prizes and big bewbs to win"

There are also enutrofs sayings in the inn and at the entrance
>> No. 43528
Get home from seeing Star wars in 3D check twitter see new update best night in in ages.
>> No. 43530
File 132894777455.png - (330.96KB , 613x572 , WHY.png )
>seeing Star wars in 3D
>> No. 43532
Thank you so much all the team!

an excellent work as always
>> No. 43533
File 132895273920.jpg - (30.84KB , 450x571 , Plot.jpg )
>I watch Wakfu for the plot

Ep.23 online => http://www.wakfu.com/fr/serie/medias/video-evenement/285756-episode-23-saison-2-griffes-pourpres
>> No. 43534
>> No. 43535
File 132895478664.jpg - (47.25KB , 550x260 , 6251.jpg )
>and also reupload all the previous episodes in the same folder
>> No. 43537
=> http://bayfiles.com/file/2FpV/POsEwl/Wakfu_S2E23_WebRaw_MP4.mp4
>> No. 43539
File 132897956793.png - (794.49KB , 1024x576 , Sonic.png )
Ep 22: - lol
>> No. 43540
Ha ha ha
Holy shit
I didn't even notice that
>> No. 43541
ALL OF MY KAMAS! And... wait a sec... Here, u can have my kidney too.
>> No. 43544
Animu fight sequence makes me seethe.
>> No. 43545
Guys, remember, the rabid fanbase isn't bitching at you, but the series, your efforts, are still appreciated.

Good on you.
>> No. 43546
i know this isnt allowed in this thread, but for those that saw the 23 episode you all are thinking what i am thinking: SHIT...JUST...GOT...REAL...
>> No. 43547
If plot is for the trunk, Imma say I watch it for the 'story'. Yeah, that's it, story.
>> No. 43548
File 132899397277.png - (544.98KB , 907x513 , DudemanCra.png )

>> No. 43549
File 132899579373.png - (394.05KB , 1024x576 , snapshot20120212012429.png )
>(S2 Upscales Folder)
>> No. 43556
OMG OMG OMG GOULTARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> No. 43557
File 132903213069.png - (1.31MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2012-02-12-01h31m57s144.png )
>> No. 43560
File 132905453241.png - (283.89KB , 896x504 , Wakfu_S2-E22_English-Hardsubbed_D2293C7B_avi_snaps.png )
HERO MODEyoutube thumb

>This whole fucking moment
>> No. 43561
File 132906152176.png - (169.09KB , 896x504 , Wakfu_S2-E22_English-Hardsubbed_D2293C7B_avi_snaps.png )
I need a "Are you a ____" caption for this.

Any ideas?
>> No. 43562
"Are you a legend?"
>> No. 43563


[spoiler]Time to grab someone with photoshop[/spoiiler]
>> No. 43564
>committing suicide shortly after that scene
choose two
>> No. 43565
File 132906621921.jpg - (145.07KB , 912x496 , 132899391694.jpg )
On the topic of macro requests, can someone share that perfect "How about I slap your shit" one with Alibert?

And for a more relevant request: the test dub has been taken down from the Brotherhood of the Tofu website. Does anyone have a back-up, preferably of both parts?
>> No. 43566
Are you a shushu?
>> No. 43567
File 132907018179.png - (183.14KB , 896x504 , legend.png )
Good enough?
>> No. 43568
File 132907047047.jpg - (177.58KB , 912x496 , slap.jpg )
Kinda related, because this should be a subbing thread. Next time anyone of you wants something, ask in the proper thread.
>> No. 43575
On a more relevant subject, does anyone else have problems with the subbed episodes freezing up during the opening titles? Only the subbed episodes (specifically SD hardsubbed), and only during the opening titles. The rest of the episode is problem free.
>> No. 43576
What video player are you using? Works fine on VLC.
>> No. 43580
This has been addressed before from what I remember, and it's got something to do with the karaoke function and your processor or something along those lines (it happens to me as well).

Isn't there an alternative sub track with each release which has no karaoke on it?
>> No. 43582
File 132909816370.png - (504.04KB , 613x1306 , wakfu ff9.png )
>> No. 43583
A small question to ask the sub team:

I remember that a while ago there was some talk about you guys wanting to redo S1 from scratch at some point. Is this idea still up for discussion or has it now been ignored altogether?

Question has been reposted as the original post made no fucking sense
>> No. 43584
For all releases the op naturally has more bit rate than the rest of the video due to the quality and fast motion of it. This will cause you to use higher amounts of cpu. For just the softsub the karaoke will murder just about any non heavy duty cpu. Karaoke like ours is not meant to be softsubbed for those reasons.
>> No. 43585
On the hardsub? Don't think so.
I'm watching the hardsub. Does the same still apply?
>> No. 43588
File 132911885010.jpg - (64.96KB , 281x267 , derpstepin.jpg )
I have a nooby question here.

In the spoken French, the Iop is called "Tristepin", but in the English subs he's called "Sadlygrove".

I assume there's an explanation (other than I might be part Iop myself)?
>> No. 43589
Sadlygrove is the official Ankama translation of the name. That's the only reason why it's used.
>> No. 43590
I thought his name was Tristepin Percedal, but he was called Sadlygrove at times, or just Grovy as a nickname. It has an "official" translation? Lol
>> No. 43591
As for why they translated it as such, Tristepin literally means "sad pine" and is not an actual first name IRL.
>> No. 43592
Not "official", but 100% official, made by creators themselves (not by a network, not by a distributor, but by the people who MADE that character).

In France it's Tristepin Percedal aka Pinpin.

When the first episodes were coming out, subbers had only his full name translated on Ankama's English website - Sadlygrove Percedal - with no nickname in sight. So they decided to improvise and did the same thing that Yugo did when he named him Pinpin - took out the ending of his name and made it sound silly.

Sadlygrove became Grovy.

And, in a span of about two years then TWO test dubs by Ankama came out. One nicknamed our Iop Dally, while in the latter one he was being called Saddy. Yes, it's confusing and the artbooks didn't help us at all.

And so, because apparently even Ankama cannot make it's goddamn mind about it and people already got used to his fansub nickname, Sadlygrove remained Grovy.

Whatever you chose to name him, people will know who you mean. We got used to him having more names than the rest of the cast combined.
>> No. 43593
Not only that, but in this episode (Crimson Claws) he gets credited twice - as Tristepin and Tristecoeur - but with the same voice actor for both. All I can say about that is "Bwahahahaha".
>> No. 43594
My guess would be that they use "Tristecoeur" for the combine form of Tristepin and Rubilax.
>> No. 43595
>Rubilax & Tristepin
>Sad Heart
Oh wow. I'm loving this name.

You think it's some kind of foreshadowing?
>> No. 43597
The newest episode won't stream for me on either Ankama's website or Ludo's.

I'm going to start breaking things soon.
>> No. 43598
Ludo doesn't work outside of France.

Download the episode here: >>43537
>> No. 43599
And in Germany he's Tristemax.
>> No. 43600
Well, I have never really looked into xvid compression because its just not as good as x264 but those releases should work on just about any computer, even those from years ago back when we had Pentium 2 and 3. In other words, you have some serious issues if its performance related. I suggest doing a crc check on the file and then looking to do some clean up on your computer.

Also VLC is pretty junky for everything that isn't streaming video. Use this and the video player it comes with, mpc-hc. http://www.cccp-project.net/

Also unless you were using nightly VLC, 10-bit videos should work for you now. Stable VLC does not have this coded in yet.
>> No. 43601
What's the word on those english dubs anyway? I'm actually kind of looking forward to see how they turn out for fun.
>> No. 43602

oh god that would be so terrible.
>> No. 43603

So far we have nothing new since the test dub that was shown during some Cons such as AX.
I'm checking every once in a while, so you can be sure I will post about it if we find out any more news regarding the dub.
>> No. 43604
Yeah, Tristecoeur is the name of his Rubilax-possessed form. It's been out there for a long time although I don't know where it was first mentioned (probably an artbook?). If you look it up on dA for example, you can find results dating back to January 2010.
>> No. 43618
I hope it's not just foreshadowing but some hardcore plot-revelation about his past... hopefully something epic and surprising.

This show has so much potential - but sadly it might not go too deep because it's a kiddy show. :P
>> No. 43624
File 132926102239.jpg - (41.24KB , 570x238 , RUSSIA-SUBMARINE-NUCLEAR-DISASTER-large570.jpg )
When is sub burning out?

>> No. 43625
subs usually come out every week, just wait
>> No. 43626
File 132926446332.png - (151.17KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2012-02-15-00h56m28s212.png )
I saw the episode 24 at home and it is truly amazing. do not miss the episode for any reason. the end of this season will be great.
>> No. 43627
I think the majority of us would prefer it if you deleted that image from your post, especially as it's from an episode which hasn't even properly aired yet.
>> No. 43628
File 132926545181.png - (256.03KB , 854x480 , vlcsnap-2012-02-12-21h50m51s110.png )

don't worry, I took a picture of a scene that was already in the preview of episode 23 so that there is no spoiler
>> No. 43629

Well I suppose that's alright then.
>> No. 43630

ROFL! You didn't even read that post did you? All you saw was "When words words words sub words words coming out?".
>> No. 43631
By any chance, dis you save the raw file from Ludo's stream?
Getting it earlier might help us sub it a day or two faster once we're done with ep.23
>> No. 43632
Frenchy Anon

in reality, it is a friend who gave me the episode 24. he did not tell me how he got it.
yes,I can help you if you will . do you speak French? it will be easier for me to express myself
>> No. 43633

in all cases, the episode 24 is in my computer. but if I give you the first, I only ask you to put it online on Saturday, otherwise it would be unfair to the French who are waiting for the episode.

sorry for my bad english
>> No. 43634
just e-mail me : frenchyanon@gmail.com
>> No. 43635

I sent you a message
>> No. 43636
>Getting it earlier might help us sub it a day or two faster once we're done with ep.23
Great excuse for "I want to see that episode earlier" Frenchy.

But hey, if it speeds up the subs a bit then I'm not complaining.

Too bad others have to wait... Oh well, it's only 3 days.
>> No. 43639
File 132930357276.png - (168.42KB , 896x504 , subtlecrackatthecaptain.png )
I was finally just able to watch the episode and I have to say, pic related is why Ankama is currently the shit. Overall it was an amazing episode, and even at the end, during the credits Ankama still manages to throw out a joke.

Kennymc & rest of the subbing team, I've been following this project since S1 but rarely post, and i have to say; awesome work! Keep it going! Each and every sub captures and relates all the great jokes and double meanings behind Wakfu. All the subtleties, all the class! Cant wait for Ep 23.
>> No. 43643
It's kindda unfair I would say. I am going abroad right on Friday and I'm back in 2 months time. Could you please upload the 24 episode??
>> No. 43645

I mean, you guys could become heros, if uploading this 24 episode before Saturday. You know, making the world better place!
>> No. 43646
What good would it do? You'll still be missing 25 and 26 and you'll want them even more since you'll be half-way through the finale. Better cut it now before you get too involved into it. When you get back you can watch the four episodes in a row and be amazed.
>> No. 43648

Not really. During 10 days I'll be travelling without any Internet acces. Then I will be able to watch next episodes. I really would like to watch it before going abroad. Too curious. I beg you guys.
>> No. 43649
We have already said it. We are not gonna leak episode 24 before it airs in France.
All we would do by leaking it early is painting a big fat target on ourself and risk that the team will betaken out of operation. Ankama has left us alone so far, no need to test our limits.
>> No. 43650
I understand, but you broke my heart.
>> No. 43653

Guys, general discussion is over here:
This thread is only for the fansub project and anything related to that. So please take the general discussion to the right thread.
>> No. 43654
How come you guys get to watch it?
>> No. 43655
I just want to know if Yugo gets to punch or kick something! Just that.
>> No. 43656
Ludo (the channel block that Wakfu's part of) mistakenly uploaded episode 24 to their web TV channel instead of 23, as witnessed here: http://www.wakfu.com/fr/forum/20-discussions-generales/199850-question
>> No. 43657
How do you think they're going to sub it if they don't watch it? You cunts keep complaining that subs don't come out on the same day the show airs, and when the team gets a chance to translate an episode faster you complain that it's unfair for you. This fanbase is the worst.
>> No. 43658
I could see what you mean I think. It kind of cheapens the events where it's SUPPOSED to be an actual crazy superpower thing. Like the fight with Nox vs Grougal. And also if a trool could simply snap Clephee in half like that without dying, why fear death at all?
But then again, regarding Grovy - he's supposed to be a super strong Iop, no? So I guess the piercing rocks thing is supposed to somewhat embellish that.

I agree... what a terrible fanbase, the majority of us. :/ If it's unfair to release ep. 24, it's unfair. And come on, ep. 23 didn't even get translated yet. The subbers get to watch because they sub for us. Simply as that. :D
>> No. 43659
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>stereotyping an entire fanbase due to some impatient morons
>> No. 43660
hey, woah, we are not nearly as bad as most other fanbases out there, dude.
>> No. 43661
Remember the part where Yugo was raised by a badass bounty hunter for most of his life? He was bound to pick up some moves.
>> No. 43662
>Grovy - he's supposed to be a super strong Iop, no?
I doubt anyone in the group except Yugo is a particularly epic example of their class.

I'm going with proportions. You don't have to feel concerned by the accusations.
>> No. 43664
I'm not saying that Yugo doesn't know some bad-ass moves, neither am I complaining about it. He is a good fighter in terms of speed and agility, but he isn't physically strong and him simply kicking someone should not do much harm. Hear me out.

Ok, we have this kid, who knows magic, is basically an immortal king of space dragons, yadda yadda. Cool, this is fantasy, suspension of disbelief and all that, it's pretty awesome and I dig it. When he uses his powers, like during his fight with Nox, it's not only understandable for him to kick ass, but that's what should be expected from him. But Yugo is not Superman - his powers aren't turned on all the time no matter what happens, he has to activate them manually and if he gets caught or immobilized (for example, his hands get tied - episodes 1.13, 1.14 or 2.04) he is defenseless - because without those powers he is just an average kid. He is more than capable at what he is doing - teleporting around, using super speed, shooting lasers - but in a DIRECT physical confrontation, when not using his abilities (and most of those depend on constant movement), he is just a regular 13 year old boy who can get his ass beat like anyone else. One of the few good things in episode 1.05 was Yugo burning and hurting his hands after using them to break his fall and stop moving. He is just as vulnerable to harm as anyone else.

It's not a problem of me needing a bit of reality to accept all the crazy stuff like >>43652 suggests, but a problem of consistency. As long as Yugo gets to spam teleport and super speed (read: he is using his powers), he can kick as much butt as he wants, but catch him off guard and he is toast. Again, there were a few episodes where he couldn't do a thing just because his hands got tied behind his back. Him using only physical power on larger opponents make little to no sense when he can simply blast them away.

Ok, enough of this, before a mod bans me for offtopic (sorry, won't happen again, I swear).

That was a ludicrous mistake to make. Now we have people who can spoil us a day before the episode comes out. Shit sucks.
>> No. 43667
Report one of the posts with a "I can't delete this" message
>> No. 43671
>> No. 43673
Looks like NewWakfuFag's panties were so twisted he forgot to input his name.
>> No. 43674
1. I'm not him (take that insult back, you godless bastard!)
2. https://plus4chan.org/b/co/res/159566.html (there's enough offtopic in this thread already)
>> No. 43679
I'd really appreciate if you guys could keep the discussions in the right thread. I just come here to look for subs and don't want to read more spoilers than necessary.
>> No. 43688
For people who want to keep up-to-date-ish on how the current episode is going, don't forget my blog! http://ebonysable.livejournal.com/3341.html
>> No. 43689
>Ep.23 subs update
Just finished the subs, uploads will start shortly.
Release in a few hours, probably in a new thread. There's still a few posts till this one reaches autosage, but I think the great 4 episodes S2 finale deserves its own thread.
>> No. 43690
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>> No. 43691
>> No. 43692
>> No. 43694
>> No. 43696
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>> No. 43697
Any word on subs?
>> No. 43702
Subs for ep.23 available in new thread, as promised:

=> >>43698
>> No. 43809
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The end is near.
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