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File 132570368269.jpg - (91.08KB , 800x450 , Ep18Cleo.jpg )
42789 No. 42789
New year, new thread, and new member in the Brotherhood of Tofu.

Useful links, as usual:

- Mutant Squid's blog, for everything Wakfu related you'd want to download:
=> http://brotherhoodoftofu.com/

- Our Twitter feed to keep in touch with the releases:
=> http://twitter.com/#!/wakfu_fansubs

- Current thread in /co/ for general discussion:
=> https://plus4chan.org/b/co/res/152127.html
Expand all images
>> No. 42790
File 132570412042.jpg - (118.25KB , 854x581 , Subs.jpg )
More Cleophee goodness, finally in English.

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9X4L4RJM
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/7ASPLIH3
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=273888

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4DI7RKOL
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/03UXDQ52
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=273886

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XXF8B3J6
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=273889

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?am6ddcy80bhhtvs

>720p Hi10p encode:
=> Release later, when Sindalf has time to deal with it.
>> No. 42792
File 132570547787.gif - (1.50MB , 350x219 , 1325361774785.gif )
>> No. 42793
Finally I'm in time!
>> No. 42794
File 132570791447.png - (194.37KB , 450x375 , 13198359876.png )
>> No. 42795
Episode 19 720p 10bit

Sorta forgot to move the raw to the proper directory. My bad.

Now I am off to play more Katawa Shoujo.
>> No. 42796
File 132571261658.png - (966.75KB , 1256x1080 , AxY_2_0.png )
>> No. 42797
woohoo, downloadin'!
>> No. 42798
Good work you lot, eagerly awaiting the new episode!
>> No. 42800
Woo, thank you sub team! :D
>> No. 42801
File 132573374230.png - (337.39KB , 929x511 , chochanna.png )
I'd let you guys bake my baguette any day!
>> No. 42803
well, we have maybe 3 to 4 people interested in baguettes, the rest of the team prefers donuts, if you know what I mean.
>> No. 42804
File 13257456825.png - (97.50KB , 213x264 , 131159539819.png )

You mean like penis and vagina? HOW FRIGHTENINGLY UNCOUTH
>> No. 42805
File 132574955547.jpg - (75.74KB , 696x660 , homer.jpg )
Mmmm... donuts...
>> No. 42806
When does the hiatus end? Will there be a new episode next saturday?
>> No. 42807
Hiatus is supposed to end on the 14th.
Next saturday will be a rerun of the Ogrest special.
>> No. 42810
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>> No. 42811

>> No. 42812
Hurrah! More Cleophee!!
>> No. 42813
I just started this show a week ago and here I am already caught up.
>> No. 42814
File 132588056957.jpg - (34.54KB , 1024x576 , moviecap-00001.jpg )
Just how do genetics work in this world?
>> No. 42815
Her mother was obviously into tentacles if you know what I mean.
>> No. 42818
Is it just me who notice that when the ship in the end set sail. The sails are a pair of ginormous panties and a bra?!
>> No. 42819
how does adoption work ?
>> No. 42820
On the site, it explains that he adopted her when she was quite small, and still hasn't told her that he isn't her genetic father. She's probably old enough to have worked it out, the question is, does she care?
>> No. 42821
File 132591350163.jpg - (172.37KB , 501x598 , 12739405723.jpg )
What's up with the increased amount of prostitution, decadence and sexual references in season 2?
>> No. 42822
File 132592558544.png - (503.56KB , 939x508 , yougonnagetsmisse'd.png )

You complaining son?
>> No. 42823
I wonder where you saw that, because it's not on her profile page.
>> No. 42824
Anyone know when the show will come back from the hiatus? I guess I missed the whole "we're having a new years break" thing.

Forgive me for not knowing, I rarely get the chance to use the internet these days.

Also, thank you for the subs, based subs-team.
>> No. 42825
Just popped in to say thanks to the the fansubbers. You guys rock!
>> No. 42826
They come back whenever they come back which, by Ankama standards, will prob be some time in May for another Boufbowl arc, then August for to carry on the plot.
>> No. 42827
See >>42807
>> No. 42828
Trailer for next episode: "Le Zinit".

>> No. 42829
Wait, Mount Zinit is supposed to be the mountain Ogrest is sitting on - and the original spaceship of the Eliatropes. Is this the same Zinit, or is it just some french word?
>> No. 42830
Mount Zinit IS the Zinit. Ogrest is currently occuping the top of it, so this should be fun.
>> No. 42831
>Encre Noire, le poulpe adoptif

>Elaine entretient une relation toute particulière avec le capitaine du Singe Hurleur, un Kralamoure nommé Encre Noire. Loin de s’étonner qu’un poulpe puisse commander un navire, la jeune fille va jusqu’à considérer l’animal comme son propre père ! Il faut dire que le mollusque n’a jamais rien fait pour la détromper. Au contraire, il veille sur elle comme le ferait un parent, et lui donne plus d’amour qu’aucun autre Kralamoure du Monde des Douze !

>Black Ink, the adoptive octopus

>Something like: Elaine has a very particular relationship with the captain of the Howling Monkey, a Kralove named Black Ink. Far from being surprised that the octopus commands a ship, the young girl considers the animal to be her father! The mollusk has done nothing to disabuse her. Instead, he watches over her like a parent, and gives her more love than any other Kralove in the World of the Twelve!
>> No. 42832
File 132600501353.gif - (1.84MB , 456x248 , Plot.gif )
I cannot wait
Any Idea if there will be another special episode coming up soon though?
>> No. 42834
Yeah, I would like to see a special about the main characters is drawn by Ankama, - not the devil knows who. Еnough already of all garbage like Ogrest special ....
wants a normlany special episode.
>> No. 42835
>enough of Ogrest
Yes, enough about the most important creature in the entire world, about who we know very little and what we know is often contradictory! Let's have a special about Yugo or Grovy, those two had way to little screen time.
>> No. 42836
stupid trolling attempt.
>> No. 42837
The original post was fucking stupid and clearly a troll attempt.
>> No. 42839

why Do not think about the Christmas special, like in anime?

why just Ogrest?
>> No. 42840
it seems that someone is short of imagination ..)
>> No. 42841
I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say with that post.
>> No. 42842

what planet are you from? :D, Bwahahaha!
>> No. 42843
File 132604598127.jpg - (179.06KB , 560x445 , Get-Off-My-Lawn.jpg )
>brags on how he sucks at grammar
>writes how he laughs like a retard
>uses emotes
>> No. 42844
File 132604676444.png - (308.90KB , 1268x706 , 754653453.png )
I hope we get an Eliatrope special.
>> No. 42845

I am just Otaku from non-English speaking country

and you a dumb Troll.
>> No. 42846
i am wagering on an eliatrope special and maybe a maskemane one.

maskemane is just me being really hopeful, though.
>> No. 42847
File 132605090853.jpg - (16.45KB , 310x300 , dammit_yugo_.jpg )
>I hope we get an Eliatrope special.
I'd cream my pants...
>> No. 42849
Oooh, found some Q&A bits by LG's lead developer, Azael. It's a post on his blog that was made this December. Some tidbits on unanswered stuff and what would have happened if the game had continued, via Google translate:

Apparently Boa survived the battle with Naïl, but was grievously injured. Afterwards, he came to realize that Baltazar had lied to them and that Naïl was right all along. Disillusioned, he retired to a private island and let the others think he was dead. Only Cyd knows the truth and sometimes visits him for advice, since the population now relies on him for leadership.
As one of the future quests now cancelled, Barron would grow suspicious of Cyd w/regards to the Blades since he skips meetings and shirks some of his responsibility and have the PC investigate him. That's how you'd eventually find the hidden island and Boa.

They didn't know whether Naïl or Baltazar survived the battle at the end of the first game, so it's unclear if they're dead or survived.

Zora survived and would have given you another quest. Tofu-related, of course.

He's going to make an article in March after finishing work on Wakfu (the game) detailing more about the aborted story arc of the game. I guess this will provide closure on various mysteries.

The Pikou race in the game were created only for LG and were based on imaginary creatures Azael made up when he was little, who caused trouble. Apparently, they were meant to warn against releasing Naïl, but did a bad job of it.

Players wondered what was inside Barron's chest in the library, this will be revealed in the article. I guess it's info on the Eliatrope civilization and some kind of clue that the outside world still exists.

The Blades will be detailed in the article. One hint he gave was that some of them were characters from the first game...

>> No. 42850
That's what I'm saying. You said
>it explains that he adopted her when she was quite small, and still hasn't told her that he isn't her genetic father

The profile says
>she even treats him as her father

You're gonna get people confused.
>> No. 42851
Hmm, maybe I misread/misunderstood it.
>> No. 42852
Completely forgot this in my last post, Azael hinted at NPCs from the game possibly appearing in the show's final episode(s)...
>> No. 42854
>> No. 42863
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Good thing they've added Cleophee. Conflict between characters is always good for a story. Since Eva's sister is rebellious brat maybe we'll get some "fresh air". (Or not, because season is slowly ending.)
>> No. 42864

There's 7 episodes left of season 2, and there is still the possibility of season 3... It's up to France 3. I think it's in their best interest to keep it going (from what I hear, the show is doing quite well in France) so I'd say the likelihood of a season 3 is pretty high. I know at least the creative team wants to do it, and I'm convinced they could make it well.
>> No. 42866
there needs to be way way way less filler if this show is to keep my attention : /
>> No. 42867
For Iops sake, learn what that word actually means instead of throwing around buzzwords.
>> No. 42869
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>> No. 42870
Someone's damaged by Naruto.
>> No. 42871
So... about that trailer. I'm surprised no one is talking about what the in-universe alphabet spells out there.

"I killed Yugo"
>> No. 42872
might be cause this is PROJECT and not General discussion.
Also most people who wanna talk about wakfu seem to be over at 4chan.
>> No. 42873
There is a thread on +4chan's very own /co/ for that kind of discussion.
>> No. 42874
There are tons of posts in this thread that aren't about the subbing at all.....
>> No. 42877
Don't be like NewWakfuFag.
>> No. 42879
just saw the latest translation and wanted to say thanks to the subbers. Here's to another job soon to be well done by you translators (rises wine glass)

I still can fathom that a guy with such a gentle demeanor like Quilby would betray the Eliatorpes and kill Yugo. On another side note: do you really believe Eva really needs to lighten up?
>> No. 42881
not to the extent that she'd be basically making herself into someone she isn't just for grovy
>> No. 42882
I wish people would stop blowing up this latest conflict. Eva calmed down last episode and it was more about Cléophée joining the gang than anything between her and Tristepin. She was even ready to conceed letting Cleo in, but Amalia protested. If anything, the new interpersonal conflict will be between Cleo and her, not Eva and Tristepin.
>> No. 42883
there was nothing about eva accepting her into the group, her thing that episode was wondering if she needed to lighten up.
>> No. 42886
File 132653418616.jpg - (105.93KB , 1024x576 , Qilby2.jpg )
Online here => http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/283982-episode-20-saison-2-zinit
>> No. 42887
Quite intereting episode, don't you think.
But I have one request: What did Sadlygrove say at the end of the episode. Something with Evangelyne, but I'm not sure what. Help guys!
>> No. 42888
File 132653597523.gif - (1.09MB , 423x200 , Ws2e20.gif )

Click the "file name" to order by name, if the series does not fit on one page, use the [Next] and [Previous] button
>> No. 42891
File 132654457752.jpg - (34.01KB , 859x454 , 20.jpg )
It begins.
>> No. 42892
File 132654566649.png - (325.65KB , 854x545 , 1326535612045.png )
more than you think
>> No. 42894
He was only telling her about his brother Adamai and the adventures the Brotherhood had.
>> No. 42895
Hmm, I heard the word "dragon" in Yugo and Elaine's dialogue. What if it turns out Elaine is Shinonome reincarnated? She is an orphan, knows the route to the Crimson Claw Archipelago, where Shinonome's Dofus is said to be... Maybe she's like Arty in the Dofus comic and doesn't realize it yet?
>> No. 42896

holy shit is this what eliatropes can turn into?
>> No. 42897
Downloadable MP4 version:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5J7E0B4X
>> No. 42898
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>> No. 42899
Well they started this season ripping off Dragon Ball Z and now they've gone on to steal wholeheartedly from Bleach as well. And oh look, a girl power episode is coming up next we haven't had one of those since...Episode 10, 11, 12? God...at least we might get some decent bits with Cleo and Ami.
>> No. 42901
>now they've gone on to steal wholeheartedly from Bleach as well
>> No. 42902
>10, 11, 12 are girl power episodes
>when amalia and eva had to turn into GUYS just to play

piss off
>> No. 42903
>best player in Brakmar is revealed to be a girl
>day has to be saved by a technique Maude taught Kriss
>crowd shouts Long Live Women

How is that not girl power?
>> No. 42904
File 132656246259.jpg - (407.00KB , 883x636 , aizen_hollow_form_by_drickenin-d2yfsr0.jpg )
>Aizen, the villain
>Traitor who pretended to be a nice guy
>Stupid looking super transformation
>Petty excuse for murder and mayhem

And now you know, the rest of the story.
>> No. 42905
you just described, like, a really common villain trope. aizen isn't the first badguy to do what you described.
>> No. 42906
So Yugo's next unlockable, Berzerker mode.

"I must destroy the aliens!"
"No Qilby, you are the aliens."
And then Qilby went ticktock.
>> No. 42907
New Quilby suck balls.
>> No. 42908
File 13265630795.jpg - (240.17KB , 1920x1080 , [NoDRM]-126_-_le_mont_zinit_hd_fr_wmv_snapshot_17_.jpg )
>A set of events
>Happens in many shows under different circumstances

Pic related, it's me staring into the monitor.
>> No. 42909
He's the guy everyone in this fandom has been comparing him too. They have compared him to no one else.

Also, Aizen merges with an artifact to attain a serious power upgrade, getting rid of his glasses in the process and it takes a long while to unveil his true colors and...well I could be here all day ask someone else to take over.
>> No. 42910
But, this isn't Bleach. It's a good show.
>> No. 42911
File 132656390046.jpg - (69.54KB , 889x845 , Nox_by_arnaud_o.jpg )
Hey Nox, check it, he even stole your busted left arm encased in tech schtick and your energy beam schtick and your teleporting schtick and your laugh schtick and your light construct weapon schtick and your blue color coded schtick and your facial marking schtick:

You'd almost think that Ankama wasn't putting any effort in their new villain at all. At least you have your dress sense and the new guy is a tremendous sissy girl. Oh and he's ugly and uninteresting too.
>> No. 42912
>implying this past episode doesn't confirm the "nox got all his ideas from the cube" theory
>> No. 42913
>He's the guy everyone in this fandom has been comparing him too. They have compared him to no one else.
I haven't even seen this comparison made by anyone else apart from you, let alone it being a common comparison.

You're that fucking anime troll who ruins these threads all the time, aren't you?
>> No. 42914
File 132656403488.jpg - (36.59KB , 584x208 , Trailer_saison_2_bellaphones_def_mp4_854x480_1500k.jpg )
>>a girl power episode is coming up next

>> No. 42915
Where the hell have you been, they've been doing this since episode 6. There's even a shoop out there:


Since april slowpoke!
>> No. 42916
>1 set of posts in a thread from April
>> No. 42918
File 132656935560.png - (770.44KB , 1024x576 , vlcsnap-2012-01-14-20h15m15s91.png )
no one talks about quilby's personality? he really looks crazy and awesome like nox. i'm french so i understand this show. at one point,adamai laughed at him because he screamed like a little girl and he laughed too.
like I said I'm French so sorry for my miserable English, hoping to have been understood.
>> No. 42919
Hey folks, keep discussion about the series itself in the /co/ thread:


This thread should be just about making/finding fansubs.
>> No. 42920
Didn't Nox with the whole "listening to the cube" thing not steal the idea from Quilby? I mean, if I lost an arm due to laser or portal blasts, you'd goddamn jolly well expect me to make plans for a replacement.

And seriously, if you couldn't figure out Quilby was up to something you deserve that padded helmet you wear.

Also Aizen? Really? The first TechnoMagical betrayal I can recall was Visionaries. Clearly, since a cartoon I saw did something vaguely similar it must be what they are cribbing from.
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