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2956 No. 2956
Are there any websites with users so bad you don't want to go there on the basis of who else goes there?

Right now reddit is starting to make the list of crappy userbase websites. I saw a link of some huffington post article saying videogames aren't bad and its just simple fun. Well reddit is a mostly liberal site but they hate the huffington post because they want to be liberal without reading liberal websites or something. So they immediately went from "videogames are fun" to "videogames suck and this article sucks" ON THE VIDEOGAME SUBREDDIT. Its like they're some sort of entertainment hipster or something.
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>> No. 2957
GameTrailers community is full of retardation.
>> No. 2960
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>implying there are websites with users that don't make me not want to go there
>> No. 2961
The shittier aspects of Reddit tend to sneak up on you. Each sub-reddit has it's own strain of idiot.
>> No. 2962
>> No. 2975
Well shit son that's just a given.

Going to nominate SA, it used to be good but has turned into shit in the last two years or so.
>> No. 2976
I hear that every year.
>> No. 2982

The occasional thread is good (the Legend of Galactic Heroes thread for instance).
But often, threads devolve into bitching about how there's not enough realism and why it doesn't follow So-and-so's law of space something-or-other. That or it becomes about two members trying to convince everyone else what a shitty debater the other is.

Could make the same complaints about Operatorchan just replace sci-fi with movies/vidya games.
>> No. 2985
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Heres another reason why Reddit sucks.

Saw this today


The article in question
>> No. 2987

It "turns to shit" for every sperglord has a meltdown and leaves 4EVAR

Otherwise, it's pretty damn cool to see it continually weeding itself of the shittier elements. I'm about ready to buy a membership just to be able to read threads all the time and not deal with random lockouts.
>> No. 2988
re: reddit

Anywhere LOLbertarians exist in statistically significant numbers. They are walking examples of Poe's law.
>> No. 2990
Is "LOLbertarian" an actual thing or is it just modifying the word "libertarian" as an attempt at mocking them?
>> No. 2991

Also, they have no sense of humor and get butthurt when you make fun of their econ 101/haven't-learned-macro-economics philosophy.
>> No. 2994
Fair enough. I just don't like changing out the names of things to be more insulting as a tactic for humor or social engineering. It's the sort of thing middle schoolers and Rush Limbaugh do.
>> No. 3008

See, you're implying they deserve more effort than that to mock. It's like a guy shitting on himself, there's not really much more you can do to insult him.
>> No. 3029

Seriously, the only one which I frequent is http://www.classicbattletech.com/ and the only reason I go there is that I'm interested in CBT.

More and more I am tempted to find a libertarian website and and live up to my title, so to speak.

The Huffington post is another good example. Anti-vax bullshit up to one's eyeballs and more of the other strains of woo than one can count. UGH.
>> No. 3030
Wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

I spent a couple years on CBR when I first started internetting, and pretty much everyone on their Rumbles board had a massive, throbbing hate boner for sd.net.

I honestly don't remember why. I think people got mad about some power calculations they thought were way off? I dunno, it all seems so pointless now.

I'm somewhat glad of the time I spent there; lurking there gave me a pretty decent comics knowledge, enough that I felt comfortable jumping into series with lots of established continuity. But goddamn, I really wish I could have back the time I threw away posting on Rumbles.
>> No. 3065
Reddit has subreddits i still enjoy. For example, /cogsci/, if that's your thing.
>> No. 3197
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Spacebattles.com. Imagine the issues with stardestroyer, square them, add more freebirthed libertarians than you can imagine, mix it in with 40k fanaticism and serve with a side of sterotypical asshole nerds and serve.

Aside from anything else, they pull a lot of their power calculations straight from some unmentionable oriface. Key amoungst them, battletech.

And their tendency to go down...disturbing tangents.

Also, anywhere where lots of 40k fans tend to hang out. Annoying universe. Bad fandom.

Also, anywhere where objectivists hang out. Like libertarians, only cubed.
>> No. 3362
I can't think of any group of people more self-righteously anal retentive about grammar, and more likely to get defensive about it, than reddit.
>> No. 3363
LOL I read your first sentence and was about to answer with 'reddit' and then...
>> No. 3424
r/listentothis is like half the reason I still frequent reddit.

r/gamernews, r/tf2 and r/dwarffortress are the other half.
>> No. 3437
Because using those calculations goes against their rule of using feats to back up a claim. Or something.
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