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2421 No. 2421
Suggestions for free video editing software. Preferably something you have experience with.
>> No. 2422
nothing free is good

unless you pirate
>> No. 2423

That's not an option in my case, unfortunately. I'd go straight back into those big, strong Adobe arms if I could, I swear.
>> No. 2424
No really, there aren't any good programs. There isn't an Audacity equivalent for video as far as I know.

Just get Avid and deal.
>> No. 2425
>Video Editing Software

pick two.
>> No. 2426
There has to be s...something other than Windows Movie Maker D:
>> No. 2427
>> No. 2428
If you're in college you might be able to get premiere elements or something like that for free. :/

But basically there is no good free software.
>> No. 2474
videolan or avidemux
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