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File 128857041276.jpg - (34.92KB , 400x496 , BetteDavis.jpg )
2395 No. 2395
[ ] Good features
[ ] Good battery life
[ ] Not absurdly expensive

Pick two.
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>> No. 2396
More like pick one.
>> No. 2398
Getting a Blackberry Torch soon. I dunno if I want it more than an iPhone, though...
>> No. 2399
If the Torch is the one I'm thinking of, it's terrible in every way. That's the one with the crappy touch screen that you have to "click" with, right?

Flavor of Blackberry aside, Android or iOS are better in power user and user friendliness arenas respectively, from all I've seen. As far as I'm concerned the only reason to use a Blackberry is if that's the only Smartphone your business will agree to pay for.

Blackberry's main draw is the degree of control a system administrator can put on users' devices through the BES security policies and such. Connecting to Exchange with one is expensive, too, since you have to get the most expensive plan your provider offers and the cost of a BES server on top of that--mostly because they assume they're catering to businesses. Plus any time your BES server changes or you change companies or something, you've got to completely wipe the phone to set up a new Exchange account.

Android and iPhone both connect to Exchange through ActiveSync, which is easier to set up, requires less maintenance, and is part of the Exchange installation so there's no added cost. Just turn it "on" and put the settings in the phone. I also find both the Android and the iPhone's GUI to be a lot easier to navigate and use, with the iOS having a slight edge on the Android in terms of User-Friendliness, but the Android having a huge edge over the iPhone in terms of openness.
>> No. 2403
File 128872405799.jpg - (1.82MB , 2240x2300 , smartphone_stats_v2_0.jpg )
A little outdated but still relevant
>> No. 2405
It's the battery life that I'm sweating. I want a phone that won't die on me in 8 hours.
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