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2351 No. 2351
Well, I've got my computer back up and running, but it's still buggy and unresponsive in places. I'm going to need your help for these.

1. There's no sound option available, and my speakers are not working. I've tried following the steps on the computer, but they don't seem to do anything but lead me in circles. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what to do?

2. Do you think I can reload the songs I had on iTunes back on a new computer if I still have my iPod with them on?

3. If I'm having this much bloody trouble trying to get a new hard-drive and heat sink working right, why the hell shouldn't I just bite the bullet and get a pre-made? Save me a lot of fucking trouble next time.

Just a sample picture for now until I can get some different things together.
>> No. 2354
kill yourself
>> No. 2355
1) Do you remember what kind of sound card you have? Try going to their website and re-downloading the drivers.

2) iPod only syncs songs from a computer, not the other way around (to my understanding). But if you have an iTunes account you can probably just download.

3) Quitter.
>> No. 2365
1)Google the motherboard, should have the sound driver files on the mobo's website

2)Normally, no. Using EphPod or Winamp, however, yes (note EphPod is Free and may wreck your ipod, Winamp is not and won't)

3)Because buying individual pieces is way cheaper. Generally you're paying about $400 just for labor on pre-builts. If you have enough usable parts, simply replacing the defective ones is more cost effective.
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