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2331 No. 2331
Hey all. I realize there are a lot of "what to buy" threads popping up, but I was hoping you'd have some opinions relevant to my specific needs. I'd post in Askal's thread but given her current state of affairs (read as: oh god i'm so sorry, Askal <3~), I'm going to ask all of yous mugs.

My specific needs are as follows:
... passable graphics card
... can do processing at rates faster than a netbook
... passable battery life
... isn't a dell
easy, right?

As a side topic, I was wondering what you guys thought about the newly announced Hipsterbook Air 2011 and if it's worth holding out for one of those pieces of smug technology.


picture unrelated
>> No. 2334
o hai :3c


Thing's hella powerful. Seriously, probably moreso than my current desktop. But it also means more heat and power consumption. The heat shouldn't be a real problem unless you have a bad habit of use pillows and sheets as platforms or something but the power consumption means a 2-3 hour battery life. If you're cool with that though, it's pretty much one of the best performance per price notebooks and Asus is a very solid company. They also cover accidental damage. (http://adw.asus.com/)

I'm just not a portable computing peronal in general, and the idea of sacrificing performance for portability is practically alien to me though so I can't fairly comment on the Hipsterbook.
>> No. 2335


thanks, bro.
>> No. 2336
no point going near a macbook unless youre going to drop the full $2500 or whatever for the maximum spec version.
>> No. 2339
Always going to refer folks to Costco's line of HP laptops. Sister got one in 2005 still in top shape, got mine in 2006 and playing modern games on it.

They break down occassionally but the Costco guarantee is awesome and you can send it in for repairs for 3-5 years, OR return the thing to Costco within 90 days and just buy a new one.

>> No. 2343
With your help and after some deliberation, I went with askal's first suggestion. I have had good experience in the past with costco deals, but the ASUS met all my work and gaming needs.

Also yeah, I'm going to stick with my anti apple policy for computers. I don't want to pay more cash to "streamline" my primary computer's functions.

I will be ordering said computer tonight or tomorrow. Huzzah!
>> No. 2373
Hey guys! The new computer came in, and I'm trying to figure out a good way to gain remote access to my old computer which I am leaving forever docked in one place or another.

The only built in way Windows Vista (hawhaw) allows for remote access is through a shitty program called windows remote assistance which essentially allows you to hijack your other computer without a good file transfer system or anything else of the sort.

Any recommendations? You guys are smart and less spastic than 4chan's tek people. I appreciate it.
>> No. 2374
check out RealVNC. I have limited experience but it seems to work fairly well (also I pity the foo who uses windows standard components)


sadly I know not of a free one
>> No. 2375
The new Airbook is an absolute piece of shit. Like, Vaio P levels of shit. Don't buy it.
>> No. 2387
Never used those sorts of programs but Radmin worked pretty well when my sisters friend was managing our home network. stupid sister used it for her own convenience, fucking invaded my privacy >:|
>> No. 2389
cool family, bro... :\

trying TightVNC. HNNNG~ SO TIGHT. behind a router, though, for which i have no control over yet, so i can't set up the necessary port forwarding anyway... thanks though!
everyone i know who has one is sooooo snooty.
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