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File 128615771948.gif - (96.07KB , 368x200 , catpiano.gif )
2236 No. 2236

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>> No. 2237
You've returned! Not the guy you were helping, but can you recommend me something to get for my grandparents? Their old Dell finally kicked the can, and while they're not in a rush for a replacement, they do need to put that internet connect they have to good use
>> No. 2238

>> No. 2239
>> No. 2240

Haha, well I was more asking if it had to be preassembled or if someone (ex. you) would be willing to put one together but I'll start checking out some preassembled ones now.
>> No. 2241
Is that some cat piano?

>> No. 2245

Yeah, it was from a blog article I've long lost but oh my god that short is so beautiful, goddamn. It's like White and Gibson wove my favorite aspects of Poe and Blacksad into eight minutes of amazing.
>> No. 2251
Well, while I'd prefer to put one together (as I think it would be a better investment, and I seek to build my own eventually), the grandfolk aren't picky, so a pre-assembled one would work too
>> No. 2257
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Okay, that's better actually because I know jack shit about how preassembled models compete. I went cheap as I forgot what to ask for budget but I assumed neither you nor your grandfolks were going to want to spend too much on a general use computer for them. But let me know if you'd like to try for less, especially as I also forgot to ask for a zip code and don't know how much cost shipping will add on.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835209003 (x2)

This assumes they will reuse keyboard, mouse, and monitor and doesn't take any software into account. I'm not a linux user myself so I couldn't advise you with any free OS distros but let me know if you would like to LEGITIMATELY ACQUIRE windows or something. Guess I'll talk to you about that on IRC tonight.
>> No. 2273



How do I know if my computer loves me.
>> No. 2277
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>> No. 2279
I'm looking for Speakers with built-in Headphone jacks. Good ones.
>> No. 2280
Nearly all speakers should have headphone jacks and I don't think they're much different between one another. I've never heard of speakers with a built in headphone amp. There are higher end sound cards with them but unless you do other things on your computer like mixing or producing, they're not really worth the price.

Sounds like you're most concerned with driving a good pair of headphones properly, in which case I think a USB DAC or portable amp would be the best option. I've had my eye on the FiiO portable amps but music equipment isn't my expertise. I would look around or post on head-fi.org for this sort of thing. If, however, you're looking to have good quality on both speakers and headphones, your best bet would to buy a used receiver or integrated amp. This thread looks helpful: http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=11542

Of course, the best value you could get would be DIY equipment for which there are tons of tutorials on the internet. No personal experience with that, I hate soldering.
>> No. 2282
>> No. 2287
Wait was the "good ones"referring to the speakers, not the headphoone jacks?

hurrdurr how i read comphreshend
>> No. 2309
:< Askal, I need a decent quality laptop that can play Fallout and run Photoshop. My parents are offering to get me one for Xmas as long as it is sub-$800 ... Which is doable, right?

But here is my super-vain-and-extra-retarded question: I was looking around on newegg for a computer myself and... why are all these computers so fucking ugly? Is it too much to ask for a laptop that's functional and attractive or should I suck it up and enjoy my typical black laptop?
>> No. 2315

Oh, geez, mobile computing is my greatest weakness hrrrgh. I'll look around though, I can at least look at the specs and gauge performance.

>>why are all these computers so fucking ugly? Is it too much to ask for a laptop that's functional and attractive or should I suck it up and enjoy my typical black laptop?

FUCK I DON'T KNOW. I agree, though, the only laptop I've liked is the new Asus Bamboos and they're hella expensive. ; A;
>> No. 2316
;A; it is the saddest thing. i had a pretty pink Vaio for years before it got all kerfucked on me. Was the nicest, prettiest little think I ever seen.
>> No. 2317
Well, it was easier than I thought. There are only two real competitors for sub-$800 lappus I could find on Newegg. Both are $799.99 and have the same specs, basically. Here's the differences.
Toshiba: 15.6" screen, 4 hour battery life, 5.48lbs in weight, 1366 x 768 max resolution, $14.30 shipping
Acer: 17.3" screen, 3 hour battery life, 7.26lbs in weight, 1600 x 900 max resolution, $15.95 shipping.

Unless you have to move the thing around a lot, I'd recommend the Acer above the Toshiba. With your main focuses being Photoshop and Fallout, the larger screen and resolution will make a big difference and besides it looks better than the boring old black Toshiba which is bulkier and thicker too. Blaugh. No pink :(

>> No. 2318
Askal, you're my fucking hero! Thanks much, darling~!
>> No. 2319
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>> No. 2320
My last laptop was an Acer Aspire. I would never in my life buy anything Acer again.
>> No. 2325

theyre nowhere near as bad as they used to be. though their trackpads still suck, and the warranty is kinda crap.
>> No. 2333
Acer seems to be in a weird place right now. I've been looking for people reporting their experience with their support and it seems hit or miss. But it seems most of their misses are outside of the US so I figured it should be alright in this case.

PS I'll still check and help in /tek/, just not as often.
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