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File 133317308376.png - (1.13MB , 1280x800 , That Dude in the Suede returns.png )
32454 No. 32454
And we will start it with... the best review of Pokémon The First Movie possible:
No, seriously, this is the best review of the thing I have come across!
Expand all images
>> No. 32498
The ending seems to imply they'll be doing the rest of them (the dubbed ones anyway).

Also, according to Lindsay's facebook, filming of the 4th year anniversary is underway (or done). They had to sign an NDA.
>> No. 32502
Okay, I sort of wanna try this now.
Anyone else?
K thx dude.
And I CAN'T BELIVE that they TOO missed Pikachu's vacation!
You can make so many joke about that but noooo.
Hope they do a separt vid about the shorts later.
>> No. 32503
Wow, that was impressive from him.
I wonder if his "Revolution of the Mask" is part of that old shame.

Wow, nice!
>> No. 32576

>Scott Shaw is passive aggressively displeased with Lupa's reviews about him and his work

Also, Oancitizen was present in the videos shot at hotels. Does this mean we'll see him in the latest Anniversary movie?
>> No. 32714
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>> No. 32730
>Spoony is putting up a Pathfinder game? Cool! The Counter Monkey stuff he's done shows he can be a pretty neat DM so I'm interested in in-
>Starring Marzgurl as “Maleuseu the Paladin”
I... can't... DO IT
>> No. 32741
She's not particularly talkative so if that's your only problem then I wouldn't worry too much.
>> No. 32744
>> No. 32749
Poor Lindsay...
Roft hurt her so bad that she cant even injoy the good stuff.
Like Beast Machines
>> No. 32756
>> No. 32760
Funny I just watch a review about that the other week.
>> No. 32763
>Animated Analysis
Oh, good.
...needed viewing material for the weekend.
>> No. 32764
I liked that review, even the silly song at the end.

That man is love.
>> No. 32770
Don't care for his little storyline.
>> No. 32784
Me too so I just skip it.
Also here is proof that anyone with a webcam can make a internet show.
And that wont stop me from liking it!
>> No. 32788
That's some fugly character design.
>> No. 32789
File 133589331125.jpg - (18.87KB , 400x291 , pratkahait.jpg )
Yeah, gonna love the 90's.
Man why could Bay have made a Street Sharks movie instead of ect.
That would have been (hopefully) jawesome!
Been all like Street yo. It would have been a trainwreck to behold...
Also the killerwhale guy in the pic is called Moby LICK.

Next time, I will post a fangirl retrospectiv on Bicker Mice from mars.
>> No. 32796
Oh shit, I remember Street Sharks. That show was radical and probably pretty bad looking back on it. Bay would do it infinite justice.
>> No. 32797
File 133592588453.jpg - (25.08KB , 331x236 , we ain't house cleaners.jpg )
>fangirl retrospective on Bicker Mice from mars
Post where?
>> No. 32803
>A Simple Wish review.
Wow. That's surprising.
>> No. 32805
Right here!
But first http://blip.tv/catbasket/biker-mice-special-5811198
And yes I did spell biker wrong, durr durr durr...
Yeah, it could be like Bad Boys but with SHARKS!
>> No. 32807
File 13359708234.jpg - (63.51KB , 400x300 , 633784389000000000.jpg )
Extreme Dinosaurs was worse.

I do since it involves Film Renegado. And generally Film Renegado crossovers are fun.
>> No. 32810
File 133598387795.png - (568.71KB , 706x550 , rf Francis holy shit.png )
>> No. 32811
Huh, wonder where the still photo was taken
>She moves
>> No. 32816
That was kinda cool.
>> No. 32828


>> No. 32829
Already did.

And I think I now know what that scene in Austin Powers parodied.
>> No. 32887
Okay... That happend.

AnE reviews did that show too. It was lame.
But I will say some good about both shows...
The toys makes GREAT tmnt badguys!
They are like twice as big. Atlest the silver painted Jab variant I have.
And I still want that live action movie.
Street Sharks Toy Commercialyoutube thumb
>> No. 32893
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>> No. 32894
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>> No. 32918
...not to be rude...but is Kile getting fatter?
>> No. 32926
File 133643257015.jpg - (762.53KB , 1024x768 , Koala.jpg )

>my face when I'm a chubby chaser

Ooh hoo hoo, bring on the dough. Then maybe I can actually watch this stuff.
>> No. 32932
File 133644169683.png - (129.74KB , 348x323 , bhargav.png )
Any love for Bhargav?
>> No. 32941
I love NC (usually), but I hate when people link me to a negative review someone did on TGWTG or Red Letter Media to try and "prove" to me that I'm wrong for liking a movie others regard as shit. (But then again I can't hate anything, no matter how bad it is, unless it's genuinely offensive or something.)

I don't like speculating on a person's weight, but I don't mind a little chub on someone, either. I wouldn't consider myself a chubby chaser, though- I find different people sexy at whatever weight best suits them.
>> No. 32982
Of course.
His balls are so strong and plentiful.
>> No. 33033
>> No. 33036
File 13370211847.png - (316.40KB , 640x360 , Picture 32.png )
>> No. 33048
Wow. He really needs a better mic if he's going to do this for a li-
>My one year anniversary.

>> No. 33083

God, I can barely make it through a REVIEW of a Robin William's movie, how did anyone think these were good?
>> No. 33085
Same with me. I personally think Mr. Williams can be either brilliant or awful, with nothing in between.
>> No. 33092
>"Does advertising ever really go this slutty for mundane things?!"
>Cut to an advertisement.

...Oh, you ass
>> No. 33094
File 133724142287.gif - (2.87MB , 320x183 , rf Anakin and Ahsoka expressing contempt.gif )
>not using AdBlock
>> No. 33149
I just found out Molossia actually exists.
I feel stupid.
>> No. 33205
Man, JO is one of the smartest people on the Internet:
>> No. 33206
Man, I really hope the next one comes out sooner rather than later. I love watching retrospectives, and her's are always so satisfying.
>> No. 33207

>What grave of the fireflies was REALLY about

... huh.
>> No. 33216
>Someone I can stand making valid criticism about things I like on TGWTG

>> No. 33218
>Totoro review.
...I have mixed feelings about my childhood now.
>> No. 33223
Anyone find it weird that she gets like 5 one star votes as soon as she posts a video?
She's one of the most fair and accurate reviewers out there.
>> No. 33224

Some people just have weird bitter sentiments. I don't wanna assume but people could take issue with her for a number of dumb reasons.

From "she isn't loud and angry like the others" to "she's a gurl."
>> No. 33225
Diamanda Hagan creeps me the fuck out.
>> No. 33226
To be perfectly honest...I wasn't fully aware of her gender when I first saw/heard her in a vid. The lighting doesn't help.

How's that? Was your childhood like, or the opposite of the one she talked about?
>> No. 33227
Pretty much. I'm a city boy. I moved from country to country as a kid and though I hd my time in the welsh countryside, my living arrangements were largely inconsistent. Manchester, New York, Cardiff, Monterrey, even Turin.... so, I just reveled in being unphased as a kid.
Later going online and spending the rest of my early adolescence on the net.
Its something I can rant about all I want, but for now let me just say, this JO person is literally the only reviewer so far who doesn't sound as unpleasant as a bitter nerd in her reviews.
I appreciate that.
>> No. 33228
So you wish you had lead a consistent lifestyle in a slow moving country-based area I'm gathering. Honestly, I have to say that given the option, I would encourage an early upbringing in the country. Sure it leaves you a little soft, but the experience is just worth it. Hearing JO talk about her youth rang true with mine, as I basically grew up in a similar fashion until I was a teenager. And even then.

I can't say I know what it's like from your perspective, but if you had the chance, take it. Or take it for someone else.
>> No. 33229
Eh, in the end, everyone is the reflection of their own unique lives.
>> No. 33240
So one of my fav reviewers has gotten a site off his own so I must share it.
I LOVE Pixel Dan. He has that child like glee that makes him a joy to watch.
>> No. 33261
File 13382718433.png - (141.61KB , 500x313 , thisisawkward.png )
I'm dittoing this guy. I had to stop watching JO's review of Kiki because I didn't like hearing about how not-great the dub was. I was perfectly happy thinking it was a really good movie and remaining ignorant of all the little changes they made that messed up the tone.
>> No. 33262
>> No. 33263
This chick is turning into my fave on the site.
I think its enough to say she got me to actually watch an anime again since I was 14.
...Movies don't count.
>> No. 33264

Now THIS is interesting.

To spoil the video for people.

Basically you know how JO was touched by Takahata and that he wanted to speak to the next generation of Japan and tell them that their life of wealth and opulence was going away? Well apparently Sage figured that out too... but he DISLIKES the film and Takahata because that's STILL manipulation. Only instead of manipulating people into thinking it's sad, it's manipulating the "rebellious" youth of Japan into respecting their elders. And rather than making a purposeful anti-war film that's a character study and the tale of a pair of kids, it's a film about THE YOUTH and all the hardships THEIR PARENTS went through and they should respect them because of that.

And the fact he hijacked a semi-true story in order to basically manipulate teenagers into feeling guilt and shame over this offends him. Rather interesting how two people can actually analytically pour into a film and draw two VERY different opinions from it.
>> No. 33267
I guess it depends on your perspective.

Personally, I agree with JO.
>> No. 33272
The Internet is for two things: porn and opinions. 
>> No. 33273
Also, I would watch an episode if in it he temporarily defines the format and talks about a certain western movie.

 The Lion King. 
>> No. 33274
>> No. 33302
I'm on Sage's side personally. I find Grave to have artistic merit in parts but as a complete package I very much dislike the movie.
>> No. 33360

The magic raccoon testicles are upon us.
>> No. 33361
That was such a bizare movie.
>> No. 33362
Pom Poko was that rare breed of bizarre and boring. It's the only Ghibli film that I couldn't watch in a single sitting, I kept getting distracted by other things.
>> No. 33365
Takahara can't children's films. Now a verb.

I think that much is obvious.
>> No. 33366
Pom Poko is an awful film, I've never really heard of Whisper of the Heart though, seems cool.
>> No. 33367
>> No. 33368
>I've never really heard of Whisper of the Heart though, seems cool.

You would not believe how wrong you are.

I thought the same thing and I was able to enjoy Pom Poko to a certain extent, so when I rolled on to Whisper of The Heart I figured it couldn't be unemployable.

Whisper of The Heart is, in my opinion the worst Ghibli movie.

It's "sequel" oddly enough, is fucking great.
>> No. 33370
File 133903942632.jpg - (17.22KB , 360x373 , rf Stewart not amused.jpg )
>Whisper of the Heart is a bad movie
Try switching from DUB to SUB.
>> No. 33371
I liked Whisper of the Heart. Even the dub.
>> No. 33374
Loving JO's "Mayazaki" special. Also I LOVE Whisper of the Heart, definitely my favorite Ghibli movie. Never saw the dub and her review gives me even less of a reason to.

I'm surprised one of you hasn't commented on this yet http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/35512-top-11-the-simpsons-episodes
>> No. 33376
Maybe it's because I like way more fantastical stuff and that's what I was expecting going in to it, which is why I fucking loved the scenes from her book/imagination.
>> No. 33377
That's a rather unfair way to judge the film.
>> No. 33378
I suppose so, but I watched it about 10 years ago when I was 12, maybe a rewatch is in order.
>> No. 33379
Yes, and do watch the subbed version, the movie's premise kind of prevented the dub from being any good.
>> No. 33381
That was my initial response too, but as I began to look at it as a slice of life film, I really started to enjoy it.
>> No. 33385
File 133911002345.png - (50.53KB , 174x174 , luchoface.png )
>JO's face when she says something thats bullshit just to see if we blindly agree with her.
>> No. 33386

what's bullshit?

That Pom-Poko is bad or that Whisper is good?
>> No. 33388
File 133913211897.jpg - (16.38KB , 250x250 , rf contempt costanza.jpg )
>mfw your statement
>> No. 33390
If she ever does it, that is.
Just sayin'.
>> No. 33391
Nice save.
>> No. 33401
Tiki all I'll say is this.

If you think Whisper of the Heart is the worst Studio Ghibli film because it's slice of life/non-fantastical?

I dare you to sit down and watch Only Yesterday. Trust me. You'll be pulling your hair out halfway through.
>> No. 33417

I hope Jake at least gets to go to Brave.
>> No. 33420
I hope he's that lucky. If Brave doesn't disappoint.
>> No. 33428
>>"They should have called it DON'T FUCKING TOUCH THAT."

If I had a dollar for every movie that should have had that title...
>> No. 33548

Princess Mononoke and My Neighbor, The Yamadas.

MNTY is my favorite Ghibli film. I loved the scene where the dad tries to be heroic and stand up to the biker punks. That was so heartbreaking.
>> No. 33549
Gah! I dunno what to watch first. The reviews or the movies.
>> No. 33551
The movies.

I personally think you should form your own opinions first. They're both worth watching at least once.
>> No. 33553
I'm with JO on Princess Mononoke. That movie is just fantastic, and the dub is pitch perfect, it's far and away my favorite Ghibli film.
>> No. 33559
That video actually made me take the movie from the library.
>> No. 33570

Jake's actually kind of terrifying in this one.
>> No. 33571
That video's going to end up as "Exhibit A", isn't it?
>> No. 33572
if he somehow ends up missing Brave..we're gonna see a review with him and Brad's severed head for sure.
>> No. 33579
I honestly think he's going to get it. Next week the only notable things are Brave and Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.
>> No. 33591
I think of all the reviewers on the entire site, JO is my favorite. Her Digimon retrospectives alone would be enough to propel her to the top spot, let alone all the Miyazaki reviews she's been doing lately.

On an unrelated note, I'm embarrassingly excited to find out what the 4th Anniversary special will be.
>> No. 33601
>Mononoke review.
...Y'know, I just saw that this morning. Hell, missed the first half of the Spain - Croatia matchup. And well... Absolutely bri-fucking-lliant film. There's no other word for it. At least in my limited lexicon.
Now, there's one thing, though. I hated it. But not for any filmrelated reasons. See, I've never actually experienced this before. But the reason why is.... I don't know why I liked it. I can kinda say some random thoughts, but I can't gnuinely say why I liked it.
I guess its my version of a fearful lack of understanding.

But yeah, the review shed some light on that. Kinda put it into words now that I've seen it. Its an epic on its basest terms. A grand scale drama, fantasy story thats just so briliantly pulled off, and even on JO's somewhat rambling recollections, still managed to put together in a exquisitely coherent manner....
...So, yeah, thats me saying. Good review, even better movie.
>> No. 33602
...that was probably my stupidest post ever.
>> No. 33679
Anyone for a book review?
>> No. 33681
File 134031389991.png - (82.83KB , 235x188 , 235px-BGF_-_Snow_Day.png )
Hey, lack of new NC in this thread.

Nostalgia Critic - Top 11 The …youtube thumb
Nostalgia Critic - Top 11 The …youtube thumb

Nostalgia Critic - The Signs (Part 1)youtube thumb
Nostalgia Critic - The Signs (Part 2)youtube thumb

No new episode this week, which disappoints me, but what do people think of these 2 fairly recent, and noteworthy episodes?
>> No. 33690
The aliens were stupid, but apparently Doug has no grasp of empathy.
>> No. 33693

>> No. 33696
well crud, godspeed SpoonyOne and to whatever your future holds.
>> No. 33701
I've been watching Spoony's videos on his own website anyway, this doesn't really affect me.
>> No. 33702
What happened? Apparently there's a shit ton of stuff on his twitter. Can't view because it won't load, so anyone know?
>> No. 33703
Apparently he's having a complete meltdown.
>> No. 33704
Looks like bad joke and everything went to hell.
>> No. 33714
From what I can tell, Lupa called him out on a creepy rape comment he made towards JesuOtaku. There's more that I'm looking through but that was the one of the causes and he's been burning all his bridges for the past 2 days.
>> No. 33718
Never saw that coming.
Welp, I hope this at least doesn't affect it more than it already has.
>> No. 33721
/v/ has semi-frequent threads about Spoony going crazy on twitter that I do my best to ignore because I still like his videos to some degree, but I might have to just call it after he finishes Ultima 9.

Well the only TGWTG people he ever seemed to get along with really was Brad, so I'm unsurprised by that.
>> No. 33723
looks like most of it is "Wolf" trolls harassing him and opportunistic assholes attempting to make themselves look better by slamming him (think that mainly because I don't know who the fuck most the asshats that are chiming in on this.) And I think some sick bastards just want to break him.
>> No. 33726
That bitch...
>> No. 33727
File 134038879143.png - (313.76KB , 662x675 , Glare_Starscream.png )

Don't you be talking shit about mai dorky waifu
>> No. 33728
This is going to have a damn Ripple Effect as to what end is anyone guess. A lot of other hosts may start reevaluating their standing though. But really messing with a guy who's stability is tenuous at best..its like throwing gas on a bonfire.
>> No. 33729
From what I understand, JO just brushed it off. Lupa opened old wounds because apparently she and Spoony just don't get along.
>> No. 33730
So she butted into something that didn't involve her the "powers that be" took her side and then Spoony just went "Fuck it I'm leaving".
>> No. 33732
>So she butted into something that didn't involve her

Well hey now, if someone's acting like a butthead to someone else, you should step in to tell that person they're acting like a butthead. Expecting someone to just stand on the sidelines, especially if it's happening to a friend of yours, isn't realistic. And Spoony has been in full meltdown mode for over a month now, so more than likely the TWTG is telling the truth when they say the bit with JesuOtaku and Lupa wasn't the cause of Spoony disaffiliating.
>> No. 33733
But was not Dr.Insano gearing up to be the next badguy in Linkara story line?
So I guess they will keep crossing over.
>> No. 33734
JO didn't "brush it off". She just refused to comment on it publicly and asked that everyone just drop the subject.

Spoony made a joke about chaining her up in his basement and raping her.
A large amount of contributors to the site were like "Whoa too far bro, seriously"
It got noticed by the site they suspended Spoony for 4 weeks.
He said that he understands the grounds that he was suspended on.
The twitter bickering continues with both random Twitter accounts and TGWTG contributors.
He's told anyone that's telling him he's in the wrong to go fuck themselves and hasn't stopped vomiting bile all over twitter for the past 36 hours.

That's the most accurate summary I can make.

Spoony's a funny guy on camera but he's kind of a shithead anywhere else. During the 4th year movie he supposedly kept causing problems and having shouting matches with people.
>> No. 33735
While it's a shock now... in retrospect I think we should've seen this coming.

Spoony's always had an ego, always been very belligerent and always (always) been sort of a on a downward spiral of depression. People in those instances tend to be about as stable as the left side of the periodic table of elements.

All things considered while it's a shame this happened? It's not something I think we could claim came out of the blue and bit us on the ass. It's something that's a legitament problem WITH spoony and now it's just coming up in such a way that... well he's loosing friends over it.

It's a shame to say that at this point? All we can really do is hope that whatever the fuck is wrong with him stops being an issue and he either grows out of it, mellows out or... finally causes people to stop putting up with him. I can assure people right now: This is not something Spoony will look back on with any fondness.
>> No. 33736
File 134039878172.jpg - (44.35KB , 532x565 , mmv3ciaj tw1.jpg )
Though I like him, as far as I know, Spoony had so many issues, the guy was a trade paperback.
Shame about the whole thing. My two fave peeps on the site.
...But I've never liked Lupa.
...Or was that Marzgurl?
>> No. 33739
Lupa has Red hair and primarily reviews trashy Horror and Karate movies.
Marzgirl does Land before time and like Anime stuff and has blue/brown hair.
>> No. 33743
Maybe he should go back to LPs Of all his stuff its the thing I like the most and where he actually seems to be largely enjoying himself.
>> No. 33744

I think he needs to get offline for a bit really.

When the Spoony Experiment was just "this nice side-project" it was easy. Now he needs to do it for a living and the stress is piling up. He really needs to... what's the word? Take a vacation? Yea something like that.
>> No. 33746
its what he should have done after he was called out last time. Now he really should for his own health and sanity. Leave it all behind and go into the Southwest or up towards one of the towns that skirt the northern border. Places were he can be by himself with his dog.
>> No. 33751
His fans have been lashing out at Lupa, JO, and anyone they think slighted him. Props to JO for keeping her distance from the whole thing.

Also the bottom feeders have arrived, inviting Spoony to their sites because they won't remove him over a "harmless rape joke"
>> No. 33752
Ah I wondered when Penny Arcade would show up.
>> No. 33753
I know Distressed Watcher invited him to his site.
>> No. 33754

In happier news, Jake finally gets to see a good movie.
>> No. 33755
Which movie that was, is another question.
>> No. 33756
File 134042305521.png - (194.32KB , 1227x1060 , v8q0J.png )
Yeah, the guy who threatened to rape someone and upon finding out they were raped before, praised the rapist.
>> No. 33757
File 13404238667.jpg - (20.06KB , 200x234 , monocole.jpg )

Wow, what a scumbag.
>> No. 33760
Great, the atheist zealot.
Yeah, not precisely the best person to get near in this kind of situations.

>> No. 33762
>> No. 33763
Am I BAD person for wanting to see Brian go through with his Medea idea?
>> No. 33768
>The atheist zealot

As an atheist zealot I'm offended to be lumped in with him.
>> No. 33770
I haven't seen it but if that includes certain someone going to see Media in Drag..YES PLEASE I WANT TO SEE THAT.
>> No. 33771
uh, no

no it is not that
>> No. 33772
Actually, it's going to see Medea in blackface.
>> No. 33776
Heh okay now lets see how that goes. Course do that and cross dress people would think one was a Tyler Perry fan..an idiot white boy but a fan.
>> No. 33781
File 134045683584.jpg - (74.90KB , 498x750 , cySHt.jpg )
>Immature neckbeards (Lupa and LordKat) go out of their way to pick on and lie about a clinically depressed guy (Spoony) they used to work with.

>Guy gets mad.

>Said neckbeards then go on an hour-long rant about the depressed guy in which they tell him to kill himself.

>TGWTG fanshits employ cognitive dissonance to convince themselves that the clinically depressed guy is in the wrong.
>> No. 33783
From the way you put it, you make it sound like depression is an instant victim card. Which may or may not have been your intent.
>> No. 33785
Whole lot of them seem to not have a clue as to how fragile depression makes a person (or at the very worst are such coincided they don't give a damn). Its not an excuse for bad behavior but to go out of ones way to torment a person who has been visibly a wreck a good number of times the last few months (his whole binge while Skyping being the big outstanding moment that I've seen as well as that one "confession" once could call it from a while back.) Boils down to this.

A serious Lack of "Leadership" if one could even call him/them such from Doug Walker & Co in not locking this shit down at least among the sites other contributors. He/They want to act like the defacto heads of these goons then He/They better shape up.

Because if its worse then I've seen on twitter and if what I'm hearing it is..this is stuff that could push someone over the edge from what I've seen from both a personal and a scholarly perspective...bad times.
>> No. 33786
File 134046162992.png - (63.88KB , 517x477 , tumblr_m5qozwoufR1qefdz1o1_1280.png )

Yeah, this is apparently the series of tweets that started off this whole thing. Doesn't seem like they're "picking" on him at all, just letting him know they've had enough of his bullshit. Kind of like what we do with you, Moe.
>> No. 33787
Atlest he's not dead, with this poor health he may drop dead any day.
>> No. 33788
Lupa only appeared once a few days ago on LordKat's stream. She wasn't present when he said Spoony should kill himself WITH HIS BROTHER'S GUN.

Not excusing LK's comment, he's out of line. It's pretty clear from this and their past that LK has an admitted axe to grind.
>> No. 33790
File 134046822259.jpg - (27.82KB , 539x314 , myway.jpg )
Lupa's spewing out the butthurt by complaining about something he already apologized for (an apology that JO accepted with no ill will) for no reason other than to bring it up.

This entire series of drama is the result of passive-aggressive assholes harassing a mentally disturbed asshole by blowing small shit out of proportion while their fans cyber-fuck themselves online.
>> No. 33791
File 134046857064.png - (43.28KB , 519x185 , 1340457102744.png )
No Correct Answer: TheSpoonyOne Drama.youtube thumb

It's like clash of the shit-filled titans, only I'm fairly sure Lupa is a much worse person.
>> No. 33793
One of his apology attempts was telling JO and Lupa to take his penis and burn it. Seems like a very...dishonest apology. He might've deleted the tweet by now, it would be the only smart thing he's done during this whole thing.

The rape comment, as several have stated, isn't the only reason he was removed. He's been having meltdowns (bigger than usual) and decide to let it all out on Twitter for whatever reason, lashing out at anyone who tries to offer him advice, using his depression as an excuse for any and all shitty behavior, just a ton of PR nightmare shit.
>> No. 33794

I guess I don't like the implied argument that seems to be in your posts, Moe. I was raised to believe that if someone acts like a jerk, you confront them about it. You let them know your problem with them, directly and honestly. That doesn't strike me as being passive-aggressive either, it seems more of the opposite of passive-aggressive. And Lupa doesn't seem to be championing JesuOtaku's as some victim, in >>33786, the way it reads to me says she's sick of the way Spoony is misbehaving and listed that example as one of reasons why. I'm not going to say Lupa's a paragon of human virtue and Spoony is the devil incarnate, but I do tend to favor Lupa's side because it strikes me more like she's standing up to a bully.
>> No. 33795
I feel like this had to happen. Eventually someone had to call Spoony out on his constant misbehavior and it sure as hell wasn't going to be his enabling fans who tell him nothing's wrong and that he's perfectly fine being a clinically depressed mental case.
>> No. 33796
The Nostalgia Critic Returns f…youtube thumb

Hagan, you card.
>> No. 33800
Clearly I need to look at this woman's stuff.

As for Spoony, I try and stay out of this kind of thing because the talent's personal business always colors content I might otherwise enjoy, but from the sound of thing this is just the end result of Spoony's blantantly obvious spiral. Now as far as LK and Lupa go, I don't know anything about them beyond seeing Lupa do Sherlock with Brad. The comment earlier about telling Spoony to kill himself with Miles' gun is not exactly the height of class but from what I've seen nobody is coming out of this looking good except JO (if only because she's not touching anything).

Personally I think Spoony should just stop for awhile. The man has basically his rock bottom now, it's time to put down the booze and the camera and seek some actual psychiatric aid (which he clearly isn't getting at the moment beyond what he has for his heart). Just... get offline for awhile, get cleaned up, try and get a day job.

Interneting for a living is clearly not the way to go for him.
>> No. 33805
Thinking he's gonna have to go orbital bombardment to clean out the toxic air.
>> No. 33815
Hagan is giving good responses in the comments section. Far enough in to get word of what is going on but not so much as to have any actual side I guess.
>> No. 33839
>try and get a day job.
Ha ha, like there are any jobs left.
Anyway http://thecinemasnob.com/2012/06/22/midnight-screenings-abraham-lincoln-vampire-hunter-and-brave.aspx
I like that you can see what mood they are in before you click.
>> No. 33841
Oh oh think ParaNorman is on their list for a Midnight Screening? Its kinda late summer but I've heard its also supposed to be pretty good.
>> No. 33842
So I'm one of those people that finds TGWTG to be horribly unfunny, but I've seen this spoony shit popping up on /v/ and /vg/ a lot lately and I decided to read some of it out of morbid curiosity.

So someone tell me if I've got this right
>Spoony makes a tasteless rape joke like over a month ago
>People mostly don't care and it gets forgotten
>Someone brings it up again recently out of the blue for no real reason
>Get's spoony suspended
>Spoony reacts very poorly
>Looses his shit over twitter for several days
>Gets fired
>Girl who got him suspended/fired trying to get his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him a spot on the site

That about it?

Also apparently someone got kicked out of gamestop for being too fat and some other fat guy who had nothing to do with the drama told spoony to kill himself.

So yeah, they review movies and video games and do poorly written skits.

>> No. 33843
That's about right.

Also, Doug "The Nostalgia Critic himself" Walker is on honeymoon at the moment, and may not be aware that any of this is happening.
>> No. 33844
That's about right.

Also, Doug "The Nostalgia Critic himself" Walker is on honeymoon at the moment, and may not be aware that any of this is happening.
>> No. 33845
Likely isn't and hence why all this was kicked off now (to keep Doug from cutting this off at the pass) at least that is my theory since he does have some understanding has to how fragile Spoony is physically and mentally over these last few months.
>> No. 33846
From my point of view, both spoony and Lupa are in the wrong. The rape joke was tasteless, and his freak out was stupid. Granted he was a little unstable recently, but that still doesn't excuse his behavior entirely. But Lupa obviously dug this shit back up to fuck with him, knowing that in his unstable state a blow up like that was very likely. It's pretty obvious she just wanted him to get fired.

So regardless of which side you choose, if you actually plan to pick a side, they are both pretty much wrong. Although personally I'm a little more inclined to side with spoony because what Lupa did was so manipulative and asshole-ish, and then she has the nerve to act all self-righteous. But it's best to not side with anyone.

The only side worth taking is the "LordKat is a fucking scumbag side"

Seriously that guy is a huge asshole.
>> No. 33848
If Lupa, or anyone for that matter, had a problem with Spoony's behavior they had every right to voice it.

I do agree about LordKat though, he went about this in the worst possible way telling Spoony to kill himself. Even worse that he said it live on a stream with hundreds of viewers and then threatened them with a "with me or against me" thing.

He apologized for that but not for telling Spoony to off himself.
>> No. 33851
It's one thing to voice your issues with someone's behavior.

If that's all Lupa was doing, there wouldn't be an issue.

But that's not what happened. She started shit with him in public knowing full well he wasn't right mentally just so she could get an excuse to have him fired.
>> No. 33854

Is this theory of Lupa's motivations based off any proof? Because Spoony WAS acting like a jerk all the way up until she started calling him out on it on Twitter. It wasn't just like, he made the rape joke, was an angel for a month, then it was brought up again. He just steadily kept tweeting more and more garbage.

I mean the only place I ever see that being the explanation for what happened is /v/, which isn't exactly what I'd call a reputable source.
>> No. 33863
I think the lesson we all should take away from this Spoony fiasco is this: never use Twitter.
>> No. 33865
>> No. 33867

So apparently it's official: he's not just depressed. He's bipolar.

Not the MANIC kind but still.
>> No. 33870
He's expressed a lot of the symptoms of bipolar disorder (given the information he gave in that vlog and his attitude during his binge) His habit of not sleeping when he's deep into a project doesn't help those symptoms. Type II Bipolar I don't know if it can be predicted but his attitude at E3 looked to be about the peak of its "high" (very noticeable during the X-Com footage) and could have been a telltale for a relapse to a low end. Also its very dangerous and has a higher rate of mortality (suicide) than Type I especially when accompanied by a Depressive Episode. I'm basically rattling off book knowledge now as that is the extent of my Bipolar experience. Also relapse is more frequent with Type II.
>> No. 33882
Is this the end of the Nostalgia Critic's tenure at tgwtg.com?

>> No. 33883
Could be, getting married and running out of things he likes to bitch about more or less. I could see him sunsetting his Critic persona save for the odd review special at a convention and such.
>> No. 33888
To be honest, that would be a perfect was to end his NC show.
>> No. 33894
And in other less depressing news:
>> No. 33895
Ha ha! Time for JO!
>> No. 33901
She implied finishing out the month. I really hope that means she'll be releasing the others really soon, because I can't wait.
>> No. 33953
BIRDEMIC: The Best Worst Movie Ever - JonTronyoutube thumb
Warning, Jontron has a special style so be ready for it.
>> No. 33957
His voice/talking pattern/joke accent kind of make me think of Nathan Lane or Billy Crystal. Is that weird? Also, that video was fun to watch and genuinely entertaining. I like this Jontron guy.
>> No. 33975

Sweet Christmas.
>> No. 33984
File 134142723464.png - (268.31KB , 314x371 , 1341038274872.png )
>JO reviews Brave
>starts talking about western animation.
And she was doing so well in my book.
>> No. 33985

I didn't see anything wrong with what she was necessarily "Saying". Simply that as a whole Japan is more willing to be risky and experiment with animation while the US tends to divide animation into groups of "Shock/Political Adult Comedy and Kids show".

Keep in mind there are a number of factors here (not the least of which being that censorship laws in Japan are VERY DIFFERENT) but she is right that Japan is ultimately more willing to be open and experimental, even if they do have very terrible and consistently money-making trends in that culture.
>> No. 33986
corporate tends to define those two groups and American Animators are pretty dang good at finding a way to do "lighthearted dark" and even one really good example of "lighthearted gritty" that being the Fillmore! Series even if it still gets shoehorned into that "kiddy" categorization.
>> No. 33989

True. But if you recall the video she pointed to a poster of Beck and said nothing like that could get made in the west... and well. She's right.

A cartoon that's just about life or, something utterly mundane like starting a band without wacky/zany humor WOULDN'T get made in the west. Partially because of the beliefs against cartoons corporations and parents have and partially because such a thing wouldn't really find an audience.

Closest thing to that are shows like As Told By Ginger or Brace Face which are really just animated versions of live-action shows you'd see on Nickelodeon or Disney and carry over those same kind of sensibilities.

I certainly enjoy western cartoon shows when they're allowed to play with censorship and "get things over the radar" but that doesn't really cover animated shows that can operate from an entirely different sensibility... now note: I don't think me or JO are necessarily saying one nation's animation is better/worse than the other, but rather that Japan (being a different culture) is simply allowed to do different things with animation that our own culture simply can't find the time/resources or ability to fully realize.

It's DIFFERENT, and I think that's always been anime's big appeal. It's a different interpretation of animation and cultural tropes that we find fascinating and there's nothing wrong with pointing that out or acknowledging it.

Really, comparing Japan's animation industry to the West's is sort of like comparing Apple's to Oranges and I think that was what she was more or less implying there.
>> No. 33990
Its not what she said about japan.
Its the stereotypical (though not baseless) anime fan generalization that all western animation is just
>South Park/Manchild comedy
>Kiddy shit
>> No. 33991

Well she did explain that she LIKED western animation so I assume she at least sees the value in those shows as well as the moments those stereotypes are played with.
>> No. 33992
While we're at it, what are some good examples of things that don't fall under those two categories? There's got to be some shows.
Does Venture Bros. count? Because I somewhat feel that it does.

Ok, let's start making a list here of what doesn't fall under Raunchy/Political Comedy and Kiddy in the US (and similar areas).
>> No. 33993
Beetlejuice, Sam and Max, The Tick, Night Hood, Men In Black the Series, Batman the Animated Series, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Adventure Time, Regular Show, Avatar Series (including both shows in that header) Early Seasons of The Real Ghostbusters and XGB overall. Gravity Falls, Samurai Jack, Jimmy Two Shoes.
>> No. 33994
File 134144951282.png - (410.77KB , 633x354 , NlerP.png )
These guys need to work on this stuff
>> No. 33996
>Beetlejuice, Sam and Max, The Tick, Night Hood, Men In Black the Series, Batman the Animated Series, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Adventure Time, Regular Show, Avatar Series (including both shows in that header) Early Seasons of The Real Ghostbusters and XGB overall. Gravity Falls, Samurai Jack, Jimmy Two Shoes.
Every single one of those was aimed at children. Except possibly Night Hood, which I've never heard of.

Don't get me wrong, they're good shows. But they're doing nothing to prove that there's much western animated content that isn't aimed at either children or college-aged stoners.

I'd agree with the listing of Venture Brothers. It's got raunchy and humor from time to time, but it's not the focus. I'd probably list The Boondocks as well, and maaaaaaybe Archer. Archer's definitely got a lot of adult humor in it, but it doesn't feel like it's quite as reliant on shock humor as something like Family Guy or South Park would be.

Even with all of those, they're still comedies. I wish I could think of an animated action show that isn't aimed at children to list here, but the only examples I can think of have been off the air for years, like Aeon Flux or The Maxx.
>> No. 33997
Yea shows are locked into categories for most the Western market with few exceptions. And while most shows are aimed at children I think of the shows that can reach beyond their prescribed demographic and add in content for an older audience. Its how most Pixar films are received in being accessible to more than children. No Network outside of Fox with its stuff dares attempt to put Animation on at a Prime Time adult market because of the stigma (its for kids). So animator push the boundaries to get their shows accepted on a more adult level. Hub has a chance at accomplishing this for the first time in a long time with their already older aimed Animated show (Dan Vs) still scoring a good market and with one of their other shows being a hit among 20 something populous. Hub may have actually made a dent in the "cartoons are just for kids" mindset with the FiM phenom..now if someone can just understand that and work with it. For their to be an 20-30 aimed cartoon market they have to get to valuing writing over mindless slapstick and attempting to emulate a sitcom and think beyond that.
>> No. 33999
>Every single one of those was aimed at children
Right. But they also appeal to a more mature audience without being directly inappropriate.

The aim isn't the big issue in this case, that's just the plane on which all shows survive, and for animation in the west, that's usually one of 4 categories:
1. Early childhood
2. Youth comedy
3. Youth action/adventure
4. Young adult comedy
And that's because that's where the money is. Those are the groups parents will spend money on or the young adults will spend their money on.

What really matters on the 'artistic' scale is how these shows present their message, and in a way that blurs lines between categories, even sometimes delving into something completely original. Sneak some beauty into the business known in the for being 11 to 90 minute advertisements.
>> No. 34000
Um actually... if it's supposed to be a sitcom style thing without slapstick, it's just easier to make it live action.
I remember some cartoon about a kid living in a flat with his grown-up brother that was kinda like that. Didn't impress me, personally.

The thing about cartoons that appeal to more ages is probably because the writers make stuff that would entertain them too, not "including stuff to catch adults". If the idea is "something for children" and they just phone in, chances are even the kids may not care.

Just take a look at old Tex Avery stuff, Looney Tunes... any kid or adult gets those. Animaniacs or Tiny Toons had tons of jokes that would get WAY over kids' heads till they're older (Vaudeville references? Edgar Allan Poe? Citizen Kane?!). The kids had to try and keep up, and those were some of the most popular cartoons of their time. Likewise, you can tell FiM writers and animators are having fun. Also apparently that's how they're going about with Gravity Falls, Mystery Inc, Regular Show etc. It just... works.
>> No. 34004
Where does "Home Movies" fall?
>> No. 34005
I think the early seasons actually were aimed at children, back when it was on....I want to say UPN, but it might've been the CW or something. Anyway, they dropped it for low ratings because kids didn't like it, but then Adult Swim saved it because adults loved it and it got a lot more adult. I think that was like halfway through Season 3, when the demo changed.

It's possible that it wasn't aimed at children even then, but it was definitely more "family-friendly" back then, before the network change.

But it's still pretty much a sitcom, albeit a mostly unscripted, improvisational one.
>> No. 34006
I wish they'd give stuff like Home Movies and Mission Hill another chance now that adult-oriented animation is more accepted.

Side question: Was the R-rating of Ted really pushed that much because people didn't make the connection between the guy who created Family Guy and American Dad and adult entertainment? Both shows talk about politics and sex a lot, but I frequently see FG merchandise for kids.
>> No. 34007
"Talking heads with no script" genre. I used to like it. USED to.
>> No. 34008
...mission hill. That was it.
>> No. 34139
You know, I've been enjoying Linkara's Amityville quick movie reviews he's been doing lately.
>> No. 34155
File 134204448651.jpg - (11.64KB , 300x243 , zgldown.jpg )

>mfw no Jurassic Park theme
>> No. 34161
File 134208012834.png - (64.74KB , 254x244 , rf Korra is mad beyond comprehension.png )
>mfw no animation
>> No. 34162
I'm glad Conan was in there. It was my guess for #1. Also, I thought the little segue into each song, with him screaming MUSIC was very obnoxious.
>> No. 34169

Why didn't he just put ALL of John Williams music as number 5? Star Wars, Superman and Indiana Jones all sound p similar.
>> No. 34281
File 134241664156.png - (256.40KB , 640x360 , rf Lindsay kawaii.png )
Lindsay it so kawaii~ ^_^
>> No. 34282
File 134241912651.jpg - (80.47KB , 550x450 , Sylvester-Stallones-Son-Sage-Stallone-Found-Dead-O.jpg )
I FINALLY remembered who JO reminds me of!
>> No. 34292
That's a little dark.
>> No. 34300
No subtext, I swear. I had to see his picture in the newspaper so I could finally place it. Its a shame, sure.
But the resemblance! Its uncanny!
>> No. 34374
File 134268106530.png - (142.20KB , 227x342 , KingRadical D=.png )
>Those last three minutes.
>> No. 34375
>Click link

Ohhhh..this isn't good.
>> No. 34376
>> No. 34382
Before I waste my time, can I get an explanation?
>> No. 34385
Me too, I have already watched it but I dont know what you are on about.
>> No. 34389
The child killing rant in conjunction with the fact that spoony basically wrote "I'm a terrible person that has rage problems that force everyone away" into the review is I believe what they are reacting to.
>> No. 34390
He actually owned up to it?
>> No. 34392
Not exactly, the antagonist he wrote was taunting him.
>> No. 34503
File 134312692155.png - (239.28KB , 640x360 , rf Lindsay faith in humanity restored.png )
>> No. 34508
That hell scene gave me nightmares for years when I first watched it.
>> No. 34514

I think Doug has finally run out of material.
>> No. 34517
I thought this was the best episode in awhile personally.

But then, I fucking hate Temple of Doom.
>> No. 34532
No... no I'd say we've got some crazy fun times ahead.
>dat CGi
>> No. 34535
Oh, this looks like it will be a SPECIAL kind of awful.

Also, Film Brain is still stretching his vowels too long.
>> No. 34538

That's a bit disappointing compared to the first trailer.
Oh well, at least Oan Citizen and Brad will be there. And if this means the last chapter of Critic in a BIG way, I guess it will be all right.
>> No. 34544
I sincerely doubt he's actually getting rid of the Critic.

Then again I've never watched these specials and probably never will so I dunno, maybe this'll be the time.
>> No. 34644
Holy hell! The hardcore kid's channle is this online!
I thought he got banned from blip after he failed to black box parts of Fritz the cat. Hade not seen any of his vids after that and man does Blip's seach engine SUCK!
So what has he done lately?
>Boku no Pico
>> No. 34718
Thank you so much for telling me!
>> No. 34721
Jesu Otaku. Miyazaki. Go. See.
>> No. 34798
Is Linkara as bad as /co/ makes him out to be. I found his work a decent waste of time, but since /co/ started hating on it, or I found out about the /co/ hate on it, I started avoiding them.

Then again, I love Bad Movie Beatdown and everyone else does, so....
>> No. 34819
4chan is all about complaining. Even if there is no reason.
>> No. 34823
When he isn't go into rants about things (specially when combined with politics), he's pretty ok.
And I'm surprised about /co/ suddenly hating on him. They used to not care about him.
>> No. 34825

One of the more unique, engaging reviews on the site. Love FB or Hate FB, you can't deny his intillgence.
>> No. 34835
File 134468033096.gif - (1.17MB , 240x135 , yTtfS.gif )
Spoony finished his last Ultima review. That heartfelt anecdote... that cheesy yet badass ending... that future review tease...
>> No. 34837
And two parts at ones, how nice.
>> No. 34841
File 134473303663.png - (484.43KB , 576x432 , FUCKYES.png )
>mfw the Twelve Peers
>> No. 34842
Åh hel yea!
Finally, I movie I hava sätt.
>> No. 34847
I really enjoyed the finale, and I'm hoping to see a big mental recovery on him.
It's going to take a long while, but I have the feeling he's on the right track.

>> No. 34868
File 13450002783.png?spoiler - (566.21KB , 776x433 , oops.png?spoiler )
>> No. 34874
....I DID get the reference.... but is he really ending NC? Or at least setting up an ending?
>> No. 34880
It's just a lead in to the new movie, I don't think he's done yet.
>> No. 34884
It's probably gonna be both.
I have the feeling that movie will be NC's last one.
>> No. 34887
To Boldly Flee promises to be... something. I'll admit I'm pretty interested in it, even if the trailers do make it seem as ludicrous as the other specials. Plus JO looks to be in it, which is neat.
>> No. 34897
Did anyone else get a slight Lewis Black vibe when he was ranting about being a friendless loser?
>> No. 34918
>> No. 34928
This is sillier than the other one.
>8 part series

I gotta give him credit for his brutal honesty.
And he's also, kinda charismatic.
Still an asshole though.
>> No. 34933

So it begins.
>> No. 34939
File 134586389949.png - (425.17KB , 1280x800 , Critic THIS.png )
To Boldly Flee is kool as Hell.

And Hell is not even kool!
>> No. 34941
I'm honestly more interested at the Cinema Snob movie.
Although I'm still going to check it out.
>> No. 34946
I don't really like his character.
>> No. 34951
As is tradition with all the yearly specials, I'm waiting until all of it is out to watch it. Hopefully it's worth the wait.

On another note, http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/ir/jo/jar/36317-high-school-of-the-dead

JO and Sage did an anime I've been meaning to watch for a while now.
>> No. 34959
Part 2 of you-know-what is up!
>> No. 34982
File 13463081395.png - (38.46KB , 176x190 , rf Jesu disturbed.png )
Good heavens, what they done to Jesu in part 3...
>> No. 34985
>> No. 35022
File 134655912641.jpg - (50.18KB , 500x343 , rf Cleo holy shit.jpg )
>> No. 35028
File 134656999116.jpg - (91.88KB , 504x299 , ohOH.jpg )
... Ohhh, she's Ed from Cowboy Bebop. Just now getting that.

Benzaie's cameo was hilarious.
>> No. 35047

Jake got to see a good movie!

...and then a not so good movie.
>> No. 35052
Spoony reminding us why the Monster Manuals are THE SHIT.
And damn Oreo has gotten big.
Also this still exist http://spoonyexperiment.com/category/beyond-midnight/
Injoy your cheesy movies.
>> No. 35073
File 134681952097.png - (71.63KB , 240x240 , rf lynx wow.png )
>those Revenge of the Sith references
>> No. 35106

Well Rob seems to be enjoying himself.
>> No. 35134
This wasn't so bad at all. Not as stupid as Suburban Knights or Kickassia, anyway.
>> No. 35142
File 134737947398.jpg - (21.33KB , 318x335 , you didn't get the point.jpg )
Those were SUPPOSED to be stupid.
>> No. 35145
Stupid in the worst possible way.

You'll defend everything they do, won't you?
>> No. 35149
File 13473932916.png - (249.68KB , 640x349 , Picture 17.png )
I only watch a handful of people from the site. By "they" you mean all of them?
>> No. 35153
Any of them.
>> No. 35162
File 134754186729.png - (535.65KB , 812x617 , critic is trying to explain us something.png )
I see you don't like the site AND its inhabitants.

If so, then I have one question. Why are you posting here?
>> No. 35168
I like a few of them. The Snob, JO, Todd, Oan, and a couple others.

But the last two anniversary specials were just awful.
>> No. 35170

Luke is Colin Mochrie's irl son. I had no idea.
>> No. 35171
But they look exactly the same.
>> No. 35173
No they don't.

Colin is incredibly bald.
>> No. 35174
File 134760227586.jpg - (97.45KB , 600x568 , critic unitinu.jpg )
I see you have an opinion there.

You have the right to keep it.
>> No. 35175
though I did see Colin in a shaggy black wig on Who's Line once and with that...yea nearly identical.
>> No. 35178

It's over.
>> No. 35180
Hm. Well I stand corrected.
>> No. 35181
File 134767936250.gif - (367.58KB , 380x298 , 1329183314020.gif )
>> No. 35182
yea pretty much as expected semi-retirement of Nostalgia Critic save for the odd convention bit or special.
>> No. 35183
At least SOMEONE learned the moral of The Dark Knight.
>> No. 35184
Shut up Tiki.
>> No. 35185
I knew it.
I fucking knew it.
I'm sorry for all the people that didn't wanted this.
But, this seemed too obvious to me.
>> No. 35186
You never liked his comedy style and reviews overall, right Tiki?
>> No. 35187
Wow. Man. That's a pretty big loss in my book.
>> No. 35188
Saw it coming.
He's been running out of material since he started relying solely on requests for reviews.
>> No. 35189
yea his heart just wasn't in it as much as he used to so he decided it was time to hang up the hat for the most part. Better than burn himself out and lose all care for the site which would be worse.
>> No. 35222
>> No. 35224
I remmber liking this show even if I was to young to understand the english.
Alex Mack Episode Guide - 1.01 The Accidentyoutube thumb
Good too see someone reviewing it.
>> No. 35241
File 134817483492.png - (236.96KB , 530x360 , rf Lindsay now where have I heard that before.png )
>> No. 35243
Interesting to hear that there was more than just the whole twitter thing.

This was good!

Whatever, I enjoyed the hell out of that movie.
Although, it probably helped that I saw it on my local tv, with a mexican dub.
>> No. 35289
Loving Counter Monkey, be neat if he could actually spin this into a larger collaboration with a few other RPG centric fellows. Especially with the Second Golden Age of Computer RPGs around the corner.
>> No. 35308

Doug's personal favorite reviews. Saw No. 1 coming a mile away.
>> No. 35383
File 134907044833.jpg - (55.87KB , 425x292 , rf ancient Pokémons.jpg )
>> No. 35401
The animation is nice but to bad that it will take like 3 month intill the next one.
And they skipped the short, AGAIN!
Damn, they are like the best part too me.
>> No. 35415
File 134932254744.jpg - (78.33KB , 600x569 , amp7sr.jpg )
I really like this series of his, I can see a great effort from his part.
Also, he's a nice looking BLU Sniper.
>> No. 35495
File 134985396731.jpg - (20.52KB , 634x362 , Screenshot_3.jpg )

Doug talks about the all-time worst movies he has ever reviewed. Number one is obvious if you've heard him talk about this subject before.
>> No. 35496
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>fishing vest snipers
>> No. 35499
No Neverending Story 3?
>> No. 35502
They explain in the commentary that that movie is more enjoyably bad than painfully bad, like The Room or It. At least you can laugh at Jack Black's antics.
>> No. 35503
Having an issue with Blip TV where the video ends prematurely or goes back to the beginning a lot. With a slow connection and those hour-plus long videos, it's incredibly frustrating. Any idea what to do?
>> No. 35505
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Get a better connection. There is no other way.
>> No. 35509
I think I'm stuck then, unfortunately. At college right now.
>> No. 35510

Mara Wilson has returned.

Ladies and gentlemen.
>> No. 35514
nothing will ever top her bit with Critic, heck it made me jump a bit "OH SHIT ITS REALLY HER!!"
>> No. 35519
I actually really like her blog.
She references some tvtropes here and there, and I think she even mentioned 4chan at some point.
Don't quote me on that, though.
I just think her prose is relaxing enough for me to just get a bit distracted for a while.
>> No. 35524
I cracked up at Nella getting sidetracked by Mara's boobs.
>> No. 35606
Agreed with Todd In The Shadows that Gangnam Style isn't as funny once you know the translation (it's all about people who are in credit debt but still splurge on expensive coffee and stuff as a status symbol), but the phrase "he yells at some woman's butt" never fails to make me laugh.
>> No. 35612
Wait, is Angry Joe no longer with the site as well?

I've not seen anything from his site going up on Blistered Thumbs for a while.
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