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File 133317308376.png - (1.13MB , 1280x800 , That Dude in the Suede returns.png )
32454 No. 32454
And we will start it with... the best review of Pokémon The First Movie possible:
No, seriously, this is the best review of the thing I have come across!
256 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 35073
File 134681952097.png - (71.63KB , 240x240 , rf lynx wow.png )
>those Revenge of the Sith references
>> No. 35106

Well Rob seems to be enjoying himself.
>> No. 35134
This wasn't so bad at all. Not as stupid as Suburban Knights or Kickassia, anyway.
>> No. 35142
File 134737947398.jpg - (21.33KB , 318x335 , you didn't get the point.jpg )
Those were SUPPOSED to be stupid.
>> No. 35145
Stupid in the worst possible way.

You'll defend everything they do, won't you?
>> No. 35149
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I only watch a handful of people from the site. By "they" you mean all of them?
>> No. 35153
Any of them.
>> No. 35162
File 134754186729.png - (535.65KB , 812x617 , critic is trying to explain us something.png )
I see you don't like the site AND its inhabitants.

If so, then I have one question. Why are you posting here?
>> No. 35168
I like a few of them. The Snob, JO, Todd, Oan, and a couple others.

But the last two anniversary specials were just awful.
>> No. 35170

Luke is Colin Mochrie's irl son. I had no idea.
>> No. 35171
But they look exactly the same.
>> No. 35173
No they don't.

Colin is incredibly bald.
>> No. 35174
File 134760227586.jpg - (97.45KB , 600x568 , critic unitinu.jpg )
I see you have an opinion there.

You have the right to keep it.
>> No. 35175
though I did see Colin in a shaggy black wig on Who's Line once and with that...yea nearly identical.
>> No. 35178

It's over.
>> No. 35180
Hm. Well I stand corrected.
>> No. 35181
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>> No. 35182
yea pretty much as expected semi-retirement of Nostalgia Critic save for the odd convention bit or special.
>> No. 35183
At least SOMEONE learned the moral of The Dark Knight.
>> No. 35184
Shut up Tiki.
>> No. 35185
I knew it.
I fucking knew it.
I'm sorry for all the people that didn't wanted this.
But, this seemed too obvious to me.
>> No. 35186
You never liked his comedy style and reviews overall, right Tiki?
>> No. 35187
Wow. Man. That's a pretty big loss in my book.
>> No. 35188
Saw it coming.
He's been running out of material since he started relying solely on requests for reviews.
>> No. 35189
yea his heart just wasn't in it as much as he used to so he decided it was time to hang up the hat for the most part. Better than burn himself out and lose all care for the site which would be worse.
>> No. 35222
>> No. 35224
I remmber liking this show even if I was to young to understand the english.
Alex Mack Episode Guide - 1.01 The Accidentyoutube thumb
Good too see someone reviewing it.
>> No. 35241
File 134817483492.png - (236.96KB , 530x360 , rf Lindsay now where have I heard that before.png )
>> No. 35243
Interesting to hear that there was more than just the whole twitter thing.

This was good!

Whatever, I enjoyed the hell out of that movie.
Although, it probably helped that I saw it on my local tv, with a mexican dub.
>> No. 35289
Loving Counter Monkey, be neat if he could actually spin this into a larger collaboration with a few other RPG centric fellows. Especially with the Second Golden Age of Computer RPGs around the corner.
>> No. 35308

Doug's personal favorite reviews. Saw No. 1 coming a mile away.
>> No. 35383
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>> No. 35401
The animation is nice but to bad that it will take like 3 month intill the next one.
And they skipped the short, AGAIN!
Damn, they are like the best part too me.
>> No. 35415
File 134932254744.jpg - (78.33KB , 600x569 , amp7sr.jpg )
I really like this series of his, I can see a great effort from his part.
Also, he's a nice looking BLU Sniper.
>> No. 35495
File 134985396731.jpg - (20.52KB , 634x362 , Screenshot_3.jpg )

Doug talks about the all-time worst movies he has ever reviewed. Number one is obvious if you've heard him talk about this subject before.
>> No. 35496
File 134986558179.jpg - (72.00KB , 404x446 , 1277487461587.jpg )
>fishing vest snipers
>> No. 35499
No Neverending Story 3?
>> No. 35502
They explain in the commentary that that movie is more enjoyably bad than painfully bad, like The Room or It. At least you can laugh at Jack Black's antics.
>> No. 35503
Having an issue with Blip TV where the video ends prematurely or goes back to the beginning a lot. With a slow connection and those hour-plus long videos, it's incredibly frustrating. Any idea what to do?
>> No. 35505
File 135001752185.png - (527.47KB , 1280x800 , Doug wants to hug the world.png )
Get a better connection. There is no other way.
>> No. 35509
I think I'm stuck then, unfortunately. At college right now.
>> No. 35510

Mara Wilson has returned.

Ladies and gentlemen.
>> No. 35514
nothing will ever top her bit with Critic, heck it made me jump a bit "OH SHIT ITS REALLY HER!!"
>> No. 35519
I actually really like her blog.
She references some tvtropes here and there, and I think she even mentioned 4chan at some point.
Don't quote me on that, though.
I just think her prose is relaxing enough for me to just get a bit distracted for a while.
>> No. 35524
I cracked up at Nella getting sidetracked by Mara's boobs.
>> No. 35606
Agreed with Todd In The Shadows that Gangnam Style isn't as funny once you know the translation (it's all about people who are in credit debt but still splurge on expensive coffee and stuff as a status symbol), but the phrase "he yells at some woman's butt" never fails to make me laugh.
>> No. 35612
Wait, is Angry Joe no longer with the site as well?

I've not seen anything from his site going up on Blistered Thumbs for a while.
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