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File 133317308376.png - (1.13MB , 1280x800 , That Dude in the Suede returns.png )
32454 No. 32454
And we will start it with... the best review of Pokémon The First Movie possible:
No, seriously, this is the best review of the thing I have come across!
Expand all images
>> No. 32498
The ending seems to imply they'll be doing the rest of them (the dubbed ones anyway).

Also, according to Lindsay's facebook, filming of the 4th year anniversary is underway (or done). They had to sign an NDA.
>> No. 32502
Okay, I sort of wanna try this now.
Anyone else?
K thx dude.
And I CAN'T BELIVE that they TOO missed Pikachu's vacation!
You can make so many joke about that but noooo.
Hope they do a separt vid about the shorts later.
>> No. 32503
Wow, that was impressive from him.
I wonder if his "Revolution of the Mask" is part of that old shame.

Wow, nice!
>> No. 32576

>Scott Shaw is passive aggressively displeased with Lupa's reviews about him and his work

Also, Oancitizen was present in the videos shot at hotels. Does this mean we'll see him in the latest Anniversary movie?
>> No. 32714
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>> No. 32730
>Spoony is putting up a Pathfinder game? Cool! The Counter Monkey stuff he's done shows he can be a pretty neat DM so I'm interested in in-
>Starring Marzgurl as “Maleuseu the Paladin”
I... can't... DO IT
>> No. 32741
She's not particularly talkative so if that's your only problem then I wouldn't worry too much.
>> No. 32744
>> No. 32749
Poor Lindsay...
Roft hurt her so bad that she cant even injoy the good stuff.
Like Beast Machines
>> No. 32756
>> No. 32760
Funny I just watch a review about that the other week.
>> No. 32763
>Animated Analysis
Oh, good.
...needed viewing material for the weekend.
>> No. 32764
I liked that review, even the silly song at the end.

That man is love.
>> No. 32770
Don't care for his little storyline.
>> No. 32784
Me too so I just skip it.
Also here is proof that anyone with a webcam can make a internet show.
And that wont stop me from liking it!
>> No. 32788
That's some fugly character design.
>> No. 32789
File 133589331125.jpg - (18.87KB , 400x291 , pratkahait.jpg )
Yeah, gonna love the 90's.
Man why could Bay have made a Street Sharks movie instead of ect.
That would have been (hopefully) jawesome!
Been all like Street yo. It would have been a trainwreck to behold...
Also the killerwhale guy in the pic is called Moby LICK.

Next time, I will post a fangirl retrospectiv on Bicker Mice from mars.
>> No. 32796
Oh shit, I remember Street Sharks. That show was radical and probably pretty bad looking back on it. Bay would do it infinite justice.
>> No. 32797
File 133592588453.jpg - (25.08KB , 331x236 , we ain't house cleaners.jpg )
>fangirl retrospective on Bicker Mice from mars
Post where?
>> No. 32803
>A Simple Wish review.
Wow. That's surprising.
>> No. 32805
Right here!
But first http://blip.tv/catbasket/biker-mice-special-5811198
And yes I did spell biker wrong, durr durr durr...
Yeah, it could be like Bad Boys but with SHARKS!
>> No. 32807
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Extreme Dinosaurs was worse.

I do since it involves Film Renegado. And generally Film Renegado crossovers are fun.
>> No. 32810
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>> No. 32811
Huh, wonder where the still photo was taken
>She moves
>> No. 32816
That was kinda cool.
>> No. 32828


>> No. 32829
Already did.

And I think I now know what that scene in Austin Powers parodied.
>> No. 32887
Okay... That happend.

AnE reviews did that show too. It was lame.
But I will say some good about both shows...
The toys makes GREAT tmnt badguys!
They are like twice as big. Atlest the silver painted Jab variant I have.
And I still want that live action movie.
Street Sharks Toy Commercialyoutube thumb
>> No. 32893
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>> No. 32894
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>> No. 32918
...not to be rude...but is Kile getting fatter?
>> No. 32926
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>my face when I'm a chubby chaser

Ooh hoo hoo, bring on the dough. Then maybe I can actually watch this stuff.
>> No. 32932
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Any love for Bhargav?
>> No. 32941
I love NC (usually), but I hate when people link me to a negative review someone did on TGWTG or Red Letter Media to try and "prove" to me that I'm wrong for liking a movie others regard as shit. (But then again I can't hate anything, no matter how bad it is, unless it's genuinely offensive or something.)

I don't like speculating on a person's weight, but I don't mind a little chub on someone, either. I wouldn't consider myself a chubby chaser, though- I find different people sexy at whatever weight best suits them.
>> No. 32982
Of course.
His balls are so strong and plentiful.
>> No. 33033
>> No. 33036
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>> No. 33048
Wow. He really needs a better mic if he's going to do this for a li-
>My one year anniversary.

>> No. 33083

God, I can barely make it through a REVIEW of a Robin William's movie, how did anyone think these were good?
>> No. 33085
Same with me. I personally think Mr. Williams can be either brilliant or awful, with nothing in between.
>> No. 33092
>"Does advertising ever really go this slutty for mundane things?!"
>Cut to an advertisement.

...Oh, you ass
>> No. 33094
File 133724142287.gif - (2.87MB , 320x183 , rf Anakin and Ahsoka expressing contempt.gif )
>not using AdBlock
>> No. 33149
I just found out Molossia actually exists.
I feel stupid.
>> No. 33205
Man, JO is one of the smartest people on the Internet:
>> No. 33206
Man, I really hope the next one comes out sooner rather than later. I love watching retrospectives, and her's are always so satisfying.
>> No. 33207

>What grave of the fireflies was REALLY about

... huh.
>> No. 33216
>Someone I can stand making valid criticism about things I like on TGWTG

>> No. 33218
>Totoro review.
...I have mixed feelings about my childhood now.
>> No. 33223
Anyone find it weird that she gets like 5 one star votes as soon as she posts a video?
She's one of the most fair and accurate reviewers out there.
>> No. 33224

Some people just have weird bitter sentiments. I don't wanna assume but people could take issue with her for a number of dumb reasons.

From "she isn't loud and angry like the others" to "she's a gurl."
>> No. 33225
Diamanda Hagan creeps me the fuck out.
>> No. 33226
To be perfectly honest...I wasn't fully aware of her gender when I first saw/heard her in a vid. The lighting doesn't help.

How's that? Was your childhood like, or the opposite of the one she talked about?
>> No. 33227
Pretty much. I'm a city boy. I moved from country to country as a kid and though I hd my time in the welsh countryside, my living arrangements were largely inconsistent. Manchester, New York, Cardiff, Monterrey, even Turin.... so, I just reveled in being unphased as a kid.
Later going online and spending the rest of my early adolescence on the net.
Its something I can rant about all I want, but for now let me just say, this JO person is literally the only reviewer so far who doesn't sound as unpleasant as a bitter nerd in her reviews.
I appreciate that.
>> No. 33228
So you wish you had lead a consistent lifestyle in a slow moving country-based area I'm gathering. Honestly, I have to say that given the option, I would encourage an early upbringing in the country. Sure it leaves you a little soft, but the experience is just worth it. Hearing JO talk about her youth rang true with mine, as I basically grew up in a similar fashion until I was a teenager. And even then.

I can't say I know what it's like from your perspective, but if you had the chance, take it. Or take it for someone else.
>> No. 33229
Eh, in the end, everyone is the reflection of their own unique lives.
>> No. 33240
So one of my fav reviewers has gotten a site off his own so I must share it.
I LOVE Pixel Dan. He has that child like glee that makes him a joy to watch.
>> No. 33261
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I'm dittoing this guy. I had to stop watching JO's review of Kiki because I didn't like hearing about how not-great the dub was. I was perfectly happy thinking it was a really good movie and remaining ignorant of all the little changes they made that messed up the tone.
>> No. 33262
>> No. 33263
This chick is turning into my fave on the site.
I think its enough to say she got me to actually watch an anime again since I was 14.
...Movies don't count.
>> No. 33264

Now THIS is interesting.

To spoil the video for people.

Basically you know how JO was touched by Takahata and that he wanted to speak to the next generation of Japan and tell them that their life of wealth and opulence was going away? Well apparently Sage figured that out too... but he DISLIKES the film and Takahata because that's STILL manipulation. Only instead of manipulating people into thinking it's sad, it's manipulating the "rebellious" youth of Japan into respecting their elders. And rather than making a purposeful anti-war film that's a character study and the tale of a pair of kids, it's a film about THE YOUTH and all the hardships THEIR PARENTS went through and they should respect them because of that.

And the fact he hijacked a semi-true story in order to basically manipulate teenagers into feeling guilt and shame over this offends him. Rather interesting how two people can actually analytically pour into a film and draw two VERY different opinions from it.
>> No. 33267
I guess it depends on your perspective.

Personally, I agree with JO.
>> No. 33272
The Internet is for two things: porn and opinions. 
>> No. 33273
Also, I would watch an episode if in it he temporarily defines the format and talks about a certain western movie.

 The Lion King. 
>> No. 33274
>> No. 33302
I'm on Sage's side personally. I find Grave to have artistic merit in parts but as a complete package I very much dislike the movie.
>> No. 33360

The magic raccoon testicles are upon us.
>> No. 33361
That was such a bizare movie.
>> No. 33362
Pom Poko was that rare breed of bizarre and boring. It's the only Ghibli film that I couldn't watch in a single sitting, I kept getting distracted by other things.
>> No. 33365
Takahara can't children's films. Now a verb.

I think that much is obvious.
>> No. 33366
Pom Poko is an awful film, I've never really heard of Whisper of the Heart though, seems cool.
>> No. 33367
>> No. 33368
>I've never really heard of Whisper of the Heart though, seems cool.

You would not believe how wrong you are.

I thought the same thing and I was able to enjoy Pom Poko to a certain extent, so when I rolled on to Whisper of The Heart I figured it couldn't be unemployable.

Whisper of The Heart is, in my opinion the worst Ghibli movie.

It's "sequel" oddly enough, is fucking great.
>> No. 33370
File 133903942632.jpg - (17.22KB , 360x373 , rf Stewart not amused.jpg )
>Whisper of the Heart is a bad movie
Try switching from DUB to SUB.
>> No. 33371
I liked Whisper of the Heart. Even the dub.
>> No. 33374
Loving JO's "Mayazaki" special. Also I LOVE Whisper of the Heart, definitely my favorite Ghibli movie. Never saw the dub and her review gives me even less of a reason to.

I'm surprised one of you hasn't commented on this yet http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/35512-top-11-the-simpsons-episodes
>> No. 33376
Maybe it's because I like way more fantastical stuff and that's what I was expecting going in to it, which is why I fucking loved the scenes from her book/imagination.
>> No. 33377
That's a rather unfair way to judge the film.
>> No. 33378
I suppose so, but I watched it about 10 years ago when I was 12, maybe a rewatch is in order.
>> No. 33379
Yes, and do watch the subbed version, the movie's premise kind of prevented the dub from being any good.
>> No. 33381
That was my initial response too, but as I began to look at it as a slice of life film, I really started to enjoy it.
>> No. 33385
File 133911002345.png - (50.53KB , 174x174 , luchoface.png )
>JO's face when she says something thats bullshit just to see if we blindly agree with her.
>> No. 33386

what's bullshit?

That Pom-Poko is bad or that Whisper is good?
>> No. 33388
File 133913211897.jpg - (16.38KB , 250x250 , rf contempt costanza.jpg )
>mfw your statement
>> No. 33390
If she ever does it, that is.
Just sayin'.
>> No. 33391
Nice save.
>> No. 33401
Tiki all I'll say is this.

If you think Whisper of the Heart is the worst Studio Ghibli film because it's slice of life/non-fantastical?

I dare you to sit down and watch Only Yesterday. Trust me. You'll be pulling your hair out halfway through.
>> No. 33417

I hope Jake at least gets to go to Brave.
>> No. 33420
I hope he's that lucky. If Brave doesn't disappoint.
>> No. 33428
>>"They should have called it DON'T FUCKING TOUCH THAT."

If I had a dollar for every movie that should have had that title...
>> No. 33548

Princess Mononoke and My Neighbor, The Yamadas.

MNTY is my favorite Ghibli film. I loved the scene where the dad tries to be heroic and stand up to the biker punks. That was so heartbreaking.
>> No. 33549
Gah! I dunno what to watch first. The reviews or the movies.
>> No. 33551
The movies.

I personally think you should form your own opinions first. They're both worth watching at least once.
>> No. 33553
I'm with JO on Princess Mononoke. That movie is just fantastic, and the dub is pitch perfect, it's far and away my favorite Ghibli film.
>> No. 33559
That video actually made me take the movie from the library.
>> No. 33570

Jake's actually kind of terrifying in this one.
>> No. 33571
That video's going to end up as "Exhibit A", isn't it?
>> No. 33572
if he somehow ends up missing Brave..we're gonna see a review with him and Brad's severed head for sure.
>> No. 33579
I honestly think he's going to get it. Next week the only notable things are Brave and Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.
>> No. 33591
I think of all the reviewers on the entire site, JO is my favorite. Her Digimon retrospectives alone would be enough to propel her to the top spot, let alone all the Miyazaki reviews she's been doing lately.

On an unrelated note, I'm embarrassingly excited to find out what the 4th Anniversary special will be.
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