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File 128916833322.jpg - (69.80KB , 604x378 , 10Red.jpg )
20556 No. 20556
Time to fix that.
New History of the Power Rangers by Lovhaughyouknowho.
Including Red Forever and how awesome that episode is.
260 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 31956

That's because Samurai kinda is bad...
>> No. 31963
If by "bad" you mean "bad, but making a million dollars a second" then yes, Samurai is downright shitty.

It's a necessary evil so the show can be good later. Or would you rather have the franchise canceled?
>> No. 31964
Can't it always be awesome and have Kamer Rider, Ultraman, and Some padding 90's anime adaptations which are also awesome run co-currently as a Superhero Block every Saturday Morning?
>> No. 31966
We had that chance back in 2000 when Kuuga came out. But Masked Rider'd left a bad taste in peoples mouths, so nothing came of it.
>> No. 31968
The Hub Should pick up Ultra Galaxy or Mebius or something. Power Rangers-ness and collectible monsters sounds like a winning formula.
>> No. 31974
drop them a line and ask about foreign licenses like what had been done on Fox Kids (Mystic Knights and Beetleborgs are still the shit IMO) Its a heck of an undertaking and with Saban and company working with Nick now..I'm not saying its impossible but it could be done. Them Aquabats fellas from what I saw with those old pilots seem to have a handle on that old show fighting style. I'd sat if Aquabats show gets a good following and they are able to start expanding the live action department..I'd say it would have a good shot.
>> No. 31976
Mystic Knights was American.
>> No. 31977
Completely? Huh...well isn't that something. Really need more stuff like that then.
>> No. 32298
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Ok, so I have a question, because I feel like someone here might know for some reason?

How do the actors use their scripts in these shows? Like, do they just go line for line? Or is there some ad-libbing encouraged? Is that even a way to act? I don't know anything about acting, or how these shows are put together behind the scenes, but I'm curious if everything is up to the writers in Power Rangers or if the actors ad-lib or something.
>> No. 32303

It's a production to production deal I'd imagine. Some productions might demand actors stick rigidly to their lines and dialogue, while others might decide "Hey. He said something funny! Let's keep that in there."

It might also have something to do with the number of cuts they can afford. The different reading of the same line. How people emote, etc. Really all acting is ad-libbed to an extent since it's doubtful any actor can convey the EXACT emotion/feeling in the director/writer's head when they're analyzing the script. They can obviously do a good job but still.
>> No. 32324
>> No. 32436
PR Super Samurai - The Bullzor…youtube thumb
Power Rangers: Super Samurai -…youtube thumb
So, this happened.
>> No. 32439
Here's something that's been on my mind for awhile. How much of Power Rangers is American and how much of it is the original Japanese show? And is the Aquabats! Supershow! the first all-American sentai show?

(My knowledge of sentai is essentially limited to the original Power Rangers and a little Kamen Rider OOO, so I apologize in advance if it's a dumb question.)
>> No. 32440
>This season
Samurai get run-in with Kuuga and Decade. Chasing down Diend Gun
Samurai Monster uses gun, becomes Diend Monster
Kuuga, Samurai, Decade with Blade Powers fights
Samurai Monster retreats to other world
>Next Season
Kabuto is first Power Rider series
Somewhere in the middle, Decade and Kuuga show up again, Decade uses Faiz powers
Diend Monster does too, makes Dark Kabuto and Hopping Bros with gun
Runs off, rest of season is cleaning up the mess with the new power players
>Season after that
Diend, Kuuga, Decade show up, makes Negataros and evil
Negataros defeated
Diend runs off again
>Season after that
Diend returns, makes Arc big before turning human
Runs off again
>> No. 32441
>Episode 1-2
Decade dies,
gives power to new kid,
he and his girlfriend escape collapsing world with Kuuga
>Episode 3
Inside pocket dimension,
Kuuga gives rundown of past seasons and Decade backstory.
>Episode 4-6
Blade World.
Blade joins Decade,
Ace King Undead heads off to worlds unknown
>Episode 7-8
Kabuto World.
Wrap up loose ends.
Diend Returns, evil again
>Episode 9-11
Faiz World,
Faiz joins Decade,
Diend becomes human, runs off alone,
>Episode 12-13
Den-O World. Wrap up loose ends.
Diend is in different world fighting monsters.
>Episode 14-16
Agito World.
Agito/G3/Gills (All one guy like in the original) joins Decade.
Diend returns, joins Decade with ulterior motives.
>Episode 17-18
Kiva World. Wrap up loose ends, Girlfriend kidnapped.
>Episode 19-21
Hibiki World.
Hibiki and Apprentice join Decade, but they all get seperated.
Agito/Faiz, Hibiki/Blade in parallel jungle and metro worlds,
Decade and Diend in Ryuki World,
Kuuga in his own thought destroyed world
>> No. 32442
>Episode 22/23
Kuuga escapes false Kuuga World tempting him to forget Rider War
Decade and Diend meet Dragon Knight world. Shark Rider is possessed Trent. Defeat Shark Rider, but Trent is still under their control.
Ace King Undead returns, under a 'new master'
Kuuga, Decade, and Diend thrown to Dark World
>Ep. 24-25
Decade become Decade Complete
Kuuga gains rising Ultimate powers
Blade and Hibiki break through,
Hibiki destroyed by King Ace Undead, apprentice's spirit broken
>Ep. 26-27
Blade avenges Hibiki, defeats King Ace,
Gains Blade King powers, fights beside Decade Complete,
Faiz and Diend get seperated
>Ep. 28-29
Faiz and Diend get contacted by revived Negataros to both join evil side, as 'they're monsters like him'
Faiz reveals to be wolf orphenoch
Faiz defeats Negataros, and becomes Faiz Blaster
Faiz comes back to Decade, but Diend goes alone
>Ep. 30-31
Agito refound, purges Gills from system,
Agito Shining Form
Diend Monster returns, summons Kabuki
>Ep. 32-33
Apprentice mans up and become Hibiki Armored, beats Kabuki
>Ep. 34-35
Diend purges Xandred's spirit from his system
Becomes Diend Complete
Knows where big bad is, makes portal to...
>Ep. 36-38
Dex is now King, but Robo Rider's returned
Diend at full power, makes Dex's grandfather return one last time as Masked Rider Black for THAT scene
Whole team united, to beat true evil behind the world's destruction:
Count Dregon, in the non-destroyed, but pulped world of Kuuga
>Ep. 39-42
Whole Seven Rider team storm the gates of Dregon's power
Girlfriend returns as Kivarra to kill Decade, Decade saves her
Dregon beaten once and for all, and his evil world destroyed
Worlds reset, save Kuuga's
Diend and Kuuga travel the worlds helping others, Decade returns home


What do you think?
>> No. 32509
You know, I was thinking only the other day how Saban would do the Zyuranger episode of Gokaiger. This is some shitty writefagging I did an hour ago on regular /co/. They weren't impressed, but tell me what you think.

Tommy/Jason/Zack/whoever: "So... you're the new Rangers."
"Yes, sir"
"You've got some big shoes to fill..."
"We know"
"... but I know you'll do great"
"Thank you. Was it... weird, seeing..."
"All of you in action? Yeah. But it was good. reminded me of... of all the good times we had."

*Fade to black*

Text appears: IN MEMORIAM

Thùy Trang, December 14, 1973 – September 3, 2001

>> No. 32515
History of Voltage Vengerz PAR…youtube thumb

It's so true.
>> No. 32522

HAH. That made my morning.
>> No. 32695
Hey, so normally I don't like this kind of stuff at all but I recently saw Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger. I can't remember the last time I saw a show as funny and self-aware as this one.

What do you guys think about it?
>> No. 32703

Speaking of which...

>> No. 32704
Akibaranger is more a Super Sentai thing than a Power Ranger thing.
You should check the tokusatsu thread on /jam/.
And I need to get into Akibaranger soon.

>> No. 32713
About damn time.
>> No. 33040
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>That rant about the explosions.
I had to put pause to the video for a few minutes. Jesus fuck, that was heavily annoying. Yes, we know that was a cheap gimmick, no need to do that kind of long rant. Aside that, good review.
>> No. 33312
【特報】パワーレンジ…youtube thumb
>> No. 33500
So, we're gonna get a Goseiger adaptation after all.
>> No. 33502
>> No. 33641
We're getting angels instead of the giant-tribute-to-every-season season. HAPPY 20TH ANNIVERSARY
>> No. 34956
From the pits of the third page, a new teaser!
Power Rangers Megaforce - Offi…youtube thumb
It seems it's gonna be big.

Also, meet the cast.
>> No. 34963
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I am excite.
>> No. 35613
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Holy balls.
>> No. 35625

Huh. Looks like they're using the pirate concept of changing into other rangers.

Except they're not pirates.

... meh. I can dig it.
>> No. 35633
I would watch the fuck out of Pirate Rangers. Fighting Krakens and Sirens and shit.
>> No. 35710
Well, if Megaforce really is taking Gokai's schtick, then I suppose the series that actually uses the Gokai team will probably be a straight up Pirate series. Also, I guess they're going to have to do a good deal of filming, considering just how much Gokaiger stuck to that schtick. Either that or battles are going to be ridiculously short.
>> No. 35722
Megaforce Season 1 will be Goseiger. Season 2 will be Gokaiger and the Ranger War. This is confirmed.
>> No. 35753
Ah, okay. So I guess they'll just carry over to the next set of powers and zords, much like MMPR transitioned into Zeo...
>> No. 35976
Really liking Akiba, the whole notion of Delusion Fighting I think could be adapted very well to some kinda Sleep Fighting Ranger bit.
>> No. 36411
Power Rangers Megaforce: First Lookyoutube thumb
>> No. 36412
You can see the Gokai keys at 15 on the walls.
>> No. 36441
And now I think what's gonna happen after Megaforce jumps into Gokaiger.
>> No. 36450
Power Rangers Megaforce: Weird Dreamyoutube thumb
weird dream :|
>> No. 36452
Power Rangers Megaforce: How D…youtube thumb
Power Rangers Megaforce: That'…youtube thumb
>> No. 36453

Goatse told us the morphers would give us power :| let's use em!!! :|
>> No. 36454
Ohh being attacked by a horde of Limazons.
>> No. 36458
You don't seem very convinced GodTyrant Bard.
>> No. 36470
File 135977852835.jpg - (173.49KB , 800x649 , IMG_3159-vi.jpg )
Made from mounds of Diecast and Solid plastic.
Snap it quick when it drops stateside folks before TRU ramps up the price (being as its an exclusive)
>> No. 36473
I think I used to have a morpher.
>> No. 36498
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1:1 Replica looks pretty good front and back. Sounds seem to be limited (Comm Beep, Metal Clang and Roll Call Theme) Some complain about the lack of Animal sounds but I don't remember those from the show during transformation.
>> No. 36502
Whoa! Any more info on that?
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