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File 135435671317.jpg - (105.35KB , 650x650 , image.jpg )
70184 No. 70184
3833 < many happy r33fturns!!!
297 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 70916
I think Dirk is with you on that one.

At least he's stable (no pun intended). If the result of combining Equius and Hal went berserk, we'd be in for a whole mess of trouble.
>> No. 70920
>TG: no bullshit theres still no excusing ppl ignoring me!
>TG: I D not G A fuck WHAT magic bling im rockin or how voidey im being
>TG: u a holes are behaving straight up RUDE i dont need this shit

>> No. 70921
Yeah, Roxy remains the best kid. She's actually doing shit, and keeping people apprised of the shit she's doing, and trying to pull everyone together, and everyone else is off playing at teenage bullshit.

Honestly, she's behaving more like a leader than Jane is at the moment. And yeah, I'll admit Jane's got a lot on her mind, but storywise it rather makes the reality of what's happening and the archetypes they're supposed to be in clash a bit. I wonder if that's going to be important later--like will Jane have to undergo some sort of explicit effort to be the leader she's supposed to be again, or something?
>> No. 70922
Who knows. John was said to be the leader of the B1 session, but he actually did very little compared to Rose and Jade. But Jake, Dirk and Roxy are all but confirmed to die in the great battle against who knows whom, so I guess Jane will have to get a grip and do the Lifey thing/go god tier to save them.
>> No. 70923
oh, and a new thread would be nice once the next updoot hits
>> No. 70924
I think Jane's development will be closer to Jade's than to John's. John and Jake are derpy and clueless guys who seem to be combat-oriented (John vs. Jack Noir, Jake vs. Lord English) but nonetheless are somewhat inspiring, while Jade and Jane both have gone through some actual tough shit but still end up saving the day (Jade saving their lands, Jane presumably resurrecting her friends). Likewise, Dirk and Rose were both extremely active but really had no idea what was going on, and both Dave and Roxy have spent a great deal of time trying to fix the others' shit.
>> No. 70925
You are seriously reaching to fit into the theory you're trying to make. At least half of those are false or vaguely projected at best.
>> No. 70926
>uu: I SEE.
>> No. 70927
These two are adorable in the worst possible ways.
>> No. 70928
I cannot be the only person to think that Jake is gonna end up being Lord English, am I? Or some freaky combo of both Caliborn and Jake.

Lord prefix, Jake's last name, seen using a gun which is both of their weapons, the cherub icon that Jake always uses, them teaming up, etc
>> No. 70929
File 135694428414.gif - (18.07KB , 500x800 , Tameem creates a homestuck game.gif )
Oh god he really getting better at this
It even looks like he's imitating the jpeg artifacts
>> No. 70930
That one outstretched arm going toward the "camera", is that supposed to be his fanart of a selfie?
>> No. 70931
File 135695254162.png - (46.87KB , 650x448 , e298b31cedc0776f4bdc1f812bf4913e.png )
he copied the picture that was on jake's ipod, but replaced dirk with himself
>> No. 70932
He also replaced Dirk's red mask and Jake's green helmet with Cal's head and a pumpkin respectively hmmmmm
>> No. 70933
So then Caliborn basically rules over paradox space, rather than being subordinated to it. Complete agency over his own fate, since no matter what he does he can never do "the wrong thing" or end up in a doomed timeline.
>> No. 70934
Or he kills Jake and takes his name, like he took his sister's blood and U's.
Jake is a confirmed kill on the battlefield, isn't he?
>> No. 70936
I'm thinking Caliborn's method of creating circles >>70432 >>70433 is basically how pixels work, in they they're a bunch of tiny squares/dots that look like other shapes because there's a bunch of them and they're too small to easily distinguish. Maybe he'll eventually learn to zoom in and start making pixel art.
>> No. 70937
I think he already confirmed he plans on doing what you're suggesting when he was bragging about creating a circle for the first time.

I think by the end of this Caliborn will end up becoming a great artist. It's another way of showing how much progress he is capable of making.
>> No. 70938
So any large round spherical objects dropping this year?
>> No. 70939
File 135707049791.png - (163.64KB , 500x562 , tumblr_inline_mfxyknkiaO1qch0tt.png )
Wait what happened here?
>> No. 70940
File 135707218323.jpg - (27.51KB , 569x283 , A_g2AyRCAAAqhXZ.jpg )

>> No. 70941
Well John had already explicitly said so, and Dave gave no indication of interest in men despite flirting with girls fairly regularly. I'm not sure why people would be surprised by this.
>> No. 70942
Because yaoifags are delusional as shit.
>> No. 70943
John/Dave is like one of the most popular ships in the fandom, mang.
>> No. 70944
>> No. 70945
People still draw John/Rose and are either doing it for fun or are in complete denial. Not surprised if this hardly does a dent to John/Dave fans.

On the other hand, Hussie has done things in canon that he said he wouldn't, so most of them are probably hinging on that shining track record.
>> No. 70946
Are you seriously implying that John/Rose is sunk?
>> No. 70947
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>> No. 70948
So I was avoiding plus4chan because of all of the dying it's been doing.

Have we talked about how much of a complete idiot Jake is?
>> No. 70951
Do you mean in regards to Jane, or in regards to Caliborn? Yes to the first, a little to the second.
>> No. 70952
Thing is, John/Rose could still happen in-comic. People say that John/Dave fans are stupid because neither is gay, but you are equally stupid for assuming that Rose exclusively likes girls when she's had lots of ship tease with John, had some dirty chats with Dave in the past and was very interested in Karkat's trashy romance novel.

I'm personally hoping that Kanaya/Rose remains a thing, but if Hussie wants her to get together with John I'm okay with that. I have a feeling the trolls won't survive til the end anyway.
>> No. 70953
Okay I did not expect Hussie to bring up the "if you even knew his name" thing again. What's up with that?

Also Calliope's code is UrobUros isnt it. And I have a feeling that each of them, whatever they are, turns into the other at some point.
>> No. 70955
>Also Calliope's code is UrobUros isnt it. And I have a feeling that each of them, whatever they are, turns into the other at some point.
Assuming the Juju Caliborn is sending Jake is that orange Lil' Seb on the ball there, who is also Liv Tyler and Casey and the rabbit from Con Air, it's almost certain that Calliope's is going to be an instance of one of those too.
>> No. 70956
I doubt that Lil' Seb is his juju. From the looks of it, Gamzee probably dug it up from the dried up ocean floor just like Lil Cal.'
>> No. 70957

Could Gamzee be a juju?
>> No. 70958
Did Caliborn seriously alchemize himself a golden tooth?
>> No. 70959
No, from the way he worded it and the fact that he's actually been reading the rules, it sounds like it has officially become a rule of SBURB that clowns can do anything, because "miracles and shit."
>> No. 70960
Gamzee gave Caliborn the golden tooth after he requested it. Noir is going to be the one to kill Jake and Jane.
>> No. 70963
Ha ha, I was still expecting for something really fearsome but turns out it's just Caliborn being shit full of himself.
>> No. 70964
Lil Cal is the most important character of Homestuck! Congrats little buddy, you earned it. :')
>> No. 70965
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>> No. 70967
Okay so what does that mean about Bro? Dirk, as the Prince of Heart, killed the extra soul inside lil' Cal, which is why Caliborn said he was 'dead'.
Did the hideous soul inside Cal make him watch all those Saw movies? Did Cal teach Bro about Sburb before it came out?
>> No. 70968
So Lil Cal + [Callie's juju,] the Cueball = Doc Scratch, who takes the place of a planet's first guardian and spreads destruction by summoning Caliborn
>> No. 70969
Isn't this the first time ever Gamzee looks somewhat scared?
>> No. 70971
my guess is that the ourboros caliborn gave to Jake in it it's completed form is what "defeats" caliborn....

By trapping him inside lil cal.
>> No. 70972
I don't think he looks scared as as much as he looks entranced or hypnotized.
>> No. 70973
While I think he easily could, the fact that he thought he invented the concept says to me that he hasn't figured out that it was already the foundation of modern computer graphics.
>> No. 70975
i love you condesce
>> No. 70977
Oh my god YES

Best trollcestor
>> No. 70978
its like
every time she does or says something i think its awesome
because lets face it thats fact who doesnt love the condesce
but then i remember shes thousands of years old and personally killed millions and gleefully ruled over a horrible society that travelled the stars in the search for stuff to slaughter
and then i squee a little bit inside
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