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File 132803530420.gif - (63.31KB , 650x450 , 04519_2.gif )
61083 No. 61083
Last thread:

New thread since old's auto-saging. Xtreeeeemly relevant blog post:
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>> No. 61084
Hussie, I was all ready to like Dirk. I put up with the mysterious ironic puppetmaster shit in acts 1-4. I waited for you to introduce him. I withstood the haters after you outed him.
I am still
>> No. 61086
We're like 6 pages into his intro

Calm down for a bit.
>> No. 61088

Should we be expecting Triangle and Sine soon?
>> No. 61089
File 132804853036.jpg - (21.29KB , 600x450 , 1328048212323[1].jpg )
Talk about self-insert, huh.
No I'm not being serious
Except in saying that Hussie totally has a SBAHJ tatoo
Motherfucker's crazy
>> No. 61090
Also holy fuck the jpeg artifacts stick out of his goddamn arm.
>> No. 61091
maybe the "glitch" they kill Lord English with is by Dirk shoulder tackling him so hard the compression artifacts transfer onto him and turn him into a cruddy JPEG version of himself which is easily killed
>> No. 61092
>easily killed
He'd probably just do a lifdoff and float away into the Furthest Ring for all eternity.
>> No. 61093
Oh, and by the way, for each time SBaHJ do something reality-breaking, I'm thinking more and more that it isn't just an awfully incrredible web comic. I mean, seriously. Those artifacts are fucking eldritch.
>> No. 61095
The reason why I'm not all that into irony is because no matter how ironic it's meant to be, it's still tacky.
>> No. 61096
That's kind of the point. Bro and Dirk were/are weird ass guys with strange interests who pass it off as being ironic, thus being cool dudes. It's very much a tacky thing, but they roll with it like champs.

Wow now, 1. Is that actually Hussie? and 2. Is that real?
>> No. 61097
Yes to both.
He made a bet a while back, I think it was about some piece of merch selling out within a certain time limit, with the losing conditions being that he'd get Hella Jeff's face tattooed on his arm.
He lost.
>> No. 61099
I understand, Dirk. Dash is my favorite pony too.
>> No. 61100
so it seems the Alpha kids seem to share traits with some of the trolls, Dirk has Equius's robotic skills, dress style and horse fetish, Roxy has a rifle-type energy weapon and Eridan's dual obsession with wizards and science, Jake has Aradia's archaeology interests and his plundering of frog temples, and Jane has Feferi's title as heiress to the Condesce, as well as using a trident-fork. Their eyewear is also kinda similar shaped.
>> No. 61101
File 132805762316.jpg - (82.89KB , 276x640 , H3YD1RK1STH1SYOU.jpg )
I hope Dirk puts his shirt back on soon.

I can't stop seeing his tattoo as some weird deformed twin in sprite mode.
>> No. 61102
wow, never realized the wizard/science duality with eridan until now.
>> No. 61103
Eridan is a wizard who likes science. Roxy is a scientist who likes wizards.
>> No. 61106
I still say the DJ one would be his fave.

So is Hussie gay as well?
>> No. 61107
Oh hey, he's becoming oddly adorable now. That was unexpected.
>> No. 61108
What the hell did Dave do that got Ben Stiller killed?!
>> No. 61109
heh, he should alchemise that poster with some stuff, like his pocket board, for rainbow effects and maximum speed.
>> No. 61110
File 132806061382.jpg - (70.85KB , 290x400 , stillerrip.jpg )
In loving memory...
>> No. 61111

They also both obsess about being FOREVERALONE.jpg
>> No. 61112
I think that by combining elements of Equius with Bro is one of the reasons Dirk isn't as awesome as the original, his Bro'ness has been diluted with something much less awesome.
>> No. 61117

>She is so spunky. <3
Just like his moirail
>> No. 61118
Dave's movie are subliminally anti-Condense and the Batterwitch had Donald Glover killed!

>> No. 61119
I feel like I shouldn't be laughing so hard at all this goddamned assassinating.
>> No. 61120
the Dirk updates

>> No. 61121
I imagine they'll keep coming up until he has a conversation with someone, and then that'll be tomorrow's update, as logs typically take Hussie some time.
>> No. 61122
Character development!

Becoming less bland minute by minute.
>> No. 61124
So is 'swole' the Southern word for 'brawlic'?
>> No. 61126
>> No. 61127
I honestly wish he would spread them out over a few pages instead of posting one page with a MASSIVE log. I looked through older pages, and it works quite well, alot easier to read through.
>> No. 61128
some Sendificator exposition
also it seems Dirk has plans for Jake's bro-bot. Ruthless killing plans.
>> No. 61129
I don't really mind either way, but I do prefer logs to narrative updates, as more often then not, there's more to read and more information in logs.

Oh god is Dirk gonna be what Vriska was to Tavros, to Jake?
>> No. 61130

I don't think so.
He was the same way in universe B1, but strifing with Dave. Making Dave into a ruthless killing machine. I guess he just....does that.
>> No. 61133
File 132806755363.gif - (27.21KB , 650x450 , 02177.gif )
well Dirk already is causing shitstorms barely after his introduction, so I can see him becoming a "designated fandom enrager" character. With his penchant for manipulation and his ruthless killer-ness it's entirely possible that his unseen nimble digits will end up doing something that appears to be absolutely heinous for no immediately apparent reason, much like Vriska did with prototyping Bec or killing John. Hell, their first proper character appearances both involved showing up and inexplicably kicking the shit out of Dave/Tavros, with them both ending up on the ground messaging their chums about it.

plus it would be ironic that the character whose Beta self's death garnered so much hatred for the bitch who indirectly caused it would become just as hated as her when he came back
>> No. 61134
File 132807024519.png - (181.68KB , 700x950 , Betty_Crocker Donald_Glover Imperial_Drone.png )
You know he went down swinging.

We salute you my friend!
>> No. 61135
take that back, equius is a great troll

ps the reason dirk isn't as awesome as he was originally is because he had no lines and very few appearances as bro and you could force any personality you wanted on him. there's literally nothing in these sequences that contradicts or sullies anything he did as an adult. if you didn't glorify him back in early acts i doubt you'd be reacting so negatively to him, since of course he won't live up to your expectations. nothing ever does when you've got such a long time to build them up.

it's like when people get mad when link shows any trace of personality in any zelda game, because what he's doing doesn't match up to what they think he SHOULD be doing even though there is no actual substance in past games to compare the present game to. it's all in their heads.
>> No. 61136
so since the Alpha players are more ruthless and kill-y than the Betas it's entirely likely they will fuck up the session like the Trolls did, and will probably attempt to kill their denizens too, unlike the Beta kids and Tavros
>> No. 61137
Eq's was a shit troll that died in a laughably pathetic fashion.
>> No. 61139
It's nice to have an actual villain in Homestuck after so long.

We've got Jack Noir, whose literally only purpose is to kill off characters.

We've got Lord English, who we don't even know is a villain, only that he eats universes that are already dead.

And at long last we have the Troll Empress/Batterwitch/Condesce, a villain with actual goals.
>> No. 61140
You shut your peasantblood mouth
Equius died an honorable death of supreme dignity and class
>> No. 61141
New friend Geromy nooooo
>> No. 61142
English is definitely a villain, commanding Doc Scratch to orchestrate the destruction of two universes and having the Condesce take over Earth and turn it into a violent shithole and kill the kids' parents (and Ben Stiller). Scratch outright stated he was extremely evil, more so than Jack.

Plus he's a paedo, you know he and Scratch kept the Handmaid locked up so they could molest her.
>> No. 61143
You've struck the nail directly on the head my friend. This comic needs more rape, for DEEPness purposes. Sure we had Mindfang raping someone 'onscreen' as it were and said character mentioned as being reduced to a sex slave for many after her capture, but it could easily go DEEPer than that.
>> No. 61144
We got Karkat's description of how the Horrorterrors interact with characters inside dream bubbles.
>> No. 61145
holy shit now I feel so much worse for all the dead trolls
>> No. 61146

Don't worry, it's just mind rape.
>> No. 61147
maybe Feferi got the horrorterrors to stop mindfucking them when she had the dream bubbles set up during her first nap
>> No. 61148
Somehow I doubt Fef see's it as a negative thing, she'd likely enjoy it if anything...
>> No. 61149
maybe she told them to stop raping everyone except Eridan

that way she could finally help him fill his quadrants. It's the reason Eridan is the only dead troll whose dreamghostself we haven't seen
>> No. 61150
somehow I feel like doc scratch's inappropriate interactions with young girls are less due to sexual inclinations on his part and more due to the dharma he inherited from li'l cal (that is, pleasure found in making children feel uneasy and unsafe)

it's worth noting that the beta kids will be there too
>> No. 61155
Davesprite and Jade could be forced to intervene between Dirk and Jake/their denizens. Since Roxy seems to be messing around the Furthest Ring it's possible the other (dead) characters who know the Denizens' true nature (Tavros, Vriska, Alt-John) might be involved too. We still don't know how exactly Tavros interacted with Typheus, and he's the only one who seems to have actually made the correct choice regarding his denizen. Also Vriska having to convince a human (most likely Jake) to avoid killing someone would be an interesting reversal.

Maybe Roxy might end up relaying the information from Tavros/Alt-John to the others instead. Roxy seems like the least corrupted of the Alpha players, as well as the most cautious, and thus the least likely to charge in and blast Nix/Nyx without putting the decision to her mad rigors first. Rose on the other hand is the most violent and grimdark of the Beta kids and the most likely to kill her denizen.
>> No. 61156
English is a pimp and likes adult women. As a "younger" English, Scratch likes younger girls.
>> No. 61160
>We still don't know how exactly Tavros interacted with Typheus, and he's the only one who seems to have actually made the correct choice regarding his denizen.
Pretty sure Vriska mentioned he didn't even confront Typheus.
Kanaya had some interaction with Echidna, though. Since she seemed very eager to help Jade even before the r>>61155
equest to TAKE US WITH YOU, I don't think Kanaya killed her, even if they weren't able to strike a deal.
>Rose on the other hand is the most violent and grimdark of the Beta kids and most likely to kill her Denizen.
Well, I think that depends. Rose was willing to use whatever means to find a way to break the game. If Cetus tried to exchange information with her or strike some sort of beneficial deal which didn't waste too much time, she would definitely co-operate. But if Cetus attacked first and/or didn't give her an offer, Rose probably wouldn't hesitate.

>Roxy seems the least corrupted of the Alpha players
It's kinda funny. Out of the Beta kids, Rose was the one chosen by the Horrorterrors and she was the most violent and destructive. In the Alpha session, Roxy is the one chosen by the Horrorterrors, and yet she's only one of them who *isn't* corrupted or influenced by the Condesce or Crocker (keep in mind that Lil' Cal is the ecto-father of Lord English himself). I think that should tell us something about the Horrorterrors.
>> No. 61162
File 132812082154.png - (326.20KB , 839x442 , _tmp.png )
I've been of the opinion for a while now that the Horrorterrors' agenda is cross-purposes with both Skaia and Lord English. So it makes some sense that they'd take the contrarian position to whoever seems to be on top of the propaganda game in any given session.
>> No. 61163
Pretty much. The Horrorterrors are locked in an eternal battle against Skaia and BSlick, but Lord English is... worse. He doesn't really give a damn and attacks/kills/eats both sides indiscriminately. Since Skaia doesn't seem to be a sentient organism (it's more like a bubble of possibilities which mutates to satisfy paradox space) and Bilious Slick is just a huge frog, it relies on its players to win the battle. But once English turns up and sabotages the game so that he can devour the dead universe left behind, neither Skaia nor the Horrorterrors can win. Just look at the result of the Trolls' session: they were able to create a new universe (which the Horrorterrors don't want), but it was sick and couldn't possibly bear a new universe (which Skaia doesn't want) and also resulted in Jack Noir becoming a significant threat to both sides. Meanwhile, English gets two dead universes to feast on and there's another one in the making (soon).
>> No. 61165
Kind of hard to talk allegiances here since we don't really know exact motivation of all these cosmic forces.
>> No. 61167
We still don't know the motivation of some of the existing characters.
Who is UU and is she evil? Is Jane under the Condesce's mind control? Why did Aradia stop Karkat from ascending? Is Jake related to Lord English?
>> No. 61168
Except according to Doc Scratch, the danger Lord English poses is a "known quality, sanctioned by paradox space"

He seems to imply that Lord English is just part of the system, less of a wild card and more of a systematic disposal unit that goes around getting rid of universes that have been written off by both the Horrorterrors and Skaia, either because he's "already there", or for some other ephemeral reason we can't understand. He clearly doesn't have as much power or influence as the Horrorterrors, or the resources that Skaia and BSlick have, but he's a player in the same arena nonetheless.

Jack is the true wildcard; he has the power to destroy universes and he uses it whenever and on whatever he pleases, something that both the Horrorterrors *and* Skaia & BSlick have reason to fear.
>> No. 61170
So I think I might be missing something, but why do people think the troll ancestors have different classes from the trolls? It's often agreed that they have the same aspects, which makes sense considering various reasons like Nepeta's ancestor getting the Sufferer's heart, and Darkleer having an ability like a void power.
The reason I'm wondering is because I thought the classes were similarly implied in the text. The Condesce is outright called the Batterwitch, along with Mindfang calling Feferi "another little witch" (which implies Feferi's not the only one), and even Doc Scratch words her servitude to Lord English by saying, "The Condesce will serve as her new master's witch."
Aradia's ancestor is called the Handmaid, Sollux's ancestor is described as "a mage of unequaled telekinetic ability", and we even have a possible hilarious pun of when Mindfang is writing in her journal about the Summoner and she says "I will commit to this page my highest expect8tions."
There might even be more, too. So I was just wondering why everyone thinks the trolls and their ancestors have different titles? Is it because the kids and their guardians have different titles...?
>> No. 61172
>Should we be expecting Triangle and Sine soon?
Maybe we'll see Lowpass and Aftertouch.
>> No. 61173
>So I was just wondering why everyone thinks the trolls and their ancestors have different titles? Is it because the kids and their guardians have different titles...?
Yeah pretty much.
>> No. 61174
I seriously doubt that's the reason, but it is interesting that we haven't seen him yet.
>> No. 61180
it was
a motherfucking
>> No. 61182
Update, Dirk's fetch modus revealed and another And It Don't Stop reference
>> No. 61183
>no orange
>> No. 61184
I just know that the "orange" aspect of those sodas are going to come back and bite him somehow in the future, at the worst possible time.
>> No. 61185
So his groove rows seem to be:
row 1: weapons
row 2: dolls
row 3: orange soda
row 4: bro stuff
row 5: vacant
>> No. 61186
File 132815245646.png - (13.36KB , 87x367 , FORBIDANRHYME.png )
My life is complete
>> No. 61190
If Brobot doesn't eat all babies of the human race, I am quitting Homestuck.
>> No. 61191
Let's get creative!
>> No. 61192
I don't get it...
>> No. 61194
> He patented the technology for producing THREE DIMENSIONAL JPEG ARTIFACTS, to make products shittier than was ever previously imaginable.

Dave, look at your life, look at your choices.
>> No. 61195
I think it's a refrance to this
>> No. 61196
Oh dear.
Homestuck- The Baby is You: vs brosyoutube thumb
Forbidden rhymes, around 30 something seconds in.

Unrelated but... who the fuck loves orange soda? BRO LOVES ORANGE SODA.
>> No. 61197
These updates have me craving for some orange soda. Nut that all the stores are closed in my area at this time.
>> No. 61198
File 132817263563.jpg - (109.30KB , 450x450 , orangesoda.jpg )
Coincidentally, a little after I read the update, my brother returned home, and handed off to me one of those Walgreens branded orange sodas. (He kept the cola) I definitely recommend orange soda, it's so deliciously tangy. But be careful! Too much orange can cause heart pulpitations...
>> No. 61199
That'll be a great ectobiology session.
>> No. 61200
What kind of person even remembers that kind of callback
>> No. 61201
tbh I had to google it to know what the other poster was talking about
>> No. 61203
File 132821131023.png - (226.87KB , 600x600 , 1300411382132.png )
The kind that has The Baby is You on their MSPA playlist. Get on my level.
>> No. 61208
File 13282281251.gif - (153.53KB , 650x1000 , 04536_2.gif )
Did someone call this earlier? Definitely sounds familiar.
>> No. 61209
it was pretty much described in the chatlog with Jane

so I guess this is the part where we see DD or HB or whoever attack Dirk and get killed
>> No. 61210
File 132823130296.jpg - (232.70KB , 727x3382 , 042.jpg )
Of course judging by the latest SBaHJ, it might be a white pawn that attacks him. What if Lord English sent someone to usurp Prospit's leadership as well? Dirk might just have killed Alpha PM.
>> No. 61211
So does this mean that Jack took the photo with a camera that looks like a knife or...?
>> No. 61212
i like to think that he set up a tripod and camera just so he could make sure everyone who read the newspaper would know exactly who did it, and that he did it in a particularly cold-blooded and hardboiled fashion

he couldn't get that angle if he was holding the camera himself
>> No. 61213
or maybe the Condesce/BQ took a screencap using Trollian and the viewport feature

it would explain how the tabloid photo got printed so quick
>> No. 61214
That's wrong by default because it's substantially less funny than the tripod idea.
>> No. 61215
It appears the class needs a lesson on Weapon/Object Duality.
>> No. 61216
Alpha Jack is using a Warchest like SS, so his knife's double is probably a card, like everything else in the deck.
>> No. 61217
You know, I wouldn't put it past Hussie to intentionally make one SBaHJ comic parallel the events of the comic, just so everybody starts freaking out and thinking that the secrets of Homestuck are imbedded in every comic.
>> No. 61223
I thought we were already at the point of freaking out thinking that the secrets of Homestuck are imbedded in every comic.
>> No. 61224
I thought we'd been a that point since like, the fifth sbahj comic.
>> No. 61227
I want a t-shirt with a hat printed on it.
>> No. 61229
File 132824947064.jpg - (394.38KB , 918x847 , SNOP.jpg )
>> No. 61230
File 132825812954.png - (12.39KB , 500x336 , aquarius.png )
anyone else notice what the lines in the toilet look like in the last panel?
>> No. 61231
Anyone notice the pawn looks like a penis in the next to next to last panel?
>> No. 61232
it's symbolic that even if Eridan becomes relevant to the story again, he will never score
>> No. 61234

Not really.

I mean, they're both drawings of simple waves, did you try to find a conspiracy?
>> No. 61244
It's no conspiracy, just a sign that our prince is returning!
>> No. 61245
March is Coming
>> No. 61247

oh nooooooooooo
>> No. 61253
fuck yes finally
>> No. 61255
That was a little underwhelming, but I have a feeling these can only escalate.
>> No. 61256
I just thought I'd let everyone know that the lead instrument in that song is a square wave.

>> No. 61257
So I'm curious
Does anybody else see Dirk becoming a huge sociopath in the next few pages?
The kid's weird. And while re-reading acts 1-4, I've noticed all the kids complaining about how creepy he is.
And he raised Dave to think smiling was lame
Just a thought
>> No. 61258
Maybe he just hates the insincerity of the cheesy rubber smiles everyone shoots off at each other whenever they walk past.
>> No. 61259
i think it's pretty well established at this point that he actually does have feelings and has the ability to care about people though
>> No. 61264
He was a grown-man with an overwelming puppet-fetish, is that not wierd enough? Pretty sure Rose mentioned having viewed his pay-per-view puppet porn website personally.

Hell I'm not even sure if Bro was gay like Dirk, I think he might have been puppetsexual. non-plush ass pig-disgusting.
>> No. 61265
he seems to be pretty careless about dumping orange soda onto poor Squarewave though, although it's debatable whether he's sentient on the level of the Autoresponder. Maybe Dirk only cares about AIs when they're copies of himself.
>> No. 61271
3/3 Hearts Boxcarses slain
>> No. 61272
It's funny how the way Dirk talks about alpha Dave, the latter is now the one that sounds pretty unhinged and weird.
>> No. 61275
I can't shake the feeling that this isn't going to end well for Dirk.
>> No. 61276
I know, isn't it great? But imagine being aware of stuff, knowing the Batterwitch is closing her hold on you and the world around you day by day. Beta Bro had only preparing Dave for SBURB, which while harsh was not really off track as far as he knew.

Alpha Dave, on the other hand, had to deal with the knowledge of a corrupt outside force that was simply inexorable. Knowing how hard up they were against Crocker, it's not really that inconceivable that Dave would decide he was going to cause as much trouble and buy as much time as he possibly could. Subliminal truth campaigns, ironically bad products used to gain absurd amounts of money, sounds completely like Dave just got fed up and did what he could within the confines of the non-SBURB Alpha universe.

So yeah, maybe he did go a little off the deep end, but you can still tell it was really Dave under there.

I got nothing against HB, but for some reason this very last panel was just... deeply satisfying for some reason. Kinda like a "kick that bitch to the curb, show 'em you're not to be fucked with" kinda way. Also, kind of a nice further showcase of how already-ready for this game the Alpha kids are.

Though I do have faith in them, just how ready to steamroll this game these kids have been set up to be does make me a little worried that they'll parallel the trolls in some way. It's my hope that the batterwitch's extra trials, the extra-SBURB stuff they'll have to deal with re: Lord English, and at least meeting up with the Beta kids will temper them away from fucking up that badly, in addition to their innate not-being-that-stuck-up-the-ass about winning for the sake of winning.
>> No. 61279
Dirk easily curbstomping Alpha Jack's minions, the meteor survivors carrying three God Tiers ready to team up and kick the shit out of Bec Noir, two more God Tiers including the all-powerful Jade coming in on the Yellow Yard... it looks like our heroes might actually have a good chance of coming out on top.

Which of course means that this is when the next even bigger unstoppable threat is about to jump out of fucking nowhere and fuck things up.
>> No. 61281
There's pretty much no way that's not gonna be either Betty Crocker or Lord English himself.
>> No. 61282
Isn't Scratch~Betty Crocker the Troll Empress who was recruited to LE's service/stable?
>> No. 61287
so no one's gonna comment on how horseshit dirk looks in the flash? i absolutely hate eyes5's character work. dirk looks like some kind of creepy shark thing
>> No. 61288

no, because no one cares. just enjoy the damn comic. shit.
>> No. 61289
I thought he looked pretty shitty too. Didn't know it was Eyes5, but it makes sense...I've never liked her art that much (her Equius from the walkaround flashes looked like a sock puppet).
>> No. 61290

Yeah, I thought so too, but I sort of forgot when I remembered And It Don't Stop
>> No. 61291
or maybe Squarewave is about to blow up and kill Dirk's real self
that's why Dirk was taking his shades off and looking at the sky, so he could get a good look at where he was going to spend the rest of eternity

we still don't know the extent of Jane's lifey thing, noone else so far has had that much power over life and death as she has, so there's bound to be some catch to it

maybe this is when we get Dirksprite with Shades Prick taking his place as player
>> No. 61295
damn, somebody real mad
>> No. 61296
>maybe this is when we get Dirksprite with Shades Prick taking his place as player
Hope not. That would be so boring. Dirk is way cooler/more interesting than emo shades.
>> No. 61300
yo what fan fiction have you been reading
>> No. 61301
i didn't notice anything was off???? what are you even talking about
>> No. 61305
Everything shades says is about him and his robo feelings and wehhh why you no like me Jake?
>> No. 61306
Oh boy, a boring, overused buzzword used to pigeonhole things the poster doesn't like. I really am on 4chan, aren't I?
>> No. 61307
Hmm, so which of the r-kids is going to get caught in a potentialy deadly situation by the end of this act?
>> No. 61308
Each sub act will end with Jane being caught in an explosion.
>> No. 61309
Man I was going to be so pissed if Dirk killed Droog
>> No. 61311

not really. just tired of people bitching about shit that doesn't matter.
>> No. 61319
You mean like Dirk being caught in Squarewave's explosion right now?
>> No. 61326
Dirk+AR chats are the new PastKarkat+FutureKarkat chats.

The Pi and Prime Number chat between them made me laugh out loud.
>> No. 61327
No, AR, mathematics do not work that way.
>> No. 61328
Shades Prick broke math somehow. Or maybe he's being using that as a way to tell Dirk not to run his mind ragged while trying to juggle multiple selves.
>> No. 61330
Shades prick is annoying, I wish someone would stand on him
>> No. 61337
Well we saw his desktop, but we didn't see his browser. Did Hussie just forget or is he foreshadowing something?
>> No. 61338
His Denizen shall be Gamebro, AKA Delirious Biznasty.
>> No. 61342
>> No. 61343
Doesn't he use Complete Bullshit to browse the web...
>> No. 61345
is shades prick rhyming with spades slick going to be relevant somehow
>> No. 61346
Shades Prick is a fanon only, sort of obscure name, created based off the fact that it sounds like Spades Slick.
>> No. 61347
Indeed. And it will be of great importance in the inevitable rap battle between the Striders and LE. Dirk will use it to simultaneously take SS captive (in order to bar him from interfering) and launch SP into LE's face.
>> No. 61348
Why do I get the feeling that the logs between these two are going to be my favorite part of this act. And that Shades Prick will, or threaten to, explode in Dirk's face.
>> No. 61349
i hope dirk threatens to sit on him
>> No. 61350
>TT:My shit is in motion, and now we're beyond the pail.
>TT: Pretty sure it's pale.
>TT: Is it, now?

Ho HO! I see what you did there. I think I'm going to like these exchanges.
>> No. 61351
its funny because i dont have a fucking clue what this means
>> No. 61352
Shades may be black flirting with him? Or he's talking about Dirk's denial about being in love with Jake, but I doubt that because Dirk is in agreement on that one.
>> No. 61353
this is kind of adorable
>> No. 61362
autoresponder basically just tricked him into saying jake was free in the only quadrant that actually applies to humans (red) via wordplay with stupid troll words

so it's now technically ok for the autoresponder to make the moves on him instead
>> No. 61365
so I wonder what Dad thinks of all this weird shit
>> No. 61371
ha ha, dirk really fucked up by creating ar.
>> No. 61378
technically? nobody takes that seriously, not even a robo shades. dirk's intentions are pretty undeniaby clear.
>> No. 61379
do you think that
a) the autoresponder is not dirk's rival in his quest for jake's affections
b) the autoresponder is not purposely trying to fuck his plans up
c) the autoresponder would not stoop to technicalities to get a leg up on dirk
>> No. 61380
>> No. 61382
Different anon, but I'm going with (a). I mean, I'm willing to take Shades!Dirk's comments about romance not really being a thing for him anymore at face value.

But I'm also pretty sure we're going to see the Dirks working cross-purposes in different ways as things play out.
>> No. 61383
I really like this last bunch of fast-paced updates, we haven't seen those since forever.
>> No. 61391
hussie's just been subjected to tumblr's and reddit's bullshit for too long. i thought we knew that from the whole mlk day incedent
>> No. 61394
Nah, actually, "le sigh" is far older than that. Also, with all due respect, you're a moron.
>> No. 61396
Le _____. comes from Pepe Le Pew cartoons, you dolt.

>> No. 61403

Le sigh has been popularized by stupid reddit bullshit, though.
Like how people who don't even realize that "the cake is a lie" is a reference to something.
>> No. 61405
i thought le sign was something from sbahj? like i know it's technically from bugs bunny cartoons and commandeered by internet memes, but hasn't it also appeared somewhere else in the comic?

or maybe dirk just goes on reddit idk, he kind of seems like the type.

but hussie doesn't go on reddit and no one on tumblr says "le sigh" because it is a dumb reddit thing, not a dumb tumblr thing.
>> No. 61407
How you got reddit/tumblr from that is beyond me. It's hardly exclusive, it's just a silly way to be dramatically exasperated.
>> No. 61408
>> No. 61409
Le sigh as a thing is much older than reddit. I used to say it a bunch back when I was mudding in like 1998. In my defence, I was a teenager so I said a whole bunch of stupid shit, but it was stupid shit that predated reddit.
>> No. 61410
"Beyond the pale" is an old expression for being in uncharted territory. ("Pale" here is an old word for "wall" or "border," as opposed to an adjective indicating lightness of color. Thanks, Latin.)
>> No. 61411

So pail - pale (color) - pale (cartography term)

Huss pulled a three-way wordplay. The guy never ceases to impress me.
>> No. 61413
But that was ss le sign, which is an anagram of signless. It was excused.
>> No. 61415
But what business did troll messiah have in that conversation? You can't just throw references carelessly like that!
>> No. 61417
>> No. 61419
too busy with shades/roxy
>> No. 61423
TG: le siiiiiign..////
TT: Le sign?
TG: yes le sign you heard me
TT: Do you mean * le sigh?
TG: hmm nup
TG: ima stickin with le sign
TG: goign down with the shit
TG: *shi[p
TG: the S.S. LE SIGN, starring cap'n rolal

Sigh. She accidental SIGN'd instead of sighing, and then she made a joke about it which for some reason is an anagram for Signless.
Now scuttle off you lil buggers
>> No. 61426
Oh shit, something besides gray hands
>> No. 61429
UU is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.

Also, who do ya'll think her server player could possibly be?
>> No. 61432
Sup, Signless-insigna cufflinks.
>> No. 61434
>all your fantrolls are now canon
>> No. 61435
Is this something people take seriously? Genuine curiosity.
>> No. 61437
welp, there goes my "it's signless and the whole thing is an infinite loop" idea.

Also, the idea of Nepeta being some sort of soul theif is both amusing and terrifying
>> No. 61438
Maybe it's the Sufferer with his horns actually developed beyond nubs?
Fuck if I know.
I mean sign+grey text so far.
>> No. 61439
Dear lord those horns are...uncanny
>> No. 61440
Welp, knowing what we know now about the titles from this update, is it safe to say that the trolls somehow pissed off the RNG gods? With a Prince of Hope and Bard of Rage on the team, the trolls were boned from the start.
>> No. 61441
UU is so adorable that she's getting dangerously close into HNNNNGH territory.
>> No. 61442
Wow, info dump much. One that doesn't seem to be well thought out either.
>> No. 61443
>Hussie finally fucking giving us some clue to how classes work in sburb

What is wrong with you? Serious question.
>> No. 61447
I'm glad he's codifying this stuff instead of just having those powers whatever's needed at the moment, but this stuff looks like copy paste of hypothetical sburb wiki or something. No points for subtlety.
>> No. 61448
So UU is a girl with the Sufferer's cufflinks, Karkat's text colour, Gamzee/GH's horns and is probably Calmasis.

Also, I love these infodumps on the classes. We've been waiting for this information for a really long time, it's nice to be able to correct your theories and headcanons by the canon data.
>> No. 61449

>Hussie finally fucking giving us some clue to how classes work in sburb
>the information doesn't fucking matter in the slightest

aw yes now i can go in depth with my sburb roleplaying~~~~~~
>> No. 61450
Damn, and I thought Kanaya's logs were boring
>> No. 61452
I smell samefag in here.
Anyway, personally I really like UU. She seems to be a genuinely nice person, and I don't feel like we need more EDGY and DANGEROUS trolls. However, I'm expecting her brother, whoever he might be, to be just that.
>> No. 61453
The sleeves, Karkat/Sufferer affiliation, and mention of a brother figure had me suspecting Nepeta.

. . . until those ginormous horns.
>> No. 61455
I'm seriously crossing my fingers that Hussie getting to the point where he just gets bored and uses some god-awful fantroll for the rest of the comic.
If he did though, then I propose a contest and I will win. >:D
>> No. 61457
UU: in this case, a rogUe or a thief is "one who steals." qUite simple, really!
UU: bUt whether the class is + or - makes all the difference. it is a great indicator as to how a hero will make Use of the aspect.

TG: a rogue
TG: is bascially robin hood

UU: to Understand the heart aspect better, yoU might Use it interchangeably with the word soUl.
UU: the hero Uses the methods endowed by class to inflUence in some way the soUl, or essence of being, of oneself or of others.

So what the fuck does this make Nepeta.
>> No. 61458
She takes the souls of people with too many souls and gives them to soulless people?

Somehow I get the feeling that her power involves shipping. Gives peoples souls to each other to make them like each other against their will?
>> No. 61459
UU confirmed as being a new Troll and not one of the old players. Take that, stupid theories!!!
>> No. 61460

It'd seem to indicate she can obtain...pieces of souls, almost? Fragments of another person's being? And reorganize them as needed amongst others. It may be part of why she was such a good moirail to Equius, she could recognize parts of him that needed support and then support them...directly somehow?

Jegus, this makes Nepeta's lack of role in the story that much more frustrating. This is the kind of shit that would really benefit from clarification. My guess is the reason we never really saw Nepeta demonstrate the power to steal souls/parts of souls and then redistribute is because she, like the other trolls, never really developed her class abilities.
>> No. 61462
>infordump about Prince and Bard classes
>Still don't know shit about Heirs, Maids, Pages, Mages, Slyphs and Witches

>> No. 61463
I thought Stitch made the Handmaid a coat.
...until the horns
>> No. 61464
If that's true, Nepeta could basically have rearranged Vriska, Eridan and Gamzee so they wouldn't be a threat to anyone else.

So I guess it's all Nepeta's fault that the Trolls ended up murdering each other, and therefore her death was not only just, but also incredibly karmic?
>> No. 61465

I wouldn't say incredibly karmic, so much, but it certainly was something a more advanced Rogue of Heart could've prevented, and a God Tier Rogue of Heart would never have even let come up.

Nepeta, like most of the trolls, neglected her class and aspect in favor of powergaming through the session and focusing on what was comfortable: her relationship with Equius and her obsession with Karkat.

If she'd only realized the hidden power in her shipping walls. :( She could probably have helped people realize their feelings, too, what with the soul-reorganizing. Alas.
>> No. 61473
I agree
Sburb is very open-ended, but it does have (if not breakable and malleable) rails and rules which punish players who abuse their inherent abilities or neglect key game features. The only player who truly attempted to embed himself within the game's lore and content was Tavros, and even then this action was to avoid actual combat. With players such as Equius, who was the equivalent of a rocket-jumping Soldier in a Labyrinth, or Vriska, who flirted with game mechanics to her advantage, it was obvious that they would overlook small details which would facilitate the later battles and allow them to completely construct a new universe and "win." As such, they initially shot themselves in the foot, fought to the brink in a Skaia-renching finale, and received Jack for their troubles.
>> No. 61474
File 132882615016.jpg - (429.31KB , 673x732 , tumblr_lz4nt0wJ3k1qi2cay.jpg )
Watch as UU is revealed to look Nothing like this
>> No. 61476
So Heart = souls
Rogue = stealing

So Nepeta would also be a vampire. "She steals men's souls, and makes then her slaves!"
>> No. 61477
>act 6
>still writing exposition
>> No. 61479
the curls are such a cute idea but i think her hair would be more like calmasis'
>> No. 61484
Hussie has some really weird ideas about pacing.
>> No. 61489
The problem with single-creator works is that everyone has strong and weak points. It's like Ryukishi and satisfying endings.
>> No. 61490

The problem with single creator works is that everyone needs editors to oppress them. Even just a little bit. Art from adversity and all that.
>> No. 61491
File 132883499472.jpg - (51.13KB , 747x599 , HHNNNGG-1.jpg )

Oh n-no, oh no, it's t-too...

it's too...

>> No. 61493
The trolls, as we all know, are all based on annoying internet people. And now it is revealed our new troll is one of those last few annoying internet people who Hussie hadn't covered yet:
The Homestuck fan.
>> No. 61498
A fair point. I have a feeling Homestuck would be somewhat more focused if there was an editor. At the very least someone there to tell Hussie to stop having random self-insert interludes.
>> No. 61499
This actually makes me wonder if Nepeta still has some small role to play. Right now she is in the dream bubbles. The place where all of the SOULS of other dead characters are kept. We also just saw her in that recent flash, and with this new information about the both the Rogue class and the Heart aspect I can't help but wonder if Hussie actually has something planned for her.

Probably not, but still.
>> No. 61500
This actually makes me wonder if Nepeta still has some small role to play. Right now she is in the dream bubbles. The place where all of the SOULS of other dead characters are kept. We also just saw her in that recent flash, and with this new information about the both the Rogue class and the Heart aspect I can't help but wonder if Hussie actually has something planned for her.

Probably not, but still.
>> No. 61501
It's not entirely unreasonable to think it. Nothing is shown in Homestuck just for the hell of it.
>> No. 61502
Charles Barkley
>> No. 61505
Well, that is a cultural reference. You could say the same thing about Bill Cosby.
>> No. 61506
Nah, that's not true. Hussie does a whole fucking lot of showing stuff just for the hell of it. Thing is though that he's also very good at remembering the stuff he showed just for the hell of it and integrating it at some point if it suddenly happens to fit into something.
>> No. 61507
File 132887901317.jpg - (325.54KB , 765x1280 , 38174.jpg )
Well there are some others
>> No. 61508
File 132887903952.png - (6.88KB , 235x305 , 38192.png )
>> No. 61509
File 132888468092.jpg - (743.93KB , 1024x1024 , maybe_she_was_born_with_it____by_zomgmeisinsane-d4.jpg )
That is of course making the assumption that UU is indeed both female and a troll, which could be jumping the gun a little,,,
>> No. 61511
Where exactly are sawtooth and squarewave from? I read AIDS and they didn't pop up at all? I know they're on Dave's C.R.U.N.K poster, but is it a callback to anything else? (Besides the names of the waveforms, of course)
>> No. 61514
Pretty sure they're from Homestuck.
That is, from an idea for another one of those "fake band" albums like the MC or the Felt that never saw the light of day.
>> No. 61519
there were a poster in daves room. we found out their names when one of the art team guys asked what their names were. I think they were made just to be put on that poster.
>> No. 61522
So apparently UU has written essays and essays on the subject of human and troll squidliepooping and now I'm Jane again.
>> No. 61523
uU is literally me fml

that one-time troll-self i drew even had the same horns and looked a whole fucking lot like >>61474 minus christmas colours
>> No. 61524
>All of the fantrolls are canon now.
>> No. 61525
The giant Snoop Dogg bust makes its comeback!
>> No. 61533
The Fez completes it.
>> No. 61561
>implying UU isn't MTF
"she" is a very misleading word
>> No. 61562
if she's mtf that still means she's a girl you dolt
>> No. 61594
The romance THICKENS

This is incredibly silly. Can't wait to see these wacky shenanigans unfurl before the empress and Jack kill them all.
>> No. 61596
I'm not even sure we can count on that "before".
>> No. 61598
>TG: if dirk lets on all his feelins there is at least a CHANCE jake will go like DERP OK DUDE LETS MAKE OUT
god hussie ur such an ableist

also roxy is privileging straight relationships over gay ones by not guaranteeing dirk at least one chance to approach jake without heteros getting in the way
>> No. 61599
You are not Meta-Ironic Social Justice Crusader.
Get out.
>> No. 61601
>> No. 61602
No, she's valuing her BFF4LYFE over her other very good friend.
>> No. 61603
TG: my gaydar is like the exanct fuckin poposite of urs
TG: which is to say it is better than completety nonexistant
TG: mine is so sensitive it has been used to sweep the ocean floor for mythical sea monsters
TG: turns out
TG: all of those monsters are SO gay

TG: jane i am afraid
TG: that ur bottom
TG: is a stubborn clam
TG: guarding priceless treasure
TG: and a deadly secret

And Roxy continues to secure her claim to Best Character.
>> No. 61604
I don't know if it was because I read it just as I woke up, but Roxy didn't seem all that Roxy-like to me. Do you think AR has something to do it it?
>> No. 61605
I'm still a bit suspicious about this whole conversation, but it's more due to the subtext than Roxy being a bit off. Seriously, I can't imagine even AR pulling something like >>61603 out of his mind-arse.
>> No. 61606
Context*, fuck
>> No. 61607
I suspected UU. Something about all the troll lingo. Shades prick might be more likely though.
>> No. 61610
autoresponder is just cockblocking dirk in a roundabout way, just because he's a dick and he can, i guess

he told roxy about he because roxy would run off to her bff jane and blab about it, because she knows jane has had a big huge crush on jake since forever. then jane goes to jake before dirk has a chance to say anything, ruining his plans. ofc it will turn out that jake is only interested in women when they are blue-skinned and fictional, but he will be so put off by something the autoresponder will do that he won't let dirk touch his butt either.

therefore everyone in the alpha universe is alone and awkward forever
>> No. 61611
I just wish those kids shut up about all these feelings and just played the damn game already.
>> No. 61612
yeah i can't say i'm not getting sick of this now
>> No. 61616
Their game is getting set up a hell of a lot faster than the Beta kid's.
At least it didn't take Dirk fifty pages to deploy all the alchemy equipment.
>> No. 61619
Dear god, I hope the beta kids show up before the alpha kids do something stupid and incesty.
>> No. 61620
Well, we as readers don't need to be introduced to all the machines and what they do and shit.

That said, I'd actually rather read them figuring out all the sburb stuff on their own than the romance stuff.
>> No. 61621
Honestly, those fifty pages go by very quickly compared to this romance fest. Honestly, it really is getting tiring. With all things this comic has come to offer and use, none is more forced into our faces continually than this romance business that wasn't even relevant for the majority of the comic up until well into Act 5.

It is literally becoming taxing to read these pesterlogs at times. It's like buying a box with Earth Bound on the cover, and opening it up to find, oh I don't know, Dead or Alive Xtreme 2.
>> No. 61622
I dunno, I'm actually pretty amused by all the romantic shenanigans! ...or maybe I'm just amused by Roxy in general, it's hard to say. She could be talking about the most boring thing ever and I'd be hard pressed to stop reading.
>> No. 61623
i think it's really stupid to complain about all the romance in homestuck. there are 20 main characters. romantic relationships are going to come up sometime in a group that large because it is a common thing and it is an effective tool for character growth and drama. they can be interesting and reveal a lot about the people involved. there is a reason why there are romance plotlines--major or minor--in pretty much every story ever told.

comparing homestuck's romances to buying earthbound and finding dead or alive is ridiculous and nonsensical.

this is coming from a person who is also fed up with these recent developments. the problem has nothing to do with romance and everything to do with hussie's usual methods of building suspense. people constantly talking about things that are going to happen is a method he has held dear for over two years, and it doesn't work at all with inter-character drama. there actually hasn't been much of it, either; it just feels drawn out because of the aforementioned method.

it doesn't help that roxy is clearly the fan favourite but she is stuck as a middleman, and we haven't been given enough insight into how jane interacts with jake vs. how dirk interacts with jake to cheer either of them on in their quests to smooch him. though i am fairly certain dirk is more in the protagonist role with jane as the rival, and all this horseshit going on lately is making me wish he does win jake over if only to end it. and because i hate dirk's meddling bot.
>> No. 61624
>20 main characters

i count 4
>> No. 61626
happy valentine's day, errybody
>> No. 61627
if you think john and co. are still the only main characters i'm sorry but you're wrong


really wrong
>> No. 61629
I'm not complaining about the romance itself, I'm complaining about how it's being used to bait everyone into more shipping and arguing. I wouldn't mind it if it felt legitimate. Ugh, I don't even know if I can really define what I'm going for here.
>> No. 61630
oh ok i misunderstood.

but i disagree, i don't think this is pandering or baiting at all. he is aware of the fandom and its pressure points--if he really wanted to light fires under our butts he would be playing that card with well-established bait like kanaya.

there hasn't really been any ship wars based off dirk/jake/jane at all. if anyone has opinions on it, they seem to think dirk/jake is the way to go. given that dirk's the underdog, that there's been quite a lot of focus on his feelings for jake, and that everyone seems to be conspiring against him, it's not surprising--it's clear enough that he's meant to be the one we sympathise with and root for, not jane.
>> No. 61631
Hussie blatantly 'baits' his audiance, he had character's who's primary reason for being are to get cheap reactions out of his readership, he's stated this to be the case.

Also his character writing tends to show off its weakness when he gets into these kinda of romantic dramatics.
>> No. 61646
Lost interest in this. Page me back when the R-Kids shut the fuck up about romance, and Hussie tries to get us to care about romantic relationships between characters we hardly know shit about.
>> No. 61647
Am I seriously the only one who can see that this is a big setup for the R-Kids turning against each other?

Also, these kids are 15 years old! THIS IS WHAT THEY DO.
>> No. 61648
That doesn't stop it from being tiresome to sit through.
>> No. 61654
Eh, so long as I keep getting regular hits of Roxy and UU I can cope.

Too much Dirk/Jane/Jake nonsense and I do space out a bit though.
>> No. 61656
well that's good because now we can cut down on the readers that won't stop complaining
>> No. 61658
accusing hussie of baiting the audience comes up every single time there's an update. how can you stand to read this story if you are constantly on edge about it and think of the creator as a bogeyman who is personally out to get you? sometimes a story event is just a story event.

it's like how everyone jumps to scream troll whenever a bad poster comes around nowadays, but 90% of the time the bad poster is not a troll at all, just some tactless idiot with bad opinions.
>> No. 61659
The same could be said of those who lash out to clamp down on anyone saying anything negative about Huss when there are infact weaknesses in his writing style.
>> No. 61720
Flash update!
>> No. 61721

All I gotta say.
>> No. 61723
Awesome, good to see some action.
>> No. 61725
I never thought I would see an actual strife(and from a song from the album that shares the name) before the end of HS again. Bless.

Also I love that Dirk slapped Jake so hard his eyes flew out of his face along with his glasses.
>> No. 61726
File 132948592588.png - (9.86KB , 650x390 , boo.png )
>> No. 61727
The Prince is awake.

Your shit is fucked.

>> No. 61729
Also I bet Brobot is susceptible to liquids
>> No. 61730
If by creepy you mean arousing, sure.

Extremely creepy.
>> No. 61731

jake is gonna cum on brobot till he dies
>> No. 61732
I hope DD gets a chance to do something awesome, love me some DD
>> No. 61733
I love how the Condesce's hair just expands out behind her, like it never stops getting bigger.
>> No. 61734
It seemed to take on the shape of a certain Lusus, one that was closely related to Present and future Empresses?
>> No. 61735
Jesus Flash that was the coolest Christ.
>> No. 61736
he was running on...water?
>> No. 61737
>> No. 61738
I loved Jakes Two pistols, wink~ battle taunt.
>> No. 61747
Anyone still convinced Dirk sucks in every imaginable way?
>> No. 61750
I'm sure he sucks but does he swallow?
>> No. 61751
Hwaugh! Glasses! Eyes! They came off!

God, that's disturbing.
>> No. 61752
Nope, just you. This flash was a glorious return to Bro-ness for Dirk.
>> No. 61753
Yeah but it was an interesting flash. Except that part where Jake's eyes are punched off. That is so fucking creepy.
>> No. 61754
He's like Sollux. There are interesting things around him and he does cool shit, but he himself is boring/bad
>> No. 61755
File 132950848476.png - (40.80KB , 550x400 , Flash Jake wasn't creepy_ THIS is creepy.png )
>> No. 61756
the glasses punch was a hilarious visual joke akin to, say, wild e coyote getting crushed by a falling rock and bouncing up and down like an accordion
>> No. 61757
Okay Dirk.
I love you now.
It's okay.
>> No. 61758
No, we get that.

Still really creepy.
>> No. 61759
Okay, I remember a while ago some person was trying to get the general demographics of the homestuck fandom. Any idea where I can find the results of that? I'm curious.
>> No. 61760
What if the R-Kids' Jack Noir dies and DD takes over as the main Archagent????

>> No. 61761
File 132951307381.jpg - (10.28KB , 126x118 , check out this hornses ass.jpg )
Great flash or greatest flash?
>> No. 61763
File 132951376762.png - (23.53KB , 652x453 , Screen shot 2012-02-17 at 13_18_53.png )
oh heck yeah ♡
>> No. 61764

The Condesce is the best antagonist in Homestuck.
>> No. 61765

But the latest results specifically are here, from three months ago:

>> No. 61766
tl;dr the average Homestuck fan is a heterosexual women from California aged 16-18 born under the sign of Leo. Her favourite kid is Dave and her favourite troll is Karkat, her least favourite character is Eridan. She has not made a fan character, she has RP'd as an MSPA character and she is open to the idea of cosplay. She started reading Homestuck during Act 5.2
>> No. 61768
wow there really needs to be a newer, more streamlined survey because this shit could really be improved

>> No. 61769
File 132951714132.gif - (122.13KB , 555x471 , 1317749103966.gif )
>started reading Homestuck during Act 5.2
>> No. 61770
Hey now, not all of us were around to be here from the beginning. I started reading during 5.2 too, because that's about the time fans were so noisy about it I had to find out what annoying internet fad was taking place.

I just didn't start with 5.2. That would be stupid.
>> No. 61774
Also started during 5.2
>> No. 61776
Didn't start reading MSPA back during Bard Quest or Problem Sleuth? You don't know doody about stuff.
>> No. 61780
I started back when Jailbreak was happening in a forum thread and we were all eagerly waiting for a new Inappropriate Time for Ham.

ohhhhh what now
>> No. 61781

I was sitting next to Andrew in Kindergarten, waiting to him to finish drawing a sloppy crayon drawing.
>> No. 61785
I'm his consumed fetal brother, typing away from inside his spleen.
>> No. 61786
I'm the twinkle in his father's eye, communicating through complicated time-travel bullshit.
>> No. 61787
File 132954593532.png - (12.72KB , 772x262 , ohhellnaw.png )
guys, what if rose and roxy are the only humans with eyes on their heads?
>> No. 61788
So I was watching some reaction videos (because I like them) and a guy pointed out something I had missed: the Condesce is wearing the Black Queen's ring.

Now of course she isn't going to get prototyped powers or anything (Jade shot that down ages ago), but this just makes me wonder even more how this whole takeover went down. Did she kill the Black Queen? Imprison her? Is she still out there? What about the King?
>> No. 61792
File 132955883084.gif - (38.68KB , 459x459 , 459px-Fereriancestor.gif )
Are you sure that wasn't just a regular ring? She does wear a ton of jewelery. There also weren't any of those lightbulby-looking things for the sprites on it.
>> No. 61803
>What about the king?
Well, in the kids's session, we saw the king at zero prototypings and he was just a chess piece. And since the R-kids' planets have no towers and the ring has no orbs, it's all but confirmed now that there won't be any pre-entry prototypings here, so he'll probably stay that way. If she hasn't knocked him over yet. Shouldn't be hard.
>> No. 61805
In the beta session, Jack was the paper pusher getting orders from the Queen while DD and CD were the assassins sent out to kill the Kids. And HB was killed. Since it seems Jack and CD are the assassins of the alpha session and HB was killed, I'm hoping we get to see a lot more of DD than we did earlier. He's nastier and more competent than Jack, and nowhere near as impulsive or plain destructive.
>> No. 61806
He likes grey ladies, too. Must love serving under one.
>> No. 61807
my favourite bit about this flash is DD's little walk cycle.

i think this is the first time hussie has animated a proper walk cycle. the kids' 2 frame leg spasm doesn't count
>> No. 61809
there weren't any lightbulby things on the castle spires, either. someone brought it up like a month ago here and it was theorized that it meant that roxy and friends are not meant to prototype anything at all.

it's fully possible that the ring shown on the empress' hand IS the prototype ring, but there's nothing on it because the black queen cannot be prototyped in this session. and she may have also done something to it to assure that none of the prototypings will ever go through, if say jake throws one of the fairybull corpses into the kernelsprite or something.

the fact that she only has one ring on her hand in the same position as the original black queen is compelling evidence that it is the black queen's ring. in all other pictures of her, the empress is wearing a ton of fancy bling on each hand. she took it off and replaced it with a plain one, so it must carry special significance.
>> No. 61813
File 132961074011.png - (1.29KB , 214x42 , ok.png )
>> No. 61814
Why did you crop out a quarter of the url?
>> No. 61815
Is the "He can't hear you anymore, Jake" line by Brobot from a robot movie or something? I could almost swear I heard something like it in, like, a terminator movie or something...
Either way, Jake getting served on butler island is pretty hilarious.
>> No. 61816
Oh my fuck, that's a nice touch.
>> No. 61817
it reminds me a lot of hal 9000

ahahahahahaha it's a real link
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