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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 136890972252.gif - (336.80KB , 958x690 , I've seen enough hentai.gif )
91712 No. 91712 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
now with 100% less chinspike

old thread
229 posts and 84 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93412
File 139738103437.png - (364.30KB , 723x930 , Apollo teases midnighter on.png )
>> No. 93421
god yes, gonna need both hands for this one
>> No. 93431


File 130187687274.jpg - (326.89KB , 1212x789 , Syberfox - [DA2] HawkeAnders2.jpg )
71041 No. 71041 Locked hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
It was suggested in the requests sticky that we start a Bioware thread, so here we go.

Dragon Age, Mass Effect, maybe some Jade Empire and their older stuff if you guys want.
261 posts and 200 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 91982
File 137110476135.jpg - (872.08KB , 1235x784 , marccus1.jpg )
Here's an imgur album of Vega, since I didn't feel like posting each and every one. http://imgur.com/a/56Rhz#0
>> No. 92040
I'd absolutely love more Alistair, if anyone has some. With Zevran, solo, Anders, Oghren, Duncan...anyone, really.

Actually any Oghren in general would be super awesome too.
>> No. 92817
I need some Templars/Anders or Danarius/Fenris

File 136339928246.jpg - (26.01KB , 500x354 , timkon3.jpg )
91293 No. 91293 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I didn't see a Tim/Kon thread going on. This should be remedied.
7 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 91466
File 136510145924.jpg - (711.61KB , 900x900 , timkon56.jpg )
>> No. 91777
>> No. 93394
File 139690847110.jpg - (80.57KB , 800x640 , lhc4InVGEM0.jpg )
I love Chris for that art.

File 132670130422.png - (283.17KB , 869x725 , 1326266538995.png )
83192 No. 83192 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Believe the last one is full, if not I'll delete
188 posts and 153 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93314
File 139460897444.png?spoiler - (612.85KB , 656x2075 , Graphic limb removal sex.png?spoiler )
Spoiled because it's kinda got graphic bondage of the limb cutting off variety
>> No. 93370
File 139580055019.png - (234.93KB , 500x655 , tumblr_n0iea5Fzex1qbighco1_500.png )
>> No. 93383
File 139623299317.png - (574.01KB , 451x750 , tumblr_n38owmtNNg1qj7ciso1_500.png )

File 128561724682.png - (50.14KB , 398x600 , deadpool__s_favorite_weapon_by_yamiza-d2zhk5l.png )
58176 No. 58176 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
We had a Cable/Deadpool thread but since I've noticed Deadpool creeping into tons of other pairings on the boards (Deadpool/Spiderman and Deadpool/Bullseye for awesome examples) why don't we just make this Deadpool/AnyoneThatWillBoneHim thread?
201 posts and 137 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 92964
File 138569231069.jpg - (214.59KB , 735x912 , 39743679_big_p4.jpg )
>> No. 93020
File 138717175277.jpg - (802.62KB , 768x1024 , 37746339_big_p1.jpg )
>> No. 93372
File 139580091093.jpg - (230.02KB , 700x637 , tumblr_n00swhKJyk1sn25veo1_1280.jpg )

File 128616437386.jpg - (139.58KB , 607x900 , DeadBat - The Heat.jpg )
58783 No. 58783 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
For everything not Deadpool/Spider-Man/Captain America/Iron Man?
186 posts and 138 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93173
File 139202683114.jpg - (364.83KB , 717x1000 , marvel-student.jpg )
>> No. 93256

So glad to not be the only one shipping muttonchops.
>> No. 93371
File 139580076991.jpg - (403.31KB , 817x1080 , 1394226431233.jpg )

File 134887750525.png - (173.02KB , 660x1072 , f2ac61f13c4302ee0b1a90c03ed0ce41-d5fz9oq.png )
89411 No. 89411 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Borderlands 1 or 2, Vault Hunters unite!
135 posts and 94 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93331
File 139530225971.jpg - (533.88KB , 1280x1372 , tumblr_n2i9byClA91tvkg0bo1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 93332
File 139530233867.jpg - (814.97KB , 1200x1000 , tumblr_n2i9csTGEl1tvkg0bo1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 93333
File 139530241975.png - (825.31KB , 1000x714 , tumblr_n2i9e10MY71tvkg0bo1_1280.png )

File 139490637979.png - (329.91KB , 800x1200 , tumblr_mut1pqFuRe1qi2i3lo1_1280.png )
93320 No. 93320 hide quickreply [Reply]
Because feathered boys need attention too

File 135728245728.jpg - (159.85KB , 816x1280 , 681905 - Demoman Furei Team_Fortress_2.jpg )
90853 No. 90853 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Cocks of many colors.
48 posts and 35 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 92760
File 138155863958.jpg - (162.42KB , 900x484 , tumblr_mgi3t9imLs1rys1ogo2_1280.jpg )
>> No. 93022
File 138717239011.png - (352.73KB , 750x853 , tumblr_mt9r1vi4Xo1s7484ko1_1280.png )
>> No. 93297
File 139384073177.png - (187.99KB , 638x825 , static cock copy.png )

File 128760669630.png - (780.30KB , 900x723 , 126418738316.png )
59814 No. 59814 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Angel dicks.
116 posts and 78 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 89540
File 13493860848.jpg - (418.00KB , 450x1013 , the_demon_eating_an_angel_by_ohfaika-d2zxi35.jpg )
>> No. 93217
File 139235925984.jpg - (350.74KB , 800x600 , go-ritz.jpg )
>> No. 93295
File 139373651424.jpg - (104.28KB , 500x508 , tumblr_inline_mnus7nm0621qz4rgp.jpg )

File 130578278431.jpg - (68.21KB , 390x600 , 1305773617560.jpg )
73454 No. 73454 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
The old thread reached autosage. Here: >>65142

Kinkmeme: http://tronkinkmeme.livejournal.com/
20 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 87041
I just got done watching Tron: Legacy again and it just dawned upon me that CLU must think women are imperfect. Because all the programs he refurbishes are male....
>> No. 88826
So... any Uprising content?
>> No. 93265
File 139287496526.png - (272.24KB , 1024x1150 , tumblr_n0x6oivt2O1so0deto1_1280.png )
i attempted a rinzler doodle a few days ago

File 134992170188.jpg - (211.95KB , 736x580 , 1341257367950.jpg )
89689 No. 89689 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Looking for a drawfag who isn't afraid of doodling something sick and disturbing, anybody up for the challenge?
11 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93122
>> No. 93259
The Onceler fandom is admittedly a VERY good fandom to ask for sick fuck shit though.

That said chubby bears are pretty tame in terms of kink. I was expecting this was gonna be a request for more Onceler guro or some shit.
>> No. 93261

I was expecting something much worse than this. I'm disappointed.

File 139207039651.png - (397.29KB , 706x693 , 1089539 - Arin_Hanson Egoraptor Game_Grumps Jon_Ja.png )
93175 No. 93175 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Dumping my folders
16 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93195
File 139220436011.jpg - (37.66KB , 500x375 , tumblr_myk2ziexH51sb474ro1_r1_500.jpg )
>> No. 93198
I can't put into words how happy Barry porn makes me
>> No. 93199
File 139225332964.png - (819.62KB , 2191x1079 , YsTZPiY.png )
Michael Jones (Roosterteeth)

File 138389341353.png - (252.87KB , 492x460 , Jacks_been_a_dirty_lil_bastard_by_J.png )
92875 No. 92875 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Seeing as the new version of beloved 00's cartoon Xiaolin Showdown is currently running, just decided to make a thread of it.

Jack Spicer anyone?
38 posts and 38 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 92919
Gnnng, thank you for the JackxRai, love them
>> No. 93163
File 139182783549.jpg - (54.31KB , 457x522 , chack.jpg )
I can't remember where I found this. probably an old livejournal group.
>> No. 93164
File 139182789750.jpg - (107.48KB , 600x848 , Touch.jpg )
just these two. hope no one minds the bump

File 130514224149.jpg - (105.97KB , 490x700 , orenootooto.jpg )
73060 No. 73060 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
For a show titled Glee it sure does induce a lot of rage.
119 posts and 52 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 91083
File 135950962783.jpg?nsfw - (91.71KB , 640x320 , HNI_0019_MPO.jpg?nsfw )
The naked guy looks like a girl with a dick.
>> No. 93142
File 139139703428.jpg - (216.38KB , 960x720 , image.jpg )
That's good boy thank you
>> No. 93154
>kurt anything


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