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File 134992170188.jpg - (211.95KB , 736x580 , 1341257367950.jpg )
89689 No. 89689
Looking for a drawfag who isn't afraid of doodling something sick and disturbing, anybody up for the challenge?
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>> No. 89690
maybe, depends

also willing to make this a general drawfag thread because op u should know better than tu make a request thread w/o content
>> No. 89692
Wouldn't it make more sense to put this in the request thread?
>> No. 89696
File 134994808147.png - (238.34KB , 500x392 , tumblr_mb8apjDLFw1rn19qc.png )
Not if it's more stupid Onceler bullshit.
>> No. 89697
Not really, however if you think you are brave enough to do it, and won't wimp you go ahead an keep reading it's a picture of George R. R. Martin sitting on a chair, smoking a pipe. He is wearing a leather vest, chaps and a leather cap. His fat body is very hairy, there are big patches of it between his shoulders and elbows, you can see some hair sticking out from where the leather vest meets his shoulders, his chest hair is extra bushy to the point where you can barely see the gap between his fat tits, round gut being no exception is covered with a thick trail of hair leading from his chest all the way to the lower abdomen. There are two rings piercing his meaty, hairy nipples, he is twisting one of them, grunting at the same time, his very thick and fat cock is resting on two orange sized balls and leaking precum.
>> No. 89698
that's actuallly quite hot
>> No. 89701
I didn't know /coq/ could have drawthreads.
I didn't know there were drawfags on this site.
>> No. 89750
There are far, far worse things to be attracted to than fat, hairy guys.

It's a harmless fetish, IMO. I don't get why people find it disgusting, I don't.
>> No. 89769
Fucking seriously, OP acted like they were about to ask for shit, murder, mutilation, necrophilia, and kids, all at the same time.

Of course, maybe OP's just shamefaced like a fox. You make your request like this, you really get people's attention AND almost guarantee that no one's gonna waste your time mocking you or calling you sick. After all, you started out encouraging them to imagine all sorts of stuff that's infinitely worse.
>> No. 89786
Actually from my experience, if you make your request sound like it's some abominable sickfuckery the change of getting it done is considerably higher than when it's just average sickfuckery.
>> No. 89787
Actually from my experience, if you make your request sound like it's some abominable sickfuckery the change of getting it done is considerably higher than when it's just average sickfuckery.
>> No. 89793
File 135044544817.jpg - (92.43KB , 878x909 , heavynoshirt_robbingraves.jpg )
There's nothing wrong with being shamefaced, if that was the case. I understand that there's grown adults who for whatever reason feel guilty about porn or cursing, and I'm fine with that. I've been there myself. But yeah, the only fetishes I think people might raise an eyebrow at here are scatological, guro, or pedophilia, and even then, I've seen a lot of Dipper Pines or Finn R34 on all three of +4's porn boards.

Here's some Heavy Weapons Guy for OP, because I share their fondness for chub (although heck, I'd love Heavy regardless, because he's such a fun character).
>> No. 93122
>> No. 93259
The Onceler fandom is admittedly a VERY good fandom to ask for sick fuck shit though.

That said chubby bears are pretty tame in terms of kink. I was expecting this was gonna be a request for more Onceler guro or some shit.
>> No. 93261

I was expecting something much worse than this. I'm disappointed.
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