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File 137556567443.jpg - (604.46KB , 1184x1950 , url.jpg )
178648 No. 178648
I finally got my PS3 and Playstation Plus, which means I could download Gravity Rush onto my Vita. It's really good as an idea, but I'm still not very good at jumping around with ease.
Expand all images
>> No. 178649
File 137557193259.jpg - (600.92KB , 1950x1184 , 137556567443.jpg )
That's a striking image, but I'm not sure which version I prefer.
>> No. 178652
File 137557988949.png - (359.21KB , 742x464 , rf Kat oh boy.png )
I had no problems with the controls. But that's mainly because I used a PSP for 3 years.
>> No. 178653
yeah its totally just an issue on my part. im still getting used to the thumbsticks and tilting the vita one way or another. i really like it i just wish i was better at it ahaha

>> No. 178657
File 137559098287.gif - (41.57KB , 240x280 , tumblr_lrht30n7wh1qiws4oo1_250.gif )


But really, I'm looking forward to it
>> No. 178664
>Someone on here talking about Gravity Rush.

Thank you.

Also as much as I love this game I don't think anyone is too good at the jumping, BUT IT IS SO MUCH FUN ANYWAY
>> No. 178667
File 137560736841.jpg - (105.02KB , 500x500 , GR-hurl.jpg )
So is it worth owning a Vita now? I might get one depending on what sort of sales roll around this winter.
>> No. 178669
Will every line of dialogue make me wish for the sweet embrace of death like in Graces?
>> No. 178670
And if you already have a PS3 and PSplus then you could already have tons of games for it like me.
And if you have the money to spare unlike me.
>> No. 178672
File 13756350182.jpg - (127.69KB , 800x600 , Maple1899.jpg )
Boy did I get back into MapleStory in a big way.
Compared to before when I basically only used one character, now I use a ton.
>> No. 178685
File 137568391181.jpg - (101.63KB , 960x544 , 2012-01-05-070155.jpg )
The Vita is having the same problem PS3 had in its first two-three years of existence: no gaemz. That aren't rushed half baked ports or mediocre borefests.

And it's not like the console is to blame either; it is about 97% as powerful as its older sister. Gravity Daze is about the size of inFamous 2, if not bigger; plus, it's cel shaded! The in-game character models look good enough to be used in cinematics (and they are).
>> No. 178687
Same... To bad I got back halfway into the ring event... Also, my only high level 4th class character is the Phantom... Which kind of lacks compared to others.
>> No. 178689
File 13756961891.png - (167.53KB , 256x358 , The_Temple_of_Elemental_Evil_Coverart.png )
I really want to play this game. A truly turn-based D&D game is really appealing to me. But fuck me I just can't be arsed to get past the beginning. Level 1 D&D combat enforced by a machine is a ridiculously swingy fucking abomination and I never have any luck in games with luck-based mechanics.
>> No. 178720
File 137574184652.jpg - (151.17KB , 1024x768 , 2013-08-06_00002.jpg )
Ahahaha, I nostalgiagasm'd a little bit here. This brought back some memories, even though I never played this game before. What a thoroughly oldschool way of telling you "You shouldn't be here, yet."
>> No. 178721

XCOM:EU just got a horde of new achivements.

Hype level for Enemy Within: 10/10
>> No. 178722
I feel this way too. I was never an oldschool gamer, we never had money to play games back then, but I get this little feeling of nostalgia when I play something thoroughly old-school.
>> No. 178723

>> No. 178729
I'm gonna do the opposite just to spite you.
I'm gonna represent myself as the average young male gamer with money to spend.
And I'm gonna say I didn't like the game.

Just to spite you.
>> No. 178732
File 137576739629.jpg - (185.15KB , 1024x768 , Maple1666.jpg )
MapleStory - Renegades: Phanto…youtube thumb
But he's such a dapper gentleman.
>> No. 178734
File 137577992144.jpg - (184.37KB , 1000x676 , 1374809891397.jpg )
Those with a science boner: caveat emptor if you're interested in Take on Mars, they really mean it when they say "Early Access."

Other than that, fuck yeah science.
>> No. 178736
File 137578534481.png - (437.41KB , 500x666 , tumblr_mpdu4dRhaF1qeb5i4o1_500.png )
Wow, you are gonna spend twenty minutes of your busy day just to spite me, you must really care.
>> No. 178738
He is but like the older classes the new ones tend to be better. Xenon's are the strongest class in the game and it's rather sad that I'll probably have to get one if I want to get my Phantom into a better spot. My phantom who is at 161 and can't do anything but holy symbol, minimal damage compared to new classes and spam heal....
>> No. 178751
Suda gets it.

>What will define the next generation for Grasshopper?

"I feel like the two consoles are really converging on a single point almost. Whether it’s hardware spec-wise or in the firstparties’ philosophies, we’re really seeing these consoles become an avenue into your living room. And in doing so, what I really want to push and emphasise at Grasshopper is not which platform we choose, but which kind of engine we choose. We’re developing on Unreal 3 for Killer Is Dead, but moving forward this is probably the last Unreal 3 game we’ll develop before we explore Unreal 4 and a variety of other engines, and see which will allow us to do what we want."
>> No. 178764
Here's what's really starting to wear me down in Temple of Elemental Evil. The AI cheats. Because the AI is not that great, the game tries to balance it by completely stacking the dice against you. Which obviously doesn't really balance it at all. You can strategize and minimize randomness as much as you want, but at the end of the day you will still have to actually HIT the enemy to defeat them. And that ain't happening when you roll below 7 eighty percent of the time.
>> No. 178766
a lot of games as of late don't appeal to me (mostly dark souls, sim city, and anything involving competitive gaming)

to the point where I can't even watch other people play them

I can't explain why they're just "meh" to me which makes me feel a little guilty, like I need a 400 word essay on why it doesn't appeal to me but it's selling like hotcakes

on the other hand while a lot of games are uninteresting/boring to me, I don't actually hate anything, like a game has to go out of its way to be obnoxious or insensitive or have everything that doesn't appeal to me in one package
>> No. 178767
addendum: it's not the difficulty about dark souls, it's that that seems to be the only draw of the game

I mean I played binding of isaac and bit.trip runner/beat and psychonauts because they also had a reputation for being hard but I was emotionally invested in the story or the art or whatever

dark souls the only appeal seems to be how hard it is
>> No. 178768
The appeal of Dark Souls is cool bosses, good combat that supports a variety of different styles/weapons, a fucking weird but awesome translation and script, and exploration/sequence breaking.
>> No. 178771
porco rosso?

sequence breaking isn't my shit either tbh, like if the game has to be broken to be playable or enjoyable I'm not playing it how it was originally envisioned or something, again, idk

I actually feel guilty about this because every so often I have the same conversation with a different friend or person I admire or just person in general, who is all "oh you aren't a real gamer or you're just a filthy casual because [x]"

call me stupid but I actually worry about that
>> No. 178772
Not being a "real gamer" should be taken as a compliment. Have you met "real gamers?" They're universally despicable. Just be a person who plays video games.

Meanwhile, my love of sequence breaking is a huge part of why I still have yet to get into Sandbox games. I like the idea in theory, but I want to do EVERYTHING I can possibly do before moving on to the next spot in the story.

I'm trying to train myself away from that. But it's hard to break old habits.

It's probably also why I'm like fifty hours into Xenoblade and only up to Prison Island.
>> No. 178773
I'm not sure what it is, but being a "real" or "true" fan of anything tends to make people obsessive and unpleasant. Or maybe it's the other way around and their exclusivity is an attempt to mask their inadequacies? Meh.
>> No. 178775
I spent somewhere around 120 hours on that game and still missed stuff. The NPC schedules were a pain in the ass when I played because the wiki had barely any information on it at the time.
>> No. 178776
File 137585573851.png - (1.54MB , 1920x1080 , GhostRecon 2013-08-01 21-22-35-71.png )
>Ghost Recon
I forgot how much ass this game kicks. The actual Clancy era at Red Storm was so bitchin'.

It really makes me sad for the new games in the brand. I'm always seeing arguments between people who want a game to be hard and people who want it easy. Why can't we have both? Having adjustable difficulty is a perfect solution. Making it easy keeps it accessible, but having the ability to crank difficulty gives you reason to get better at it, adding more value to your purchase.

I honestly don't see why so many people try to paint it black and white, with their way being the right way.
>> No. 178777
Here's the thing about Dark Souls: It's not actually hard. If it was, I certainly wouldn't have been able to beat it. It's difficulty wasn't what drew me to it. It was the incredible atmosphere, boss designs and combat. In fact I was fearing I wouldn't be able to beat it, because I'm not very good at videogames. But I did beat it. Solo'd every boss. And this from a guy who couldn't beat any of the Castlevanias (even though I tried so hard ;_;).
The only reason people think it's hard is because they go in, knowing nothing about the game and expect the usual videogame conventions to apply, which fucks them over, because Dark Souls punishes most of those habits and expects them to maybe try to learn the game instead of relying on what they learnt in other games.
Most people also seem to think the combat is incredibly clunky when it is in fact quite the opposite, it's incredibly deliberate. Every input you make matters. You have to control your character calmly and deliberately. As soon as you start to mash it's over.
And another thing people seem to think about the game is that it doesn't explain its mechanics at all. But it does. It just doesn't tell you in some tutorial pop-up. You have to sift through the menus for that information, but it's readily available. Though I agree that should have been done more elegantly.
The rest is just personal preference. You don't like Action RPGs? You don't like the art direction? You don't like the gameplay even after you actually figured out how it works? All valid reasons. But don't dismiss other people for liking it by saying they only like it because it's hard. Because it isn't. It's a beautifully somber and atmospheric adventure that makes you learn how to play videogames all over again.
>> No. 178778
I didn't mean to imply that was the only reason people played it, though looking back I did unintentionally word it that way

I guess I didn't know enough about it and sorta passed it/the "masocore" genre off as old-school gamers trying to prove who was the best at games, which ties into my aversion to competitive gaming-- I find competition makes me too worked up to enjoy anything, and I can't play games if I'm not enjoying them

also I suspect I suck at games (although I did beat the Meat Circus, and that was a pain in the ass)

TL;DR: I owe you guys an apology

Yeah idk I always wanted gaming to be super inclusive but fans in general seem to want everything to be an obscure little club that never makes enough money for a sequel, I don't get it
>> No. 178779
I wonder how a normal kid who likes video games but doesn't play many would fair against Dark Souls. Would he beat it just as easy as any other game?

When I was a kid, I did shit my adult self has no idea how and could never repeat. I beat Mega Man Zero without using a single cyber-elf. I got every heart piece in LttP without using a guide. I got at least halfway through FFX barely having used the grid system at all, and only used the second sword you ever get for Tidus. Are kids just naturally better at video games or something?
>> No. 178782
>Are kids just naturally better at video games or something?
No, but they naturally have more time than adults to dedicate to things like that, which means that they will often learn things that an adult would just not consider to be worth the effort.

My reaction speeds and intelligence are far, far greater than they were at thirteen. I'm even more patient than I was at thirteen. But my time does have value, which means that even though I'm patient when it's just a matter of me waiting for something that I consider rewarding, I am less capable of dedicating time to something that is not very rewarding.

Which is why I prefer games that reward skill rather than man hours these days. Random, super-rare drops from rare spawns are a good way to make me say "fuck it," but make drop rate be tied to battle performance and I will eat that shit right up. Even if I have to grind for a lot more ingredients to make whatever silly thing I get for getting those drops.
>> No. 178785
I think I'm less patient in games at 26, and I have worse reactions.
>> No. 178792
Yup, Porco Rosso.
>> No. 178795
File 137588880954.jpg - (155.66KB , 807x456 , warrior of sunlight.jpg )
Guy-That-Just-Got-Dark-Souls from the last thread here, I can confirm that Dark Souls isn't hard. You die a lot in the beginning because it's different and takes time getting used to, but once you do it's not more difficult than any other game. Oh and so far, (wich isn't very far since I suck at games) dying has never felt frustrating or unfair, and combat is fun enough that you don't min replaying the same segment a few times over.

And I was also completely uninterested when all I knew about it was "Super hard you will die so much".
>> No. 178797
By any chance, have you reached the Anor Londo sniper?
>> No. 178799
Nah, I've had a lot of other distractions lately, and getting past the taurus demon took a while (That fight was a pretty god example of how Dark souls isn't like other games). I'm still kicking around Undeadburgh, but at least I've reached the second bonfire.
>> No. 178801
One of the only two genuine bullshit sections. The other being Bed of Artificial Difficulty.
>> No. 178803
File 137589118763.jpg - (48.33KB , 424x750 , tumblr_mqryuuKgpr1s0k77fo1_500.jpg )

BTW in Dark Souls 2 trying to heal makes enemies berserk instantly.
>> No. 178805
>People complaining about Anor Londo Archers
Do not dare deride those brave soldiers, greatest defenders of Lady Guinevere! May their vigil stand forever, and their sun never set! Which as it happens, it doesn't because they don't go away in Dark Anor Londo
>> No. 178825
>Here's the thing about Dark Souls: It's not actually hard. If it was, I certainly wouldn't have been able to beat it. It's difficulty wasn't what drew me to it. It was the incredible atmosphere, boss designs and combat.
Absolutely agreed. It will kick your ass HARD when you make a bad choice, but that doesn't make it hard- if anything, I would say it makes things exciting.

>The only reason people think it's hard is because they go in, knowing nothing about the game and expect the usual videogame conventions to apply, which fucks them over, because Dark Souls punishes most of those habits and expects them to maybe try to learn the game instead of relying on what they learnt in other games.
There's another reason, and I think the hype is kinda to blame for this one: There's always a hard way to do things. When you have an enemy where each hit takes off 2% of its health, people think "I guess this is why people say it's hard" and think they have to beat their head against this brick-wall obstacle. When they go on the internet they see all this chatter about needing white-knuckle perfection, ridiculous AI exploits, or lame grinding tactics like 15 minutes of shooting arrows at a certain dragon's tail. THIS IS ALL WRONG.

What you should do is: go somewhere else. There are always multiple directions you can be exploring in, and the easier one almost always yields some valuable tool for when you want to head a different way.

Demon's Souls was even more blatant about it. Each of the 5 worlds provided a generous supply of something you badly needed for the OTHER worlds. You wanted to make progress in each of them at roughly the same rate.
>> No. 178827

>> No. 178842
It's my favorite Ghibli movie, tied with Kiki.

I'm better at games now than I was as a kid. I had no self-esteem or patience as a kid, so I gave up on everything. Now I've gone and finished several games, or gotten much farther when I used to give up two levels in.
>> No. 178856
File 137599209154.gif - (1.00MB , 267x150 , slowmo rageface.gif )
Remember how annoying trolls were in Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights? Ohohohoho, you know NOTHING.
I fucking hate you Temple of Elemental Evil. You keep abusing me. Why do I keep coming back for more?!
>> No. 178857
>Remember how annoying trolls were in Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights?
Not really. I always played wizards, and just set them on fire.
>> No. 178859
File 137599480457.jpg - (178.29KB , 369x455 , kanau will eat your soul.jpg )
It was pretty annoying to always have to have several acid and fire spells at the ready just to be able to finish them off. Though you also had several weapons that could deal fire and acid damage, which made it much more bearable. And you could always rest to refresh your spells.
Nothing of the sort in ToEE. And your spells can miss. And you don't have to finish them off with fire/acid, you have to do ALL damage with fire/acid. So ALL of your spells have to be fire/acid damage, just to MAYBE deal enough damage to kill it. And almost all of the fire/acid spells you have access to are AoE. And trolls are always right up on your ass. So you have to damage your entire party to damage a troll. Most of the time dealing more damage to your party members than to the fucking troll. Who can attack 3 times in a single turn. Basically what I'm saying is: FUCK TROLLS!!!
>> No. 178863
I can never tell when my friends' online accounts are being borrowed by their siblings, or they've genuinely had their account stolen by someone.
>> No. 178873
File 137600276375.jpg - (67.70KB , 668x119 , Many Faces.jpg )
>Event where enemies sometimes drop a coupon that randomly changes your appearance.
>Try one
>Keep trying more
>Want to stop, but the desire to keep trying more is stronger.
This must be what gamblers feel.
>> No. 178874
I think my favorite are the faces that look like they shouldn't work but oddly do like my UA.
>> No. 178886
im six-ish hours into xillia and its good but goddddd the story needs to pick up a little here and im pretty cheesed off that they took away GRADE at the end of battles man that shits important
>> No. 178910
File 137608593280.jpg - (27.95KB , 332x470 , BigBossSalute.jpg )
>To The Moon
That was a highly emotional video game.
>> No. 178922
File 137609372451.jpg - (251.69KB , 1280x1000 , potential companions or something i dunno.jpg )
so, which one are you going to fuck

yeah i know these may not all be companions but i just want to scream and hold hands with someone right now
>> No. 178923
None because supporting EAware is bad.
>> No. 178926
yeah but it's dragon age 3. it's dragon age 3 son, it's dragon age. son it's dragon age
>> No. 178927
Yep, don't get purer EAware than that.
>> No. 178928
waiting for the pressers of "see that Tree, its gay and you can have a crappy romance with that tree."

"Can it be a character first?"

>> No. 178938
File 137611905620.png - (86.59KB , 346x273 , disgusted gaijin.png )
>enjoying any Dragon Age after Origins.

You're making a terrible mistake.
>> No. 178940
Yeah, tooth, didn't you know the internet had voted and decided that people aren't allowed to like those games anymore? God, it's almost like you think crazy internet nutters are the be-all and end-all of tastemakers.
>> No. 178941
... youre young so let me tell you flirting isnt telling the girl rudely how to play her videogames , but instead telling her that shes a sketch on a beautiful blank canvas and and how shes a symphony in a sea of music only we dont hear her because we should already know how beautiful she sounds in a space full of people
>> No. 178942
I built a time machine just to warn my how terrible DA3 was. Seriously, don't play it.
>> No. 178945
the benefits of being me is knowing that i have terrible taste and talked utter garbage like 98% of the time so FUCK YOU, ME. I WON'T DO WHAT I TELL ME, WHAT DO I KNOW! I'm going to romance Varric and smooch Cassandra and goatee man, hell I'll fuck that war table and I'll tenderly love >>178928 this fucking tree all while playing my traditionally vanilla human noble warrior with red hair and no-one can stop me having fun. If DA2 was good enough for me, DA3 is bound to be fine.
>> No. 178970
File 137617445663.jpg - (183.38KB , 1024x768 , 2013-08-11_00001.jpg )
Another great thing about those "You really shouldn't be here yet" encounters. Coming back just slightly more leveled and completely destroying it. Feels so good.
>> No. 178973
File 137617713263.jpg - (158.49KB , 1280x720 , 202170_screenshots_2013-08-02_00001.jpg )
Played Sleeping Dogs!

Positive points:
+Cutscenes and visual presentation are great
+Wei Shen is a top-tier likable open-world protagonist, on par with Niko Bellic and John Marston.
+All kinds of neat little touches
+Really elegant way to make the cover shooting fast-paced: Vaulting OVER cover gives 3 seconds of bullet time +2 per headshot
+The mechanical benefits of in-world actions are all really well-structured thematically, encouraging you to be a fearsome badass while being careful to minimize collateral damage.

-Cop chases are a joke
-Story's conclusion is basically just "and then you killed the bad guys cause you're a badass"
-Melee combat is unremarkable unless fighting a ton of guys
-The biggest form of advancement in game is unlocking an expansive melee repetoire, but the big endgame melee bosses are all immune to half of said repetoire.

>You found a jade statue!
>Now you can go try it out in a martial arts tournament!
>Now you reached a new face XP level!
>Now you can buy a new outfit that makes vehicles cheaper!
>Now you can buy a new vehicle!
>Now you can beat that race challenge!
It's subtle, but the game's progression system is utterly engrossing. Improving Wei Shen is like advancing your country in Civilization- every accomplishment means another juicy target is now within your reach.

Overall rating: 4/5. Pretty fun gameplay, and it's got both heart and soul.
>> No. 178980
The camera was kind of shitty while driving slow or walking. It pulled out when you were going fast, but zoomed way too far in while going slow. I really enjoyed playing it despite that, though.
>> No. 178983
"man its taking a while for xillia to really get going something big needs to happen"
>> No. 178985
File 137619737055.png - (568.79KB , 981x616 , colorvariation.png )

Oh man are you talking about Lord Clyne getting assassinated?

Because it's gonna get worse.

I'm fond of the girls' pallet swap costumes (Free DLC). The guys? Not so much.
>> No. 178987
I just fixed Milla's legs and it's been a long long time since I've been on such a wild emotional rollercoaster. From sad to sadder to squishy romantic feelings to omg leia so cute to more pain to god jude your dad is horrible

also i think judes red color palette fits really nicely!
>> No. 178991
Playing Max Payne 3, Old Man Punisher is about how things should be if they make another Punisher game. Pissed off Frank just mowing out the lowlifes. Still think its kinda funny that after virtually wiping out the Mobs twice over they still don't just treat him like Death Incarnate. Course I really miss the more mystic overtones of the first game though.
>> No. 178997

ding dong the witch is dead etc
>> No. 179031
So, wait
What was the name of that console you could download your ROMS onto?
>> No. 179032
There is no such thing, but I take it you might be thinking of the Ouya?
>> No. 179033
...does it really make a difference?

As long as the points currently on my Xbox profile aren't lost I don't really care either way.
>> No. 179034
Ugh, really?
That Ouya thing doesn't really set me off, but I could've sworn I've heard comments fly around like
>Oh hey I just put a few of my SNES roms on there so I can play it on the TeeVee
and shit like that.
It'd be a good idea if it weren't real.
>> No. 179037
There are a bunch of retro consoles that allow you to play bootlegs/roms as I understand it.


Of course I have no idea why you'd get shit like this instead of just using an emulator and hooking your PC up to a TV if a TV is that important to you. I guess if your old console dies and you have a bunch of games with half finished saves lying around then it has utility?
>> No. 179039
I dunno, I mean.
Same reason I probably preferred to use my R4 to play a shitload of SNES, NES, and Gameboy games.
For experience's sake I guess? I don't mean to rationalize it or anything really.
>> No. 179041
The boss music in SMT4 is fucking insane. Might end up in my top 10 favorite vidya tracks.
>> No. 179044
File 137642756627.png - (876.90KB , 1280x578 , 15662d0bf5faab0721027fcb74039686.png )
Do YOU want to have free time to apply yourself in a productive fashion?

Then stay the fuck away from saltybet.com, for the love of christ.
>> No. 179045
File 137643044944.png - (187.54KB , 650x779 , comic314_zpsdb9e2d09.png )
Does she actually still play Skyrim?
I've already done everything.
>> No. 179046
File 137643849072.jpg - (537.22KB , 1280x1920 , rpg intervention.jpg )
>playing koa:r
>stop to check something online
>get distracted
>start playing da:o

I didn't even notice what I was doing until my mum pointed it out. I have a problem.
>> No. 179047
That's easily fixed. Just stop playing forgettable games.
>> No. 179048
Oh, that's a little unfair. I actually really like koa:r. The story is lacking a little (it reads like the mary-suest of mary sue fanfiction to me, even more-so than most vidya mcs) but the unadulterated scenery porn and it take me like 800 years to complete everything. This is my third play through.
>> No. 179052
Aw man, I was having so much fun replaying Suikoden 1 in preparation for S2... and then I found out that S2 isn't on Playstation Network. Now I'm going to have to go through finding saves and shit for my emulator if I want a proper S2 game.
>> No. 179054
Well, I still haven't finished it.

Wait, MUGEN?
I thought the fighting community hated MUGEN and it's community.
>> No. 179055
Saltybet works BECAUSE Mugen's community is bad.
>> No. 179056
Try the instructions on http://togami.com/~warren/guides/ps3-psone-saved-game-to-pc-howto/
Gamefaqs has some save files that can be easily used as well.
>> No. 179059
The way the text post accompanying the comic talks it may have been a while ago.
>> No. 179062
Will do, thanks. Seriously though, Suikoden 1's been on PSN for ages, why isn't S2 on there?

In other news
>Saints Row 4 and Hate Plus both out on the 19th
>Divekick on the 20th
stop coming out, video games I want
>> No. 179065
Silly, you grind smithing by making jewellery.
>> No. 179090
File 13765491266.jpg - (165.06KB , 1794x698 , bg1.jpg )
Oh dear.
>> No. 179097
File 137657412028.jpg - (140.02KB , 466x1079 , 1376538019474.jpg )
So for you five other people out there that own a Vita, there's some good sales going on this week and next.
>> No. 179116
File 137660063537.png - (75.07KB , 500x274 , tumblr_inline_mqyunvn0HW1qz4rgp.png )
I love it when Super evil dudes have really normal names, like David was the name of the central antagonists of Killer Is Dead and The Last of Us and that makes me REALLY happy.
>> No. 179120
Ooh, keen, I've been meaning to pick up New Little King's Story at some point anyway.
>> No. 179121
>> No. 179151
>In the comments, [John Patrick Lowrie, an actor who has worked on several Valve games] writes that the most common process for animating characters in modern FPS games is to motion-capture an actor and translate those movements to a 3D rendering. Half-Life 2 used a mechanic where NPCs would turn and watch the player move while they spoke, using their eyes and bodies to follow the player around the room.

>The motion-capture paradigm is naturally at odds with the turn-and-follow one, Lowrie says, because the latter can't provide for the former. “Once you film the actor doing something and capture that motion, that’s what the character is going to do,” Lowrie wrote.
Soooooo fuck the motion capture thing and just do turn-and-follow. Part of the lure of HL1 and 2 was the in-game "cut scenes" with that following. Okay, you might not get emotions across as well, but when the player is just listening to the dialog while smacking things with his crowbar to see what will break it really doesn't matter, does it?

I bet most people waiting for HL(2:Ep)3 do so because they want to see how the story works out and for the tight battles, fully articulated lips and eyebrows be damned.
>> No. 179156
Electronic Super Joy - 01 - Destinationyoutube thumb

This game's soundtrack rules.
>> No. 179196
>playing Witcher 2 Royalist path for kicks
>dat mess tent, crying Ves.
Welp, some people are gonna have to die.
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