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File 135421019824.jpg - (30.44KB , 570x301 , Wii-U-Supports-Background-Downloads.jpg )
166771 No. 166771
Previous thread: >>163103

Nintendo regrets the day-one update for the system:

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>> No. 166773
>Well-known hacker Marcan, who played a part in hacking the PS3, has found out the clock speed of the Wii U. It’s surprising how slow it is, and I’m actually having troubles even thinking that Nintendo went with something like that. It’s a well known fact that the PS3′s Cell and Xbox 360′s Xenon run at 3.0 GHZ each per core, but the Wii U CPU runs at 1.243125 GHz per core.

>“It’s a Three PowerPC 750 type cores (similar to Wii’s Broadway, but more cache),” tweeted Marcan.

>One interesting thing he has revealed is that the Wii U is easier to hack, akin to the Wii. He tweeted that they are “calling the WiiU security processor the Starbuck (vs. Starlet on Wii). And it seems to be about equally vulnerable, too.”

>He has also revealed the GPU speed of the Wii U, which runs at 549.999755MHz.

>Now these are quite lower than the ones found in the PS3 and Xbox 360, and I honestly can’t believe what I’m reading here.

>Most third-party games so far on the Wii U have been professionally examined to be running slower than their PS3 and Xbox 360 counterparts. Games like Black Ops 2, Mass Effect 3 and even Batman: Arkham City have problems when it comes to maintaining a steady frame rate.

>> No. 166775
Nintendo putting out yet another product with substandard hardware? What a tweeeeeest!
>> No. 166776
File 135421288717.jpg - (331.40KB , 1000x1401 , tumblr_mahzj2Zf8U1rtviq3o1_1280.jpg )
Christ WiiU, Christ.
>> No. 166780
Except it's more than that now. The Wii didn't have the capabilities the other systems did, but the Wii U STILL doesn't have those capabilities on top of not selling anywhere near as well.
>> No. 166781
And this is why I don't buy release systems. Hopefully, they'll develop an upgraded version.

Haha, doubt it though.
>> No. 166783
Silly internet, the Wii, and 3DS also launched without all of their promised features operating.
>> No. 166787
Whatever, I new from the start I would get a PS4 later on and most of my next gen game on that and leave this one for Family partys, Nintendo First Party and Retro shit that will not work the way I want just yet...



>> No. 166790
Man, why didn't they just wait a few months so that they could actually create a system that could handle it.
>> No. 166793
Considering that they didn't even add the second circle pad to the 3DS XL?

>> No. 166797
My store finally got some more deluxe models in stock. They were shoved into the very back of the display case, behind stacks of Wiis and oversized Wii games. Had I not spotted a glimpse of blue and black at the back I never would've known they were even there.

Hide your hot holiday item behind cheap shit everyone owns and copies of Zumba Fitness. Brilliant.
>> No. 166805
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>> No. 166808
Supposedly the numbers were due to a lower initial hardware run, planned by Nintendo. Nintendo is claiming that they're shipping as fast as possible and stores are selling out instantly.

With consoles being snatched up by scalpers, I no longer care about initial month release numbers for consoles. It's far more interesting and telling if they can keep up momentum through the first year.
>> No. 166815
File 135424735326.png - (39.08KB , 200x225 , 200px-BluebabyyoshiNSMBU.png )
I would be hype but
>Yoshi's Story
>> No. 166825

>Yoshi's Island DS

Actually pretty much anything Yoshi did after the original game.
>> No. 166826
Oh please, neither of those games were bad. Not as good as the originals, but not bad. Especially not Yoshi's Island DS.
>> No. 166828
I hear yids had a disappointing soundtrack.
>> No. 166837
And poor gameplay with a bar of mystery in the middle of the screen that dosn't match up well with any console but the original DS Phat.
>> No. 166840
File 135428402921.jpg - (158.34KB , 640x480 , HNI_0072_MPO.jpg )

Oh, the game that I got a N64 for.
And got a game of the year award from a now long dead swedish IT TV show instead of Quake III.
Internet High-Five if you remember what it was called.
>> No. 166842
>> No. 166849
I was actually test-playing a Wii U in HMV (Rayman Legends was the only playable demo), and some people came up and said "oh! Is that the new Nintendo!? The Nintendo that goes on the big TV!?" I thought they were talking about the gamepad, and I felt like I had to explain that it came with the console. "It comes with it?" Yep. "The whole TV?" Uh...yeah? "This whole TV?" *gesturing at the plasma telly I was playing on* "What? No! The tablet thing! The thing I'm playing on, it comes with the console!"

They kinda got it, then they noticed I was staring intently at the gamepad. "You don't seem to be getting much use out of it." Well, I explained, you see, one guy has the pad and the other guys with wiimotes controls the characters on screen. You can poke things and help them. See? "Oh..." says they, "...I'm gonna go get one!"

Not that it's released in the UK yet, but hey, I cleared up some misconceptions. Or they cleared up mine, I'm not sure which one of us was the more enlightened when the conversation started.

That said, is it me, or has Kotaku developed some kind of hate-on against the Wii U of late? Almost all the negative articles I've seen have come from them.
>> No. 166850
Kotaku will do anything for hits, and that does include bitching and moaning desperately about the first eighth gen console to hit the market. Seriously, anti-Nintendo bias or not Kotaku should never be read at all, have you seen the shit they try to pass off as gaming journalism?
>How I Got Laid On a Sonic The Hedgehog Blanket
>This Cloud Looks Like Yoshi!
>This light at the 2012 Olympics looks just like GLADOS(it did not)
>Straight White Male is Life's Easy Setting
Just. No.
>> No. 166851
Yeah. They do the CONSUL WARZ thing for every platform to get hits.
>> No. 166854
File 135430951741.png - (367.89KB , 330x510 , 340x.png )
>Kotaku should never be read at all

Pretty much.
>> No. 166856
Recently, it's some ugly cunt that had some divorce with her husband or something? I don't know, exactly, but I don't care and neither should anyone.

Kotaku is a soapbox for narcissistic individuals that fancy themselves as "Video game Connoisseurs" as opposed to what they really are: Nerds with a mouth piece.
>> No. 166860
Gawker is kind of like Fox News but for liberal (in the perjorative sense) geeks.

...bad analogy, nothing approaches Fox News, but you get my drift. I don't know why I even got here nowadays. In other words, its a geek-culture tabloid with a liberal slant.
>> No. 166878
Kotaku, and Gawker Media at large, is a worthless steaming pile of shit. Lifehacker has the misfortune of being owned by them, and they're actually worthwhile half the time; however, they use the same SUPER RETARDED COMMENT SYSTEM that all of Gawker uses so their "open thread" posts are worthless.

I can't remember which Gawker site did it, but they got themselves banned from a bunch of trade-shows because one of their "reporters" thought it would be great to use a universal remote to turn off some dude's presentation in the middle of it.

They're like Fox News in that if they hold one opinion or position, I probably hold the opposite (or at least a different one).
>> No. 166891
HEY! whats worse then a long ass update?
Having issue connecting to the nintendo server to get the fucking thing!
>> No. 166895
Yoshi's Story wasn't terrible. It didn't surpass Yoshi's Island, but then, nothing ever will.
>> No. 166898
But surfing on it is neat.
Even if this site only works in blue...
>> No. 166905
DEERGOD its internet wifi is so weak!
Can't even take it out off the basement without losing it...
How the hell am I going to use it as my Netflix box now!

Also my username is still Tentomon4.
>> No. 166909
Funky Barn: Giant Bomb Quick Lookyoutube thumb
Did Giant Bomb just get a faulty system or does this shit keep happening to everyone?
>> No. 166922
File 135438761212.png - (434.18KB , 571x540 , Dexter IDN.png )
>have a WiiU
>have no problems with it
>have 4 games that I switch through regularly

idn lol.

>people claim nintendo is dead
>it is currently outselling the Wii at current pace

idn lol.
>> No. 166925
It's mostly fan dribble and over reacting.
Happens at every console launch. That's why I usually wait.
>> No. 166926
It's mostly fan dribble and over reacting.
Happens at every console launch. That's why I usually wait.
>> No. 166927
I am disappointed in it[Wii U] so far but that is to do minor and local issues...
And I have yet to pop in Mario U so hopefully thing will get better.
Like some updated VC games that works on the lower screen.
>> No. 166932
>it is currently outselling the Wii at current pace
Sauce? I don't have more recent number, but it didn't break the sales of the Wii in the first week: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/26/wii-u-sales-nintendo_n_2194002.html
>> No. 166943
File 135441230181.jpg - (32.11KB , 500x330 , 1339913550865.jpg )
They are by no means dead, but they are projected to perform on the same level as Sony did last gen, now that the handheld market as shrunk and the Wii-U is seen as a run-of-the-mill console and not something fresh and new like the Wii/DS.
>> No. 166973
>they are projected to perform on the same level as Sony did last gen
What exactly is bad about this? Sony and Microsoft were tied for the #2 spot in sales, last time I checked.

From what I've heard, the lack of hype for the WiiU is for a big part a marketing failure. There were loads of commercials before the Wii came out, and it was generally acknowledged as a big thing even with people who had little to do with gaming. This isn't at all the case with the WiiU.

As for a lack of innovation, the second screen and asymmetrical multiplayer has shitloads of potential according to most of the developer-interviews and reviewer-critiques I've read. It's just that people aren't sure what to do with it yet. This was pretty much the case with the DS as well, though, so I'm not too worried.
>> No. 166975

Projected by whom? Bear in mind that this is an industry with no good analysts.
>> No. 166979
File 135447352353.jpg?spoiler - (53.64KB , 480x384 , transformers-our-favorite-decepticons-200906120337.jpg?spoiler )
The pro controller is nice but it is missing something very importent.
>> No. 166980
>> No. 166981
Rumble motherfucker

How could Nintendo forget one of their first controller innovations?
>> No. 166998

I didn't know it didn't have Rumble. That is weird. Does the Gamepad have rumble?

That said, I don't see it as a big loss; it never added a whole lot to the games except where it was used as a beacon of sorts, i.e. Stone of Agony in Ocarina of Time.
>> No. 166999
Not having rumble is a REALLY good idea for REALLY obvious reasons.
>> No. 167002
Yeah, the Gamepad has rumble.
I almost didn't notice it at first.
>> No. 167004
Still, the feel of having feedback from the game us still a great feeling I couldn't live without. If I turn rumble off and get hit in a game or fall on my face, it just feels really weird. It adds a small amount of immersion, I think.
>> No. 167007
Teen girls (and some guys) will find things to use for masturbation with or without rumble. According to videos on my hard drive, many do just fine with hairbrushes.
>> No. 167009
The display runs on etch-a-sketch technology?
>> No. 167018
So what the deal with Puddle?
>> No. 167033
>> No. 167039
If anything is going to make me crave a Wii U, it's probably SSB4; if that can't do it, it's doubtful anything would. Except a Pokemon MMO, but Nintendo is too much of a pansy to do that.
>> No. 167169
>dying anytime soon

You people make me laugh.

>> No. 167241
So its only Deon and I that have sharded out Wii U usernames here yet?
Fucking really?
Well atlest you can search for Jontron and Egoraptor and add the grumps to your following list.
You can also follow Dirtoldman if you want see shit my dad says.
Also the site is still white on Wii U.
>> No. 167243
For people to share usernames, they must first have a Wii U.

Speaking of which, I'm able to just waltz right into Wal-mart and buy a Wii U if I wanted. The Basic model, though. It makes sense that the Deluxe model would sell out faster, but the fact that there are still Wii Us freely available at all shows a huge disparity of interest of launch between the Wii and Wii U. Everybody's had a chance to get a good tablet for four or five years now. (A bad tablet for far longer.) Adding that to a gaming console isn't nearly as impressive as the motion control was for the Wii.

Speaking of Wii vs. Wii U:
>This prototype was so well-received that Shigeru Miyamoto himself forced a gyroscope to be added to the Nintendo 3DS, which by that point had its hardware finalized.
And nothing of value was gained.
>As is customary at Nintendo, this basic tech, which was effectively two Wii remotes duct-taped to an LCD monitor, became the starting point for over 30 game demos.
>Two Wiis working together were used as a simulation for Wii U's actual computing power
So the Wii U really is just two Wiis taped together.

Honestly, I think Nintendo should have taken their focus in a different path: Use most of their resources to make a highly powerful, but not bleeding edge, console; fine-tune the motion control even better and create an updated, separate, cordless Nunchuck with full motion control and extra buttons (I'm thinking that you'd pair the Wiimote/Nunchuck by using NFC and just touching them together); make the controller work better for "standard" button layouts.

Then they use this gen to research putting a screen in shit, which would come out far, far better. Adopt a "Windows"-like cycle, but instead of every other version sucking, it's just an upgraded version of the previous one.
>> No. 167246
Well there's a different thread for that.
>> No. 167961
Nintendo Land is pretty fun with multiplayer.
Mario Chase is simple enough that I was able to convince some of my non gamer family members visiting for xmas to join in for a 5 player brouhaha.
The stages get bigger and tracking down Mario gets a lot trickier.
>> No. 167971
Yeah, to bad I dont have 4 wiimotes.
But DK Crash Coures works just as well when you can only use the pad.
"Here just tilt this"
>> No. 168010
Wow, you can use a wiimote to help out a single player in all of the single player games.
Between that and the ghost lights out super move, is there anything else?
>> No. 168199
>Anyone picking up a used Wii U console in this post-holiday lull is in for a nice surprise. It seems that Nintendo decided to tie download games to individual consoles, meaning any games the previous owner downloaded can be re-downloaded, even on to a Wii U that has been completely wiped.

>You’d expect the games to be tied to a Nintendo Network account, but that doesn’t seem to be the case, or at least it doesn’t matter. If you create a brand new account on a used Wii U , you can still access the games the previous owner bought without jumping through any hoops.

>> No. 168202
Heh its interesting to see Nintendo and Sony going in opposite directions with Nintendo expanding its digital market and Sony locking down its physical media.
>> No. 168207

I dunno if that's the case here.

It sounds more like a hardware/software bug. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple months from now Nintendo was like "SHIT" and took the feature out of most WiiU's.
>> No. 168209
yea while that is a bug I'm more looking at what allowed this to happen in that Nintendo has really expanded their digital market to include even full commercial games while Sony seems to be keen on crippling their next system in an attempt to hold onto the physical market. But yea likely Nintendo will end up tying the game to a system or personal ID.
>> No. 168210

>Nintendo has really expanded their digital market to include even full commercial games while Sony seems to be keen on crippling their next system in an attempt to hold onto the physical market.

And yet when I look at that thread.

I see people being reactionary and saying how terrible the idea of an all-digital market for sony would be.

So what is it? Is all-digital good? Or is physical copies good?

If this exact problem showed up on a sony console would people be decrying this as Sony fucking up and being stupid, but because this is Nintendo all people can do is think about the positive implications?

Signs point to yes.
>> No. 168222
>It seems that Nintendo decided to tie download games to individual consoles
So just like the Wii.

Awful polite way of saying Nintendo still doesn't have a fucking clue on how to properly handle digital content or internet capabilities.
>> No. 168769
File 135847828488.jpg - (290.31KB , 800x600 , Sync Access.jpg )
Oh, if you didn't know the Wii U branded Wii Remotes are redesigned for easier sync button access.
>> No. 168923
I'd buy a WiiU if there was a Pokemon game with multiple save slots.
>> No. 169000
File 135895216988.jpg - (54.65KB , 733x378 , 1358951630158.jpg )
>HD Wind Waker remake coming in the fall

Holy shit!
>> No. 169001
Wii U - Monolith Soft Traileryoutube thumb
Wii U - Shin-Megami Tensei X F…youtube thumb
Wii U - The Wonderful 101 Traileryoutube thumb
Wii U - Bayonetta 2 Traileryoutube thumb
>> No. 169003
File 135895438840.png - (305.99KB , 655x373 , 1358953617380.png )
>> No. 169004
>Shin-Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

Is this the real life?
>> No. 169005
I'm not getting a Wii U for it, I already played it. I am curious what they'll do with the soundtrack, though.
>> No. 169006
File 135895861585.jpg - (118.75KB , 720x507 , Incredible.jpg )
>Shin-Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
>> No. 169009
>Wind Waker HD remake
I seriously hope this has Wiimote integration so you can use the Wind Waker with actual Wiimote movements
>SMT x Fire Emblem
>SSBU will be at E3
>New Mario Kart
>New Mario 3D by director of Mario Galaxy
>New Zelda
>Monolith Soft (Xenoblade Chronicles) is making a new Wii U exclusive RPG that looks like Xenoblade (and may be a new entry in the series), but with a heavier focus on guns, and has transforming mechs FUCK. YEAR.

Suddenly I have a heavy interest in purchasing a Wii U. I had no idea this was coming. <3 <3 <3 <3 I'm still not going to buy one until I have moneyat least one of those games comes out, as I want to wait and see if Nintendo will fix some of the problems as well as put out consoles that have all the updates on them

Link: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/33103
>> No. 169011
I just hope the new Monolith game doesn't tank in the last stretch like Xenoblade did.

It's on an actual console at least, so it won't have Xenoblade's horrendous textures!
>> No. 169012
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I swear I heard Dexter in The Wonderful 101 trailer.
>> No. 169016
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>Shin-Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

>> No. 169017
Complete coverage here:

>> No. 169019
File 135896531134.jpg - (22.79KB , 315x310 , 1349739185980.jpg )
>Games, on MY Wii U
>> No. 169020
I hope that other Zelda is Majora's Mask 3DS.
>> No. 169021
My understanding is that it's a brand new entry, and it's on the Wii U.

But I also want MM3DS. I didn't buy OoT because it added nothing new and I've already beaten the game a dozen dozen times. MM, however, I've only beaten a few, and the three day cycle lends itself well to shorter gaming stints on a portable console.
>> No. 169035
>At the Nintendo Direct Conference earlier today, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced that the first screen shots of the new Namco Bandai developed Super Smash Brothers game will be revealed at this year's E3 event. He stated that the development of the game is currently on track and will be released for both the Wii U and 3DS.
And they will be of Mario, Link, Kirby, Pikachu, and maybe Samus.
>> No. 169039
And I'm predicting Pac-Man because with it being a joint effort with Namco, there isn't much of an excuse to not let him in on the party.
>> No. 169076
File 135901038296.png - (56.78KB , 250x341 , shock-and-awe.png )
>Monolith Soft is making a new game in the vein of Xenoblade, if not a sequel
>We might have to go through the same bullshit as last time to get it released in the states
>> No. 169079
Doubtful, considering Xenoblade actually did pretty well in the U.S. despite being sold only through Nintendo and Gamestop.
>> No. 169094
Did they ever release numbers for that? The only word I recall hearing was that it sold "well", or something else vague.
>> No. 169108
Feasible for sure, but I'd be interested to know how they could make him an interesting character. Mostly because you know... Sonic in Brawl.
Speaking of which, here's hoping Snake returns and they make the game at least slightly more competitive.
>> No. 169110
My understanding is that Sonic was added pretty late in development due to extreme fan demand (and that Sega happily lent him in return for using Mario for the Olympic games), so they didn't have a good place to shoehorn him in once the "plot" was put together, which is why he suddenly pops in at the final boss. Snake certainly got lots of setup. So they could get Pac-Man in to whatever story they want if it's done early enough.

My question, though, is what would he use for a moveset? Are we going with the Pac-Man exploration games from a later era, or his original pie shape? Maybe he can be like Pokemon Trainer and have a Ghost that is summoned to his side that can be switched out (or has its own stamina bar and has to switch out then?) and which Ghost he has is the type of moves. Idk.

The real change I want to see in SSBU is to take out tripping. Because fuck that noise.
>> No. 169111
Ya, that was pretty much the shittiest thing about Brawl. Far FAR too many times have I been killed because my characters forget how to walk.
>> No. 169112
I for one am excited to see all of Nintendos new IP.
>> No. 169114
Honestly the Brawl mod Project M is gonna have my Smash appetite satiated for quite a while, so I'm not really that interested in what Smash U will be like despite Smash Bros. being one of my favorite game series.

I don't know if Sonic showing up late has anything to do with development. Jigglypuff was probably being worked on from the start, what with being one of the original 12, and she wasn't in the story at all. Neither were Wolf or Toon Link.

Honestly I thought Subspace Emissary had overall mediocre gameplay and an awful story, if you can even call that a story. I think in future games they should stick with the more arcade-y type of adventure mode that was used in Melee. Smash is one of the few game series that I think is better off without any real 'story.'
>> No. 169115
If they can do Smash as a proper RPG with a multiplayer mode that focuses as a Fighter, I would be all over that shit.
>> No. 169121
The Subspace Emissary would have improved tenfold if it used Nintendo enemies other than the Koopa Troop, as opposed to a dime-store Heartless knockoff horde.
>> No. 169122
...really, would it have actually made any real difference.
>> No. 169124
Man, that'd be awesome. Really leverage the Tales Studio and make something halfway between a Tales game and an SSB game, with a multiplayer mode thrown on top of it. Fight enemies from all across Nintendo's canon--meaning even characters that don't make much sense as fighters can show up.

3-13 Archer Confirmed for Brawl
>> No. 169128
Apparently they confirmed that SMTxFE is indeed going to be an RPG of some kind, so my deep fears of it being a fighting game have been put to rest.
>> No. 169129

It's being developed by Atlus man.

I don't think Atlus is a company exactly known for their super-amazing fighting games.
>> No. 169131
They had Persona 4's sequel be a goddamn fighting game, and I'm not unused to having other things I like get fighting game sequels. The "x" alone was pretty worrying too.

Fortunately, good taste triumphed this day.
>> No. 169133
My first thought with the "X" was that it would be a fighting game, but my second thought is "we're talking about an RPG and RTS/RPG, why would they make a fighting game". So I thought it would be an RPG, and now I'm glad it's confirmed.
>> No. 169134
Yeah, but it was a goddamned fighting game made by Arc System Works, a.k.a. the people behind Guilty Gear and Blazblue, who are known for fighting games. Atlus just did handled the writing and probably the art direction and things like that.
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