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File 13207006855.jpg - (112.96KB , 1014x571 , Thread.jpg )
41818 No. 41818
Since last thread turned into such a pitiful troll fest, I've decided to make a new one.

Let's try to follow some simple rules so that everyone can enjoy the project:
- No trolling
- No bashing or insults
- No endless sterile arguments and debates

That is to say: just behave!

Also, general discussion topics go to the current thread in /co/.
Latest one => https://plus4chan.org/b/co/res/139026.html
I know we tend to go off-topic from time to time, but let's try to keep things subbing project related as much as possible.

And useful links, as usual:

- Mutant Squid's blog, for everything Wakfu related you'd want to download:
=> http://brotherhoodoftofu.com/

- Our Twitter feed to keep in touch with the releases:
=> http://twitter.com/#!/wakfu_fansubs
Expand all images
>> No. 41819
File 132070072445.jpg - (154.54KB , 1014x671 , Subs.jpg )
>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YSM8HUNV
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/0Z3A7RWT
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=257695

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FRKMKXEO
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/XA77CDAC
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=257694

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UNY3X0F7
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=257696

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?uvppvxk95ibe8tu

>720p Hi10p version
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KNWE3QNO
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=257706

Torrent and 720p version courtesy of Sindalf.
>> No. 41820
=> http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/230128-episode-14-saison-2-voleur-voix

>Downloadable FLV (courtesy of Jakill)
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?f=8F2Z0A43

>Downloadable MP4
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UUBTL8CY
>> No. 41821
=> http://www.maxi-mini.fr/fr/episode-2-incarnam/chapitres/episode-anime

>Downloadable FLV (courtesy of Jakill)
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8ASEKG3U

>Downloadable MP4
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?m5d2xd8eqr06ig6
>> No. 41824
Thank you, finally a voice of reason among the stupid.
>> No. 41831
I've gotta ask, when you translate the songs of Episode 14, are you guys going to try to make the lyrics rhyme (not that all songs need their lyrics to), or do they look to be rather simple and fun portions of dialogue to make into english?
>> No. 41834
I repeat my question about MaxiMini! Are we going to be fanlating it?

The rhyming ones we are currently hoping to have rhyming. If that wrecks our schedule, we may have to drop some rhymes. I hope not, though.
>> No. 41836
File 132070958927.png - (219.45KB , 590x329 , histore-2.png )
If it isn't asking too much, could you translate the first animated short before that?
>> No. 41844
Wasn't there a project to translate the entire Remington/Maskemane arc, including the flash "game"?

And while we are at it, any news ontranslated Les Gardiens?
>> No. 41845
File 132071358165.jpg - (94.82KB , 353x500 , ryan dunn fistpump.jpg )
Thank you for making a new thread Kenny.
>my reaction when I saw that the last thread full of sub trolling and that NWF stuff got deleted
>> No. 41853
File 132071835346.gif - (2.97MB , 371x252 , yugo blush.gif )
Admit it, you all smiled when he blushed.
>> No. 41854
I was more impressed with her. That boy has seen women (and rather pretty ones at that) naked without batting an eyelash and she got him to blush with a flattering phrase and a gentle smile. Fille (Femme?) Fatale par excellence.
>> No. 41864
"The funny thing about Wakfu villains is that, despite being less dangerous, the minor antagonists are arguably the most detestable of the bunch. Kabrok, for all the label "Wakfu Hero" implies is still a man directing his middle-age frustrations on his fellow merchants, the Princesses are quick to revert to their snooty attitudes and practices after their curse is lifted, Sybannak is an intolerable old woman who is willing to feed children and the elderly to her pets if they displease her, Gonard/McDeek is just plain greedy, Choquette tried to bring ruin to the son of the man she loved out of a twisted sense of courtship, and Grufon, minor shushu that he is, was indirectly responsible for the misadventures (and by proxy all the danger encountered during them) that spanned over 5 episodes just to spite his owners, all to name a few.

All minor antagonists embody an overarching theme of mercenary pettiness, and how destructive such shallow motivations can be (greed, jealousy, vanity, lust etc.) when given the power and means to satisfy their inconsiderate whims. Brakmar is a city whose vices are so pronounced that one cannot help but notice the undercurrent of childishness beneath the sexism and skullduggery. The Shushus and their King, the supposed epitome of evil in the Krosmoz are little more than a pack of grotesquely strong cowards and bullies (Rubilax in particular) whose ambitions outside of general mayhem are underwhelming (Ombrage/Shadofang brainwashing an entire village for the sole purpose of combing her hair).

But what about the major villains, the recurring foes that make it their business to make themselves as antagonistic first impression is possible? What about Kriss, what about Remington, what about Nox? Unlike many of the small time fiends (excluding the likes of Smisse Monde and Riglesse) these individuals are rather up front about their ruthless aims and abilities. Nox makes it a point to introduce himself as a power hungry bandit, and Remington's Boomerang Dagger to the face made Eva know that he was anything but friendly. And yet, for all the genocides, larceny, and murders, they come off as infinitely more sympathetic and even admirable than their lesser peers. Sometimes its from a parting scene (Kriss bidding Yugo farewell), subtle, consistent displays of nobility (Remington's relationship with Grany), or in Nox's case, a combination of the two. You may argue that their appearing more than once helps in this matter, and it does, but frequent appearances do not beget character development as despite appearing numerous times in Wakfu and Dofus related media, Rushu has been a pretty static and unlikable character all throughout.

At the heart of this contrast is of course Yugo. His being a fairly young and noble protagonist works to the villains' advantage in two ways: Their willingness to grievously harm a 12/13 year-old boy shows how ruthless and wicked they can be, and Yugo sympathizing with and sometimes forgiving them can suggest a kernel of goodness in beings we would otherwise find irredeemable (ex. Mandhal). This is especially prevalent with the three reoccurring villains. For example, despite Kriss nearly putting an end to his quest, Yugo feels no ill will towards the Brakmarian athlete, going so far as to admit that the Sacrier is pretty cool.

Conversely, he pretty much accepts Evangelyne's claims that Remington is bad news without question (plus the whole throwing her off of a banister thing) and spends much of the 7th episode ignoring the Rogue to fawn over the supposedly 'heroic' Justice Knight who had, with little justification, wrongfully imprisoned him and whose entire mission is something of an anachronism in a world where ten year old boys can own demonic longswords as pets. Upon finding themselves (and Grovy) stranded in Rushu's World, Yugo is chastised by the career criminal when he claims that he can't create a portal to help them escape highlighting the man's determination, and is ultimately shocked when Remington, the vicious highwayman, refuses to leave his imperiled brother behind, submitting himself to certain doom rather than abandon his sibling, contrary to Yugo's casual deserting of Adamai earlier in the season.

His encounters and interactions with Nox are even more complicated. The Xelor's ravenous, phantom rampage across the World of Twelve has resulted in the fall of nations, the deaths of countless, and many of the miseries that have befallen Yugo. Though we are allowed to see that Nox is not entirely without good in him, all the boy can see is a villain whose "heart is as cold as his armor" that "destroys everything beautiful", despite our knowing that this is far from the truth. Unlike the reckless wanton turmoil the more feckless felons inflict, there is a greater agenda to Nox's crimes, an honorable if selfish purpose to right a single wrong, and thus exempt the world from his machinations entirely. He was ready to do anything, except live with failure, which he had to briefly endure. And what of the Eliatropes whose fire he had stolen, Yugo's race who had perhaps not maliciously but decisively drained the world of the Lu-Fus, leaving their home dying and their minds open to Orgonax's offer of vengeance? They are venerated in song and legend, whereas Nox shall be reviled as a madman, a monster in a vindictive and fallacious history penned by Evangelyne. However, like his father before him, Yugo managed to see Nox's humanity, his remorse, and let him leave in peace. The former king was not unscathed by his good deed, haunted and unsure, now knowing that the world, its champions and its monsters are far more complicated than his bedtime stories led him to believe.

And yet, it's these well-intentioned malefactors that suffer the most, and their punishments do not always fit the crime. As mentioned, minor villains like Kabrok and Choquette are almost never brought to justice, but the fates of Remington and Nox are oddly cruel given the lighter destinies of The Voice Thief and Rubilax.

A sense of wrongness permeates the World of Wakfu, aristocratic demi-gods murder mercenaries for entertainment, there doesn't seem to be a country-spanning body of authority to maintain order, bounty hunters condemn people for even the pettiest of crimes, cheating is a celebrated facet of the world's most venerated sport, monsters prey on the unsuspecting with wrongdoers preying on everyone else, blacksmiths can craft weapons with infernal entities and sell them in boutiques, and even the divine wreck terrible mischief on those they promised to protect.

Beneath the cute, kiddy veneer is a worrisome, conflicted core of murky morals, destructive heroes, and victimized villains. It presents a question never outright stated, that may never be addressed but still bears asking: Populated with people who are incredibly easy to deceive (ie not being able to see through obvious disguises), difficult to forgive and susceptible to committing injustices themselves, Does this world deserve to be saved? Or should it get what's coming to it?

"I think of Ogrest, of this terrible demon I knew from legend. The myths of the beast’s gratuitous cruelty had long been whispered down. I think of the woeful burden he must carry, of all that suffering expressed in his clumsiness – why would I not believe that Ogrest was the destroyer of whom everyone is terrified? He cries, and by crying, he ruins the World. And yet, he’s not manic-depressive, he’s not a dishcloth, he thinks and doubts, tossed from within by jolting emotions – like all that lives, Ogrest sometimes crumbles. If the choice were given him, should he let the world perish?"

-daryl, Wakfu MMORPG developer

Agree or disagree?
>> No. 41865
File 132072247760.jpg - (42.27KB , 864x480 , Wakfu_S2E14_WebRaw_MP4[19-24-17].jpg )
this does seem interesting but could we please start using the discussion thread?

>> No. 41866
File 132072276911.jpg - (26.89KB , 288x499 , tony WHY.jpg )
Dude, don't be a dick.
>> No. 41867
I'm surprised no one's said anything, but a big thanks to the subbers! The beginning seemed a little long-winded, with every character using some weird transition, but my gf didn't notice anything weird at all so you can probably ignore that. Really glad to come here on my birthday and see a new episode up :)
>> No. 41868
MaxiMini part 1 (Maskemane and Remi): I heard there was a script, but someone was trying to work out how to make the web game actually playable in English, instead of just a translated video.

Wakfu les Gardiens: I've been working on the notes from season 1, but season 2 has gone a bit weird. First they have to stop working on it because they're needed on other projects, and then they start releasing information that just makes us more confused... I mean, it was obvious ZeGrine (or however you spell it) is one of Baltazar's children, as his hat hasn't changed, but Zora being alive? That's just confusing.
>> No. 41869
Chojiki has the translated script for Maxi-Mini. Not sure if he's working on subs or still trying to get through the Flash.
>> No. 41871
File 132073341952.jpg - (211.50KB , 550x550 , xAWSJkWVhp2K9eu.jpg )
Big amazing thanks to the sub team.
I feel like a dick not doing this the day the new subbed eps was out.


>> No. 41873
Ah, so this is where everything's been moved now.

>> No. 41874
>then they start releasing information that just makes us more confused...

When? Where?
>> No. 41876
Hurry up with the subs. I want my cartoon boobies.
>> No. 41878
They uploaded the bath scene in hd just for you, so stop that.
>> No. 41880
I'm pretty sure its just another troll. so its best to just ignore such people.
>> No. 41881
where's the fucking subs maaaaan
>> No. 41882

If you need any help with that, I'd be glad to offer it. I did the rhyming portions of the Goultard special way back.
>> No. 41884
According to my shitty translations on Fry's home page, there will be material on LG2 released after they've released Wakfu the game in February? He's also coy about what happens in the game if Yugo finds his people (getting a new race to play etc.). Sounds interesting, but what is this about Zegrine? And wasn't that character a girl?
>> No. 41885
I grow impatient for BOOBS.
>> No. 41886
File 132081742924.jpg - (116.46KB , 533x746 , Wakfu.jpg )
I was going to write something about getting impatient for boobs when Wakfu is all 'bout Dem Hips, but then I found this trying to find a picture to illustrate my point, so nevermind I guess.
>> No. 41891
Azael's blog. http://j.echalard.free.fr/wordpress/ The FAQ, particulary the october one.
Fry's? Wherewherewhere?
Also, ZeGrine (or ZeGreen, which is what Eliane calls him) is Kivin in Islands of Wakfu. The other of Baltazar's children we meet in les Gardiens is Zora.
>> No. 41892
But, that's Fry's blog. I'm confused...

Ok, so Zegreen (Zegrine) is another androgynous male. lol
>> No. 41899
Ah, I see the problem. You though Jerome Echalard was Fry. No, he's Azael, lead dev of Wakfu les Gardiens. Fry (a.k.a. Slip, Slipouze) is Sylvain Couillet, sprite designer. Fry's blog hasn't updated for years: http://slipouze.blogspot.com/
However, le planche de Fry (Fry's boards, I think) did appear on Azael's blog, showing sketches and sprite designs for les Gardiens.

Back on topic, I've translated notes -1 and -2 from season one, although I'm not sure which way around they go. I may take a break from working on the first sentence of note 1 and do them out of order. Clever videos of the actual story may take longer, although I have a fun idea for Chapter 2.
>> No. 41900
File 132085309095.png - (25.25KB , 216x337 , spr_319.png )

>> No. 41901
Ok, that clears it up. Yeah, I saw the name on his blog and thought that was the person owning the blog.

Looking forward to the translated vids.


That's the one.
>> No. 41907
Small update :
We're almost done with the script, just one ore two tough puns/rhymes left. If nothing goes wrong, expect a release late Thursday or Friday.
>> No. 41908
Regarding that, I have seen that in episode 13 the team didn't include the french subs (or transcriptions) as the previous team did with episodes 1-12 of season 2.

Was it a mistake or an intended omission? And, if the latter, seeing that part of the process involves working with a document that has them already, could you still release them for those interested (people wanting to practice/learn french, or check the original puns and references, etc.)?

Greetings and many thanks to all of you!
>> No. 41909
>>could you still release them
The document with the transcriptions, I mean.
>> No. 41911
File 132090459298.jpg - (118.17KB , 1025x574 , FrSubs.jpg )
We did include the usual French transcript subtiltes in ep.13 sofsubbed versions.
If you can't see them, the problem is on your side...
>> No. 41914
I see what the problem was now. They are under the Navigate -> Subtitle Language menu, not Play -> Subtitles like I believed.

Thanks a lot for everything!
>> No. 41915
Status? Not hurrying or anything, just curious.
>> No. 41916
see >>41907
>> No. 41917
Amazing work guys, thanks a lot.
>> No. 41919
Want boobies. Patience waning.
>> No. 41921
You don't need subs to look at their tits.
>> No. 41922
Yes, but if you don't know the proper context and motivation of the individual characters for getting naked, then...

Screw it, I'm watching without subs.
>> No. 41925
The motivation is preventing this show from ever airing in the US.
>> No. 41927

Wakfu - so crappy you can only watch it for boobs
>> No. 41928
File 132101691446.gif - (10.20KB , 384x239 , wakfu_cdi.gif )
I wanted to draw beautiful fanart of hips and boobs to show my gratitude for your work, but then I got carried away halfway-through.
Based on a wonderful scribble from /co/mrade on 4ch.
>> No. 41929
Amalia's face. It's scaring m WTF HIS ARM!!
>> No. 41930
File 132102498767.jpg - (113.46KB , 425x319 , zelda121307.jpg )
just in case some people didn't get the reference.
It's from the infamous CD-I version of Zelda
>> No. 41931
Zelda's face. It's scaring m WTF HIS ARM!!
>> No. 41937
Just wondering if 14 will be released before episode 15 airs in the morning?
>> No. 41938
I've started the uploads, so yes, if my web connection doesn't die on me.
>> No. 41939
I'm stepping a bit out of line since I'm only a proofreader for the subs but proofreading has been done since yesterday late in the night.
So its really not that much left. So my guess is that uploading is in progress but as usually takes it sweet time. but should hopefully be released late today or early tomorrow.
Hope thats a satisfiable answer.
>> No. 41940
>> No. 41941
File 132106061444.jpg - (59.50KB , 393x393 , 1285259153459.jpg )
>> No. 41942
File 132106144440.jpg - (39.72KB , 393x387 , Tychus cat.jpg )
more like that one
>> No. 41943
File 132106196169.jpg - (100.10KB , 1024x714 , STFU.jpg )
>> No. 41944
lol, perfect.
>> No. 41945
File 132106283571.png - (386.38KB , 854x479 , He mad.png )
>> No. 41946
Didn't we talk about muxing on the server so you can upload during the week? Upload over night, mux on the server, grats you just saved like 2hrs.
>> No. 41947
File 132106343849.jpg - (11.71KB , 456x163 , granyoumad.jpg )
>> No. 41948
Forgot about that. Will see next week.
>> No. 41949
File 132106466938.png - (407.30KB , 854x480 , vlcsnap-2011-11-12-03h18m48s186.png )
Nope, this is all the fuck I give
>> No. 41950
All of my stuff is up and ready to go. Whenever you are ready I can take two minutes to create what is needed and you can go submit.
>> No. 41951
>pinkie finger raised while drinking
the sign of true royalty
>> No. 41952
It's OK, I've created the torrents.
I think I can handle everything myself. I'll just come yelling on IRC if something goes wrong.
>> No. 41953
What programs/settings do you guys use? I've always wanted to convert my box dvds and stuff into some useable h264/mkv format to save and transfer for storage.
>> No. 41954
File 13210731052.jpg - (86.48KB , 1024x576 , Subs.jpg )
Songs, bath and Scooby-Doo:

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VFYPB24Q
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/OGNKH4XI
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=259640

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TAGLXIGJ
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/1SNYEHQZ
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=259641

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X5935AO3
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=259642

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?1mqtawva7u1mfd7

>720p Hi10p encode by Sindalf:
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=259644
>> No. 41955
File 132107357821.gif - (269.21KB , 300x225 , batthumbs up.gif )
>> No. 41956
A cookie to whoever can spot the non video resolution difference between my encode and the rest.

Only a fansubber would be able to tell or someone who likes to look at scripts in aegisub.
>> No. 41957
You mean that subtitles disappear when the video is paused?
>> No. 41958
Nope, that would be a problem on your end and not the videos fault.
>> No. 41959
Well the other encode works "fine" (I don't consider this a problem), so I thought it was specific to yours. Oh well, back to watching the episode.
>> No. 41960
One thing that can happen with any softsubs is that if you start seeking in the video the player may or may not read the subs at that exact point. This is because it is trying to read something in the middle of the sub line instead of at the start which just doesn't work very well.

Otherwise if this problem persists I would suggest installing or reinstalling the latest cccp. That normally fixes 99% of issues.
>> No. 41961
thank you so much all the team
>> No. 41962
Is the Az karaoke ripped from the french website or did one of you actually take the time to remake that?

Normally I don't give a shit about karaoke but goddamn az is cute
>> No. 41963
It's in the show, and was released on its own a few days before.
>> No. 41964
So was the karaoke with Az part of the original or was that added by the sub team?

And once again, huge thanks guys.
>> No. 41965
File 132108387988.png - (606.04KB , 1021x625 , SWEET JESUS.png )
>> No. 41966
File 132108456061.png - (668.31KB , 1019x622 , LIKE I GIVE A FUCK.png )
>> No. 41967
Merci, sub team.
>> No. 41968
Original, I saw it in the SD webcast.
I think it's a one-time thing going with the show's musical theme.
>> No. 41969
Yes, it's part of the original and was made by Ankama.
And yes, it's a one time thing. Ep.15 doesn't have it.

BTW, just finished ep.15: probably the most useless episode of the season IMO...
>> No. 41970
Streaming version:
=> http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/230177-episode-15-saison-2-ile-wabbits
>> No. 41971
File 132109053820.png - (201.00KB , 636x837 , wabbitisland.png )
Cry havoc! Let slip the subbers of Wakfu!
>> No. 41972
File 13210921049.gif - (1.06MB , 423x200 , Ws2e15.gif )

Click the "file name" to order by name, if the series does not fit on one page, use the [Next] and [Previous] button
>> No. 41973
File 132109309544.jpg - (45.82KB , 481x689 , 1303976930215.jpg )
Again to the sub team. THANK YOU!

I am very VERY grateful for all the hard work up put forth to sub these episodes.

This and the last woody picture I posted >>41871 can only express a fraction of my level of gratitude.

Again Thank you very much.
>> No. 41974
direct link
>> No. 41975

thank you a petite
>> No. 41976
Did we just get a 5 minutes long Mini-Wakfu segment in a regular Wakfu series? Because that was the best part of this episode. Ok, second after Rubilax FINALLY speaking again.

I'm conflicted. On one hand, I'd like the plot to get moving again and this episode feels a bit like a waste of time (still better than episode 1.05, but that's not saying much). On the other, I missed Mini-Wakfu so much, I'm almost willing to let this episode's pointlessness go... It's like Ankama saying "we're sorry" for not making any show related SD shorts (Maxi-Mini does not count) this season. But when marathoning the entire season after it ends, I can consider skipping this one.
>> No. 41977
If S2's episode count is anywhere like S1, then we'd go another 10 - 11 episodes to go, plenty of time to expand.
>> No. 41978
File 132109878398.jpg - (164.56KB , 689x622 , NOT QUITE ME.jpg )

Made by a friend of mine.
>> No. 41979
This is one of the worst episodes in the show. Ever. I couldn't give less of a fuck about Wabbits. Unless they're being chopped up like in the game trailer.
>> No. 41980
File 132110219024.jpg - (156.42KB , 1690x1050 , Scr04.jpg )
u mad bro?
>> No. 41981
I mad.

Wabbit Island can fuck off. Hope Ogrest gets 'em.
>> No. 41983
Fillers, fillers... I want Nox back!
>> No. 41984
Ep.15 raw MP4 version:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3RBGYTAG
>> No. 41985
Damn! Awesome subbing!

Even tho' it was a damn filler again, I really liked this ep.
Funny as hell, and the awkward moments of Yugo with that anime chick... :3

And that rastaman... oh my god. Ankama can't be serious, really! ;D
And dat bath. And dat voice of Amalia.

Awesome subs, THANKS!
>> No. 41986
Few gripes with this season:

There seems to be an awful lot of filler compared to season 1. Sure S1 had its fair share, but there was always the quest to find Yugo's family and a clear overarching threat from Nox. There's an end objective here too, but the urgency is simply gone and it feels like a mere premise to segway into each episode.

There's Adamai as well. Oh wait, no there isn't they left the dragon at home. After introducing him as a badass shapeshifting kung-fu dragon (not to mention Yugo's literal soul mate) in the middle of season 1, they decide to just leave him forgotten back at the base to babysit a child.
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