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File 13207006855.jpg - (112.96KB , 1014x571 , Thread.jpg )
41818 No. 41818
Since last thread turned into such a pitiful troll fest, I've decided to make a new one.

Let's try to follow some simple rules so that everyone can enjoy the project:
- No trolling
- No bashing or insults
- No endless sterile arguments and debates

That is to say: just behave!

Also, general discussion topics go to the current thread in /co/.
Latest one => https://plus4chan.org/b/co/res/139026.html
I know we tend to go off-topic from time to time, but let's try to keep things subbing project related as much as possible.

And useful links, as usual:

- Mutant Squid's blog, for everything Wakfu related you'd want to download:
=> http://brotherhoodoftofu.com/

- Our Twitter feed to keep in touch with the releases:
=> http://twitter.com/#!/wakfu_fansubs
Expand all images
>> No. 41819
File 132070072445.jpg - (154.54KB , 1014x671 , Subs.jpg )
>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YSM8HUNV
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/0Z3A7RWT
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=257695

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FRKMKXEO
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/XA77CDAC
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=257694

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UNY3X0F7
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=257696

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?uvppvxk95ibe8tu

>720p Hi10p version
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KNWE3QNO
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=257706

Torrent and 720p version courtesy of Sindalf.
>> No. 41820
=> http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/230128-episode-14-saison-2-voleur-voix

>Downloadable FLV (courtesy of Jakill)
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?f=8F2Z0A43

>Downloadable MP4
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UUBTL8CY
>> No. 41821
=> http://www.maxi-mini.fr/fr/episode-2-incarnam/chapitres/episode-anime

>Downloadable FLV (courtesy of Jakill)
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8ASEKG3U

>Downloadable MP4
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?m5d2xd8eqr06ig6
>> No. 41824
Thank you, finally a voice of reason among the stupid.
>> No. 41831
I've gotta ask, when you translate the songs of Episode 14, are you guys going to try to make the lyrics rhyme (not that all songs need their lyrics to), or do they look to be rather simple and fun portions of dialogue to make into english?
>> No. 41834
I repeat my question about MaxiMini! Are we going to be fanlating it?

The rhyming ones we are currently hoping to have rhyming. If that wrecks our schedule, we may have to drop some rhymes. I hope not, though.
>> No. 41836
File 132070958927.png - (219.45KB , 590x329 , histore-2.png )
If it isn't asking too much, could you translate the first animated short before that?
>> No. 41844
Wasn't there a project to translate the entire Remington/Maskemane arc, including the flash "game"?

And while we are at it, any news ontranslated Les Gardiens?
>> No. 41845
File 132071358165.jpg - (94.82KB , 353x500 , ryan dunn fistpump.jpg )
Thank you for making a new thread Kenny.
>my reaction when I saw that the last thread full of sub trolling and that NWF stuff got deleted
>> No. 41853
File 132071835346.gif - (2.97MB , 371x252 , yugo blush.gif )
Admit it, you all smiled when he blushed.
>> No. 41854
I was more impressed with her. That boy has seen women (and rather pretty ones at that) naked without batting an eyelash and she got him to blush with a flattering phrase and a gentle smile. Fille (Femme?) Fatale par excellence.
>> No. 41864
"The funny thing about Wakfu villains is that, despite being less dangerous, the minor antagonists are arguably the most detestable of the bunch. Kabrok, for all the label "Wakfu Hero" implies is still a man directing his middle-age frustrations on his fellow merchants, the Princesses are quick to revert to their snooty attitudes and practices after their curse is lifted, Sybannak is an intolerable old woman who is willing to feed children and the elderly to her pets if they displease her, Gonard/McDeek is just plain greedy, Choquette tried to bring ruin to the son of the man she loved out of a twisted sense of courtship, and Grufon, minor shushu that he is, was indirectly responsible for the misadventures (and by proxy all the danger encountered during them) that spanned over 5 episodes just to spite his owners, all to name a few.

All minor antagonists embody an overarching theme of mercenary pettiness, and how destructive such shallow motivations can be (greed, jealousy, vanity, lust etc.) when given the power and means to satisfy their inconsiderate whims. Brakmar is a city whose vices are so pronounced that one cannot help but notice the undercurrent of childishness beneath the sexism and skullduggery. The Shushus and their King, the supposed epitome of evil in the Krosmoz are little more than a pack of grotesquely strong cowards and bullies (Rubilax in particular) whose ambitions outside of general mayhem are underwhelming (Ombrage/Shadofang brainwashing an entire village for the sole purpose of combing her hair).

But what about the major villains, the recurring foes that make it their business to make themselves as antagonistic first impression is possible? What about Kriss, what about Remington, what about Nox? Unlike many of the small time fiends (excluding the likes of Smisse Monde and Riglesse) these individuals are rather up front about their ruthless aims and abilities. Nox makes it a point to introduce himself as a power hungry bandit, and Remington's Boomerang Dagger to the face made Eva know that he was anything but friendly. And yet, for all the genocides, larceny, and murders, they come off as infinitely more sympathetic and even admirable than their lesser peers. Sometimes its from a parting scene (Kriss bidding Yugo farewell), subtle, consistent displays of nobility (Remington's relationship with Grany), or in Nox's case, a combination of the two. You may argue that their appearing more than once helps in this matter, and it does, but frequent appearances do not beget character development as despite appearing numerous times in Wakfu and Dofus related media, Rushu has been a pretty static and unlikable character all throughout.

At the heart of this contrast is of course Yugo. His being a fairly young and noble protagonist works to the villains' advantage in two ways: Their willingness to grievously harm a 12/13 year-old boy shows how ruthless and wicked they can be, and Yugo sympathizing with and sometimes forgiving them can suggest a kernel of goodness in beings we would otherwise find irredeemable (ex. Mandhal). This is especially prevalent with the three reoccurring villains. For example, despite Kriss nearly putting an end to his quest, Yugo feels no ill will towards the Brakmarian athlete, going so far as to admit that the Sacrier is pretty cool.

Conversely, he pretty much accepts Evangelyne's claims that Remington is bad news without question (plus the whole throwing her off of a banister thing) and spends much of the 7th episode ignoring the Rogue to fawn over the supposedly 'heroic' Justice Knight who had, with little justification, wrongfully imprisoned him and whose entire mission is something of an anachronism in a world where ten year old boys can own demonic longswords as pets. Upon finding themselves (and Grovy) stranded in Rushu's World, Yugo is chastised by the career criminal when he claims that he can't create a portal to help them escape highlighting the man's determination, and is ultimately shocked when Remington, the vicious highwayman, refuses to leave his imperiled brother behind, submitting himself to certain doom rather than abandon his sibling, contrary to Yugo's casual deserting of Adamai earlier in the season.

His encounters and interactions with Nox are even more complicated. The Xelor's ravenous, phantom rampage across the World of Twelve has resulted in the fall of nations, the deaths of countless, and many of the miseries that have befallen Yugo. Though we are allowed to see that Nox is not entirely without good in him, all the boy can see is a villain whose "heart is as cold as his armor" that "destroys everything beautiful", despite our knowing that this is far from the truth. Unlike the reckless wanton turmoil the more feckless felons inflict, there is a greater agenda to Nox's crimes, an honorable if selfish purpose to right a single wrong, and thus exempt the world from his machinations entirely. He was ready to do anything, except live with failure, which he had to briefly endure. And what of the Eliatropes whose fire he had stolen, Yugo's race who had perhaps not maliciously but decisively drained the world of the Lu-Fus, leaving their home dying and their minds open to Orgonax's offer of vengeance? They are venerated in song and legend, whereas Nox shall be reviled as a madman, a monster in a vindictive and fallacious history penned by Evangelyne. However, like his father before him, Yugo managed to see Nox's humanity, his remorse, and let him leave in peace. The former king was not unscathed by his good deed, haunted and unsure, now knowing that the world, its champions and its monsters are far more complicated than his bedtime stories led him to believe.

And yet, it's these well-intentioned malefactors that suffer the most, and their punishments do not always fit the crime. As mentioned, minor villains like Kabrok and Choquette are almost never brought to justice, but the fates of Remington and Nox are oddly cruel given the lighter destinies of The Voice Thief and Rubilax.

A sense of wrongness permeates the World of Wakfu, aristocratic demi-gods murder mercenaries for entertainment, there doesn't seem to be a country-spanning body of authority to maintain order, bounty hunters condemn people for even the pettiest of crimes, cheating is a celebrated facet of the world's most venerated sport, monsters prey on the unsuspecting with wrongdoers preying on everyone else, blacksmiths can craft weapons with infernal entities and sell them in boutiques, and even the divine wreck terrible mischief on those they promised to protect.

Beneath the cute, kiddy veneer is a worrisome, conflicted core of murky morals, destructive heroes, and victimized villains. It presents a question never outright stated, that may never be addressed but still bears asking: Populated with people who are incredibly easy to deceive (ie not being able to see through obvious disguises), difficult to forgive and susceptible to committing injustices themselves, Does this world deserve to be saved? Or should it get what's coming to it?

"I think of Ogrest, of this terrible demon I knew from legend. The myths of the beast’s gratuitous cruelty had long been whispered down. I think of the woeful burden he must carry, of all that suffering expressed in his clumsiness – why would I not believe that Ogrest was the destroyer of whom everyone is terrified? He cries, and by crying, he ruins the World. And yet, he’s not manic-depressive, he’s not a dishcloth, he thinks and doubts, tossed from within by jolting emotions – like all that lives, Ogrest sometimes crumbles. If the choice were given him, should he let the world perish?"

-daryl, Wakfu MMORPG developer

Agree or disagree?
>> No. 41865
File 132072247760.jpg - (42.27KB , 864x480 , Wakfu_S2E14_WebRaw_MP4[19-24-17].jpg )
this does seem interesting but could we please start using the discussion thread?

>> No. 41866
File 132072276911.jpg - (26.89KB , 288x499 , tony WHY.jpg )
Dude, don't be a dick.
>> No. 41867
I'm surprised no one's said anything, but a big thanks to the subbers! The beginning seemed a little long-winded, with every character using some weird transition, but my gf didn't notice anything weird at all so you can probably ignore that. Really glad to come here on my birthday and see a new episode up :)
>> No. 41868
MaxiMini part 1 (Maskemane and Remi): I heard there was a script, but someone was trying to work out how to make the web game actually playable in English, instead of just a translated video.

Wakfu les Gardiens: I've been working on the notes from season 1, but season 2 has gone a bit weird. First they have to stop working on it because they're needed on other projects, and then they start releasing information that just makes us more confused... I mean, it was obvious ZeGrine (or however you spell it) is one of Baltazar's children, as his hat hasn't changed, but Zora being alive? That's just confusing.
>> No. 41869
Chojiki has the translated script for Maxi-Mini. Not sure if he's working on subs or still trying to get through the Flash.
>> No. 41871
File 132073341952.jpg - (211.50KB , 550x550 , xAWSJkWVhp2K9eu.jpg )
Big amazing thanks to the sub team.
I feel like a dick not doing this the day the new subbed eps was out.


>> No. 41873
Ah, so this is where everything's been moved now.

>> No. 41874
>then they start releasing information that just makes us more confused...

When? Where?
>> No. 41876
Hurry up with the subs. I want my cartoon boobies.
>> No. 41878
They uploaded the bath scene in hd just for you, so stop that.
>> No. 41880
I'm pretty sure its just another troll. so its best to just ignore such people.
>> No. 41881
where's the fucking subs maaaaan
>> No. 41882

If you need any help with that, I'd be glad to offer it. I did the rhyming portions of the Goultard special way back.
>> No. 41884
According to my shitty translations on Fry's home page, there will be material on LG2 released after they've released Wakfu the game in February? He's also coy about what happens in the game if Yugo finds his people (getting a new race to play etc.). Sounds interesting, but what is this about Zegrine? And wasn't that character a girl?
>> No. 41885
I grow impatient for BOOBS.
>> No. 41886
File 132081742924.jpg - (116.46KB , 533x746 , Wakfu.jpg )
I was going to write something about getting impatient for boobs when Wakfu is all 'bout Dem Hips, but then I found this trying to find a picture to illustrate my point, so nevermind I guess.
>> No. 41891
Azael's blog. http://j.echalard.free.fr/wordpress/ The FAQ, particulary the october one.
Fry's? Wherewherewhere?
Also, ZeGrine (or ZeGreen, which is what Eliane calls him) is Kivin in Islands of Wakfu. The other of Baltazar's children we meet in les Gardiens is Zora.
>> No. 41892
But, that's Fry's blog. I'm confused...

Ok, so Zegreen (Zegrine) is another androgynous male. lol
>> No. 41899
Ah, I see the problem. You though Jerome Echalard was Fry. No, he's Azael, lead dev of Wakfu les Gardiens. Fry (a.k.a. Slip, Slipouze) is Sylvain Couillet, sprite designer. Fry's blog hasn't updated for years: http://slipouze.blogspot.com/
However, le planche de Fry (Fry's boards, I think) did appear on Azael's blog, showing sketches and sprite designs for les Gardiens.

Back on topic, I've translated notes -1 and -2 from season one, although I'm not sure which way around they go. I may take a break from working on the first sentence of note 1 and do them out of order. Clever videos of the actual story may take longer, although I have a fun idea for Chapter 2.
>> No. 41900
File 132085309095.png - (25.25KB , 216x337 , spr_319.png )

>> No. 41901
Ok, that clears it up. Yeah, I saw the name on his blog and thought that was the person owning the blog.

Looking forward to the translated vids.


That's the one.
>> No. 41907
Small update :
We're almost done with the script, just one ore two tough puns/rhymes left. If nothing goes wrong, expect a release late Thursday or Friday.
>> No. 41908
Regarding that, I have seen that in episode 13 the team didn't include the french subs (or transcriptions) as the previous team did with episodes 1-12 of season 2.

Was it a mistake or an intended omission? And, if the latter, seeing that part of the process involves working with a document that has them already, could you still release them for those interested (people wanting to practice/learn french, or check the original puns and references, etc.)?

Greetings and many thanks to all of you!
>> No. 41909
>>could you still release them
The document with the transcriptions, I mean.
>> No. 41911
File 132090459298.jpg - (118.17KB , 1025x574 , FrSubs.jpg )
We did include the usual French transcript subtiltes in ep.13 sofsubbed versions.
If you can't see them, the problem is on your side...
>> No. 41914
I see what the problem was now. They are under the Navigate -> Subtitle Language menu, not Play -> Subtitles like I believed.

Thanks a lot for everything!
>> No. 41915
Status? Not hurrying or anything, just curious.
>> No. 41916
see >>41907
>> No. 41917
Amazing work guys, thanks a lot.
>> No. 41919
Want boobies. Patience waning.
>> No. 41921
You don't need subs to look at their tits.
>> No. 41922
Yes, but if you don't know the proper context and motivation of the individual characters for getting naked, then...

Screw it, I'm watching without subs.
>> No. 41925
The motivation is preventing this show from ever airing in the US.
>> No. 41927

Wakfu - so crappy you can only watch it for boobs
>> No. 41928
File 132101691446.gif - (10.20KB , 384x239 , wakfu_cdi.gif )
I wanted to draw beautiful fanart of hips and boobs to show my gratitude for your work, but then I got carried away halfway-through.
Based on a wonderful scribble from /co/mrade on 4ch.
>> No. 41929
Amalia's face. It's scaring m WTF HIS ARM!!
>> No. 41930
File 132102498767.jpg - (113.46KB , 425x319 , zelda121307.jpg )
just in case some people didn't get the reference.
It's from the infamous CD-I version of Zelda
>> No. 41931
Zelda's face. It's scaring m WTF HIS ARM!!
>> No. 41937
Just wondering if 14 will be released before episode 15 airs in the morning?
>> No. 41938
I've started the uploads, so yes, if my web connection doesn't die on me.
>> No. 41939
I'm stepping a bit out of line since I'm only a proofreader for the subs but proofreading has been done since yesterday late in the night.
So its really not that much left. So my guess is that uploading is in progress but as usually takes it sweet time. but should hopefully be released late today or early tomorrow.
Hope thats a satisfiable answer.
>> No. 41940
>> No. 41941
File 132106061444.jpg - (59.50KB , 393x393 , 1285259153459.jpg )
>> No. 41942
File 132106144440.jpg - (39.72KB , 393x387 , Tychus cat.jpg )
more like that one
>> No. 41943
File 132106196169.jpg - (100.10KB , 1024x714 , STFU.jpg )
>> No. 41944
lol, perfect.
>> No. 41945
File 132106283571.png - (386.38KB , 854x479 , He mad.png )
>> No. 41946
Didn't we talk about muxing on the server so you can upload during the week? Upload over night, mux on the server, grats you just saved like 2hrs.
>> No. 41947
File 132106343849.jpg - (11.71KB , 456x163 , granyoumad.jpg )
>> No. 41948
Forgot about that. Will see next week.
>> No. 41949
File 132106466938.png - (407.30KB , 854x480 , vlcsnap-2011-11-12-03h18m48s186.png )
Nope, this is all the fuck I give
>> No. 41950
All of my stuff is up and ready to go. Whenever you are ready I can take two minutes to create what is needed and you can go submit.
>> No. 41951
>pinkie finger raised while drinking
the sign of true royalty
>> No. 41952
It's OK, I've created the torrents.
I think I can handle everything myself. I'll just come yelling on IRC if something goes wrong.
>> No. 41953
What programs/settings do you guys use? I've always wanted to convert my box dvds and stuff into some useable h264/mkv format to save and transfer for storage.
>> No. 41954
File 13210731052.jpg - (86.48KB , 1024x576 , Subs.jpg )
Songs, bath and Scooby-Doo:

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VFYPB24Q
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/OGNKH4XI
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=259640

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TAGLXIGJ
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/1SNYEHQZ
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=259641

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X5935AO3
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=259642

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?1mqtawva7u1mfd7

>720p Hi10p encode by Sindalf:
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=259644
>> No. 41955
File 132107357821.gif - (269.21KB , 300x225 , batthumbs up.gif )
>> No. 41956
A cookie to whoever can spot the non video resolution difference between my encode and the rest.

Only a fansubber would be able to tell or someone who likes to look at scripts in aegisub.
>> No. 41957
You mean that subtitles disappear when the video is paused?
>> No. 41958
Nope, that would be a problem on your end and not the videos fault.
>> No. 41959
Well the other encode works "fine" (I don't consider this a problem), so I thought it was specific to yours. Oh well, back to watching the episode.
>> No. 41960
One thing that can happen with any softsubs is that if you start seeking in the video the player may or may not read the subs at that exact point. This is because it is trying to read something in the middle of the sub line instead of at the start which just doesn't work very well.

Otherwise if this problem persists I would suggest installing or reinstalling the latest cccp. That normally fixes 99% of issues.
>> No. 41961
thank you so much all the team
>> No. 41962
Is the Az karaoke ripped from the french website or did one of you actually take the time to remake that?

Normally I don't give a shit about karaoke but goddamn az is cute
>> No. 41963
It's in the show, and was released on its own a few days before.
>> No. 41964
So was the karaoke with Az part of the original or was that added by the sub team?

And once again, huge thanks guys.
>> No. 41965
File 132108387988.png - (606.04KB , 1021x625 , SWEET JESUS.png )
>> No. 41966
File 132108456061.png - (668.31KB , 1019x622 , LIKE I GIVE A FUCK.png )
>> No. 41967
Merci, sub team.
>> No. 41968
Original, I saw it in the SD webcast.
I think it's a one-time thing going with the show's musical theme.
>> No. 41969
Yes, it's part of the original and was made by Ankama.
And yes, it's a one time thing. Ep.15 doesn't have it.

BTW, just finished ep.15: probably the most useless episode of the season IMO...
>> No. 41970
Streaming version:
=> http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/230177-episode-15-saison-2-ile-wabbits
>> No. 41971
File 132109053820.png - (201.00KB , 636x837 , wabbitisland.png )
Cry havoc! Let slip the subbers of Wakfu!
>> No. 41972
File 13210921049.gif - (1.06MB , 423x200 , Ws2e15.gif )

Click the "file name" to order by name, if the series does not fit on one page, use the [Next] and [Previous] button
>> No. 41973
File 132109309544.jpg - (45.82KB , 481x689 , 1303976930215.jpg )
Again to the sub team. THANK YOU!

I am very VERY grateful for all the hard work up put forth to sub these episodes.

This and the last woody picture I posted >>41871 can only express a fraction of my level of gratitude.

Again Thank you very much.
>> No. 41974
direct link
>> No. 41975

thank you a petite
>> No. 41976
Did we just get a 5 minutes long Mini-Wakfu segment in a regular Wakfu series? Because that was the best part of this episode. Ok, second after Rubilax FINALLY speaking again.

I'm conflicted. On one hand, I'd like the plot to get moving again and this episode feels a bit like a waste of time (still better than episode 1.05, but that's not saying much). On the other, I missed Mini-Wakfu so much, I'm almost willing to let this episode's pointlessness go... It's like Ankama saying "we're sorry" for not making any show related SD shorts (Maxi-Mini does not count) this season. But when marathoning the entire season after it ends, I can consider skipping this one.
>> No. 41977
If S2's episode count is anywhere like S1, then we'd go another 10 - 11 episodes to go, plenty of time to expand.
>> No. 41978
File 132109878398.jpg - (164.56KB , 689x622 , NOT QUITE ME.jpg )

Made by a friend of mine.
>> No. 41979
This is one of the worst episodes in the show. Ever. I couldn't give less of a fuck about Wabbits. Unless they're being chopped up like in the game trailer.
>> No. 41980
File 132110219024.jpg - (156.42KB , 1690x1050 , Scr04.jpg )
u mad bro?
>> No. 41981
I mad.

Wabbit Island can fuck off. Hope Ogrest gets 'em.
>> No. 41983
Fillers, fillers... I want Nox back!
>> No. 41984
Ep.15 raw MP4 version:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3RBGYTAG
>> No. 41985
Damn! Awesome subbing!

Even tho' it was a damn filler again, I really liked this ep.
Funny as hell, and the awkward moments of Yugo with that anime chick... :3

And that rastaman... oh my god. Ankama can't be serious, really! ;D
And dat bath. And dat voice of Amalia.

Awesome subs, THANKS!
>> No. 41986
Few gripes with this season:

There seems to be an awful lot of filler compared to season 1. Sure S1 had its fair share, but there was always the quest to find Yugo's family and a clear overarching threat from Nox. There's an end objective here too, but the urgency is simply gone and it feels like a mere premise to segway into each episode.

There's Adamai as well. Oh wait, no there isn't they left the dragon at home. After introducing him as a badass shapeshifting kung-fu dragon (not to mention Yugo's literal soul mate) in the middle of season 1, they decide to just leave him forgotten back at the base to babysit a child.
>> No. 41987
Season 2 has been pretty much following season 1's setup to a T, the only real problem is (like you said) is there's a lack of a clear overarching villain. Obviously Ankama is hoping to play off the big baddie as a twist (which is obvious to us, might not be obvious to the normal French viewer).

To be fair, there was no real sense of urgency to find Yugo's family either. The gang is doing this whole quest thing and their own pace, because they don't really know what's going to happen once they find Shinonome. They think they're just doing a guy a favor (which they are but... you know).
>> No. 41988
I agree with you about the loss of the plot for the time being. I don't think there's been any actual mention of Qilby's Dofus since episode 10. I think that had baby Grougaloragan been left on his own without anyone looking after him, it could have been disastrous (and if Adamaï had taken him along then it would have been a huge hindrance on the rest of the gang).

Something that might also be the case is because as this is a "weekly" show, it also feels really slow, whereas if you marathon said show after it's over, it feels a lot faster.
>> No. 41989
File 132111830154.jpg - (86.76KB , 856x482 , Yugo_dissappointed.jpg )
>awful lot of filler
>> No. 41990
Looking over this season, but especially this episode, I think I understand why they brought Grovy back and sidelined Adamai. I don't like it, but I understand it:

Iops are easier to write for.
>> No. 41993
Aren't you supposed to get the fuck out of here?
>> No. 41994
File 132112704740.png - (675.02KB , 1024x576 , snapshot20111112232247.png )
>> No. 41995

I saw that too, exactly what expected from ankama.
>> No. 41996
The difference here is that unlike how we didn't fully expect the search for Yugo's family would explode into a much grander adventure, thanks to Islands of Wakfu we know that Qilby isn't being entirely truthful, coupled with the Eliacube's importance, the continual stressing of Rushu and his cronies at antagonists, Ogrest's cameo and special as potential foreshadowing, they've got amlot of potential story threads they're either putting aside or seem ready to wave off as red herrings in preference for mostly bland, at worst terrible filler with no character development, lackluster action, shallow stories that not even increased fanservice can fully distract from.

Speaking of following Season 1 to a faul'T:

Ambush=The Black Raven
Brakmar=BoufBowl Inferno
The Night of the Thirsters=Yugo the Eliatrope
The Voice Thief=Xav the Baker
The Island of Wabbits=The Island of Moon

That leaves about 4 episodes that don't blatantly recycle Season 1 content.

Who wants to bet that "The Cursed Fountain" is just going to be a rehash of Episode 23?
>> No. 41997
nwf i don't know how you got back but PLEASE start using the discussion thread for stuff like this!
>> No. 41998
I'm assuming that he has a dynamic IP and consequently changes it whenever he gets banned.

Sage for off-topic discussion.
>> No. 41999
File 132113675391.jpg - (56.17KB , 1024x576 , Fucking metal.jpg )
Fucking amazing.

It may be a filler, but still a great episode.
>> No. 42000
>Upscaled to 1024x576

>> No. 42001
Someone enjoys derailing threads and getting his ass rebanned.
>> No. 42002
Can anyone upload only the sub file to a non-MU site? It's blocked for me.
>> No. 42003
Sup Nathan Explosion.
>> No. 42004
File 132117900529.gif - (2.68MB , 330x200 , W-4v3.gif )
>> No. 42006
Hi everyone! I have been a fan of Wakfu for a while now. I used to be on this Chan alot, but kind of drifted off (School, Work, etc). Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows the best way to but the episodes on a DVD with the subtitles. I appreciate the help.
>> No. 42007

File > Load Subtitle > Find .srt/.ass files

The timing might be off when played through the DVD, and you might have to change the output to EVR Custom (Playback > Output, a popup will tell you) but it works.
>> No. 42010
File 13212545239.png - (375.55KB , 1000x1000 , 1289341352438.png )
I must say, I am impressed with the speed that this new arranged sub team is going at.

ANd that I am very thank full and happy for all the work they do subbing this show.

Wishes of long life and good health to all of you.

DONUTS FOR EVERYONE! (with a very special surprise)
>> No. 42015
I'm assuming that subs should be out before the next episode, right?
>> No. 42016
Yes, but sometimes not more than a few hours.
>> No. 42019
File 132132293283.png - (272.29KB , 1334x745 , New Text Document.png )
quoted for teh win.

Also, this chick on the left is kinda hot.
>> No. 42020
I noticed her too. She looks like she would make a fun side character.
>> No. 42021
Just wanted to say I really appreciate the team's work, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the show without them.
>> No. 42030
Sup Nathan Explosion.
>> No. 42031
She's a series of drawn lines. And it's a cartoon, so there are of course plenty of hot chicks. Just be warned that most all of them will likely give you a papercut.

And I too must extend my appreciation to the sub team. If not for you I wouldn't know this show existed and my world would be consumed by ponies alone.
>> No. 42033
File 132139083941.jpg - (138.99KB , 1920x1080 , [NoDRM]-101_-_l_enfant_des_brumes_hd_fr_wmv_snapsh.jpg )
That isn't the first time they have used her and it won't be the last time I bet.
>> No. 42034
Those two look completely different to me. Compare: ears, nose, piercing.
>> No. 42036
I know, but the point is to show recycled background characters.
>> No. 42037
Did you notice the Eca (catgirl) waving her bra in the crowd during the contest scenes? She was in the first boufbowl trilogy as well.
>> No. 42040
I like to think of her as a fan of the group who keeps stalking them... you know... like a groupie...
>> No. 42046
I like the way you think.
>> No. 42047

Thanks, I give it a shot once I find the time.

Also, keep up the great work on episodes guys!
>> No. 42053
Just wondering how the subs are going for episode 15? Should we be looking at a Friday release once again?
>> No. 42063
File 132160711959.jpg - (74.84KB , 1024x576 , PinpinOuinouin.jpg )
No release this Friday I'm afraid...
Expect it this week-end at best, or maybe beginning of next week.
>> No. 42064
File 13216073735.jpg - (210.99KB , 888x576 , Ev.jpg )

Don't feel bad mon, the episode sucked anyway. It's not like anyone of us wanted to see it again.
>> No. 42065
>implying that the episode was objectively bad
>> No. 42067
Also implying everyone watched it unsubbed.
>> No. 42073
"The Cursed Fountain" is on VOD already, and isn't available for free online viewing. Does anyone have a working link to a raw?
>> No. 42074
The VOD thing is obviously a mistake made by the guy who did the link.
Try this one instead:
=> http://www.wakfu.com/fr/serie/medias/video-evenement
>> No. 42075
Finita La comedia .....:)
>> No. 42076
File 132169796218.jpg - (19.09KB , 586x385 , qby.jpg )
In the next episode, something interesting might just happen.
>> No. 42077
Yeah, that wasn't working for me either earlier, but it's working now. It's still not showing up on the Ankama site, but on the series site is better than nothing. I suspect it downloads the same.
>> No. 42078
File 132170092491.gif - (926.58KB , 423x200 , Ws2e16.gif )

Click the "file name" to order by name, if the series does not fit on one page, use the [Next] and [Previous] button
>> No. 42079
Episode 16 was amazing. But my opinion on it is in the discussion thread.

I have a question: how are the subs going, guys? Or, more importantly, teamwork? Please don't tell me you have any serious problems. Those delays always make me think about the worst possible scenarios...
>> No. 42082
I don't know about anyone else, but my internet went down while working on episode 15 Thursday/Friday, and I only just got it back in time to watch episode 16 today (Saturday). But someone did say something about a large amount of dialogue, and those annoying accents didn't make anything easier, nor did the puns.
>> No. 42083
Direct link:
>> No. 42084
Editing just takes forever since they do it in a non normal fansub way with like 15 people instead of the normal one or two.

Although its more of the not getting it done in one sitting and instead doing it piece by piece over the week which personally from my experience is not a good way to go about things. Doing everything in one sitting gets things done faster. Either way not much can be done about it at this time. Just have to wait it out. Considering the content and the demand for it I don't think it really matters too much as long as the subs are good in the end.

http://mod16.org/hurfdurf/?p=128 - My bible (relevant)
>> No. 42085
>doing it in one sitting
Trust me, I hope we could, and we would .... if we weren't spread over 5 different timezones from UTC+11 to UTC-7 and if we all had matching spare-time schedules.
Failing that, I think we went for the lesser of two evils favouring quality over speed/time efficiency.
Delays last a few days, final product is there to last for a while.
>> No. 42086
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MY7LRQLX
>> No. 42087
I totally get it, but I also hope that those delays won't get longer and longer (seeing how episode 16 is out already and 15 still isn't subbed). Fingers crossed for you, guys.
>> No. 42088
>Delays last a few days, final product is there to last for a while.
That's actually a really great way to think about it.
>> No. 42089
Anyone's who's ordered Ankama merch from Amazon.fr before: how long does it usually take for an item to arrive to the States? I want to get the new artbook in time for Christmas.
>> No. 42090
File 132172693142.png - (436.54KB , 1024x576 , Ws2e16.png )
>> No. 42093
Proofing is finished, now it's on to the subbers and the uploading.

For a behind-the-scenes view of the process from a proofer's perspective, I'm writing a blog this week: http://ebonysable.livejournal.com/915.html If there are any delays this week, you'll see why there.
>> No. 42095
Hey, I haven't watched an S2 episode since 14, and I just dropped by to ask: Has the plot moved on yet?
>> No. 42096
It looks like it'll pick up in next week's episode.
>> No. 42101
Quality is based totally on staff skill level. Take a bunch of people who don't know what they are doing and they will still produce a terrible product at the end of a week as compared to a group that spent 5hrs or less.

Thankfully this is not the case here but its something to think about.
>> No. 42102
seriously sindalf, what is your problem? You keep complaining that we are not like "Pro-Fansubbers" (a word that still amuses me).
All of us that work on it do it cause we like Wakfu. Its not cause we want cred as "Pro-Fansubbers". We do it cause we wanna share the show with people that don't understand french.
And while I am thankful for the work you do for us, I'm really not happy with the attitude you put up.
We are the only people working on subs, there is no other "subbing team" working on it.
As far as I know non of us on the team have any ambitions to be "Pro-Fansubbers", we simply want to deliver a sub that lets people understand the series as best as possible while keeping its jokes and puns in tact as much as possible.
>> No. 42103
File 132180179358.jpg - (105.05KB , 1024x692 , Subs.jpg )
Finally out!

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LP75W8BM
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/1XHRU3FD
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=261543

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L22MJXSP
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/KJPGRRO2
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=261544

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2PABOR61
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=261546

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?mf3haq5r6ebmmj3

>720p Hi10p encode by Sindalf:
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=261547
>> No. 42104
Thank you so much all the team for take your time to do this excelent work, again thank you
>> No. 42105
File 132181226295.jpg - (27.02KB , 264x351 , 1290255802420.jpg )
>> No. 42106
File 132181870080.png - (435.53KB , 436x465 , 1312453786199.png )
even tho this is just probably filler episode

picture related on how and feel everytime the subbers get a new episode cranked out.

>> No. 42107
File 132182075920.jpg - (31.12KB , 477x339 , wkf7.jpg )
I love every single one of you on the sub team.
Keep up the great work.
>> No. 42108
>The beginning and end

This is Ankama.

>The middle

>> No. 42109
Hey, hey guys. I watched the first season with my dad, and now he's addicted. While I have to wait until about winter break to get the time to watch season 2, my dad is going out downloading everything right now for himself. Thanks a lot. Sincerely.

I just have to ask: how come there's only mp4 files for episode 4 onward? And how do you use the subtitles with the FLV raws? There are no subtitle options in the FLV players I've tried.
>> No. 42110
Any video player worth its salt should have a feature to import subtitles files. So either your player has it in a menu you didn't find yet, or it's not worth taking up space on your hard drive.
Media Player Classic or VLC are both fine to play the .flv files with the separate sub files. You don't even need to import it manually each time you play the video : simply name both the video file and the subtitle file exactly the same (except for the file extension, obviously) and place them in the same folder. It should load automatically.
>> No. 42111
File 132183717475.png - (288.17KB , 896x504 , Wakfu_S2-E15_English-Hardsubbed_326CF813[21-56-54].png )
Thanks for the subs, guys!

My exact reaction.
>> No. 42112
File 132184064865.jpg - (75.64KB , 890x501 , yugo tastes absolute joy.jpg )
>my face during that whole sequence

How to make a terrible Wakfu episode watchable: throw in a Mini Wakfu sequence partway through that's full of video game references.

Well played Ankama. Well played indeed.
>> No. 42113
and here I thought they would do a Donkey Kong parody. Well I guess doing a "lovers quarrel" Street Fighter style is still sufficient enough
>> No. 42114
>bonding with father over awesome cartoon
This is so great to read.

Thanks once again to the sub team. I love the time and effort all of you put into this. I really appreciate the fact that you guys take the time to translate everything into something English only speakers can understand, including the puns. Nothing bugs me more than watching a fansubbed anime and having to pause the video several times to read the notes about obscure puns that the subbers decided not to translate.

Seriously, IMHO the subs from all of you are pro-quality. Quality > Speed, always.
>> No. 42115
>I really appreciate the fact that you guys take the time to translate everything into something English only speakers can understand, including the puns. Nothing bugs me more than watching a fansubbed anime and having to pause the video several times to read the notes about obscure puns that the subbers decided not to translate.

Like what? Nothings more stupid than trying to whitewash and Americanize things, that's why all American anime companies that did that died out and only the good ones survived. Got knows it was fucking painful to hear all those retarded "DEM BUNS" puns in the first season episode about baking. That episode was unwatchable because of the subs... throwing in stupid internet humor and references isn't a good idea.
>> No. 42116
Those bread puns where pretty much the best equivalent of the French. It was "miche", which is literally "bun", less literally anything shaped like it. And it was obvious what it referred to...
>> No. 42117

Oh, and I'm definitely not American, so I'll be working against pure Americanisms.
>> No. 42118
Miche is a common word in cuisine and is an established food because of the unique way it's made which is unique to France. You don't translate it, it's like translating souffle or crepe... or if you want an anime example, takoyaki or youkan. Even if you wanted to, miche isn't a bun.. it's more of a loaf. That pun doesn't work, and even if we were to agree to even calling it a bun, that doesn't excuse "dem buns" or any relation to a retarded "dat ass" internet meme which makes no sense in context to what is being said. You speak of keeping it straight for english speakings yet have no problem referencing obscure internet memes.. explain how that logic works.
>> No. 42119
Do you realize that those puns were there in French too? Polish dub was full of them as well. If you have a problem with puns, blame Ankama.

>whitewash and Americanize things
That's a bad thing, we can agree on this. But you know what's just as bad? 100% literal translations, with no deeper thought behind them whatsoever. Truly good translations sometimes sacrifice being literal and 100% faithful to the original for being understandable and natural sounding for the destined viewer/reader. It's often impossible to translate an idiom, a joke or a saying so it still makes sense in other language, so you put the closest counterpart in your language instead. It's not some American only thing (that's what ignorant and self-centered American weeaboos actually believe), when things are translated from English to any other language they get the same treatment. Do you think that every rhyme and line of dialogue in Polish version of Hamlet is exactly the same as the one in the original, word for word? Of course not, the person responsible for translating it had to change some things a bit. Parts of text got altered slightly, different (synonymous) words were chosen to express and describe the same feelings and situations. If the translator was to stay 100% literal in his work, all the power behind that masterpiece of literature would fly out the window, replaced by stiff dialogues and poor rhymes. I know this may sound pretentious, comparing Hamlet to a cartoon, but the same goes for Wakfu (or any other translation, to be honest) - you can't be literal all the time, because it kills the natural feel of the work.

Another example - there is no word equivalent for "strider" in the Polish language (the closest one is "walker" and it sounds incredibly silly). How the hell did we translate Lord of the Rings then? By being creative - Aragorn is known as "obiezyswiat", which gives you the right feel to him (a man who has been in many places) and, ironically, translates very poorly to English (closest word is "globetrotter").

tl;dr Literal translations are as bad as whitewashing and Americanization.

PS Translator notes, when used to explain a pun or the sense of a weird sounding sentence, are an "I give up!" sign from the translator, what many of them openly admit.
>> No. 42121
Is miche a type of a bun? If yes, then I see so problem at all. It's not like somebody changed bread to hot dogs.

I can understand not liking that the joke took a form of a meme, though.
>> No. 42122
>Miche is a common word in cuisine and is an established food because of the unique way it's made which is unique to France
And the fact that it's a "miche", rather than any other type of bread or bakery is irrelevant here. They didn't chose "miche" for its culinary characteristics, but because it's also a slang for a woman's breasts and/or butt (dur to the typical shape of the "miche"). So as long as the english word
- was related to a type of bakery
- could have a double meaning expressing the "round, sexy parts of a woman"
it fulfilled the exact same role intended by the use of "miche" in the original, and "buns" fulfilled those conditions.

I can agree that the "Dem XXXX" form was unneeded and shoehorned. However, it was just one occurence over a whole season and for a single, unconsequencial joke. It's not something that "omg ruined the whole show forever" and it was a nice nudge at the fanbase, which at the time was almost exclusively from the chans.
Would I have done it? probably not. But I don't blame the translator who did it back then, either, and I would keep it in a revision of the script, if only because it's become so iconic among the fanbase.
>> No. 42125
It's more like if someone subbed our stuff and translated t-bone, rib-eye, filet mignon, prime rib, New Yorker, tritip, and etc as simply "steak" or worse, "meat". Sure.. it's true, technically, but it's a poor choice because those are all different and refer to different dishes and steaks that gets lost.

The ironic thing is Japan really doesn't do it for our work 99.9% of the time. Using Polish and other western examples is bad because western countries are notorious for changing things like that on a whim. I mean, we change stuff when there's no point, like Where's Wally becomes Where's Waldo. It's funny using Tolkien because he was against translating and changing things in his work, especially between languages when it came ot the Elven writing and words.

You look down on TNs, but you must realize somethings don't translate regardless of what kind of ass pullage you do with the dialog. If you get to that point of changing entire paragraphs to something else just to make a single joke work, you've also failed as a translater, because now you're just making up your own show and it's no longer the original.

>which at the time was almost exclusively from the chans.
Would I have done it? probably not. But I don't blame the translator who did it back then, either, and I would keep it in a revision of the script, if only because it's become so iconic among the fanbase.

I think this is why the show is still obscure and niche and has yet to branch out. It's just one huge circle jerk for /co/ and no one else can really get into it unless you're of the 4chan mentality, references between the people here and the subbers that only they want to get. Injokes and references to appeal to /co/ only turns everyone else off.
>> No. 42126
I was able to get several of my friends to watch Wakfu (none of them go on 4chan) and they enjoyed it. I'm not sure what you're trying to say, because it sounds like you think the sub team sneaks in fandom/4chan jokes whenever they can, and the only time I can remember that happening was the 'dem buns' thing, and even THAT episode wasn't being done by the current team. It's not like the team is calling Yugo a 'sexual tyrannosaurus', and that's really the only joke I can think of that's exclusive to the 4chan fans.
>> No. 42128
File 132191105194.jpg - (34.98KB , 512x384 , fansubs.jpg )
>I can agree that the "Dem XXXX" form was unneeded and shoehorned.

I would've just have it as "them buns", so it doesn't look like chan-speak nonsense, but more "professional" looking. That would be more accessible for those who don't know the joke, but would be equally funny for those who do.

And a good translation for a TV show or movie should not be literal. Different languages, different cultures, different literature - you absolutely cannot create a literal translation without giant, long explanations of even the tiniest cultural meanings behind every joke. Unless there is an equivalent for that joke in your language.
So yeah, a little "rewriting" is always unavoidable. The skill of the translator lies in how well can he/she do this, so the original meaning comes over the best, or at least it is converted to something of similar nature that would mean the same in the target language.
>> No. 42129
>2 words over 15+ hours of show
>enough to seclude the show from broader audience

... really?
>> No. 42130
>I think this is why the show is still obscure and niche and has yet to branch out. It's just one huge circle jerk for /co/ and no one else can really get into it unless you're of the 4chan mentality, references between the people here and the subbers that only they want to get. Injokes and references to appeal to /co/ only turns everyone else off.

I think you over-exaggerated that one subbing mistake (that was no less done by an old subbing "team" anyway). If you go to http://nine-lives-blade-works.blogspot.com/ and download the tweaked S1 subs, then "DEM BUNS!!!!!1" has been changed to a more sensible translation.

However, unless this does get a proper English dub I think it'll remain a niche cartoon in terms of those from an Anglosphere world.
>> No. 42131
Sorry, I don't know obscure internet memes. I didn't realise it WAS an internet meme, let alone an obscure one. I just read the reasoning behind it in an old thread, and was presenting that as an explanation.
>> No. 42132
I don't know how you guys feel about it but seems like we just have another hater here that wants to "proof" how "superior" anime is and "pro-fansub groups".
I mean he tries to discredit an Episode that has first been aired more then 2 years ago and by no real team, since it where different people working on it each episode. I'm thankful for everybody that worked on it back then.
So just saying it smell pretty much like a troll to me.
>> No. 42134
At any rate I've been enjoying the discussion so far.
>> No. 42136
>So just saying it smell pretty much like a troll to me.

If it is a troll, then at least this one is better than the guy in the last thread who went about the Tristepin/Sadlygrove naming nonsense YET AGAIN.
>> No. 42140
I'd say that he was presenting an honest opinion. Even if this was supposed to be some kind of subtle trolling (and I doubt that), it was done in a way that started a respectful and peaceful discussion, not a shitstorm, so it shouldn't even be considered trolling anymore.

Meanwhile, on 4chan, one guy just masterfully trolled dozens of clueless people. For example, did you know that Wakfu's intro was supposed to have much more meaningful lyrics and be sung in Japanese, before evil France 3 demanded the intro to be remade in French?
>> No. 42141
>that guy
He's saying that a show that's had 1.2m viewers and 25% of the market share of its target audience is not a huge hit in France, and that if the French members of the subbing team like the opening theme, then they are Ankama fanboys.

I now can't tell if he's trolling or if he's seriously in denial about the show's popularity in its native country.
>> No. 42142
>Unless there is an equivalent for that joke in your language.

And there's the problem; it wasn't. Subs can say Janken is like Rock Paper Scissors because it is, but it doesn't work if you have to rewrite what they say. Lots of anime reference names like Yukiko has 'snow' in it, or Sakura means a cherry blossom. I'd like to think those are common enough knowledge, but putting a TN note is fine, unless you can find a way to get it across without one, be my guest

I can put up with the inaccurate subs, and even all the constantly obviously forced worship by the same one or two people in an attempt to keep them subbing the show with no problem, but when stuff like >>42114 gets posted is when I have to step in and keep the fandom from going full retarded in its quest to worship the guy subbing it. They should have their mistakes and terrible practices pointed out, otherwise they;ll keep doing it thinking it's okay. It's why some sub teams die out or get blacklisted because they're bad and keep being bad.

I'm speaking in general, these subs do things that aren't accepted by anime fansubs, which is why myself and others tell people to not bother with the show until a proper sub team is found (if they even show interest in the first place, which isn't much) Good subs are key to exposing people to a show, and no, you don't need an English dub to do that. K-ON, Naruto, Love Hina, Haruhi and tons of anime were huge here before they were even announced to be licensed.

I'd still like to hear what Dent means about puns though, since I don't really know what he's bitching about either with this or anime releases, and he's yet to post since that flamebait of his.
>> No. 42143
Oh god... it IS that guy from the last thread.
>> No. 42144
>these subs do things that aren't accepted by anime fansubs

implying some of the things considered to be the norm in anime fansubs aren't equally (or even more) retarded and bad
>> No. 42145
Like we care.
>> No. 42146
Honestly you may as well leave now, because I doubt Wakfu is going to get popular enough to get multiple teams subbing it.
>> No. 42147
Just don't respond to that guy; he was the one who caused the "what should Tristepin be subbed as?" shitstorm that got the last thread deleted.
>> No. 42155
Taken from normal /co/:
>Subber here, thought I'd let you guys know that ep 16 is one of the easiest scripts we've seen all season, shouldn't take nearly as long as usual.

Now that's good to hear.
>> No. 42156
Time to call in the janitor to clean up the weaboo bullshit.
>> No. 42163
File 132198777836.jpg - (100.29KB , 1024x678 , S2E16.jpg )
We've decided to release a little preview of ep.16 to help you wait until the full subbed version is out.

Get it here:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?bg7job74wz2hat5

>> No. 42165
I will send you a receipt so you can cover the cost of cleaning my monitor from spit.
>> No. 42168
I raged
>> No. 42171
File 132201609942.gif - (168.54KB , 526x499 , ULTIMATE TROLLING.gif )
>> No. 42172
File 132202003852.gif - (499.48KB , 300x179 , tumblr_lrqp4iFO441qg5fyl.gif )

Let me get out an appropriate reaction image.

First off, I was sincere with what I wrote. What reason do I have to suck up to the subbing team? I just wanted to express my gratitude. I'm not saying the team is above criticism, but at the same time I feel no need to nitpick their choices because I get to experience this show for free.

Let me try to articulate further why I am glad the team has made the translation choices they have, which run counter to your philosophy. Wakfu is a cartoon littered with puns that are deeply tied to the French language. Wakfu is also a cartoon that is, by and large, supposed to be humorous. Yes there are serious "shit just got real" moments but I think we can all agree that there is a lot of comedy. I personally would not have the same reaction to that comedy if those puns were left mostly untranslated with a note listed at the top explaining why the line is funny. I realize that since I am not a French speaker/reader, I will never have the exact same reaction to the lines as somebody who does know French. But I feel that a good translator should strive to recreate, as much as possible, the spirit and feeling that was conveyed by the original source.

I think the Brakmar boufbowl episodes are a good example of the above mentioned intention. (Sub team, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). As I understand, the episodes were littered with French word-play puns. By your philosophy, anything specific to the French language would be left in tact, with a note at the top of the screen dissecting the joke to explain that it is a joke. But for me that is a less than enjoyable experience. I do not want the excitement of the episode to be interrupted by the need to pause the video, read some translation notes, make a mental note of "Ahhh, that's why Eva is rolling her eyes at Tristepin again", then play again. That ruins the pacing for me.

If you enjoy a more purist "don't change the literal meaning of something to a different-language equivalent" approach, that is fine. But considering how many professional translators (read: people who actually translate for a living, not anime fansubbers) use a less than literal approach, I don't think it is fair to say it is objectively wrong. Nor do I believe the Wakfu subbing team's approach is the reason the show remains in relative obscurity. I'm pretty sure I've never read somebody complain that they don't watch the show because of the "unprofessional" subtitles. If I am wrong I'd love to see some examples --- aside from your own complaints, of course.

For what it is worth, I disagreed previously on the decision to use "Sadlygrove" instead of "Tristepin". But I do understand the reasons for sticking with the Anglicized version. Since that discussion has been beaten to death (and in truth I don't really care that much about the issue) I don't see the need to rehash it.
>> No. 42173
I agree with you. The translation notes get out of hand in so many (anime) fansubs that I am glad for a more non-literal approach here.
Also see youtu.be/IUYlqLlbix0 - this guy rants about most of the things addressed here.

A professional translator tries to give the foreign viewer the same experience the native viewer had - and that means no explanation, no fancy sing-by lyrics in kanji, transcription and English, totally cluttering the intro, for example.

And since it's my first post here: Thanks for the subs! You do a great job! I sometimes sure wish I learned French instead of Latin at school.
>> No. 42174
I was wondering when someone was gonna post that video. A lot of good points in that video except I must disagree when it comes to typesetting. {\an8} (top of the screen typesetting) can be quite distracting.
>> No. 42175
>If you enjoy a more purist "don't change the literal meaning of something to a different-language equivalent" approach, that is fine. But considering how many professional translators (read: people who actually translate for a living, not anime fansubbers) use a less than literal approach, I don't think it is fair to say it is objectively wrong.

Who, exactly? Most anime companies don't Americanize things; the ones that do do so via dub-only and don't even offer a sub version, so they get double called out on it and boycotted and tend to die off (4Kids is currently on life support since they pissed off so many Japanese companies and few/none want to do business with them anymore, not to mention the fans) Can't really think of a "professional" translation that does that that isn't an odd ball or lampooned by the community/dying.

All things considered, I imagine if Wakfu did ever get released here (unlikely given how old it is at this point.. if there was any interest they would have done so already), it's be dub only, assuming it got a home release, given that's how every other French show got released here, or really every other non-Japanese import cartoon has, like Code Lyoko, Winx Club, Pet Alien, Funky Cops, Monster Buster Club, Oban Star Racers, and etc. Edited dub only, final destination, etc. So not as if we have a chance for a 'proper' sub out of them.

Western anime community is extremely progressive in that regard, they fought for dual language releases and got them, and the companies respect those now and give them honest, accurate subs. Not really restricted to just cartoons, though.. my copies of foreign live-action flicks don't have Americanized subs. So if most "professional" companies don't, and most fansubs don't.. who does, other than the random weird sub group/4Kids-like company?

Also, what examples do you have for the original puns/localized sub puns/jokes though? I don't really remember season 1 episodes much since I saw it years ago and only the most retarded examples stuck out in my mind. I hated that sports filler mini arc thing a lot so I skipped through the episodes regardless.
>> No. 42176
Eh, that video is extremely old, and a lot of his points don't make sense.. and his comments don't portray him as all that knowledgeable or understanding. Just going off that one top rated comment

>"I do a little amateur TL every now and again, and since I base my methods off what I learned here, I though I'd ask: When a character refers to themselves in the third person, should that be carried over to the translation, or changed to "I", "Me", etc?

>A: I would go with "I" every time as a rule.
>Just say it out loud in your head and imagine the sentence being >spoken in a (good) dub. If it sounds stupid, something's gone wrong!"

Yeah, well, except there's things called speech quirks and patterns.. if someone stands out from a group (like a crazy eccentric girl) and refers to herself in third person, while everyone else uses watashi/boku/ore etc, then you should keep that quirk of hers and have her talk in third person... of course it sounds awkward.. look at Edward from Bebop, she's an 'awkward' girl, that's generally how you describe people who talk in third person. If you ignore it for the sub/dub, then you miss out on that character trait, and they're no different than the other characters.

This reminds me of how the Naruto's dub kept the 'dattebayo' thing by changing it into 'believe it', and then people bitched because it was annoying and "he doesn't say that in the original DERP" so they dropped it and he has no speech quirk in the dub.. so essentially they're missing a key part of the character. More natural sounding? Maybe, but.. that's not the point of the character or the writer's intention.. what, do we ignore degeso in Ika Musume or tuturu in Steins Gate or desu or any other various speech quirks we have as well? That's... not a good practice. Localization like that only hurts it and makes people miss out on things.
>> No. 42181
We're talking about how the current team handles the job, so season 1 is irrelevant, since they started with season 2. If anything, they've stated that they would like to have a polish pass at season 1, just lacking the spare time to do it right now

This kind of third-person speech is rare enough that he might have omitted to mention it in his statement, which referred to the crapton of characters who are subbed using their own full name when referring to themselves, not because they have a particular ego, but because of japanese grammar.
Obviously when it is relevant to the character, even in a western cultural context, you're gonna translate it using third person speeech (Grougaloragran anyone?)
>> No. 42182
Wallachia did a nice job on improving season one's subtitles, both in consistency and removing some irritating translation errors. Check the BoT website or, if you're lazy, click here: http://www.mediafire.com/?9nwsd36haf6xh06

Anything more than what he did would require the subbing team to work on each episode from scratch.
>> No. 42184
I laughed my ass off at that Lord of the Rings spoof. And overall, a lot of good points were brought up. Just goes to show how lucky we are to have a team with a more professional approach here. To me it just seems like the obvious way to do things, but I guess it's not a universal stance for fansubbers.

I also appreciate the credits being put at the end on a separate frame. Some of these examples were so disrespectful that you'd think they're purposefully insulting the creators.
>> No. 42185
One French specific joke I remember is from episode 18, when they take the boat and Ruel pays the captain by giving her the magic map.

In French, the word for map is "carte", but "carte" can also mean card. Which is why Ruel says "vous savez, de nos jours c'est tellement plus pratique de payer par carte"
(rough translation) => "you know, nowadays it's so much simpler to pay by card(/map)".

Same joke later when Smisse Monde tells the captain that "we don't accept cards(/maps)".

I don't know how it was handled in the subs since I don't use them, but it does seems like the kind of pun that's hard to translate.
>> No. 42186
It got a TL note on the original subs, and also on Wallachia's cleanup.
>> No. 42187
I wonder how the current team would defeat that punstacle.
>> No. 42188
I don't actually consume a lot of anime, fan or pro subbed/dubbed. The only significant anime example I can think of is FLCL. I'll go ahead and say it. I loved both the original voices AND the dub. I thought they were both good. I eon't remember what company did the translation but I remember a fish/blue pun joke in episode 5 that was changed to an observation on robots, which felt appropriate.

But you seem to think I'm only discussing translation philosophies in the context of anime and other foreign cartoons. I'm not. I am referring to professional translators of all forms of media.

Anyway, I'm going to drop out of any further discussion on this matter. It's wasted enough time and space on this forum and I'm not convinced that anything new or positive is going to come of continually arguing and disagreeing. I'm eagerly awaiting the subs for The latest episode because the shit is finally starting to get real. Something like that.
>> No. 42189
File 132208793051.jpg - (39.89KB , 600x296 , tristepin is displeased by your shit.jpg )
>I'm eagerly awaiting the subs for The latest episode because the shit is finally starting to get real. Something like that.
I'm with you on that.

>my face if episode 16's subs are released after episode 17 airs
>> No. 42190
we will most likely NOT release the subs after episode 17.
90% sure we are gonna done before that
>> No. 42191
Wait, wait, wait. So we're against notes explaining puns? I'd really rather see the notes and do the math myself. I'm trying to learn french and it'd be nice to learn as much of it as I possibly could, like, say, the "carte" joke mentioned above.
>> No. 42193
putting them right in the video is a pain in the ass, but i wouldn't be against an attached word document explaining them, only if the sub team wants to do something like that.
>> No. 42195

Pain in the ass as in coding?
>> No. 42196

more like pain in the ass, distracting from whats happening on screen by filling it with boxes all over the screen to fit in TNs
>> No. 42197
pretty much. not to rag on you or anyone else who wants to learn french, but the majority of us here aren't really interested.
>> No. 42198

same here. the fansubs are there so people can follow the action in the series. I would never try to learn any language from fansubs, period. Its not what they are intended for and its also not a e-penis comparing of how much obscure knowledge of stuff I have.
we just wanna bring the series to everybody in an understanding way so they can enjoy it.
>> No. 42199
I agree that translation notes would fit better in an accompanying document, especially when they go into detail. TNs themselves aren't really a problem, since as shown above they just can't be avoided sometimes if you want people to understand what's going on, but having them on-screen does break the flow.
>> No. 42200
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>It got a TL note on the original subs, and also on Wallachia's cleanup.

See, I don't see the problem with that. It's better than completely rewritting the dialog. Sounds like the old subs aren't as bad as people are saying and better than the current ones?'

Pic related, it's from the official paid for, professional subs. I'll laugh if Seth thinks his fansubs are more 'professional' than the guys who get paid to do it, in which case he just became the people he's making fun of.

You're already reading text on the screen, you can't really use that excuse. Having a separate file is more intrusive since you have to pause and boot up, and using American memes or phrases in a foreign setting is just as immersion breaking (old dubs which replaced Japanese singers with US ones, ick)

See, this makes sense. If you don't watch much anime then you're probably not a fast reader, so it explains why you have to pause for TL notes when most anime watchers don't, they can read it fast enough
>> No. 42202
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Sure. Whatever.
>> No. 42203
Disregard that last post, I totally misunderstood what you were trying to say.

About the explanation of the puns being attached, you wouldn't have to stop in the middle of the episode so you can read it. It would just be something for people who want to know what the joke was.

>If you don't watch much anime then you're probably not a fast reader, so it explains why you have to pause for TL notes

And that's the thing, you'll probably find that most who watch the subbed episodes (and who frequent /co/) have never watched a subbed show before. With there being only 9 episodes left in the season it would just seem weird for the translation team to start putting notes in. If Wallachia leaves puns untranslated and maybe if they're up to it, they can go back and release season 2 episodes with translator's notes. I think you have some valid points and concerns but at this point in the series just switching would be pointless.
>> No. 42204
>If you don't watch much anime then you're probably not a fast reader
Anyone who says things like that deserves to be euthanized.

BOOKS MOTHERFUCKER, did you hear about those?

Last time I checked it was reading more books that was the best way to improve your reading skills, not watching subbed anime. YES, I MAD.

> If Wallachia leaves puns untranslated and maybe if they're up to it, they can go back and release season 2 episodes with translator's notes.
Wallachia isn't a translator (he doesn't know French too well) and he had nothing to do with making season one's subtitles. In fact, season 1 was subbed by more than a dozen different people (not before the very last episodes of season one we had anything resembling an actual team) and was quite a mess in some places. A few months ago, Wallachia fixed some of the more obvious translation mistakes that our French friends pointed out for him and (hopefully) all the grammatical errors. Other than that, he left most of the things intact, including occasional translation notes. To change that, the episodes would have to be reworked from the start, French script and everything, and our team is focused on season 2 at the moment, so no dice.

Perhaps you know some "professional fansubber" willing to lend a hand with Wakfu? Members of our subbing team would be super happy about it (less work for them). If not, be happy that you have any subs at all, because what we have here is a REAL fansub, not a "professional" (how something fanmade can be also professional?) one. Guys do this at their free time and it's their good will that they do their best with the translation, instead of being lazy and putting translation notes everywhere.
>> No. 42205
>Sounds like the old subs aren't as bad as people are saying and better than the current ones?
Not exactly: seeing as they were done by various people before the actual subbing team got formed prior to S2, the originals do vary quite a lot. I think the original first episode has TL notes incorporated at the bottom of the screen at one point.

Plus, you're judging the quality of the subs based on the inclusion of TL notes to point out jokes and not the translation? I'd much rather prefer having subs that don't interfere with the show itself, and like Seth said in >>42199, I would prefer a document of TL notes rather than them being embedded in the file itself.

One thing I am confused about is this: why did you decide to restart this debate? It caused a huge shitstorm in the last thread and I have no idea why you decided to reignite it in this one.

Wallachia isn't a translator; he just decided to clean things up so that there were a consistent set of S1 subs.
>> No. 42206
Man I remember when I started wakfu and the Kenny and Frenchy were still the main "members" of the subbing group...

If we can get a 2nd subbing team to work on wakfu, that'd be awesome. If that 2nd team can get other people interested in watching wakfu that'd be equally awesome. It's mostly because, face facts; this thing is only a hit in 4chan and other places where ankama has a strong presence, like their own forums...

So yeah, go ahead and nitpick all you want. Unless you can scrounge up your own subbing team, do the work the way YOU want to and get it more recognized than the current teams, then good for you. I'm sure it'd be much appreciated that the rest of the guys don't have to be pressured anymore.

Either way Ankama wins. Those damn trolls...
>> No. 42207
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>Either way Ankama wins. Those damn trolls...
>> No. 42208
Can we have an embargo on this sort of sub trolling shit for future threads? It's really putting me off looking through them.
>> No. 42210
...in more happy news, proofreading just finished. so expect the episode today (thursday) or tomorrow (friday)
>> No. 42211
You just made this thread much more awesome.
>> No. 42212
Oh thank god.
>> No. 42213
>because what we have here is a REAL fansub, not a "professional" (how something fanmade can be also professional?)

Because groups like HorribleSubs just rips the subs from the official sources (DVDs, Streams, Etc) and puts them to the video. It's the official, paid translation, just in digital form.

And those official DVDs by Funi, Viz, whoever, have those translation notes. Hence how they're professional.
>> No. 42214
>Translation Notes on a separate document

... and that's where KennyMC is supposed to come in and ask me when I will release all the TNs we said we would make, to which I'm supposed to answer : Soon™
It's pretty much an inside joke now.

Making a separate text file with translation notes was the plan from the beginning when we started season 2. But as you know, subbing the actual episodes already took us quite some spare time, then I got even less spare time and almost had to quit (around ep. 8-9) and then we had to hire new members to the team, including a main translator.

I'm still planning on doing it, i just have to find the adequate combination of spare time and motivation at once.

On an unrelated note : proofreading of ep.16 is done. Release probably tomorrow, depending on kenny's spare time.
>> No. 42215
Please fucking shut up about this for Christ's sakes. Nobody fucking cares apart from you. If you want to do a better (in your opinion) sub of Wakfu then go and fucking do it yourself.
>> No. 42216
Subbers gonna sub
Haters gonna hate

Keep doing your stuff you wonderful subbers you.
>> No. 42218
Oh, my mistake about Wallachia then. Still, if there's someone who speaks French and wants to do something like that, go ahead.
>> No. 42221
Oh ho! Wow! What a shitstorm I've caused.

If you want any explanations ask me. I'm the one who proofread, typeset, and subbed that episode.


I must have done something right. Ankama added my translation into their canon. >Best feel ever...


Thanks, Frenchy.


>"DEM BUNS!!!!!1" has been changed to a more sensible translation.

Really? Damn... Or are you directly quoting the script there? Because I know I didn't put that many exclamation marks after it...


>inaccurate subs
>terrible practices
>these subs do things that aren't accepted by anime fansubs

Examples s'il vous plaît.


>If we can get a 2nd subbing team to work on wakfu, that'd be awesome.

>> No. 42222

So you want to be a Wakfu Proofreader. Fine here's a little taste of it.

>In the upcoming episode Ruel comes up with this gem:

>"Faut jamais dire 'Fontaine, je ne boirai pas de ton eau.'" (Never say 'Fountain, I will not drink your water.')

>However this incorporates a French idiom, "Fontaine, je ne boirai pas de ton eau." basically means, "Never say never." Your job is to incorporate "Never say never." while still retaining the fountain and/or water aspects to it to retain the original pun.
>> No. 42223
>>42130 here
That was just an over-exaggeration of the line; I don't even think there were any exclamation marks on the end of it.

Plus, yes, it has been changed in the Wallachia re-sub to "her miracle buns". A bit more sensible and a bit less "internet sounding", so to put it.

inb4 I fuck up the formatting of the post by trying to use BBcode to italicise things
>> No. 42227
"Tristepin" is better in subtitles than "Sadlygrove".
"Dem buns" was a great translation of a joke.

That's how I roll.
>> No. 42228
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>not editing the subtitles to fit your personal preference(s)
>> No. 42229
>However this incorporates a French idiom, "Fontaine, je ne boirai pas de ton eau." basically means, "Never say never." Your job is to incorporate "Never say never." while still retaining the fountain and/or water aspects to it to retain the original pun.

Ruel: Never say 'Fountain, I will not drink your water'.

Note: This is a play on the French idiom "Fontaine, je ne boirai pas de ton eau" which means "Never say never".

I don't know the context, but I assume he's talking about an actual fountain.

That was easy.
>> No. 42230
>Fountain, I will not drink your water.
.... which makes no sense if you don't have a french cultiral background. Thanks for proving Chojiki's point
>> No. 42231
Hense the reason for the note in case people don't know.

I don't see your problem or need to declare victory as an Anon, Chojiki
>> No. 42232
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>mfw people are still throwing arguments in a debate about fansubbing nerdism.
What didn't you understand when I said "No endless sterile arguments and debates" in OP's post?

It's really time to stop flames, and to stop responding to flamebaits.

On a side note, uploads for ep.16 are almost done, release soon.
>> No. 42233

>"Your job is to incorporate "Never say never." while still retaining the fountain and/or water aspects to it to retain the original pun."

That's precisely what you didn't do, you just evaded the task with a cheap TN, which is exactly what we're trying to avoid here.
>> No. 42234
That's not avoiding the task, that is the task. Professional translators do that. Surely you're not going to disagree with them, are you?
>> No. 42235

full on professionell translaters that work on stuff like books, movies and so on....NO.
>> No. 42236



I kinda feel like I'm a bad guy for actually wanting TN's.
>> No. 42237
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Less shitstorm.
More release.

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8P8MUYK9
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/1QLNKBQV
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=262534

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M4ZT7RA4
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/0SEGKB5S
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=262535

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U9U50SCT
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=262537

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?u3l8utf7qoccv2w

>720p Hi10p encode by Sindalf:
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=262539
>> No. 42238
Please just end this argument as it is going absolutely nowhere. There is no need to restart something that got the previous thread deleted.
>> No. 42239
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>> No. 42240
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>> No. 42242
That was fast. Much appreciated!
>> No. 42243
Professional translators do use translator's notes in books. Just read some Tolkien or just about any older classic literature. I can't speak for movies as I have never watched professionally subbed movies that would warrant notes.

It is often said that a translator who uses a TN "admits his failure." But I am of those who believe that acknowledging your limits is better than bullshitting something up to cover your ass. Languages aren't an exact science, so sometimes it can't be helped. It also depends on whether your approach strives for a more literal translation or a cultural localization (i.e. how much you can actually change the content).
>> No. 42247
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Huk gets slapped in Dreamhack, Steam sales, and Subs are released for Ep. 16

A great turkey day indeed
>> No. 42248
Thirs time's the charm...

TN in books/comics are fine - that's how the medium works. However, we have to remember that most of the time they only explain cultural background or things that are not translation related, and are there to help the reader understand the situation heroes are facing and character interactions better - for example, traditions of an important American holiday involving turkeys that a typical European, like me, knows almost nothing about. I've never seen a TN in a book that said "There was a joke/pun/idiom here that meant xxx, but It didn't translate well so I dropped it". Sometimes there's a note from the translator at the back/beginning of the book, but that's it.

That's about books, but we shouldn't forget that movies and TV series are a COMPLETELY different medium and different rules apply to them.

>It also depends on whether your approach strives for a more literal translation or a cultural localization
As a guy from a non-English speaking country I must say this: never in my life have I seen a subtitled movie (this makes for every not kid/family oriented cinema/DVD release since forever) with TNs in it. You simply don't do that, any truly professional translator who'd try putting TNs anywhere would be ridiculed. Truly great translators are not afraid to change the dialogues/puns/jokes a bit and know how to pull this off without "ruining" neither the context nor the characters. That's how we know they are good.

I have no idea why Americans tend to overdramatize the importance of "perfect translations". It's ever more ridiculous for people like me, who watched movies translated from English all their lives and know that fidelity is not necessarily the key for a good translation.

>But I am of those who believe that acknowledging your limits is better than bullshitting something up to cover your ass.
I agree. We are not talking about professionals here, but fansubbers who wish to share something with a community. I don't like TNs, but I'm not gonna rage because some poor fansubber got stuck while translating and decided to put a TN instead of tormenting himself for hours with one line of dialogue. However, the general rule is: the less TNs the better and the best is to have none - even if it means changing some things a little.
>> No. 42249
Thanks, that episode was amazing.
>> No. 42250
> I've never seen a TN in a book that said "There was a joke/pun/idiom here that meant xxx, but It didn't translate well so I dropped it".

Here's an example. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring, French edition by Pocket (by Francis Ledoux, 1972). Page 497:
> - Ceci représente un G pour Galadriel, dit-elle, mais ce peut aussi bien évoquer un jardin dans votre langue (1).

In short, "G stands for Galadriel, but also for Garden." The note says:
> (1) Jardin in English is "garden."
He couldn't really work around that, unless he removed part of the sentence. It's on a box of Elvish earth given to Sam for his garden, which they then talk about for half a page, so your mileage may vary where the acceptability of that is concerned. You say "Truly great translators are not afraid to change [things]", but I would personally take offense at that. It depends on what you're expected to do.

For another quick example, there's a note where the Elves refer to the Sun using a feminine determiner (la Soleil) instead of the usual masculine one (le Soleil), to explain/remind that it's how the Elves say it, not a typo.

As you said, I'm only talking about books here, and I think everyone agrees that no matter the media, the fewer notes there are the better. But they certainly weren't invented by incompetent otaku fansubbers, contrary to what some people here seem to think.

And as an apology to Kenny, I consider this to be an interesting, level-headed conversation, so forgive me if it falls into your definition of shitstorm and argument.
>> No. 42251
I think the way you're going about it is a lot more sensible than the way that troll did; for one, you're not having a huge bitch at the sub team for not subbing "professionally"!
>> No. 42252
Thats it, I'm putting an end to this.

WE as the subbing team have made our choices in how we handle stuff. and that includes the fact that we want to avoid TNs as much as possible.

We are now 16 episodes into the second season of the series and the team started at the beginning of season 2. We are NOT gonna change our work practices cause a few people seem to insist that we leave stuff untranslated and rather fill the screen with TNs.
These decisions have been made in the beginning when we started between everybody that was involved. So far we are also the only people that are doing subs for Wakfu.

It should also be said that we are doing this work because we enjoy Wakfu and want to bring it to as many people as possible.
I also find it somewhat stupid that our work is getting compared to anime fansubs and measured on their standards. Since most anime fans will not see Wakfu as an anime since its a non asian animation.

Also as far as I'm aware the silent majority is enjoying our work and doesn't wants us to go down the route of elitist fansub groups that see the foreign language as something holy, that we lesser humans can't comprehend and need to be taken by the hand and need to be explained every little thing.
We just wanna enjoy the show and give people the same experience to enjoy it without needing to pause every 2 minutes to read TNs. Cause some of the pun heavy episodes would end up going like that with big TNs that you would need to pause for, every 2 minutes. And I doubt anybody would enjoy that.
>> No. 42253
> We are NOT gonna change our work practices cause a few people seem to insist that we leave stuff untranslated and rather fill the screen with TNs.

I... must have missed the post where someone asked that. Or you really need to chill.
>> No. 42254

>I don't see your problem or need to declare victory as an Anon, Chojiki.

Nice try, but I haven't been online all day. I got called away right after I posted and someone had to cook the turkey in my family. (...guess who.)

Anyway, discussion over. I am proud to do my part as a proofreader and we do our best to present Wakfu in a manner that is easily acceptable to all types of fans. From the new, to the experienced viewers. Obviously we can't appease all of these demographics, but I think we've got a good balance.

Now excuse me, I've got an episode to watch.
>> No. 42256
File 132219793262.png - (137.92KB , 395x478 , FUCKING MASTERPIECE.png )

Goddamn, I love it when they use effects like that.
>> No. 42261
Amazing episode!!

The rest of you shut up.
>> No. 42264
ETA on the next episode airing, or will we be having a one-week suspenseful cliffhanger break?
>> No. 42265
>ETA on the next episode airing
Around 12 hours before it airs on France 3, a little more before the web raw is released.
>> No. 42266

Nope. What gave you that impression? Next episode will air tomorrow (saturday) at 9:50 am GMT +1.
>> No. 42267
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall a few breaks before major events in season 1, I think it was before Eternal Grougal and Mount Zinit.
>> No. 42270
Correct me if I'm wrong, but season 1's hiatuses we because Ankama didn't have their shit together (the finale took so long to air because they hadn't actually made it yet). AFAIK season 2 is actually complete; any interruptions are going to be France3's fault.
>> No. 42271
Next episode is gonna be amazing. Poor subbers though - I mean, goddamn council of 12? How much more TALKING can u expect?
>> No. 42274
File 132229990842.jpg - (75.45KB , 888x500 , Scoop.jpg )
It's online:
=> http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/281705-episode-17-saison-2-conseil-douze

With a little scoop inside: this is not Eva, this is her sister.
>> No. 42275
Lots of interesting stuff. Not too many puns, I don't think. But yes, lots of dialogue. And Trool Fair next! Looks like next week will be very fun!
>> No. 42276
That was a cool spoiler, looking forward to next episode. Also, tens of thousands of Eliatrope kids, wow. I think the council is far from over.
>> No. 42277
Some backstory for Eva. FUCKING FINALLY.

I'd be much obliged if any of our French friends could translate what Grovy said to Eva at the very end.
>> No. 42279
He had sex with Yugo.
>> No. 42281
File 132230330122.png - (212.51KB , 423x200 , ws2e17v2.png )

Click the "file name" to order by name, if the series does not fit on one page, use the [Next] and [Previous] button
>> No. 42282
direct link:

>> No. 42283
>translate what Grovy said to Eva at the very end
basically, complaining that he's always the butt of the jokes, and ends with "Sometimes I wonder why you're hanging around with a iop-brain
>> No. 42284
File 132230401133.gif - (2.92MB , 354x212 , ruel duel.gif )
Thanks man.
>> No. 42285
What was it that Ruel said, that made Yugo and Amalia laugh histerically, twice?
>> No. 42286
I could be wrong, but I think he said something about having been married. Of course, they didn't believe him.
>> No. 42287
Actually, checking the series site, it seems he said he almost got married once, but chickened out because of the cost. Should've guessed, really.

And I also think we've discovered the real reason Eva cut her hair. But also, THE DEVS LIED TO US! They said that was Eva, and now they're saying it wasn't!
>> No. 42288
Something about him being married in the past, I think
>> No. 42289
When did the devs say that?
>> No. 42290
Some interview/forum post long time ago.
>> No. 42291
I see, many thanks for clearing it up.
>> No. 42292
It was stated almost 2 years ago by Fafah Togora, co-producer of the series :
(second post on that page)
>> No. 42293
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3M2JGU90
>> No. 42294
Ohhh, gooddd, now I gotta wait for a whole week without coming to threads like this, else I'll get spoiled (It's been so hard not to read that black text...)
>> No. 42295
looks like Brakmar wants the Eliacube...I feel a war coming soon
>> No. 42296
File 132231924521.jpg - (34.51KB , 865x497 , 1320399773474.jpg )
Next episode, a fucking theme park? They could have made this season something cool, but instead we get MORE filler for the kids.

The last episodes better have Yugo fighting Qilby while riding on dragons and shooting lasers from their eyes while the wakfu metal theme is on the background.
>> No. 42297
Theme park AND Eva's sister and backstory.

You can't deny that you were wondering about her past.
>> No. 42298
File 132232041483.jpg - (108.57KB , 678x502 , 1318965449292.jpg )

>Yugo fighting Qilby while riding on dragons and shooting lasers from their eyes while the wakfu metal theme is on the background.

>> No. 42299
You say that now, but will you still rage about this when next weeks episode will imply Grovy having had a threesome with Eva and her sister?
>> No. 42300
File 132232422813.png - (581.15KB , 1024x576 , snapshot20111126185926.png )
>> No. 42301
Seems to me like this episode is setting up for some serious backstory expansion and character development for 18. I'm pretty excited, even though I don't speak a lick of French.
>> No. 42302

Fuck yes. A million of these.
>> No. 42303

But he doesn't even know how children are born, threesome would shatter his innocent Iop mind.
>> No. 42304
If races are based on abilities and powers...

What is Brakmar doing in the council? What is their power, the ability to look really poofy?
>> No. 42305
It was already implied that Eva enlightened her on the matter.

They are one of the two biggest cities in the world of twelve. We don't even know if the other races have a centralized kingdom by the way - Brakmar and Bonta may be bigger than for example the entire Pandawa kingdom (if such a thing exists).
>> No. 42306
So they're banksters who bought their way into the council.
>> No. 42307

Pandawas were once a xenophobes who lived on Pandala island , then they opened their gates to others.

Why there is Sadida kingdom and not iop or feca i dont know.
>> No. 42309
>Why there is Sadida kingdom and not iop or feca i dont know.

Because that would imply the existence of Iop politics.
>> No. 42310
That, and being a huge state implies that the state can afford an army to fend off external attacks.... which means military muscle.
>> No. 42311
Oh! I see that the latest episode was aired in France today.

I guess that means I can start demanding subs starting immediately.
>> No. 42312
What about Amaka?
>> No. 42313
The first season takes place in Amaknan archipelago until they show up in Bonta. You may have noticed the closest thing to politics the region had was the proper way to bake bread.
>> No. 42314
Isn't Alibert the mayor of Amakna or something like that?
>> No. 42315
No, mayor of Emelka, which is in Amakna.
>> No. 42318
I would like to deeply thank you subbing team for your awesome job. It's very much apreciated. :)
>> No. 42320
Another fan here to lick my subber's boots. Good job.
too much Skyrim
>> No. 42321
Hey there guys! Got a request: what did Grovy say while arguing with Eva? I was trying to guess, but had no idea. Any idea?
>> No. 42322
Roughly summed up:
-Grovy is pissed because Eva didn't tell him she had a sister.
-Eva says she hadn't time to tell him because he disappeared, then appeared again, then she saved him.
-Grovy gets angry because Eva reminds him once again that she saved him.
-Eva tells Grovy that he's really stupid sometimes.
-Grovy says that he's fed up of always being taken for a morron, and finally tells Eva that sometimes he really wonders why she's with a Iop-brain.
-Eva cries.

>> No. 42323
But thanks a lot! Seems that Grovy really has a brain! Unbelivable. Thank you once again :D
>> No. 42324
Thanks a lot! Seems that Grovy really has a brain! Unbelivable. Thank you once again :D
>> No. 42325
>Seems that Grovy really has a brain!

Of course he does. Iops use their heads in battle, didn't you knew?
>> No. 42327
Until now... Maybe they have brains, but.. they can't use them!
>> No. 42328
File 132242547127.png - (253.75KB , 646x1002 , nail_emrub.png )
If it turns out that Les Gardiens was canon with the series...
>> No. 42329
File 132243973399.png - (1.03MB , 1115x3526 , cabbages and crows.png )
/co/ sends it's regards.

Also, do we have a possible ETA for the newest episode's subs?
>> No. 42331
Dear sweet Jesus that makes my sides hurt.
>> No. 42332
File 132249138689.jpg - (6.13KB , 259x194 , 1312296775172.jpg )
So, uh, how are them subs going?
>> No. 42333
That thing was funny once. Reposting it makes it wear out its welcome.
>> No. 42336
Guess what.

Two different people posted it on two different +4chan boards. It happens.
>> No. 42342
Well, we're pretty certain Islands is, and Zora appears in both, not to mention Ze Grine/Kivin.
>> No. 42343
I'd love to see a King Yugo vs Naïl fight. Just saying.

It wouldn't make a lot sense unless "Time Shenanigans", but damn would it probably look awesome.
>> No. 42355
File 132270635432.jpg - (81.67KB , 1024x768 , yugo under the sea.jpg )
Just wondering if it'll be a Friday release again?
>> No. 42356
>> No. 42357
>Just wondering if it'll be a Friday release again?

Yes, most likely. Proofreading is done, just a handful of Ankama's signature (French idiom)+(pun)=(proofreader suicides) left to work out.
>> No. 42360
So...proofreading is done. Episode should be out tomorrow
>> No. 42361
File 132280565322.jpg - (47.32KB , 400x264 , 744710996_237002.jpg )

Thanks for keeping us updated, I usually check this thread once ever 1 or 2 days .
>> No. 42365
Okay. It's 3:30 in the morning and I had to try really, REALLY hard not to laugh at that image. Thank you for cheering me up. XP

To ze' translation 'n' subbing team, <3 <3 <3.
>> No. 42367
Like, yesterday tomorrow?
Like, today today?
Like, this day?
>> No. 42368
Hey guys! When we can expect subs? I mean the hour.
>> No. 42370
11:59 PM
>> No. 42371
>11:59 PM .... tomorrow
>> No. 42372
Uploads for ep.17 are on the way.
Release in 3 hours or so, depending on how well the bandwidth goes.
>> No. 42373
Can't wait anymore! Hurry up, guys! Please
>> No. 42374
Chill, Kenny's uploading them right now, it just takes a couple of hours.
>> No. 42375
File 132285115648.jpg - (147.86KB , 1024x760 , Subs.jpg )
And here it comes:

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=53D49YZ9
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/01TKUUYO

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IDJJF35S
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/01CHHRVB

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=37DH53JY

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?5qvv5vj99wmmlr2

No torrents nor 720 Hi10p release for the time being because Sindalf's server died this week. Probably later, when he finds a solution.
>> No. 42376
Thank you!
>> No. 42377
Thanks guys! Well done!
>> No. 42378
Thank you so much sub team!
>> No. 42379
it was such a nice episode!

i cant wait to the next episode
>> No. 42380
Grovy can sure kick ass. Even if it's the wrong ass.
>> No. 42381
yeah, I am stupid, should have checked here first ^^;; feel free to ignore that tweet from me
>> No. 42382
File 132286848683.png - (628.97KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20111203031228.png )
Up scale to 1280x720 of the episodes that Ankama reposted on Halloween in 2010

S1 Ep06 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YA91U7MM
S1 Ep07 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZPU5GXV9
S1 Ep13 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3XF2WHAP

or 3-in-1 Folder - http://www.megaupload.com/?f=9KTU4VL2
>> No. 42383
What was that? I can't hear you over how awesome my torrents are. DDL is overrated.

>SD xvid hardsubbed ep 17 eye cancer oh god why are you downloading this and not the x264

>SD x264 softsubbed ep 17, You're alright...

>720p x264 ep 17 10-bit master race

>1080p x264 ep 17 All them pixels

My 720p encode includes TV audio instead of web audio which is included in the other releases. Trimmed and not re encoded. Also one of these days I will pull off some magic to make the 720p encode lower file size than the SD softsub.

Torrents are going to be slow for a while because Rapidspeeds, the place where my box was hosted, defaulted or something. We were given till Friday to pack up and leave but it was extended till Monday. Not sure what I am going to do now for the torrents and I really am not going to like encoding on my home pc or elsewhere.

Time to buy another server I guess, its just going to take me awhile. Now excuse me as I have school work to do.
>> No. 42384
1. Could you post the links to all your upscales?
2. Do the DVD-timed subs fit to those?
>> No. 42385
Where could I find information on the council of 12, the names and story of those seated in it?
>> No. 42386
I don't think there is anything, maybe they'll be added to the site at some point?
>> No. 42387
Qilby(or whatever) would be a lot smarter if he used his projection magic to just show a big circle in the sky, cut it in 12 pieces(like a pie) and just color the center of it, to represent a small amount of each kingdom to be used.

Also, why isn't he using the argument that the eliatrops will not just be mouths to feed, they will also become workers.
>> No. 42388
Because it doesn't matter what the council decides. By pretending to care about opinions of all the other rules, Qilby is just stalling until he can execute his master plan.

Eliatropes won't have an easy life even if Yugo manages to stop him. There will be much prejudice against them after Qilby's agenda is revealed.
>> No. 42389
>Where could I find information on the council of 12, the names and story of those seated in it?

There isn't anything yet, I think... Even in the episode we only learn that the Pandawa's representative's name is Daihitsu. Your best chance for info is probably if they come back later in the season or they get put into the game. Good luck waiting the five or so years it's going to take before the Artbooks for this episode are going to be out.
>> No. 42391
Subs for S1 Upscaled Episodes:

Ep 06 - http://www.mediafire.com/?6r11s73ei4j3eg1
Ep 07 - http://www.mediafire.com/?dvfbg5rpiqt9d9d
Ep 13 - http://www.mediafire.com/?zjz164pdqz7xjvz

I did Upscale only for episodes emerged as 1500Kbps
for the first season with such quality there is no other
(Sorry for the clumsy English - Google Translator) :)
>> No. 42392
Wakfu - S2 Upscales Folder (1024x576)

>> No. 42393
An episode full of HHNNNNNNGGHH!!

=> http://www.ankama.com/fr/video-wakfu-serie/281856-episode-18-saison-2-cleophee
>> No. 42394
Direct link to new ep:
>> No. 42395
Not understanding a word of french, are Qilby and Adamai skipping town for good or, supposedly, just going to join Yugo? Kinda saw it coming but I'm surprised they're willing to leave Chibi behind, guess Alibert must've made a good impression on Qilby.
>> No. 42396
File 132291440839.png - (197.78KB , 423x200 , Ws2e18v2.png )

Click the "file name" to order by name, if the series does not fit on one page, use the [Next] and [Previous] button

(Fu**ing megaupload lags...)
>> No. 42397
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2HYDV4Q3
>> No. 42398
>> No. 42399
hey man for when you will have the cap only 18 subs?I need only the subs: D
>> No. 42400
When your grammar improves.
>> No. 42401
>> No. 42402
>> No. 42403
File 132292839957.png - (635.90KB , 1024x576 , snapshot20111203193348.png )
>> No. 42404
Haven't seen 19 yet, but $$ that Grovy hooks up with Eva's sister.
>> No. 42405
Or episode 18. It's whatever.
>> No. 42406
i would feel so bad for eva. not even in haha oh wow sucks for you sort of way, like i'd legit feel bad.
>> No. 42407
subs typically take about 5 days or so, depending on the dialogue in the episode. check back around thursday or friday.
>> No. 42408
With only incredibly basic knowledge of French, the dilemna of this episode is which is "all hips being equal. which is better boobs two cup sizes larger or a vastly more compatible personality?"
>> No. 42409
Prob the reason why Eva wanted to keep from mentioning her sister: because she would steal her boyfriend away.
>> No. 42410
i really doubt cleo would steal her sister's boyfriend.
>> No. 42412
I love how people say Amalia and Yugo aren't a pair because they behave like bros, but when Tristepin and Cleo behave like bros, people are going nuts with shipping. Nice.
>> No. 42413
Well, I could be wrong, but I think Qilby was saying something about, "I've got the Eliacube, let's go free our people by ourselves!"
Like I said, I could be wrong. I only watched it once.
>> No. 42416
Is it just me, or have they employed more discreet-3D-backgrounds than usual?
>> No. 42417
In case anyone's interested, I'm keeping track of this week with a blog post also: http://ebonysable.livejournal.com/1045.html

Really? I haven't noticed any changes personally, can you give some examples of where you've noticed it?
>> No. 42418
I thought you were going to talk about the actual process.
>> No. 42419
I can, if you want. But that'd be in another blog post.
>> No. 42420
The arena where Trist, Cleop and Eva fought big ugly, the pre-fight sweep of the whole area looks like it's a mix of 3D models with crowd cutouts.

Compared to Bonta's or Brakmar's boufbowl arenas, which has less dynamic panning and more static wide shots.
>> No. 42421

Hey! Nice to see this blog. Are you going to write subs and upload them please? Would be nice.
>> No. 42422
I'm a proofreader, I don't write the subs personally, I just help work on them. The subs will, however, appear in the usual places:
>> No. 42427
Huh! Major animation error w/ Grovy walking to the arena... Facepaint just skips a scene!
>> No. 42428
Yeah, there's lots of stuff like that throughout the series. Like in the Ugly Princess episode, while they're all supposed to be in disguise, Eva and Ruel appear in their normal designs in a few scenes. And pieces of Amalia's princess outfit disappear between shots.
>> No. 42429
You're forgetting the famous scene where Eva's wearing her bow after Grovy smashed it.
>> No. 42430
picture of that?
>> No. 42432
File 132324278167.png - (482.39KB , 890x502 , vlcsnap-00001.png )
>> No. 42433
Server ordered.

Torrent releases shall resume. Also going to work on creating easy to download archives on nyaa later for previous episodes. Gotta find something to do to keep me busy throughout the week.
>> No. 42436
I just wanted to let everybody know that the subs will most likely be delayed this week :(
Its mostly duo to a number of members having their finals (like some of our watchers I would assume) and other issues.
We will still give our best and hope to get them out as soon as possible. I will try to give updates as soon as there are any updates.
Once again sorry that the subs will most likely be delayed this week.
>> No. 42437
Could you use some last minute help or is it not worth it at this point?
>> No. 42438
has nothing to do with last minute help. translation is still not fully done yet.
Its really just bad timing at the moment with those of the team that are students and are currently having there finals.
then saint nicholas day was yesterday (6th december) and its a smaller holiday around europe and some other stuff.
But we will try to get the episode out in the usually quality as soon as we can. Also keep in mind we aren't a speed sub, we wanna deliver a good sub and not just be the fastest to put it out there.
>> No. 42441
Will they be out before the next episode comes out? I know you guys hate being asked these deadlines because it's hard for you guys to tell, but it'd be nice knowing when I should check back.

It's times like this when I miss those rough translations that the old team posted on google docs that allowed me to get the gist of the episode without waiting for coding and puns and proofreading...

And in response to the subbers blog, would anyone else be interested in a behind the scenes sort of thing? I'd be fascinated to see how you guys do your thing.

Also thank you for you hard work <333
>> No. 42442
Sorry, it's unlikely. Monday is the earliest possible that I can see, and that assumes the heavy hitters are able to make it before then.

Regarding the blog, I'm working on some behind-the-scenes. I'm going to be asking other people in the team to write about their perspective on the matter (as soon as I can catch up with them). Here's the first one: http://ebonysable.livejournal.com/1365.html
>> No. 42443

Not to mention Leon Zitrool, the announcer for the Gladiatrool matches, has extremely bad enunciation. We're can't even make out what he's saying on some lines.
>> No. 42447

Can a draft txt be posted when it's ready, even if not proofread? In the first episodes, a draft was released before the subs themselves but for some reason the habit stopped.
>> No. 42449
>Thursday morning: Still a few bits left untranslated, a number of annoying puns, and people suggesting dozens of variations for one tiny sentence. Not looking promising for a release before the next episode.

Actual reason for the delayed translation is League of Legends. Actually that seems to be the reason for almost every delay in the fansubbing community in the past 6 months or so. Only a matter of time before it hit us too.

Sabby too busy playing with riot for his 2000th win.
>> No. 42451
Yeah, that's not much good when large chucks of translation are missing. I'll do something about a rough for public viewing tomorrow, my time, though. Unless someone beats me to it, of course.
>> No. 42453
All right. I just though I'd offer... my French isn't perfect but I'm a decent translator and my English/proofreading skills are good.
>> No. 42458
Alright, rough translation available here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y7IoHUgy3xjxO57XvJdTxl5aVL3pO1P-hwd7RcZL6Tg/edit

It's basically just the script we have at the moment with the comments stripped out and my best guess on what choices fit best. It's definitely not 100% accurate, and it's less accurate than the final script will be.
>> No. 42460
Does anyone know a good media player to use for these episodes? My media player is out of date
>> No. 42461
I'll go with "she is never in the mood".
>> No. 42462
Media Player Classic
>> No. 42464
File 132340857891.png - (233.95KB , 800x909 , 130198463249.png )

Thanks a lot!
>> No. 42469
3rd page, leon zitrool:

- The ??? brothers: it's "les frères Poulivor", guessing it's from Raymond Poulidor, like zitrool is from Léon Zitrone.

- This Cra ???, she’s ripe for the fight: "Cette Cra a du répondant, elle est prête pour la baston!". Though this one seems hard to translate, unless there's an equivalent expression in English.
>> No. 42470
This Cra is ready to rumble?
I'm not sure how "a du répondant" is supposed to fit in the context...
>> No. 42471
Thank you, I'm told he has terrible enunciation, thanks for getting that one. It'll be a big help.
I'm not updating the rough, of course, but these thing will be very helpful for the final.
>> No. 42473
If you post your email in the email field then the sub team should contact you if you're up for it.
>> No. 42476
Are subs expected on Friday as usual?
>> No. 42477

please see this post: >>42436

most likely not before monday.
>> No. 42478
Just noticed a repeated typo in episode 17: Havreport is referred to as Havenport.
>> No. 42480
Dont think thats a typo. Like the french Havre-sac became Haven-sack in the english game.... so yeah
>> No. 42482

If you can understand Zitrool's horrible speaking, you want to try to make sense of this? Same scene as what you commented on but earlier in Zitrool's dialogue. I'll give the lines before and after:

C’est déjà leur cinquième match, et ils sont encore aussi frais qu’au petit déjeuner.

>Wow, (???)

Ce n’est pas cette misérable équipe de Crâs qui les sortira du ring.
>> No. 42483

I could have sworn I posted this but looks like I never hit reply and all my text is still up here lol. Was gonna say if you figured it out let me know, but no need anymore. Just remembered my parents have an old as fuck desktop with XP they don't use anymore and I just tried it and it worked.
>> No. 42485
Oh, right.
I'd forgotten about the team's translation of French names to English (not that this should matter but let's not go into that bullshit again).

I'm assuming that this is for versions of XP using WMP9 that aren't updated to SP3?
>> No. 42486
May I ask why people are upscaling the web raws to 1024x576? I just don't see the point.
>> No. 42487
From everything I can tell, you need to have an XP install with WMP 'individualized' before a certain time period (seems around October this year). Anything after that and you are forced into updating to the latest IBX which these programs cannot bypass. Luckily for me I have an old as balls system to work with.
>> No. 42490
Latest episode direct link:
>> No. 42491

If some people download it, so they need it, ask them :)
and enough silly questions.
>> No. 42492
I'm getting a "File not found." blank page.
>> No. 42493
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RASIND6J
>> No. 42494
So is episode 20 not airing in France on next Saturday? I see no trailer for it.

Another series hiatus?
>> No. 42495
What I hear is "Wow, super air big boule!" which I guess would make sense as a technique name (mixing english words is sometimes used to make stuff sound "cool").

Can't guarantee it this time though. It's easier when it's an actual sentence or expression, since I can guess the words he's swallowing :p.
>> No. 42496
Good for you if it finally works.
I tried to restore my computer and see if I could individualize it again, and I also got the "server not available" message with WMP 9. Looks like only those who got their XP and WMP 9 individualized before this fall can still use the FairUse4WM trick indeed.

Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'll now make sure to keep a disk image with a working XP and WMP.

Most likely a hiatus till January.

Someone told me "super-air-bide-boule", which could also make sense looking at the way the Cras collide with each other.
>> No. 42497

Probably, it's christmas after all. Enjoy another 6 months hiatus before the plot actually advances.
>> No. 42498
There's only 7 episodes of season 2 left, so the plot will advance next episode.

The preview in the credits of ep 19 shows Qilby and Adamai.

But yeah, thanks for confirming there's a hiatus.

Sucks, but oh well.
>> No. 42499
File 132351628392.jpg - (111.20KB , 1468x760 , GOM 2011-12-10 12-15-16-71 - Copie.jpg )
oh yeah, "bide" works better. I just heard a "g" sound instead of "d" and got stuck on it, my bad ^^.
>> No. 42500
>I'm getting a "File not found." blank page.

Bat-apologies. That accentuated character plays havoc with web browsers - though when I punched the address in my download manager it worked.

The correct url is:
>> No. 42501
File 132351879464.png - (213.06KB , 423x200 , Ws2e19.png )

Thanks for the link,>>42500 on Ankama websites this video is still not watchable
>> No. 42502
>From everything I can tell, you need to have an XP install with WMP 'individualized' before a certain time period (seems around October this year).
I'll have to try and see if I can get it working on my two XP systems (one of which has WMP9 on, the other has WMP10).
>> No. 42503
File 132352451024.jpg - (24.82KB , 908x512 , dem ecaflips.jpg )
man, i bet he won them in a gamble.
>> No. 42505
Well I got that wrong.
Turns out that the system with WMP9 on has WMP11 on instead, and that has IndivKey version no. 11.0.6000.something, and the system I've just tried to update (with WMP10) now has IndivKey version no. 11.0.6001.8015.


Time to attempt a rollback then.
>> No. 42506
Yeah... that didn't work either. Bugger.

If anyone who got this working wants to send their IndivBox.key to me then I'll be grateful.
>> No. 42507
I doubt it as simple as that.
>> No. 42508
If that's the case then well... that sucks.
Still worth a go though... right?
I mean, if it doesn't work then it doesn't work.
>> No. 42510
>> No. 42511
I already tried, it doesn't work.
It only works if you remain on the same computer. For example, if for a reason or another you restore your computer to a save made before it was individualized, you can get your individualization back just by copy-pasting your DRM folder with the IndivBox.key.
But it doesn't work if you try to paste it to another computer.
>> No. 42512
File 132355608122.jpg - (11.99KB , 350x340 , tristepin seriously pissed off.jpg )
Aw shit.
Well that's the end of that then, and seeing as I have no pre-October individualised versions of WMP...
>pic related
>> No. 42513
File 132355609348.png - (695.89KB , 1024x576 , snapshot20111211022258.png )
>> No. 42514
I'll see if I can jimmy up some sort of virtual disk out of mine. It's on an old as fuck 1.4 GHz single core Athlon from a decade ago. Takes like 10 minutes for everything to finally boot up after entering the password. I have to delete a lot of crap out of it and making a virtual disk would take _forever_. It is also prone to randomly shutting off.

I need to find out if doing this might ruin it for myself and some other stuff. Don't expect this any time soon.
>> No. 42515
Take as long as you want; it's not an urgent requirement for me.

It's just annoying how it force updates now to 11.0.6xxx.xxxx. Damn you Microsoft!
>> No. 42518
shut up nwf
>> No. 42519

Sup NWF.
>> No. 42520
Ah, you noticed as well? Let's keep the crap out of this thread and wait for the mod, though. Feel free to call him out on /co/, though.
>> No. 42521
I just realized something: there is now an official release date for the MMO set for Febuary. Didn't someone in Ankama say that Square was just waiting for the game's release before doing an English localization for the cartoon?
>> No. 42522
Pretty sure thats just fanbase speculation
>> No. 42523
I'll second that.
>> No. 42524

As >>42522 said, its only speculations right now. No official date has been given as of yet.
However it would make sense to do so. Another thing might be still finding the right channel and timeslot for it. Cause dear gods of twelve, there is more then enough stuff in there that a soccermom could go badshit about. So the right channel and timeslot is a factor in how much stuff could get cut from the show.
>> No. 42525
Well, it showed on daytime Cartoon Network. Of course, that was Italy, and I don't know if it suffered any edits in the process. Just being optimistic.
>> No. 42526
Why do you need windows media player exactly?

I must have missed something in the thread
>> No. 42527
The DRM prevents you from playing it on anything else.
>> No. 42528
Oh Ankama's VODs?

Isn't there a way around the drm?
>> No. 42530
Start reading here >>42496
>> No. 42532
There's a dude on /co/ with them and posts screenshots from MPC. Might want to ask him what he does.
>> No. 42533
File 132361743899.jpg - (101.64KB , 1280x800 , brakmargirls.jpg )
do the screenshots have the France 3 logo in the upper left corner? cause then its not the VOD files. The VODs are completely logo free. and if its something like this
thats taken from WMP.
>> No. 42536
There's been a discussion about that actually, starting from >>42483
>> No. 42537
Neither. 1080, completely clean, sharp as fuck. He has a tripcode but I don't remember his name
>> No. 42538

it's him (he used to post with the name Team Rocket from what I remember but now only goes by the tripcode)
>> No. 42539
Ooh, ooh! Excuse me, but are you taking requests?
>> No. 42544
File 132366445788.png - (251.99KB , 357x346 , OzevB.png )
just curious, how are the subs for ep. 18 coming along? got a projected release date, or still too busy with finals n stuff to know?
>> No. 42551
We're hoping to finish it tomorrow. Hoping. Please cross your fingers, everyone.
Sorry for the delay.
>> No. 42552

looks like it will be a Tuesday or Wednesday release from the looks of it. proofreading should be finished later today and then the whole making the sub file and uploading it is left.
>> No. 42553
File 132368569387.jpg - (633.19KB , 1920x3194 , Untitled-1.jpg )
Sure. Preferably not a generic "That one scene of Amalia from ep 12 with that once face" and more specific. I'll post them in this thread, though.


All true.
>> No. 42560
File 132373002532.jpg - (43.21KB , 912x496 , Wakfu_S1E02_DVDRip_Softsub (1)_mkv_snapshot_03_43.jpg )
Alright! I guess I should request in that thread, too.
>> No. 42562
sweet dude. keep up the good work
>> No. 42566
So episode 18 subs this Friday, or when?

Just curious, I'm a bit new to the timing of these things.
>> No. 42567
we only have one last thing to take care of in proofreading, so the episode should be out on Wednesday.
>> No. 42569
well while we wait, how about we fawn over some of the new faces in the show like for instance some of the 12 Council members, Eva's sister, or that little sailor girl in the new episode? (gotta say Eva's sister is eye candy to me)
>> No. 42570
>(gotta say Eva's sister is eye candy to me)
Not just you amirite

I'm finding this whole "shitstorm" about Eva & Tristepin's relationship going through a difficult time hilarious. Shippers gonna ship I guess.
>> No. 42571
>while we wait, how about we fawn over some of the new faces

I'm just saying, but we don't need to bring up topics to discuss here since this is the subs thread. That would be more for /co/.
>> No. 42572
File 132380485987.jpg - (56.00KB , 568x472 , Yugo_amalia_2_0.jpg )
Yay, more shipping for my aids!
>> No. 42573
stop trying to make this a thing
>> No. 42575
so, proofreading is FINALLY done. Release is tomorrow.
>> No. 42577
File 132383543962.png - (24.88KB , 510x546 , 1323719907234.png )
>> No. 42583
File 132388225272.jpg - (105.86KB , 854x692 , Subs.jpg )
Cleophee goodness, now in English.

>SD Softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P2RPQBBL
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/HASRN2KT
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=268394

>SD Hardsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8CLODYLC
(Mirror links) => http://mir.cr/FXENKJTZ
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=268396

>HD softsubbed:
=> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9SUVRUFC
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=268398

>720p Hi10p encode:
(Torrent) => http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=268400

>Subs files + Font only:
=> http://www.mediafire.com/?xi77d83o91ils6v
>> No. 42584
Finally made the 720p encode smaller than the SD. You are now null and void! Toss me your nyaa password sometime so I can set up the archive page for easy user access.

Also Kenny come play League with Sabby and I sometime.
>> No. 42585
Thanks guys!! <33333
>> No. 42586
Thanks so much all the team
>> No. 42587
File 132389392898.jpg - (16.07KB , 423x272 , reaganapproves.jpg )
Thank you based subbers
>> No. 42588
Woooooooooooo!! Thank youuuuuuuuu!!!!
>> No. 42589
Despite all the filler, I'm really enjoying season 2. Thanks for the subs everyone, they're delicious!
>> No. 42590
File 13239067865.png - (583.68KB , 1016x575 , Excuse moi_.png )
>Download has stalled 8 times now
>> No. 42592
I... actually like it when Rubi and Grovy are bestest of buds, than in a love-hate struggle.
>> No. 42593
i know rite?
>> No. 42594
Just saw ep18 and HOT DAMN Cleophee is a hot piece of ass

And referee-lady was pretty hot too.
>> No. 42595
I do think it's a nice way of introducing relationship troubles for Tristepin and Eva. Basically, she's started to take him for granted while he still tries to impress her when he gets the chance. It's kinda obvious that while she's infatuated with him, it's not the same as it used to be.

Basically, eva is kind of being a dick. And she needs to realize you can't just take your loved ones for granted.
>> No. 42596
File 132394227424.jpg - (422.97KB , 1900x1595 , 1305441760346.jpg )
I find this funny because he died when she finally realized her feeling towards him, she should be a master of understanding to not take things for granted.

But instead she flips the bitch switch.
>> No. 42597
I wouldn't say she's being a bitch, more like she's just introverted and not used to having a romantic partner. Tristepin is a natural romantic, this kind of relationship comes easily to him, but Eva is pretty much a cold fish. She definitely needs to loosen up and start treating him a little better, but Grovy could stand to understand Eva's discomfort. Basically they just need to talk shit out.
>> No. 42598
I noticed that you didn't put a link to the 1080p download on brotherhoodoftofu.com, does this mean there will be no more 1080 encodes? Cause I was really looking forward to having all of season 2 in 1080.
>> No. 42599
As much as I like that refreshing change, I hope Rubi maintains some of his antagonistic attitude, it's not the same when he isn't sassing Grovy from time to time.
>> No. 42600
I dunno, pestering Amalia is a good alternative.
>> No. 42602
File 132396391064.jpg - (66.12KB , 896x504 , Wakfu_S2-E18_English-Hardsubbed_AF1B4AEC_avi_snaps.jpg )
Thanks for the subs, team.

Also, sup Luffy!
>> No. 42603
Oh lordy.... an ED joke.
>> No. 42605
>> No. 42606
Luffy's not alone on that particuliar screenshot...
>> No. 42607
do I really need to explain that half of the penis jokes in this show are about Grovy's sword?
>> No. 42608
I think it's more he didn't know ED is the common short hand for erectile dysfunction. The joke itself is pretty obvious.
>> No. 42609
File 132405341030.png - (1.18MB , 1920x1080 , Wakfu_S2-E18_HD-1080p_English-Softsubbed_559E0C45_.png )
heh, noticed an animation error - Grovys face is not painted here.
>> No. 42610
Luffy and Master Roshi are both watching the gladiatrools too, if you pause right after Grovy dashes in.
>> No. 42611
File 132407649029.png - (838.11KB , 1276x719 , cleo.png )
So, any estimate on subs for the new episode?
>> No. 42612
There was this posted on 4chan 6 hours ago:
>Probably yeah, we just finished transcribing the whole thing a couple of hours ago.

The expected release time is next week
>> No. 42613
I really loved her expression throughout that scene.
>> No. 42614

This is the type of images that make me want Eva replaced by Cleo.

Ya'll hatin'
>> No. 42615
nobody hates cleo, but she would be such a pointless addition to the group, never mind replacing eva who is a totally different character from her.
>> No. 42616
File 132410022096.png - (50.86KB , 270x281 , WAIT WHAT.png )
>Hear cleo cracked over his knee
>> No. 42617
So from the scene with Quilby and Adami, does that mean stuff will finally start happening now?

You could say shit got real in S1 at 17 at the latest, y so much filler this time?
>> No. 42618
Same here, I seriously jerked back from my screen.
>> No. 42619
Y'know, I wonder.
Is this popular and all? Y'know, in France/Belgium/Wherever its showing?
Just got curious, s all.
>> No. 42620
uh it's supposedly pretty popular in france? or at least it's france 3's moneymaker, but we've had people from france saying the opposite about it.
>> No. 42621
>we've had people from france saying the opposite about it
that was a troll from what I remember
>> No. 42622

yeah, pretty much. The guy seemed to talk out of his behind. Kept insisting that 20 to 25% market share that France 3 hold is unpopular and keeps insisting that everybody in France thinks its shitty, yeah right.
I can't remember where I saw it but shortly before season 2 started someone showed a pic from an ad in the french metro that advertised season 2. So yeah, I doubt France 3's would put up such expansive ads if they wouldn't expect to make the money back. So saying Wakfu is shitty and no one watches it like the guy kept insisting is pretty false. So it was probably a troll.
>> No. 42623
"Médiamétrie et Eurodata TV ont lancé une étude européenne sur la consommation télévisuelle des enfants. Wakfu sur France 3 en ressort "programme préféré des petits Français"."

And yeah, between 20 and 25% of market share, the only cartoon that has done better being "Titeuf", which is really popular.
>> No. 42626
>"En France, Wakfu, dessin-animé racontant les aventures d'Ogrest, ogre géant qui a réuni 6 Dofus, oeufs de dragon aux super pouvoirs, est le programme préféré des enfants."
>"In France, Wakfu, a cartoon telling the adventures of Ogrest, a giant ogre who has reunited the 6 Dofus, dragon eggs with super powers, is the favourite show of children."

I really don't want to argue... but they don't seem to have all their facts straight.
>> No. 42627
That site looks like it's not really reliable (not citing sources, several typos...), but let's go to the source.

> French producers have been quick to take advantage of this trend, and the distinctive anime ‘look' was also noticeable in many of the home-grown formats present in the top 15, such as Galactik Football (Gulli), Wakfu (France 3) and Rekkit the Rabbit (TF1).

From last September. So at the very least it was in the top 15 this year (you have to pay to order/see the charts if I'm not mistaken).
>> No. 42628
File 13241572657.jpg - (14.55KB , 251x242 , tears of laughter.jpg )
>"In France, Wakfu, a cartoon telling the adventures of Ogrest, a giant ogre who has reunited the 6 Dofus, dragon eggs with super powers, is the favourite show of children."
They couldn't have got that more incorrect if they'd even tried.
>> No. 42629
File 13241677244.png - (295.73KB , 300x452 , Bane-Breaking-Batman.png )
>> No. 42630
shouldn't that have broken her back?? holy shit
>> No. 42631
>Galactik Football
Man fuck that show.
Wasted a perfectly good premise.
>> No. 42632
As far as I'm concerned, she died at least twice in that episode. It's a shame, I don't like when cartoons go way over normal human toughness like that.
>> No. 42633
I've tried downloading the Sur te Pas music video using the softsub link that leads to MegaUpload, but the there's no subtitle file showing up for it. I've tried re-downloading it a few times, but that hasn;t worked. I've played it in VLC and Media Player Classic. It is supposed to have subtitles, right? Should I ask elsewhere?
>> No. 42634
Just curious: did it bother you when Sadlygrove got punched through three mountains? Granted, Grovy's the definition of a dumb brick while Cleo's a cra, so the dissonance could come from there.
>> No. 42636
File 132418725474.png - (966.40KB , 960x540 , vlcsnap-2011-12-18-00h44m01s33.png )
Is there some sort of sex pun here that didn't quite translate?
>> No. 42637
The one with the clips from the show? When I downloaded it, there were no subtitles. I don't think it's meant to come with subtitles. I believe there's a karaoke version with subtitles on youtube, however.
>> No. 42638
yeah, someone on a thread on /co/ said it was.
>> No. 42639
Remember, kids. If you break the stone, you're probably OK, because that proves that you were harder / tougher than the stone. If you *don't* break the stone, you're fucked.
>> No. 42640

>> No. 42641
The original French phrase was Peine-à-Cogner.
>> No. 42642
Yes, it did. I'm not saying I'm mad at Ankama, though, just that I don't like it. I think it's a matter of identifying with the characters, or suspension of disbelief. I was more willing to accept it for Nox and Grougaloragran given their power levels.
>> No. 42643
File 132423112030.jpg - (221.46KB , 1920x1080 , Wakfu_S2-E18_HD-1080p_English-Softsubbed_559E0C45_.jpg )
proofreader here
there's a lot of those in the episode

>sword doesn't grow
>> No. 42644
File 132423970536.jpg - (73.79KB , 1280x800 , size01.jpg )
or how about these two line.
>> No. 42645
File 132423975138.jpg - (76.11KB , 1280x800 , size02.jpg )
>> No. 42646
What does peine-à-cogner mean? I had someone tell me it was something like "sadness comes knocking", but I don't think that's accurate.
>> No. 42647
File 132424109914.png - (14.41KB , 125x125 , Ruel thinks you are full of crap.png )

You guys seriously think they made these phrases as sex puns? Most of you sure have a perverted mind...
>> No. 42648
"peine-à-cogner" (litt. "hard-time striking") refers to "peine à jouir" (litt. "hard time orgasming") which is a common expression for (you guessed it) people who have a hard time reaching climax (especially frigid women). It's also commonly used in a figurative way for people who are boring / killjoy / too serious to have fun.

In the episode, the organizer/commentator tuned this into a fighting expression, and used it for her stage name, ilmplying Eva was weak at brawling, but the original expression (especially its figurative meaning) is clearly hinted at, emphasizing her killjoy/no-fun-allowed side.

Also, Rubilax made a similar comment earlier (in the organizer's office), saying Eva was a "peine à jouer" ("hard time playing/having fun"). I think it was trabnslated as "she's never in the mood"
>> No. 42649
French is my native language and I can assure ou that there's no way these are not intentional in the original dialogues.
It's not about having a perverted mind when you see the jokes...
It's about being too young, too naive, or not cultured enough when you don't see them.
And it's not like Ankama doesn't have a track record for these kind of things anyway.
>> No. 42650
Seconded (except for that last one).
>> No. 42651
Thanks, this is precisely what I was wondering.
Are you watching the same show as the rest of us?
>> No. 42653
i dunno' how you couldn't have seen those lines as at least somewhat sexual

i can grammar i swear
>> No. 42654
You sure haven't watched much of what Ankama does.
>> No. 42655
I'm pretty sure the Dofus game is much less apologetic about their innuendoes and thinly-veiled porno references, than the cartoon.
>> No. 42662
Just wondering if there's an ETA on episode 19's subs?
>> No. 42664
For those of you that are wondering when they will resume airing episodes in France, Ankama just took a Christmas break, and will continue airing episodes after spending some time with their families.
>> No. 42665
Not yet, but it's mostly translated. Still missing a chunk in the middle, but it's mostly translated.
Does anyone want a rough script like I did for the previous episode? Taking expressions of interest.
>> No. 42666
Are you aware that you're not answering the question at all? That's like saying "they stopped for a while"... we already know that. No offense, though.
>> No. 42667
Do we want to be able to watch Wakfu early? Yes, yes we do.
>> No. 42668
aka march
>> No. 42669
Ankama isn't even subtle with sexual stuff. In season one they had girls showering Boufball players with their bras, and I think one set of panties.
>> No. 42670
Yeah, those girls in the Goultard special certainly weren't topless and throwing their underwear at him. He totally wasn't grabbing his wife's chest either. And that condom sword in-game? Despite all the talk of protection and how it can only be used once, and its shape, it obviously isn't a condom AT ALL!
>> No. 42671
Totally not a penis-shaped ring

Totaly not a condom, just a strange bwork artifact

Totally not sperm, its even spelled differently

Totally not .... err... ah, crap, I give up!
>> No. 42672

Damn guys, I was only talking about those phrases, not about Ankama in general. I already know the kind of context they put now and then, but I don't see this being one of those cases.

And this >>42671, I definitely didn't need to know this. Pass the bleach.
>> No. 42673

>>42648 explained the origin of that term, so yes it was an innuendo.
>> No. 42678
File 132454898298.jpg - (49.36KB , 854x480 , Doh.jpg )
>Some news about ep.19 subs
I just finished translating the few lines that were left, so editing and timing can finally be done properly.
However, tomorrow I'm leaving for some little Christmas weekend holidays, during which I'll be quite away from my computer. And since proofreading won't be done by then, don't expect the actual release before next week.

In the mean time, here's a draft version of the script I've posted for the most impatient ones:
=> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZJhO-XzcbfeQcUaLs6MqUSSygjMmgQ-83PjV2HRU2Pc/edit

This'll allow you at least to understand what's going on.
>> No. 42679
File 132457129726.gif - (2.34MB , 302x306 , 1299273921331.gif )
>Cléophée: My opinion? Needs more salt.

Goddammmit Ankama...
>> No. 42680
she likes swallowing salty slimy things
>> No. 42681
o well. still better than season 1. thank you for even doing this
>> No. 42683
Any new eps this week or are they taking a one of those mythical Longass French Year-end Breaks?
>> No. 42684
see >>42664
>> No. 42686
Someone on 4chan mentioned that the Ogrest special is being reaired on the 7th, with the series resuming on the 14th.
>> No. 42691
That's weird.. the 14th isn't even a saturday :/
>> No. 42692
File 132487881187.png - (144.17KB , 800x649 , Calendar-2012.png )
>> No. 42695
didn't they just finish taking the september break? dayum, i have to get a job in france.
>> No. 42696
French employers are required to give ALL employees, even entry level, at least 5 weeks vacation every year. France is a great place to work, as far as that goes.

(This has nothing to do with all the breaks and hiatuses though)
>> No. 42697
Ahh, the legendary French holidays.
Of course whether the employee chooses to use the holidays is another matter altogether.
>> No. 42698
yeah yeah,but,the episodie 19 s2 subs??
>> No. 42699
delayed because of christmas :P ankama isn't the only one deserving of a break ya know!
>> No. 42700
yeah yeah, But the day? sorry for my grammar, I have a hurry
>> No. 42701
Breaks? Ankima are paid to produce their products. You subbers are doing this on your own free time for a demanding fan base. You get no breaks.

/playful leg-pulling
>> No. 42702
>Of course whether the employee chooses to use the holidays is another matter altogether.

Yeah, it's probably baffling to Americans who get shit benefits, but most French workers don't actually use their "mandated 5 weeks holiday"
>> No. 42703
>French workers don't actually use their "mandated 5 weeks holiday"
... mostly because most companies applies 35hours per weeks + RTT systems, meaning that they have plenty of mandatory day off to take wihtout touching the 5weeks/years.
of course we're talking about real job there. cashiers and burger flippers kind of deserved their shitty pseudo job to begin with.
>> No. 42704
Totally off topic, yet somewhat related to Waksubbers policies.

Ponyarchive got shut down by Hasbro for distributing non-marked 1080p episodes, yet the site owners have the nerve to throw a hissy fit about it like it's their godgiven right to distribute DVD-quality rips.

So I thank the Wakteam for their no-DVD-subbing vigilance and dedication!
>> No. 42705
Correction: no-VOD-subbing vigilance (in reference to the 1080p part); the unauthorised by the +4 sub team DVD rips were something like 496p or an equally stupid number.
>> No. 42706
File 132518958834.jpg - (123.25KB , 622x670 , all_the_fucks.jpg )
>Ponyarchive got shut down by Hasbro
>> No. 42707
>cashiers and burger flippers kind of deserved their shitty pseudo job to begin with.

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Maybe it's even true in France.
>> No. 42708
>cashiers and burger flippers kind of deserved their shitty pseudo job to begin with

don't be a dick.
>> No. 42711
>cashiers and burger flippers kind of deserved their shitty pseudo job to begin with

I hope you realise that in today's economy, even having that job is something many people look forward to, monsieur prick.
>> No. 42716
Because that's the resolution PAL dvds are. Which is also why the episodes are 25 frames/sec rather than 30 which you are probably used to.
>> No. 42717
>Haven't watched Wakfu in awhile, decide to catch up
>get to episode 19, notice it's just a draft
>watch it anyway
>find out cleophee is still in the series
>Whelp, maybe next season will be better.

I have nothing against this show.. I really loved it up to the part she was introduced. She's pretty much exactly like Eva but prettier and a better attitude than Eva currently. I feel like Ankama has made Eva really bitchy the last dozen episodes or so, just to introduce her sister who is obviously nicer than Eva, and will probably end up in some sort of relationship with Grovy (dear god I hope this doesn't happen, though)

Anyway, to stay on topic- Awesome job on the subs considering it's not done by 'professionals'. Keep up the amazing work.
>> No. 42718
>Because that's the resolution PAL dvds are
Huh... that's something I've never known

>I feel like Ankama has made Eva really bitchy the last dozen episodes or so
I agree with the first part of that, but 12 episodes?! I think you've miscalculated that, because that's over half the season so far.
>> No. 42719
>> and will probably end up in some sort of relationship with Grovy

>>This is what shippers actually believe.
>> No. 42720
They will have a relationship, less like lovers, more like bros.
Really blindly-optimistic, fight-happy bros.
>> No. 42722
So you're letting one character ruin the entire season for you? That's kind of silly. Also Cleo and Eva aren't really all that similar, it's not like before Cleo was introduce she (Eva) was the one wanting to get in random brawls and run off to mess around with pirates. Eva has always kind of been the naggy one, it's just more front and center this season.

Also, there is no way Ankama is going to have Grovy, a generally nice person, break up with his girlfriend so he can hook-up with her younger sister. There is no way they could come out of that with Grovy or Cleo looking even remotely like good people.
>> No. 42723
>There is no way they could come out of that with Grovy or Cleo looking even remotely like good people.
I'm getting a feeling that if that happened, it'd be like the ill-fated Christmas episode of Digimon Adventure 02.
>> No. 42725
Welp, not posting those online was fun when it lasted.
>> No. 42726
Oh, dear. I'm not savvy with file sizes, does the mb size seem consistent with that sort of thing? It could just be an elaborate trolling attempt...
>> No. 42727
I just opened one of them in Megavideo and it is the VOD episode (thankfully without subs).
>> No. 42729
And it's 720p. Arent the VOD ones glorious 1080p?
>> No. 42730
Remove that at once from the project thread. Last thing we need are C&D's from Ankama. Wasn't the HF drama enough? Does it needs to end with BoT taken down and worst case scenario peoples on the team getting their ass busted by Ankama?
>> No. 42731
>implying I'm that person
I have no idea who posted it.
>> No. 42732
Assuming since you posted the link here, which does more damage then anything else to the subbing team.
And so far you still haven't removed your post.
>> No. 42733
It's gone now.
>> No. 42734
well than thank you for listening.
I'm just concerned that we will risk C&Ds from Ankama.
The HF dilemma was enough and we all have learned from that.
As long as we don't go overboard Ankama will leave us in alone.
>> No. 42735
All the files are gone now. That link leads to nowhere. I'm glad that person listened to reason.
>> No. 42736
Im afraid I missed all the hubbub.

What happened for those 5 seconds?
>> No. 42737
So.. Ep 19 subs were supposed to come out this week, yet.. there's nothing. (If you release it tomorrow, that would be weird considering it's New Years :3)
>> No. 42738
Some moron thought it was a great idea to jeopardise the whole subbing effort, ala Ponyarchive VS Hasbro takedown, by linking high-res non-watermarked videos.

with emphasis on 'non-watermarked'.
>> No. 42739
you really expected people to work between christmas and new year eve? dude come on
>> No. 42740
Hey subbers, havent been on for sometime. Just wanted to come and say Happy Holidays and rest up for this new year. You deserve it.
>> No. 42741
File 132537519729.jpg - (104.19KB , 1280x800 , happy new year from the Wakfu gang.jpg )
A Happy New Year from the whole +4chan Wakfu Subbing Team to all the people out there.
>> No. 42771
When can we expect the episode 19 to come?

I hope it's soon, cause I need ma wakfu dose :) and thanks to all the translators so far for doing this fantastic work.
>> No. 42773
Hello people. Heard of the project and I would be greatly interested in helping you guy in the translation of the comic and animated show. As I've been living in a country where there is a very high concentration of french talking people, and that culturally we are greatly connected to france, yet at the same time in proximity of an english speaking country, I find it very easy to translate text and the like. Altrought I am well aware that I am nobody at the moment, let me prove my usefullness by letting me translate some wakfu work.

Sadly, I don't have in my possession untranslated work, as much of my wakfu library came from thebrotherhoodoftofu.com, where only finished work are published, as far as I know. I could help in the translation of episode 19: A fistful of Kamas, if help is needed. I could always help in the translation of the next episode.

Sadly, I don't have the equipment nor access to france television so I could only help if I had a .flv or something similar of the episode.

In hope that I can be useful, I wish you all a goodday and goodluck on the project
>> No. 42781
File 132563595752.jpg - (21.52KB , 683x538 , 1322639739806.jpg )
Canada is not a real country.
>> No. 42782
I love all you fine people. Just started watching the softsubbed versions you guys did a week ago, and I really, really appreciate the effort. Great show, great work, great in general.
>> No. 42783
I'm assuming that Kenny will make a new thread once episode 19 is released, right?
>> No. 42784
I will indeed, since this one has just hit autosage.
>> No. 42785
Implying it wil ever be released and we didn't secretly dissolve the team before the holidays
>> No. 42786
oh frenchy
u so ka-razy
>> No. 42787
File 132570131730.png - (108.50KB , 365x289 , 1293482345.png )
Don't you dare to scare me like that.
>> No. 42788
I'm making teriible jokes and there's nothing you can do to stop me
>> No. 42791
Ep.19 released in new thread: >>42789
>> No. 43202
Recently started watching this show and its better than most anime
>> No. 43203
Love the series, how often does ankama upload a new episode
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