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File 129780662867.png - (519.60KB , 735x713 , zone-tan.png )
35500 No. 35500
Over on 4chan's /co/, we have a 250+ post thread going about theoretical commissions we would have Zone do. Eventually, we got the idea that maybe the Anonymous posters of the chans could come up with enough money to actually commission Zone. How? I don't know. That's why I'm posting here.

The very first thing to do would be to come up with a character everyone is satisfied with. I know some things that Zone won't touch are: loli, guro, scat, futa, yaoi, and Zone-tan. I am personally suggesting we don't do anything with tentacles, since they're over-used. Since this originated on /co/, we would only go for /co/'s majority instead of trying to get every single person that contributes to agree on something. Of course, Zone would need to approve the character before we move on. At that time, we'd let him know what we are planning to do.

Next, we would need to have an accountability system. If we don't send the money directly to Zone and he'd let us know when we have enough, we would have to have a very trustworthy person hold the money until it's enough to send to Zone. This person would not let anyone back out once they send the money.

If I recall correctly, a full-bodied Zone flash costs around $600 dollars. If we had 6 richfags contribute $100, we would all go buy lottery tickets since we'd be swimming in luck. If 60 Anonymous fappers from 4chan's /co/ contributed, we'd be rather lucky. If we got 600 Anonymous posters from 4chan's /b/, /co/, /d/, /h/, 7chan, maybe 2ch, etc, throw up $1, we would still get to the goal. So what I'm saying is that we have to get more than 4chan's /co/ in on this and probably have an open contribution level (and maybe set a suggested contribution level at $10).

So what do you guys think? Is this viable? Any suggestions on doing something differently?

PS: My 4chan tripcode will be  ZoneCollab !!gMOUMMe16Y8
1 post omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 35504
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I wish it were possible to buff existing projects into full games. Wakfu's been on a backburner for half a year and according to Fluffy it's only a short movie and a loop.

Fluff said he'd love for it to be more but Zone is keeping the project small. I'd happily throw in a 50 towards changing that and get them working on it faster.
>> No. 35510
Yeah, no. This isn't going to be like that Palcomix shit we got fucked out of long ago.

1. Comic/fan characters are out, since there's no audio source. It'd need to be from a show.

2. Also, throw out garbage like Adveture Time and Wild Thornberries; we're not blowing 600 bucks on some stick figures/unfappable stuff. Not matter how many 'lulz' will be had.
>> No. 35511
3. How do we know it wont be one person samefagging the shit out of a character, or you yourself picking Rogue because you want it and just want us to pay for it?
>> No. 35512
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One of /co/'s many queens. Ruffnut or Pepper Potts. Amy would be impossible.
>> No. 35513
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I followed the thread you had going up in 4chan and think the idea of collaboratively financed /34/ whether Zones or any kinds is a great idea. To get things rolling there must be organization. OP you might want to start by getting Zones contact info and inquiring if he is avail to do a full video at this time. Also what the group will get for their money once he is contracted. All our ideas batted back and fourth don't matter at all if he's currently busy or on hiatus. You might want to inquire with him as to whether he would 'bank' for us. i.e. take payments in dribs and drabs until the full amount is reached. He may be uncomfortable with that burden so we may need to have an independent 'holder' Said holder must pledge to hold the money and even return it should a contributor get cold feet (contributor being assessed a $1 fee for the return of his/her money). Holder must have the responsibility to get the pooled funds to the Artist safely. I figure bottom line in any commision is that theres going to be two jobs the commsioner who pitches the proposal to the artist and in return is given options by the artist that he must then relay to the contributors and the money holder responsible for holding the money these two jobs can be held by the same person but it is essential to delineate whos doing what. The decision of what idea to go with once options are extablished by the artist should entail a vote amongst contributors a contributer getting one vote for every 5 dollars he or she puts in (it is only fair that someone who is putting up more should get more of a say also a five dollar contrib should be a minimum to keep the holder from going crazy) Contributors who chime in to this thread (or any commsion) should lead with A) what character options they would want and B) how much they would be willing to pay for them. Once we get enough people in we can start sending the money to the 'holder' for him to hold onto until the full amount is reached. If I get further into this I will tripcode up to give more long term help and will refer to this post when (and if) I do. My interests for a commision would be X-men Evo Rogue (possibly doing lesbian stuff with Jean, Mystique, or her alter ego Risty?) Some of the Disney Princesses like Jasmine Ariel or Belle would be fine. I would be willing to throw in $15 to see these happen. Let me know your feedback.
>> No. 35514
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1. Good point. That's obvious in retrospect.
2. Another good point. Whoever we choose will be "normal looking".

3. We will need to organize through email. Perhaps what should happen is we hold it to a vote on /co/, and then "trusted members" of the community can ultimately decide. "Trusted members" as in people who have an established reputation and probably an existing DA account to verify themselves. Since I am tentatively organizing this thing, I would sit in on this discussion but not be overly influential. I know I don't have anything to back this up with, but I am a very trustworthy person.

Or, we figure out a site we can use that makes samefagging impossible. Like a webcam site where your vote only counts if you show your face.

In a more perfect world, people would be able to vote with their monetary contribution. I know that wouldn't work since people would get buttdevastated if their character wasn't picked.

This is a brainstorming thread, so hit me with your suggestions too.

I think we will have to deal with samefagging no matter what we do, so we will always have to find a way to eliminate this as much as possible.
>> No. 35515
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I think THE safest bet is to have Zone hold any pooled money. Or maybe there are reputable middle-man services on the internet that can do this for us. I'd have to look.

I tried to get in contact with Zone but his "Contact" page is down. If you know his email, let me know and I'll hit him up.

You can start tripcoding now, the more identifiable people in this the better.
>> No. 35516
Oh, his "Contact page" is just a mailto:

Nevermind, I got it.
>> No. 35517
I have signed up for an email and I'll post it with my tripcode so you know this is the official email.

>> No. 35518
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>and then "trusted members" of the community can ultimately decide. "Trusted members" as in people who have an established reputation and probably an existing DA account to verify themselves

And then we'll be in complete shock when Cheeseblade picks Princess Bubblegum, or Wyatt picks the W.I.T.C.H. girls, or Tim picks Booster Gold or whatever.

Just make a poll on a website somewhere.
>> No. 35519
Trust me he's not the only one who wants Rogue. Also thats why people should attach to their choice for 'subject' of the piece the amount they're willing to contribute along with their choice. Money should only be sent when we have at least 3/4 of the cost of a commsion pledged by people here THEN we find out who was blowing smoke and who was actually contributing. If enough people back out then everyone who DID contribute should get there money back somehow.
>> No. 35520
Orrrr Like I said before how much influence you have would depend upon how much you paid into the commision. Thats the only fair way to do it. Only payers should vote on decisions as to the direction of the toon in proportion to which they are paying.

Also >>35513 Tripfagging it up.
>> No. 35521

I wouldn't trust anybody but Zone with a penny of our money, not even myself. Anyone would get a single vote for a character, and if they want to choose a personal favorite that's fine.

If the voting can be done without potential for samefagging, then it will be majority rules. Otherwise, we would have to come up with something else.

Perhaps two rounds of voting: the first to establish a small pool of characters, and the second to pick a single one.

I can see the "voting with donations" working with this. Anyone can throw a name in the first round. The second round will work by voting with donations and whoever donates will have to understand that their choice may not be picked.

Again, these ideas are merely brainstorming, nothing is for sure AT ALL yet.
>> No. 35522
You know we could vote on a best or a top two or even three subjects for the commision THEN people could make the decision as to whether or not to contribute to any of the finalists. First horse that gets past the post (i.e. whichever idea gets $600 or whatever the cost is to zone ) gets commisioned. The other ideas needn't be discarded they can be 'next in line' to be done by zone after the first one gets done (assuming of course it gets enough money).
>> No. 35523
I'd be willing to shell out 50-100 for Pepper/Whitney or Pepper/random dudes. Zone might go for Pepper/Iron Man tentacle suit tho judging by his pic
>> No. 35524
That might be a popular choice. It's certainly not a bad idea. We should include it amongst the first round draft choices. Keep that interest up and keep your eyes open for voting .
>> No. 35536
Provided we all agree on a character, there's still the subject of what they'll do.

Do we really want another Zone tenticle scene or could we go for some other fetish?
>> No. 35547
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>> No. 35554

I really, REALLY hope the Wakfu flash doesn't go into tenticles, simply because some characters can summon plants. Zone's beaten that dead horse so much, it's reduced to mincemeat and we need something new.
>> No. 35555


(Yes, I like my porn gramatically correct.)
>> No. 35557
I don't know any of those guys (not from /co/), but couldn't Fluffy just do it on his own?
>> No. 35563
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Boxdog flash ala ZONE.
Bonus points of Boxy is given a cutesy sugary voice.

>> No. 35566
Gee, this sure doesn't look like a disingenuous attempt to get everybody else to commission art of your favorite fap character, decided by a "committee" nobody can verify and chaired by new, unfamiliar tripfags none of us would bet money on were legitimate.

Add Pepper Potts, the Witch Girls, Misty, and all the other characters most commonly frequented by crazy, obsessive stalkers to the Out Of the Question List if you want even a passing glance that this isn't all just yet another ploy for free art.
>> No. 35567
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>> No. 35568
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I would make sure that the process is transparent enough that people like you aren't uppity about it.

If you don't contribute money then you have zero say in the character decided. If someone wants to put up $400 for their character and other people like it, then that's the character we'll do. If that same person wants to put up $10 for the same character and no one else wants it, then the person is out of luck.

Any cartoon that's just stick figures (eg. xkcd) or very simplistic (eg. Powerpuff (though that falls under loli too)) should be out of the question. Any Characters that are more realistic (musculature, approximately correct proportions, etc.) are in the running. This includes things like WITCH and that Nazi Horse show, but if no one votes for them then it won't be done.

I think the best way to prevent samefagging is (unfortunately) by camwhoring. Send/post a picture of yourself with a sign voting for a character and a timestamp. Obviously, no one really wants to be identifiable due to the nature of the project, so you could censor your eyes out or something, just make sure that it would still be obvious that you're not taking pictures of yourself from different angles in different rooms trying to samefag (DON'T START DOING THIS YET, it's just an idea).
>> No. 35569
Handing money to anyone this early is a sure way to piss somebody off. What if someone donates $50 for Rogue and then a vote changes the character or plot to something they hate?

We could just give a name (alias) and say what we intend to donate. Collab rounds up a total and when we hit $600, we get in contact with zone, direct him to the thread so he knows what the character is and we all send in our money.

Downside to this is people could pull out, lose contact or simply troll us by not cashing in at the time.
>> No. 35572
Guys, this kind of shit is what Kickstarter was MADE FOR.

Settle on a character, then make a Kickstarter campaign (don't mention it's porn, say it's for commissioned artwork or something). If you don't reach the $600, Kickstarter returns all the donations. If you make it to $600, you have to deliver something to the donators within a certain time period, so you should probably talk to Zone before starting collections.
>> No. 35573
For $600 we could commission an artist like Andrei to draw all the animation parts for 3 flashes.

Translating them into vectors and animation would be another matter though.
>> No. 35574

No, see, we actually want this to be good.
>> No. 35579
Well that's your taste. Fact remains that he and quite a few others could produce the assets at much more reasonable prices and not take a year to do it.

Granted, Zone knows his flash animation. decompile his stuff and there'd be layers of instances for stuff most others would leave as one whole piece. His choice of game mechanics is old though.
>> No. 35645
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I got an email back from Zone. He says he's up for it as long as all the details are finalized before he finishes the Sakura and Wakfu Flashes.

I'm not sure if Zone wants me posting his prices, but I can say that the $600 price is for a GAME, like the HKG series. Minis are less, parodies are more.

Before you say "that's outrageous!", consider how long it actually takes to make one of these, especially the parodies with the voice editing.

This is...basically perfect. We will need to collect the full amount before Zone begins, and this is the perfect site to do it. Let me look into the site further and see if it will work.

Zone also said "As for subject matter that I'd prefer, anything that isn't originally 3D since I wouldn't be able to do it justice in Flash. I don't really have any specific characters in mind (except Kylie Griffin as always, but that's a bit obscure). Also, no ponies..."

I was thinking that it might be easier to definitively decide on a character beforehand, and then get people to donate if they want that character. That way, it seems like we can use Kickstarter to pool funds over a period of a few months instead of only being able to collect after we go through a process of selecting a character. This character would have to be extremely popular, and whoever is doing fundraising will have to reach outside of 4chan (probably). Also, it might be wise to choose a character that "belongs" at least two of the three big boards of /a/, /v/, and /co/ to reach as many potential contributors as possible.

>> No. 35646
Whoop, check this out.
>Kickstarter.com Terms of Use
>Rules and Conduct
>By way of example, and not as a limitation, you shall not (and shall not permit any third party to) either (a) take any action or (b) upload, download, post, submit or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of any content on or through the Service, including without limitation any User Submission, that:
>is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another's privacy, tortious, obscene, offensive, or profane
>obscene, offensive, or profane

Unfortunately, this project probably falls under one of those categories so I don't think we can use Kickstarter. Are there any other sites like Kickstarter that allow projects like this?
>> No. 35650
No-3D is odd since he did a Juri one. Ask him about that.
>> No. 35651
Also that 2 board thing is odd.. don't really know any character that fits, and is actually popular.
>> No. 35659
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Hey ZoneCol perhaps rather than this 'kickstarter' thing, perhaps Zone himself could be the money holder? It would work like this Zone would have a tote board probably on Zone-Sama (or maybe some some other place that would be linked to on zone-sama). It would work exactly like fund raising for a website (or public broadcasting) it would tally all contributions to the creation of a video and post confirtmations of money deposited on the same site. Any posts made on 4chan would be awareness raising for the fundraising NOT fundraising itself. We would gather info on what the most popular ideas are and then channel the top 1-3 most popular ideas to zone (prehaps we could have more than one so that if someone didn't like the most popular idea they could conrtibute to alternates) and he would make tally boards for the idea(s) on his site (along with current amounts acquired) and give info on how to contribute there too. Since he would be the money holder there would be no problem with accusations that we people out collecting ideas for him were scamming people for money under his name. After the 1-3 ideas were chosen (and fundraising boards put up on zone) we could come back to 4chan and bring awareness of the choices and how to contribute to them. Perhaps instead of creating an independent money collection place maybe we could help him arrange to gather money on his site (or other alllied site) though I would have no idea how to do that. I also think the one to three ideas that would be advertised on his site would be of course chosen before people sent money that way they could know what they're sending money to. What do you think?
>> No. 35660
>no ponies

Welp, I was gonna try scrap something up for this effort, but that shiv'd the deal for me.
>> No. 35688
> Unfortunately, this project probably falls under one of those categories so I don't think we can use Kickstarter. Are there any other sites like Kickstarter that allow projects like this?

There's ChipIn, but they have similar terms. Although I'm not sure why they should even find out about the content of the Flash. Just call the project something like "/co/'s Animation Collab" and keep the description vague. You could even claim you're raising money for Zone's new Wacom tablet or whatever, it's not like they would ever know.

Failing that, having Zone manage it seems like the next best (acceptable) option, although I doubt he would want to do that. I'd agree with a system where there are 3 options, and everyone who donates votes (if they want to) on the option they want to see the most. 1$ = 1 voice would seem like a good gauge to me, although in a sense it gives more decision power to Europeans, all things considered.
>> No. 35694
>keep the description vague. You could even claim you're raising money for Zone's new Wacom tablet or whatever, it's not like they would ever know.
The TOS says that if I did this, they would have legal grounds to prosecute me.
>> No. 35760
I still think we could make things more interesting if we donated more then just money. Looking at some of the crazy stuff done with flash now, it would be cool if we could get one of those guys to make something for Zone's flashes.

Imagine a Zone flash with features like the Deep Thoat game. The more a character fucks/sucks/schlicks, the messier they get. It wouldn't be hard for Zone to put his art and animation talents into that.
>> No. 35877
best idea
>> No. 35881
I don't trust Zone 'holding' my money
>> No. 35974
Hello my name is Mr. Enoz and I come from... some place far away. Yes, that will do. Anyway I say we give all that money to Zone.
>> No. 35978
I see what you did there...
>> No. 35995
He would be receiving payment just like any other commision he has only difference being he would get the money from multiple people over a longer period of time. How is it he's trustable to receive $600 in one shot from one commisioner but if say 15 guys send money in they can expect to be cheated?
>> No. 39139
Still taking suggestions?

Marie from EEnD. Or maybe all of the Kanker sisters even. Might be a little too young, its kind of hard to tell their age. I think they attended a middle school.

Tak from Invader Zim

Another Avatar girl besides Toph. Maybe Azula (although if we agreed on Azula, I bet there would be arguments on what exactly she'd be doing.) I'd hope for Day-of-Black-Sun-AzulaxSokka stuff, personally. She has had a lot of screen time, so there is likely plenty of material to take out of context.
Jin is also pretty hot, but she was only in one episode, so there might not be as much material.

Sarah from The Boondocks

Korra (for a future commission if this one manages to get off the ground.)

I kind of think a girl from Avatar would be the most likely to get donations.
>> No. 43130
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>> No. 43131
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>> No. 43132
>> No. 43133
>> No. 43134
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