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File 129770272851.png - (199.03KB , 320x447 , 139-[wakfu-tcg]-le-collectionneur.png )
35414 No. 35414
Here we translate the Wakfu TCG to English. Some people will also be working on an interface to manage cards, à la Magic WorkStation for those who are familiar with the thing.


Rulebook PDF:

French card reference:
Expand all images
>> No. 35416
The first thing I would like to hear about, from those who will be implementing the translations into the program (or photoshopping the cards) is how I/we should bring the translations to you.

I made a basic card template on the wiki, based on an Ally. Obviously if we keep this method we'll need templates for other card types, but is it worth the trouble? If we get a photoshopper on this we could skip that part and just upload the translated cards to the wiki.

Card template:
>> No. 35417
File 129770397114.jpg - (318.96KB , 537x752 , AeronZekloxlv2.jpg )
I'm currently working on making the card typeset ready with the less loss possible.
>> No. 35418
So are you/we leaving the PA, PM, PV and Traits in French?
>> No. 35419
I see no reason to do it. It's not like changing them to AP/MP/HP would change anything in my opinion. But I talk french in my everyday life so I'm probably biased.
>> No. 35420
I can read French so I'm not interested in the translation anywhere as much as I'm interested in the Wakfu-dedicated MWS-like interface. Unfortunately, the program is the part I can't help with at all.

Still, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. Who knows, I might be able to offer suggestions on some of the trickier bits of the translation if they pop up here.

Regardless, a big thanks to all those involved.
>> No. 35421
Well, I know people have mentioned that having the French keywords would be sufficient once explained. It probably also makes the project more legitimate on the copyright side of things since we'd be aiming to provide a guide to English speakers rather than localizing the whole game.

I guess I'll leave it up to you since you're the one who'll have to bother with the editing!
>> No. 35422
In fact the more I look and the more I think that the only thing that would really need a translation are effects that are not keyword, since keyword can be learned.
>> No. 35423
I would leave the PA, PM and PV as they are. People can easily make the connection using the one different letter (Action, Movement, Vitality). After a very short while of playing the game you don't even look at the letters anymore, anyway.

Traits though... making the connection between a word and its corresponding rule might be much easier if they're directly related. An word for which the meaning is not readily known forces an extra step in the process.

Then again, seeing Agilité or Géant instead of Agility or Giant is not exactly a big obstacle. Forgeron is probably also understandable easily enough.

I think only the less obvious traits should require changing. The rest could be left as is.
>> No. 35424
> I think only the less obvious traits should require changing. The rest could be left as is.

While I agree with the reasoning, I think it should be all or nothing (as far the traits are concerned). I'm sure the various "points" are fine left in French, though. What do you say, Anego? Would the traits be too much of a bother?
>> No. 35425
I see your point...

Like Anego, I speak French in everyday life. I'm taking into account that I'm biased and am trying to compensate for that bias.

On a personal level I think it wouldn't be hard for players to learn the few keywords that aren't English-y enough.

Alright, I'd vote to leave them all in as is. Just add the English word in the trait's description in the rulebook and you're good to go!
>> No. 35426
Well I'm currently looking at the card layout and I should say that I don't mind having to do keyword too but not having to do so would mean less work. Also Having to translate keyword mean that we need to agree on the terms right now.
>> No. 35427
Yeah... here's the list according to the manual, of course there's always the possibility that they would add more in a future pack or revision.

Agilité, Unique, Géant, Résistance... and the four professions: Armurier, Forgeron, Bijoutier, Bricoleur.

Most are indeed easy to guess, the exception being the professions.

My vote would be in favor of translating them, personally. Reason: as opposed to HP, for instance, it's a mechanic that's proper to the game (no universal translation) and will probably be mentioned often. Having them in English will facilitate understanding, as anonymous said earlier, as well as make it easier to explain a card's properties aloud.
Let's see where the majority goes.
>> No. 35428
Wow, is that the full list?

The traits are laughably similar to the English words, but as you say, professions could get confusing.

Perhaps a compromise is in order? Leaving traits as is and translating professions sounds like it'd be good enough. It feels less half-assed than translating half of the stuff in one category too: none of the traits, all of the professions.
>> No. 35429
Oh wait you're right that doesn't make sense. Those are the special traits that appear with the effects. The regular traits can be anything from Allié, Monstre, etc. to Bonta, Amakna to Potion, Challenge, Chapeau and Mégamane.
>> No. 35430
So basically we can expect new ones with any expansion pack and we can't be sure that everything will be obvious to the international audience ("chapeau" for instance probably doesn't look like anything a random English speaker knows). Of course names like Xélor and Mégamane would remain the same.
>> No. 35431
Translate them.
>> No. 35432
File 129771484375.png - (83.12KB , 732x164 , font.png )
Anego, I think I got the proper fonts - maybe they're not the ones actually used, but they seem very similar to me.

The card names, although it does not matter since we're not changing them are most likely Blair Bold.
For the description text, AG Old Face seems like a pretty good fit (screenshot attached).

I got the latter from the following torrent, just install AG Old Face Regular.ttf and perhaps the bold one as well.
>> No. 35433
Well then here are my suggestion for the different keyword.

Agilité -> Agility
Unique -> Unique
Géant -> Giant
Résistance -> Resist
Armurier -> Armorsmith
Forgeron -> Weponsmith
Bijoutier -> Jeweler
Bricoleur -> Handyman

Personally I won't touch the card types seeing as I probably can't restore the image after doing so. To atone for my lack of skills (and lazyness) I'll try to use the english name for monsters
>> No. 35434
Pretty much what I had in mind, but I don't know if the forgeron does weapons only. Maybe we could go with Armorer and Blacksmith?

And what do you mean by
> Personally I won't touch the card types seeing as I probably can't restore the image after doing so.
Especially with restoring the image?
>> No. 35435
To be honest I'm not that good with photoshop, and if I ever chose to change the allié part for exemple I'll lose color depth and the backgroud motif. Unless I can find an original I prefer to not touch it.
>> No. 35436
Well, I'm speaking for myself, but I don't think the motif is that important considering this is a fan reference and not an actual product. As long as you can keep the gradient (or copy the one from the top of the card), I think it would be more than sufficient. Even a plain background color if necessary wouldn't be such a bad thing compared to the benefits, in my opinion.
>> No. 35437
File 129772065967.jpg - (136.97KB , 290x405 , TirelanguePorteylv1100final.jpg )
So here we go... oh god. Feedback on the traduction and quality are welcome.
>> No. 35439
I think everything on the Traits line should be in bold face and capitalized. Crâ takes the circumflex.

> Tirelangue

And you can drop the "the" before "Hero of your choice". I think we should place the element icon before "Damage" to respect English word order (2 Dommages d'Air - 2 Air Damage).
>> No. 35445
File 129772410839.jpg - (136.42KB , 290x405 , TirelanguePorteylv1test2.jpg )
Since we are translating everything I'll use the english name as they don't use the "accent" for the english version.
>> No. 35446
Sounds reasonable. Are we going to do the same for monsters? I'm currently building a glossary and I don't know if we can find existing translations for everything.

Regarding the card, I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough when I said "capitalize". I think this would look best: Hero - Cra - Etc... 2 XP
Although if you can get the "small capitals" effect on Photoshop that would probably be best for consistency with the original cards.

Also, do you want me to look up a torrent for Blair Bold for the Traits line? I think it would look better.
>> No. 35447
File 129772517090.jpg - (136.01KB , 290x405 , TirelanguePorteylv1sazanami.jpg )
If you want, even though my old version of Photoshop seem to dislike custom font. Also most monster have their translation on either the wakfu or dofus site bestiary. Also here are two other font for the trait line...
>> No. 35448
File 129772525933.jpg - (136.19KB , 290x405 , TirelanguePorteylv1msgothic copie.jpg )
And the other
>> No. 35449
I'm guessing small capitals aren't an option... Can you try with Trebuchet MS? It seems a little bolder, thus easier to read.

By the way, please make sure to keep the space between "6 XP" and the capital to "Damage".
>> No. 35450
File 129772704130.jpg - (136.27KB , 290x405 , TirelanguePorteylv1trebuchet.jpg )
Well that's what I get if it's good enough for you.
>> No. 35451
File 129772794557.png - (9.83KB , 239x200 , arrow.png )
Yeah, I'm sorry I have high expectations ^^ At least when we're settled on this it will remain the same for all the rest. If it looks alright in bold, I think we have a winner.

On the other hand I wanted to ask if the description text just looked shrunk because you're not done with the formatting or if that is the final result? The way I see it right now, it's rather hard to read.

I also got you an arrow image that you can probably resize to what works best for you with transparency in the background. Feel free to use it for the level-up XP, or not.
>> No. 35454
File 129772927965.jpg - (136.86KB , 290x405 , TirelanguePorteylv1trebuchet.jpg )
boldened added a bit more size and tried your arrow
>> No. 35456
That looks excellent to me! There's just the shadow to fix above the arrow, the rest, I believe, is ready to be marked as our standard.
>> No. 35464
File 129773130765.jpg - (123.69KB , 266x375 , KoloreOfillv1v1.jpg )
here we are is that good for as a sample?
>> No. 35465
Yes, perfect!

Now, on the matter of translating and proofreading... I have work starting tomorrow and several things to do tonight (oh and apparently it's 8 already...). So our main options, the way I see it, are:
1. You translate the cards yourself and wait for me to proofread them before doing the photoshopping.
2. You wait for me to translate the cards and then do the photoshopping (may take some days to properly get started).
3. You translate the cards directly when photoshopping and fix the mistakes afterwards.

I would assume options 1 and 2 are best (up to you), in which case this page is just about ready to receive translations and corrections:
>> No. 35468
File 129773575411.jpg - (119.30KB , 273x380 , AeronZekloxlv1v1 copie.jpg )
I'll do 3 it's not that hard to change them afterward as long as I keep an original with all the layers. At worst I'll be stuck with a term... for exemple "réduisez de X les dommages sur le point d'être infliger" where I'm tempted to simply use "Prevent the next X Damage dealt" and "Produisez une ressource X" Where I'd use "Create one X Ressource"
>> No. 35469
Well, as far as I'm concerned, it's also easier for me to correct the text on the wiki than to point out each error separately. But if you prefer option 3 anyway, I'll roll with it.
>> No. 35470
File 129773652724.jpg - (125.50KB , 270x378 , kareydasslv1v1 copie.jpg )
Well like I said I'll take the Wiki translation first if it exist otherwise I'll just keep shopping the cards...
>> No. 35480
Hm, I don't mean to be rude, Anego, but I looked at the cards you uploaded to the wiki, and to be honest, proofreading them this way is really bothersome for me. Considering that there are edits to make to pretty much every card, I really think it would be best if you just posted your translation on the page and waited for them to be proofread before moving forward (or simply waited for me to translate them if you prefer).

Proofing wouldn't take much time this way, so I could do a bunch in a few minutes in-between assignments or even at lunch break. I'd simply add a [proofed] tag next to the cards I've checked so you know which are good to go.

I'm glad that you don't seem to lack motivation or time, but I think we should keep a focus on quality rather than rush things too much. Anyway we haven't heard from anyone who would work on the programming yet, so I'd wager we have plenty of time.
>> No. 35481
Oh and thanks for filling in the monster glossary for me. Are you done with everything you could find or will you deal with the few that remain later? If the former, we'll have to decide on a translation... or non-translation.
>> No. 35485
Most of them come from the sites themselve some I'm not sure, I'll try to finish it by tonight. Also I understand your position and I will just wait for you to translate them.
>> No. 35495
At worst you could use LackeyCCG or OCTGN, would just need to create the package to install the game in them, but of course that means no rules support, just a "table" to play on.
>> No. 35498
LackeyCCG looks interesting.

Someone already made the Wafku TCG usable with MagicWorkStation, but MWS is not free. AFAIK LackeyCCG is free, so that would make it possible for people to play without having to buy or crack MWS.

While rules support would be nice... after messing with MWS I think that it isn't necessary. The virtual table and cards are the only things needed to play the real game, after all. IMO, as long as you can talk to the person you're playing with over the internet (through Ventrilo or whatnot), you can simulate a real game.

Is there anyone who's interested in making this possible? Haven't seen one in here yet, we might have to ask the /tg/ people.
>> No. 35508
I can't really advise on the software part since I'm not even a TCG player, but a free solution would indeed be best, especially considering that the MWS pack didn't enforce rules either.

Perhaps we could make a Lackey (or other) simple pack first, so people can use the cards at least on a free board, then look into making or adapting a program that would apply the actual rules of Wakfu. I know there was interest about that in the /tg/ thread on Sunday, but no idea who it was and if they are actually going to do it.

Thank you very much. I just completed the first part of my assignment and I'm not expecting the rest until tomorrow afternoon, so I think I can get a bunch of cards done tonight, depending mostly on whether my fingers can take the punishment. Still got chores to deal with before I get to that, though. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
>> No. 35527
>Every time you win at Chi-Fu-Mi, Karey Dass gains +1 Strength and +1 PM until the end of the round.
>At the beginning of your turn, Opée Tissoin regains 1 PV.

If you could use only one term for turn I'd make understanding everything easier.
>> No. 35528
There is a distinction between "le tour", the round, and "votre tour", your turn.
>> No. 35529
Make sure you refresh the page before you get to Poum Ondacié, by the way, I hadn't proofread myself yet. Now working on including the actual images in the descriptions.
>> No. 35530
There isn't,unless you want to call phase 4 end of the round over the end of turn. In which case I disagree since it diverge from tcg standard.
>> No. 35531
You're right, I'm not done reading the ruleset yet, so everything isn't quite set in my mind. I went back to page 18 and it clearly says that each player plays their own turn, although the other gets to make some decisions in that time. So I guess we'll go with "turn" exclusively. Give me a few minutes and the hub will be updated.
>> No. 35532
Should be alright now, and as you can see the images are now showing.

I'll try to go through the Haven Bags before I call it a night, but please wait until I confirm they've been proofread to start photoshopping them in, as I might go back and forth.
>> No. 35533
No problem I'm finishing the lv 1 heroes and I'm going to sleep anyways.
>> No. 35537
Righty-o, Haven Bags don't actually have a description, so that's sorted.

I did a few Ally Monsters, and I'd like to bring a point back to the discussion. Look at these two examples:
> Destroy one of your Piwis: Play the Polter Piou from your hand for free. It appears tilted.
>When the Bouftou Royal appears, straighten up all your Gobball Allies in the World.

As we decided to keep the card names in French but translate the traits in English, we get this kind of mix in the descriptions that might be confusing (looking at the traits to check compatibility, instead of the card name, is of course a good workaround).

I'd like to get the opinions of non-French speakers in particular regarding whether we should leave creature names in French for the traits as well. Anyone's opinion is welcome, though, since we didn't really mention that particular case when we decided to translate all traits that weren't some kind of proper name.
>> No. 35538
(In case it isn't clear to non-contributors: Piwi = Piou and Gobball = Bouftou.)

Also Anego, obviously you'll want to wait until we're decided before moving on to the Monster cards, unless you don't mind going back and fixing the traits and some effects if we change our mind.

Anyway, that's all for me tonight. If I'm lucky I'll have time to do some more before work tomorrow.
>> No. 35540
It really does look very odd. For the sake of consistency, the names should match.

I realize it's not that simple, though. I think Piwi is the "official" translation for Piou? That makes things difficult if we want the card names to stay the same.

I have had very little involvement, so I'll leave the final decision to your own judgement.
>> No. 35542
I don't mind changing the creature names (those I can find anyways). I would rule out name though seeing as they don't have any english equivalent most of the time..
>> No. 35544
Those are indeed the official translations, which can be found in Dofus and Wakfu. We managed to find most of them, but some are still missing and I'm not too fond of the idea of translating them ourselves.

We won't translate the card names for sure though, that was established early on for two main reasons: to both preserve the puns and not have to come up with new ones, and to facilitate cross-reference with the original cards (so that someone could buy the actual French cards and look them up in our database).

I'll stick with French creature names for now, then. I'll also move the glossary to a separate page, if that's okay with you. The table is taking up half the page, that'll save us some scrolling.
>> No. 35546
Then I say we keep ally type in french too to prevent misunderstanding.
>> No. 35548
What do you mean by ally types? Can you give me an example or two?
>> No. 35550
To use M:tG terms, I think Anego means the "creature type" in the middle of the card.

As long as the card names remain the same (things like Piou and Bouftou don't get translated), it's best to keep them untranslated for everything to avoid discrepancies and confusion.

At worst, fans who happen to play the English version of the game (or an eventual English translation of the TCG) will notice that some of the original creature names have been changed. That's not much of a drawback, actually it makes for semi-interesting trivia.

Keeping Piou, Bouftou, etc. intact for all instances seem to make the most sense.
>> No. 35551
If that is the case, then we all agree and that is what I have been doing since this morning :) Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly.

While I'm posting, might as well point out that I am about to post up a few more Ally Monster translations, but my actual work is going to resume shortly so there won't be much more than yesterday. And I probably won't have any more time for translation until next Tuesday (though I'll keep up with the threads).
>> No. 35552

And whatever schedule/speed works for you is fine. Seeing as no one other than you two is working or paying for this, anything we get is a bonus!
>> No. 35553
Just to confirm, everything up to Chêne Mou is translated and proofread. Gotta be careful with Wakfupedia, some elemental icons don't correspond to the ones actually on the card =/
>> No. 35607
Still no word from someone who'd be willing to make the cards compatible with LackeyCCG or some other free card program?

I might have to ask in /tg/ later.
>> No. 35608
I'm planning to make a (hopefully) big thread in /tg/ once I'm done translating the rules and we have some cards to show, perhaps late next week. I think that will be the best approach to get the most interest into the game and hopefully recruit some technical help.

But feel free to make your own thread until then, of course. And link here, please.
>> No. 35609
You're right, it will be much easier to draw interest once a good amount of cards are available and people can actually read the rules to get an idea of how the game is played.

In the meantime I'll keep checking here once in a while. Looking forward to your thread.
>> No. 35727
Pretty quiet here, huh? Well I finished working last night and just finished the first draft of the Rulebook's translation on the wiki. I still have to move some things around and proofread it, but that's a good step towards getting back to /tg/ with our stuff.

Are you still around, Anego? Any progress on your side?
>> No. 35739
I just got the okay from Ankama regarding our translation of the game, so there won't be any legal issues as long as we make it clear that it's unofficial and add a watermark to the cards. This detail should be confirmed soon, but something like this:

© 2011 Ankama. All rights reserved.
Fan translation by plus4chan (or whatever team name we choose)

I'm also wondering if we should ask Wakfupedia for a collaboration and basically post our cards to their site using the same structure with the errata, updates and comments and share their forums. Or if we should just make the card pack and put it up for download with the rules without any added content. What do you guys think? That's probably something we should ask /tg/ as well when we get there...
>> No. 35759
Wow, that's really cool isn't it?
Don't know about any uploading though. Isn't the pluswiki and rar:ed archive with the cards enough?
>> No. 35761
Yeah, I thought having their approval would make things easier as far as distributing it goes, so we don't have to hide it in torrents and stuff. Also serves to show them that there is interest in the game outside of France, which they were really glad to hear.

As for your question, it's all up to how thorough we want to be, and depends on our view on the whole thing. Do we just want to make it a temporary teaser for the game until an English version is released? I was told there are no plans for that at the moment although they would like to do it someday, by the way. Or do we want to allow a complete experience with resources as complete as we can offer, erratas and updates, discussion, etc.?

In other words, is this just a basic fan translation or are we launching the whole English Wakfu TCG community? I don't have much of a preference either way, but deciding early would be good to know how we handle things.
>> No. 35762
I'm itching to get /tg/'s input on all this... What do you say we get a thread going over there right now? The Rules aren't fully proofread and the existing cards haven't been fixed either (beginning to wonder where Anego went), but both are quite enough to show where this is going, I think.
>> No. 35763
File 129851635143.png - (213.24KB , 365x510 , Eyes of a child.png )
Hmm. I got something interesting here. Perhaps we could change the way we're editing the cards.


I could paste the translations directly in this tool, all I would need is someone to provide (extract) the illustrations from the original cards. I would then send the PNG to the photoshopper, who would then add the proper credits line (pack, illustrator, copyright) and our watermark.

How does that sound?
>> No. 35774
I support this idea. It should be good for consistency.
We would need to cut out the actual art of all the cards though, but I don't think it would be any worse than the text editing of each individual card.

With this, formatting and whatnot should at least stay relatively consistent, shouldn't it?
>> No. 35781
File 129856618918.png - (291.22KB , 365x510 , Le Collectionneur_demo.png )
Well everything that is text will have consistent alignment, size, font, etc., yes. We also have the benefit of a high-res image and are able to keep the background of the Traits line (there's the level-up arrow that's missing for the Heroes, but it's always 6/18 XP anyway and could be pasted on easily).

And if I'm doing it myself directly we can cut one step from the process since I translate, (edit) and proofread at once. Instead of translating and proofreading, editing, checking and perhaps editing, checking again - as we have now.

Here's what I can produce even with my extremely limited image-editing abilities and GIMP (compare with OP). The main flaws I see are text readability (not an issue in full size, a bit of a strain when scaled down) and a certain loss in image resolution since I'm ripping the illustration from a smaller picture. The description's font is different, but we hadn't identified it anyway. A possible issue is the available space for the text, but we can reduce the font size of the description to gain some.

If you're in, I'm going to finish editing the rules, perhaps make a few more demos and launch a thread around the middle of the afternoon (EST) or towards the end of it.
>> No. 35782
... in /tg/, I mean.
>> No. 35792
Ankama is cool with this? Wow.

Just don't tell them about the fansub. Their legal department my not be as cool if they find out about those.
>> No. 35796
Yeah I was fairly surprised as well, but after all there's Wakfupedia.com as well that's not managed by them and got the authorisation to put up all the cards.

And the fansubs were not brought up, of course, I didn't even mention 4chan or +4c actually and they didn't ask. But I remember someone in the last fansub thread mentioned that Ankama were 99% sure to know about this and have done nothing against it... perhaps there again, they're just glad that the community is pushing for them and getting the word out on the English Web.

Here's my translation of part of their reply regarding the TCG:
> At any rate, we're very pleased to see your motivation to make WAKFU TCG available to the English-speaking community and are grateful that you let us know about it! :) It's always very encouraging to see the community getting involved at our side!

It's free advertising for them, after all. We'll see what happens when they start publishing official translations, of course! :P
>> No. 35819
The rules are now entirely formatted and edited. Getting ready to take things to /tg/, will post the link within one hour.
>> No. 35824
Having a ridiculously hard time uploading pictures, or just getting my posts through, it seems.

Thread is here:
>> No. 35849
I can fully attest to the free advertising side of it working...at least on people with a "shiney thing" addiction like myself.

I ordered myself the limited metal tin edition of season 1 simply because it looked so nice.

I've still not actually watched the whole series subbed, I keep meaning to get round to it, but I've seen about half the episodes in random order on various streams.
>> No. 35859
To be honest, I've never played TCGs before, and even had a bit of prejudice against them, but the more I work on this and the more I'm into it. If all my friends weren't out of town, I might order it soon as well. But for now, the season 1 DVD shall do, and that sale as well will be thanks to plus4chan.
>> No. 35952
Looks like we might be screwed...

The mods have always been picky. I've been 7-day banned from /tg/ for making a Wakfu "general" thread before. But even then, they let the Wakfu TCG threads pass.

Not anymore. They deleted the TCG thread and went as far as putting up a sticky (yes, a sticky) forbidding Wakfu threads in /tg/. Someone really, really, really hates Wakfu.

There was "OK" interest at best, even on /tg/, but now we're restricted to /co/. It's going to be a lot more difficult getting any interest in this project.

I'll keep looking here once in a while, but I'm not keeping my hopes up. Looks like I'll have to make do with MagicWorkStation with the Wakfu plugin.

If you speak French, here's the link to the entire Wakfu card library along with instructions on how to install it on MWS.

>> No. 35953
I'd still like to take a moment to thank the people who spent time and effort on this. Even if it doesn't work out in the end, the translation should be enough for non French speakers to know what the cards do and be able to play. The rulebook translation alone is a fantastic resource.

So thanks.
>> No. 35954
I deleted it myself. I have to give props to the janitors, my thread stayed up while the others got deleted. I got rid of it when it turned into another argument thread. At least I got someone to proofread the cards.

Even if /tg/ is lost, the project goes on. It may take a while before we are able to share it with them again, but there's more interest outside /tg/. It'll pass them.
>> No. 35955
And thank you (and others) too, the little encouragement we receive is all I need to keep going, personally :)

Adopting a full name and tripfag from now on. Finally decided on something.
>> No. 35959
Don't give up guys! Do your thing and know that everyone (but the /tg/ mods) support you. I'm sure that /co/ on 4 chan will be more than interested with Wakfu: TCG. I surely am.
>> No. 35969
You guys are doing an awesome thing: you give us your time and skill. And for that gift I thank you.
Keep up the good work.
>> No. 36118
So, to sum things up for everyone, the /tg/ threads were entirely useless as far as recruitment goes, except for one guy who offered to proofread the translated cards and one guy who said he could look into the programming part, but once again I have no way of contacting that one.

Some interest was shown again amidst the weekend's arguing, and it seems a complete portal dedicated to the game is the way to go.

I got a first reply from Wakfupedia. They're a bit skeptical since they did want to add an English part to their website, but only once the actual translation came out. They still seem open to the idea as long as we're covered on the legal front. They want to discuss it further before they take a decision.
>> No. 36379
Now processing: Incarnam (320)
Acquiring images: 320/320
Translating: 0/320
Proofing: 0/320
Watermarking: 0/320

Coming up: Astrub (163), Amakna (162), Bonta & Brâkmar (320), Pandala (162)

About the portal: Still waiting for feedback from Ankama and Wakfupedia.

If anyone has a few hours of free time, can read PDFs and use Paint to a minimum, I'd gladly leave the image acquiring process to you. All you have to do is copy the card images from the PDFs, paste them into Paint and save them with the card's name in the proper directory. If anyone's interested, please leave your e-mail here.
>> No. 36499
You mean, ripping the full card images? As in, all of it? I should be able to do that easily, I believe.
Give me a day, and I could get all of them with time to spare.
>> No. 36512
File 129938968489.png - (304.08KB , 373x521 , La complainte de Lykhen.png )
Yep. It definitely can be done in a few hours, it's just that doing it myself means less time for actual translation and more aching fingers. Also, the PDFs for Bonta & Brâkmar and Pandala are shit so we won't do them for now, I'm still hoping Ankama can provide us better resources. So there would be Astrub and Amakna for now:

A couple guidelines to keep in mind:
- Save as PNGs, but make sure the extension is lower case (Windows, or at least Paint, has the bad habit of giving them upper-case extensions, and that is inconvenient for a few things). Typos in the names aren't critical since I'll be going over them; same if you don't have accents readily available. So "Epee qui tue.png" is alright, but not "Epee qui tue.PNG". Although if you can't change it I can deal with it.
- Make them the minimum required dimensions (i.e. no extra blank space other than what's already around the cards; see attached pic).

Folder structure:
Incarnam fr
-Actions - Quests
-Actions - Challenges
-Allies - Monsters
-Equipment - Armor
-Equipment - Items
-Equipment - Jewels
-Equipment - Weapons
-Haven Bags

Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything. If you have questions, ask away. We're not in a hurry, it will take me quite some days to get through Incarnam. Thanks in advance :)
(Feel free to e-mail me for a faster response.)
>> No. 36513
Oh and I guess I should mention it here as well. Due to problems with the Cardmaker, we'll be leaving out the flavor text entirely for now. I talked about it with /tg/ and we agreed that photoshopping our translation in when we get the site going and find more volunteers would be more interesting than having the French text anyway. So the first release will have only the mechanics.

I'm getting pretty impatient with Ankama and Wakfupedia, though... It's been a week now and they're not following up.
>> No. 36518
Ankama has to be pretty busy at this time, plus they most likely have to contact a lawyer to make sure it's OK to give you official permission. Patience.

And even if they don't answer, players can still use your translations to play using the French cards, so the work is not going to waste.
>> No. 36527
Well the actual permission has already been granted. I'm waiting for confirmation on a couple points and to know if they can send us some graphics as they offered (i.e. the cards). At least the lady I'm dealing with gave me her forum ID, so maybe I'll pester her a bit over there if it takes too long :P
>> No. 36544
Now processing: Incarnam (320)
Acquiring images: 320/320
Translating: 29/320
Proofing: 0/320
Watermarking: 0/320

Thought I would do more than that today, but I ended up spending most of it out of town. Not much work planned for this week so far, though, so I should be able to keep going at a steady pace.
>> No. 36557
File 129952633561.jpg - (118.50KB , 494x315 , so-much-cocaine.jpg )
So much. Fucking. Snow.

It's been snowing non-stop since last morning and we've had over 50 cm by now.

It rained two days ago.

>> No. 36607
Now processing: Incarnam (320)
Acquiring images: 320/320
Translating: 95/320
Proofing: 0/320
Watermarking: 0/320

Might do some more tonight but I'm off for now.
>> No. 36680
Now processing: Incarnam (320)
Acquiring images: 320/320
Translating: 220/320 - 100 to go! All Actions and Allies are done.
Proofing: 0/320
Watermarking: 0/320

Guess I'm getting the hang of it, although the Cardmaker is a bitch sometimes and pixel correction is as annoying as ever.

Anon, are you still going to get the images from the other packs for me? No rush, but I'd like to know if I'm counting on you or if I should do it myself if I get there without hearing from you. Either way I guess it would do me well to take a break when I'm done with Incarnam..

As a general note, since I don't know how many people are monitoring this thread, I'd like to ask right away if you have ideas for a group/site name in case Wakfupedia declines our offer (still no news...). I suck at names so I won't even make my own suggestions for now. I need to get that sorted before I add the watermark to the cards.
>> No. 36698
Good news! I just got Wakfupedia's reply, and they are willing to include us into their site. Now we're going to have to work out the details to make sure they can provide what we want, so we can change directions early if people feel our options are too limited.

I've already sent them the basics of what we want to do, but keep an eye on this thread 'cause we'll need your opinions very soon!
>> No. 36738

I'm still kinda worried about the amount of interest for this project. Perhaps it'll only manifest once the game is playable... right now, for most, it's just a concept or a possibility. Telling them "You can now play Wakfu TCG online using this" should have a much greater effect.
>> No. 36745
I'm inclined to agree. It's a bit of a vicious circle that we need enough people to be interested to start this, but also try to make them come at once to avoid the "there's no one here, I'm leaving" effect. That's why I encourage people to bookmark this thread but probably won't release anything until it's playable. That said, Incarnam alone could probably be considered enough for a release since it was intended as such from the start. But we also need to be able to do something with MWS or some other program, otherwise it's just a bunch of images...

Anyway, looks like we won't really be calling for opinions after all, they're just going to make a copy of the French Wakfupedia and we'll have to start with that. My contact said it would take about a week to prepare the localization infrastructure, so we can expect the forums to go live before the end of the month. The card database is another issue entirely, since someone is gonna have to enter all the info manually. And that person has to be an admin, so I can't just ask any Anonymous to do it for me. Poor fingers of mine ;_;

I'll probably just do the card images first, for all packs, so we can use them on whatever program as soon as possible. Then we can work on the database later on.

And someone will have to translate the 75-page ruleset after all. It's the only place you can get info for some rule updates and new card types, so...
>> No. 36836
Now processing: Incarnam (320)
Acquiring images: 320/320
Translating: 320/320 - yay!
Watermarking: 0/320 - might start tonight, let's first see if I manage to create the watermark

Looks like we don't have a proofreader after all, so we'll have to rely on people leaving comments if they find discrepancies on the site.

Also the guy from Wakfupedia says he made a program to make cards from the data entered in an Excel sheet, so we'll look into that now that Incarnam is done. It might save me some of the trouble I ran into with Cardmaker, but I'm curious to see to result.

I'm thinking I might translate the full ruleset before moving on to the next pack, so we have a decent release (Incarnam + comprehensive rules) as soon as Wakfupedia is ready to welcome us. What do you guys think about that?
>> No. 36846
Sounds good. The rules, in addition to being the only missing component toward a playable game at the moment (technically we have translations of the first card set and MWS, while unideal, is functional), tell people a lot more about the game than the cards themselves.
>> No. 36848
True. I'm going to bed, but I ended up posting a whole lot of cards on /tg/ tonight. Didn't get as much interest as I hoped, but if you want to have a look (no watermark yet):
>> No. 36973
Oh, that's interesting. Too bad I don't live closer to Montreal, 'cause Carta Magica is actually holding weekly tournaments with nice little prizes:

They also have a "big tournament" at the end of the month.

In other news, I've started translating the tournament rules. Haven't had much free time this weekend, though.

Now processing: Tournament rules
Translation: 6/75
>> No. 37001
Good news for those who wanted to get the Starter pack: Fnac has it in stock, same price (no idea about the shipping):

I have also learned that Carta Magica got an official partnership with Ankama, which could mean an increase in stock and lower prices within a few weeks. This is looking good.

Now processing: Tournament rules
Translation: 20/75

Might be done tomorrow, I'll probably be translating most of the day on both days if they don't mind me using a laptop at the hospital (no worries, I'm not going for myself).
>> No. 37136
Thanks for your work on this, Keep it up.
>> No. 37155
Heard you wanted a proofreader. I've got experience w/ proofreading & am a native English speaker. Send me an e-mail and we can go over more in detail.
>> No. 37158
Ah hell. I've been beaten too it.

I'm a native English speaker, and have a good eye for mistakes, but as for past experience.... This would be my first proofreading job.

I'm sorry. If you still want my help just ask.
>> No. 37159

Well fuck me. I'm not showing much experience with the English language now am I?
>> No. 37160
Haha, I know how you feel right now :P

Can you post your e-mail? I'll probably contact you soon depending on how we set things up with Chojiki. How familiar are you with French?

Oh, or just e-mail me if you don't have a dummy address, mine can be found here:
>> No. 37162
It's fair. It's not the best, but for English Canadian it's good. It's enough to understand most of the cards/episodes/comics, but then again that's in the literal sense and not in say, the vernacular.

I'm fucked for understanding most puns and slang.

Also, I'll post the comic scans tomorrow. But that's info for the other thread now isn't it?
>> No. 37165
That should be good enough to keep up with the rules, then.

As for the scans, depends on how you want to proceed. If you just want both of us to do the translation, we can do that via e-mail and then upload/post it in the series' thread. If you want to get more people involved, I'd say either make your own thread for it or squat the series' thread. Or maybe the previous one that is auto-saging. Whichever seems best to you.
>> No. 37169
Thank you, by the way :)

Now processing: Tournament rules
Translation: 38/75

I probably won't be home until early next week, so it's not going as fast as I thought. Still hoping to be done before weekend.

As for Wakfupedia, a couple pages are now translated as well. The forums are already ready to use, but I'll wait until I'm done with the rules and Incarnam before I take care of that and start inviting people over.

Oh and Ankama got back to me, and we won't be able to get better images for the other extensions. Gonna have to make do with what's been posted already. By the way, if anyone would like to extract the cards from the PDFs as explained here, I'd really appreciate it:
Those links are 404 now that the new site has gone live but I still have the direct links to the PDFs if anyone's up for it.
>> No. 37180
Aaand as I suspected, here come some diverging opinions from the folks at Wakfupedia. I'd like everyone's opinion on those points:

1. Card names. The current position is to leave them in French, but they'd rather have them in English.
Our stance: Keeping them in English allows easier reference with the French cards for those who will buy them and use our translations as a reference. It's also easier than trying to preserve puns, which often rely on a single particular word.
Their stance: Seems harder to understand for English-speakers. May cause confusion when/if the official translation comes out (actually I think the opposite: keeping them in French draws a clear line between our work and a future official edition). Finally, having those names will confuse search engines and might even penalize the site's ranking for duplicate content.

* They also added that they would rather have generic stuff like Cape du Prespic translated to Prespic Cape, but keep proper names like Tirlangue Portey in French. I'm not sure I like how inconsistent that would be, especially for words in the middle (take Le Collectionneur for instance; where would that fall?).

2. Stat block (PA, PM, PV). The current position is to leave them in French, but they'd rather have them in English.
Our stance: It's how they appear on the cards, so it's easier to refer to them by those acronyms. Of course the full terms (hit points, etc.) are translated.
Their stance: If/when an official translation comes out, they will certainly use the same terms as in Dofus and Wakfu: AP, MP and LF. It would be easier for English speakers to get used to these terms from the start.

They did say they would comply with our final decision, but I at least want to give their stance a chance to be heard. What do you think?
>> No. 37195
I really wanted to jump in with an opinion, but then it turned out that I can't really decide what's better. Arguments for both solutions - keeping the French names or translating them - are good for their own diffrent reasons. So I'm stuck somwhere inbetween on this whole thing.

>They also added that they would rather have generic stuff like Cape du Prespic translated to Prespic Cape, but keep proper names like Tirlangue Portey in French.
That seems like a good idea. They shouldn't be many pro...
>Le Collectionneur
Oh. Hmmm... I'd translate it. "The Collector" is a good name.

>Stat block (PA, PM, PV). The current position is to leave them in French, but they'd rather have them in English.
I'm with them on this particular part. But it wouldn't bother me much if they were kept in French.
>> No. 37211
I'd say to translate it all in English, but I understand your problem. It's just that this is going to be the fan translation in English, and people would rather have the cards entirely in English, same as a French player would have their cards in French.

I'd say translate it to what Wakfupedia's wishes. Simplicity for the English populace's sake.

Just my opinion though.
>> No. 37213
Actually I'm having a thread on /tg/ right now and all of the few people who replied either prefer the names to remain in French or don't really mind either way. The stats, on the other hand, are not receiving much attention, so I guess they don't really care about that.
>> No. 37240
So, Glint, are you interested in doing a first quality check on the rules? If so, I could send you a first batch tonight so you can start working on it over the weekend (or whenever you can). I still don't have your e-mail, though.
>> No. 37247
I will. Just sent you an email.
>> No. 37250
So we've agreed with Wakfupedia on keeping the card names in French (and the traits that refer to them), and translating the stats to English. We'll see if we can edit the stat boxes on the cards to reflect that; that will depend on Ced's program and what he can do with it. Thanks to those who gave their opinion here and on /tg/.

Now processing: Tournament rules
Translation: 52/75

If nothing comes up I should be done tomorrow and Glint will start the first QA in the meantime, but we'll also be working on Remington #2 in the middle of that.
>> No. 37254
I'm on 207.1 now.

It's okay for the most part. Just a lot of tense changes to be made.
>> No. 37267
Ah, that's embarrassing. Let me know if there's anything in particular I should pay attention to.

Now processing: Exhaustive rules
Translation: 59/75
>> No. 37309
Translation complete, it's now up to Glint.

Note to self: change Hit Points into Health Points.
>> No. 37311
I'm at 501 now. Apologize for me being slow today. I'll try to finish by monday.
>> No. 37312
>Apologize for me

Goddamn, that's painful to look at. I have no idea how I fucked that sentence up so bad.
>> No. 37668
Any updates guys?
>> No. 37669
A bit of formatting remaining and I'll be sending the rules to Chojiki for the last round of revision.

As far as I'm concerned, the week will be a rush job of updating the cards to fit the new terms, preparing the final PDF of the rules and making a PDF of the introductory rulebook as well, because judging from Glint's experience (and it's no surprise to me), the rules are pretty tough to understand if you haven't read that first.

Most of Incarnam is probably already online pending revision and the forum is pretty much ready as well. I'm pushing for a launch on April 1st. As soon as I have a date confirmed I'll need help to spam the shit out of /co/ and /tg/ about it. We might have a little contest for the occasion too, waiting for Ced's input regarding that.
>> No. 37737
I can confirm that we will be launching this weekend, probably sometime on April 1st, and that we will have a very nice contest for the occasion. I'm gonna keep the surprise regarding the contest a bit longer, but I can say to you faithful followers that shipping actual cards to the winner(s) is involved.

The introductory booklet PDF is ready. My revision of Incarnam will be at least 50% done by the end of today, completed on Thursday at the latest. We're still not sure whether Chojiki will be done reviewing the comprehensive rules by Friday, but he'll keep me up-to-date and I'll upload a temporary PDF if need be with all the formatting done, only missing a few edits. Meanwhile, we're fiddling with the last edits to the website.

I'll probably start heavy advertising on /tg/ late Tuesday or on Wednesday. Will be discussing that with Shock tomorrow as we want to have a strong presence but not just spam threads and bumps. Ideas welcome - at any rate the contest will be announced then in detail, which should encourage people to discuss.

This is getting exciting!
>> No. 37740
Fuck yes. The contest itself, would Ankama have the say in what the prize would be?

I can't really think of a prize related to a digital distribution for the TCG.
>> No. 37741
For this contest, it was Ced either picking from his collection or pulling some strings, not too sure. He's taking care of the shipping, at any rate. We have some other options in mind for future contests as well.

My initial ideas for "digital" prizes were mostly forum-related privileges, since other than that there's not much we can give (that we're not already providing everyone for free :P).
>> No. 37742
>Pull some strings


Oh god. Imagine the insanity.

Proably something nice signed by Tot or Xav.
>> No. 37745

I'm guessing those of us who are working on the TCG are exempt from entering?

Haa... Back to work...
>> No. 37749
No, only the judges, so you guys can enter if you like (you would deserve it!).
>> No. 37837
/tg/ advertising has begun. Feel free to join us here:
>> No. 37844
Posting here after?
>> No. 37850
Is it necessary? I guess I can sum it up at the end of the day and include /tg/'s reaction.
>> No. 37856
Summary would be this:

OP post
Woah this is awesome
Hey cool
Check out them puns and art
>sage for butthurt
Actual questions about rules/cards

I mean really
>> No. 37860
Pretty accurate. Kind of sad that it's going better than I expected so far. I'm really curious to see how many entries we get in the contest.

> inb4 we get 200 pages of entries to judge, FML
>> No. 37865
>I play for the strategy and gameplay

Am I right? You'll be getting at least one from me.
>> No. 37871
File 130151301737.png - (278.24KB , 365x510 , gameplay_selkator.png )
Thanks for the inspiration. We may have found our very first meme :P
>> No. 37873
File 130151326691.png - (285.60KB , 365x510 , gameplay_strategy.png )
>> No. 37884
File 130151910374.png - (348.01KB , 626x563 , 1301301249875.png )
Delicious, and you're welcome.
>> No. 37886
File 13015227935.jpg - (4.92KB , 300x168 , imagesCANWG1RF.jpg )
>The prize


What? I wasn't expecting much but....

Hahaha... /tg/ is acting fucking priceless with this.
>> No. 37894
File 130154045943.png - (324.77KB , 365x510 , CNV4_1.png )
Meh, looks like the thread died while I was gone. Anyone up for another one tomorrow? If so, do I talk about the contest again or just say we're launching on Friday?

And for whoever wanted me to repost here, here's what the contest is about.

All you need to do is pick an Action card from the eligible list, and come up with a short story or skit inspired by its illustration (no need to be consistent with the card's name). We'll take submissions ranging from a paragraph to about a page – we're not looking for a novel, but don't be afraid to add a little fluff. The illustration could be the start of your story or its result, or anything in between. Keep it safe for work, of course.

Submission details will be shared on Friday, but you can start thinking about your entries right away. We will allow two entries per person.

The winner will get to choose a custom avatar on the forum (you are usually limited to the avatar gallery). But more importantly, he or she will also receive 6 promotional cards, including 3 Extended Art cards, shipped straight from France, courtesy of Ced.

An Extended Art card is like the attached picture, except those we'll send have the effect only, instead of the flavor text only as shown. Of course they are in French, but they are not limited to Incarnam, so you could receive just about any Wakfu TCG card.

Cards allowed (you can look them up on the French Wakfupedia or check the easymodo archived post under this): Curiosité dangereuse, Espèce en danger, Flèche blizzard, Humour de Pouchecot, La ruse d'Allister, Pandatak, Potion de rappel, Potion d'oubli de sort, Romantisme d'Ogrest.

The rest of the details will be posted on Wakfupedia when we launch on Friday.
>> No. 37948
So are you making another thread on /tg/ today?

It wouldn't hurt if we could attract some more people to that contest. Though it seems that the mods killed most of the Wakfu joy on /tg/ already...
>> No. 37958
Yeah, I even have more news to share. Just thinking I should finish adding the notes to the cards before I make the thread because I'm already doing so many things at once and getting hungry.

What time would work well for you?
>> No. 37960
/tg/ thread here:
>> No. 37970
Going to bed in a few minutes, will be back in roughly 5 hours. Can you guys keep the /tg/ thread bumped so I don't have to make a new one this afternoon? Thanks in advance.
>> No. 37973
Very soon... ;)
>> No. 37976
# Posting > DOWN

> Mother of fuck.

Well guys, Wakfupedia is now open to the English community! Knock yourselves out until 4chan gets the news ^^'
>> No. 37985
>posting down
April fools 4chan style.

Checking the Wakfupedia. Looks nice! :) Some cards look weird without the flavor text but the most important thing is that it works.
>> No. 37991
Is there somewhere to DL all the translated images so sift through these rather click "Next, Next Next"? Otherwise, looking good so far. You can expect something from me in the following days.

Also, does Ced know of this forum and what does he think about it? It would seem odd if he didn't given what you guys have done.
>> No. 37993
Oh right, that got out of my mind. I'm guessing at the very least we'll make one for use with LackeyCCG. I'll ask Ced about it. One difficulty is that cards can be updated any time (especially nowadays since we're still experimenting with the terminology), so the download link would have to take that into account.

As for Ced knowing about the fact we're working from (plus)4chan, if he does it's not because I told him. I basically just told him (and Ankama) I knew several people who were interested and that they were giving me feedback and helping out, never mentioned if we were doing it somewhere in particular, never asked. I just figured 4chan's reputation wouldn't help in earning their trust as a reliable person. Now that we've delivered, and seeing how we're doing everything according to Ankama's guidelines, I don't think it'd be much of a problem if they found out, although I don't feel a particular need to mention it either.
>> No. 37994
>> No. 38022
File 130170079932.png - (221.03KB , 550x260 , carrousel-otomai-article-1.png )
>New Expansion coming
>Otomai: Poulpe Fiction
>Poulpe Fiction

Oh you Ankama. I better see two Roubilard cards with punny versions of Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield.
>> No. 38023
A new expansion? But I'm not even started on the second one yet! Is there a date announced?
>> No. 38039
Thread is still alive

If you guys want to keep it that way, we could use the extra visibility. I'm out for the day, so just don't make too much of a mess ;)
>> No. 38140
I'll be making another /tg/ thread today since the end of the contest is drawing near. I'll post the link here, but it could take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours since I have some work to do first. As always, discussion/bumpers will be appreciated.
>> No. 38145
We're taking over this thread:
>> No. 38162
Going to bed. If someone can keep the thread bumped, it'd be great.

>> No. 38368
Astrub should be released this Monday, or possibly Tuesday because of time zone adjustments. Translation is done, just need to add the notes to the cards.
>> No. 38393
File 130258538750.png - (222.61KB , 320x447 , 1-[wakfu-tcg]-crapaud-a-moustache.png )
Astrub is up, unless Ced forgot to turn it on. Let me know if that's the case :P
>> No. 38403
>When the Crapaud a Moustache appears, nothing happens.

And you were right, because Astrub is nowhere to be found. :P
>> No. 38411
Should be up, now. Ced somehow thought it wasn't ready.
>> No. 38412
Grats on the Wakfupedia launch. I've been lurking a bit, and I've read through the thread a few times, but I want to be sure: what are your plans for making this playable for English speakers? Are there plans for a LackeyCCG kind of deal or is this meant to be used solely as a reference for English-speaking owners of the actual cards?
>> No. 38416
Ced is working on a LackeyCCG plugin at the moment. It took a while to find anyone to do it, so he's barely started. We definitely want to make it possible to play over the Internet, and help people hook up. Possibly even host unofficial tournaments and throw in some prizes.

It's obvious that having an English reference for the French cards isn't going to be the main purpose of the site, although I already know of at least one person who will use it this way to play with French-speaking relatives. Hopefully we'll have the best of both worlds.
>> No. 38685
I have news!

>> No. 38703
> New keyword power: backup
> Archmonsters and Monster Spells

Looks like we'll have to update the rules...
>> No. 38722
I'm looking forward to it.
>> No. 39159
Little update. The Otomaï extension is being released on the 25th and the rules have already been updated. I probably won't update the translation right away though, since we don't really have anyone playing yet.

I'll try to get to translating Amakna around the end of the month, but it really isn't a priority judging from the poll (a dozen votes out of nearly 200 voters).

Ced has been busy as well, so we don't have a plugin for LackeyCCG yet. He says he might get enough time to work on it in about a month, but we'll see when we get there.
>> No. 40539
Hullo there, page 2. Wakfu TCG's third set, Amakna, is translated at last. Sorry for keeping you waiting.

Get it here: http://www.wakfupedia.com/en/set/3-amakna

Next up is Bonta & Brâkmar, introducing the second block with over 300 cards, so it's going to take a while once again. But I'll try to work on it on a more regular basis, just a bit every day, and hopefully it'll be done before we know it.

As for a plugin, it's still not done. Cedric has been working on other improvements for the site and add-ons, and I can't blame him for giving priority to the already thriving French playerbase. It's not forgotten, though, we will get there eventually!

Shout out to Shock who's been pushing me to get back to this in-between comics; you actually made a big difference ^^
>> No. 40540
By the way, if anyone feels like going over the cards and making suggestions to improve wording or point out typos, you're very welcome to do so (for any of the sets, or even the rules).
>> No. 40555
Oh man, sweet! I'm off to check it out!

>As for a plugin, it's still not done. It's not forgotten, though, we will get there eventually!
I'm very patient. I can wait.

Well, I'm not a native English speaker, but if I find something weird I'll let you know.
>> No. 40838
Any recommendations on what set would be good to buy booster boxes from? There's a sale going on Wakfu cards and I was wondering which sets contain the best cards. The boxes available are Bonta/Brakmar, Incarnam, Pandala, Astrub and Amakna

I don't play, mostly interested in the art, but I used to play M:tG and wouldn't mind touching this if it's actually quite playable.
>> No. 40839
I'm afraid I can't really answer that. I've never played TCGs so I wouldn't have any sound advice. I think you'd be better off asking at Wakfupedia on the French forum. Or I could ask for you if you don't speak French.

My first intuition would be to go with Bonta & Brâkmar, and in general I reckon buying the later sets means you have more chances of benefitting from the rules that were introduced with them. For instance, if memory serves, B&B introduced the factions and some hero types, and Otomaï introduced new rules for the items; if you buy Incarnam, for example, you won't get any card that references those new rules.

On the other hand, if you need the English rules to play, they're only up to Pandala (so it doesn't seem to be a problem in your case, but playing with Otomaï could be trickier).
>> No. 40840
Wow, surprised to hear you don't play from all your activity in this thread. I guess that shows how dedicated Wakfans can be, translating things they don't even have a stake in personally :)

And thank you but no thanks, I don't need help for French. I'm from Quebec, and there are good chances I drop by Carta Magica when I pass through Montreal from time to time if this game ends up worth playing.
>> No. 40841
I'm looking at their sale right now... 75% off and they don't seem to have Wakfu tournaments anymore... Looks like they're getting rid of the stock. Guess it didn't pick up.
>> No. 40842
Honestly I was most surprised that there was someone in Quebec playing it all. It's not sold in any store East of Montreal. The best I can find around here is Dofus Mag and Dofus Manga, and the Mini Wakfu mag.

Guess I'll take them to the cleaners since they are selling the Boufbol cheap too. I'm still stoked I bought the How To art book today for 2/3s of what Ankama is charging for it, so just the money I saved there will cover a booster box.
>> No. 40843
File 131716282572.jpg - (65.43KB , 800x567 , all that money.jpg )
Yeah, all those savings plus no shipping costs... I can already imagine Glint slitting his wrists over the thought...
>> No. 40844
File 131716387785.jpg - (40.99KB , 794x1025 , 1315449607148.jpg )

>Savings minus shipping costs
>My last shipment had a shipping cost of 40 bucks alone

Fuck La Poste until it dies.
>> No. 40870
Boxes came in, I'm pretty happy with what I got.

In addition to some great art and some classic characters like Razortemps (Holy fuck he is badass) and Rubilax, and Draconic Rare "Dofus Kaliptus", I got 18 holographic rares outside of the Panadala including:
Vil Smisse
Maitre Pale Jack
Chene Mou
Papris, Roi des Flaquex
Baguette du Bandit Ensorceleur
Brumaire, Protecteur de Novamaire (Draconic Rare)

Gonna learn how to play over next couple days, seems like a fun game - halfway between M:tG and WoW: TCG

Also the plush Boufbol is amazing - no wonder Ankama is out of stock
>> No. 40871
File 131731414912.jpg - (45.96KB , 550x260 , carroussel-annonce-extension.jpg )

More work headed your way headlined by an Ogrest brrrrrrimming with Wakfu.

Also starring, Aynana (Otomai's apprentice), Demon XX (One of Xelor's more deranged looking cronies), Rebecca Bloc (of Fraide, Fraide fame), and the Knight of Montmirai (some guy in Justice Knight armor), to name a few of the 162 NEW CARDS to be available this November.
>> No. 40874
> Shipping in two days


Also, yeah, Razortemps is a fucking monster. I don't quite recall what he does but I'd say he's comparable to Goultard in the TCG. How many boosters did you buy to get that many holographics?
>> No. 40876
File 131733537785.png - (210.55KB , 320x447 , 24-[wakfu-tcg]-razortemps.png )
45, plus 15 packs of Pandala which only yielded foils, which makes me guess Pandala has only foil rares or something.

As for Razortemps, according to the errata on Wakfupedia it can kill Hero cards and cause their owners to lose the game. Or something really, really nasty like that.

>Un Héros ou un Havre Sac sont des cartes. Ils peuvent donc être détruit par le pouvoir de Razortemps. Dans ce cas, ils sont retirés de la partie.
>Si le Héros est retiré de la partie de cette façon, son contrôleur perd la partie.
>> No. 40877
Can someone translate the flavor text (or at least that's what I think is in italics) on that?
>> No. 40879
It's rather plain. Something like

> When he razed the entire forest between Nox and the Tree of Life, the Razortemps made a veritable razzia!
>> No. 40888
Not surprising; I remember one /tg/ thread calling the Wakfu flavor text a stream of bad puns.
>> No. 40907
Well, that sums up the entire franchise, the TCG isn't an exception.
>> No. 40909
>TCG thread starting to feel alive again
Is this the real life?
>> No. 40910
Is this just fantasy?
>> No. 40911
Born in a landslide
>> No. 40912
File 131742821497.jpg - (54.60KB , 900x600 , noximilien_l__horloger_by_thelivingmachine02-d4ait.jpg )
No escape from reality...
>> No. 40921
File 131753434491.jpg - (446.27KB , 1528x1128 , wakfu_tcg_card_shak_shaka_by_migouze-d4bgn5s.jpg )
Open your eyes,
>> No. 40950
What the fuck have I started...

But hell, I'm glad I'm not the only one who cares for the card game.
>> No. 41315
> Pétrir de belles miches, les fourrer de crème pâtissière et les enfourner avec amour : Xav adore ça !
> Kneading nice buns, filling them with custard and stuffing them in the oven: Xav loves it!

Started Bonta & Brâkmar at last. With any luck I'll be done before the new year...
>> No. 41317
File 131896097992.png - (211.81KB , 320x447 , 59-[wakfu-tcg]-koulosse.png )
Holy shit... Is that... that pipe is a top hat. This is fucking brilliant.
>> No. 41320

Also, that flavor text... Wow.

Again - wow.
>> No. 41342
I'm on fire this week, hopefully it will keep up. Only 130 cards to go, plus notes and proofreading.
>> No. 41383
File 131942033172.jpg - (18.31KB , 300x265 , salute.jpg )
MFW I did Bonta & Brâkmar in a week. Just have to proofread it and add the notes, expect a release this week.
>> No. 41385

I still await the day when we can actually play this online. I WON'T STOP BELIEVING.
>> No. 41386
Yeah, it seems Ced is a very busy man. As far as I know he actually works for Ankama, and he's involved in the tournaments and all the stuff. So we'd probably save some time if someone else volunteered to make a plugin (whatever the software).

With B&B we'll be just short of 1,000 cards, so it would definitely be playable.
>> No. 41402
Alrighty. Bonta & Brâkmar is done, should be online tomorrow when Ced receives my message and makes it public.

And... I'm working on the LackeyCCG plugin, which should be usable very soon. Time to find players, I think.
>> No. 41407
Alright, now I can give some more details regarding the plugin. The plugin itself is already made (could be improved though, but we'll need some players to try it out and point out what they need), so we just need to add all the cards to it manually... Or not, because Ced is actually this pretty awesome tech-savvy guy who's going to make a program that does it automatically every time a card is updated on Wakfupedia. So instead of waiting for me to type all this shit down, we'll just be waiting for him to make said program, which he says should be done sometime next week (since Ogrest is being released this week, he's pretty busy).

If you guys (whoever has been monitoring this thread) want to make some noise about the game in the meantime, we'll definitely need to start finding people to play with. Maybe I'll make a thread on /tg/ next weekend if I'm free.
>> No. 41415
I'm all in for a /tg/ hype thread. You can count on me to bump it with content.

I'm not sure how that one bitchy GRIMDARK /tg/ mod who deletes all things Wakfu will react, though. But screw that guy, we can overcome him.

>So instead of waiting for me to type all this shit down, we'll just be waiting for him to make said program
Are you talking about that typing thing you asked me to help you with? Because if Ced could automate that it'd be awesome.
>> No. 41416
> Are you talking about that typing thing you asked me to help you with? Because if Ced could automate that it'd be awesome.
Yep, that will be taken care of. Until then you (anyone) can e-mail me to get the most up-to-date version of the plugin. I entered all Incarnam Heroes, Haven Bags and Allies before I heard from Ced so you can try those out. Also found out a way to play Chi-Fu-Mi that doesn't seem too bad.

> I'm not sure how that one bitchy GRIMDARK /tg/ mod who deletes all things Wakfu will react, though.
I've never had problems with the janitors in actual TCG threads. The only thread that got deleted was when I figured the flamewar was useless and got rid of it myself. So, anon's fault, not the mod's.
>> No. 41504
File 132020102823.jpg - (79.38KB , 800x372 , Justice-team-web1.jpg )
This thread needs more Justice!!!
>> No. 41505
File 132020230385.jpg - (81.72KB , 800x411 , Justice-team-web2.jpg )
Maybe a tinge more...
>> No. 41506
I think you missed the fansub thread, mind moving these?
>> No. 41507
File 132020722493.jpg - (107.99KB , 800x604 , attaques-line2-web.jpg )
It's genuine TCG art, like this one.
>> No. 41531
File 132030142136.png - (223.59KB , 320x447 , 60-[wakfu-tcg]-chafer-d-elite.png )
>pic related

Pandala in progress, no news from Ced regarding the plugin.
>> No. 41534
Oh man, I laughed so hard at this... Trolling levels set to maximum.
>> No. 41913
Pandala, la Dernière Rasade is released:

Ced is or was still working on Ogrest but should be able to do his part of the plugin during the weekend.
>> No. 41932
The rules have been updated to reflect Otomaï's and Ogrest's releases, and Ced says he's beginning his work on the plugin today.

And I've started translating Otomaï. If things go smoothly, we should have it shortly after the plugin :)
>> No. 41935
>Good news everyone!
I am excited!
>> No. 42153
Quick update. Ced is discussing stuff with LackeyCCG's developer, hence the delay. Can't really give you an ETA. Haven't progressed on Otomaï either, but that will probably happen during the week.

On the other hand, Ced has a nice extra surprise for us regarding LackeyCCG. I'll keep the suspense for now, but I'm really looking forward to seeing the result.
>> No. 42180
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Dude, you keep teasing me and I feel silly replying wit "yay!" or "huzzah!" every time something good comes up. But what choice do I have?
>> No. 42435
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Finished Otomaï's translation, still have to proofread it when I get rid of this cold. Hopefully it will be up by the end of the week.

Also, I watched the latest Inside Ankama and they revealed the next expansion's name: Le Réveil des Dragons (The Awakening of the Dragons). No other info was leaked, however. That set could be very interesting lore-wise.
>> No. 42556
Bad news, Ankama decided to stop Wakfu TCG.

>> No. 42557
>> No. 42558

somewhat sad news.

Given I only used google translate there can be some errors in it. But if I understand it correct they only cancelled the printed cardgame itself. But the team that worked on it will instead focus on a digital online version of the cardgame.
Also it seems they think that the cardgame in its current form is too much directed at only hardcore cardgame players which is part of the reason for low sales numbers.
So while it is dead in its current for, they will work on a more (I hate to use the word) casual version of it that you can play online.
And thats now just my personal idea, if hey work on a digital version, we might also see some iOS and Android version down the line. but thats really just pure speculation from my side and nothing Ankama has said or hinted at in any way or form.
>> No. 42561
Now that's a downer. Les Gardiens, now this... Both of them really coming out of nowhere (new products were announced for the TCG days ago!).

I need to talk to Ced about what we do now. But before people start panicking, as far as I'm concerned I'll keep translating until I'm done with Ogrest (not like there's that much work left anyway). But we'll have to see if Ced/Ankama's stance on the plugin, or Wakfupedia itself, changes. If they break their commitment with the translation, I'll try to get my work back and we'll see where we go from there.

As for an online version of the game, as things stand now, I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.

I'll keep in touch when I know more.
>> No. 42564
Update posted at http://www.wakfupedia.com/en/welcome

As for the plugin, Ced is now on holidays so it should definitely be finally ready by the end of the year if we can pull off some adjustments to how Lackey works. (It will work either way, but it would be much more convenient to manage and update if we can get it to work as we imagine.)

As for Otomaï, you'll have to give me another week or two as things keep piling up on my end. But I think I can safely say that it will be out before Christmas.
>> No. 43214
Here's some not so fresh news from Ankama. Last Friday, they announced that Studio 1D (their TCG team) wanted the game to stay alive and had been working on possible solutions to make it more accessible and profitable. Ankama says it's willing to listen to their suggestions and assess the feasability of new formats and approaches, but insists on the fact that they're still just considering things at the moment. They could end up just supporting local events without producing more cards, or doing nothing at all. In other words, there's nothing concrete for now but we'll stay tuned.

In other outdated news, I finished translating Ogrest last week, but since Ced has been MIA (computer issues seem to be a plague lately) it's not online yet. Otomaï is, but it needs one or two adjustments before I can call it final.

As for the plugin, Ced said he was aiming for the end of the month because of his computer issues, but considering he hasn't been online for a week I suppose that will be pushed back again. Sorry about that... as usual.
>> No. 43606
Hi guys, i'm Drallieiv. A french Wakfu TCG player, official lvl3 judge, and webmaster of http://tcg.herazade.com (french Wakfu TCG deck builder).

As a judge, i'll try to awswer all your question in english, as most ruling are done in pure french on the official forum.
>> No. 43613
Hey Drallieiv, thanks for offering your help, English-speaking referees are definitely something we wanted to find somewhere along the way. I don't know if you've read about the project, but we are basing the English community on Wakfupedia, so I would ultimately suggest to both you and people who have questions about the rules to use those forums. It will allow recurring questions to be archived and searched through, among other things.

I look forward to seeing you around!
>> No. 43818
So, do we have any progress on the game?
>> No. 43819
No news from Ced.
>> No. 44705
File 133434454565.jpg - (19.72KB , 300x375 , i-want-to-believe.jpg )
>> No. 44706

I'll probably start pestering Ced after my current contract, but as always feel free to do so yourselves on the forum.
>> No. 45181
Ogrest is up: http://www.wakfupedia.com/en/sets/7-chaos-d-ogrest

Ced stopped working on Wakfupedia after the TCG went down because he thought there would be no more interest for it... But I told him it doesn't change much for us foreigners who could only play online anyway, and he'll try to finish the plugin around the end of this month.
>> No. 45184
<cue the musical theme>
>> No. 45526
So, is the project dead after all?
>> No. 45531
I should be hearing from Ced soon, he said he was finishing a couple other projects and should get to this at the end of July.
>> No. 45546
I ran out of The X-Files jokes.
>> No. 45552
I've got mail! The plugin's release candidate is ready for testing and improvement. I've already submitted a few bugs to Ced, but the install and update works, so if anyone wants to help test the thing, here are some instructions.

1. Download LackeyCCG:

2. Extract the file to where you want the program to sit on your drive, launch with LackeyCCG.exe.

3. Install the plugin. Go to the Preferences > Plugin tab and enter the following address in the "Install or Update from URL:" field, then click the button:
Wait for the download and install to finish. As instructed, exit the program and reload to refresh the plugin.

4. Go back to the Plugin tab, click Browse installed plugins to load one... Select WakfuTCG_EN and click Choose. That will load the tabletop view. You can go back to the Plugin tab and click "Download all missing card images" if you expect to go offline, but otherwise it's not required as they will be downloaded on demand.

5. Edit your deck and play.

--Using LackeyCCG--
Please refer to lackeyccg.com's video tutorials and guides to learn about how the program itself works. That will teach you the less obvious functions and buttons to improve the gameplay experience, but you can also just have a look around and try stuff.

--Creating Decks--
Go to the Deck Editor tab. The top window is your current deck; the bottom window is your card collection. Simply move cards from one window to the other, and use the "Selected +/- x" buttons to change quantities. When your deck is ready, look for the "Load to zone:" button near the middle. Make sure "Deck" is selected next to it and click it. "Load entire deck to you" does the same thing in one click.

You can also use the Card Pool and Packs... interface from the bottom panel to load boosters or randomly-generated decks.

--Playing Chi-Fu-Mi--
Import the cards from the Chi-Fu-Mi set (as you would normally prepare a deck) using the "Load to zone: (Chi-Fu-Mi)" button. When playing Chi-Fu-Mi, flip the card you wish to play so you don't see its face, then move it to the playing area. Your opponent does the same, then one of you flips both cards at once. When you're done, move the cards back to your respective Chi-Fu-Mi zones.

-- Setting up a Wakfu TCG game --
After building your deck and setting up your Chi-Fu-Mi zone, start the game and pick your Hero and Haven Bag from your Deck and move them to the board (you can recognize them easily as all other cards show the common card back image). Make sure to adjust your stats in the left panel based on your Hero and Haven Bag. The most common values are set as defaults. For the rest, refer to the game's rules or LackeyCCG's guides.

Known bugs:
- Character encoding (accented characters aren't showing)
- Back missing from Hero and Haven Bag cards
- Random decks missing (let us know if you'd like any particular templates)

If you have questions or tips, they will be added to the above to release a more complete guide with the final version. Those who would like to playtest, please leave your e-mail and availability in this thread.
>> No. 45555
File 134427835483.jpg - (35.01KB , 639x480 , agent mulder is happy.jpg )
Sweet mother of mercy. An actual progress!

I'm gonna try it out tomorrow when my brain is not overheating like crazy and then report back.

Did you tell /tg/?
>> No. 45556
Not yet, I'm working on other stuff so maybe I'll wait after the first few bugs are settled before I tell them. They'll definitely know before the actual release, though. I have to work on a bit of a hype campaign and make sure people understand how to play the game before it actually launches.

Though if anyone wants to tell them, feel free and send me a link so I can join the fun.
>> No. 45574
Sorry, I still didn't have time to check it out. Too much work to do and when I'm done my brain wants to turn itself off immediately.

I'm taking this Friday off, so expect some input then.
>> No. 45576
No sweat, I'm busy as well and we're waiting to hear from the Lackey developer. I might talk to /tg/ tonight, though, if I get enough stuff done today.
>> No. 45577
/tg/ thread:

I should be there all night, feel free to join and discuss the game so more people get to see the thread.
>> No. 45627
Something finally happens with the TCG and I'm to busy with work (or apathetic, because my brain hates me) to actually check it out. Sigh.

Tomorrow. I swear.
>> No. 45632
Uhm... Seth, for some reason I'm getting antivirus warnings from http://www.lackeyccg.com/downloads.html

I think it's a false alarm, but I'd like your confirmation on that.
>> No. 45636
Can't really help you, I don't use an antivirus... I searched their boards quickly and false positives seem to be a recurring issues with some antivirus programs so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
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