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File 129770272851.png - (199.03KB , 320x447 , 139-[wakfu-tcg]-le-collectionneur.png )
35414 No. 35414
Here we translate the Wakfu TCG to English. Some people will also be working on an interface to manage cards, à la Magic WorkStation for those who are familiar with the thing.


Rulebook PDF:

French card reference:
192 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 40950
What the fuck have I started...

But hell, I'm glad I'm not the only one who cares for the card game.
>> No. 41315
> Pétrir de belles miches, les fourrer de crème pâtissière et les enfourner avec amour : Xav adore ça !
> Kneading nice buns, filling them with custard and stuffing them in the oven: Xav loves it!

Started Bonta & Brâkmar at last. With any luck I'll be done before the new year...
>> No. 41317
File 131896097992.png - (211.81KB , 320x447 , 59-[wakfu-tcg]-koulosse.png )
Holy shit... Is that... that pipe is a top hat. This is fucking brilliant.
>> No. 41320

Also, that flavor text... Wow.

Again - wow.
>> No. 41342
I'm on fire this week, hopefully it will keep up. Only 130 cards to go, plus notes and proofreading.
>> No. 41383
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MFW I did Bonta & Brâkmar in a week. Just have to proofread it and add the notes, expect a release this week.
>> No. 41385

I still await the day when we can actually play this online. I WON'T STOP BELIEVING.
>> No. 41386
Yeah, it seems Ced is a very busy man. As far as I know he actually works for Ankama, and he's involved in the tournaments and all the stuff. So we'd probably save some time if someone else volunteered to make a plugin (whatever the software).

With B&B we'll be just short of 1,000 cards, so it would definitely be playable.
>> No. 41402
Alrighty. Bonta & Brâkmar is done, should be online tomorrow when Ced receives my message and makes it public.

And... I'm working on the LackeyCCG plugin, which should be usable very soon. Time to find players, I think.
>> No. 41407
Alright, now I can give some more details regarding the plugin. The plugin itself is already made (could be improved though, but we'll need some players to try it out and point out what they need), so we just need to add all the cards to it manually... Or not, because Ced is actually this pretty awesome tech-savvy guy who's going to make a program that does it automatically every time a card is updated on Wakfupedia. So instead of waiting for me to type all this shit down, we'll just be waiting for him to make said program, which he says should be done sometime next week (since Ogrest is being released this week, he's pretty busy).

If you guys (whoever has been monitoring this thread) want to make some noise about the game in the meantime, we'll definitely need to start finding people to play with. Maybe I'll make a thread on /tg/ next weekend if I'm free.
>> No. 41415
I'm all in for a /tg/ hype thread. You can count on me to bump it with content.

I'm not sure how that one bitchy GRIMDARK /tg/ mod who deletes all things Wakfu will react, though. But screw that guy, we can overcome him.

>So instead of waiting for me to type all this shit down, we'll just be waiting for him to make said program
Are you talking about that typing thing you asked me to help you with? Because if Ced could automate that it'd be awesome.
>> No. 41416
> Are you talking about that typing thing you asked me to help you with? Because if Ced could automate that it'd be awesome.
Yep, that will be taken care of. Until then you (anyone) can e-mail me to get the most up-to-date version of the plugin. I entered all Incarnam Heroes, Haven Bags and Allies before I heard from Ced so you can try those out. Also found out a way to play Chi-Fu-Mi that doesn't seem too bad.

> I'm not sure how that one bitchy GRIMDARK /tg/ mod who deletes all things Wakfu will react, though.
I've never had problems with the janitors in actual TCG threads. The only thread that got deleted was when I figured the flamewar was useless and got rid of it myself. So, anon's fault, not the mod's.
>> No. 41504
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This thread needs more Justice!!!
>> No. 41505
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Maybe a tinge more...
>> No. 41506
I think you missed the fansub thread, mind moving these?
>> No. 41507
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It's genuine TCG art, like this one.
>> No. 41531
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>pic related

Pandala in progress, no news from Ced regarding the plugin.
>> No. 41534
Oh man, I laughed so hard at this... Trolling levels set to maximum.
>> No. 41913
Pandala, la Dernière Rasade is released:

Ced is or was still working on Ogrest but should be able to do his part of the plugin during the weekend.
>> No. 41932
The rules have been updated to reflect Otomaï's and Ogrest's releases, and Ced says he's beginning his work on the plugin today.

And I've started translating Otomaï. If things go smoothly, we should have it shortly after the plugin :)
>> No. 41935
>Good news everyone!
I am excited!
>> No. 42153
Quick update. Ced is discussing stuff with LackeyCCG's developer, hence the delay. Can't really give you an ETA. Haven't progressed on Otomaï either, but that will probably happen during the week.

On the other hand, Ced has a nice extra surprise for us regarding LackeyCCG. I'll keep the suspense for now, but I'm really looking forward to seeing the result.
>> No. 42180
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Dude, you keep teasing me and I feel silly replying wit "yay!" or "huzzah!" every time something good comes up. But what choice do I have?
>> No. 42435
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Finished Otomaï's translation, still have to proofread it when I get rid of this cold. Hopefully it will be up by the end of the week.

Also, I watched the latest Inside Ankama and they revealed the next expansion's name: Le Réveil des Dragons (The Awakening of the Dragons). No other info was leaked, however. That set could be very interesting lore-wise.
>> No. 42556
Bad news, Ankama decided to stop Wakfu TCG.

>> No. 42557
>> No. 42558

somewhat sad news.

Given I only used google translate there can be some errors in it. But if I understand it correct they only cancelled the printed cardgame itself. But the team that worked on it will instead focus on a digital online version of the cardgame.
Also it seems they think that the cardgame in its current form is too much directed at only hardcore cardgame players which is part of the reason for low sales numbers.
So while it is dead in its current for, they will work on a more (I hate to use the word) casual version of it that you can play online.
And thats now just my personal idea, if hey work on a digital version, we might also see some iOS and Android version down the line. but thats really just pure speculation from my side and nothing Ankama has said or hinted at in any way or form.
>> No. 42561
Now that's a downer. Les Gardiens, now this... Both of them really coming out of nowhere (new products were announced for the TCG days ago!).

I need to talk to Ced about what we do now. But before people start panicking, as far as I'm concerned I'll keep translating until I'm done with Ogrest (not like there's that much work left anyway). But we'll have to see if Ced/Ankama's stance on the plugin, or Wakfupedia itself, changes. If they break their commitment with the translation, I'll try to get my work back and we'll see where we go from there.

As for an online version of the game, as things stand now, I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.

I'll keep in touch when I know more.
>> No. 42564
Update posted at http://www.wakfupedia.com/en/welcome

As for the plugin, Ced is now on holidays so it should definitely be finally ready by the end of the year if we can pull off some adjustments to how Lackey works. (It will work either way, but it would be much more convenient to manage and update if we can get it to work as we imagine.)

As for Otomaï, you'll have to give me another week or two as things keep piling up on my end. But I think I can safely say that it will be out before Christmas.
>> No. 43214
Here's some not so fresh news from Ankama. Last Friday, they announced that Studio 1D (their TCG team) wanted the game to stay alive and had been working on possible solutions to make it more accessible and profitable. Ankama says it's willing to listen to their suggestions and assess the feasability of new formats and approaches, but insists on the fact that they're still just considering things at the moment. They could end up just supporting local events without producing more cards, or doing nothing at all. In other words, there's nothing concrete for now but we'll stay tuned.

In other outdated news, I finished translating Ogrest last week, but since Ced has been MIA (computer issues seem to be a plague lately) it's not online yet. Otomaï is, but it needs one or two adjustments before I can call it final.

As for the plugin, Ced said he was aiming for the end of the month because of his computer issues, but considering he hasn't been online for a week I suppose that will be pushed back again. Sorry about that... as usual.
>> No. 43606
Hi guys, i'm Drallieiv. A french Wakfu TCG player, official lvl3 judge, and webmaster of http://tcg.herazade.com (french Wakfu TCG deck builder).

As a judge, i'll try to awswer all your question in english, as most ruling are done in pure french on the official forum.
>> No. 43613
Hey Drallieiv, thanks for offering your help, English-speaking referees are definitely something we wanted to find somewhere along the way. I don't know if you've read about the project, but we are basing the English community on Wakfupedia, so I would ultimately suggest to both you and people who have questions about the rules to use those forums. It will allow recurring questions to be archived and searched through, among other things.

I look forward to seeing you around!
>> No. 43818
So, do we have any progress on the game?
>> No. 43819
No news from Ced.
>> No. 44705
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>> No. 44706

I'll probably start pestering Ced after my current contract, but as always feel free to do so yourselves on the forum.
>> No. 45181
Ogrest is up: http://www.wakfupedia.com/en/sets/7-chaos-d-ogrest

Ced stopped working on Wakfupedia after the TCG went down because he thought there would be no more interest for it... But I told him it doesn't change much for us foreigners who could only play online anyway, and he'll try to finish the plugin around the end of this month.
>> No. 45184
<cue the musical theme>
>> No. 45526
So, is the project dead after all?
>> No. 45531
I should be hearing from Ced soon, he said he was finishing a couple other projects and should get to this at the end of July.
>> No. 45546
I ran out of The X-Files jokes.
>> No. 45552
I've got mail! The plugin's release candidate is ready for testing and improvement. I've already submitted a few bugs to Ced, but the install and update works, so if anyone wants to help test the thing, here are some instructions.

1. Download LackeyCCG:

2. Extract the file to where you want the program to sit on your drive, launch with LackeyCCG.exe.

3. Install the plugin. Go to the Preferences > Plugin tab and enter the following address in the "Install or Update from URL:" field, then click the button:
Wait for the download and install to finish. As instructed, exit the program and reload to refresh the plugin.

4. Go back to the Plugin tab, click Browse installed plugins to load one... Select WakfuTCG_EN and click Choose. That will load the tabletop view. You can go back to the Plugin tab and click "Download all missing card images" if you expect to go offline, but otherwise it's not required as they will be downloaded on demand.

5. Edit your deck and play.

--Using LackeyCCG--
Please refer to lackeyccg.com's video tutorials and guides to learn about how the program itself works. That will teach you the less obvious functions and buttons to improve the gameplay experience, but you can also just have a look around and try stuff.

--Creating Decks--
Go to the Deck Editor tab. The top window is your current deck; the bottom window is your card collection. Simply move cards from one window to the other, and use the "Selected +/- x" buttons to change quantities. When your deck is ready, look for the "Load to zone:" button near the middle. Make sure "Deck" is selected next to it and click it. "Load entire deck to you" does the same thing in one click.

You can also use the Card Pool and Packs... interface from the bottom panel to load boosters or randomly-generated decks.

--Playing Chi-Fu-Mi--
Import the cards from the Chi-Fu-Mi set (as you would normally prepare a deck) using the "Load to zone: (Chi-Fu-Mi)" button. When playing Chi-Fu-Mi, flip the card you wish to play so you don't see its face, then move it to the playing area. Your opponent does the same, then one of you flips both cards at once. When you're done, move the cards back to your respective Chi-Fu-Mi zones.

-- Setting up a Wakfu TCG game --
After building your deck and setting up your Chi-Fu-Mi zone, start the game and pick your Hero and Haven Bag from your Deck and move them to the board (you can recognize them easily as all other cards show the common card back image). Make sure to adjust your stats in the left panel based on your Hero and Haven Bag. The most common values are set as defaults. For the rest, refer to the game's rules or LackeyCCG's guides.

Known bugs:
- Character encoding (accented characters aren't showing)
- Back missing from Hero and Haven Bag cards
- Random decks missing (let us know if you'd like any particular templates)

If you have questions or tips, they will be added to the above to release a more complete guide with the final version. Those who would like to playtest, please leave your e-mail and availability in this thread.
>> No. 45555
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Sweet mother of mercy. An actual progress!

I'm gonna try it out tomorrow when my brain is not overheating like crazy and then report back.

Did you tell /tg/?
>> No. 45556
Not yet, I'm working on other stuff so maybe I'll wait after the first few bugs are settled before I tell them. They'll definitely know before the actual release, though. I have to work on a bit of a hype campaign and make sure people understand how to play the game before it actually launches.

Though if anyone wants to tell them, feel free and send me a link so I can join the fun.
>> No. 45574
Sorry, I still didn't have time to check it out. Too much work to do and when I'm done my brain wants to turn itself off immediately.

I'm taking this Friday off, so expect some input then.
>> No. 45576
No sweat, I'm busy as well and we're waiting to hear from the Lackey developer. I might talk to /tg/ tonight, though, if I get enough stuff done today.
>> No. 45577
/tg/ thread:

I should be there all night, feel free to join and discuss the game so more people get to see the thread.
>> No. 45627
Something finally happens with the TCG and I'm to busy with work (or apathetic, because my brain hates me) to actually check it out. Sigh.

Tomorrow. I swear.
>> No. 45632
Uhm... Seth, for some reason I'm getting antivirus warnings from http://www.lackeyccg.com/downloads.html

I think it's a false alarm, but I'd like your confirmation on that.
>> No. 45636
Can't really help you, I don't use an antivirus... I searched their boards quickly and false positives seem to be a recurring issues with some antivirus programs so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
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