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File 138055720796.gif - (961.88KB , 360x202 , New-New52 Teen Titans.gif )
217079 No. 217079
Batwoman Single!
Justice Leagus Mangled!
Jeff Parker for Aquaman!
And Villain Month had some pretty good stuff in it!

Meanwhile, the small screen superheroes face challenges of their own:

The Leader of the League of Assassins is revealed (you get three guesses, first two don't count)!

And Teen Titans Go! becomes Teen /lit/ans Go!
158 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 218794
You know, this makes too much sense.
>> No. 218849
File 138420071739.jpg?spoiler - (236.43KB , 923x1200 , FEVIL_3_2-3_527be1f5da5d59_85773022.jpg?spoiler )
>> No. 218850
What's going on there?
>> No. 218854
Deathstorm/ Evil Firestorm trapped the Justice League members in the Firestorm matrix. They are inside Firestorm.
>> No. 218868
So just read the Bizzaro World and Bizzaro comics anthologies. Why doesnt DC do anything fun like that anymore? I couldnt imagine trying to do that in the nu52
>> No. 218885
Oh and while solicitations can be misleading, it looks like Bart Allen is evil. Inertia or just another shitty decision by DC to try and bring in the same demographics that they have been trying and failing to reach?
>> No. 218890

They try with their Halloween and Christmas specials. The problem is they are fucking atrocious because instead of getting the best talent, they let the hobo who sucked them off the sweetest to write them.

If you liked Bizarro, there are two more recent works similar to that.

Wednesday Comics, which was amazing, and if you buy the hardcover you can use it as a roof in case you end up homeless.


And SOLO which was more hit or miss

>> No. 218907
Loved Wednesday. Got it as it came out, but newspaper doesnt really hold up long. Need to get the trade. Will look into Solo
>> No. 218909
I'm really disappointed that the only holiday specials since 2010 are the Larfleeze one shot and that Young Romance issue.
>> No. 218933
I am starting to think that Firestorm needs to go away forever, or at least until Geoff Johns, who seems to use him as a plot device for his own worst tendencies, dies or retires.
>> No. 219143
I wish Forever Evil had more substantial destruction. Not in the sense that there should be more panels of supervillains murdering people, but destruction that has some greater purpose. This is an event which brought back the CSA, has drafted every villain with more than 2 appearances into the Secret Society, and was preceded by arcs which gave a look at Silver Age villains Professor Ivo and Despero. Not a whole lot seems to be happening that takes advantage of this. Just explosions. The white house being torched could be cool if the federal government had a major presence in DC titles. I know ARGUS is technically a government agency but it feels more like every other comic book paramilitary organization. Which is why I don't care much about their HQ getting leveled or their agents murdered en masse, either. The Rogue's Rebellion mini still has my interest though. Honestly I could probably be happier if the supervillains just had loftier aspirations than "Hey the JL and these two secret teams no one even knew existed are dead, I'll just run around screaming and killing like an idiot." Does that sound like typical Starro behavior?

Oh and fuck David Finch.

If they don't force Firestorm into situations of awkward importance how will he/they be high profile enough to land a media deal? People need to see the epic big screen fight with...uh...Multiplex?
>> No. 219151
I'm just disappointed that the Young Romance special wasn't starring Larfleeze.
>> No. 219169
File 138464713737.jpg - (61.23KB , 182x300 , starro.jpg )
"Does that sound like typical Starro behavior? "

Only if it involves muffins.
>> No. 219269

>Future Robin is Black

and it won't be Max. If it is I'll be surprised.
>> No. 219273
File 138478587190.jpg - (31.92KB , 500x736 , tumblr_mad9ogYrW81rqed5jo1_500.jpg )
Black Batman is cooler.
>> No. 219318
i thought it was a brillaint twist
>> No. 219464


Holy fuck the incompetence.

Did you split your skull open and slip on a chunk of your spilled grey matter?
>> No. 219465
Tiki, be civil.
>> No. 219466
File 138508136079.jpg - (270.26KB , 496x580 , 1385074011109.jpg )
>> No. 219483


>> No. 219492
Fair enough, but Jesus man, you of all people know what Reboot Firestorm is like.

I can't even begin to grasp the shear scale of incompetence, it is literally flabbergasting.
>> No. 219501
Jeremy Roberts being an established hiree in the comics industry isn't exactly news since anyone with access to google could have looked up his past work once DC announced his role as artist like at least a month ago. Just sayin.
>> No. 219526
Yeah but upon hearing the name of the guy that won the "Find A New Artist That never worked in The Biz Before" contest, most people don't google him to see what he's done before. If you particularly liked the picture, maybe, but most of us just shrugged went "good for him," and moved on assuming he wasn't a guy with a long history working at DC.
>> No. 219528

I am not sure what you are saying here. Are you saying that because anyone can use google to see that DC is talking bullshit, then we shouldn't take them to task about it?
>> No. 219537
It's so easy anyone that actually cared would have found out.

It's not DC's fault that you don't actually care if new artists really are getting work or not.
>> No. 219545

>> It's so easy anyone that actually cared would have found out.

Just because it was an easy to disprove, stupid lie doesn't change the fact that DC was bullshitting people.

>>It's not DC's fault that you don't actually care if new artists really are getting work or not.

Ooh, so now it's not DC's fault that they are bullshitting people, it is our fault because we did not care... even though we are talking about it (Guess we should talk more about it then?) DC is the innocent party here; just another victim of our ennui.

Look, DC said they were going to find a new artist, they found a guy that had worked for them and other companies many times before and they bullshitted about it.

Please don't embarrass yourself trying to defend what can't be defended.
>> No. 219555
So I juSt read sugar and spike archives vol 1 and loved it. It covered 10pit of 100 Issues. DC released it in 2011. I think DC probably abandoned all plans to release the rest. Probably clashes too much with their try hard grimdark edgefest anyway
>> No. 219560
It's manufactured outrage. DC put out a product people liked. Everyone was fine with the art until they found out there was a reson they could act butthurt about it.
>> No. 219561
The "outrage" (which seems a bit of an overstatement, but whatever) is not over the product, it is over the fact that they said this was an attempt to find new talent, and they ended up going with someone who, while a capable artist who deserves a job as much as anyone, doesn't meet those criteria.
>> No. 219574
Not the guy you're talking to, but maybe they just gave up because of the whole backlash or didn't find one artist who suited the thing.
Not trying to defend DC or anything (seriously, who would at this point...), but that's a possibility.
>> No. 219575
That's possible. But in that case they should've just said something like:

"After closer consideration we've decided that the original pitch was tone deaf, and we are cancelling the talent search for the time being to revise our strategy for the next time we have an open call for submissions of this nature.

In the meantime we would like to announce the promotion of lesser-known talent Jeremy Roberts to take the position originally to be offered in our previous contest."
>> No. 219580
True. But after the way they handled all the professionals going "fuck you DC" lately, we know better than to expect an honest approach like that.

You know, I went to a con the other day where Johns and a few artists were doing a Q&A. I wonder why people were asking so much about DC's Nu52 fuck ups, when the answers were pretty much diplomatic stuff, and some illustrator went as far as saying "starting shit on twitter is unprofessional"... don't think they'd get away with complaining.
>> No. 219742
File 138556332520.jpg - (174.20KB , 749x1065 , new_supergirl_by_renato_camilo_by_tony058-d5vkza9.jpg )
Every time I see it i'm remined of just how fucking terrible Supergirl's costume.

It's almost the patron saint of bad costumes, like what could ever possibly top a giant red maxi pad on a girl's costume?
>> No. 219747
File 138557385126.jpg - (42.98KB , 400x596 , 4975_4_04.jpg )
>> No. 219748
At least she's not wearing a carpet for a cape, her boots cover her knees and she's wearing panties instead of a maxipad.
>> No. 219749
Oh and her neck is open, which is a continually baffling fuck up as far as DC's Super family costumes go.
>> No. 219767
Is she going super saiyan?
>> No. 219791
Well she's a third alien, a third angel/demon and a third human so its possible. God its horrid.
>> No. 219807
File 138569135495.jpg - (218.81KB , 1280x1968 , 26.jpg )
Well, it's been a while since a comic so brazenly pissed in my corn flakes.

>> No. 219809
Would you like a Valium?
>> No. 219825
I kinda enjoyed the alternate Jor-el showing up and the way Superman defeated H'el. Though it may not have been for the same reasons Lobdell intended.
>> No. 219826
I've got brain damage that results in it causing worsening psychosis and sleep apnea, so no thanks.

I don't think anything good that's happened in the New52 has been intentional.
>> No. 219829
Do we mean good events in the new 52 or good books?
>> No. 219830
>> No. 219837
File 138575216651.jpg - (354.36KB , 900x1403 , GL-Cv28-c1f33.jpg )
All right, who thought this was a good idea?
>> No. 219840
Supergirl has been spun as someone on the verge of losing control and entering full-crazy bitch for most of the the New 52. Solicits, interviews, appearances in other titles. Channel 52 ads. They really want to sell her as a misunderstood teen throwing herself into stupid fights, and now it seems that will finally be reflected in her own title.

Why does Guy have a mustache?
>> No. 219848
Rotworld wasn't that bad.

The fuck am I looking at?
>> No. 219958
>> The fuck am I looking at?

Carrie, starring Supergirl.
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