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File 137558653218.jpg - (860.90KB , 1500x1500 , Battle of the Bands.jpg )
214093 No. 214093
Last thread can be found over round yonder: >>213568

Just dawned on me that "It's Archie" and "Sabrina: Secrets of a Teenage Witch" are both being done by Moonscoop, potentially raising the possibility of crossover eps. Which would be cool...
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>> No. 214105
...Wouldn't it make more sense for Bass to be on bass guitar and Blues on vocals?
>> No. 214106

His Japanese name is Forte, that image was made for a music arrangement album released only in Japan.
>> No. 214111
File 137560824242.jpg - (757.48KB , 2288x1641 , quake-woman-design-stuff.jpg )
>Man you can try and rationalize it and she's a good character despite it. But she looks like a Reploid.

You misunderstand me. You're working from the assumption that "looking like a Reploid" is a bad thing and that the character is good despite that. What I'm saying is that she does indeed look like a Reploid, and that's exactly what she should look like.

More specifically, she looks like a bargain bin reploid. A cheap one, lacking the ornamentation of the main reploids in the X series. She has nowhere near as many bells and whistles as the reploids that got names. But yes, she could pass. As could Bass, Mega Man, Proto Man, and hell "Hyper Roll". They look like stripped down reploids. Mega Man looks like X (obviously), the "classic" limb design of black with huge gloves and boots gets used over and over again with extra modifications, and you see lots of variations on Rock's helmet. (Techno from Mega Man X: Command Mission looks like what you'd get if Rock and Bass were in a teleporter accident and got fused). Rock, Bass, Proto Man and Tempo could be put into the background of an animated cutscene in the X era, and if you didn't know who they were you'd just think they were simple reploid designs with a couple oddities. Rock and Bass look like very primitive and austere male reploids, so since Tempo is intended to be their female counterpart, it makes sense that she'd look like an especially unornamented and simple female reploid.

And an extremely good job was done of that. For the most part she seems like a female version of Bass' design, but with a torso that's in line with other 20XX females (Splash Woman, Honey Woman, Virgo). The helmet that allows some of her hair out seems like a simplified version of common reploid designs. Which I believe is exactly what it should be. As far as I'm concerned, her current design "nailed it". That's exactly what a distaff counterpart to Rock should look like. So when people say she looks like a generic reploid, I maintain that they're unintentionally complimenting the design. Of course a Ford Model T is going to look a lot like an unrefined version of a Ford Model A.
>> No. 214113
Since his name is Forte, singing loudly makes sense.
>> No. 214115
File 137562698471.png - (4.37KB , 239x163 , HyperMegaMan.png )
And Hyper Roll is based on Afrodite A?
I ask because of how fucking Mazinger Z this fucker look.
>> No. 214118
File 137563330286.jpg - (49.57KB , 683x204 , nah.jpg )
I don't see any resemblance.
>> No. 214119
when will we see this guy?
>> No. 214120
That's cool and all but if people keep thinking Reploid before realizing she's a Classic bot that's not a good thing. Passing for a Reploid and being assumed as one aren't really the same. The girl has a boring design that doesn't quite fit in. Her civilian look is still just fine and she's a good character in spite of it so there doesn't need to be such a defensive rage I think.
>> No. 214123
Question, do people confuse Bass for a Reploid also? I ask because Quake Woman's design is about as complex as Bass's.
>> No. 214125

Never since he's from a crossover game and probably not canon. Most you'll see is an off panel.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone think Bass is a reploid.
>> No. 214131
File 137564448277.jpg - (94.60KB , 618x476 , demo.jpg )
It's the most correct design she could possibly have. Standard Classic legs and arms. Standard Classic fembot torso armor.

Not sure what gave an impression of "defensive rage," but sorry about sending that signal. My gear is stuck on "happy to demonstrate why this is a good design". Praising something you like and illustrating why it's good is fun.
>> No. 214132
>I don't think I've ever seen anyone think Bass is a reploid.

They why the heck would people confuse Tempo for one in terms of design? Her body type is straight-up a fembot version of Bass's body as seen >>214131
>> No. 214133
Because she looks like one. She's got a Reploid hairstyle and a body that's closer to Reploid than Robot Master. It's not coming from bad ideas but giving her such a generic body where the only thing that stands out is aReploid bit makes her look like a Reploid. A helmet and a bit of quake theming really couldn't hurt.
>> No. 214135
Quake Woman doesn't look especially Reploid-ish to me. Not any more than most of the guys from about MM4 or 5 and up.
>> No. 214141
File 137565086882.png - (267.82KB , 500x406 , Quake Woman Side View.png )
>She's got a Reploid hairstyle

I don't see why "long ponytails" have to be exclusive to reploids. For that matter, I can't think of any reploids that have that hairstyle.

>a body that's closer to Reploid than Robot Master.

That doesn't seem like a stance you can really defend when someone has demonstrated that you can create her body by simply combining the Classic female torso and shoulders design with Bass's lower body and arms.

>such a generic body

It's true that her body is generic. However, the difference between reploids and robots like Rock, Bass, and Blues is that the Classic bots are more generic looking. Adding more details is literally what turns Rock into X. Well, that and growing a couple feet.

>a helmet

She has one. It has holes cut into the back to let some hair spill out. Furthermore, it's not a fancy reploid helmet with lots of little individual parts. It's about as simple as the helmets sported by Rock or Blues (and simpler than Bass'), just with something so her hair isn't all pent up.

>a bit of quake theming

She is intended to be a Classic robot in the same mold as Mega Man. A character that can take off the armor and wear "normal people clothes". Who has hair under the helmet. Who has a "music" name. She's not meant to be one of the robots heavily designed around a specific theme, like Pharaoh Man. She's meant to be more like Rock and Bass.

Here, Rock and Tempo side by side, similar poses, same colors, with a good view of her helmet from the side. She's a girl, so she has to wear a "top" like Splash Woman, Honey Woman, and Virgo... but aside from that they look like they could be brother and sister.
>> No. 214142
Look you guys can argue about it all day back and forth for the millionth but it's not going to change the way people think.

Some people think she looks like a reploid when they see the first time, others don't get over it both of you.
>> No. 214144
As someone who doesn't read Megaman can you explain the importance of if she's a "reploid" or not?
>> No. 214146
reploid come from copying the design of X (the first Robot to have Free Will.supposedly) though not perfectly also their mental and physical abilities either meet or exceed those of humans and unlike Mega and his generation they have true emotions (IIRC) and are free thinking beings. So really she may look similar to a later generation model but her engineering isn't as advanced..supposedly. In short reploid are later generations of the Light Android model which Tempo is not. All importance in that is just to keep the chronology straight.
>> No. 214147

Reploids, short for replicated Androids, don't exist in the Classic Era, as they're more advanced machines that are, mentally, on the same level as humans, exhibit true free will, and (as of the later parts of the X-Series) have DNA which doubles as their... souls? I never really got that part. Basically Reploids get pretty damn close to being human. The gap between Artificial and Organic life will become more narrow in the future (MMZ and MMXZ) and eventually become virtually non-existent (Legends).

Someone seems to be arguing that the design of whatsherface is more remniscent of the X-Series than the classic series because of, and I'm guessing since I haven't bothered to read the argument, the way her armor is designed. I.E., there's more of it. I honestly feel like if her design is too close to the X-Series, then the same could be said for Bass. Or Junkman. Or Tenguman. Swordman. Basically, most robot Masters that appeared in MM7, MM8, or MM&B.
>> No. 214155
File 137566928826.jpg - (95.02KB , 398x800 , singer.jpg )
>As someone who doesn't read Megaman can you explain the importance of if she's a "reploid" or not?

Put simply:

Very smart scientists created the very first robots capable of human-level thinking and emotion. These robots included Mega Man, Proto Man, Roll, Bass, and (in the comics) Tempo.

Years later the smartest of those scientists created a MUCH better version of Mega Man, named X (or Mega Man X). He's Mega Man 2.0, basically, and looks like an upgraded and fancier version of Mega Man.

About a hundred years later, other scientists tried to copy the technology in X, and their knock-off robots are called Reploids.

So people are saying that she looks sort of like the robots that were based on Mega Man 2.0.

The thing is, they're right. She does look sort of like a crude reploid. Because that's exactly what she is: a crude reploid. She is a crude robot built to look and act like a human, they are fancy more advanced robots built to look and act like humans.

It's a bit like saying there's something wrong with an old-model sewing machine looking like a crude version of a modern sewing machine.
>> No. 214156
Look, I get that they want her to look like Mega Man and Proto Man. They just fucked that up. Mega Man and Proto Man look like that because they don't really have any theme besides kid hero and anti-hero. Their designs say just that much, but they do say that much. Quake Woman's design doesn't say anything: she's not a hero like Mega Man, she's a geologist. A Quake Woman with a quake power and a quake job (or in other words, they made her a Robot Master in everything but look.) But instead of looking like a geologist, she's just some chick in non-indicative armor (and with a headpiece that looks more like a Navigator's mic than a Classic helmet.) So instead of looking like a Robot Master, or looking like Mega Man/Proto Man/Bass (who she shouldn't anyway because she's not a herobot), she looks like a background Reploid.
You can do Tempo as a civilian bot gussied up while giving her a theme, and you can make a robot look like Mega Man, Proto Man or Bass without confusing them for Reploids (because those three manage to do it.) But by halfassing and trying to do both, the design fails to do either. She's "background Reploid No.3."
>> No. 214157
Dude if she'd looked like a female Concrete Man and took off her helmet to wear people clothes, people would bitch that robots like Concrete Man aren't meant to do that. She's way more like Mega Man than anything else, and if she'd been given a name like Amazing Woman we'd never hear the end of it. There was no perfect way to do this but they probably picked the best option.
>> No. 214159
If she was Amazing Woman who was a robot made to be a hero like Rock, maybe. I'd still say that her armor's bland and doesn't say enough. But she's Quake Woman, the quake bot with quake powers who quakes for a living. They made her a Robot Master, but then didn't let that influence her design at all and didn't make anything else to replace said influence (unless I guess twin ponytails really scream "stoic seismologist.)" If people bitched that Quake Woman looked "too thematic" that'd be genuinely dumb (she's introduced as Tempo first, adding armor really wouldn't be a problem since she does that anyway), but that's not the situation. The situation is that she has a design so bland and non-indicative of anything that she looks like a character from another series in the franchise.
>> No. 214160
File 137567518680.jpg - (100.49KB , 381x350 , skyping.jpg )
If you look back though half the point is that she wasn't built to be Quake Woman. She was built to be Tempo. Lalinde didn't set out to make a Geology robot. She made a robot daughter. The geology stuff paid the construction bills. Its not quite like how Light built a son then added "super fighting robot" gear but it's close.
>> No. 214161
Yeah but that doesn't really matter? That backstory explains why she's Tempo and has a civilian mode. It doesn't mean that her Robot Master look has to be totally empty and bland.
>> No. 214162
Yes it does. Lalinde didn't really want a geology robot. She wanted a daughter.
>> No. 214164
I should have posted a different Mega Man 28 preview image last thread.
>> No. 214165
Right, which is why she has Tempo, the daughter-bot.
Quake Woman's a straight up Robot Master. Is your point "Quake Woman is completely half assed" as a geology robot, and that's why her design is so bad? Because that's really sort of a shitty excuse. There are robots in this series that were made completely against the creators' will, they still were able to have interesting themed designs. Skull Man doesn't have green and purple generic armor, and we wouldn't want him to.
Even if we want to say "Lalinde half-assed Quake Woman because all she wanted was Tempo" (in which case her powers shouldn't really be considered that useful and powerful) then the armor should look half-assed and shitty, not just bland and empty. She looks generic, not crappy.
>> No. 214166
This'll end eventually, it's fine. We may have to agree to disagree at some point, but it's not so bad.
>> No. 214167
Lalinde designed the equipment properly because she's a good scientist. She just didn't cover the armor with tons of unnecessary pictures of drills, make the helmet a giant drill, add drill shoulderpads, or anything like that. That sort of thing isn't necessary for the job, it's just ornamental. She made sure everything did its job properly but she didn't make it scream "geology robot" because she wasn't making a geology robot. She was making a daughter with an alt-mode for doing geology.
>> No. 214168
>That sort of thing isn't necessary for the job, it's just ornamental.
This is true for EVERY SINGLE ROBOT MASTER (and it's also true for several of those Robot Masters that they weren't made to do what they do because the creators wanted to.) Notice that they still somehow manage to have themes and ornamental bits on their design, things that say who they are and what they do? Like I just said, if the point was supposed to be "she wasn't really trying" then it should have looked half-assed and sort of crappy on Lalinde's part. But it doesn't: it's just bland, which says nothing, not even a lack of effort. Giving her quake theming takes away nothing, but not giving it to her (and failing to give her anything else to indicate what she does or what role she plays) makes her a lazy design that can get confused for a nameless Reploid.
>> No. 214169
Eh. The way Flynn described her months ago, she's different because she's a blank slate still. She's still finding herself, figuring out who she is. If she wasn't a Plain Jane, it would be much harder to sell that.
>> No. 214171

The other designers cared about the ornamental stuff because they went into the project wanting to build a train robot/deep sea exploration robot/climate research robot or whatever. Lalinde wanted a daughter. She put in the right equipment needed to do the work that was needed to pay the bills, but it was just something she had to do, not the thing that she was most interested in.

>then it should have looked half-assed and sort of crappy on Lalinde's part.

She doesn't build crappy tech. She wasn't about to send her daughter in wearing bad armor and using a crappy drill. Tempo's armor and tech is top of the line. But Lalinde wasn't making a design trying to tell the world This Is A Geology Robot.

That too.
>> No. 214172
All I'm gonna say is the themed creative Robot Masters are there to sell them to us, not investors in Mega Man's world. It would take nothing to give her some bits that would let her Robot Master self look like a Robot Master, while not changing her civilian mode even slightly. But at this point, yeah, agree to disagree.
>> No. 214173
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You've literally been arguing back and forth on the same issue repeating the same points for over a day now neither side is making headway.
>> No. 214176
File 137569708127.jpg - (20.48KB , 293x521 , Techno.jpg )
>Quake Woman's design doesn't say anything: she's not a hero like Mega Man

Well... her roles in the book are
1. A female heroic counterpart to Mega Man (that can function out of the water...).
2. A cautionary tale counterpart to Mega Man where things went horribly wrong.
3. A way to explore "growing up" for a robot master that has yet to forge an identity, and whose personality isn't at 100% yet.

A design more rigidly adherent to a theme would play against all three roles. And I really would say that "Quake" is related enough to "Rock" that they should be allowed some wiggle room here.

>A Quake Woman with a quake power and a quake job (or in other words, they made her a Robot Master in everything but look.)

You seem to be arguing that if her name was just "Tempo" and she wasn't a geologist, she would stop looking "too much like a reploid".

>a headpiece that looks more like a Navigator's mic than a Classic helmet.

Navigators wear headphones with a microphone. That's not a helmet at all. Tempo wears a helmet, with no mic. Heck, you may as well be saying that Plum's hat-with-built-in-mic is too much like a Navigator headpiece.

>she's not a herobot

She's been in three stories, and was a hero in two. No, she wasn't designed in-universe to be a herobot, but her role in the greater story is to be one.

There's a major hole in your logic here, btw. Proto Man (in the games at least) wasn't built to be a hero either. And yet he looks like one.

>she looks like a background Reploid.

She has the gloves/boots of Bass and the standard Classic-era fembot Torso armor. Even background reploids are more complex.

>You can do Tempo as a civilian bot gussied up while giving her a theme

And then instead of "she looks like a reploid" (which she does, to the same extend Bass and Rock do), we'd be hearing how themed robot masters aren't meant to take off all their armor, wear their hair loose, put on a bathing suit and head to the beach. THAT would actually set a much worse precedent because we'd have people wondering why Elec Man, Time Man, and the rest don't put on some different clothes to go out to the fair or whatever.

>you can make a robot look like Mega Man, Proto Man or Bass without confusing them for Reploids (because those three manage to do it.)

But they manage to do it by literally being the basis for Reploids. Here's Techno. He's what happens when a Bass loves a Mega Man very much, and nine months (and a hundred or so years) later...

The only reason Mega Man doesn’t look like a generic reploid is that you know the reason he looks like X is that X is based on him.


>If she was Amazing Woman who was a robot made to be a hero like Rock, maybe.

You're again unintentionally arguing that simply having a different name would make her design stop looking "too reploid".

>They made her a Robot Master, but then didn't let that influence her design at all

She’s not a “themed” Robot Master, no. But she has the standard robot master legs, and the sort of torso armor we saw with Splash Woman. Virgo is MUCH more obscure, and Honey Woman wasn't public knowledge when Tempo was designed, so they probably didn’t influence the design, but all four girls share the shape of their torso armor. That worked out nicely.

> I'd still say that her armor's bland and doesn't say enough.

Do you say that about Bass? But then again, she’s a quiet girl that’s still forming a personality. If her armor’s not saying much, that’s actually a good fit for her.

> Yeah but that doesn't really matter? That backstory explains why she's Tempo and has a civilian mode.

It absolutely matters. It’s the very core of it. It’s not that she “has a civilian mode”. It’s that she was designed to be a little girl, and got a geologist mode. One thing absolutely took supremacy over the other.

> Because that's really sort of a shitty excuse.
It’s not an excuse, it’s something that makes perfect sense given the established personality of the character. Lalinde didn’t want her daughter walking around wearing a helmet with a giant pickaxe attached to the top. She gave Tempo the tools needed to get the job done and stopped with that.

>Skull Man
If a maniac with a skull fetish is holding your daughter hostage and demanding a killer robot, making a killer robot with a skull theme makes all kinds of sense.

>> 214169
>she's different because she's a blank slate still. She's still finding herself, figuring out who she is.
In addition to that, Lalinde and Quake Woman are clearly meant to be a broken reflection of Light and Rock, where there was tragedy instead of things going smoothly.

>> 214173
>over a day now
I’ve been gone the whole day pretty much and missed most of it.
>> No. 214178
Yeah, given the slow pace of plus4chan, "more than a day" isn't that impressive a length for an argument. I've had arguments on here that lasted more than a week but only consisted of like five posts by the time it was all over.
>> No. 214181

Was that Bass's hair visible at the end of the fight? Sorta hard to tell, but I guess he has black hair?

Judging from the 'cized masters, I'd say they usually lean toward "it's a part of their head, not a helmet". Is there a short list for bots that have hair under there or are they deciding as they go?
>> No. 214185
Oh, I guess we weren't done. Fine.

>You seem to be arguing that if her name was just "Tempo" and she wasn't a geologist, she would stop looking "too much like a reploid".
I'm arguing that if she had a look that was actually indicative of fucking anything, she wouldn't be considered a background Reploid. Even Mega Man, Proto Man and Bass are themed in their simplicity. Everybody in Classic is, but Tempo. And that's what makes her look like a Reploid more than anything else: because she doesn't go with the cartoony simplicity, just going with a generic hero armor that honestly isn't even very heroic. She's bland and empty, but not even in a way that SAYS "bland and empty." It just says "there." It's a really shitty design that could easily have been made better by giving her some visual indication of what she was, and seeing as she was easily a Robot Master in everything but look, it's the easiest way to go about it. Lalinde isn't the one who looks lazy, it's the artists.

Generally it's thought to be Rock, Proto Man and Bass with hair although Bass hasn't shown off his in anything official.
>> No. 214186
Fuck it really has been just going in circles this whole time
>> No. 214189
File 137572287958.gif - (499.58KB , 500x235 , I disagree.gif )
>It's a really shitty design
>> No. 214192
You guys are literally arguing over whether or not Bass would suddenly look like a reploid if he changed his name to Quake Man.
>> No. 214193
I've resigned to being an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, but that's just being a jackass.
>> No. 214195
I dunno, I think there'd be merit to giving the bots like Tornado Man hair under the helmet. I could explain but I fear I'm already sounding weird.
>> No. 214196
Although this was the thread where people were arguing over Blaze's bosoms
>> No. 214197
No, sorry PG, but for once I don't see any merit to your argument. Which bothers me, because you and I usually seem to be on the same wavelength.

>>RE: She looks like a reploid
This one has never made sense to me. Now before I get into it, let me define "Reploid design" here. I mean:
- the obviously human ones, like X and Zero (not Toxic Seahorse and the like)
- the general standard, like X vs. Sigma vs. Nana as opposed to Techno

In all those instances, the Reploids always have a more mature look to them. They have the bodies of adolescents or adults. Their bodies are detailed, with comparatively complex shapes and color schemes. Even pre-Command Mission X had more going on from the shoulders and up than Rock had in his entire body.

Quake Woman has a far simpler Classic-era design. The color scheme is simple, the details of the body are simple. She looks far closer to Mega Man and Proto Man in terms of visual aesthetics than, say, Freeze Man. Even Bass, who is more complicated in design, still retains the look of a "young man" versus the more adult proportions of the Reploids. As an Anon showed (through excellent example btw - bravo) Quake Woman's body type and general design fits in with the Classic era just fine.

>>RE: She doesn't visually fit her theme
Yes she does. Her theme is "child robot turned into something more." She was designed with Rock, Roll and Blues in mind first, Robot Master second. The other Robot Masters look like their work because that's what they were designed for. That's their point. Quake Woman was Tempo first. Otherwise, one could complain Rock's design sucks because he doesn't look "mega enough" when he armors up.

Plus, she gets a drill for an arm and has shock absorbers on her feet. She's got design elements of her job in her, they just don't dictate the entirety of her design scheme. In that sense, she's got more tying her to her theme than Bomb Man's "pot-belly punk duck" design.

>>RE: She doesn't look like a Robot Master
Look, I'm approaching "Robot Master" as a class of robot. Mega Man is a Robot Master. Roll is a Robot Master. Bass is a Robot Master. They have the mental facilities and physical abilities of the boss robots, so let's call a spade a spade. Elec Man is a Robot Master designed to regulate electricity. Roll is a Robot Master designed to be a house keeper/daughter. Tempo/Quake Woman is a Robot Master designed as a geological surveyor/daughter. Mega Man is a Robot Master designed to be a lab assistant/super fighting robot/son.

>>RE: The design is shitty
No, it's not. It clearly fits within the Classic design scheme and visually establishes her on the same level as Rock, Blues or Roll - a "child" that's been adapted for heavier work. You can dislike it all you want, but you can't damn it for faults that aren't accurate.
>> No. 214198
On being mature, she's simple but she is older. That much I don't hang against her, but Reploids aren't ALL super complex and she could fit in as a background one. This is to the point that a lot of people assume she's from another series instead of an original character. That should at least give a hint that they're being led to such a conclusion.
She fucks up her theme. Mega Man isn't just "child put to more", he's "kid hero/jump and shoot man." He looks like what he does. He's a little hero, Proto Man's a little anti-hero, and Bass is a little villain. They all look like what they do. At best, Quake Woman looks like she was made to jump and shoot, but really it doesn't mean anything. You can do "kid armored up" and still make that armor something besides "completely generic green and purple." Her drill only comes out half the time (and uses a Buster Cannon) and you can't see her shock absorbers at all so they REALLY don't count.
I get that in-story they're all Robot Masters. That's great, that's how it should be, that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the Robot Masters as the robots with specific jobs, names and abilities. Rock, Proto Man and Bass don't have those, so if Quake Woman didn't want to be compared to a Robot Master, she really shouldn't have either. But she did, so we're calling her one and calling her out for having that be completely non-represented despite actually being important to her character (as if you couldn't do both, Bass fucking does both. Her design is just his without the IMPORTANT PARTS.)
It's at best a mediocre design, but with the most basic potential it had, it's shitty. Mega Man, Proto Man and Bass are able to show off who they are while being simple. All Quake Woman's says is "I'm here." That's bad. That's why she's called a Reploid. Not because she's too complex, not even because she has a ton of hair (although that doesn't help.) It's because her robot design says absolutely nothing about her, and that's something you could only get away with in the later series.

Even if the official word says otherwise, I'm not going to say my opinion's invalid and I'm not going to say I'm talking out of my ass. She fails to convey any important ideas, and that's a really important thing in a design especially for this series.
>> No. 214199
On the older bit I should say she's the right size/age where she could really be either Classic or X series based on her design. It's an ambiguous in between, and I never really argued about that bit so I'm not sure why it's brought against me. She's not too old to be a Classic bot, that's never been the case.
>> No. 214211
No, it was my fault for asking about Tempo in reaction that image.

I'm so sorry, thread.
>> No. 214214
>toxic seahorse
I forgot how awesome the animal guys were.
>> No. 214215
Growl I will end you some day, I will end all you prude idiots who refuse to discuss character design in a kids series because "oh no the boobies!!!"
>> No. 214218
File 137574175588.png - (306.23KB , 900x1126 , archie_megaman__s_quake_woman_by_justedesserts-d57.png )
Since this is still going I'll add my two cents.

Anon showed that she's Bass with Splash Woman's chest. If she's badly designed, Bass is badly designed. If there's a background reploid that looks as simple as Bass or Tempo, the problem is that you're looking at a badly designed background reploid.

But I've never seen one quite as simple as them. Even the simplest isn't that simple.

To be blunt, background reploid chicks always have breasts. Tempo's Blaze-flat. Game Blaze, not Archie, obviously. In fact, the only X-era reploid girl to not have hit puberty with a knockout punch is Pallette. And her design is crazy. I don't want these threads to be breast obsessed but it's true. In fact X-era female reploids usually have at least two colors in their chest so that the breasts can stand out more.

I'd argue that the problem is that Capcom has never shown their own take on what a female Mega Man would look like. The closest is Hyper Roll, who actually looks a lot like Quake Woman, except she's even more advanced.

And first impressions count for a lot. The first time Tempo was shown it wasn't in Inafune's style. I strongly suspect we wouldn't be having this conversation if the first time people saw her she looked liked this.
>> No. 214222
Dammit it's not that she's too complex, it's that she's nothing. Bass' design is better for all the additions to make him look more like a bad guy, most of which aren't on Quake Woman and wouldn't be right for her anyway. She looks like Bass in a bunch of the unimportant details, but her own design brings nothing to the table. She looks like a Reploid because Reploids could just look like "person but as a robot," which nobody in Classic gets away with, not even Mega Man Proto Man and Bass. I'll shut up, but stop putting words in my mouth that aren't there.
>> No. 214229
I think the book could have been a bit clearer that Lalinde designed a girlbot then added a Quake Woman mode. Not designed Quake Woman then added a girlbot mode. I noticed it but I guess the book never said it out loud so some people might get confused.
>> No. 214235
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>> No. 214236
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>> No. 214237
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>> No. 214238
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>> No. 214239
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>> No. 214240
Are they going to do a special worlds collide tpb or will we have to wait until each of the three series tpb releases catch up to that.
Following three things at once seemed like a hassle so I just decided to wait it out.
>> No. 214242

They're doing a trade for each act.

Act 1's out in October I think.
>> No. 214243

Pretty sure I saw something about there being a WC TPB (or two, or three) somewhere at some point.
>> No. 214244
File 137577146661.jpg - (212.40KB , 511x1392 , hair.jpg )
>What should be just a great Mega Man story now has jarring references to a non-Mega Man story for the first few pages

I really wish the crossover had been entirely self contained.
>> No. 214245
File 137577194645.png - (220.06KB , 573x1500 , 37578244.png )

But then how could they plugplugplug it?

On the subject of hair I thought I should share this.
>> No. 214254
Thanks, doc.
>> No. 214257
Three Worlds Collide TPBs, and Mega Man volume six will have 21-23 and 28
>> No. 214258
File 137579712681.jpg - (8.70KB , 209x131 , Sonic The Hedgehog 251-005.jpg )
Was this meant to be a sly Compass Man cameo?
>> No. 214267
Is that Jampole doing the pencil work on Mega Man 28? It looks really nice.
>> No. 214269
Not really getting the "hair" stuff, but I agree it would be preferable if the crossover had been more self contained, especially on Mega Man's side since we're dovetailing directly into an adaptation of a game.

It is. And the man's a treasure.
>> No. 214270
When should first subscribers be getting Sonic Universe? Anyone know?
>> No. 214292
File 137584197773.jpg?spoiler - (78.23KB , 450x441 , 1375837703629.jpg?spoiler )
oh boy, cant wait to see all the edits of this.
>> No. 214296
Beyond obnoxious that the other /co/ is now getting into the habit of posting the big spoilers, unspoiled, before every issue is out in stores.

Someone out there with a subscription is being a gigantic and selfish ass.
>> No. 214297

He doesn't necessarily have a subscription, that image came from The Mega Man Network's review of the issue posted a few days ago. If you wanna bitch at someone for taking it, start with them.
>> No. 214298
It's not necessarily just one person that saved pictures from the review. Someone posted a spoiler a week ago that was definitely a low resolution scan they obviously did on their own. More than one person is being an ass, and it's not just recently.
>> No. 214332
ソニック ロストワー…youtube thumb
>> No. 214348

Was the animation outsourced to the company that made Little Panda Fighter?
>> No. 214349
File 137596805786.jpg - (1.07MB , 2619x1734 , 1375904622617.jpg )
also look what I found
>> No. 214351
You do know that's supposed to be in-game cutscene and not a CGI animated one right?
>> No. 214360
So how is this going to change the Protoman dynamic from the games?
>> No. 214365
Not sure. For that matter not sure how the dynamic is going to be different in general. I think in Japan they're still trying to keep up the idea that Mega Man doesn't know Blues is his brother. Having them be fully aware with no mystery right at the start in the American version... not sure how I feel about it. Think I would've preferred if there were some more encounters where Rock was going "who the hell IS this guy?" before the secret got revealed to him.
>> No. 214366
A couple Speed Racer jokes woulda been funny too
>> No. 214368
File 137600398722.jpg - (17.68KB , 400x300 , WHATTHEFUCK MAN.jpg )
>Indebted to Wily, Proto Man served him under the alias of Break Man. He did this until his encounters with Mega Man in Mega Man 3 made him realize the true nature of Dr. Wily. Proto Man saved Mega Man in the end of Mega Man 3, and officially turned against Wily in Mega Man 4, when he rescued Kalinka Cossack. However, he still refused help from Dr. Light, still holding onto his feelings. Mega Man doesn't know that Proto Man is his brother.[3] The only plothole is that he referred to Mega Man as brother in the English version of Mega Man 7, but this is countered by the fact that he said no such thing in the Japanese version.
>> No. 214369
Aye but then you couldn't have Mega Man fighting his brother. Blues is only evil once, you can't waste it.
>> No. 214373

If I was more inclined to do so, I would definitely do an edit of that one CAD comic (You know the one) using this page.


I had no idea that Protoman being Megaman's brother was a mystery to Megaman himself in Japan. Does Doctor Light know?
>> No. 214377

Pretty sure he does otherwise Proto Man's ending in Power Fighters wouldn't make much sense.

He probably just respects Proto Man's decision to be a mystery, probably out of guilt.
>> No. 214399
Yo, I respect you as an author and for all the crap you put up with, but
>I don't see any merit to your (Penguin God's) argument
that shit's whack.

Most Mega Man characters that aren't the off-kilter Robot Masters use a very simple, very similar template (and even some of the weird Robot Masters share general shapes and sizes with each other). Even in comparison to a franchise like Sonic the standard look of Mega Man is a very "generic" one between characters. And that makes sense. Blues, Rock, and Roll are all created by the same guy. Bass was based on Rock. Every single sentient robot in history post 21XX is based on an upgraded, robot that is basically Light's masterpiece and a perfect refinement on Rock. It makes sense that these characters are within a certain level of similarity to one another.

At the same time, you have to notice that the robots in the Classic series that are neither designed by Light nor copies of Rock have that general structure but have enough differentiating them that they look distinguishable and different. It's a kids series where a robot's job or theme (especially in cases where the job is just a justification) is supposed to be easily understood just by looking at them. Bass looks a LOT like Rock, and so does Blues, and even Tornado Man has his own similarities, but Ring Man, despite a similar build, has enough to easily make him distinct from them. Same goes for Pharaoh and Crystal and Gemini and Quick, you get the idea. Even if it doesn't make it very obvious, they still stand out and contrast with others.
>> No. 214400
Yo, I respect you as an author and for all the crap you put up with, but
>I don't see any merit to your (Penguin God's) argument
that shit's whack.

Most Mega Man characters that aren't the off-kilter Robot Masters use a very simple, very similar template (and even some of the weird Robot Masters share general shapes and sizes with each other). Even in comparison to a franchise like Sonic the standard look of Mega Man is a very "generic" one between characters. And that makes sense. Blues, Rock, and Roll are all created by the same guy. Bass was based on Rock. Every single sentient robot in history post 21XX is based on an upgraded, robot that is basically Light's masterpiece and a perfect refinement on Rock. It makes sense that these characters are within a certain level of similarity to one another.

At the same time, you have to notice that the robots in the Classic series that are neither designed by Light nor copies of Rock have that general structure but have enough differentiating them that they look distinguishable and different. It's a kids series where a robot's job or theme (especially in cases where the job is just a justification) is supposed to be easily understood just by looking at them. Bass looks a LOT like Rock, and so does Blues, and even Tornado Man has his own similarities, but Ring Man, despite a similar build, has enough to easily make him distinct from them. Same goes for Pharaoh and Crystal and Gemini and Quick, you get the idea. Even if it doesn't make it very obvious, they still stand out and contrast with others.
>> No. 214404

Tempo has nothing in her base Robot Master form that, from a distance, indicates her power or job and nothing aside from her paint job that makes her visually distinct. It's incredibly hard to convey her job, but her design gives so few clues until she actually uses her powers. Even Quick and Gemini have details that point to their skills (as not-quite-so-easy-to-grasp as they are) and powers. The fact that she's supposed to be similar to Rock is understandable and respectable, but at the same time her general look doesn't really make sense. Robot Master tell-tales aren't subtle, even with the mindset that everybody is a robot master. They're made with limited technology in mind, because they were designed for old games. Something like shock absorbers doesn't stick out to the audience like a giant boomerang or a crazy head flair that's supposed to be a prism do.

Even going off Mega Man, when you see how he's changed from Rock to Rockman there are very blatant tell-tales to what he does now. He's armored up and wearing spandex. He resembles classic toku hero outfits. You get "Oh, this guy's a hero!" because spandex and inside out underwear is a universal "super hero/villain" thing. Despite that, he's a bit under-designed, but that's a two fold thing. First, he's the main character, and is designed by the virtue of being the player avatar. Second, it allows for more attention to be drawn towards his color changing based on his powers, which is basically a HUGE design element that focuses on his purpose: copying other robot abilities. In this way he very much represents what he is to the game and isn't as underplayed as you're making it out to be. Blues is designed in a way /very/ heavily casting him as both a warrior and a toku hero. He has staggering similarities to Zubat and VulEagle from Sun Vulcan. His shades contrast with Mega Man's open face helmet to give you a sense that he's more brooding. And Bass? Bass is Rock with more armor, a black color scheme, and headfins. His role is so clear from just looking at him people were actually unsure if Capcom was kidding when he was introduced as an ally in Mega Man 7.

While these are very meta reasons, they're VERY important to design. Despite being re-purposed robots Rock and Blues both take heavy design keys from super hero fiction (mostly Eastern, but the shades, the outfits themselves, and Rock's color change are universal concepts) and are emblematic of their roles despite being civilian bots originally.

Tempo, on the other hand, has very, very little pointing at her profession. It's understandable that she would be less designed for her job than most Robot Masters, but in cases of other "children" robots becoming other things the differences still point very strongly at their role in the narrative. It's really something that a little reworking could change, but as is she doesn't really tell the audience what she does or why she exists. She looks like a standard robot. I understand the need to make her look more "generic" (and like it) to fit her identity crisis, but some people are still going to look at her and say "I don't get it, what is she?"

Like you indicated before, she looks like a reploid with less things. Less lines and details. For a lot of people that means she looks like a reploid drawn in the classic art style. That's kind of the point people are making: she looks like a conversion of your standard reploid to fit the Classic art style.

I'm not saying all of this to say "your opinion is wrong." I'm saying this because I'm kind of shocked by how you replied. You're REALLY good at keeping an even head about stupid bickering and stuff like this most of the time, so this kind of throws me off and makes me want to write this long winded reply.

The argument that she looks like a reploid isn't lacking "merit". It's an opinion, and beyond that one that makes sense for people to have. That doesn't make it RIGHT, but it has just as merit as any other opinion or argument about what she looks like in the eyes of a viewer. There are very valid reasons for why a viewer would think she looks like that. I know you don't agree with their opinions and I know your job is super stressful, but you can't just shut down an argument like this and say it "has no merit" just because you don't like it. I don't get why you even said that. It's uncharacteristic of you and how you handle dumb arguments like this.

Personally I think Tempo's design is just fine, but both sides have perfectly valid reasons to feel she looks more or less like a certain iteration of a series and to think she looks good or bad. I don't think she conveys her job very well personally and I can see why people think she's reploid-ish, but I don't actually think she looks like one. I'm just flabbergasted about why you would respond like that.

>she's got more tying her to her theme than Bomb Man's "pot-belly punk duck" design.
His torso is a bomb. I'm really surprised you missed that somehow.
>> No. 214407

Are you still not over this?
>> No. 214408
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Riverdale-B's problems seem very tame compared to Riverdale-V's.
Especially when they have a corporate super-villain out to destroy it financially.
>> No. 214409
File 137608103428.gif - (617.15KB , 200x129 , beating a dead horse isnt cool.gif )
>> No. 214410
I read the thread and thought Ian's response wasn't cool.
There's good reason to be on either side of that debate since it's just opinions and all. Personally I like Tempo, but brushing off people who have complaints as "not having merit" just because there's a disagreement isn't a good way to handle things.

It's a super long response though, yeah.
I doubt anyone's actually going to read all of it and just think I'm bashing Ian or saying "No guys, your opinions are wrong" instead.
>> No. 214413
First and foremost, if I caused any offense, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intent. That's NEVER my intent.

Second, I was more confused than anything else since me and PG tend to be on the same wavelength. More often than I not, I see him explaining things in the same way I would. For the two of us to be completely divergent on Tempo perplexes me.

Third, it's not that "your opinion is wrong SHUT UP." At least that's not how I'm seeing it. The argument was put out with absolutes, and I thought overall PG's complaints were on shaky ground. Even in >>214404 , while I can see the stance, I think about a minute of thought can solve those "problems."

What it boils down to is this: I think Quake Woman looks like she fits in the Classic era and that her design serves the purpose of the character, and I've not seen a compelling argument to make me think the contrary.

If you don't like it? Fine. If you don't think it works? That's fine too. You buy the comic, you get to voice your (dis)satisfaction with the product. I just get a little riled when someone says "this is bad" in finality. "I think it's bad, and this is why" is a totally different kettle of fish.
>> No. 214414
S'all good with me. I like her personally, even if there are aspects of her design that I'm not all good and happy with.

I was just really surprised to see you address it that way, it seemed really finite, you know? A big "nah, there's nothing here". You're usually super clear and precise when you address stuff like this and it kind of bothered me. You do a really good job with these comics and I appreciate what you do and admire your ability to keep a level head about some of this stuff. A lot of us argue about really, really stupid things.
>> No. 214415
Oh please don't appease the whiners Ian, it's perfectly fine to say something is without merit. Only oversensitive babies could possibly get upset at that.
>> No. 214418
Dude. Dude? DUDE. I just got done trying to make peace. Why you gotta be like that? Huh? Dude? C'mon.
>> No. 214423
File 137609750391.gif - (352.00KB , 1000x1446 , tumblr_mggd3hBcW61qizbpto1_1280.gif )
On something that might be better to talk about, the latest issue's big surprise does have me thinking about the role of Roll in Mega Man, both in the games and comics. A lot o people talk about how she doesn't fit, and how it's a shame that she's the only Robot Master in the entire series who doesn't do so, but it seems like examining why she doesn't fight is also a key to why she's such an important cast member and why Mega Man went out of the way to make her back when cast was non-existent.
Roll is heroic and kind and sweet, but it seems that the biggest trait she has is, not quite innocence, but purity. When Rock became Mega Man, he stopped being a kid to become a super fighting robot: he was still Light's son, but he also became a weapon. All the things he does is to protect the world, but the games are very clear that what he does is a necessary evil and not something wanted by the heroes of the franchise. If it were just him and Light, it seems like the family aspect of the franchise would be greatly diluted: more easily seen as a battle between egos, or a man and his gun. Roll is the anchor that keeps everyone a family, the innocent bystander and loved one who supports without violence or grand action.
She's the only one Proto Man likes, she's the only one not involved in Wily's battle. She's the ideal Robot Master that Light always wanted, helping without catastrophe or explosions. If Quake Woman and Splash Woman didn't exist, it'd certainly be troublesome to peg the only female as the emotional civilian support. But as it is now, it seems like Roll's one of the most important characters in the series, higher than even characters like Bass or Duo.
And now she just got blown up by her brother. That's gotta hurt.
>> No. 214429
I think it may help resolve matters and move on to more clearly state one of the areas of dispute: should Tempo’s design be determined primarily by the name “Quake Woman,” or primarily by her role in the story?

Both stances have merit, but the latter was chosen. There’s no need to explain at length that the former isn’t true for her. It’s true that the former is more common when it comes to Mega Man game characters, but I don’t believe that makes it more “right.” Tempo is intended to fill roles no game characters do. In fact, in a few ways she’s meant to flip the usual conventions upside down.
Her role in the story seems to me to be twofold. Her origin is similar to Rock’s, except that while he was repurposed to be a “fighting robot” largely without incident, she was repurposed to be an “industrial robot” with hilarious tragic results. Her first role is to be a “dark reflection” of Rock’s story. Bass may be the “Evil Mega Man,” but she’s the “Mega Man Gone Wrong”. Her second role is to be a robot that begins as a blank slate in terms of emotion (when we first met her she was entirely emotionless), growing over time.
Using a design based on Mega Man’s design helps accomplish the first role. The fact that it is a very simple design helps accomplish the second. A more heavily themed design would be detrimental to both roles. Of course the argument has been made that there is no in-universe reason for her appearance to resemble Mega Man’s to the degree Bass does, but Light and Lalinde studied together and continued to collaborate by phone after their graduation. That seems like sufficient reason.
>> No. 214430
File 137610358298.jpg - (4.05MB , 3492x2311 , RockJanFeb.jpg )
Things were resolved, and all those things have been said and argued. You can read up to see the reactions to those statements, the reactions to those reactions, and the reactions to those reactions to those reactions. Don't start the circle back up.
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