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File 137558653218.jpg - (860.90KB , 1500x1500 , Battle of the Bands.jpg )
214093 No. 214093
Last thread can be found over round yonder: >>213568

Just dawned on me that "It's Archie" and "Sabrina: Secrets of a Teenage Witch" are both being done by Moonscoop, potentially raising the possibility of crossover eps. Which would be cool...
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>> No. 214640
Learn not to be a social reject.
>> No. 214641
Oh no, my feelings are so hurt by the person freaking out over a comic book plot point because of poor literacy! I must apply burn heal!
>> No. 214642

You realize where you are right?
>> No. 214643
Okay, it seems you need lessons on how not to talk with other people like a fuckwit.

A social reject goes, “Lrn 2 read! She don’t say that!”

A normal person says, “She didn’t say weeks, she said a week.”

So now you can thank me, for I have saved you from future faux pas of you speging out like a grouchy moron.
>> No. 214646

I'm fairly certain that a normal person would not call another person a "fuckwit".
>> No. 214649
So who WOULD win the Battle of the Bands?

Not the Archies, that's for sure. They only know that Sugar song.
The Archies - Sugar, Sugar (Or…youtube thumb
>> No. 214651
I think we all know who would win.

20TH ANNIVERSARY MEGAMAN 1-6 (…youtube thumb
>> No. 214654


>> No. 214666
Having met more than one normal person in my time, I can confidently assure you that they call other people worse things than "fuckwit".
>> No. 214669
>it seems you need lessons on how not to talk with other people
>calls someone "fuckwit" while trying to explain how to nicely inform people of their mistakes
>> No. 214676
File 137650056414.jpg - (256.51KB , 1024x768 , underground001_1024x768[1].jpg )
Sonic has better musical representation.

Well, maybe more relevant.
>> No. 214680
If their Universe arc sells well enough, maybe they'll get their own spinoff!
>> No. 214683
It's one issue, not an arc.

But is that even still happening? Would be nice if we actually got an update on it.
>> No. 214684

Ian said in an interview awhile back when Worlds Collide was starting up it's still planned he just doesn't know when.

Then again that was months ago when he said it so who knows if that's still a valid statement.
>> No. 214695
Wasn't cream fighting vagina monster tails doll before the crossover? Are we skipping that whole fight?
>> No. 214696

Sonic and Tails will fight it instead so says the solicitations.

Team Freedom will never get to do anything, you should have realized this by now.
>> No. 214698
I wonder why people are taking ANY old events/statements as fact and are assuming they're going ahead as planned based on everything that was tossed up into the air in the last year or so. Remember the whole legal kerfuffle? You know, that thing that has already caused a number of unplanned drastic alterations?
>> No. 214699
If the Sonic Underground issue ends up not happening, it won't be because of Ken.
>> No. 214700

Just to add to your point in case the guy grasps at straws since Athair was in like all of one episode, he's not even a Penders character he admitted it himself awhile back that Gallagher created Athair.

So yeah Ian could write a 12 part mini-series about Sonic Underground if he wanted and Penders couldn't do a damn thing about it.
>> No. 214703
Yes guys because I was talking about Sonic Underground and not about the whole Tails Doll/Team Freedom thing that was just being discussed.
>> No. 214704

What's to discuss we already know they changed things from their original plan with the solicitation to have Sonic and Tails fight it instead.

There's no reason for them to change it a second time and do another last minute rewrite like Endangered Species since none of the characters concerned are problematic.
>> No. 214705
Ian, how much of Marine's stuff is actual, researched, heavy Australian phrases and how much is just made up?

Because I would never know the difference.
>> No. 214707
Oh, whoops; Yardley! wrote this one. Neat! In addition, Bean is a constant treat.
>> No. 214719
Sorry we assumed you were trying to make sense. Because in the light of you talking about Tails Doll, it transforms your post into the rabbling of a demented hobo, IE, so completely nonsensical it's bewildering.
>> No. 214721
Yeah, it's really hard to understand that Sonic and Tails fighting the Tails Doll instead of Team Freedom doing it might be the result of more forced changes due to the legal shenanigans. Very complicated.

Oh, and the word is "rambling," not "rabbling." You know, since you're so concerned about nonsensical posts.
>> No. 214726
>it really makes you come off as a total douchebag

You're one to talk. Ian told people "shut up," really? HE was the one making a big deal out of it? Not the "fans" who just couldn't wrap their heads around the idea that Archie thought it was a good idea to include one of the most popular female game characters in a big event story about game characters?
>> No. 214727
But it turned out that Blaze was Archie Blaze all along, and she even mentions it in the newest issue of Sonic Universe
>> No. 214728
File 137659545897.jpg - (7.42KB , 240x127 , pot meet kettle.jpg )
Of course it was Archie Blaze... why the fuck would it have been some other Blaze when everyone else was from the comics worlds?
>> No. 214729
No, I specifically wanted to say rabbling. Rabble Rabbleyoutube thumb

And what's that got to do with anything except in the most indirect and passive-aggressive way possible? We already knew Sonic and Tails were going to face Tails Doll. No surprise editings there, no need to remind us of last-minute changes. This has been known for about 4 months.

Holy fuck please tell me you're Pulitz I need the laugh
>> No. 214730
>But it turned out that Blaze was Archie Blaze all along

Are we supposed to be surprised by this?
>> No. 214731
Archie Blaze as in, Blaze wasn't affected by the Genesis wave and remembered everything from before, unlike Sonic and everyone else who would have remembered only game events.
>> No. 214732
So you think the story was always intended to go

Sonic/Tails/Amy/Silver save Mecha Sally in the arctic
Team Freedom faces off with Tails Doll
Sonic and Tails fight Tails Doll halfway across the planet
>> No. 214733
We don't actually know that. It's not like she turned around in the middle of fighting Robot Masters and told Rouge to stay the fuck away from her, or asked Sonic about how Amy was doing or something. We also don't know what if anything anyone else will remember post-crossover. For all we know, everyone's memories are messed up, and Blaze is lagging behind because she ended up back on her native world whereas Amy and Cream did not.
>> No. 214734
Or maybe I don't know YARDLEY JUST FUCKED UP A BIT.
>> No. 214735

Well somebody in the two continuities needed to remember otherwise unnecessary plugging later on down the road would be difficult.

Which makes me kind of surprised they're doing the Wily Egg/Egg O' War story now, it'd more of a shock if it were done a year or so from now.
>> No. 214736
>someone fucks up
>everyone blames Ian

Seems about right for this fandom. Didn't you know he's the boss of Archie, according to some kid on DA?
>> No. 214737
Ian's the one who came on here and told us to not worry about continuity bits int he crossover. As the head writer, he should know what the other writers are doing so he doesn't fuck continuity up.
>> No. 214738
Does Blaze specifically say she remembers everything in the story though or is that people assuming she does?

Unless I'm missing something all it says in the book is that she remembers being abducted by an evil from another world, Amy and Cream came back misremembering things, and that a week has passed. That's it. That doesn't necessarily mean she remembers all the bits and pieces and details of the croosover, just that she knows she was abducted and rescued and three friends came back with her. Blaze has never met any non-Sega character (I don't think) in Archie and there's been nothing to indicate any deviation in any of Ian's stories VS what happened in the games she's in (barring maybe 06?) so there'd be no need to mention her head being in a fog either since she's from another world and none of the other effects of the Pendering will ever affect her. As far as the MM universe goes, there's no specific mention of any character or any details either outside of "that battleship looking awfully familiar" in a solicit.

So, unless I'm looking at this too hard I don't see how that constitutes anything being a fuck up at all if all people are doing is assuming things from one line and a purposefully vague solicit
>> No. 214739
Wait how is Blaze remembering the event a fuckup anyway
I'm not really seeing a problem here
>> No. 214742
>fans make assumptions about what should/will happen after crossover
>actual comic writer bucks an assumption

Yeah, that's how it went.

Same. I don't recall Ian (or anyone else from Archie) claiming that no one would remember anything from WC. I think we concluded that no one in Mega Man's world would because it would fuck with the comic's game continuity.
>> No. 214743
I don't see how not remembering some parts would fuck with the continuity. IF Mega Man forgot the robot masters and just rememberd Sonic that would have been fine

alternatively, Mega Man could remember it the issue after the Mega Man 10 adaptation is over.
>> No. 214744
Unless I'm forgetting something, "Dr. Wily" is copyright capcom and the comic can mention him with as much certainty as they can mention any of Penders characters.

By your logic, everyone forgot all the Echidnas' names halfway through "Endangered Species"
>> No. 214746
If Blaze was not effected by the genesis wave how would she have known Silver?
>> No. 214747
Well, aside from giving away the future if they remember enough from WC, nothing from WC fits into any of the games that will be adapted by the comic, so it has no impact. At most they might get a sense of deja vu, especially with, say, Duo.

Once they hit the MM10 adaption then, yeah, I could see a sudden flood of memories from WC.

IIRC, they did. I believe that during Endangered Species the only Echidnas addressed by name were Knuckles and Lien-Da; Knuckles's mother was referred to as "The Matriarch", Wynmacher was "The Matriarch's Companion" or something.

But that's beside the point. Those that jump in after WC, especially those who have never done anything with Mega Man or even know that Archie has a Mega Man comic, are far from likely to know who Dr. Wily is, so name-dropping him may not even be worthwhile. If they have to reference the WC events directly, they might just said "Eggman's former friend" or the like.

(As an aside, I can't believe I properly remembered Wynmacher's name off the top of my head.)
>> No. 214751
Yes! Demand your God-Given rights! Write to your Congressmen that these comic book writers are mistreating you!
>> No. 214754
This threads on it's last legs abandon ship,

New thread >>214753
>> No. 214907
Andrew Dickman pls go
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