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File 137527920545.jpg - (52.65KB , 599x910 , Infinity_1375218363055.jpg )
213904 No. 213904
Won't you buy me...
Piano Chord...

Pic is Infinity Reading List. I really hope these charts aren't the best thing to come out of Hickman's run because so far...eugh.

In other news:
It's the X-Men vs. The Future and the Future ain't pretty!
The Ultimate Universe may just survive the Double Galactus!
The Thors Three strike the Godbomb! A lot!
The Four Horsemen of Death make their move all over the Uncanny Avengers!
Also, Avengers Assemble and Hulks: Agent of SMASH or something if you're into shoddily made cartoons...
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>> No. 213906
It's ok to have a bad feeling about this, right?
>> No. 213915
It's a crossover event, so it comes with the territory
>> No. 213916
Really it'd be a bigger surprise if it wasn't completely awful.
>> No. 213949
Yeah, people keep forgetting that there's two halves to every awful crossover: The writers and editorial. Editorial is what makes crossovers so shitty, since they need to "set up the next big thing in the Marvel U! You'll never believe who is back! Everything changes! All of the things, are new things, not the same things! Did you like the current status quo? GET FUCKED! CONSUME YOUR OWN PENIS!" etc etc
>> No. 213950
File 137532551199.jpg - (1.22MB , 1920x1080 , magneto-marvel-comics-1920x1080-hd-wallpaper.jpg )
Would Magneto (Erik, I don't know his last name) still be all "mutants are the best" and be all uppity as he is if he his mutant powers, well...sucked?

Let's say he had Beak's powers instead of magnetic manipulation. What then? What would he be like?
>> No. 213951
He'd basically be exactly the same except he'd find a super attractive Magneto style guy to puppeteer and he's go on about how he can see the would with a bird's eye view of how humanity is destroying everything and such.
>> No. 213957
File 137533313484.jpg - (93.33KB , 1280x818 , 1375137147566.jpg )
The better question is what if Magneto acted like a stereotypical Jewish grandpa?

Mel Brooks as Magneto?
>> No. 213962
Oh man,,, I just watched Hebrew Hammer yesterday,,,
>> No. 213963
Oh man, this would be amazing. Why hasn't Saturday Night Live done this yet?
>> No. 213968
>> No. 214084
File 137558441412.gif - (4.68MB , 395x374 , waaaait a minute.gif )
>> No. 214202
Okay so Hulk and the agents of SMASH is TERRIBLE, they completely blew the budget on writers and voice actors and so the animation might as well be a motion comic.
>> No. 214204
yea both it and the new Avengers are utter turds SMASH being somehow worse.
>> No. 214205
Because it's REALLY close to a motion comic.

The fact that they cancelled Mighty for the new stuff makes them look awful, I have literally seen first time animation attempts that look better, that is in no way hyperbole.
>> No. 214206
oh I know, heck they had sequences of Motion Comic type back in '90s Marvel shows and it didn't look this garbage.
>> No. 214208
Christ, I also like how they try to use FUCKING PANELS to give it a sense of dynamic.
>> No. 214209
File 137573811128.gif - (3.35MB , 300x168 , 1369101955214.gif )
fucking Clutch Cargo level shit.
>> No. 214213
The reviews are fucking damning, IGN who is usually coated in Marvel's semen rated them 5 out of 10.
>> No. 214223
why dont they just try and make it like an anime
aka just trace panels from the more kid friendly stories
>> No. 214234
File 137575818979.gif - (2.59MB , 410x231 , 1375748490677.gif )
Disney for all that is good either take it away from them or take it out back. Either would be more humane then letting this continue.
>> No. 214241
>they completely blew the budget on writers

If that's true, they got gypped. The writing is just as poor as the animation.
>> No. 214249
File 137578079416.jpg - (81.66KB , 251x356 , Paul_Dini.jpg )
I'm just surprised he didn't find a way to jam Zatanna into it.
>> No. 214251
Just checking, Thor can fly nowadays through some method other than chucking Mjolner and being dragged along behind it as it flies straight through the air?
>> No. 214252
File 137579051381.jpg - (298.16KB , 900x1400 , 1369022172174.jpg )
Are you ready for the end to the prelude to the tie-in arc to the summer event, Infinity?

Any high hopes for this one or will it be as meh as the other installments?

What are your impressions on this and New Avengers so far? Of Jonathan Hickman?
>> No. 214253
He can just fly, that's just used for speedier leaps.
>> No. 214262

I haven't read past the first story arc or so, but I'm gonna guess it's like his other work.

>Oh man, this is actually really different and Interesting!

>Okay, no, I'm still down, but there's something missing here...

>Okay, that was cool I guess, but I feel like we took the scenic route to get here, but the scenery wasn't all that interesting.

>Really? That's how you want to end this?

This was especially true for me for Nightly News. In fact, I think that and Pax Romana are the only Hickman books I actually followed through to the end. I remember getting really bored of his marbvel stuff. I think Shield was pretty good early on, as was FF, but neither held my interest. Avengers is the same way, except I found myself only really keeping up for the Jerome Opena Art, and then that changed and I completely stopped giving a shit.
>> No. 214277
File 137582544693.jpg - (158.22KB , 500x330 , tumblr_m5u1obausf1qmpx83.jpg )
I need to know this for a thing I'm working on.

Whats the current Status of Marvel's black knight? He's been hanging out with his squire Faiza right? What gear is he carrying these days, he's had alot of magical and scientfic swords and shields I'm not sure which one he's using anymore or their abilities. Does he even use any of the flying pegasi anymore?
>> No. 214596
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>> No. 214655
File 137646097094.jpg - (2.22MB , 3264x2448 , image.jpg )
-Black Swan is a member if the Illuminati now
-The Space Knights perish against the Builders; Captain Universe is there, but does nothing to stop it
-The Avengers beat up Skrulls with SWORD's help
-Kree transmission reveals the Builders are powerful enough to take out Accusers and are headed to Earth
-The Outrider discovers the secret of the Four Kings and Lost Queen of the Inhumans, kills some guards, survives a point blank Black Bolt whisper and escapes to tell Thanos
-The Avengers leave to fight the Builders while Thanos aims to attack the somewhat defenseless Earth

>> No. 214692
That sexy helmet looks even sexier in live action, awesome
>> No. 214701
File 137653343783.jpg - (53.61KB , 477x430 , 1373572947856.jpg )
I always liked him in the Avengers. I'm pretty sure he isn't dead at least.

Weren't the Anihilators formed to stop this shit?
>> No. 214714
The builders are rubbish, so generic and "hurr super powerful cosmic race". The Space Knights didn't deserve to be jobbed to them to build up hype.

Also I'm tired of Cap being written like an ass.
>> No. 214784
File 137662708855.jpg - (94.53KB , 550x736 , 1376625294899.jpg )
so who's up for some Irredeemable Ant Man
>> No. 214792
I don't know, I always had a soft spot for the Redeemable Ant-Man, that they are apparently using in the movie.
>> No. 214889

Why are there Turians in this?

>Also I'm tired of Cap being written like an ass.

So you're tired of seeing how Cap is written outside of his own book? It's always been like that post-Kirby era. Everyone writes Cap like a stiff asshole and basically the responsible, lame, dad-type who is behind the times, even though that's entirely wrong.


If it's not Pym, then I'm not going to bother getting excited for it. My reasons, I believe are pretty obvious at this point. That, and I never really read too many comics with Scott Lang or Eric O'Grady, to be honest. What I have read didn't pique my interest.


I thought we all knew that anything written by Abnett & Lanning didn't matter at this point since it was pretty much going to be ignored. As soon as Bendis got his claws on the Guardians of the Galaxy, and moved them to Earth, it all became irrelevant.
>> No. 214892
File 137678200185.jpg - (250.62KB , 1024x1601 , Gorgon.jpg )
Good Black Bolt stories can be identified by how often Black Bolt uses his voice. The lesser the better. Basically they already completely fucked up in issue 1.
Not to mention someone forgot to tell the artist that Gorgon looks like motherfucking THIS now.
>> No. 214894
>stiff asshole and basically the responsible, lame, dad-type who is behind the times
None of that is enough to characterize him as an ass, though. He's probably being written like in ultimates or some shit.
>> No. 214896
No, whats being referred to is that for a long time 616 cap has been written more like he's Ultimates Cap
>> No. 214898
File 137679673428.jpg - (44.81KB , 768x862 , 1376774271050.jpg )
The fuck happened to him?

Which is stupid because we have USAgent for that. I still laugh at the time a cosmic entity presents him a bunch of different Caps from various times and universes. His first response is to ask why a girl and a giant Mexican are dressed like Cap.

It's sad when a crossover with a comedy show is better than your other animation projects Marvel.
>> No. 214902
To qualify for being a hero in Marvel you pretty much have to be both incompetent and an asshole.
>> No. 214905
How else will you show how troubled, deep, and real they are?
>> No. 214911
Remember how after House of M Quicksilver lost his powers?

Well, to get NEW powers, he kind of robbed the Inhumans, and Gorgon ended up getting overdosed with Terrigen.

These events were subsequently ignored as Quicksilver becoming a villain, and the 'Inhumans leaving to rule the Kree Empire' storylines were dropped to allow Quicksilver to not be evil and for the Inhumans to be back on Earth again.
>> No. 214919
USAgent is an asshole. Not incompetent though. The man had the balls to walk up to Zeus, Herc and Athena and tell them to fuck off with their fruity toga party, his God is the only real god.

I never understood why people wanted Wanda dead yet didn't give a damn about the one who manipulated her.
>> No. 214921
File 137683570730.jpg - (1.51MB , 1920x2951 , Dark Avengers 190-017.jpg )
USAgent also doesn't pussyfoot when it comes to putting Alternate Universes out of their misery.
>> No. 214952

Sounds awful.

> His first response is to ask why a girl and a giant Mexican are dressed like Cap.

Excuse me, what? What the ever-loving fuck? This sounds like it was supposed to be a Ultimates story when Hickman was on that book, but now he's using the Avengers. Probably because the Ultimate Line is being taking out back and shot.

By the way, I just heard about this Cataclysm thing for Ultimate Comics and how they're ending the Ultimate line with it and bringing Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales, to the mainstream Marvel Universe.


I remember that. Both the Quicksilver mini and the Inhumans mini were great read. Of course they were ignored, because they got in the way of what newer writers wanted to do with the characters that was just sooooo interesting.


I'll admit it takes a lot of balls to be a huge dick to some Gods. I kinda liked USAgent in The Invaders, which was a pretty good book.
>> No. 214953
Its in-character for US Agent to react like that, he was basically ultimate cap (Super strong, MURRICA STRONK! Asshole) before ultimates was a thing.

Also if thats not just a rumour anymore and is actually happening thats so stupid, we don't need black spider-teen replacing Peter in 616, especially with the awful 'send off' he got.

Honestly I don't see why you people pay for these rags.
>> No. 214954
File 13768631305.png - (1.18MB , 389x600 , femcapfd9.png )
How many female Captain America's have there been shown in the Multiverse?
>> No. 214957
Not even getting crippled slowed him down. He's not a bad guy. Just an ass at times.

Anyone read Captain America Corps? Time is unraveling and it links back to the Steve Rogers from different worlds going missing. This cosmic entity summons WW2 Steve, Bucky Cap, USAgent, American Dream and a Captain of the year 2500 to stop it. I thought it was ok.

A couple actually.
>> No. 214964

>> No. 214967

...That's...not ideal...
>> No. 214983
Remember when Marvel said the day they crossed over 616 and U was the day they would be completely out of ideas? I think this is pretty much the definitive example of that.
>> No. 214990
File 137693841792.png?nsfw - (408.03KB , 639x322 , 1376873778443.png?nsfw )
Just to make sure the X Men aren't the only ones with mass murderers on their team.

Remember that time Cap beat the shit out of Punisher for shooting at supervillains hunting them. Or Spiderman punching a man who lost his child to Carnage for having the nerve to try and blow Cletus' head off.

This just makes you look bad guys.
>> No. 214991
The new Captain Universe and all the Builder-related characters are complete crap. This whole plotline is just more terrible Event-tier nonsense.
>> No. 214993
File 137694598777.jpg - (254.92KB , 685x1042 , 1370621279.jpg )
The M(inority) AVENGERS are going to be used to try and be sensitive to racial issues/attempt to get more black people to buy their comics but end up being so ham-handed and/or stereotypical its going to be highly insulting and/or stupid, right?

Somewhat off-topic but Luke Cage is still overhyped/pushed as a character by Marvel.
>> No. 215004
Power Kid and White Tiger aside (what happened to the White Tiger from Christopher Priest's Panther and Crew?) I don't mind this lineup. I'd switch Luke Cage for War Machine in a fucking heartbeat though. I'd switch Kaine for Spock too but thatd take him out of Texas.

If they just focus on superheroics I'd love it. No hero vs. hero shit. No grand sweeping events. If the comic was just "punch Dr. Doom in the face" I'd be happy.
>> No. 215008
...who now?
>> No. 215116

White Tiger, the other one, was killed off in Bendis's Daredevil when Matt was defending him in court after a bad situation made it look like he was robbing an electronics store. His cousin (also from Bendis's Daredevil, I think) is the new White Tiger.

Man, Daredevil has been kinda shitty to Latino characters the last decade or so. I liked Brubaker's run and all, but I hate what he did to Black Tarantula. He went from being this sort of cross between The Phantom/Black Panther (Mantle passed from Father to Son, drinks special potion, etc) and Bane (Grim, intelligent, south American drug Lord), sort of this unstoppable force who speaks very precisely and intelligently and then Brubaker has him act like kind of a chicano gangbanger stereotype, and I was always very confused how he got like that. As far as I can tell, it's "Because."


One of Hickman's cosmic characters that's almost interesting and showed up in the first Avengers arc he did. His name is Ex Nhilo and he's a cosmic God of creation, and he used to travel around with his sister, some sort of Cosmic god of Entropy, and a really cool genocidal robot, going from world to world to kill off the population and replace it with new hyper-evolved beings. The Avengers fought the three of them to stop them from doing it to Earth, but they stood down when the Uni-force basically told them it was their God Mother (I guess) and told them to stop. Ex Nhilo was down, his sister was wary, and the robot absolutely refused to believe and was disintegrated for his trouble.

Really, the only saving grace for that arc was the art. Johnathan Hickman loves to throw interesting things out there (Like I think bringing in Hyperion was pretty cool), but I feel like he never follows through well enough to justify putting the concepts in there in the first place and don't hold well on their own.
>> No. 215117
Ah, I think I get it. Yeah, having a bastard like that on the team can't be good... he's probably getting jobbed at the first chance against some other super powerful threat though, if I had to guess.
>> No. 215118
>Really, the only saving grace for that arc was the art. Johnathan Hickman loves to throw interesting things out there (Like I think bringing in Hyperion was pretty cool), but I feel like he never follows through well enough to justify putting the concepts in there in the first place and don't hold well on their own.

He has three big problems. First, like you said, he introduces clever ideas that are never resolved well.

Second, he introduces clever ideas that really should be drawing upon shitloads of Marvel's rich history, but end up just scratching the surface. When you're doing a spy epic on a scale never before seen in Marvel, doing all sorts of "it's all connected" shit, and you live in an age when it's really easy to use google and find out all the cool spy agencies and spies at Marvel, there's just no excuse for having the end product be "SHIELD, Hydra, and My Own Original Spy Agency are at war, nobody else is allowed in". And revealing a secret order keeping the peace all through Marvel's history, doing "The Secret History Of The Marvel Universe" and using almost none of the fictional "historical" figures people have invented at Marvel... dude. What a squandered premise.

Third, his dialog is stuffy as fuck most of the time.
>> No. 215119

Those also bother me. Also, yeah, you're right, he does stupid shit like that. Like how it turned out that Hydra had been controlling SHIELD all along (Which Warren Ellis did better in Nextwave anyway), and there are a ton of old societies, organizations, etc outside of SHIELD and HYDRA. Hell, I would love to see more done with SWORD, ARMOR, The Serpent Society, Atlas, and all those sorts of organizations.

To be fair, he's not the only one who does that. I feel like Marvel writers in general, especially in the last decade or so, have been bad about creating organizations and characters that ultimately redundant since there exists something that would have fit the concept perfectly.
>> No. 215124
>I would love to see more done with SWORD, ARMOR
Other guy here, always hated the SWORD thing. And now I get reminded there's also ARMOR... eugh.
>> No. 215127

I dunno, I like SWORD and ARMOR. SHIELD handles earthly threats, SWORD does extraterrestrial threats, and ARMOR does Extra-Dimensional threats.
>> No. 215968
File 137830551317.jpg - (1.17MB , 1920x2951 , Infinity 002-031.jpg )

Infinity is Marvel's Final Crisis except written poorly.
>> No. 216169
How are they just conversing with Black Bolt?
>> No. 216171
Magic single-pitch nonsense dimension BB never mentioned before.
TL;DR: Hickman's being a hack.
>> No. 216172
File 137865255843.jpg - (24.55KB , 466x594 , 1378648051383.jpg )
Huh? That's just huh?

In better news the movie Nova costumes look good. I think they could do with a bit more color but otherwise they're neat.
>> No. 216188
>except written poorly
>Final Crisis
Oh u.

Oh hey, Beast is back-ish to his more humanoid self. Cool i guess.

Did they change those a bit since that con? I think I remember them being even better.
>> No. 216189
File 13786687132.jpg - (22.99KB , 500x500 , 1378667008610.jpg )
Honestly I think it looks ok. Maybe the higher ranking Corpsmen get more color as a show of rank.

Still knocks the movie GL down even more. Although John C. Riley's floating head is a funny image.

Humanoid Beast you say?
>> No. 216191
Heh Space Cop looks more RoboCop than new RoboCop
>> No. 216204
I like ape Hank's design.

A lot more than the lion head design at least.
>> No. 216213
Hydra Soldiers in Captain America looked more like Robocop than the new Robocop.
>> No. 216238
Didn't Thanos Rising establish that he killed all the kids he had with his insanely hot alien girlfiends?
>> No. 216254

The first batch anyway. Who knows how many more children he had?

Also, since this is a Marvel thread, and I'm sick of talking about Hickman's shitty story-telling, can I just say that Jason Aaron's Thor: God of Thunder and Brian Posehn & Paul Duggan's Deadpool are both really good books? I especially want to point that Deadpool's solo book is the best it's been in years. Like there was a solid 3-4 years where Deadpool was just shit and this new book has actually been pretty damn good. Like, it suffers from "Ignore some previous continuity in favor of new continuity", but it's still an improvement over how Deadpool was under Daniel Way.
>> No. 216255
I guess I suck as a comic reader or at least as a Marvel fan, because so far I am liking Infinity.
>> No. 216257
What, do you want a medal for your poor taste?
>> No. 216270
File 137877429113.jpg - (60.78KB , 534x712 , 1378773304576.jpg )
I love the new Deadpool book. It's funny and yet it remembers Wade has some sort of depth.

I also like A + X. It's extremely hard to fuck up short team up adventures and so far I'm digging the different creative teams as well as their persistence in having the stories be self contained

Well him leaving Earth 2 doesn't seem so bad now. Id love to see Marvel's Golden Age get more attention.
>> No. 216275

This is quite interesting.
And if someone is clever enough, this could explain plenty of things.

Now there, let anon enjoy that mediocre event.
He's in the right, no matter how awful is.
>> No. 216280
>This is quite interesting.

The big problem with it, though, is that "real time" comic book storytelling doesn't work all that great. Like, even in old, pre-decompressed stories, multiple issues would often cover the span of a single day, week, or whatever. So, like 12 months of pregnancy shouldn't be held as some kind of time anomaly, just a sign that the story's progression isn't exactly tied to real world time's.
>> No. 216291

That's wrong though. Officially, Marvel is just on a Sliding time scale with, maybe 15 years having past since the Fantastic Four first showed up.
>> No. 216318
File 137886053489.jpg - (72.15KB , 675x881 , 1378857001402.jpg )
Yeah they keep changing the war Tony was wounded during in.

I think the Black Widow is still about 70 or so
>> No. 216321
I gotta admit I found the latest Tony retcon kinda well done, at least. His mind playing tricks so he'd remember as if it happened on Vietnam and stuff.
>> No. 216339
File 137891006391.jpg - (2.03MB , 1988x3056 , ultimates_1378909750548.jpg )


>> No. 216414
File 137897030674.jpg - (134.41KB , 600x911 , Avengers-600x911.jpg )
>> No. 216454
So Scarlet Spider was fantasic, wasn't doing too good sales wise but still not doing as badly as the terrible Captain Marvel series or the boring as hell Fearless Defenders.

So guess what is ending in four issues.
>> No. 216464
The Crimson Cobweb?
>> No. 216572
Does anyone know if the eternals was any good after gaiman left?
>> No. 216603
File 137925211429.jpg - (1.34MB , 1920x2951 , Dark Avengers 184-Zone-019.jpg )
>The Toxic Doxie has her very own Inhuman… All that a homicidal maniac could ask for.

Awwwww yeah!!!! The Witch is Back!!!
>> No. 216868
File 137989191541.jpg - (629.17KB , 1000x717 , 1379888004822.jpg )
When you ram through a wall you have a choice, anon.

You either keep the shirt or the cigar.

Your decision determines how much of a man you truly are.

Don't make the wrong choice.

Alternatively, not even The One Above All himself could take Nicholas Goddamn Fury's cigar away from him. And yes, Goddamn is his middle name. It's on his birth certificate.
>> No. 216903
File 137997622452.jpg - (170.88KB , 624x960 , 1379963183951.jpg )
I swear I love this book but Matt makes it hard at times
>> No. 216904
I love how that bike makes absolutely no sense, just look at it. And Fury gives no fuck.
>> No. 216905
File 137997966919.jpg - (709.54KB , 600x871 , 1376754974785.jpg )
Steranko's Fury was art. A crazy ass Bond movie.

It's a shame he didn't do more. Fun fact, he's a musician, an architect, an escape artist and a fire eater. Steranko has a Twitter.
>> No. 216913

Based Steranko.
His twitter is the best!

Let's hope tumblr doesn't find about this before this gets taken the wrong way.
>> No. 216926
File 138002442994.jpg - (46.09KB , 548x800 , 1379888498150.jpg )
Wow he looks lame.

I actually convinced my friend to read the old Nick Fury stuff based on that motorcycle page alone.

The SJW would probably love it. If they read comics. Matt said something like he's apologizing to his daughter for writing comics or something. Kind of stupid considering he's actually one of the few good marvel books with female heroes. Especially since JiM was cancelled. It beats the shit out of Fearless Defenders and Captain Marvel (which are still not cancelled, yet Scarlet Spider is despite outselling both). Normally I don't like Matt but the art plus the fact that its basically a new team got my to try it.
>> No. 216927
Didn't thay establish in Thanos Rising that there was nothing special with the many bastards that Thanos had sired all over the univers?
>> No. 216992
Shhhhhhh...Hickman OCs are flawless, awesome and incapable of being criticized like everything he does, don't ya know?
>> No. 217045
Is this guy hoping tumblr will love him for this?

because he's made a critical error by having the woman get bitchslapped down and the man doing the punching
>> No. 217493
Waid's Daredevil is fucking amazing.

Would Waid's Cap run be a good place for a new reader to start? I remember enjoying it and my friend wants to read some Cap after the movies.
>> No. 217495
File 138153055047.jpg - (972.60KB , 1552x2592 , IMAG0201.jpg )
Thank you Allred. I always wanted nightmares about the Spot
>> No. 217498
That's Chris Samnee, not Mike Allred
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