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5395 No. 5395
What is work as a pastry chef like?
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>> No. 5396
Don't know, but I hear they're pretty kneady.
>> No. 5397
Eh, it's a pretty flaky career.
>> No. 5402
Not sure how it is for everyone, but I wake up at around 3 to get there for 3:45. I work until ~2pm. I start with getting everything out of the massive freezer, prepping my station, setting up equipment. Then I look at what's due that day and work my ass off. Thankfully my coworkers are hilarious and the time passes relatively quickly. Obvious exceptions are Christmas, New Years, Valentine's, etc where I can and have worked 12+ hour shifts a few days beforehand pumping out as many cookies, cakes and pastries that I possibly can. Similarly, these shifts can last for 6-7 days in a row for the massive amount of orders we get for these holidays.

tl;dr It's long and tedious, but much more relaxing than some other jobs. Plus I love doing what I do and I leave each day with at least a small amount of satisfaction at a job well done
>> No. 5405
its a decent way t make an honest crust
>> No. 5422
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Like anything in the food industry, its pretty shitty.

Long ass, stressful hours. Bust your ass every day. Usually have to work weekends and work 10X as hard on holidays while other people get to relax and enjoy the holidays. Also low pay.

You start to hate holidays and long weekends and stop looking forward to them as you know its just going to be RUSH RUSH RUSH OMG I HAVE TO FILL 100 ORDERS TODAY JESUS CHRIST.

I started out doing regular cooking and became a chef. Began to fucking hate it and tried out being a Pastry Chef instead. Alot less stressful than a regular chef, but still stressful as shit.

Now I work in a fucking mine and bring in 150K, and get 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Fuck cooking. Seriously. As a head chef I was lucky if I made 35K.

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