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File 130827634549.jpg - (666.75KB , 768x1024 , vinka.jpg )
5279 No. 5279
I mixed together delicious jalapeno white balsamic vinegar with Russian Standard vodka.


It was something I was glad to have done and I suggest you try it all. If you don't have access to fancy vinegars, cider vinegar is a suitable replacement.

ITT: Crazy drinks
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>> No. 5280
A friend of mine once told me that a swig of cider vinegar cures heartburn. I had a particularly bad case of it one day, mixed 3/4 of a shot of cider vinegar with 1/4 shot of honey to try and cut the sourness.

It was my first exposure to something that strong, while the friend of mine used to be a partier so he was used to really strong drinks. I did the shot and instantly lost my breath, damn near choked to death, but it sure as hell cured my heartburn. Wouldn't recommend the flavor, but it was what I'd define as a crazy drink so I guess I'll post it here.

Still don't understand the science behind acid curing a buildup of acid though.
>> No. 5282
One part Liqueur Galliano, one part vodka.

Absolutely revolting.
>> No. 5285
Reminds me of a goofy GQ article I read about mixing espresso or tequila shots in beer, as well as mixing different beers together.

I did mix burgundy vinegar and Jack Daniels once and it was gooood.
>> No. 5287
>Still don't understand the science behind acid curing a buildup of acid though.
The only thing I can think of is that you're washing the strong acid off your esophagus with a weaker acid. You're still putting acid on the flesh, but you're replacing it with less harmful stuff.

I would still recommend something basic, though.
>> No. 5289
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Mixing acids and bases surrounded by soft tissue? What could go wrong?!
>> No. 5305
The image you posted uses baking soda and vinegar, a product of which is carbonic acid, which decomposes to water and carbon dioxide. The fact that this produces gas is a feature unique to that reaction and not a general feature of all acid/base reactions.

Consuming basic substances to neutralize acidic conditions in your stomach is the principle behind common over-the-counter antacids.
>> No. 5361
>cherry brandy, grenadine syrup, squeeze of lemon, topped up with sparkling water (or lemonade, but I personally felt it would have been too sweet), garnished with some sour cherries
>cointreau/grand marnier, raspberry syrup, grapefruit juice (top up with ginger beer for a less bitter drink if desired)

Both tried, tested and completely delicious. Haven't given them a name yet though.
>> No. 5424
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3 pints 8% abv cider 4 shots of either currant or pomegranate juice 2 shots 50% abv vodka. Slowly sip while wasting your evening online.

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