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File 128770256216.jpg - (34.29KB , 475x395 , soybeans.jpg )
4389 No. 4389
Are you... are you supposed to eat the skins or not?
>> No. 4390
No, don't even try. Even after cooking, chewing on the skins is like trying to eat cloth.

I found this out the hard way.
>> No. 4391
now i want to try making some and sewing the skins into a stylish coat
>> No. 4392
I eat the skins half of the time, I was just wondering if it was safe or not.

I also eat shrimp tails and sometimes chicken bones.
>> No. 4393
Tinkerbell all in soybean leather bondage gear
>> No. 4394
I eat edamame skins and shrimp tails.

But chicken bones? What's up with your teef.
>> No. 4395

chicken bones are hella unsafe, mag. There's a reason people warn you to let your dogs chew on cow or pig bone and NOT chicken. That stuff can tear your intestinal lining.
>> No. 4396
Oh, I see. Yeah it probably won't hurt you.
>> No. 4401
cartilage is fun to eat.
>> No. 4402
And here I thought i was the only other person who liked cartilage. It's just crunchy and picks up a lot of the outer meat flavor. Yum.
>> No. 4403
I tried to eat the skin the first time I had edamame because I thought they were some variation of a snow pea and everyone made fun of me.
>> No. 4601
Bumping because I have some frozen shelled edamame and am not sure of the most delicious way to cook it. I've cooked it a few times, but I usually just put on a little butter and add a bunch of garlic powder or curry powder or something.

Anyone experienced with edamame have suggestions?
>> No. 4606
I usually just:
put howmuch you want in bowl
cover with cold water
put plate on top of bowl
Microwave on high, 1 min at a time, stir in between
Once the beans and water are hot, take out and drain
>> No. 4607
Which is a mistake, it's not the chicken bone that's dangerous. Most cooked bones are unsafe for dogs. The heat from cooking turns the moisture in the bones to steam causing them to splinter more easily.
>> No. 4609

Thanks! Sounds like a plan.
>> No. 4612
>> No. 4614

I cooked them this way and it worked out really well. Thank you!


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