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File 136333108873.jpg - (56.85KB , 387x475 , url.jpg )
375027 No. 375027
We're Back Baby!
Expand all images
>> No. 375035
Well liars dice gets me SO drunk.
>> No. 375046
I actually missed you assholes.
>> No. 375054
File 136334883710.png - (93.78KB , 500x500 , guys face.png )
>> No. 375055
>Last day of college
>2 awkward hours of sleep.
>Need to give presentation I slapped together last night and turn in a portfolio that still needs to be compiled and turned in by 1:00.
This stress is unreal.
>> No. 375058
I do missed all as well.
At least I could saw you at fb.

Is been a while!
How have you been?
What have you been up to?
>> No. 375059
>> No. 375068
I had no idea what the fuck to do with the extra time I had from not checking +4.

Thank goodness it's back up so I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Also, while we were down, I got a raise! And a $2K bonus! Yay!
>> No. 375073
And some other things, but mostly a popover pan.
God I love popovers.
I actually missed you, too, Moe. And the other assholes too.
>> No. 375080
Welcome back, bitches.
>> No. 375081
welp now i know what i'm going to be doing
not coming back to plus4chan
>> No. 375090
Ah, 504 Gateway Timeout, I missed even you.
>> No. 375092
How that even happens?
>> No. 375095
>> No. 375101
Oh, hey, plus4 is back.

>> No. 375114
File 136342520458.jpg - (57.78KB , 877x523 , mugs.jpg )
i missed you guys so much, where did you guys spend your away time
>> No. 375117
File 136342635179.jpg - (65.46KB , 628x480 , 1323604661143.jpg )
I just listened to my entire Super Slam folder.
>> No. 375121
File 136344066868.png - (348.64KB , 704x528 , Earthworm Jim - 9 - Trout! [DVD RIP] [Madman Enter.png )
While you were gone, I discovered DUBSTEP
>> No. 375129
>> No. 375131
File 136350540395.jpg - (48.72KB , 268x331 , facilierum.jpg )
>>had a fight with my then-best friend and their significant other about a year ago
>>it was a misunderstanding and I felt bad about it
>>they stopped talking to me
>>just starting to get over the guilt
>>find out today the two of them have become total assholes
>>one of them has actually become a violent drug addict who has gotten in trouble several times for their collection of kiddy porn

I think I have unintentionally made the right choice in not trying to talk to these two anymore. I still feel bad for the one who isn't a violent pedophile, though, she's really a whole "dedicated to you till the end, no matter what you do" type.

Meanwhile, me and my girlfriend are less outwardly affectionate and yet our relationship is much more healthy.
>> No. 375132
>try to do things while +4 is down
>lolno read moar faget
>spaz between various subjects/projects/dumbler
>nothing really gets done
>+4 is back

>> No. 375134

…The Rock…
>> No. 375139
oh good ninja somehow figured out to come back to plus4
are we still doing a literature reading group?

tbh talking science with a plus4chan user is the only reason i'm back here.
>> No. 375141
File 136354598295.png - (150.67KB , 500x376 , 1361685283149.png )
what is


>> No. 375142
Oh ok so it's been back since thursday.

I had to go on regular 4chan for a while. It only made me miss this place more.
>> No. 375143

For our first discussion: Fucks - What They Are, and How to not Give Any.

Discussant: pablo
Featured Speakers: anonex and whatever shit I'm busy
>> No. 375145
whatever, man
>> No. 375146
This concludes our discussion on Fucks. Our next discussion: The G-Spot: Myth or Conspiracy?
>> No. 375151
I have a strong fear of angering people. My mom and dad have threatened me and attempted to physically harm me for screwing up, as have some of my classmates (years and years ago, but still) and I live in fear of someone going after me for being annoying, or weird, or stupid. I apologize constantly and I get very shaky and prone to migraines. I don't want to live like this or constantly scrutinize what people say about me. This needs to stop.

I know anxiety meds would just make me sleepy, because I tried antidepressants before and that's what happened. I am seeing a psychologist but my parents come into the room too often to talk about the abuse.
>> No. 375160
The moodswings have gotten a lot worse, lately. Much more dramatic shifts, with smaller and smaller reasons for them.
Every time I think I should get tested or whatever it is they do for manic depression, I remember that that's one of those ~special snowflake~ problems people diagnose themselves with when really they're just sort of moody. Convince myself I'm just being a drama queen. Tell myself to quit being such a baby, remind myself I would hate having to take pills just to be able to get through a week without feeling like this. Just need to quit being so dramatic, right? They're mood swings. Everyone has them sometimes. Don't try and make it into some sort of disorder, Slowpoke.

I haven't had suicidal fantasies since I was pubescent, why are they coming back now?
At least back then people missed me in them. Now, once the grief fades, everyone's better without me.

>> No. 375169
Answer: Yes.

Tune in next week for the very long boring explanation for the one word answer followed by analysis from unqualified news casters.
>> No. 375172
>once the grief fades, everyone's better without me.

Oh that's bullshit and you know it. I'll hazard a guess and say that in your pubescent suicidal phase you tried to tell yourself that people would be able to get over your death easily too. It's something depressed people tell themselves because it allows for guilt-free suicide fantasies.

Here's an idea, imagine telling the people you care about that you're feeling this way. I mean it, really think about how that would go. How do you think they'd react to hearing you're entertaining thoughts of suicide? I guess they'd react strongly enough for you to be afraid of telling them, otherwise you'd be talking to them about it instead of us. Now imagine them being in what is by far an even stronger state of emotional turmoil; that's how they'd really be if you offed yourself. Knowing someone who committed suicide isn't something your friends or family will just 'get over.'

Of course, you don't want to admit this to yourself, because acknowledging that there are people out there who care about you makes it more difficult to feel depressed.

You said you had suicidal thoughts when you were younger. Is that really something you want to let yourself go back to? I'll tell you right now, if you've crossed that threshold to being suicidal once in your life, then no matter how long you manage to stay out of depression you always run the risk of letting yourself back into it. Some bad shit will happen, or stress will build up, or you'll be in a really shitty mood for no particular reason, and those suicidal thoughts will come a knocking. You'll want to just let them in and feel like shit, but you have to stop yourself from even entertaining them. The moment the words "suicide", "kill myself" or "deserve to die" even appear in your head, you have to make a very conscious effort to just stop what you're thinking, tell yourself you don't really want this, and then drop it. Go ahead and feel bad, but don't ever let yourself take it too far. And the hard part is that on some level you probably will want to lapse back into that suicidal mindset, or stay in it, and ignoring that can often be a really hard thing to do. But it's just something you gotta do. Maybe after a while it'll get easier, but when shitty moods strike again it'll go back to being difficult, and you just have to tell yourself that you can't ever let yourself go back to being what you once were.

Remember that this is a consistent effort you have to put forth. Never let yourself say "I'll let these suicidal thoughts/fantasies slide this one time because I'm feeling really down." You can't even let them get their foot in the door, and if they already have, kick them the fuck out and never let them back in.

Or maybe I'm just projecting and none of this applies to you, in which case I typed up all this bullshit for nothing. Oh well.
>> No. 375184
>Oh that's bullshit and you know it.
When I'm in a rational state of mind, I certainly do, but if I've slipped so far off that I'm thinking about it, it's hard to convince myself.

I have told my family about it. My mom didn't say anything, my sister started crying, but I think that was mostly cause I told her "we aren't even that close, it wouldn't hit you as hard as if we were like, best friends," which in retrospect was a very tactless and selfish thing to say. Haven't told my significant other or most of my friends though.

The rest of your post was very apt, though, I don't think you were projecting too hard, or, if you were, it didn't keep it from being helpful.
Thank you.
>> No. 375186
I like it when my boss is gone, it means I can fart in peace without worrying about her smelling it.
>> No. 375194
What kind of mood swings are you having, anyhow? Any replicated sensations or changes so 180 that they make you stop and note?
>> No. 375200
I'm not sure what you mean by replicated sensations, but
basically yes, I'm generally a very happy person, but at the drop of a hat, over such minor things, I'm instantly very melancholy, and it just gets worse as the day goes on, I very rarely cheer up on the same day I start feeling bad. Occasionally the sadness goes on for a few days, but usually I'm more or less back on top after I wake up the next day, even if I feel absolutely horrible when I fall asleep.
So yes, it's pretty much a complete 180 in both directions, and yes, I notice them when they happen, and wonder why I'm bothered as much as I am, but it just starts as a bad mood and within a few hours turns into...something considerably worse than just "a bad mood," I don't think I can stop the downward spiral once it starts.

I dunno if that's a coherent or detailed enough answer, but yeah, sorry.
>> No. 375207
You should tell your psychologist you'd prefer to speak to them privately.
They will understand. They've seen this shit before.
>> No. 375212
File 136372057035.jpg - (72.88KB , 413x570 , 1363508535669.jpg )

>White woman: *collapses in tears, her entire worldview shattered* "HOW CAN THE WORLD BE SO CRUEL?
>> No. 375216
check your privilege you moe
>> No. 375217
File 136372389532.gif - (725.55KB , 446x251 , regi whats wrong with you.gif )
>Friend gets a girlfriend
>Never hear from him again
>> No. 375218
I've a theory. Being raped by a Wayanes Brother removes any credibility one might ever have of being frightening or dangerous to people, ever again. Like some sort of psychological immunization to supernatural horror.
Scary Movie 2 clownyoutube thumb

If Freddy Kreuger ever stepped into a Wayanes Bro. dream, he'd never taste fear from anything, ever.
>> No. 375225
Man, you know your family is shitty when the least horrible human being is the ex-Mafioso who had dealings with terrorists and is a confirmed wife beater.

I am being completely serious.
>> No. 375227
Well, he sounds pretty cool except for the wife-beating part. Sucks, but, you can't choose your family. I am constantly baffled by the quality of the relatives of some people on here; How they can want so much, expect so little and just in general not be able to past their own noses is amazing, if unsurprising. It seems a miracle that some people made it here at all, sometimes.

By "replicated sensations" I mean they were odd enough to take note and after a little experimenting you can actually induce the feelings again, usually by a set of external circumstances. If that's the case, taking steps to prevent those conditions is a very good move.

If it's just occurring on its' own with no real spark and just spiraling down because that's how you feel, that'd really be something more for an actual doctor to discuss. I can tell you that in such instances, being around people, especially in a public setting, can make it difficult for the negative emotions to take. But I might get a pro to give his opinion.

I say as I constantly put off calling a shrink for myself. On the one hand, I could use it. On the other hand, I don't like paying people money to tell me what's wrong with me.
>> No. 375236
Well.....you know who to call if you need a guy whacked. There's always a bright side.
>> No. 375238
>aw man I feel so depressed, I'm not even worth having around, I really just shouldn't have been born
>...I wonder if I can make myself feel like this more frequently, I should experiment
Truly, science is an odd field.

It's usually not occurring on its own, though, it has sources. Generally just things said by people I love. Not malicious things, not even necessarily mean things, just
things that set me off. Maybe they make me feel uncomfortable, and that leads me into thinking about what an unsociable chump I am, which spirals down until I'm just lying somewhere wishing I could quit life for a bit.
Things like that, I guess.
And I just don't like pills. Even ones that don't need to be taken regularly. I skipped out on post-surgery painkillers and just walked around feeling like I'd taken a hammer to the ribs for a week or so. I don't even take ibuprofen to break fevers until they get really dangerous, in the 103-104 range.
I wish I'd kept in contact with the guy I knew who could get someone whacked if need be. He was a genuinely nice dude. Took me to see the first Spider-Man movie when it hit theaters because I was a little kid with no money and he could spare a bit.
>> No. 375241
I know a guy, who knows a guy. The first guy being my old Wing Chun instructor.

At the end of one lesson he explained to us, in specific detail, how to dispose of a body.
>> No. 375252
Truly, bureaucracy is one of the worst things conceived by humanity.
>> No. 375257

Actually the implementation of beaureaucracy has generally resulted in greater societal stability and continuity of service.
>> No. 375258

Actually the implementation of beaureaucracy has generally resulted in greater societal stability and continuity of service.
>> No. 375262
My guy is just my mom's old drug dealer. He worked with my sister and sold my mom pot for cheap cause they were bros. He was a great dude, but he had some pretty serious gang ties and I really do not doubt he knows someone that'd stab a dude for a couple hundred.
>> No. 375266
>am perfectly happy being single
>seriously don't want kids
>dad pushes for him to have grandkids
>love dad and don't want to let him die disappointed

what do
>> No. 375267
Tell him you'll adopt if he pays for all expenses forever and also watches the kid all the time forever.
>> No. 375273
"Democracy is the worst form of Government, except for all the other ones."

For a second I didn't read it all and I thought you were talking about acquiring weed.

IDK I have an idiosyncratic relationship with pain. When I hurt, especially when I hurt in odd ways or with phantom pains, the very first thing I do is try and replicate the sensation and if I can, sustain it for a bit, under some kind of messed up notion of building strength by attempting to rip open my weaknesses.

BUT THAT'S MAYBE NOT THE SMART THING TO DO (or at least not done for smart reasons). But experimenting with your own pain, especially an internal, ethereal one, can lead you to greater understanding of what causes you to hurt and how to avoid/deal with it, even just recognizing it. It actually took me a while to understand that I really hated my first job, and that it made me depressed and was just such a dark mark on my life that I almost didn't see the pressure until it was relieved.
>> No. 375274
Well yeah. The thing about bureaucracy is that it builds a paper trail for everything that happens--and a paper trail means accountability. As hard as it is to believe with the number of times we see corruption bubble to the surface, the bureaucracy actually prevents far more.

Plus, think of it this way: it's not the people are any more corrupt in the modern day than they were in the past. It's that the corrupt people are getting caught more often than they ever have.
>> No. 375283
Thank you. I'll try my best.

Right now I'm trying to figure out how to do better on my artwork and possibly have a career. My parents (or at least, my dad) don't have faith in me, and I'm scared of never getting hired, or never having the skills to do so.
>> No. 375285
Do you have a DeviantArt? Tried asking for feedback in /draw/ or (if you're the courageous type) 4chan's /ic/? Do you do commissions? You could always post a piece or two here and ask for feedback.

Getting good criticism, the type that will not only be painless but also have good pointers to what to improve, can be hard.
>> No. 375293
I've posted on both dA and +4's /draw/. I don't go on "regular 4chan" at all, it's always been too busy for me to keep up with. So far, only one or two responses. A couple of requesters who never got back to me. No commissions, partially because my dad and I have been fighting over my ability to finally make money (I want to, he doesn't want me to), partially because the only interested parties want me to work for free and aren't interested otherwise. Sigh.
>> No. 375294
If I could make a suggestion?

Work on building a brand. You definitely need to work on improving your art (no matter how good you are), but the most important thing in being able to make a career in art is your ability to be visible to people who will give you money.

A large part of that is going to mean that right now, while you're still learning to be a Great Artist, you give a lot away for free. Not necessarily requests and stuff--setting a precedent for doing commissions without being paid is probably a bad idea. But giving away art that you draw yourself, like comics or illustrated stories is a good idea. And stuff with an ongoing narrative (and thus a necessary buy-in) are better than random pin-ups.

Also, consider finding fandoms you enjoy enough to contribute to the body of fanart for that fandom. Fanart garners a lot of attention, and original stuff is slower to. Never let yourself fall into the trap of doing only fan stuff, especially when you notice that your original stuff never gets as much attention as your fan stuff early on and might start to feel depressed about your ability to form your own stuff, though. That's just the nature of Art on the Internets.

An artist on the Internet doesn't really sell Art, even if he or she is technically selling artifacts as a business. They sell themselves. You have to be a person that people want to be patrons of. And the most horrible part about that is that (if you're anything like me or most artists I've talked to), that's terrifying. It's putting yourself out there to be judged both as an artist and as a human being, and it really makes you feel vulnerable and scared. And that's why a lot of artists are so prickly and so bad about taking criticism. But you've got to overcome that, because people don't generally like people who lash out at them, unless those people are entertaining when they lash out or have developed enough reputation for a solid body of work that they can get away with alienating a few people.

Disclaimer: I haven't made art into a career yet, either. So take this stuff with a grain of salt. But these are the things I've picked up and gleaned on my path toward doing so, and who knows for certain if they're actually going to lead to where I want them to.
>> No. 375322
File 136395151633.jpg - (7.69KB , 330x247 , not even sure how to describe this.jpg )
>trying to plan out my senior year
>have certain requirements left to fulfill for my majors
>both departments making it notoriously hard to fulfill the requirements without having an unbalanced schedule
>> No. 375323
I know that feel, I'm basically doing the same thing (except mine is college required classes I haven't taken yet vs my major). I still need a science lab class that I wanted to take during my fall semester but there is no way whatsoever that I can since they all conflict with my senior seminar class which I need for my major. It's frustrating
>> No. 375338
You know what's hilarious?

Someone herping and derping about BOOTSTRAPS when he was handed an IT job right out of high school thanks to nepotism. One that is cushy enough for him to afford owning two houses in an expensive part of the country in his mid-20s. While disparaging hard-working college graduates who can't afford their own place because dude never had to deal with the recession.

I ain't even mad. (I'm a little mad.)
>> No. 375339

Tell that nigga to check his privilege. For real. He should stop to think that being handed an IT job out of high school is incredibly lucky.

It drives me nuts when people don't realize how easy they have it. For the record, I do realize how easy I have it. I have parents and teachers who give a shit about my education and I have had them since I was in kindergarten. I also grew up middle class, whatever that's worth.
>> No. 375341
I can do you one better.

>College students who complain about welfare while accepting financial aid.
>> No. 375342
>Tell that nigga to check his privilege. For real.
Probably the best way to not get taken seriously by anyone.
I agree though, bitch needs to shut his face.
>> No. 375343

Well, I expect his response to be more articulate than mine!


Hey now, they earned that money (by...uh, doing something) and are going to put it to good use. Or something.
>> No. 375345
>Two houses

I I work IT and I am incredibly lucky to rent with roommates. Fuck him, he has enough money to start generating more money.
>> No. 375347
>people complaining about taxes and still using any kind of public goods

welcome to alabama! where that's all anyone ever does! Bitch about people on welfare while the entire state's electricity bill is subsidized by the government? You bet! (Thanks TVA for cheaper energy prices than nearly anywhere else in the country.) Don't forget old white men on medicare who whine about "black girls who have babies to get more welfare" and rich business owners bitching about taxes while paying their illegal immigrant employees next to nothing and getting away with it because who the hell would they complain to? They'll also complain about "The Mexicans" being lazy anyways! They spout ridiculous conspiracies about China and gun control because that's what Fox News told them and they must be right!

never come to this fucking place i hate it so much
>> No. 375348
Yeah, even setting aside social safety net programs, it's crazy how some people are so up in arms any time people talk about government spending or taxes, despite the fact that they drive on government-provided roads and enjoy the protections of the police and fire departments every single day, and most likely only got their jobs because of government-provided education, or who bought their houses with government-funded First Time Home Owners programs, or enjoyed the effects of a government that prevents monopolies from forming among most industries (not that it couldn't do better in certain industries, either) thus keeping the costs of consumer goods competitive.

We should set up a system where you can elect to not pay taxes for a year in exchange for not being allowed to use any of those things or anything else that the government funds or maintains, and then double your taxes when you decide to start paying up again.
>> No. 375356
I live in Mississippi, I feel you.
>> No. 375361
File 136402439110.jpg - (17.85KB , 454x177 , alcoholic.jpg )
Uh oh, Pablo.
>> No. 375362
Even though I wake up every day like that, as long as there's no photographic evidence then I'm golden
>> No. 375363
Whatever you say, alky.
>> No. 375364
You need a source of income independent of your father, if you are who I think you are.
I'm telling you. Deprivation is a form of control.
>> No. 375368
File 136404377734.jpg - (104.56KB , 614x821 , tumblr_m55ptaQ5HS1qdy7vgo1_1280.jpg )

>> No. 375369
File 136404662767.png - (363.76KB , 640x464 , nothing at all.png )
>> No. 375370
there is a time and a place for these
but it's not daytime and it's typically not outside
>> No. 375384

Don't worry, these won't last long when people start to realize how much they chafe.
>> No. 375385
>climb inside your butt and permanently stain
>> No. 375386
It's a joke ad. That's body paint.
>> No. 375387
>> No. 375389
File 136408462251.jpg - (1.47MB , 961x1482 , Birth_of_a_Nation_theatrical_poster.jpg )
When you start to plum the depths of American culture things in the present day begin to come into a much more logical focus.

Even if it's only because you understand why it's illogical.
>> No. 375390
Exactly why I try and point rational people in the direction of the crazies and where they're getting their sub-tier Fox News propaganda stuff. So they have some idea of the nonsense that's becoming obfuscated history as the years go by.

Unlike newspapers or pamphlets or other physical texts or manifestos, a lot of rallying calls to insecure crazies are currently bastard digital prints. Things that can be deleted in an instance but still be used to convey messages to the crazies it rings true to.

I'm hoping we have people cataloging this shit for historical, documentary purposes, because in 20-30 years if they leave out the Birther stuff some history books are just going to feel incomplete for a lot of impressionable young people learning about the wacky history.
>> No. 375391
File 136408792540.jpg - (141.27KB , 543x455 , Birth-of-a-nation-klan-and-black-man.jpg )
That's the other thing, America seems to HATE HISTORY but fucking LOVES NOSTALGIA.

Like Birth Of The Nation was the first movie ever shown in the white house where Woodrow Wilsom, with tears in his eyes choked out "Our history can be rewritten."
>> No. 375392
File 136408876058.jpg - (7.38KB , 500x281 , the-searchers.jpg )
Also the heaping pile of racism that is The Searchers is still regarded as one of the finest films ever made, kinda mind boggling.
>> No. 375393
Because most people are more open-minded and not as uptight as you are.
>> No. 375394
I thought it was because the Searchers was meant to be a deconstruction of the kinds of characters John Wayne played throughout his life. He shoots people in the back, he betrays his word, he scalps a Native American in the scene of kind of the penultimate hypocrisy. In the last scene, significantly, the door closes on John Wayne's back, signifying that though the family has returned to a state of bliss, John Wayne's character can never enter that sort of place, pretty much because he is actually kind of a murderous thug.

I'm not saying the overall movie could not be construed as racist in the sense that any movie dealing Native Americans during that time period will inevitably be racist. I've always thought of it as the cap to John Wayne's career.
>> No. 375395
>Because most people are afraid of communism and Native Amercans

But no seriously, yeah it's a beautiful movie but it is far and away too filled with racism and anti-communist propaganda to be considered one of the greatest films ever made and that it is is a testament to how hard America denies it's own history while glorifying genocide with puffy eyed nostalgia.
>> No. 375396
Oh for sure, what I'm trying to get at is that it is one of many films America uses it as a staple of culture while is filled with racism and that hurts America culturally, for instance most critics back away from pointing out that living with native Americans does not melt your brain and turn you into a feral child.
>> No. 375398
Because that shouldn't need clarifying.

I really have no idea what you're arguing. Do you think Looney Tunes shouldn't be praised based on its racial stereotyping?
>> No. 375400
No, because most of Looney Toons truly racist aspects are in banned episodes and aren't really something people go around proclaiming as the grandest thing in the world.

The closest to that would Porky in Wackyland which I would honestly have to watch again to say anything about.

It's just interesting to see what survives of racism and other ignorance in the modern world while at the same time being considered art.
>> No. 375405

Anything that makes it to the internet exists for the rest of time. Don't worry about it.
>> No. 375410

>> No. 375411
>> No. 375413
I'm sorry I keep ranting about my dad, Ram. I just can't get through to him verbally (he plays everything off as a joke or says I'm selfish for having my own opinions, that anything I rant about is a petty world's-smallest-violin moment), and I'm afraid about what he might do if I just go behind his back to do something anyways.
>> No. 375416
I sympathize. I'm in a similar situation, remember?
But you have a means by which to make a little scratch. And with paypal these days, you could be pretending to just do your private computering stuff, doodle "whatever you want" and "share it with your friends."
If you had your own post office box you wouldn't even need to raise his suspicions if he got the mail, because all mail that comes specifically to you regarding your off-the-side job would be going to that PO Box. And if you have your own cell phone, it'd be even easier to maintain contact with the bank, and thus 'strange' phone calls won't even show up on your landline caller ID.

Unless we're talking he's controlling enough to check the numbers of who has been calling you on your phone, or worse, not permitting you to have a cell phone of your own.
>> No. 375417
He pays my bill, and we haven't gotten to actually open a Paypal yet. If I want to do most things, they need to be run by him first.

It truely bums me out to see you in a similar situation, since you're such a nice, helpful guy. I wish you the best.
>> No. 375432
>"Our history can be rewritten."


what the actual fuck does that mean.
>> No. 375437
Robert Wuhl's Assume the Posit…youtube thumb

History is pop culture. We are taught, and in America, our curriculum is adjusted to reflect private interests. If we were to teach, for example, just how ineffective the Catholic Church has been at "stopping sin", and what tremendous hypocrites the church as an institution has been for nearly its' entire existence, we'd instantly deflate a significant portion of the right-wing power base in this country. Which the right-wing power base would not want, which is why they get their constituents to try and hamper science and advancement to "what they believe", which does not hold a candle to the whole of scientific thought.

Realistic and informed knowledge of history is often very much an "after the fact" notion when it comes to American Schooling.
>> No. 375438

I don't even know what the hell you're trying to say. As someone who learned all about indulgences in the 9th grade, I'm pretty sure you're making some broad assumptions about American schools.
>> No. 375443
File 136417125927.jpg - (51.24KB , 720x960 , 575929_3879263998327_2045378665_n.jpg )
Today I saw Wicked and had cocktails. Today I became a true gay.
>> No. 375445
There is really no point after a while to talk about American grade-high school because the unanimous consensus is that it sucks, has always sucked and about any analysis on the topic trends towards "it will continue to suck".


I mean if you want to get the heart of it, America spends way more money than anyone else but gets less results. Yet somehow, magically, the increase in money spent on education still puts U.S teachers at a pay bracket lower than any other teaching job around the world.
>> No. 375446
File 136417273364.jpg - (143.24KB , 397x423 , 1359367681163.jpg )
But Wicked is garbage...
>> No. 375447

I won't deny the system is messed up. I'm just arguing against claims that no school is educating people about the corrupt past of the Catholic Church. Well, maybe he didn't say all that much. I guess I meant to argue against the idea that this happening everywhere. I learned about that stuff in high school. I know I did, because I wasn't about to go looking for that info on my own time. Not when I was 14 at any rate.
>> No. 375448
I went FB official with my partner, and my parents wouldn't talk to me for over a week, then asked me to explain myself. Funny, I thought I had, what with all the "I'm not interested in having kids, because I'm not interested in having sex" conversation I had with them 7 years ago, and I've told them I've been going on "dates with Sweetheart" for the past year.

I had to explain what asexuality was, and that just because my partner is also female, that does not mean I am a lesbian. I ended up telling my mom that I was the Watson to my Sweetheart's Holmes, and she was like "oh...well that makes sense". I don't even have an image for mfw she replied to me like that. Dad was a bit mopey for some time, because he was apparently super-oblivious and thought I was okay just plastering it on FB but not "warning him" beforehand, but now we're fine because we talked it out.

Other than that, work is going great! We finally got rid of the backlog of emails. Because of this, the phones have been a lot quieter, so we can work on other projects that have been put on the back-burner.

The big boss still hasn't scheduled me for my interview to become permanent. Granted, this was the first full week which we had gotten rid of all the backlog, so we were busy, but now I'm getting decidedly nervous. What if all those "you do great work" and "good job!" compliments (among others) were just to me motivate to keep doing this job, and as soon as they can, they're going to fire me? What if I get passed over for all of the different jobs I applied for permanent placement?

I am getting nervous, and when I do that, I go neurotic. This is not good.
>> No. 375451
I'm glad your parents have come around. I'm in a similar boat: I like someone of the same sex, not sure how to come out to those I know offline, although I'm not asexual, just...uncomfortable for some reason about the prospect of having sex. At least, for now.

I think both asexuals and people who are simply celibate for some reason get ragged on and harassed unfairly. It isn't anyone's business whether someone has a sex life or not, and anyone who tells you "life is boring unless you have sex" is an idiot.
>> No. 375453
Well that's the other part, there are roughly 90,000+ public schools spread across 50 states with vastly different political and cultural climates. Anything that indicates that they have anything trembling a uniformal curriculum is laughable.

If your already on plus4 I'd venture a guess that you went to a better highschool.
>> No. 375454
Oh man I totes forgot about here.

Hi guys!
>> No. 375457
My cat is dead.
Pretty sure I have bronchitis.
Sup Freeg.
>> No. 375459

>I'd venture a guess that you went to a better highschool.

I don't think it was all that gr--actually, scratch that. Our school may have been poor, and the students may have been awful, but 95% of my teachers in high school gave a damn about my education. And my history teacher, the one who taught us about indulgences and whatnot, was a cool old guy with his doctorate.

I count my lucky stars I have good parents and teachers who cared if I'd be flipping burgers or not. But I digress.
>> No. 375460
File 136419339994.png - (4.04KB , 302x237 , 1318610171012.png )
Finally found a tomboy friend that I lost contact with almost 20 years ago on Facebook and I'm waiting for a reply from her that will probably never come. At least I found her and can see what she looks like after all these years of trying to find her.
>> No. 375461
I disagree
>> No. 375472
I agree. I'm bisexual, but I'm not sexually active, at least for the time being. If you say you're bi, people expect you to be fucking everything left and right and think your life must be one non-stop orgy. Instead my life is like a punchline to a bad joke. Not that I mind, but it is kinda funny.
>> No. 375479
I don't believe there was ever any question about this
>> No. 375482
the fact that this doesn't prove to me that i'm an alcohol proves to me that i'm an alcoholic
>> No. 375483
File 136423166021.jpg - (87.86KB , 768x768 , 135994483169.jpg )
I realize now, just how fragile this life that I've cobbled together for myself is and just how unhappy I've been for a time.

I wonder then, would I be happier if it were to all fall apart? I sort of know what I want the end result to be at this moment, but I have no idea how to go about making it happen. Would wiping the slate clean be the right choice? Has anyone ever done so and been pleased with the results?
>> No. 375484
i know what they mean when they say that phrase, but i find it

1. disgusting
2. fucking stupid
3. yet another form of govt. mind control
>> No. 375485
i'd recommend laying out some safety nets for worst case scenarios and figuring out some potential directions for starting over.

letting go of what doesn't work is only the first step. building from scratch is a slow and difficult process, but if that's what it takes, that's what it takes.
>> No. 375488
is there anything you're passionate about or think you will be?
>> No. 375489

I ponder these same questions sometimes.
>> No. 375492
I'd argue it isn't government mind control. At best, tacit compliance with private interest revisionism.
>> No. 375493
About a year or two ago, I started feeling really sick. My folks immediately accused me of crying wolf because of the frequency in which I got headaches and felt nauseous. How do I convince them something might actually be wrong?
>> No. 375494
Plans exist for the short term, roughly a years worth of current finances could be covered without a source of income.

Finances don't concern me terribly much. I can make do with or without. Starting over would require admitting to myself and others that the last few years have been a waste of everybody's time and that I'm far less stable than they believed me to be.

Many things and I have a rough idea how to scratch those itches. The question is what must be done to set me on the road to the desired end state.

I live a comfortable if unstable and unhappy life. The debate inside my mind is whether I attempt I continue to live this way, hope that things improve and potentially have things come crashing down around me or do I step outside and do a controlled demolition of everything and admit that I wasn't a good enough person to make things work?

I don't expect to find answers to all of life's problems on the internet, but it is a good litmus test of your current affairs when you have nobody else to vent yourself to.
>> No. 375495
There obviously is "something" wrong, the only question is what it might be.

What is your diet and lifestyle like? My mother used to have chronic raging migraines until she cut caffeine out of her life.
>> No. 375496
You don't. You drop them like sacks of shit and look into getting your own health insurance. The reason they think you're crying wolf is because it's very common for people to think if they shut their minds and ignore your problems, those problems will go away as if by magic.

There's no convincing somebody who is paid to be ignorant and has a vested interest in telling you you're wrong.
>> No. 375502
The church was just an easy example. The point is more that the system has been co-opted by various interests and the material censored by various others. Basically >>375492.
>> No. 375504
File 136429306230.png - (66.59KB , 247x265 , 1364196218297.png )
AWWWW YEAH, 22th birthday for me!
>> No. 375505
Happy Birthday!
>> No. 375510
Happy day of being dragged into the world kicking and screaming.
>> No. 375513
My school connection will randomly block Google and no other website.
>> No. 375520
Happy birthday!
>> No. 375522
File 136433677179.jpg - (6.31KB , 249x252 , 1349129275968.jpg )
>Friend being really bummed out on Tumblr.
>Send a couple asks, trying to help
>"Don't ever fucking talk to me again"
>Block'd, unfollow'd
>Cat might be dying.
>Found a lump.
>> No. 375524
File 136433801922.gif - (862.54KB , 245x240 , tumblr_inline_mgjkvtB20d1qfc40b.gif )
I hope things work out better for you.
>> No. 375534
Happy birthday little dude, hope it was a good one.
That's uh, that's pretty damn rough.
Hope things work out?
>> No. 375538
This is why you update your Facebook Privacy settings to disallow Friends of Friends from seeing posts made by a Friend.

I've taken part in a number of discussions on Facebook today, including changing my picture to the red equal sign, and some of these friends don't have that limitation. My dad, who I think has a few dozen people on FB at most, majority of whom are not that active, sees my posts about comments I made in the threads of other people, and interjects his own comments. The problem? He's a Lutheran pastor (LCMS, not ELCA, for those who know what that means), so all his comments in otherwise pro-gay-marriage discussions was about how marriage is only one man and one woman.

Got some people riled up, I thought it was good for a laugh.
>> No. 375554
alright. dave's stopped posting for the most part and that was my cue to go.

anyway, i just wanted to reiterate, don't fall for people you can't have, especially if they really really really are into you, too. it's like window shopping after hours, money in hand, and knowing that the store won't open.

friendship? fine. flirting? fine. thinking about where things can go romantically? fucking hell no at all don't even because jesus christ it'll just ruin you.

please send me to space so i may never return
it's the only cure
>> No. 375557
Thinking about it further, I think I know where the hollow feeling comes from. For most people, something like "grief" is not a constant--they'll have an initial heavy tide at the beginning, but after a time it will pass. There will be lingering feelings now and then, but these don't heavily disrupt their mood.

For me, with my depression, it's like happiness is my grief. I've become used to having an empty feeling, a shroud of light despair over my head. So when I find a game or series or movie or even just an event that I enjoy enthusiastically, it overcomes my normal state of emotion to the point of temporarily replacing it. So, when whatever it is ends, soon after the depression not only returns, but I can easily feel this new emptiness where the happiness and joy once was. Eventually, the depression will fill this hole; and, while I might revisit whatever it was that I loved (be it replaying a game, rewatching a series, or going to a similar event), I will never get the same amount of joy as when it was new and fresh to me, so that specific thing cannot doesn't cause the same hollow feelings again.

This is what is wrong with me. This is why I avoid...everything, mostly. Nothing can make me feel so exuberant constantly and forever, and so if I do find something that I greatly enjoy it will eventually pass and then I will be left with this hollow feeling, which, at its worst, makes me wish I had never been happy in the first place so I would never know what I was missing.

This is why I can never be truly happy. This is why I don't like public, because I see others happy and I realize what I'm missing and that makes it hurt even more. This is what is wrong with me.

Fuck. I am crying so hard right now. I am so lightheaded. Fuck me.
>> No. 375559
I have this dream of lying in bed with someone, naked, and we're both mutually massaging each other, and we kiss and go to bed together, and we both love one another, but sex never crosses either of our minds once, and we're both okay with that. I don't know if that's weird or not.
>> No. 375566
There's nothing wrong or strange about desiring to be naked in an intimate sense with someone without having sex with them.
I can relate to that. I'm sorry Moose, I hope it gets better.
Goodbye Ferry-boo, you'll always live on in our hearts, and on our back, as a part of us. Or something.
>> No. 375575
File 136449124893.png - (51.32KB , 208x128 , charmander.png )
>Introducing fancy-pants Yale professor's presentation
>Really nervous, know I'm going too fast
>Try to say "philosophical"
>Start saying it wrong
>Start giggling
>Say it wrong anyway
>It's all recorded

Oh god why did you ask me to do this professor, I'm no good with words
>> No. 375577
My mom desperately needs a therapist. She doesn't understand why it's wrong for her to dig up my whole fucking room looking for something and then leave me to clean it up and put everything back once she leaves. And then blame me for losing whatever she was looking for. And then grind her teeth and scream at me when I explain why she's wrong.
>> No. 375580
if a centaur fucks a horse is it bestiality?
>> No. 375583
I'd say yes, in the same sense that if a human fucked a bonobo it would be bestiality.
>> No. 375585
You are like me. I used to wonder whether mind-controlling someone into masturbating was rape, whether vampires/werewolves counted as bestiality, etc.
>> No. 375586
File 136452793011.jpg - (62.61KB , 500x378 , i'm already dead inside anyway.jpg )
It would seem the thing that causes me to reconsider staying with a job is an elderly woman with early onset Alzheimer's stripping off the majority of her clothing before anyone can stop her.
>> No. 375587
I absolutely hate that every yahoo with an opinion feels entitled to tell me how to do my job, and if you don't carefully explain to them that they're being an idiot it's "being an elitist."

Imagine if Scientists (outside of Biologists) had to put up with people who have never written a peer reviewed scientific paper, who have never even /read/ a scientific paper, telling them that they're focusing on the wrong subjects or using the wrong theories or whatever the fuck people are on about, and they're treated on equal terms to people who actually do this for a living.

>> No. 375588
Are you Christopher Walken?
>> No. 375589
It sounds like she knows exactly what she's doing, but does it because there's nothing you can do to stop her. Some people are petty and ridiculous, and the only way to stop them from exerting authority is to not give them that authority to exert.
I hope you have an escape plan.
>> No. 375590
Of course not. Christopher Walken never uses the internet.
>> No. 375591


>> No. 375592
>wake up
>boil water for tea
>pour water, put cap back on kettle
>lingering bit of steam in kettle causes feeble "woOo" through the whistle
>be reminded of human Bender
>morning instantly improved
>> No. 375596
>Going to Mexico and having to worry about cartels and shit to get blazed
>Not just going to Colorado or Washington
And wtihin five years I bet ten states will make it legal.
>> No. 375598
It's questions like those that keep me up at night.
>> No. 375599
File 136461525755.jpg - (328.07KB , 690x470 , 1363920776854.jpg )
>order box full of Darrell Lea Red Licorice
>down that shit like a crackhead
>last bag
>saving it until next week to share with friends
>must wait
>> No. 375600
>cartels and shit
Mexico, not Colombia dude.

But naaaaah I getcha. This place's shit.

Nice to know rich first-worlders get a shot, though.
>> No. 375601
File 136462620412.png - (43.08KB , 210x164 , tumblr_lingdgqwuT1qe5tnao1_250.png )
>>Me: "I want to work on a video game, but I only have skills in art, not in writing, programming, or composing music. I'm worried that everyone's going out for art jobs and not for the other skills required to make games."
>>Friend: "Are they really only going out for art jobs, or does it just seem that way because you hang out with almost all artists?"
>> No. 375602
I'm pretty sure, while indie developers are cheap and probably only able to pay you what you deserve, everybody needs artists.
The one thing nobody needs more of because if you can draw and program you can pretty much write whatever nonsense you want and sell it (I'm looking at you, 00s era anime and the majority of mainstream comics) are writers.
>> No. 375603
>only able to pay you a quarter of what you deserve.
>> No. 375604
I'm just having difficulty trying to piece together the different parts of the game I want to make into a coherent story. And I can't program. I don't know anyone who I'd be able to work with me, nor can I refer anyone (because I have been asked if I know a programmer that could work on someone elses' project).

Money's not a huge object, as long as I can pay my bills I'm good.
>> No. 375605
Well, you could always do what I'm trying (and largely failing) to do.
Learn to program.
>> No. 375606
Picking up the brush and getting back into the art game after two years of inactivity only reinforces the notion that this is most definitely not like riding a bicycle.

Maybe a unicycle.
>> No. 375607
I went the other way! I was all about programming when I was younger, and decided to learn to draw so I wouldn't have to use other people's art in my games!

Sort of got art of the game-making biz. I've been toying around with getting back into it, but it's tough to do art and programming and writing all on your own. And I wouldn't even know where to start on making my own music.
>> No. 375608
File 136463361357.jpg - (69.28KB , 680x502 , mylispisfulloffuck.jpg )
>oh jesus christ how is this a thing that exists.
>it's beautiful. It's monstrous. How can you BE. How could you BE so long ago?
>were you born from a monolith?
>are you the mathematical formula Adam Cadmon, sprung from the song of a fevered demiurge?
>> No. 375610
File 136463824230.gif - (2.49MB , 471x431 , 1364153401916.gif )
>pretty waitress in a green dress
>like an idiot, write "you look great" on receipt
>no number or anything, just write that and leave
> conflicted

I know she's probably had guys ogling her all night and probably just wore the dress for tips but...

IDk I wanted to just pass along approval, just let her know she didn't have to but she did and she looks amazing for it. Tumblrs got me tripping out harder than I should be over it but I just... like, I wanted to give that dress and her a like on Facebook. Not an "I want to sleep with you" more ", the guy or gal who's with you, whoever they are, they're a lucky devil". Doubt that came through with what I wrote, or that she wanted or needed it but... idk, I like that kind of personal altruism. Recognizing things people do and they don't really need to and they may catch shit for it but they do it anyway, I like letting them know that it's appreciated even if that's implied.
>> No. 375614
File 136464618355.jpg - (51.70KB , 400x330 , 1346268066880.jpg )
>> No. 375615
Do you know where I could learn to do so, and if it requires a lot of math? I'm abysmal at math.
>> No. 375616
Yeah, so am I. As far as I can tell the math is less important so much as knowing how to take that math that other people produce and expressing it in computer-ese.
I'm probably not much more informed than you are at this point, but if you'd like to talk about it my AIM is 'awadofgum'.
it's my AIM but I use pidgin
>> No. 375617
There is something seriously wrong with the law when any random asshole can slam on their brakes, get you to bump them, and then threaten to sue you for 'whiplash' when there was absolutely no damage done to their car.
>> No. 375621
Ok, what is cultural appropriation, exactly, and why is Tumblr trying to throatfuck me about how racist it is?
>> No. 375622
Cultural appropriation is when people of one culture take on the trappings of another culture because they prefer it over their own. Or sometimes just as an act of rebellion. I'm not sure why it would be considered racist in and of itself, because culture (while often correlating to race) is obviously cultural, not biological. All culture is appropriated. It is, admittedly, ugly and obnoxious when (for example) a suburban white kid starts dressing "gangsta" and speaking ebonics, but children emulate people they look up to, or who embody ideals that they see as appealing. The fact that they don't think about the racial aspect of this when they decide to let it affect their personal idioms if anything seems to me to be the opposite of racism. And especially given Tumblr's special interest in looking at trans-rights, you would think they would be sympathetic to people who feel like who they are on the outside does not necessarily reflect who they see themselves to be on the inside.

...but honestly, it's not about racism even if Tumblr's gaggle of teenage Social Justice crusaders say it is. It's hipsterism. Certain groups are seen as having a "right" to appropriate a given culture because that culture was pioneered by their own ancestors, and therefore they got in before it was "cool," and other groups are seen as not having that right because they're squares and/or outsiders.

Now there is something to be said for the inherent racism involved in fetishizing a "theme park" version of a culture, or acting like an ignorant caricature of a member of that culture--Amerindian culture is especially victim to this version in the States. I guess if someone is trying to appropriate the culture of the "Magical Indian," "Magical Negro," or Magical Whatever, that sort of appropriation might be racist. But more because the initial conceptions of that race were racist than because modelling yourself after someone who you don't share a bloodline with is racist.
>> No. 375625
Half the time any other board but here, two thirds here. How bad is it for you?
>> No. 375629
>It is, admittedly, ugly and obnoxious when (for example) a suburban white kid starts dressing "gangsta" and speaking ebonics

I don't really get why people look down on that so much.
>> No. 375630
I'm not certain, either, but something about it does just feel fake-y and ugly. Maybe it's intolerance on my part. I guess it's possible that I don't think much of gangsta culture in general, and simply accept it with black youths because of some sort of casual racism taking the form of Low Expectations. It'd be troubling if that were the case, but I have to admit it's a possibility.

I prefer to think that it's just that they come off as disingenuous, though.
>> No. 375633
I know how to answer your question, but I can't think of a sufficient, succinct way to word it.

the short answer I guess would be that there's a certain breed of smug bastard that learned if they mask their holyer-than-thou attitude, their tendency to tattletale just for the satisfaction and rush when an authority figures punishes you (it's like tattling on you means THEY punished you personally!), and they can milk their insecurity and the enjoyment they get from authority and control. They just do this on the pretense of civil rights, or correcting ignorance. Why? Because nobody can stop them, and they're being assholes in the name of allegedly good reason. It gives them a good feeling, and they can deflect all accusations that they're just doing it to masturbate their egos by denying everything and insisting they're on a crusade for civil rights. The problem is that people can smell the difference, they just can't verbalize or elucidate the difference.

'Cultural Appropriation' is hater speak for "that white guy is wearing a kimono and eliminating desire from his heart, and he is not asian. Who the hell does that weeaboo think he is? I bet he doesn't even understand the significance beyond his animes." It's the cognitive dissonance that says a white guy in a backwards cap speaking a southern dialect that strikes the ears as "black" is by default performing blackface without even understanding what he's doing. And surely, only Social Justice Sally has the experience to determine that for sure and call him a dirty thief for stealing from somebody else' (implying: not white and male) culture.
>> No. 375637
I always feel like a racist asshole when I start speaking in ebonics or call someone "my nigga" without thinking (although I probably really should feel racist for the second one), but I did grow up in the closest thing my town had to the ghetto, so is it cultural appropriation if it actually is my culture?
>> No. 375639
I'm back and forth on cultural appropriation. I'm not black, so I don't think I have the right to use the n-word, but I get a weird sense of accomplishment when an African-American person refers to me as "my nigga" because it feels like I'm included in their group.

I don't think simply liking another culture's stuff is appropriation, at least. I like America because I can eat sushi and buy anime and eat tacos and drink Mexican soda because these things were unfamiliar to me originally and I happen to like them.
>> No. 375644
Do you ever have a dream about someone still alive that you've never met and then wake up wondering if they had the same dream, perplexed as to who the hell was in their dream?
>> No. 375646
File 136471646743.gif - (2.60MB , 459x459 , 1361690035304.gif )
>fellow TF2 player adds me as friend
>is a pretty cool user
>we talk back and forth
>assume it's a guy
>we're friends for about a week
>suddenly mention awful, awful nasty things I would never ever tell one of my girl friends
>that awkward silence before she asks me why men are so rude
>> No. 375647
What sort of things?
>> No. 375649
You done fucked up.
>> No. 375650
Wouldn't that be awesome?
>> No. 375651
Guys you have no idea how hard it is to get paint out of beard.
>> No. 375652
Guys you have no idea how hard it is to get paint out of beard.
>> No. 375654
File 136473224956.jpg - (55.81KB , 600x502 , classic-safety-razor-shave-kit.jpg )
>> No. 375655
File 136473448518.png - (107.32KB , 379x301 , NO FREAKING WAY.png )
>> No. 375656
Just paint the rest of your beard like the rest of us. It's normal and healthy
>> No. 375657
File 136473565286.jpg - (80.45KB , 1440x900 , cesarromero.jpg )
>> No. 375658
File 136474371066.jpg - (155.94KB , 638x539 , Leshy_(1906).jpg )
>coffin birth
Oh, Google... the things completely unrelated to my search which you deem fit to force into my unsuspecting brain.

What color? If it's green, embrace it. Paint the rest of yourself to match, stick pine cones in your hair, flee to the woods, and become the Leshy.
>> No. 375673
I just made someone on 4chan cry with a literary analysis of Archer.

Feels good man.
>> No. 375674
In a good or bad way?
Never seen Archer, no idea if it's any good.
>> No. 375677
Archer is goddamn incredible.
>> No. 375678
It's really good. Basically, I walked into a thread and explained why Archer is such an incredible asshole to everyone and the conveyance of that tragedy made 4chan cry.
>> No. 375679
File 136482753678.jpg - (496.31KB , 1280x720 , Archer_30_Bang_FXWEB_1280x720_13009987726.jpg )
Oh yeah he's so many kinds of fucked up by what he's been through it's amazing he's functional on any level.
>> No. 375680
File 136482778679.jpg - (133.20KB , 250x360 , tumblr_mka7zqGqrO1s98towo3_250.jpg )
Also this week in sweet jebus pretty ladies in rad suits.
>> No. 375681
Could you spoiler it? Archer always just struck me as Frisky Dingo meets Coach McGurk, so I've felt no compulsion to move towards it.
>> No. 375683
File 136482823226.jpg - (370.55KB , 500x701 , tumblr_mka7zqGqrO1s98towo2_500.jpg )
Boy are you missing out.
>> No. 375686
File 136483040939.jpg - (114.24KB , 926x574 , Archer analysis.jpg )
Here you go. It's made by the same guy as Frisky Dingo, and it started out like that, but they evolved into real human characters with really believable motivations.

Now it's like a deconstruction of an Adult Swim cartoon, where everyone taking turns being a dick to each other makes the whole thing tragic.
>> No. 375687
Where are you getting these from?

I want roughly all of them.
>> No. 375688
Is that a Rose of Versailles stage play or something?
>> No. 375689
File 136483287041.jpg - (245.41KB , 529x727 , tumblr_mka7zqGqrO1s98towo1_1280.jpg )
Takarazuka Revue
>> No. 375693
Never shave your armpits while you're drunk. It's a bad idea.
>> No. 375694
File 13648387488.jpg - (152.14KB , 656x450 , esther quek.jpg )
That time again?
>> No. 375698
The animation isn't very good, but it's very well-written, and I like the character designs a lot.

I was thinking a live-action Utena play.
>> No. 375699
Well yeah but they have a shoe string animation budget, they make up for it in dem backgrounds.
>> No. 375700
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For the first time since my late teens I've been thinking a lot about wandering off to a different country, living there for a while, and seeing if I like it better than the States. Enough that I've been peeking into general information on the countries that are of any interest to me. While I have my own ideas, if anyone cares to recommend/review a particular country/province/principality/whatnot, I'm all ears.

This will probably prove to be another exercise in unfulfilled daydreaming anyway.
>> No. 375701
Italy and Bangkok are primary destinations for me, especially since I actually have the option of living in one in a few years.
>> No. 375702
>About to sit down and watch Adventure Time.
>Get a call from my mom saying that she sent one of her friends over to get me to help her move because I have a truck.

the hell.
>> No. 375708

I know it's April 1st and whatever.


It still hurts ;_;
>> No. 375709
So, after dating a skinny man who loves fast food (and buys me snacks) for 9 months, my waistline went from 27 inches to 32 FUCKING INCHES. I went from oddly proportioned (and slightly chubby) all the way to the plus sized zone. Not even a year went by! Holy shit. I hate my body now.

Has anyone actually successfully lost weight (or seen someone do it), or do you stay fat once you get fat? No one in my life has successfully changed, but that might just be circumstance and not the way things are for everyone.
>> No. 375710
it doesn't just stay on.
there are many factors: 1. is your natural baseline metabolism also dropping due to age?
2. are you more sedentary?
3. are you dramatically more or less stressed/anxious? those things change your body chemistry quite a bit

in general it seems like it doesn't matter too much what you're eating in terms of weight so long as you lower your overall intake (calorie counting) and increase your activity. really the only principles you need from my experience.

i've been managing my weight for the last year. continual progress. more tone in my muscles. exercise increases metabolism above baseline and helps burn calories (duh). less eating (and more drinking of un-sugared coffee) is great for losing fat in all the places i gained and revealing the muscle again.

so yeah. just stick to that. don't be embarrassed to say no to things and remember that being full is far more food than you need to be very satisfied. and... just to play it safe, cut back on soda. whether or not you're calorie counting, soda doesn't particular help fight off hunger so you may eat more calories than you'd like in great part because of it. drink more water.

sage because i was never here.
>> No. 375711
I've lost weight and kept it off for two years or three years now, at least. I'd call that permanent for a given value of permanent. But as far as I can tell, you can't do it through any sort of temporary means, like diets or training programs. You have to actually change your lifestyle. As in, you can't "Cut out sugar until you lose X pounds," you just have to say "I don't eat X anymore," or "When I eat X, I only eat X amount of it," or "I only eat X once a week" or something. Forever. I stopped drinking sweet tea with my meals, as an example, and since I never drink soda, that's been a huge drop to my sugar intake.

Additionally, you have to up your exercise. This was easy for me because I didn't exercise at all before. I got a standing bike, and made a rule that I can only play video games when I'm biking on it, now. I do that more or less every day, though I skip days when I have to--works out to about five days a week. It's not high impact or difficult to do, and I'm not bored by it because I'm playing video games (and often watching TV or something, too) when I do it.

Keep in mind, I didn't get skinny doing this stuff. I dropped from "above average" to "average." And that's by American standards, so I'm still overweight, just no longer fat. To drop down to average, I would probably need to put serious effort into it, and that degree of lifestyle change might be more than I can keep up permanently. Dunno yet.

And keep in mind--this was when I was about 25-26 when I made this change, and I'm almost 30 now. Most people get fatter in this period, so I'm pretty proud that I've actually lost weight. That said, it also brings up another thing--weight loss that sticks around is slow as fuck. I never check my weight on the scale or anything dumb like that, except at my doctor's visit checkups. This is about being healthy for me, not about weighing less, so my "reward" has never been "losing weight," but "not hyperventilating when I climb a flight of stairs."

It is my personal belief that anything that tells you you can lose weight fast, or that you can go on a program only until you hit your target weight, or anything like that, is bullshit. Just eat healthier (you can still eat stuff that's bad for you, just eat smaller portions when you do. Telling yourself you're never allowed to have something you love is practically guaranteeing you're going to cave eventually), and exercise more.

And for god's sake, eat less fast food, and convince your beau to eat less fast food, too. It's convenient, yes, but it's not even very good tasting, and I don't think anyone feels well after eating it. Fast food burgers taste like shame and depression. If you're going to eat something bad for you, at least make it something delicious. Don't waste your "treats" on cheap, shitty pseudo-food. Show him Super Size Me if you have to. It's hard to eat McDonald's after watching that even if you're not very health conscious.
>> No. 375712
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I bet you got dem thighs, though.
>> No. 375713
File 136490437535.jpg?spoiler - (76.80KB , 480x640 , dat chub.jpg?spoiler )
You know those ads that are like "The number one diet tip corporations don't want you to know! Find out the real answer to weight loss!"?
Well there pretty much is one. It's obvious as hell, but I see so many people who just don't understand or think about it, and judging by the way you phrased that question, I'll assume you don't either.
If your burned calories exceed your consumed ones, you will lose fat.

I'm not gonna be the guy to tell you "cut sugar from your diet," "stop eating white foods," "no more fast food ever,"(although legit, that shit's mad unhealthy) and so on, cause those are all just means to an end. Those are all people making sacrifices anywhere they can in order to get their caloric intake beneath the amount that they burn. You don't HAVE to cut sugar, any sugar at all. You don't HAVE to stop eating breads cause of all dem empty calories. You don't HAVE to stop eating fast food. You just HAVE to get your intake beneath what you expend.

Some people can't take exercise. They'll bike a bit, take half-hour walks a few times a week, and so on. The energy they burn is fairly low, so they do have to make all those dietary sacrifices.

On the other hand, you see those jacked 6'4" bros that could stunt double for the Incredible Hulk eating 2 Whoppers, a large fries, and a chocolate milkshake in one sitting, and their body fat percentage is maybe 10%(that's low). That's cause they work themselves so strenuously that they actually burn through those thousands of calories and then some. It's not that they were blessed by the gods with some sort of metabolism that is incapable of storing energy as fat, despite what people might say. It's cause they fucking work for it.

So the actions you take from here really depend on you personally. If you have high stamina, good endurance, if you can commit to an exercise routine for more than two weeks before sadquitting cause you're not seeing results yet, you might not have to change your diet much(except for the fast food. Yes, they're calories and can be burned off like any other, but the amount of saturated fats in it makes my toes curl. So bad for you, man).
On the flipside, some people aren't cut out for strenuous, continuous exercise. There's nothing wrong with that, it just means you will definitely have to change your diet to lose weight.
I'd recommend moderation in both, slight diet change, slight fitness change. Makes it easier to keep it going unless you become a workout junkie.

Oh, and another tip, if you do start working out more.
I see a lot of people bitching about "but I don't want to lift weights, I'll get all bulky, I just wanna toooooone!"
1.) Unless you're mad genetically predisposed to a muscular body type, you're not gonna get ripped unless you specifically intend to, especially if you're a woman. You're gonna want to lift weights. Just stay off the roids.
2.) Spot-toning doesn't exist. Don't think that by doing a bunch of curls, you're burning stomach fat. That isn't how it works. You're just building more stomach muscle, and muscle takes up space underneath the fat, which means it'll probably make you look fatter unless you're burning fat at a faster pace than you're gaining muscle, which you probably won't be cause newbies gain muscle hella quickly.

>> No. 375719
File 136491547919.jpg - (115.61KB , 939x563 , 1362112456105.jpg )
>Ethics presentation
>decide to report on Bioshock Infinite's controversial themes
>explain in idiot-proof detail so even old people can understand
>show videos, show concept art, explain the idea behind the themes
>racism, nationalism, violent vidya, all kinds of possible topics to discuss here
>nobody fucking asks questions or gets a debate going
>eventually someone says "Well I don't know much about video games but"

EVERY TIME. That's not the fucking point, lady. Good god do we still live in an age where even MENTIONING video games makes you an outcast?
>> No. 375720
This thread reminded me how much I hate daytime television, and the constant reinforcement of "punitive diet" culture.
>> No. 375722
I dropped from 230 to 140 pounds. So yeah, I can help. Do you have an E-mail.
>> No. 375723
Che-rist, man.
>> No. 375724
Is that a good chree-ist or bad?
>> No. 375725
Good, I think, that's very impressive.
>> No. 375727
It's easy to imagine reacting like the cool guy, but then that shit actually happens to you and you're all like "Oh fuck no".
>> No. 375728
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Ugh, this. I still get sideways glances when I say I found something online, although it happens less often with my more tech-savvy main friend group. I swear there's a very big portion of the population that just doesn't want to believe that what flies over the wire can inform the world around them in ways they can't imagine.

Adding a little to this, it's not much but, if you can avoid processed foods as much as possible, and stick to natural, whole foods (fruits, veggies, nuts) where possible, that can help with both calorie intake and digestion.
>> No. 375729
I know your feel. I had an argument with a girl in class last semester because she presented "proof" from FOX News that video games make you a psychopath, and when I tried to say that none of my friends who play games had ever picked up a gun or even attempted to kill people, and she responded that even shooting a fictional, pixelated character meant you were violent and dangerous.

...So what does that make every author who's ever killed off a character?
>> No. 375730
Just for the sake of argument, have there been any reputable counterstudies from a North American psych institute on the study of video games on behavior?
I'm not even playing devils advocate here. My real point is that maybe your next paper and presentation can be on 'reputable fact finding.' And very subtly disregard sloppy research, like crediting Fox News as a legitimate source of anything.
>> No. 375733
It wasn't my paper, we were all doing our own on different topics. And honestly, I'm not sure, but I know my psych teacher is very much against the idea that video games make people violent. Heck, he plays Tomb Raider with his grandkids.
>> No. 375736
So I just experienced an "ice pick headache". This shit is terrifying. And painful. Fuck is it painful. I had my scrotum ripped open by barbed wire before and that was not nearly as bad. Still reeling from that. Just needed to tell someone for some reason and I chose you guys.
>> No. 375737
File 136493886322.jpg - (212.90KB , 681x475 , 1304375310295.jpg )
The Postal Service is getting together for one last tour ever, and they're going to be three hours away from me in June. Three hours and two hundred goddamn dollars for gas and tickets. I've never gotten to see a band I like in concert and this is killing me to even think about missing it. I NEED IT.
>> No. 375738
> I had my scrotum ripped open by barbed wire before

It's story time! Providing it isn't too painful to think about.
>> No. 375739
Nothing much. We were smoking in a corn field that was fenced off with barbed wire like the dumb teenagers we were, then the farmer came and chased us away and I got tripped while climbing the fence. Ripped straight through my pants and into my nutsack as my entire weight plunged into it.
>> No. 375740
My toes curl in sympathy-pain for you.
>> No. 375742
Time to put yourself up on rentboy.com
>> No. 375743

I'm kinda blown away by the politeness and thoroughness of the response here.

It hasn't got much to do with age or activity level dropping, because I'm 20 with the same job that keeps me on my feet for 6 hours.

So far, yeah, I have upped my exercise. I've been walking home from work for the past two or three weeks, and that is a good 3 mile distance. After the first week I started alternating jogging days with walking days. It takes me 40 minutes to jog and an hour to walk, which sounds awful but I am like five feet tall so speed can't be expected, really.

It's not so hard to get into exercise again. It's just that, well...my diet is bad. Really bad. I don't even drink soda but I eat so much, all the time. I do cook my own (generous) meals a lot, but inbetween meals it's constant snacking. I have to stave off hunger because when I do get hungry I get lightheaded, headaches, etc, and it sucks. But for that I guess I can just eat fruit and drink water. Lots of fruit and water.
>> No. 375744
File 136494933254.jpg - (7.20KB , 241x209 , this pleases ben.jpg )
>Get off-topic in class
>Professor mentions anime and manga
>Can't stop imagining him watching moe
>> No. 375745
Snacking can actually be good for your calorie intake, as long as you use it as an excuse to eat smaller meals. The idea is that you're less hungry when dinner comes around, so you can stop eating sooner and/or get smaller plates of food in the first place. My great uncle is one of the skinniest guys I know, and I basically never see him where he's not eating something. But he doesn't stuff himself to bursting when he sits down to a meal, so all in all he probably gets fewer calories per day than I do.
>> No. 375749
well there it goes


stomach virus
>> No. 375750
Drink water. Keep drinking water. All of the water.
>> No. 375752
constant snacking is a problem I have at my job, where it can be difficult to stay awake and interested. I've been experimenting with bringing oranges along.
>> No. 375757
Do we still have a strike feature? I should delete that post and doublespace a bit, it's hard to read...
>> No. 375759
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There are lots of "negative calorie" fruits and vegetables you could look up as well, which is to say, foods that take more energy to digest than they actually provide, actually lowering your calorie intake for the day just by eating them. Only one I remember off the top of my head is celery, which I personally hate, but I mean, if it's your thing, go to town, you're allowed and encouraged to eat as much celery as you could ever want.

And one thing that fixes my sweet tooth and need for crunchy stuff at the same time is a recipe for glazed nuts that I found a while back, that actually uses a pretty low amount of sugar for how much it makes.


First set your oven to be pre-heating to 350 degrees, it'll probably be done preheating way before you're done with all the other steps, but I'd rather an extra 3 cents on my electric bill than standing around for 10 minutes waiting for it to heat up cause I forgot to set it to preheat.
Next, measure out 2 cups of raw, unsalted whole nuts. I use almonds cause I'm p sure they're the healthiest, and even if they're not, almonds da bes, but you can use any nuts really. Actually I'm pretty sure you could dry roast some chick peas and use those, I should try that sometime, chickpeas are so good. Yeah, preferably almonds, but you can use cashews or w/e if you can find a raw unsalted version. 2 cups of them.

Put those 2 cups of nuts into a metal/heatproof mixing bowl.

Sprinkle on 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and then 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of whatever other seasonings you want. I used another 1/4 teaspoon each of dried chipotle pepper and smoked paprika this morning, and they bit back a bit, but weren't as hot or smokey as I was hoping for, up the ratios as you see fit once you try a batch.

Once you sprinkle that on(doesn't need to be perfect or even, just get the spices in the bowl), grab your smallest pan and put it on the stove over medium heat. Throw in 1/4 cup of sugar, 1/8th of a cup of water(that's about a tablespoon and a half, I never properly measure it, I just fill my 1/4 cup measuring cup about halfway up, it's not that important), and about 3/4 of a tablespoon of butter. Bring that to a boil, stirring it to get the sugar dissolved, and let it boil for exactly 60 seconds. About 50 seconds in, I add a half teaspoon of salt and start stirring(I prefer adding the salt to the syrup instead of the nuts cause I really want to make sure I get it evenly distributed--a nut with a little more spice than the others is fine, but a nut with too much or not enough salt is blech). Once the 60 seconds are up, pour your syrup over your nuts, and be careful, melted sugar's like napalm, get that stuff on you and it ain't coming off, and third degree burns are not fun. Stir your nuts for a minute, making sure the syrup and spices evenly cover the nuts, they'll get all glossy and pretty.

Pour them onto a parchment paper-lined sheetpan once you're sure it's about as evenly mixed as it's gonna get, and spread them out into a more-or-less single layer. Don't spread them to the edges of the pan or anything, you definitely want them in one big close-together group, you want your nuts touching each other, that's more important than the single layer part for now. Bake them for exactly 10 minutes, then take them out and stir again, keeping them on the pan. There'll be a lot of the syrup that's run off of them onto the parchment, but by stirring, you'll get this back on the nuts. Basically just keep stirring until they start sticking together a lot and all the syrup is back on the nuts. Spread them back out into a single layer, and this time the single layer part is more important than keeping them all nestled together, so you can spread them out a bit if you want, and bake again for 6-8 minutes depending on how toasty you like your nuts being. I'd go with 6 the first time you make them and adjust the time on later batches.

And that's it. Take them out, give them another stir, let them cool on the pan before moving them into storage containers. Not only are they really healthy and yummy and surprisingly low-cal (it's something like uuh 350 calories per 1/4 cup serving if you use almonds which is actually quite a bit as long as you eat them one by one instead of by the palmful, I don't remember, do the math yourself, I'm too tired) but they are fancy as hell, makes for really impressive little gifts or snacks to set out when guests are over. They're sweet and spicy and salty and crunchy and really I don't know what else you want from me.

Sorry, this post was written basically immediately after waking up halfway through my sleep cycle, so basically I'm tired as hell, apologies for any tangents or really dumb typos or poor explanations or general grammatical mishaps.
>> No. 375772
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>stub toe
>have to limp like I have lupus for the rest of the day
>> No. 375773
That advice is terrible without clarification: drink water, BUT REALLY REALLY SLOWLY, like tiny sips every ten minutes or so, and in very small amounts. If you drink a lot you'll just throw it all up and make yourself feel like shit. Try drinking ginger ale or Gatorade the same way.

When you feel up to it, try eating bananas or rice or toast, again in small amounts and very slowly. Those foods are usually easy on the stomach.
>> No. 375775
File 136502318352.gif - (948.53KB , 400x242 , im ready.gif )
>Presentation tomorrow
>Based off of my final paper
>Read a ton of books for it
>Really burned out from the thing
>Tired of the topic and talking about it
>Don't even remember what half of the sources talk about
>Apparently misinterpreted a few of them

I'm just so ready to be done
>> No. 375776
...Yeah, pretty sure I'm having some wicked caffeine withdrawl symptoms. That's what I get for taking two powershots a day, and last week spending two days just chugging powershots and Mellow Yellow so I can spend as much time as possible on Bioshock Infinite.
>> No. 375778
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Because it wasn't for me?
I would've done that anyway.
How was I supposed to know?
Not my fucking fault he didn't leave a message.
>> No. 375779
This is why I make it a point that if I have never given anyone a phone number, I don't answer that phone. At my relative's homes, other relatives will answer their phones all the time, but I just ignore the phone.
>> No. 375785
I'll answer a phone that isn't my personal cell phone only if I'm at my parents' house, and only if they're not at home. Otherwise, I don't think it's your responsibility to have to remember who calls.
>> No. 375787

>caller ID
>> No. 375788
Personally I always answer the phone the worst way possible when accepting calls at other peoples houses so they figure it's in their best interests to not let me answer least they be mis-identified as "Enriques' House of Anal Lube" again
>> No. 375790
So you get calls from 2012, Ninja? Wow.
Are they prank calls, or is it just some lonely drunk guy looking for future lotto numbers?
>> No. 375797

Stop living in the past, Ninja. Contemporize, maaan!

Somebody told me the most horrible and wonderful way to get rid of telemarketers. "Bob's Pizza and Abortion Clinic, your loss is our sauce!"
>> No. 375806
File 136508358520.jpg - (40.02KB , 257x260 , 1364616345134.jpg )
You are not funny. You are an annoying hipster who wears a hugeass scarf with hugeass glasses. Quit being a teacher's pet, and quit blurting out random shit before I go over there and strangle you.
>> No. 375819

Goddamit, there's more cancer flying about this week than on 4chan during the height of july.
>> No. 375821
i got fired and i am going to slaughter the post office for losing my very important shit (as in my car could get potentially impounded because I cant update the registration because the FUCKING MAIL DELIVERY SERVICE LOST THE TITLE IN THE MAIL)

what is going on?

that picture is so cute
>> No. 375826
I've waited so long to use it in an appropriate context.

That really sucks comrade, I'm sorry :(
The postal service really has started sucking huge dick lately, it's like they learned they were going bankrupt and just stopped giving a fuck
or maybe it happened the other way around
but yeah i'm sorry I hope stuff works out for you
>> No. 375828
how in the hell did you get fired?
from what i remember you were one of the good ones. :I

and i know you can tell who this is just from the way i write. talk to me, doll.
>> No. 375834
Well I hate my life. My parents lost their house, and I have to go back "home" in a month. Hopefully I'll find a job and a place to live.

Oh, and a bunch of other things are going shittily right now. I feel awful and lonely.
>> No. 375841
So there's no actual house to go back to and you're on your own?

Got any friends you can bunk with?
>> No. 375846

I'm going to make some phone calls. I also have my sister...maybe.

I'm feeling a bit better than I was last night, but this is still kinda crap.
>> No. 375856
/baw/, do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again?
>> No. 375887
Aah man.
I've only heard Such Great Heights but
I really hope you get to see them.
I love that song so much.
>> No. 375888
I prefer the Iron & Wine version, myself.
>> No. 375889
And I'm actually more attached to the Streetlight Manifesto cover.
But still.
>> No. 375895
File 136522434651.jpg - (93.52KB , 857x589 , CrowdGlorius.jpg )
>all my favorite shows on Netflix
>> No. 375897
File 136522624910.png - (184.79KB , 598x452 , Uncle Noheart's sick of this shit.png )
>Hey man, wanna see Hansel and Gretel?
Yeah, no thanks.
>What? Why not, people say it's good
why is it that when you say that it's fine, but when I say that I'm sucking Roger Ebert's cock
>Sorry, what'dya say?
I said there is not one part of me that thinks that would be a good movie.
>Why's that?
Because you want to see it, and you can't watch a movie unless it's overly violent, full of tits or Freudian excuses, and lots of explosions.
>Oh, and watching big gay stupid movies for big gay stupid babies is any better?
Name the last movie we saw that wasn't rated R
>Brave, like two weeks ago.
Try fucking July, and you liked it.
>Look, do you want to see this movie or not.
Fuck no
>Well fine, I won't see any shitty kiddy flick with you ever again.
>> No. 375898
How'd you get fired? Fuck/Not fuck the wrong/right guy?

And for mailing important stuff like car titleship & registration, you always ALWAYS go Certified and/or Registered.
>> No. 375899
Waitaminute, I'm not a woman, there shouldn't be blood all over my underpants.
>> No. 375900
>> No. 375904
Man, yknow sometimes I think about the people that dislike me, or that at least aren't really... I dunno. Have any interest in me whatsoever. In a passive-aggressive way I think...

And I just wonder. I quite probably know why you don't like me...
...But is it too late to put that all behind us?
>> No. 375907
Is your bellybutton bleeding perhaps? Mine did that once. It was weird.
>> No. 375909

Probably just some crotch pimples or some shit.
>> No. 375910
File 136527380250.jpg - (178.17KB , 456x628 , 1363108974004.jpg )
I'm pissing every hour now and I haven't been drinking much.
>> No. 375911
If it helps, I'm contently ambivalent to most everything that isn't trying to harm, irritate or inconvenience me. You're good.
>> No. 375914
You might want to make a doctor's appointment.
also, drink more. Water. Something with little sugar in it.
>> No. 375924
i was wrong. it's okay to fall for a poly person so long as you open up your mind to different kinds of love that are available and compatible.

stupid wisdom. stupid sophistication. why can't things be simple?
>> No. 375925

Is there some elaboration here like a story, or are you just doing Saturday evening thinking?
>> No. 375926
I now have a mohawk.
>> No. 375927
you could have intestinal bleeding

that's bad, please see a doctor immediately
>> No. 375928
dear friends when i say i am drawing that is code for leave me the fuck alone not text me more and pester me about what im drawing. "im drawing" has been code for "leave me the hell alone" for literally my entire life.
>> No. 375930
>>I now have a mohawk.
You are now Astro Ninja.
>> No. 375931
best friend who is bi, poly, and officially monogamous with her girlfriend is mutually very much into me. all cards out on table. all lines clearly drawn (with room for redefining as we become more understanding of our wants, needs, etc.)

anyway, i got pissed off at how damn near perfect we are for each other and can't have it all. came to realize that even if we'd be good as romantic partners, that doesn't mean we're meant to be, or that it's in our best interest to be, or that i'm limited to her.

she's in a good relationship. an important one. i'm not.... aside from this very serious and important connection she and i share. so... instead of being pissed off about the whole thing, i started to investigate the meaning of monogamy for myself... and for her. started to realize that one of the reasons i've been monogamous in the complete and utter "love is meant for one single partner" sense is that i was told that this is the best model for relationships... the only one that works. fell into that old trap.

so i'm off to go searching for an awesome romantic partner. one who works for me. she doesn't have to be anything like my best friend. the important thing is that we're happy with each other and meet each others' needs. also... that she's understanding of my own evolving notions of love and romance.

but duz she hav dat ass

do you? don't answer this. you probably won't anyway.
>> No. 375932
>poly, and officially monogamous
Poly, as in having multiple partners in the same time span? How does that fit with being officially monogamous? Or am I missing something/confused?
>> No. 375933
she can be emotionally attracted, connected, and dating multiple people at the same time if she so chooses without any internal conflict.

sorry for the shorthand. she doesn't even consider herself poly at the moment, but i make the distinction since a lot of people i know, myself included, have much diminished interest in other people when i'm in a healthy relationship. she does not.
>> No. 375934
Call me old fashioned.
But really dislike that sort of thing.
>> No. 375935
-gamy refers to the amount of partners you have at a given time. -amory refers to how many people you have the capacity to feel sustained emotional attraction to.

This situation is someone who has the capacity to be in love with multiple people at the same time (polyamorous), but made the choice to only have one partner (monogamy), usually for the partner's sake. It can be pretty taxing on both parties.
>> No. 375936

took me a while to get used to the idea that i'm not entirely mono-amorous. had to look back and think of old relationships i've been in... all the ones where even when i was in love i would still be deeply interested in other very particular women.

so it's not that i'm fully polyamorous. hell no. really not. it's that even though my interest is diminished, i still desire to fill my life with really really quality people... romantically even.

it's the difference between starving and having a wonderful and dynamic food service available and still being interested in other foods. i've heard monogamy described by some polys, though, as being asked what your favorite food is and only being able to eat that one thing for the rest of your life. as a pro-monogamous person, i think in a good relationship, the person changes and grows with you, and moment for moment changes, too. a person is not a single dish. a person is a whole universe.

some people are just better at living with multiple universes in their lives.

sorry i'm being all metaphorical and out there. i can't think straight when food is coming. literal food. not the metaphorical kind i just talked about. omg. bbl
>> No. 375937
File 13653062929.gif - (615.88KB , 500x400 , slowpokeanddoingitwrong.gif )
>> No. 375938
Hey screw you then.
>> No. 375939
That was sincerity. I've told you before I like your weird-ass ramblings.
>> No. 375940
pics or it didn't happen
>> No. 375941
that wasn't me who said "Hey screw you then."
I'm not entirely sure why that anon said that.

i'm confused, really.

whatever. thanks for listening.
>> No. 375946
At this stage in my life, I'd probably fuck all of you guys and feel pretty absent about it.

We can talk about books on a pillow after, so I guess that's sincerity.
>> No. 375949
Im getting really sick of people relying on me to make them happy. I actually dont like it when people tell me oh well you make my whole day better. Because 1 i am literally awful but 2 i dont want that kind of emotional burden placed on me. i dont want to be responsible for another persons happiness. ive had to endure it before and it sucks man. its emotionally draining. i dont know if that makes me a shitty person or not because isnt that what friendship IS? making each other happy? what kind of hope do i have for an actual romantic relationship if i cant even manage normal friendship?
>> No. 375950
File 13653550114.png - (18.12KB , 400x470 , TEETHANDEVENINGDRESS.png )
>> I'd probably fuck all of you guys and feel pretty absent about it.

Not without buying us all dinner and drinks first. We're not going to some fast food restaurant ether.
A nice upscale place, because you damn well know that we never get to go out to the fancy places like we know we all would want too.

All of us have the perfect outfit for such an evening out too, so don't you dare dress like a slob on our perfect night out! I mean it Pablo! We all have waited a long time for this night out and YOU will NOT spoil it for any of us.

It better that place by the river. The one we keep passing even though we all absolutely insist you pull into. That "oh I'll take all of you there for a special occasion" ends tonight, pablo. We'll celebrate Ninja's new Astro hair cut if we have too, but THAT'S the place I've decided that you've decided on taking all of us.

We're going to sit at the table outside on the balcony looking thing over the water and watch the sun set while havening our dinner and drinking chilled champagne. We are going to nice meal and romantic atmosphere OR IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT, PABLO!

After dinner we should take a lovely stroll though the park. Of course we'll jumped by muggers, two to four at most, armed with knives. Nothing you can't handle by yourself. So while you bravely fight off our attackers we'll be cheering you on. From a safe distance away. DON'T YOU DARE GET STABBED WHILE SAVING US!
That'll just ruin the perfect evening that YOU planned.
If we have drag your ass to the emergency room...Th..that will just kill the mood and ruin the night for everyone. Now I'm sure the others have ideas to make that night the most romantic night ever.
Right guys.
>> No. 375951
you probably fuck like a hemingway
>> No. 375954
I highly doubt that you are "literally awful" if you manage to make someone's day better just by talking to them.

The meager amount of relationships I've had have all boiled down to becoming that emotionally draining, life-sucking abyss you just described, so I know where you're coming from, but I think you might be falling back on those experiences too harshly. When a friend says you've made their day brighter, they might just be saying that to let you know how much they appreciate you. Of course I don't know the situation or the words that were actually said, so I might be completely wrong, but still! Some people get sappy and want to let people know how much they mean to them and that's sort of the easy route to doing so.

Once again going off of absolutely nothing but assumptions, it sorta sounds like you're putting pressure on yourself when that sorta thing pops up only because of the bad associations you've connected with it. Unless your friends really ARE moping about unless you crack a joke at them, I think that you'll be alright provided you don't start thinking that you have to be the one to make everyone else happy. Just let it come naturally and everyone will be happier for it.

If you run into people that sincerely believe that others should be responsible for their happiness, it's probably best to leave them in the dust.

...I hope this rambling isn't silly or way off base.
>> No. 375959
File 136537336092.png - (623.76KB , 600x579 , 131292905386.png )
Running a Comic book club is tricky bidness
>> No. 375960
File 136537785388.gif - (766.35KB , 160x160 , 1316467604021.gif )
>Close colleague reveals that they never actually enjoyed Arrested Development
>Tells me that they didn't enjoy the humor and thought it was too silly
>They love Community

I don't
But how
>> No. 375961
I've come to the realization that I have an inferiority complex. Or something similar. I feel like most people are miles ahead of me when it comes to any skill, and things just go wrong when I'm around when they weren't before. I'd settle for being mediocre. I just want to be good enough to get by, bare minimum.
>> No. 375962
Ruptured hemorrhoid. When I said there was blood all over, I mean it was ALL OVER. Not sure how that could happen painlessly, but it did.
>> No. 375963
At least you realize its just a state of mind, and not a fact.
You might have an inferiority complex - you might feel worse about your talents than others do. That does not mean you're not good.

I think they mean it in the best of ways. Not literally - but you at least mean enough to them to feel confident and safe talking to you. They just mean they appreciate unwinding with you.
>> No. 375965
It finally happened.

I've reached the point where I just can't give a fuck anymore.

It's like an apathetic nirvana all over my body.
>> No. 375966
File 13653978901.png - (179.29KB , 480x362 , star_get.png )
>> No. 375969
What's a hemmingway?

...wait, that's not how that joke goes. You screwed it up!
>> No. 375970
This all sounds rather lovely and then suddenly brash and bravado'd. I support this, and I can't wait to give you a good faulkner romantic night on the town

why did I laugh so hard at this. why

dat ass also rises
>> No. 375972
is this what we're doing

For Whom Dat Ass Calls
>> No. 375974
File 136544347350.jpg - (20.35KB , 500x650 , tumblr_m3o00botaX1qfua0qo1_500.jpg )
I turn 21 tomorrow, and all I really want is to be alone with a martini, a good book, and a playlist of Pat Metheny and Radiohead songs. Unfortunately, I don't think that I'll have the opportunity to enjoy any of those things.

Picture unrelated.
>> No. 375976
I turned 26 in January, and all I wanted to do was hide under my bed with a bottle of whiskey and try to drink away the crippling dread of growing uncomfortably close to the big 3-0.

Sadly I had to settle for cheap wine, and the space beneath my bed is used for storage, so I also had to settle for huddling in a ball in the corner.
>> No. 375978
Enjoy your day, anon. I turned 21 today. It's been pretty average so far.
>> No. 375980
I went to a temple stay in Busan where I had to do prayers and hikes with monks and it was physically exhausting.

I truly learned that 'Life is suffering' thing. My body hurts.
>> No. 375981
>i truly learned...
if anyone else said this i wouldn't bat an eye. don't do that. you always try to turn something profound into something consumable. it's like you're purposefully ignoring discussing the process by dismissing it.
>> No. 375982
I...wha? Dismissing? I was making a joke about how sore I am from the weekend.

It was legitimately a phenomenal experience and definitely worth the exhaustion, although I think I'm disappointingly the only one in my group that seemed to think that.
>> No. 375986
File 136547705070.jpg - (49.84KB , 507x361 , 128332700436.jpg )
So we're supposed to get 5-10 inches of snow overnight here. Before we left work today, the department head said to all of the temps: "If it snow is near 10 inches and the roads are crazy, then text us and don't try to come in, because your safety is important".

I am of three minds on this: 1) FUCK YEAH SNOW DAY 2) I'm a temp, and so any day I don't work, I don't get paid 3) I can always ask if once the roads are clear, I can go to work and do a half-day or something (which would be optimal, as I could sleep in a bit, then go to work an hour or so late, and then take 30-minute lunches the rest of the week so I can hit my 40 hours).

I have officially become a grown-up; snow-days are now a pain in my ass because they interfere with work and getting paid. Pic related.
>> No. 375987
>So we're supposed to get 5-10 inches of snow overnight here.
Do you happen to live in Colorado?
>> No. 375991
oh my god.
after paying attention to the way i handle stressful emotional situations...
i just realized...

i'm becoming my mother.
i already am.

jesus fucking christ balls. i'm a newer model but otherwise i have the same emotional tool box. at first i was upset. now i'm amused. later i'll be figuring out how to use that knowledge for my own personal growth.

right now i'm drinking.
>> No. 375992
I'll be 29 this year. oh god kill me.
>> No. 375993
File 136548477359.gif - (2.78MB , 300x171 , Deal_With_It.gif )
I turned 29 last year.
>> No. 375994
I'm dealing. But I'm 11 years behind where I should be.
>> No. 375995
Well, that's what happens when you forget about Dre.
>> No. 375996
Man, I'm only turning 21 this June and I already feel like I've wasted my life.

I'ma go to Nevada and get a prostitute for my birthday it's gonna be awesome.
>> No. 376006
under my blankets is too hot
outside them is too cold
i've had a cough for 3 weeks and it's getting more severe and my throat is tearing itself apart
don't care
happy birthday
>> No. 376007
I won't continue down this road, but I will continue on that ass

my son im so proud

but really you guys age is shit, all shit, im dying too.
>> No. 376008
fucking a hooker isn't too gratifying, but you'll remember it.
>> No. 376009
What about two hookers
>> No. 376011
File 136551861458.jpg - (30.67KB , 498x263 , lawrence-office-space.jpg )
>> No. 376012
You know how old people treat humor, where they say something normal, then chuckle and explain in detail why something is funny? And then the other old person is like "har har I agree that is so funny har har"?

I feel like I'm stuck in that environment.
>> No. 376013
i'm also dying to get a piece of dat
>> No. 376014
File 136552502989.jpg - (519.81KB , 1200x1600 , double rainbow.jpg )
>> No. 376019
File 136553291848.png - (399.46KB , 500x500 , Mordin_Solus.png )
Curious. Polamory recently Suggested to be natural state of human existence by scientific study. The rest of the observable natural world does not practice monogamy in the strictest sense, opting for species diversification even amongst closer relatives like chimps. After having a child, there may be a natural urge to separate from partner around 4 years into the child's life, arguably to find other mates.

Not to say monagamy is not beneficial or special. Prolonged stability has correlation with accumulated wisdom; allows more comfortable jobs, education, long term stability. Shared experience between mates also special, unique, in many ways between different couples. However precursors of failure can also have similar markers across many relationships; economic hardship, unresolved psychological trauma, or even in extended disruptive communication.

Polyamory more tenable than polygamy or physically intimate contact. Physical intimacy represents very deep level of trust. To physically divide that level of trust can lead to schisms, expectation of full relationship on the part of separate parties. Generally the woman is the fulcrum, interested suitors being male and not actively pursuing each other. To allow fully polygamous intimate love, the male suitors may need to, ah, reciprocate.
>> No. 376020
Dude, there's studies to justify every theory ever.
>> No. 376023
This post bothers me.
>> No. 376025
i love this post because of the way it was written

and there are all kinds of studies, but it's the immediate and specific interpretations of the study, not the generalization, that holds any real truth. the rest is just a model based on a few points of a larger picture that people can make. further investigation is always recommended. *quick deep breath*
>> No. 376026
File 136553631630.jpg - (102.68KB , 500x486 , Thom-Yorke-Analyse-378629.jpg )
21st-birthday-anon (>>375974) again. I ended up going out to dinner at a nice restaurant by myself, drinking my first martini, and walking back to my apartment while listening to my Radiohead and Pat Metheny playlist. It certainly wasn't the most exciting birthday, but it was just the kind of birthday that I wanted to have.
>> No. 376034
Glad you had a good night! Happy birthday!
>> No. 376035
same here i realized that after i realized i would rather spend all day cuddled up with a fifth than actually deal with my trainwreck of a life



what's happening here??? send help
>> No. 376036
i think i might break up with my boyfriend for no reason other than myself. i'm too stressed, too young for a serious relationship, and during all this moping around and being pissed off at everything i've been snapping at him lately. The worst part is that he doesn't care about that and is so understanding and nice and caring and all that crap and I can't fucking take it.

that sounds nice

i didnt fuck anyone at my work, I just was bored and played with some options out of horniness
too bad i should have been down on my knees servicing the store leader, right??
>> No. 376040
>my boyfriend is too nice, and I'm stressed, so I might break up with him
I thought I was bad with the self-sabotage.
>> No. 376042
look. if he wants out, he'll tell you. this isn't about deserving. people who care about each other take care of each other. just watch him. are you a burden to him? you'll know the difference. or just ask. you'll know if he's holding back. trust him enough to be honest with you at least in some regard. his body language will probably be enough. if he's cool with you, there's no need to feel guilty. you can't change your feelings, but at least if you understand the situation better, they can change on their own.

and fuck all this noise. we can learn from their mistakes. that's a pretty sweet map they've laid out for us. you see all those pitfalls and flaws? you know exactly how to side step them. you see the way you mess up good things? acknowledge that but focus on what's really happening instead.

you're good people, crawdad, even if you don't want to think about it that way.
>> No. 376043
No breaking up with him is totally okay. hawribble, but okay.

i always thought you guys were better fucking friends anyway

Let me just say for myself, all this working out has really given me dat poppin booty
>> No. 376053
File 136557196871.gif - (656.19KB , 245x130 , damnitman.gif )
>friend I've had since forever
>staunchly conservative, raised with conservative parents and dating a girl so conservative that she never does anythign outside her familial unit, it seems
>Me, liberal, forward-thinking, intelligent, constantly looking at new things, new ideas, new people
>He just comes over to my house and sits and drinks and smokes
>Falls asleep
>Can't really lead a horse to water with him, nothing I really do or show him in my day to day engages him more than makes him fall asleep
>Straining to figure out why we still hang out

He followed me into highschool, choosing his education based on what I was doing. He seems so distant now and so inside his own world and no matter what I show him, he doesn't really want to expand that world.

I know I can't really show him anything and I've killed quite a few relationships for not being able to keep up with me or being hazardous, but I hesitate far too much on killing this one.
>> No. 376054
File 136557235344.jpg - (56.06KB , 919x892 , 1365569630571.jpg )
"You don't belong behind the counter, goily; you c'n chomp a sausage bettern' you c'n cook one"
>> No. 376055
Gender stuff is weird and stupid. I kind of wish I had someone to talk about it with, but at the same time, my particular gender stuff is so dumb and unimportant that I may as well just not worry about it.
spoiler for no 1 curr, just wanted to say it somewhere I guess
I like this gif. Do you know what it's from?
>> No. 376056
Yknow sometimes I'd like to think we could handle some advice in a more tactful manner.


... aw fuck it
mug him
>> No. 376060
I'M interested in these alleged dumb and unimportant gender stuff, so c'mon down to #plus4chan on irc.rizon.net & discuss it.

And anyone else, too. Cause it's dead in there & Bard is being a meany.
>> No. 376062
I haven't used MIRC in sooooo loooong.
>> No. 376066
It's from the X-Men: First Class movie

You'd like it, give it a watch
>> No. 376069
File 136558485414.jpg - (73.91KB , 640x480 , slowpokeandconfusion.jpg )
>people who post attractive nudes on Tumblr
>and then make a post of them being very angry that people are treating it like porn
Uh I'm not super comfortable discussing it in depth on an IRC channel but it boils down to me not feeling like any gender at all and I don't know if that's typical of cisgendered people or ?????
I guess there's a bit more depth to it than that but that is the bottom line, I feel genderless (and have for as long as I remember) and don't know if that's typical or what
Oh thanks man.
>> No. 376074
File 136558943871.jpg - (239.85KB , 699x768 , The_Mysterious_Stranger.jpg )
Gender is an illusion created first to dominate an entire half of the population by their perceived sexual and cultural role, and then to allow them to bender it without being physically capable of changing ones sex. In Ye Olde Times, gender was a limitation. If you were one gender, that meant you could socially do some things but not others, else it was weird and taboo.

Be whatever you want. Dream new and better.
>> No. 376079
okay buddy

put down the bong and take about 6 steps waaaaay back
>> No. 376083
stepped too deep into esoteric but you have a point
societal definitions of gender vary (or are simply not set/understood) and roles somehow come out of that simplistic notion of this or that

i would say "who cares? just be yourself." but as you know, lots of people do seem to care to put a label on you. resist the urge because you have to discover what that even means. i'm a male by sex, and mostly male by gender identity, but i identify strongly with lots of typically feminine characteristics. still male. you? i don't know you. sorry. might like to. but the point is, the only way i know what i am is by having tried on a bunch of different identities and finding out that parts of them do fit, parts of them definitely don't, and parts of them are fluid and changing. You might find that none of them really fit you. It could be. Just first identify the qualities and feelings that you have and then maybe after figure out or give it a name. it's no one else's fucking business to give you an identity or make you choose one. so... keep being tough about it... and stick to a shorthand answer that's easy to digest in case you need to avoid other people's inane bullshit. it's not your job to fix idiots. it's your choice.
>> No. 376086
Are you French?

You're French aren't you.
>> No. 376088
Dude. Just be you.
Fuck names. Fuck tags.
>> No. 376091
I've been accused of being female before, but French is a new one on me.
What brought you to that conclusion?
>> No. 376092
There are personality traits associated with each gender and if a person's personality heavily matches up with one of the 'sets' of traits that constitutes a gender then a person can identify as that gender. If you don't happen to 'match' with either set of traits, or match with parts of each but without leaning too heavily on either side, then it makes sense that you wouldn't identify with a gender. Masculinity and femininity are just personality archetypes once you remove the physical aspects.

Psychiatrists have said a personality that falls somewhere in the middle ground is generally mentally healthier than being masculine or feminine, but personally I think it can easily bring on identity criseses which are never fun. Not that forcing yourself to fit a gender would be any better. There's also the issue of society expecting you to act a certain way, and feeling like you're 'wrong' for not having that personality. The best advice I can give is...

Fuck expectations. Act the way you want to act, and if you don't know what you want then improvise.
>> No. 376096
Well I got my 3ds early from ebay...bad news it doesn't work. It doesn't normally happen to me but it did. I don't know what I should do whether I should get a refund or go for the warranty because it's still applicable and it could be that it broke in the mail (or if my mailman slammed the thing inside my mail box)
>> No. 376097
The only people that type that sort of shit are beatniks, tumblr users, and the French. I was hoping for the lesser evil.
>> No. 376100
Go for refund.
>> No. 376105
File 136564114656.png - (4.78KB , 271x218 , RametarinDrawnByTorch.png )
Technically I'm not a tumblr user. Funny story. Neither a Beatnik nor French.
I'm simply strange, sir.
>> No. 376108
waiting until the last day to write my term paper was a bad idea guys
>> No. 376138
people would learn this lesson much more quickly if procrastination weren't so good at instant rewards.
>> No. 376181
Thinking of going to Alabama's Talladega college for a bit.
I hear they've been finding some things while doing construction work.
I want to poke around and see what I can find.
>> No. 376182
So it's nearly halfway through April, the past week has been warm enough to open the windows and go without a jacket, and today we've had hail and snow. Maine winter is a desperate, clinging creature which refuses to go down quietly.
>> No. 376186
why did I click the politics thread
>> No. 376191
>>having a disagreement with someone about something
>>they start attacking my (alleged) sex life (none of the accusations being true) and my art skills and making incorrect assumptions about how I'm doing in school
>>none of these have anything to do with the argument

This person can go fuck themselves. If they want to hate me, hate me for things I've actually done instead of false accusations.
>> No. 376194
Because you're curious~
>> No. 376200
File 136581647522.png - (144.59KB , 500x427 , FUCKING TUMBLR.png )
Cancer. Just...fucking cancer.
>> No. 376202
>cherry blossom
>Asian Culture.
Japanese Imperialist detected.
>> No. 376203
>tfw when you want to ask someone on plus4chan something but you have no idea how to contact them.
>> No. 376207

Call me!
>> No. 376208
I lost your number!
>> No. 376209
I have pics of you guys. (Well, the old /co/llage that was done)
.....Yeah, doesn't help with a lost phone number, but I'm sure you both are robots or figments of a elder gods imagination anyway.
>> No. 376217
File 136586875830.png - (36.63KB , 153x219 , dicking the butt.png )
>put a needle where I can easily find it and can't be pricked by it
>have to do something else
>it's gone now
>> No. 376220
File 136587059916.jpg - (178.83KB , 570x866 , o-KARLIE-KLOSS-570.jpg )
okay here is why appropriation is not implicitly bad just the same way discrimination is not bad.

the most fundamental baseline definition of appropriation is simply taking on something from another culture or ideology and making use of it/owning it. that is not implicitly wrong. in the same way, discrimination is simply the discerning of differences between things.

our LANGUAGE for both of these words has taken on the negative context of them.

discrimination is commonly used to mean unjust discrimination, people acting on arbitrary or hateful biases which have been discerned through a discriminatory eye.

appropriation has come to mean "misappropriation". what makes misappropriation bad? well this is where the parallel ends. instead of discriminating what is good, or bad, or stereotyping, misappropriation is the act of taking a part of someone else's identity or culture in a way that is disrespectful to the nature of the thing or the group. so... okay. an idea is okay to use. ideas spread like that. so do all forms of memes, images, stories, etc. cross-cultural appropriation is not in and of itself misappropriation. what puts the "mis" into it is the lack of understanding or recognition and respect for the importance of the thing to the people who have had ownership over those cultural objects. some people get butthurt if anyone outside of their own "in group" uses these objects. chinese martial arts used to be a well kept secret from "westerners" because it was seen as giving the heart of one of their cultural masterpieces to not just outsiders but oppressors. these days, nearly anyone can be a respectable kung fu practictioner. that doesn't mean all martial artists who aren't chinese are misappropriating. the line moved. the line was different for everyone, but these days it's understood that just because a white person or black person is practicing kung fu, that doesn't mean that person is somehow defiling the thing.

now where is the line drawn? when does it go from taking on some culturally iconic thing to completely disrespecting the thing and the culture that "owns" it?

this is my personal opinion: everyone learning something for the first time will not have the full respect for the thing they're learning. they simply won't be able to give it its due respect. a lot of things that look like misappropriation to people are people still learning how to give respect to it.

analogous example of something that could be offensive but isn't. i'm asian. some nice lady from tennessee asked me what kind of "japanese" i am. i'm not japanese. she was trying to be friendly. it's fine. no harm done. i corrected her and she asked me if i at least spoke any. she wanted her son who was hanging out with us if i could practice speaking with him. i told her i don't speak any. she was disappointed, but she quickly learned that in trying to respect me and bring me into her family interactions that i wasn't what she thought i was. their taking on of japanese language or understanding of asian ethnicities wasn't sophisticated enough, but it certainly wasn't a misappropriation. just a harmless misunderstanding.

so... that's not where the line is. the line is crossed when there is a complete disregard for the power of the symbol and the power it can have for certain people to use that symbol.

let's see... what's a classic example...

see attached image.

if one recognizes the history of white oppression against native americans, one could easily say that a white person (at least of the era of active discrimination and devastating cultural annihilation) wearing this sort of thing as a fun costume is a desecration of the people they destroyed. no? please argue against this if you'd like.

now, we're separated by quite a few generations. i personally haven't put any tribes onto reservations. i haven't been raised to think of them as savages. i am aware of how many many many native american cultures there were, even if i don't know them. we have museums that try to save what little bits of these people there still are (not mis-appropriation most of the time for heaven's sake) in order to do what little we can to educate future generations of who these people were. neat. okay. so does that mean it's okay now to wear stuff like this?

... i don't think so. if it were a child who never had the opportunity to learn the power of this kind of garb (or the bastardization of it), then i wouldn't be too worried, but there's a cultural awareness that is being tapped into that says "yes, i know a little bit about these cultures and i want to take advantage of how exotic they are to us and take that power for myself. i'm going to wear it like the fur of an animal i've killed or turn something sacred to someone else into a commodity." that's where the misappropriation is.

so... much like with language, it's the intent and permission that makes all the difference. free speech is fine. that's great. but don't think that all forms of free expression, including appropriation of others' cultures, won't come with some kind of context that you need to be aware of.

now in the case of >>376200
this is just too far into the "must protect all the things" from white people. it's a fucking plant. to assume that the use of that symbol doesn't have a personal meaning to the person with the tattoo is to be unjustly discriminatory and assuming that all white people can only take on other people's cultural symbols through misappropriation.

so yeah. those are my 2 cents.

thirteen, stop being a bitch about it.
>> No. 376221
The needle disappeared?
>> No. 376222
Who're you trying to contact?

and uh, not to bump this old topic but uh I didn't want to ignore people who gave advice, so
>"be yourself"
I always have and intend to keep doing so. This is just further exploration of what I am, I guess? I've always had trouble putting myself in trans* peeps' shoes cause I have no idea what it's like to feel a gender. I don't feel male. I have a male's body and I'm p comfortable in it, but I mean, I don't feel male. I never have, but I used to just accept that I was without questioning it cause I'm fine with my body and it was the easiest thing to do. But I mean, I don't feel male, and I don't feel female, and the only thing that makes me feel more male than female is that I have a man's exterior and I'm pretty down with that. But I'm also down with my exterior looking feminine. My face is/was pretty androgynous and I used to have long hair when I was younger so I got called "ma'am" and "she" a lot by people who didn't know me, and I didn't care? It didn't feel any more right or wrong than being called "he." I knew who they were referring to, and I was fine with people thinking I was a lady, cause it didn't and still doesn't really matter to me.

But yeah, point is, I've always just accepted myself as being male inside and out, since I don't really dislike it, it's the easiest thing, and it doesn't really matter, but in the past year or so as I learned more about the gender/sex difference and whatnot, I've begun wondering about it, even if just for my own benefit. That's why I wished I had someone who knew about this shit to talk about it with, cause I don't know if this is how cis dudes feel or not, which means...I don't know if I'm blowing this out of proportion to be a ~special snowflake~ or if I really am genderless and some genderless dudes just don't care. But I always try to downplay stuff about me as me blowing things out of proportion, even when it's stuff like "my gallbladder is severely inflamed and full to bursting with gallstones and it's so painful I'm convulsing and retching from sheer agony." C'mon Slowpoke, it's just a pretty bad stomachache. You don't need to go to the ER just to be told "seems like you ate too fast and have a grapefruit-sized gas bubble that's passing along." (I gave in and went and they operated on me as soon as they got the scans back, it was pretty srs)
So I mean, on the one hand, I don't trust myself when I tell myself I'm making a bigger deal out of it than it is to have something unique about me, cause uh, I tell myself that about everything, including serious medical problems.
But I also don't want to start considering myself genderless when I might not be, cause that seems kind of uh, not that good, to me.

Yeah. Man I've been typing for a while, I bet this is a super hard-to-read huge-ass wall of text. Sorry.
>> No. 376223
The needle disappeared?
>> No. 376226
Yep. I have no idea where it is. I am now in constant fear of it being rammed into some part of my body by accident.
>> No. 376227
ur fucked.
don't even try crawling around with scotch tape. you're just going to poke yourself in the knees.
maybe hit an artery in your thigh.
deep in your finger nails.

i'm so sorry. just move.
>> No. 376228
>> No. 376229
File 136587618390.png - (277.61KB , 500x694 , slowpokeandisthisevolution.png )
>i don't know you. sorry. might like to.
>> No. 376231
There's this one asshole online who keeps trying to voice chat and facecam and ask me personal questions about my family and why I don't get along with them, and I don't think I'll ever get to the point where I'm comfortable with it. I want him to stop asking for good.
>> No. 376232
Can't you block him?
>> No. 376233
He guilt trips me when I ask him to go away. Says stuff like how nobody's ever been nice to him his entire life and and he's been abused and how he has no friends. I think he's just asking the wrong people. I can't be his friend even if I want to, we have nothing in common.

I don't know why even after a year or so of knowing someone, I'm only comfortable knowing their name, what they look like, and how their voice sounds if I'm really comfortable with them.
>> No. 376234
I would have blocked him the second he didn't respect me asking him to back off, especially if he tried to make me feel bad about it.

You've asked him to stop bothering you and he hasn't. I say block him.
>> No. 376235
>Says stuff like how nobody's ever been nice to him his entire life and and he's been abused and how he has no friends.

That is horribly manipulative.
>> No. 376236
just be up front and talk to him about how people treat people like people. tell him alternative ways for him to act that are comfortable with you.

>> No. 376237
>friend invites me to her burlesque show last minute
>spend three hours getting ready to go out
>First time getting gussied up in MONTHS
>do up last button on coat
>Suddenly feel exhausted, overwhelmed and no longer have any will left to do anything other than stay in

WHELP. At least I got to experiment with hair and make up a bit. It feels nice to put on pretty clothes and pretty shoes you don't normally wear...

It's probably better I stay in, I just started waist training today :/
>> No. 376239
I'll try that. I just feel like even though I know more about him and I've known him for longer than I have some people I'm genuinely close to, I've never really felt comfortable around him. And I don't know why.
>> No. 376244
MiG. I had a question about flying an airplane.
>> No. 376246
are... you...
...depriving yourself of a normal stream of air...?
>> No. 376247
Thank you for this post, I think that describes it perfectly.
>> No. 376249
Miley, hey Miley Cyrus.

Will you be in Korea this Christmas/holidaytime? Thinking about maybe going and also needed a floor to sleep on if I sleep. Could that be a thing??
>> No. 376250
Do you mind if I screencap this?
>> No. 376251
Time it took me to get my act together enough to let myself come back here: 4 months, 14 days

I'll try to be less of a dumbfuck and incorporate more of my own voice and actual opinions.

I missed you guys. Reblogs just aren't the same.
>> No. 376253
Welcome back.
>> No. 376255
I just sent out my first email asking one of my old professors for a letter of recommendation when I do grad school applications this fall... I graduated two years ago and I don't know if I've done all I should in the meantime and I'm so nervous :<
>> No. 376258


why would i mind?
>> No. 376260
>The most popular thing you've ever done on 4chan is now equally popular on Reddit
I don't know how I feel about this.
>> No. 376262
Heard a reply, he's sayin he'll want to do an interview before agreeing :I
>> No. 376263
Good luck, Maritova.
>> No. 376271
I have to potential to get a real full time job in my field of interest.
Starting to feel very self conscious and anxious.
>> No. 376277
File 136601295827.gif - (322.57KB , 278x200 , thanks obama.gif )
>send in undergrad thesis proposal
>"Well, you obviously found a topic that interests you, but your proposal is a bit cryptic and needs some work. You have until July 1 to revise it. Here are some things we think you should keep in mind for the revision."

I know the revision will help me write a better, more focused thesis, and I know it's not like they outright rejected it, but I can't help but feel slightly disappointed. Guess I'll have to wait a few months to register for the thesis colloquium...
>> No. 376280
there's something wild about knowing people who are hypersensitive to people's needs, motives, and subtle forms of communication.

i have a close friend, very close friend, with whom i often have to hide how tight we are. we're not doing anything inappropriate by any means, but in this day and age, open flirting, cuddling, intimacy, and affection could be misconstrued as proof of romantic advances/commitments. so... in public, especially when we're near each others' exes or her significant other, we disengage from that sort of stuff. as if we weren't as intimate.

we still connect, but we intuitively make it so that no one would even bat an eye. both of us have strong strong reads on the room, on people. we join in on conversations when people need support or perform conversation hijacking to get things into less awkward situations. we are both incredible flirts. we watch each other with what feels like hawk eye focus from as far as across the room while physically and mentally still being engaged with whoever we're with at the time. when we do interact, we act as if we were only casually friendly, never exceeding the highest level of affection that the room already offers or that we would offer to others in the room. not too many subtle secret cues. only enough to touch base. she goes off to show the same level of warmth and affection to other friends. i stimulate meaningful or fun conversations with people to get things moving and lively, dropping a few laughs here or there to spice things up. all the while, we can read all the subtext and intent of the guests just below the surface. to us, it's as if people are screaming everything they feel, their words pounding like massive hammers, while to them we become invisible (or show only as much as we want to show). everyone else who isn't quite so intuitive look to us like poker players with their whole hands showing. we pretend we're not "cheating" the game.

it can be tiresome to have to hide a benign friendship like ours, but the whole charade feels like being a spy, and it's intensely fun to play spy so long as she and i don't completely disengage, so long as we still have each others' backs.

this exact sort of thing happened at a party today. it was over at an ex's place. had to navigate some seriously dangerous social interactions with some potentially explosive people who have VERY strong and complicated attachments to my friend (and in some cases, to myself). She's a strong woman. She can take care of herself. Watching her dance is like watching a circus performer make the trapeze look like a playground. She let some people down who needed to be let down. She warmed some people up, like my ex, who needed affirmation and physical comfort. I, on the other hand, got to act as support, corroborator, and decoy. I got to comfort and entertain our somewhat less troubled friends. Lots of cuddling and subtle flirting to reassure them they are as attractive as they are and as loved as they deserve. Lots of acknowledgments of things that are important to them. Reminiscing on things they like and introducing them to things they might enjoy. I usually take the lead for the larger stuff, but like it or not, the party was centered on her (for anyone who actually noticed). Half the men were drawn to her like wolves with me occasionally stepping up as wingman to subtly return things to less uncomfortable topics or playfully redirect some inappropriate flirting into subtly analogous conversations that touch (or sometimes SCREAM) how inappropriate certain kinds of human interactions can be. Very educational. It's like the first step in a kind of social inoculation. Plant the mental seed and water it. Most of the time they don't even know we're the doctors and that we're performing surgery. Other times... when we have to and when we have enough ground... we have to strip the advancers/offenders of all power and teach them a goddamn lesson with the clinical coldness of a psychiatrist. That also happened at the party, today. A girl ran off home without saying goodbye because she had a lot to deal with. She sure did. All of this was happening in otherwise normal conversations, some slightly off to the side so as not to bother people when things got too heated.

I have to say, some people just don't seem to notice how bloody creepy or taxing they can be. They're good people. They just need to be... made aware. They don't know how much they take from others. They don't know how much we give.

And... even though my friend and I had plans to meet up immediately after, when she was about to leave, I chose to stay a bit longer. We didn't even hug goodbye. I just said that she should text me sometime. She made finger gestures with her thumbs. I nodded. Mode of communication confirmed. She went to the door. I yelled bye without looking at her, turned to see her, then locked eyes with her for a fraction of a second. It was warmest embrace that whole party. A knowing glance. A deep one. We made it through another big and potentially explosive event, and we did it with flying colors.

When she and I are alone just talking with each other, we still use pretext of "x" or "y" reason but have no need to maintain that illusion. Sure we'll do "x" or "y" when we hang out, but how often is it that anyone does things with friends because we're most interested in the event? I spent the next hour with her decompressing after all that very emotional heavy lifting. People don't know what we do for them. She was in tears. I heard her every word. She's done the same for me in the past. To those friends who don't get us, there's a "je ne sais quoi" that makes them want to keep us around. We're "fun" or "warm" or "amusing". I do try to appear that way. What they don't have words for are "intuitive", "emotionally tapped in", "gentle", "invitational", "kind beneath the surface", "inspirational".

This whole social navigation thing is not a fucking game. It's a fucking art. I wouldn't be writing here if I just wanted to brag about how close I am with this friend. I have many close friends, and I'm sure many of you do, too. This whole post is about the art of subtext and meaning in friendships. I have nowhere else to write up or share my experience and how goddamn amazing it is to finally find someone who's as adept as I am at reading people but who isn't a complete manipulative fuck. There are two kinds of people that I've seen who are this in tune with others: manipulators and protectors. We're protectors. We want to help because we care about people. We want the best for them. And we give a fucking lot to make sure their needs are met. Until we found each other, we were both exhausted. Only exhausted. Other people tapping into us until we either had to cut them off or ran ourselves into the ground with not enough being returned to us. We never ask. We don't want to burden anyone or make them do things they wouldn't already want to do, especially when it comes to loving us. The power to persuade and read makes us that much more hungry for authentic love and affection, and people can be like stone walls, even when they care.

That's why we're close. It's because all it takes for us to feel loved is the most subtle of proof. The softest touch. The briefest glance. One well timed brush of a hand or a choice word. When it's us, we're allowed to speak freely. We're allowed to not speak at all. I'm an extrovert. She's an introvert. When we're alone, we have all the space and all the company in the world, and when we're both full up, we take that energy and bring it to everyone else.

The world is full of noisy people. So very noisy. So much paint on their faces. Their lives hanging off of their clothes. And I care about so many of them. But it's so loud. Even their silence is deafening.
>> No. 376283
Don't feel dissapointed. They almost never send those things back without criticism because that's kind of their job, and as you said, it's going to help, rather than hurt, so you'd have more reason to be disappointed if you paid for the benefit of them and they had nothing to say.
>> No. 376284
but can you tellwhy kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

I did this for a while back in the day, but I was alone and it wrought up some really shitty feelings, and reflected more of them than I wanted. I guess you're happy, but this is a shitty person thing to do, justifiable or not.
>> No. 376285
but can you tellwhy kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

I did this for a while back in the day, but I was alone and it wrought up some really shitty feelings, and reflected more of them than I wanted. I guess you're happy, but this is a shitty person thing to do, justifiable or not.
>> No. 376286
What... what are you...?
>> No. 376289
It reads a bit like a sociopath. Not a dangerous one, obviously, but a sociopath nonetheless.
>> No. 376290
File 136604160267.jpg - (123.04KB , 500x366 , predatory mimic.jpg )
You are not a protector. You and people like you comprise the majority of my mother's side of the family. I've seen people like you stripped down to what you are at your ugliest, and you're demonstrating a good deal of the symptoms that've taken me a lifetime to perceive as bad signs, and put words to what they do. You aren't as clever as you think you are, you are not beneficent in the purpose you think you're putting your 'skills' towards. To do what you so casually do to people, as benign as you think you're being about it, just makes people with functioning inhibitors feel guilty and disgusting for doing them. But not you. You take that narrative and make it self-congratulatory and put a nice positive spin on it. But people know. People know. For a psychopath, you're like a leopard kitten playing tag with a rabbit. You know it, too. You aren't a protector because you just haven't sunk the jaws down yet.
>> No. 376291
sociopaths lack empathy. this is the exact opposite. it's having too much and trying to figure out what to do with it. sociopaths use cues to figure out the "appropriate response" , ones that makes them fit in or allow them to pretend their having authentic interactions. empathetic people feel for other people. in the end, i suppose the net result is the same, tempered response based on some kind of social input. i'd like to think what we do is authentic, but it means a lot of holding back. we're never dishonest, just withholding.


the only way i can turn it off is when i remember that it's not my responsibility to do anything to or for anyone. that's part of what she and i had to talk about during our hour after the party. we just want to be with people. we just want to express ourselves instead of expressing how we think people need us. we don't want to keep this up. it just feels like we have to in order to protect the people we love.

i get the feeling, though, that this won't stop until we choose to stop. there's no point where people won't seem to us as though they could use our help. there's no point where people won't seem to us as though we can fit into their lives. there's no point where we won't blame ourselves for other people's pain... where we won't think we could have done more.

it's not our job to save anyone. it's not any person's job. no one can. it's futile. people save themselves. people help themselves. people teach themselves. and here we are trying to do it "better". the audacity of it.

we just don't know how to stop. i told her the one thing that helped me in the past when i'd given up trying to be this beacon of change. i told her regardless of what happens, what we're doing is still trying to control. we need to take the leap of faith that people can sort things out without us. that they can reciprocate if we tell them what we need. and not all of them will. not all of them will figure it out. not all of them will want to give back. and that's fine.

but... as you can see... i slip back into old habits. both she and i value other people too much for our own good, and we let ourselves get swept up into this narrative of friends being each others' saviors. because we feel for everyone. and their pain is ours.

thanks for that, pablo.

hit bump limit. sage anyway.
>> No. 376292
i'm not your mom.
you've told us about your mom's side of the family. they're unable to control their own hunger and they tear people down in order to make themselves feel better.
the intent and self-awareness makes all the difference. similar tool-sets. different applications.
so if you think i'm just here waiting for the kill, you don't know me. to destroy another person is to destroy myself.
i'm sorry you have so many horrible people to deal with in your life. we've had many, too. that's why we're trying so hard to "fix" it. truth is, the only fix is to stop playing into the narrative at all.

so... i'm glad i've had all your feedback. she and i are going to have a talk. topic: how to not try to grab the wheel or blame ourselves for everyone's pain.
>> No. 376293
oh and one last thing about the "functioning inhibitors"

yeah. this is something that has come up. had a former co-worker who said that even if it wasn't my intent, i was part of the reason he kept staying at a job he hated. he didn't want to disappoint me. he blamed himself for his failure to meet my expectations. i never told him my expectations. he just kinda knew.

i dated a girl who was awful at expressing herself without negativity. i went in thinking i could change her. i did help her in some ways, but all i did was realize that she needed someone who explicitly told her what i wanted and for me to understand that she can't control her tone or how easily she expresses herself. we both made each other feel like awful people. best thing i did was tell her that we shouldn't be together. that she'll find people who are better for her. i still never told her that i needed someone who had a more delicate approach to dealing with me. because i was trying too hard to control the relationship. because i didn't want to be vulnerable, which is something you need to be if you ever want to build a real relationship. i didn't feel safe with her.

remember where i said that we want to protect other people because we really want to protect ourselves? did you notice that the whole idea is fucked?

yeah. it is. sigh
>> No. 376294
There is corruption in the Plus4 community.
>> No. 376295
File 136604566452.jpg - (87.59KB , 500x333 , tumblr_ml3kmfyxn21s7x1e9o10_500.jpg )
I always love when entirely different eras collide.
>> No. 376297
Do tell.
>> No. 376299
oh shit

>> No. 376346
you telling us you're a prostitute?
>> No. 376348
Don't feel dissapointed. They almost never send those things back without criticism because that's kind of their job, and as you said, it's going to help, rather than hurt, so you'd have more reason to be disappointed if you paid for the benefit of them and they had nothing to say.
>> No. 376380
Fans terrify me. Deeply. As in actual fans. Not dudes that happen to like something and might defend their tastes in a silly internet argument. I mean people who like something (or someone) way more than is healthy.
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