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One Piece

 Posting a reply to post #361

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361 No.361
So how about we get a speculation thread started? I'll get a few things started:

Something I think will happen for reals:
- Luffy's bounty will go up significantly after this battle.
- Buggy's bounty will go up significantly

Things I pulled out of my ass:
- Whitebeard himself will die, but not before he claims to have seen the One Piece that Roger bragged about before his death, creating a large boom of new Pirate crews.
- The Whitebeard pirates, along with Luffy, Ivankov, and the other Impel Down escapees will make it away on the Moby Dick, as the ship's farewell gift to her beloved captain Whitebeard, before burning down ala Merry

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I just realized- related to this point- I think this is why Oda lets himself draw all the characters at hueg sizes for dramatic effect, regardless of perspective and actual size; and how we can have inhuman monsters who can bleed a Olympic pool of blood and still fight. The reason being that these things are often exaggerated and romanticized when reading from stories of the past.

Especially if this book was written by Usopp.

If it were written by Usopp it'd be a grand tale of how the great Captain Usopp defeated all his foes and became the greatest warrior and also there was this guy called Luffy who helped sometimes.

The last chapter will end with Robin on an island, teaching a history class from this book. All her students will say that's totally crap, and then Luffy will wander in demanding that they go on another adventure.

And then we will all weep tears of joy.

This is a good end. I want this ending.

So this whole thing with the D's...they were opposed to the government in the past right? Or it has something to do with them and the blank century that they don't want anyone else to know about. Then why are there D's working for the government? Also, does Dragon know about D and the blank century, and is that why he's rebelling? Because I think if he found out something horrible about the World Government that made him become a revolutionary in the first place, I'm sure he would have told his father about it, and yet Garp still works for them. So either that has nothing to do with it...or whatever Dragon found out wasn't enough to make Garp leave the Marines.

Or I have no idea what I'm talking about.

>>If he was, there's no way the WB pirates would be as (relatively) chummy as they are with him. They think betraying your nakama is the highest crime.

Well, maybe he didn't betray them. Maybe when whatever-made-him-be-not-like-Luffy happened, they let him leave of his/their own free will.

You're taking about stuff that us long term fans have suppositions about.

At best we know suppositions that the D.'s are always present at points of great change and conflict. There's only one D. really working for the government (well, one still alive, the other one defected and got offed for it). All the D.'s we've met so far (with decent exposition) know nothing about any legacy or "Will of D." they simply act on their instincts and do what they want till it kills them... Letting them die with a smile on their faces because they lived life to the fullest.


Well, Gol D. Rodger seems to have known something about it...that he maybe found out on Raftel? (That maybe has something to do with One Piece?) I'm probably just stating the obvious here, though.

Ah, I wasn't sure if Garp was the only D in the marines. I wonder why they let him in in the first place though, and why they let him get so high up in rank. You'd think they'd want to avoid that for fear of him finding out the secret, assuming that the leaders of the World Government know about the D's and that's part of the history they're trying to suppress. Assuming. (Maybe he had a situation like Coby's, where he was a choreboy at first and was only able to get in because of stubborness and willpower?)

I think One Piece will end with Pirate King Luffy facing off against Admiral Coby. He was in the begining and the middle of the story, why not the end? (Unless he goes with Luffy to escape that guy because he interfered in the fight, but I don't know if he'd do that. He's pretty set on being a marine and all.)


Coby will probably get kicked out of the marines for doing that whimpy cry speech during the battle.

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>Coby's speech

Here's a One Piece speculation for you. One Piece's story is specifically structured so that any speculation whatsoever sounds plausible. Watch:

Whitebeard and Ace will be resurrected by being fed magical turnips from Mars, and Zoro will return to the crew on the back of a 50-foot beatboxing toad with even worse sense of direction than him.

There. Doesn't that sound like something Oda would do?

The presence of Zoro's surname in light of most of the crew lacking one, along with the odd distribution of Japanese names throughout the series, has my curiosity piqued. If I may...

Roronoa Kaidou.

Wild speculations, yes. Not all, though. I remember back when 20 MONTHS IN THE WOMB was revealed people were kinda creeped out because it was the type of bizarre that's too close to reality.

Not to mention that makes it sound like Rouge was either part elephant or nine-banded armadillo.

Hey, we haven't seem the Armadillo Fruit yet...

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Regarding the recent chapter, it gave me a funny feeling the way Boa Hancock said "if I still retain my title as a shichibukai...". I bet a vice admiral was dispatched to Amazon Lily or something. Plus Doflamingo is in the process of eliminating Moria so the "higher ups" must be done with tolerating failure or insubordination.

All I can say is I hope she isn't the next to die.


There better not be more deaths anytime soon, I don't think my heart could take it...

According to Kuma's Den Den Mushi conversation in Thriller Bark, the shit Moria pulled and his subsequent defeat at Luffy's hands would have gotten him the Crocodile treatment, ie stripped of his title and incarcerated in Impel Down. His only saving grace was necessity; the Marines needed every resource available ready for use against Whitebeard and the Government didn't want to lose face in having another Shichibukai defeated, especially at the hands of the rookie who dropped their last one.

Now that he's no longer needed for the defense of Marineford, the 5 Elder Stars seem to be cleaning house by killing him in a way that conveniently won't raise suspicion.

On the note of Hancok, the only person of any real standing who witnessed her betrayal was Smoker. I'd say her position is somewhat safe for the time being...

Actually, I'm thinking less that Hancock will be killed, but instead she'll be forced to flee Amazon Lily with her crew. While she's off giving Luffy the medical attention he needs, the Navy will take advantage by revoking Hancock's status and going in and taking over the island. Perhaps they'll also reveal her secret about her past as a slave, which will leave a divide in the Amazons and how they feel about Hancock. Either way, we'll get a nice cover arc about how Hancock is forced to flee the island with a new crew built up of familiar Amazons, fleeing the Navy and looking for a way to win the Island back from their clutches.


Sounds reasonable, but I don't think those Amazons would care about her past, everyone falls for her with just a glance.

Good point, I could see the truth coming out and Hancock doing her thing, then the crowd goes "It's alright, we forgive you! You can lie to us all you want!".

Navy puts out a bounty poster on her and everyone tears them down to keep because she's just so beautiful.

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I could see that happening. It'll probably have the face she made in Impel Down when she said the prisoners frightened her.





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Laboon will help fighting San Juan Wolf.

Calling it.

10th crew member confirmed

Alternately, Franky will turn Sunny into a Megazord and that will fight Wolf.

Damn now I'm torn

Franky will turn the Sunny into an armor for Laboon and then Laboon can figh Wolf on two legs.

In fact, that will be how they'll get Laboon into the Grand Line in the first place.

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Speculation: Law is bald under his hat. Or his hair is really weird.

There's the widely accepted short hair you see in all the fanart, but we haven't actually seen him with the hat off, have we? You never know.

One Piece is a big pile of treasure.

A theory I fully support, if only to watch the fireworks when it happens.

I think everybody here is perfectly fine with that theory.

I know WE'D be fine, but other places would go absolutely berserk.

It won't be the Thousand Sunny that takes down San Juan Wolf.

It'll be Usopp.

A giant v.s. a boy with a SLINGshot?

...Oh damn. And Usopp is a friend to just about every GOOD giant in the series, isn't he?

That's gonna be an epic fight.

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Damn, I want Usopp to fight Van Auge but now I want to see more biblical references in One Piece.

Sodom and Gomorrah wasn't enough.

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Mihawk: sure, i'll fight you roronora, just...CLIMB THESE STAIRS TO REACH ME


Chopper will fight a human who has eaten the reindeer zoan type fruit.

Are stairs going to be to Zoro like fridges are to Kyle Rayner?



A couple of more serious Zoro theories:

Mihawk will not be Zoro's last opponent, but his third to last. His penultimate opponent will be Shiryuu, in the final battle with the Blackbeard Pirates. His final battle, perhaps in a distant epilogue, will be with Tashigi, which he will lose with honor.

Alternately, Zoro won't fight Mihawk at all. Rather, Shiryuu will defeat Mihawk, making Shiryuu Zoro's goal.

None of that seems particularly likely.

Why? It's pretty much a given that the BBs will be the final opponent, and it's pretty much a given that Shiryuu is Zoro's counterpart in the BBs. Therefore, Shiryuu is Zoro's last opponent.

The only way Zoro could lose to Tashigi is if the challenge took place on a staircase. She's so low below him it isn't even funny.

Maybe it'll be old!Zoro losing to a young female swordsman who looks like Tashigi/Kunia in the distant future, and passing the torch to her. Or something. Or a mirror of the first time he fought Mihawk.

Have we reached sage? I'm impressed with us!

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