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File 138064977890.jpg - (3.30MB , 3074x2172 , 129269325398.jpg )
31883 No. 31883
We haven't had an bumping general thread in while

And also has anyone read this?
Its along the lines of DM of the Rings or Darths and Droids but with One Piece.
90 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 32578
Although I'm enjoying the law humor that fell flat earlier in the anime, it's still disgusting to see consistent quality(for toei) animation in an episode that doesn't even matter. At least there's pacing.
>> No. 32623
This is a random thought but I hope Luffy gets a chance to mature at some point, not saying his personality at all but if he grows any older I hope he actually looks like a man instead of looking even younger when in comparison to all his crew like with the timeskip being the same with just a scar and a frilly shirt.

I hope by the end of the series or the 'epilogue' he finally gets an awesome captain's jacket like he had in some of the timeskip concept art. (Speaking of 'the end' its still sort of impossible to imagine of exactly what would happen in the ending of One Piece, its gone on for all these years and it feels like it could just... keep going)
>> No. 32624
File 138825997876.jpg - (95.67KB , 850x1280 , EXPO01 Rebecca Sailing Again pic05.jpg )
I kinda want her, but I already know I'm gonna regret it the second I buy her. Still so tempted, though...
>> No. 32625
File 138826007918.jpg - (101.44KB , 850x1280 , EXPO01 Trafalgar Law Ver_2 pic07.jpg )
And just to show that P.O.P. don't play favorites, here's a nice cheese grater for the ladies.
>> No. 32626
>that pose
what a queer
>> No. 32627
Projecting much?
>> No. 32628
he looks like a faggot. Deal with it
>> No. 32629
Kid, if queers upset you then you are reading the wrong series.
>> No. 32631
Kid, I'm not upset. All I said is that that shitty toy looked gay as fuck.
>> No. 32632

>Still thinks 'gay' is a good negative adjective

what're you, 13? Enjoying Middle School like the rest of your friends? Recently sent your friend a lel epic me-mey of a doge wearing a guy fawkes mask?
>> No. 32634
Because pointless swearing and sageing a thread is a good way to show how not upset you are.
>> No. 32636
Are you that same jackass that threw a shit fit about Dellinger wearing heels a few weeks back? You need to calm down, sweetheart. Not everyone is out to get you or your gays.
>> No. 32638
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Typical rabid Law fangirls.
>> No. 32639
Are you ever going to shut up?
>> No. 32640
Would you give that a rest?
Its getting way too tired how you look for any excuse to whine about 'fangirls', it seems obsessive.
>> No. 32641
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>> No. 32643
Next time you see a dude looking vaguely homo-erotic, just say he looks FABULOUS and avoid a whole bunch of drama while both sides will probably happily agree with you. I know it might seem like it at first glance, but the internet is not actually a place that's just there to be as shitty as possible to other human beings.
>> No. 32644
Or I could just say he looks gay. Because he does looks gay. This is not Tumblr or your personal hug box. Just like the person that went batshit over Dellinger, you people need to calm down over here; you're starting drama already because all I said was a fucking toy looked gay.
>> No. 32645
You're the one spouting hateful vitriol here. You seem more upset than anyone else here.
>> No. 32646
Why does only shitposting get everyone replying on this board.

The only time people actually reply to posts is for a short time when a new chapter comes out or when people are shitposting.

Why can't any of the benign posts get a reaction?
>> No. 32647

Well personally it's because I like One Piece but hate the fanbase. So I might drop by to talk about the chapter if it's good but at the same time I pretty much hate all of you and relish the opportunity to take potshots whenever anyone slips up.
>> No. 32648
You're basically saying you relish in being part of the problem though.
>> No. 32649
>someone posts their opinion on a toy
>you don't like it so it's SHITPOSTING

Way to admit you're the cancer that killed this place. Choke on a hundred cocks.
or is that too homophobic?
>> No. 32650
this is a very small place so you can't go by the fanbase

It basically just means like you and the 2 other people who are bumping this thread are shitposting faggots who may as well just go on /a/ or something
>> No. 32651
>> No. 32654
So am I, and I really wish you would stop posting your awkward teenage comedy routine here.
>> No. 32655
Seriously, this is beyond petty and everyone should just drop it and move on to talking about OP

So someone called you a faggot, made some negative reply to you, etc., my god it is so inconsequential

Just forget it and start clean, just make posts and if you feel like making a dick comment just keep it to yourself for the sake of the board.
>> No. 32656
File 138839087088.jpg - (613.47KB , 930x1240 , d8b6eb062266833d8ab138535fa0cd97_2.jpg )
Hey baby. Wanna bang?
>> No. 32657
Buy a lady a drink first.
>> No. 32660
You know what the best thing about being Oda probably is?

He likely has a room somewhere with every single POP. he can just go in an look at every single perfect 3D representation of his imagination. I swear to god, if I was a fucking millionaire, i would buy every POP first, THEN go spend my money on hookers and blow.
>> No. 32661
Is it really so great to look at models of your creations? Is it just the ego-boost you are referring to.
You think One Piece being #1 would be enough by itself.
>> No. 32665
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How irked do you think Doflamingo was when he found out the fruit he ate was the seemingly lame String String Fruit? Or do you think he was able to utilize it cleverly right away?
>> No. 32666
All fruits take training to unlock their potential
>> No. 32667
Doflamingo's pretty good about going with the flow. If he got it as a kid, he might have known what it was before he even ate it.
>> No. 32671
But he CAN'T control people's minds, that's the thing. He just strong-arms people's bodies into doing stuff. Also we don't know for a fact that Sugar doesn't sleep. There has to be a reason all the toys are called away at night and no one is allowed outside their homes.
>> No. 32673
They've straight up said it's the String String Fruit already.
>> No. 32674
I read his post wrong. I thought he was saying it hadn't been said what it was, and it was going to be some lame thing like String String Fruit. It was the middle of the night, I'm coming off of the goddamn amazon snake monster nightmare and I'm not thinking right.

Look, I'll delete the post, okay? Let's just move on.
>> No. 32699
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Holy shit I actually get what's going on with this page this time around. I've seen people talk about it and never understand how her Flower Fruit allowed the hat to just float off his head, but she's actually grabbing it with a hand behind him, growing off the mast. There's even little sfx at the back of the panels to show it. I feel so goddamn dumb.
>> No. 32700
I miss evil Robin. Baroque Works Robin is literally best Robin all day every day. This isn't even an opinion, it's fact.
>> No. 32701
>I miss evil Robin

Even when she was a "villain" she was too morally ambiguous to take seriously.
>> No. 32702
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Shush it. I'm admiring classic villainy.
>> No. 32707
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What are you gonna do when the news breaks that Oda has died?
>> No. 32743
Real Men Of Genius: A Tribute to Franky AMVyoutube thumb
>> No. 32859
Caster edition seems completely unsuited to one piece.

I mean they had Kaya casually busting out cleric spells and even outright mentioned raise dead, are you telling me none of Whitebeard's allies are gonna have access to high-level resurrection magic?
>> No. 32862
Huh... I actually had a one piece dream, the strawhats fought the blackbeard pirates, and I was some minor paladin dude who was around in the port town they were throwing down in. Then there was an endging/credit scene with the post-timeskip strawhats hanging out with the pre-timeskip strawhats. It kind of wierds me out because I never remember my dreams.
>> No. 33010
Serious question.

Does anyone else think they should just get rid of /op/? We clearly don't need an entire board to discuss One Piece.

We can just do the same as all the other big shonen and have the odd general thread on /jam/, each one being able to handle the 'discussion' of multiple chapters each.
>> No. 33013
Shit like /mspa/ and /pkmn/ exists. I think we deserve to have our own board, no matter how scarcely occupied. The traffic issue is with the entire site, not just /op/.

This is also the only specific One Piece board in the entire internet as far as I know.
>> No. 33015
Well, this type of board, yeah.
>> No. 33176
File 139624432510.jpg - (21.86KB , 225x169 , 956405209755.jpg )
>look up OP 34
>find any picture with usopp, particularly by western artists from shitty paysites who randomly lump characters together
>his face every time

He is comedy gold in any pic he's put in
>> No. 33224
I found a thing.
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