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File 136583116722.jpg - (193.81KB , 570x881 , elizabeth___greytone_by_radiant_grey-d5yezpb[1].jpg )
172487 No. 172487
Old thread hit autosage: >>171320

So here are the Voxaphones. They're in OGG, I can only play the format through Windows Media Player with the Windows 7 Codec Pack, and half of them have the default name (the others at least at least have who made it.) Also I'm pretty sure I'm missing 2.

However, I spent three+ hours going through 2000+ files, so I figured I'd upload what I had and do conversion et al. another day.
245 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 185768
File 139345394855.jpg - (11.62KB , 600x314 , biocock intimate 2-thumb-600x314-102979.jpg )
Zone getting recognition.

>> No. 185770
>I'm going to write a two page essay on a porn parody
>And I'll spend much of this referring to myself, my past articles, and how much I prefer the porn over the game
Much pretentious.

Not that the parody is bad; I got my hands on the full version and quite enjoy it (in multiple ways, though I didn't figure out how to get ponytail Elizabeth). But holy shit it's like a five minute long thing and she's written an article longer than many full game reviews.

Jumpman you have the worst taste.

Wait, does anyone actually refer to him as that? I've heard Zone-tan, but that's his female avatar (who does ZTV news as well as star in her own porn.)
>> No. 185772
Yeah I have to agree unfortunately. It's a whole lot of words but that's all because it just keeps circling the same points over and over.
>> No. 185773
I guess you could say it was...masturbatory.
>> No. 185774
Wow. Not a very good article. At all. There's... no real point to it. Is this supposed to be about the deep complexity and meaning of cartoon porn? Is this about Elizabeth's character in the game? Is this about Ken Levine's attitude about porn of his creations (and guess what; like most creators, he doesn't care. It's out there, but he isn't going out of his way looking for it)? This is inane ramblings equal to or less than a person's blog post. Couple that with a few inaccuracies in the article and you got yourself a 1500 word waste of time. Well, if you're paid per article, I guess.

>Wait, does anyone actually refer to him as that?
Yeah, I guess so. It's the name of his tumblr anyway. I think most people just go with Zone.
>> No. 185782
Guys, guys~
The one thing that matters in all this is that the most important part of Bioshock Infinite is that Elizabeth is hot and everyone wants to fuck her full force in mouth, pussy and ass.

Even the ladies.
>> No. 185783
>he doesn't care
He super does actually.
>> No. 185785
well he did have to fight to keep her in the game
>> No. 185788
>the most important part of Bioshock is Elizabeth
>> No. 185789
So basically Liz is his pure waifu, and thats why he gets super butthurt when people sexualise her.
>> No. 185790
From his quotes, Liz is more of a symbolic daughter. And no one wants to see their daughter in porn, no matter what age or how hot.

Unless they're a pervert. Which a good portion of the internet is. So they don't care about his concerns.
>> No. 185792
Bioshock: Waifu editionyoutube thumb
>> No. 185797
>Liz is more of a symbolic daughter
I actually find this more creepy.
>> No. 185808
Really? Lots of authors/writers/creators have parental-esque feelings toward their creations.
>> No. 185818
Well, we'll see.
>> No. 186305
Are you all ready to see?
>> No. 186306
Fuuuuuck I forgot it was coming out tomorrow.
>> No. 186313
>> No. 186335
File 13958443026.jpg - (101.23KB , 1024x1024 , bioshock_infinite__burial_at_sea_by_fiora_solo_top.jpg )
So is Part 2 worth the purchase? Hard mode: tell me without using spoilers why it is or isn't worth the price of my McDonalds meal

I swear to god if there is another TWEEST in the end I am going to find Levine and punch him in his stubbly nutsack.
>> No. 186342
In the very first five minutes of the game it destroys the primary reason anyone was interested in playing it which was to use the tears themselves, it's stealth system is terrible and it couldn't be less bland.

So no in my opinion, I'll finish it later, too disgusted with lameness right now.

Even more fetch quest than usual.
>> No. 186344
They retcon a bunch of shit like:
Daisy was never going to kill the kid. She was just told to by the Luteces so they could get Elizabeth to kill her. Thus making her more...adult I guess. Regardless the moral ambiguity of her cause becoming extremist, the connection between her and Comstock, it's all lost.
And the gameplay itself is so dumb, you can just run by most of the enemies.

Not to mention the reason for all of this is actually kinda weak sense they don't expand on the MacGuffin at all. Just that Liz is willing to go through everything for said MacGuffin.

And the attempts to tie together Infinite with BS1 feel (I know this is the most overused word in critique) contrived. Like, legitimatly contrived, just to make Infinite more relivant to the universe as a whole.

And that bit about Ken seeing Liz as his symbolic daughter? Never let the man have children.
>> No. 186348
I'm really so glad I decided to cancel my preorder for Infinite
>> No. 186365

I thought it would be like, $5.99.

Jesus, I have the season pass but holy god have mercy fuck that.
>> No. 186371
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So wait . . . What about the Modern Day Atlantis teaser?

Who the hell is the girl in upstate New York? Are we ever going to find out? Did Irrational even care? Christ, Infinite has more abandoned concepts than the storyboards of the original "Dune." I'm pretty sure the scrapped material from the main game and the DLC would make for an entire franchise of its own at this point.


>Never let the man have children

Amen to that. If you've ever seen him around Liz's VA, that's why. He broadcasts "creeper" in a way that few men I have ever seen can do.
>> No. 186373
Him and David Cage.
>> No. 186381
At least David Cage makes games that are so weird/bad they become great again.
>> No. 186392
But can he make a game starring Nicholas Cage?
>> No. 186400
That would actually be awesome, that would have made Two Souls better replacing generic CIA man with Nicholas Cage.
>> No. 186401

She's one of the grown-up Little Sisters from the first game.
>> No. 186403
Ugh, I didn't think weird fetishization of eye wounds would come up in this.
>> No. 186404
>>weird fetishization of eye wounds
>> No. 186405
Liz almost gets lobotomized through the eye.
>> No. 186406
Explain to me how threatening death via lobotomy is "fetishization of eye wounds"
>> No. 186407
Yeah of all the complaints about how Lizbeth is treated, that's one I don't see. It's not like Booker fared much better at the end of his DLC
>> No. 186408
Sooooo basically, Elizabeth decides not to Timelord herself out when Big Daddy re-awakens, it goes berserk, and gets her revenge on the last Comstock for her. So she dies and comes back as a superposition of her selves. I think that part was actually a cool idea; but why is pretty stupid: as far as I can tell, she came back only to set in motion the events of B1 and... what? To save the little sisters and destroy Rapture? Unless you got the bad ending of B1; in which case, fuck you Elizabeth, hahaha! But why the hell would she care about destroying Rapture? And just a single instance, at that. And she had to die to prove Atlas is a fuckhead or something. tl;dr: Calling the reasoning behind the narrative an "asspull" is doing a disservice to asspulls.

I don't feel that my season pass went to waste, per se, but I'm not happy with the final result, either. The stealth was an interesting concept and drove home her mortal weakness, but it was very poorly executed. Bad pathfinding/AI, if you dare crouch and step in a puddle someone across the plaza might hear you, etc. When it worked it worked well (though my fucking game reset my controls after I started Ep2, so I died at the first guy because my assumed melee button didn't do shit) and enjoyed sneaking up behind and knocking out enemies. I really liked the effect when the game would take something apart (like locks), too. I'll probably do a 1998 run at some point.

Oh well, I still have Clash in the Clouds that I haven't touched, plus achievements.

Also, when we had the mirror and parting shot, did her breasts seem far larger than even BAS1? Yes, I am a pervert.

I guess this is the week of disappointing endings; first KlK, now this.

I have to agree with most of this, with one note: I think "retcon" is a strong word, but don't know of an alternative. Many things that Liz does goes without backstory in B1 so you can't say they retroactively changed the continuity; they just made it circular, kind of, and horribly shoehorned.
>> No. 186409
Ken Levine, whatever. Doesn't matter anymore.
>> No. 186417
File 139606652954.gif - (634.12KB , 347x404 , 65700-Jon-Stewart-mind-blown-gif-kNso[1].gif )
So. . . Wait. What?

The entire purpose of BSI was for Liz to undo Columbia. Did her collapsed superposition bring it back into existence, and Booker as well? In addition, "there is always a man, and there is always a lighthouse," but Jack couldn't possibly leave and then enter Rapture without Suchong's key phrase, so does that nullify ALL the other Rapture universes that Liz wasn't in? Does the multiverse just pick a random patsy to deliver the Ace to Atlas, therefore making all of Liz's actions irrelevant? Why did Atlas maintain his "cheery Irishman" demeanor during the lobotomy, when all his closest men are clearly asshole Splicers who don't give a flying shit about him torturing an innocent girl? If the Luteces knew Liz was going to her death, why did they make such an effort to get her out of Columbia in BSI--why even bother, if the city was never going to get erased from the timeline? If Daisy didn't want to kill the child, why did she smear Fink's blood all over her goddamn face?

Granted I enjoyed BaS2.0 and 2.1, but I'm pretty sure we can all agree that everything after the lobotomy felt very forced, methodical and pointless.
>> No. 186418
While I believe the ending of BI was supposed to take care of all Bookers and Comstocks, it somehow missed one (Bookerstock from BaS1 is referred to as "the last Comstock"). That means that his Columbia survived since he was killed the old fashioned way; however, it wouldn't have had the same rough events of Elizabeth and Booker trying to escape. This is just an example of the bad storytelling in the game. Actually, this part was a retcon, wasn't it? Fuck.

I think the Luteces wanted all Comstocks gone, either out of revenge or to undo what they did, and Liz was required for some reason. Perhaps it was necessary for Booker to die willingly, so if the Luteces just Timelord'd in they would have failed?

I was wondering about that particular Rapture, too; it seems that IG took great lengths to make sure everyone understands it's the same Rapture from both B1 and the end of BI. Maybe that's the only Rapture that gets fucked over.

Atlus stayed that way either because of shitty writing or, for some reason, the writers didn't want to force out the fact that he's Fontaine. But the B1 recap mentioned it, and if you find his hidden room Elizabeth will mention it, so probably shitty writing.

Daisy probably did that just to enrage/confuse Elizabeth to make it seem more likely that she would kill the kid.

tl;dr: Most of your answers can be summed up as "bad writing".
>> No. 186419
>can't make any recommendation for BaSEp2 alone on Steam
gg Gaben.
>> No. 186420
What an awful way to end the series.
Shoehorned plot points and retconed backstory that ruins any deeper meaning previous characters had (Daisy being the narrative mirror of Comstock can be thrown out the window.), poor motivation(Liz giving up everything for a random little sister we know practically nothing about.), foggily defined limitations to the quantum excuses.( Liz apparently could see all possibility before losing her powers, so why didn't she see herself regretting killing the final comstock or not saving Susie? For that matter, what is a quantum supper position and why did she fall into it now? If its because she's dead in that world, why can the Lutecces freely move about in worlds where they where dead? Why did they need Liz to kill Daisy? Why did they need Liz and Booker to do anything at all?

The "rules" of these powers only serve as a plot contrivance and would be laughed out of almost any other medium. I'm afraid to look at reviews because I'm expecting high scores praising its 'emotional and powerful end' while ignoring all the gaping plot holes and overall clumsy story. The best things Infinite has done for games are: unconventional settings and cinematography. All else is either generic or a hot mess.

Just...fuck! I wouldn't be so mad if this game didn't get so much praise. Is that wrong?
>> No. 186421
No, the higher the standard the more we expect. This game came with a pedigree and got high praise and in the end just didn't have it all together. Also the further you stretch its story thematic the more convoluted it becomes and the worse it looks. Part of why DLC can be a bad idea.
>> No. 186424
The base game wasn't great either
>> No. 186426
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My biggest beef with this is how far Liz was willing to go to "stop" the evils of Rapture, but the violence in Rapture pales in comparison to say, the genocides of Central Africa or the Rape of Nanking. Why was it so important to save a few little girls in one city under the water? Didn't we already have Tenenbaum for that role? Does Liz just not give a shit about atrocities that aren't committed in ADAM infested shitholes? Also,

>"infinite" possibilities
>infinite universes, alternate cities, infinite Elizabeths
>Irrational gives us the one universe that leads exactly into an experience we've already had over and over, instead taking the effort to actually show us something new and exciting

A "love letter to the fans" indeed.
>> No. 186427
To be honest that is what fans want. If you polled pretty much any fanbase they would ask for the same things they liked last time over and over again.
>> No. 186429
Closer to a circle jerk for developers.

That is a well known "problem": fans often want more of the same until the experience something new, and then if it's good they'll like the new thing. But they'll never say that they want the new thing.

However, this isn't "more of the same"; B2 was "more of the same" from B1, and to a far lesser extent BaS1 was "more of the same" of BI. BaS2 is just the devs trying to re-insert the player into the events of B1 and BI, rather than continuing the story on its own. Such a story concept isn't necessarily bad (though it is inherently rife with plotholes), but the way it was used here was especially ham-handed AND ignored the ending of BI.

Why did it have to be "The" Rapture? Why not just "A" Rapture? Then they could have gone on with her escape attempt without having to involve the shoehorning. Hell, even just the ending could have been bittersweet, but less so: instead of dying from taking a wrench to the face two-too-many times (but not too many times to teach a Little Sister a French song or something), she could have managed to grab Sally, escape, but still be trapped in Rapture and is forced to watch everything she put into motion unfold. Hell, even being impaled by the same Big Daddy that killed Bookerstock would have been better.
>> No. 186434
Wow, that was disappointing. That's all I have to say about it.
>> No. 186517
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>finishing EP2
>"Hey cool, maybe we'll actually get a resolution to Liz's shitty life now!"
>That feel when the overplot discards her like a used tissue and she has no relevance to the outcome whatsoever

>> No. 186530
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>> No. 186546
This dlc isn't just badly written, but it manages to dump on the entire franchise preceding it.

Thats impressive, in a terrible and pathetic way.
>> No. 186554
File 139687314532.jpg - (241.06KB , 950x1295 , 139924-george-lucas.jpg )
It's always weird to see a creator destroy their own legacy, because they've gotten too much freedom and power.
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