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165729 No. 165729
GTA:V thread

now with actual details of the game:

61 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 179111
Grand Theft Auto Online: Offic…youtube thumb
Mite be cool.
>> No. 179119
I want to play this game.
>> No. 179490
>GTA V Soundtrack + Loading Theme Leaks [SPOILERS]
>> No. 179495

Not clicking. Part of the fun of video games is not knowing every thing about them when they come out. In GTA's case, there's probably a song or two that will be a pleasant surprise to hear for the first time.

If anyone cares about the storyline or anything else being spoiled, this is probably a good time to step off the internet (well, not entirely, but it's probably a good idea to avoid GTAV discussion). When it comes to things like radio being leaked, I don't see the point in listening right now. I'm reserving that for when I actually play the game.
>> No. 179506

Me again. I just read over at NeoGAF that cutscene audio and maybe even actual cutscenes have been leaked as well. If you care the slightest bit about radio, story bits, or anything else, try to avoid GTA discussion on the internet from here on out.

>> No. 179507
I understand where you're coming from, but I approach it a different way. I go looking for spoilers, partly because I still get the feeling of novelty from playing the game myself, and mostly because by the time I actually get around to playing said game it's been months if not a year or more since its release, sometimes by which I've forgotten the spoilers.
>> No. 179675
Grand Theft Auto V: The Official Traileryoutube thumb

18 days
>> No. 180512
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Oh Jeff, you card.
>> No. 180520
>/v/ complains reviewers won't call out the misogyny in GTA V because it's a AAA Western game
>Gamespot calls it out, but gives it a 9/10 anyway
>/v/ bitches about nonstop

And to think, I was feeling bad about being banned there for two days over my "KyoAni of video games" thread.
>> No. 180555

>> No. 180560
Grand Theft Auto V REVIEW!youtube thumb

Funny, Jim Sterling, one oft those guys that can detect such things on games didn't noticed it.
>> No. 180568
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>> No. 180571
I guess you can still fuck whore for heath boost and kill em to get your money.
And the no playable female in the story mode thing.
>> No. 180574
For those who don't already know, GTA Online won't be available for like two weeks.
>> No. 180579
And I've heard the in-game radio has a DJ talking about using women as urinals.

Which, unless there's a side mission where you can go into the recording booth and curbstomp him, is pretty awful.
>> No. 180581
Fuck /v/, and fuck you for bringing it here and making me aware of the latest stupid shit it's saying about the newest popular game.
>> No. 180583
My god, you're actually being serious aren't you?
>> No. 180584
And 3 out of 3 players that is playing right now on my psn friend list is playing it right NOW.
Also remmber your roots kids: http://www.blisteredthumbs.net/2013/09/grand-theft-awesome-retrospective/

To be fair, most of the DJ talks shit in all GTAs.
>> No. 180617
That's T4 for you.
>> No. 180629
Just heard about it here:
And sorry about the mulity posts, my internets is acting up.
>> No. 180637
> most of the DJ talks shit in all GTAs.

The K-Rose DJ in San Andreas casually spoke about murdering her husbands, and I don't recall anyone complaining.
>> No. 180664

Noboy is surprised at GTA making a shitton of cash, but holy shit, 800 million bucks in 24 hours. I mean, The Avengers had the biggest opening WEEKEND ever, and that was a bit over 200 million.
>> No. 180666
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>Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. TTWO +0.53% today announced that Grand Theft Auto V delivered the highest first day retail sales of any title in the history of the Company and the Grand Theft Auto series. Launched on September 17 for the PlayStation(R)3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360(R) video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, the title has already received widespread critical acclaim and achieved first day sell-through of more than $800 million worldwide, excluding the upcoming launch in Japan and Brazil, according to Company estimates.

>> No. 180667
>> No. 180738
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I've been playing the game, and while I don't inherently see this as a bad thing, it's pretty clear that it's written with the male gaze in mind, and that all of the female characters sort of orbit around the male ones as goals or impediments.
>> No. 180739
so basically the same as every single other GTA?
>> No. 180741
But with the B's you expect.
As in Bigger, Better and Badder.
I hope they "fix" that with a DLC expantion.
Because Ballade of Gay Tony and the biker one was really good~

AJ: GTA V Vlog Update (Review …youtube thumb
Wow, what chickpussys.
Thats skip it because its may be "off putting" is soooo bullshit.
If you cant take it, STOP PLAYING (that mode)!
That why I only watched Amnesia.

Anyway, back to the fun stuff:
>> No. 180744

To be fair, this one is much, much easier and you can even skip a mission if you fail it three times.

~No child left behind~
>> No. 180745
I love this line:
>But, a few years back, with a bit of trepidation, Hills tried Version 4.
Ya'll we Version 5 now.
>> No. 180888
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>That’s why I bristle at the idea that it’s “satire.” Satire requires at least a little bit of risk and subversion. When you’ve got a franchise that essentially created a genre, you’re not subverting anything anymore. Once you’ve spent twelve years showing the same strip clubs and lap-dance minigames and casual objectification of women, you’re not longer making fun of Western society’s culture of misogyny. You’re just reveling in it.

>And worse than that, you’re taking the coward’s way out by using the “satire” and “political incorrectness” claim to have it both ways. If anybody objects to the content, you can say “we’re making social commentary!” If anybody objects that there’s no real commentary being made, then you can say “stop taking it so seriously It’s just for laughs! Like on Top Gear! Why you gotta ruin all our fun?”

>An example I saw on a message board (since I still haven’t yet played the new game): calling the iPhone an “iFruit” isn’t satire. It barely registers as parody. But having your upper-middle-class career criminal using the iPhone equivalent, your street gangster using a version of Android, and your raging psychopath using Windows Phone: that’s approaching cleverness, and it’s almost satire.

>Taking pot shots at new age types and “liberals,” portraying women as shrill buzz-kills not worth much more than sex, that doesn’t offend me as a progressive. It offends me as somebody who’s often paid to write jokes for a living. It doesn't make you look like an iconoclast so much as a hack.

>> No. 180904
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>And besides, any game developer who’s been working for more than a few years is inevitably going to get yelled at for something. If you’re at all public as a developer, you’re going to get harassed or dismissed. Surrounded by some people who are creepily obsequious until they perceive you’ve wronged them somehow, at which point they’ll turn abusive. And generally, fans only care about what you want so far as it helps them get the bit of fun that they want.

>So see, you do know what it’s like to be a woman.
>> No. 180906
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>Why aren't more women shoehorned into this accurate depiction of the hyper-patriarchal underworld of a patriarchal society?
>> No. 180912
The best part is that the easiest place to fit a female into a group like the three protagonists of GTA V is as the "sextraction": the gal who uses her feminine wiles to distract guards or plays the damsel in distress to get guys to come in close. And Tumblr would complain just as much as her being in as not having a female at all.
>> No. 180913
But game companies actually make something fun in the end. Usually.
>> No. 180915
we all know how this goes already, if you make a game with a male protagonist feminists bitch about it, and if you make a game with a female protagonist they don't buy it and then get mad that companies aren't catering to a market that doesn't give them money

>Remember Me
>Gone Home
>Shantae's barely-squeaking through kickstarter
>> No. 180920
Soooo... does Saints Row get any of these complaints? I'm asking this cause it's pretty close in terms of everything overall whereas other genres don't seem to get nearly as much attention on this front ie strategy, RPGs, etc.
>> No. 180922
Not as many; maybe because you can play as a MtF Transperson who is also a hooker murderer.
>> No. 180931

Is this the same dipshit who keeps making these threads on /cog/? Fuck off already and talk about GTAV.
>> No. 180932

Remember Me sucked (I'm playing it right now and oh god this game wants to be Arkham Asylum/City so hard it can taste it) and Gone Home sold well (not gigantic numbers but it's not an AAA game, it doesn't need to sell blockbusters and isn't expected to). Shantae's kickstarter hit it's funding goal with ten days to spare, which seems pretty dang reasonable for an obscure series like that that launched its Kickstarter in competition with Mighty Number Nine.
>> No. 180942
Regarding the actual game, I think it's safe to say if you liked San Andreas and/or the good parts about IV, you'll enjoy V.
>> No. 180949
I'll see how the PC version fares then.
>> No. 180992
>> No. 181338
GTA Online is pretty decent so far
>> No. 181569
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>> No. 181572
Missing SW:TOR which was about 200 Million for Development.
>> No. 181595
Also Red Dead Redemption and Disney Infinity both cost about $100 million each.
>> No. 181606
Didn't RE6 also cost around the 100 million mark?
>> No. 181610
How are those sales figures calculated anyway? What with the years and years of fluctuating currency values and retailer prices, the differing economic markets, maybe some other things I'm forgetting. Where do reliable numbers for that data come from?
>> No. 181614
physical sales are still the lead numbers. Not sure if they actually care to count digital platform. So what is the current over under on the PC version being crap port?
>> No. 181616
It really is surprising how rarely digital sales are included in numbers. But, a part of that might be because the only sources are the likely-biased Big Three that sell them digitally, instead of being able to get numbers from Wal-mart or Gamestop or whatever.

It interests me greatly at the moment since Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies is going to be eShop-only in the states, so I want to know how well it will fare.
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