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File 138413661367.png - (185.72KB , 405x259 , tree-of-harmony-Capture.png )
218806 No. 218806
The staff is hyping the heck out of it, looks like we'll see what it's all about in November 23rd.
Season 4 My Little Pony:FiMyoutube thumb
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>> No. 218812
It jumped the shark and its gotten stale. Even the bronies have cooled down. The craze is frankly and thankfully over.
>> No. 218813
Funny thing, "The Day of the Doctor" is gonna be the 23th.
And my birthday as well, but that's not really important.

And yet, there are still pone videos around and other fan stuff.
So I doubt this craze is far from over.
It's just slumbering...
>> No. 218820
I feel like the only people likely to find the show 'stale' now are those who built it up as something so much more than it is. As someone who simply enjoys it for the good cartoon it is, who never paid much attention to the noiser portion of the fandom, and who doesn't let hype cloud expectations, it's remained a consistently enjoyable show. Certainly nothing life-changing, but a fun, refreshing show.
>> No. 218821
indeed like the last few years in the off season the beast slumbers while on the surface the people forget and dismiss the previous happenings as isolated incidents. We've got a full 26 coming folks, strap in.
>> No. 218822
The fandom won't stop until Hasbro decides to stop the show. That's about it.
>> No. 218824
Eh. I feel it's more like Homestuck - the fanbase isn't disappearing entirely or anything but the peak of its energy has passed and things aren't going to constantly meet that level of crazy again. Which has its good points.
>> No. 218846
I think the staff HAS to hype it. Season 3 scared off a lot of folk and they should want to get them back. Hopefully the rumors of Derpy having her Easter eggs back are true.
>> No. 218856
After her appearance in EqG, I'd guess they won't have a problem using her.
>> No. 218857
just keep her shenanigans to the background. Heck they could do a whole Doctor Whooves show in the background.
>> No. 218898
File 138424997235.png - (246.88KB , 508x501 , Kitchen.png )
While they may be not as vocal in the off season some are still working hard to do what is good.


oh and interesting cameo in the comic.
>> No. 218906
File 138427910737.jpg - (643.57KB , 1024x4157 , pinkie_s_dilemma_by_the0ne_u_lost-d6no1xr.jpg )
>> No. 218911
File 138428694770.jpg - (1.59MB , 3500x2200 , captain_trixie_by_equestria_prevails-d4c9qqk.jpg )
I think this will be a better season than three.

Picture unrelated.
>> No. 218951
Jesus, set a lower bar why doncha? Season 3 was fucking awful. We went from an epic godlike villain, pod people, time travel paradoxes, Twilight going completely InSaNe, parodies of music man, tabloid journalism, and Murder on the Orient Express to CRYYYYSTALS, Discord being completely ruined, and Princess Twilight.

They could hardly do worse.
>> No. 218963
Actually they can. Remember how Celestia highjacked the elements to put Luna in her place? What's to stop Twilight from taking the elements from her friends and further solidifying her status as the only pony who matters due to her superiority?
>> No. 218966
Can anyone tell me why Princess Twilight was supposed to be such a bad thing beyond nerds having a delusional need to keep their protagonists as unexceptional and unsuccessful as they are? Any reason?
>> No. 218967
There is no reason other that that. "Bloo bloo why is she a princess now that's not faaaaiiiiirrrrr"
>> No. 218968
Actually the Princes Twi arc isn't over yet.
And I don't think the last season was that terrible.

I agree with most of what you say, but I gotta admit that the fandom alienated me from the show for some time. Specially during the whole Derpy fiasco, on which both bands weren't any better.

Yeah, figured out it was something as silly as that.
>> No. 218973
> “Royalty pollutes people’s minds, boy. honest men start bowing and bobbing just because someone’s granddad was a bigger murdering bastard than theirs was.” ― Terry Pratchett

Speaking for myself, I'm not happy with the continued glorification of royalty in fiction.

It's pretty ridiculous that anyone would say that Twilight would have been left "unexceptional and unsuccessful" were it not for her being turned into a member of The Elite Caste.
>> No. 218974
Cus it gives her the appeal of royalty without any of the responsibilities. We've seen time and again through all 3 seasons with Celestia having to put up with governmental bullshit, but Twilight is gonna be a princess without doing anything for her country jus cus it sells more toys.
>> No. 218977
1) Terry Pratchet quotes must count for some "Appeal to witty lines" fallacy by now. 2) The very first words of the show are how awesome princesses are. The fact that people didn't complain earlier (well, maybe with Cadence but iirc that was more over the existence of other alicorns) is what gives it the weirdly resentful vibe.
>> No. 218978
I'm gonna hold out till the first few episodes come out that are supposed to flesh out her growth to see what is what.
>> No. 218981
My only problem is the OCD I have with their only being one pegasus now.

I need my balance.
>> No. 218985
It's highly disingenuous for you to answer when the question isn't directed at you.

For me, the Princess Twilight twist was troubling on a few levels, but the main thing that bothered me was that it was just not good story fodder. It was something shoved in, in order to sell a toy. Up until that point, the show had managed to avoid episodes written just to sell a new toy.

Maybe they'll make some enjoyable stuff with it now that it's in place. But frankly the first half of the episode - everyone having their cutie marks switched and losing their sense of self - was a great idea and deserved to be an episode all to itself, not relegated to being a lead-in to boring scenes putting Twilight on a pedestal. That's not saying that there's something wrong with accomplishment, just that the whole segment where she became a Princess just didn't make for enjoyable viewing, and cut time away from what started out as one of the better premises of the season.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that the season was terrible, but there was a huge drop in quality. Season 2 had far more stand-out episodes, introduced a number of new characters that greatly benefited the show, and had better music overall, with Smile and Cider 6000 being two of the best songs the show has produced.

Season 3 was watchable for the most part, but just not up to the same standards.
>> No. 218988
So does this comic prequal make the Equestria Girls movie any better?
>> No. 218991
>It's highly disingenuous for you to answer when the question isn't directed at you.
Oh silly anon, I didn't saw your name on it. How could anon know that?
>> No. 218993
File 138437527291.png - (367.49KB , 900x394 , fucking bitch.png )
Gonna have to agree with this. You can pretty it up by saying that Twilight "earned" her title, but the whole concept of kings and princesses is built around the idea that some people are just better because they're royalty. Having one of the circle of friends get Princessified just rubs me the wrong way.

>People never complained until now

Fan depictions of Celestia have tended to be unflattering. She wasn't a main character, so it wasn't difficult to just ignore her for the most part while supplementing the show with depictions of her as being a horrible horrible individual.
>> No. 218995
File 13843770764.jpg - (6.13MB , 1174x11944 , trixie_s_big_chance_by_doublewbrothers-d6mit6x.jpg )
Oh yeah.
>> No. 219003
>Gonna have to agree with this. You can pretty it up by saying that Twilight "earned" her title, but the whole concept of kings and princesses is built around the idea that some people are just better because they're royalty. Having one of the circle of friends get Princessified just rubs me the wrong way.

Celestia made Twilight a princess by using the other 5 as sacrificial lambs just to so she could claim Twilight was superior to Starswirl the Bearded. She didn't care if Twilight failed and as a result the other 5 ended in eternal depression and misery.

All that for the benefit of Twilight Sue. The writers, Tara Strong herself, and Hasbro make no secret of which character is on a pedestal.
>> No. 219004
I have a theory that anyone who uses "sue" to describe a character they don't like is a bitter sore loser
>> No. 219007
I should have said "part of" what makes it seem bitter; most of it came of the long, insanely vicious rants about what makes Twilight so special, of course (and they were on this board, too. Like >>219003 )

 I always thought evil Celestia came from an mostly different reason though; it's the same concept behind evil Barney the Dinosaur, or the urban legends about asshole Mr.Rogers/Walt Disney/whatever, a somewhat immature reaction against "wholesomeness" and perceived moralizing. In the famous celebrities examples it can also be theorized to have a sour grapes angle to it, which brings this conversation full circle
>> No. 219009
It's ridiculous how many people have completely forgotten what the most basic aspect of the term is: author self-insertion. Overpoweredness, flat characterization, everything else is cruft. Ryan Somner's Rayne Summers doesn't have superpowers, and look at him.
>> No. 219015
>It's ridiculous how many people have completely forgotten what the most basic aspect of the term is: author self-insertion.

That's not the most basic aspect of the term is. There's something even more basic than that.

You click on a link to read something that's advertised as a Star Trek story, and it ends up being about some character not actually from any official Star Trek that shoves the official characters out of the spotlight. That was the sin. It was originally coined to describe a sort of character that turned up a lot in Star Trek fanfic. Star Trek, as you may recall, is about the Amazing Crew of a starship who hail from an Earth that managed to become a Utopia in just a few generations, with no war, famine, racism, disease, or anything. The crew habitually pwns alien menaces (including godlike ones) either by outsmarting them or by convincing them that the human way is the right way. The main character can't say five words to a robot without it short circuiting, and can't say five words to a woman without her falling in love with him (when he said five words to robot women they fell in love with him then ended up short circuiting. Seriously, Requiem for Methuselah and What Are Little Girls Made Of). Being ridiculously awesome and perfect, or even a bit of an author-insert? Meh, that wasn't the problem, people have been putting THAT in fiction a long time. The problem was I clicked this fucking link to read a Battlestar Galactica (1978) story and it's all about this noncanon character that's so awesome that the characters I give a fuck about are overshadowed.
>> No. 219018
Twilight would make an awesome beuracrat in canterlog, but does she have royalty in here? I don't really think so nor do I like the thought. Being tied to the monarchy makes her seem irresponsible for going on adventures instead of taking care of her empire. But if she stays in the palace it limits what she can do. Also what princess lives in a library?
>> No. 219020
File 138438911216.jpg - (108.99KB , 900x600 , trollestia.jpg )
>Terry Pratchett quotes qualify for an "appeal to wit" fallacy

I used the quote not as an argument in itself, but as a somewhat amusing way to sum up a view I didn't think was in need of debate: Monarchies Suck.

>The fact that people didn't complain earlier

Celestia wasn't a main character. It was extremely easy to ignore her. When people talked about her when the show was starting off, usually we ended up filtering her actions through an interpretation of her as a tyrant, a troll, or both.

>Sour grapes
I hope you're no still insisting that people just objected to her being successful, even after some people that disliked it have spoken up and given other reasons. Especially since the "people just hate success" argument makes so little sense in the context of the show as a whole. All the characters have been "exceptional and successful" in their own ways since the show began. If Twilight had won a title like "Arch-Wizard" or something, people would've been pretty cool with it, I suspect. "Princess" Twilight carries a bunch of baggage separate from general success.
>> No. 219022
>Maybe they'll make some enjoyable stuff with it now that it's in place. But frankly the first half of the episode - everyone having their cutie marks switched and losing their sense of self - was a great idea and deserved to be an episode all to itself, not relegated to being a lead-in to boring scenes putting Twilight on a pedestal. That's not saying that there's something wrong with accomplishment, just that the whole segment where she became a Princess just didn't make for enjoyable viewing, and cut time away from what started out as one of the better premises of the season.
This. I really enjoyed the first half, and it could stand as a good episode on its own, though there was still the matter of "WTF Celestia?!". If she simply said she didn't know what the spell was about, that would be enough, though. The second half was all about the celebration out of nowhere, and kinda left a bad taste.

Pretty much. The whole trollestia thing was just overreaction for lols, nothing to take seriously.

>Being tied to the monarchy makes her seem irresponsible for going on adventures instead of taking care of her empire. But if she stays in the palace it limits what she can do.
Yup. As far as we've seen, she deciphered an apparently useless spell, which won her alicornhood, a castle and royal guard/servants, subjects, but... what for? I mean, Celestia and Luna raise the fucking DAY and NIGHT. They do a job that used to be done by unicorns to keep a sort of natural balance, and help keep pony territory safe. Heck, Luna even guards ponies' sleep while she's at it. Twi's got lots of work to earn that post.
>> No. 219025

I haven't seen anything involving Princess Twilight except Equestria Girls (sorry) but does that actually happen? Have we been told she's getting land and responsibilities?

It'd be funny if it was an empty title, though. New season opens with Twilight Twilight fretting over her new title and responsibilites, then a flash-forward four months later, and she's at the post office to mail in her taxes, just sort of absentmindedly sorting them. Office clerk is treating this like nothing.

"Thank you, Mrs. Flaky Crust. Next in line, please. Hail Princess."

"*mumble* hail."

"Do you want priority shipping."

"No, just stamp it and send it, it'll be fine."

"Sure thing. Thank you for your business, your highness."

"Hrm? Oh, yes, thank you. Let's go get lunch, Spike."
>> No. 219026
I don't think anyone's saying that the trollestia stuff should be taken superseriously, just that she wasn't really on our radar except when we were doing jokes about her being evil. Saying "why do you have a problem with Twilight being a Princess when you didn't have a problem with Celestia being one?" misses the fact that we didn't give a fuck about Celestia except when we were putting our own spins on her.
>> No. 219028
Well Discord was brought to heel more or less for a more external Equestria role since it looks like her responsibility will somehow be tied to both Cadence and her Brothers new duties at the Crystal Empire and some other outside force. She'll be a more ambassadorial princess than a central political one to be short about it.
>> No. 219029
This is pretty much it. What was the point in making her a princess when were told nothing's going to change (besides selling toys)? It's just dumb
>> No. 219035
That would be funny indeed. And I was referring exactly to EqG and whatever we could gather from the end of season 3. There might be more details on the recent books, but, uh... I actually haven't read them yet, either.
>> No. 219038
Did Princess Cadance own any land or have any real responsibilities before the Crystal Empire re-appeared? I think princesshood works differently in the land of ponies.

Anyway, I thought we were told nothing would change with respect to how Twilight and her friends interact. Not necessarily that nothing else will change. One theory I've heard was the upcoming season premiere about the Everfree Forest spreading would end with her ruling some sort of Everfree Kingdom or whatever.
>> No. 219072
Isnt the point of the everfree forest is that its a wild and unruly place where pony magic has no control over it?
>> No. 219079
New preview clip
>> No. 219083
Only earth ponies and their elder magic can handle that area.
>> No. 219089
That's a good point and you're right, but I'll note that it wouldn't be odd if someone disliked Star Trek because of those qualities.
>> No. 219090
To note that Twilight's ability is pure magic usage. So outside of the boundaries of Equestria magic may not work along the same lines as the rules established there but Twilight may work as a pocket of magic tied to those rules wherever she travels.
>> No. 219095
Twilight used her magic in the Everfree Forest (teleported behind Nightmare Moon) just fine. I don't remember if Rarity used any magic while in there... either it's a case of only Twilight can do it, or any unicorn can but the more subtle, passive magics like weather control doesn't work.
>> No. 219306
Looking forward to issue 13 despite twilaicorn . Its about time for some adventure again
>> No. 219410
>last panel on this week's issue
...Is this going where I think it might be going?
>> No. 219455
Giant Enemy Crab battle? We can only hope.
>> No. 219458
I'm dying to see Discord's role now
>> No. 219468
So then, for example, Raoul Duke is a Mary Sue?
>> No. 219471
Just having an author avatar is a little different and separate from projecting fantasies onto a character to the point of making the audience feel like a voyeur. Never watched/read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (sorry), but I haven't heard of it having an entire arc about what a great penis he has (actual Least I Could Do example).
>> No. 219473
Honestly, while I was making the joke to mock people's use of the term Mary Sue for all sorts of stuff they forgive "acceptable" writing for doing, Raoul Duke is very much an idealized authorial self-insert character. There's enough truth in what Hunter Thompson writes that it's nigh impossible to tell which parts are real and which parts are fiction, but it is almost certainly a glamorized version of the real events, based solely on how much Thompson makes you care about that shit.

But that just further proves my point about the laziness of "Mary Sue" as a criticism. You could level pretty much every charge you can think of that are associated with Mary Sues at well-respected characters by well-respected authors. "Mary Sue" is a cop-out term that armchair critics use to get out of having to put actual thought into their criticism. It's probably closely related to what Film Critic Hulk refers to as the "Tangible Details" problem.
>> No. 219475
Shit, do "I'm going to educate you" responses like this happen literally everytime the word comes up? I don't even remember what warranted this since it's a response to something over a week ago.
>> No. 219476
I thought they actually would be able to control weather over the forest, and even cut it back entirely if they wanted, but they don't have much of a reason to take it and powerful forest creatures could get upset over the lost territory.
>> No. 219486
Aye, thar be dragons. And manticores and cockatrices and stuff. It's simply wild territory, as far as we know yet.

Rarity sorta used her magic to "fix" that fabulous serpent's moustache.
>> No. 219513
File 138515416088.gif - (4.67MB , 504x360 , no_pinkie___no_emo__by_nutrafin-d6nw9jc.gif )
>> No. 219530
File 138518483470.jpg - (74.74KB , 1024x768 , 478841__safe_twilight+sparkle_rainbow+dash_flutter.jpg )
>> No. 219548
File 138523328827.jpg - (627.43KB , 960x835 , my_little_pony_mini_collection_deluxe_cake_famil-2.jpg )
I think I speak for all of us when I say, SO CUUUTE!
>> No. 219551
this is good but her skin colour is so light it makes her look unsettlingly like an embryo
>> No. 219552
File 138524810582.gif?spoiler - (4.13MB , 650x361 , 479462__safe_princess+luna_princess+celestia_anima.gif?spoiler )
>> No. 219553
So yeah.
How was hoarse show, part 4?
>> No. 219562
So what's going on with Discord in there? Was this the new episode of the two parter premiere? I don't care about anything in S4 except Discord out of morbid curiosity.
>> No. 219566
That was my favorite season premiere yet. We get explicit backstory of Luna turning into Nightmare Moon, Luna and Celestia defeating Discord and turning him into stone, and where exactly the Elements of Harmony came from. Discord was handled pretty much perfectly; an unrepentant, conniving manipulative asshole, even as a "friend". They've introduced a season-running plot of trying to find 6 keys to open a mystery box with six locks.

I am hyped as fuck.
>> No. 219567
We also saw what elements each princess used when they defeated Discord by the color of the gem. Celestia -> Magic, Kindness, Generosity Luna -> Laughter, Honesty, Loyalty. Luna and Loyalty, haha.
>> No. 219568
My Little Pony: Friendship is …youtube thumb
Ended watching it, and it was good.
Not really excited about it, but still good.

I loved that was well (and the fact that a lot of grimdark origins/backstory fics/fancomics are pretty much kicked into nothing).
>> No. 219571
>Not really excited about it, but still good.

The problem is that they reused the same formula, again. Celestia and Luna are as useless as ever. But it was definitely not bad, and better than the crystal episode of last season.
>> No. 219579
This is the only set I see around here. Boxes and boxes of this and fancy friends
>> No. 219581
Damn, that sounds lucky. Fancy friends is the one with the new Fluttershy model, right?

The Cakes look pretty decent there, but I really would like to get the nurse. Also if I get every set that interests me, I'm gonna end up with a ton of Pinkies for some reason.
>> No. 219583
File 138530699650.jpg - (433.92KB , 1600x1063 , NMM-Manticore-fluttershy-steven.jpg )

no , you mean this set. so far i find the blind bags only decent toys from this franchise , good to know new molds are coming , even of these of lesser importance.
>> No. 219585
True that, have a review.
Rad Review: Elements of Harmon…youtube thumb
And I too can only mostly find the fancy friends pack in stores.
Thats why I got hype to see new sets I have not seen before.
Even if I will never buy then do to them being to expensiv (30kr for a blindbag?), low on the priority buying list and them having high odd of showing up on yardsales and fleemaket real cheep~
Still hunting for a grannysmith doe.
>> No. 219586
Oh, right, I meant this one. Wow, had forgotten it feats NMM, really do want. Is Fancy Friends the fashion ponies one, then, or what? That's one of the easiest to find here, but it's also more expensive for some reason (high society much?), and... well they're not quite my favorites. Still might get it if it gets cheaper, since I don't even have a regular Rarity yet.

Some brushables actually look neat, and people who can style the manes work wonders on them, from pictures I've seen. Also, some of the Funko ones look great. But yeah, I give preference to blind bags, too.

Kinda sucks that some are set-exclusive, or hard to find on a "vanilla" version.
>> No. 219589
Fancy friends is the fashion ones. Also I can't believe they made lyrics ( aka background rich canterlot pony) into a toy and even in a set and not fancy pants or fluer de lis
>> No. 219590
File 138532589121.jpg - (256.00KB , 1280x512 , 0000983_my-little-pony-famous-friends-set-mini-3-p.jpg )
Its this one right?
Just so we are all one the same page here.
The fancy page~
>> No. 219591
Yea, down here in Eastern NC, all we have is tons of the Cakes set, Fancy Firneds (Fashion Ponies), and then neon blind bags. Occasionally we get the Zecora or Diamond Tiara set but its gone before I decide to grab it. My wife really wants vinyl CMC's but I think the only one they've made is apple bloom
>> No. 219593
Nnnnope, still don't care for Alicorn Twilight.
>> No. 219594
These are the blindbag sets I'm waiting for:


Also waiting for opaque Flim and Flam...
>> No. 219595
File 138532866239.jpg - (426.47KB , 1900x1900 , spin_prod_888941412.jpg )
Heh dawww. She can't have a public name but she's still with us.
>> No. 219598
What's up with her head?
>> No. 219601
Weren't they in wave 7? Or maybe in the uk waves?

I have half a mind to get them from the transluscent wave, not sure.
>> No. 219602
>Royal Surprise Set
Oh yeah, got linked to it yesterday, didn't know it's still gonna be released.
Yup, want. Also not sure if they're still selling Princess Celestia on current waves.
>> No. 219604
Didn't a tweet from McCarthy say a fan favorite was getting an official name and lots of screen time? If its Derpy ill be happy with cameos but pissed if she's ditzy doo or something else. I'll take the current ambiguous name over something officially not Derpy
>> No. 219609
Hmm, you're right. Opaque Flim and Flam are apparently UK only at the moment.


I didn't notice because they were the only opaques in translucent waves... weird. I think I'll wait for a US release rather than pay for shipping from UK.

Is her fan-made name really that important?
>> No. 219616
File 138533776131.jpg - (32.87KB , 400x400 , 163EFF3050569047F5F4B38F14632F2D.jpg )
These reminds me think of the Smurf mini figurins I see in stores.
Its the playing music pose I guess.
>> No. 219621
She's ambiguously-kinda-officially Derpy already, though, no?

Nah, looks like they're still transluscent in those. Damn.

They should really re-release some of the older ones, and some transluscent as opaque.
>> No. 219624
The one on the right: why the hell make her out of sooo many other ponies. Coulda made Octavia's apple clone who played the fiddle. We just know this ones a canterlot socialite
>> No. 219626
>Coulda made Octavia's apple clone who played the fiddle.
I was just thinking about that today. Guess at best we might get an Octavia recolor.
Maybe they figured kids might like Lyrica's looks alone.
>> No. 219627
File 138534161496.png - (938.63KB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-11-24-03h41m03s175.png )
Well, I was expecting greatness, and I got it.
>> No. 219628
Steven Magnet? They used his name on a toy earlier, and he does live in the forest.
>> No. 219630
I liked seeing Celestia and Luna with their bags and looking a bit travel worn.
>> No. 219643
I liked seeing them from an difficult angle. Cause it is usually profile, front, or an awkward cheat at 45°. It warms my <3 to see DHX trying to better themselves.
>> No. 219667
File 13854094046.gif - (3.87MB , 500x281 , h17319F50.gif )
>> No. 219668
heh that would be a funny four star bit.
>> No. 219687
File 13854855461.gif - (1.11MB , 500x287 , 870.gif )
>> No. 219689
File 138549853237.png - (801.01KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2013-11-25-16h34m34s72.png )
interesting her Alicorn mojo is still the stuff she broke out season 3 opening
>> No. 219690
Alicorn magic looks like Sombra's dark magic, and the Alicorn Amulet corrupts the user. Foreshadowing?
>> No. 219697
I thought I might have missed a line about black magic being necessary for it.
>> No. 219702
File 138551732232.png - (1.81MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-11-26-20h51m25s26.png )
not black just Alicorn.
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