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218669 No. 218669
>Results guaranteed.
172 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 219930
Rey can sometimes carry on when he gets talking, and says things in lengthy fashion. There's your explanation for taking forever to 'get to the point'. As for the need to say those things at all, maybe it seems trite from the perspective of a jaded reader who's heard this kind of thing in a dozen other stories, but it's not for the readers. It's for Kat.
>> No. 219935
He's talking about "the outside of teh court" as in "the real world of the reader". There was no reason to pull that analogy there except to address the issue to the reader. It's even more blatant when you consider Annie is nowhere near close to be associated to that world he's talking about, and for having lived close to her for 2 years now he should pretty much know that.
>> No. 219954
> reynard is empathizing with kat because he too had a romance that was frowned upon by society

In Rey's case, the "romance" had every right to be shunned by society. Him complaining that humans don't understand and all of that is kinda shitty since he actually got off easy, all things considered.

Are we really forgetting what he did? Because that didn't stop being a thing.
>> No. 219957
Yes, he killed someone, and I don't think anyone's trying to excuse that fact. However, it's also worth remembering that Surma intentionally misled him as per the Court's instructions, and without that, he would likely have never felt the need to take someone's body. No one came out of that incident looking particularly laudable.
>> No. 219960

you sure pulled a lot of things i didnt say out of the thing i did say
>> No. 219961
Part of that makes me wonder again if Paz might actually be functioning in a similar capacity in this round. Something to keep Kat from getting too far into her projects that the court has grown concerned about. Might be other reason that is all being mentioned other than the "its okay to be yourself" peptalk.
>> No. 219967
That green text is your whole last post, you can hardly defend yourself by saying you didn't post it.
>> No. 219968
She's...not talking about the green text, I really shouldn't have to tell you that.
>> No. 220017
As a libertarian that is quite intolerant of all the "die cis scum privilege ablist bla bla" SJW horseshit, I don't find this to be preachy or going over the line. I think it's fairly in character. I don't think tom is of the mind to be a SJW twat, and I think this entire arc has been done tastefully and without crossing into author mouthpiece areas.
>> No. 220018
Oh God Rey do you have fucking rankings?
>> No. 220027

If it makes you feel any better, I knew what you were doing.
>> No. 220106
That whole rant is "us vs them", to yeah, it's pretty SJW bullshit at work.
>> No. 220112
yeah, no one actually hates gays, tumblr and leddit just invented the "homophobia" boogeyman as an excuse to attack people

are you even listening to yourself
>> No. 220117
i know a lot of straight people are whining over how boring this message that isnt about them is, but this is honestly the kind of thing lil queer kids like me need to hear from media makers that we admire. suck it up, boners
>> No. 220118
True, far too little that actually provides a positive encouragement of self when this kinda stuff starts coming up around this age. Working on a project I hope to turn into a teen book series wherein the main has dealt with similar. Its kinda a mix of Filmore meets Batwoman.
>> No. 220124
It is a bit preachy and Rey is obviously being a mouthpiece for the message, but this isn't really the comic turning into SWJ-mode.

If you want a true SWJ conversion, look at what Ishida did to Sinfest.
>> No. 220125
Yeah, for it to be actually sjw-y it has to stop seeming genuine.
>> No. 220129
that would only happen if the court or people within it see it as a problem, but as been said that is totally not the case and this is just someone coming to terms with themselves and their feels. It might be a little backwards and this heart to heart with Rey about her feelings toward Paz making a bit more sense if they had engaged in this Real Talk before going on the date with Paz.
>> No. 220136
> 3 pages of one character counselling another about her insecurity that has been building for over 10 chapters, and his dialogue is clearly directed at her and not the reader
> "oh my god stop preaching to me tom, i can't believe the DIRTY FEMINISTS have converted you and your comic into a SJW treatise"

you are idiots
>> No. 220137
Tumblr has its trigger words, 4chan (and sadly, plus4chan thanks to 4chan's ugly taint on our site) has its trigger words.

The thing you have to understand is that people on these imageboards are exactly like touchy teenage girls who want to be special and fight for causes that they don't really understand or even care about beyond the chance to get attention for themselves, only the cause they're fighting for is the opposite.

This is what happens when you let teenagers on the internet.
>> No. 220140
yes, which is what i said, they are idiots
>> No. 220148
And people scoffed and guffawed when I said we should try something, anything, to keep the growing influx from 4chan seeping into this place, which was supposed to be a refuge from everything bad about that site in the first place.

Y'all still think we should keep twiddling our thumbs and doing nothing?
>> No. 220156
No, I always agreed. But there's not much we can do about it.
>> No. 220161
Eh. I'm gay it's fucking annoying to read this as it goes on for fucking three pages. One page to 4 panels would have been fine.
>> No. 220162
well its isolated and likely will stop once Real Talk moment does. Hopefully soon, unless its time for weeks of talking to Annie about the feels and then finding Paz so all can come to an understanding. Oh I hope Annie just lip locks and be done with it, and she brought Paz so it can all be done at once without another week of wandering.
>> No. 220169
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We're going full circle on this shit.
>> No. 220170
And double-posting right away. Never gonna post a personal opinion in a page update post ever again.
I feel most of this irrational hate is coming from a speech like that taking over a week, even if it's justified, because webcomic format. It's not exciting and we've heard the exact same stuff a veritable number of times, but it had to happen. And when a webcomic drags, it draaaaaaags.
>> No. 220171
well poo, feeling all alone again is she?
>> No. 220172

Seems that way.

I'd be fine with either a happy or unhappy resolution. Drama llama is nice every now and then, but so is the power of friendship.
>> No. 220173
would like a court map to gauge it by though to see if this was "I just need some me time" to "I don't want to have anything to do with Kat!!." Level of Distance.

Yea while some tension is healthy for a storyline if this went all the way to "Annie has moved to other quarters and doesn't wished to be bothered." I don't think even Paz being there could fix Kat's heartbreak. Mend it a little maybe but she'd still be crushed.
>> No. 220176
Do you not recognize the location?
>> No. 220177
I do and now that I think about the symbolism. She feels Kat is now closed off to her if I'm understanding her not even entering the area around the tree.
>> No. 220178
Going to a place that you shared a moment with someone doesn't suggest a person who's "done" with the other person. It suggests someone who wants to feel close to someone again because they feel suddenly and unexpectedly distanced from them.
>> No. 220180
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Yea lot of heavy feels. But that has been creeping up for months with Paz and Kat becoming closer. Maybe she felt she had more time or something.
>> No. 220188
Ah, back when you could stab somebody with Annie's face, those were the days.
>> No. 220189
> And when a webcomic drags, it draaaaaaags.

Well, to be fair that's always been a problem with the comic. I mean, remember how long it took to establish that Jones was really really old?
>> No. 220191
And whatever resolution from this will take about a week barring flashbacks to earlier times with Kat and Annie, can't rule those out seeing Annie feels like she's losing her or something. Still a little surprised it hit her as hard as it seems to be.
>> No. 220215
It's a betrayal from the person she trusted the most, and a major oversight on her part as well.
>> No. 220226
Yea as noted it wasn't that secret likely that snog is all over whatever collective network those robots share and likely they've updated her status among the populace already, showed it on a big screen with captions. Course with the heavy symbolism could indicate Annie had found her feelings run deeper.

Oh that would so suck if that was what she was going to talk to Kat about. Feels kinda match that situation. Annie going to confess her feelings and find she's been beaten to the punch by another. And so the few pages will be Annie's flashback talking it out with someone and coming to that conclusion and getting all pepped to tell Kat and then..wham.
>> No. 220227
> It's a betrayal from the person she trusted the most
> a betrayal

... what?
>> No. 220229
"Betrayal" is the wrong word for it, but it's pretty understandable that a close friend would react by thinking "wow, that's a pretty big thing not to have told me. I thought we were close enough as friends that you'd tell me about something like this, but you hid it instead" .
>> No. 220231
Well Kat was having a hard time figuring out her feelings as well up until the Kiss and that pushed things over the edge for her.
>> No. 220256
Sure, but Annie doesn't know that Kat had been having trouble figuring shit out. For all she knows, Kat had all her ducks in a row for ages.
>> No. 220266
Kat is the first human friend she's ever had, and while she talks to other people, Kat is still the only one she's actually close to. I think it's pretty reasonable that she'd have a reaction like this when she's faced with the prospect of being left behind for a girlfriend.

Like, her parents ditched all their friends when they got together too. She has had a very isolated life.
>> No. 220281
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[HD] Friends - Flight of the Conchordsyoutube thumb
>> No. 220297
I'm glad to see this get wrapped up nicely.
>> No. 220306
"Annie, don't tell me you hate--"

"I am sorry Kat but I won't deny it, yes, I do hate spaniards"
>> No. 220319
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A request fulfilled.
>> No. 220416
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This is kinda reminding me of Farnesse's mother describing her and Serpico's relationship in Berserk.
>> No. 220420
Wasn't expecting THAT.

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