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388333 No. 388333
>Are you going to stand there, fiddling with your phone or sit down and socialize with us? What do you have at home that’s so important?

Lemme ask you. Do you honestly think I want to be here until past midnight, listening to you get drunk and loud?

>We are here because your sister is leaving tomorrow and we are saying goodbye.

I was told we were eating over. I have told you this repeatedly. I expect to go there, eat, and then leave. I didn’t want to eat and listen to you laugh and talk for four hours while I sit here like a jackass.

>What are you so antsy for that you just need to leave?

I'm going to hang out with friends from the internet and watch funny videos.

>Oh, so strangers then?
375 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 389014
what the fuck...
>> No. 389019
Depends. It's been growing from a bunch of stuff.

>MRAs from the early 2000s, essentially guys uncomfortable with gender roles and guys who miss old gender roles.
>deviantART and Livejournal's alt communities getting bigger and bigger.
>Reddit's becoming mainstream and having terrible shit like 2000 upvote racist posts cause a backlash that made the SJW thing huge.
>"nice guys" becoming a known thing, turning "nice guys" with cognitive dissonance into SJWs.

And in all that, you have people learning about how fucked up racism/sexism/etc is in society with a small percentage being more buttmad than concerned.
>> No. 389020
I just want the fat acceptance people to go away. I was obese (nearly 270 lbs) until about a year ago. There's nothing good about it. Back pain, shin pain from walking short distances, sleep apnea if you're huge enough, trouble breathing from normal tasks.
It's just sad to see people encourage self-destructive behavior in others.
Thinspo people are also fucked up. Healthy body weight for everyone, please.
>> No. 389021
>obese (nearly 270 lbs)

>> No. 389022
Fat acceptance is fine in certain contexts. Being fat has its issues and I urge everyone to get to a healthy body weight, but people should feel good in their own skin.

Feeling good about yourself doesn't mean that you have to be perfect and I would rather not give people all sorts of mental issues for what they look like when they can just lose the weight and not take the mental baggage with them. Maybe I'm crazy but it seems like in most cases it's easier to solve being overweight than it is to solve problems with the human mind.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that people should lose the weight but not necessarily feel bad about being fat.
>> No. 389023
In my experience as someone who isn't even close to a professional anything, self-image issues about weight are usually not solved by slimming up a bit.
>> No. 389024
It's not about encouraging people to be obese and not lose weight, it's about people treating you as a human being regardless of how much you weigh. Also, having a supportive community can help people lose weight in a healthy way, and many people do. "Fat acceptance" doesn't mean "stop caring that you're fat" or "being fat is amazing." Honestly if you think it's the second, you've probably just come across some fetishists.

If you've been considerably overweight for most of your life you probably got made fun of for it, felt judged a lot (that wasn't just you making stuff up in your head: they really do stare at you as you eat food and think about how you shouldn't be eating because you should be dieting to stop being such a gross lazy asshole) and got preached at by people who seem to believe that you haven't yourself noticed that you're fat and that you should do something about it. This is the sort of thing that causes people to be depressed, which makes them not want to do anything, which makes them gain even more weight. Or they develop eating disorders and nobody--not even some doctors--will believe that they are starving themselves when they are still overweight. If you are alone and NOBODY is telling you that you have intrinsic value as a human being, but EVERYONE is saying that you would have value--or at least that we'd recognise that you did all along--if only you'd drop a bunch of pounds, the chances of you living a full and healthy life and successfully losing weight and keeping it off are very low, which is the reality for many people out there. You need a support system, and the "fat acceptance" community does do this for people who don't have friends and family who will help them out. Congrats if you willed yourself down to a healthy weight with no encouragement whatsoever but that's actually very difficult to do.

Please don't become one of those assholes who are like, "I lost weight so if you can't do it my way, you're a lazy shit who isn't trying hard enough." Seems to me that once you shed a ton of weight you actually don't shed the self-loathing along with it, but now that you're not fat anymore, it's just directed at other people who look like you used to. Have you caught yourself doing that yet? You've probably done it.
>> No. 389025
I have no problem with people being fat and content with their life. I specifically dislike the people who encourage it or brush aside legitimate health concerns that stem from or are exacerbated by being overweight. I also find issue with those who discourage people who are trying to lose weight. The latter is common if the person's friends or family are also overweight.
I lost weight because I knew doing so would help with some of the physical problems I had, not because I disliked myself.
I do understand psychological factors make losing weight hard for some people, and I would never condone being an asshole to someone because of their size.
>> No. 389026
>The latter is common if the person's friends or family are also overweight.

This sounds anecdotal. Is it?
>> No. 389027
That's because you're not a complete idiot unless you have a victim complex. That, and nobody likes being called out on their bullshit - modern society assumes "free speech" is short for "consequence-free speech".
Start with something simple, preferably on the benefits of anti-depressants, then I'll see if I need to switch it up to something more detailed.
>> No. 389029
Most basic one I've been able to find that isn't to clinical or cynical about Anti-Depressants. I'll keep looking for something, more family inclusive possibly.

>> No. 389030
>It's not about encouraging people to be obese and not lose weight
Most of it is exactly this. Hence the problem.
>> No. 389031
Again, SJWs are the ones more concerned with how butthurt they are personally than with being empathetic towards others.
>> No. 389032
I just want people to stop giving a shit about my body.
>> No. 389034
They'll never stop giving a shit, Tooth. Living in a global, connected, modern multiculture means that no matter what you do in your life, people will resent you or condescend to you for it. There is no escaping this. The good thing about the fat acceptance movement is that it's teaching people that in order to better yourself, you need to accept yourself first, at which point you'll either find weight loss easy or just accept the body you have without having it be a mental anchor that keeps you unhappy.

The problems only come about when it's co-opted by insecure people who just want to shout away everything that makes them feel bad about themselves. Skinny people, magazines about skinny people, asking skinny people how they got skinny, articles on the health effects of obesity, people finding skinny people attractive, etc.

It's generally easier to find insecure, bitter people than people who give a shit on the internet.
>> No. 389035
Probably my favorite thing about Moe is that I'd say he's probably in the top 5 most informed, socially-aware people on this site, but chooses to just fuck with people who don't know better a vast majority of the time.
It's pretty fantastic.
>> No. 389036
So you're asking people to look past attractiveness? Good luck with that.
>> No. 389037
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somebody doesn't know that the most attractive thing about a person often is their personality. Physical, superficial beauty is overvalued by our society, and no amount of subjective physical attractiveness makes up for being an utter shitlord IRL. Whereas somebody who knows they are worth it, and truly values themselves and others regardless of the prevailing cultural atmosphere, will always be attractive on some level even if physically they do not conform to any kind of standard. (picture only related to the first half)
>> No. 389038
Not necessarily attractiveness, no. I don't particularly care if someone finds me attractive or not and funnily enough, some of the people who have treated me the worst over being fat actually were attracted to me/fat girls in general.

Moe is the only worthwhile person on this site.
>> No. 389039
debbie downer time
the unfortunate truth to that is that you still can't choose your personality. you can only slowly work on it.

you can make huge changes, but you can't just wake up the next day and say that you want to be competent, funny, spontaneous, witty, attentive, etc.

and you'll need practice to get any of those skills if you don't already have them.

>> No. 389040
I don't know what this is...
>> No. 389041
you're fat?
>> No. 389042
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Yes. Not 400lbs-can't-walk-up-the-stairs-without-dying-documentary-fat, but still pretty fat.
>> No. 389043
>somebody doesn't know that the most attractive thing about a person often is their personality.

Someone doesn't know that in the real world, physical attractiveness counts. Nobody is going to have sex with you based on nothing but a personality. It's completely rational, normal, and above all else human to go for a physically attractive girl before a fat one.
>> No. 389046

seen worse, decent large Hellenic proportions.
>> No. 389047
>Nobody is going to have sex with you based on nothing but a personality.

>> No. 389048
I don't know, man. First of all, some men find larger women more attractive than smaller women. But setting that aside for a moment because it doesn't say anything about the idea that physical attractiveness can't ever be trumped by personal attractiveness, I've definitely found myself becoming attracted to women I've only ever talked to over the internet, without ever having seen their pictures.
>> No. 389049
I'm not saying it doesn't trump it. But if even if I'm personally attracted to you, if I'm not physically attracted then we might as well just be good friends, because I won't want to be intimate and lewd with you. Even over the internet, if I'm attracted to a girl without ever having seen her, I at least have an IMAGE of what she looks like, and what she looks like isn't fat.
>> No. 389050
This post is full of projection.

It's not all about you, homie. You seem to be basing all this on how you feel. You're not everyone else.
>> No. 389052
Don't act as though I'm in the minority.
>> No. 389053
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Physical appeal is like advertising. It could be the best movie/TV shows in the world, but nobody cares if you've never heard of it (internet people who stay in all day) or if the commercial is shit (unattractive).

I've met a lot of Speed Racer ass girls who didn't command a second glance at when we first met but became irresistible in a few months when I finally got to see the Blu-Ray (get to know them). It's not hard to see why this is unfair though, because if their asses were a bit fatter, or their makeup game was a bit more on point, they'd be considered Avatars and Avengers. Love comes easier to attractive people because people are more willing to actually put in work trying to get to know them.

This love shit isn't all that complicated at all. If you live in a big city, you probably see at least a dozen soul-mate level guys and girls every day. The hard part is actually getting to know them intimately, because most people don't just stick out.
>> No. 389054
Never claimed you were. Never implied you were. It's also irrelevant to the point I was making.
>> No. 389055
you're on a post rampage and all i have is nachos
which is great
>> No. 389057
Okay. How do I ask/beg people for any old computer they'd want to donate... and still retain any sense of dignity?

I'm pretty desperate.
>> No. 389058
That said, does anyone have an old laptop they could possibly donate?
>> No. 389065
File 139139597729.jpg - (199.30KB , 717x1024 , black celt.jpg )
I judge thee decent. At this point it depends more on if you're active or in shape enough to contribute to a sexing experience, instead of just lying there. Also, the shape of your boobs and butt, rather than their volume. Barring that you can locate a black celt because that is definitely "black people hot". Problem solved.

>Nobody is going to have sex with you based on nothing but a personality.
Yeah lold at that, some people can't seem to distinguish between a short term fuck socket and a long term person you could grow to love and respect. Personality is really only a requirement for the second.
>> No. 389069
There was no problem to solve but thanks anyway.
>> No. 389071
>short term fuck socket

Is that really what you think of any girl you try and get with? Really dude, if you are drawing that arbitrary a line between people, even in the long run, all you're going to end up with are "fuck sockets" you don't actually care about, because that's the only kind of girl who will really go for you and who you can really go for. You might be able to stick your dick in someone you don't respect for a single evening but it will be hollow and you'll still be alone the next morning. Physical attractiveness plays a role, yes, but if there isn't any actual connection, she'll discard you as soon as she learns what you are and what you're going for. Or worse, she will not see what you are doing at all and you will be stuck with a girl you can't talk with, can't make sense with, and who you will ultimately probably end up paying child support to. Think about it. If you're just trying to go for these girls for one night of passion, who's to say that they don't field requests from dozens of guys just like you, daily. If you do not mesh, if you do not understand them as a person, it's perfectly reasonable that they will see you as being just as disposable as you see them.
>> No. 389073
That's kind of a cumbersome analogy considering the point being made. Shoulda gone with a cult film whose most talked about features weren't visual.
>> No. 389075
I think all he was trying to say is that there's a difference between hooking up for a one night stand and finding someone who is willing to stick with you. It was just worded awkwardly, I think.
>> No. 389076
dem titties tho

I have nothing worthwhile to add to such a decent discussion
>> No. 389081
You're welcome.

Did you not read the end of that sentence? There's a huge difference between finding someone in a club you can party with for the night, and finding someone at your job/church etc you could have a relationship with. The first is based on physical attractiveness, the second on personality.

> if there isn't any actual connection, she'll discard you
That's kind of the point of one night stands, the weird thing would be if we remember each others name a week from then.

Yeah the tits are pretty fucking noice. Also dem hips. You can't see much in the pic though...
>> No. 389085
>> No. 389090
No one likes fat men for being fat, so no one should like fat women for being fat either. If we can't have this, feminism has failed.

Fat women should be liked for supplemental qualities like fat men are. You know, being good cooks, singing opera, being fetishes for gay men who think they're bears from all the acid they take. In short, fat women should be liked for eating a bunch of ice cream, having a lot of gay friends, smelling like the ocean, and being mad at pornography.

After this I understand the need for the fat-acceptance movement. People don't usually like it when others smell like the ocean, and that's because society's many fishmongers have sold a patriarchal sexist notion that that means decay and death and not unleashed femininity. We must better ourselves.
>> No. 389091
Pretty sure my Acid Reflux is enhanced by, if not caused by, my weight. This is likely the largest I've ever been, though I haven't been on a scale proper in some time.

Gonna see if I can get an exercise bike to stick in my room; then it's just getting the willpower to use it for an hour or two a day...
>> No. 389092
>> No. 389096
This post sounds like one of those generated stories where you plug like two words in and the script does the rest
>> No. 389098
i don't like ice cream, i have failed in my duty as a fat woman and must commit sudoku. just promise me you'll visit my grave every week to whisper dragon age inquisition spoilers at my headstone.
>> No. 389102
Don't kill yourself bby. You have so much to live not so long for.
>> No. 389413
>No one likes fat men for being fat, so no one should like fat women for being fat either. If we can't have this, feminism has failed.

You just gotta hang out on the darker corners of the internet.
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