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File 138949821414.jpg - (44.20KB , 300x300 , 1349067346130.jpg )
388333 No. 388333
>Are you going to stand there, fiddling with your phone or sit down and socialize with us? What do you have at home that’s so important?

Lemme ask you. Do you honestly think I want to be here until past midnight, listening to you get drunk and loud?

>We are here because your sister is leaving tomorrow and we are saying goodbye.

I was told we were eating over. I have told you this repeatedly. I expect to go there, eat, and then leave. I didn’t want to eat and listen to you laugh and talk for four hours while I sit here like a jackass.

>What are you so antsy for that you just need to leave?

I'm going to hang out with friends from the internet and watch funny videos.

>Oh, so strangers then?
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>> No. 388335
>validating statement as to make OP feel confident.
>> No. 388338
This is why I don't go home. I love my family, but being with them bring me no pleasure. So when I go home I just sit around doing half the normal things I do and sometimes do activities with them like a board game or see a movie, as well as meals. But overall I'm bored as fuck and I get depressed because I can't do everything I usually do and I feel that I'm letting them down.
>> No. 388339
I've been posting for like, 5 years now. I just took a name cause Raptor told me to.
Sooth that hateboner mang.
>> No. 388340
Yo tooth,
you and justabebopbaby.tumblr.com should totes hook up.
>> No. 388341
>I'm going to hang out with friends from the internet and watch funny videos.
>Oh, so strangers then?

Oh good lord, I know that feel. As if we still live in the early 00's where even showing a picture of yourself online was considered dangerous.
>> No. 388342
Anon who first told you to shut up here, that's not me. Just sayin.
>> No. 388343
>showing a picture of yourself online was considered dangerous

It still kinda is, for most women & girls.
>> No. 388344
>where even showing a picture of yourself online was considered dangerous
I don't like doing that, but because I always feel weird looking at myself. Like, I know exactly how chubby I am and my various defects, but it's still discoserting when I look in the mirror. Like I have some sort of far-more-suave mental image of myself and when I see a photo or a mirror it just wrecks that ideal.
>> No. 388345
Didn't assume it was, it's just plain silly to reminisce for days when I wasn't here, even when I almost always was.
>> No. 388346
File 138951337157.jpg - (29.45KB , 512x384 , 1239562062233.jpg )
Sure is fun waking up from heartburn so painful it brings you to tears.

>Sister comes home for Christmas and my birthday.
>Ask her if she wants to watch a movie before she goes back to Quebec.
>Yeah, sure.
>Almost never home.
>Last day, I flat-out ask her if she doesn't want to watch a movie.
>Jamie, I ran out of time, calm down. We'll watch a movie when I come home again.
>Word for word what she said to me last time before she left.
>In August.
>She won't be home until July.
>> No. 388347

So you're picturing yourself as you'd ideally appear in the Matrix?

All kidding aside, I think most people do that. For example, my self-image is of a me with, among other things, flawless skin (instead of covered in body hair, acne scars, and stretch marks that randomly appeared one year despite me not gaining any weight), perfect teeth (instead of crooked and one chipped), and a smooth face befitting James Bond (kinda forced to grow facial hair to make myself appear as a legitimate adult, and I HATE IT), and of course tanned and trim. My reaction when I look in the mirror is basically, "Who is this ugly old fucker, and why am I in his body instead of my own?!" I'm sure that it's not at all healthy to do this, but it's hardly as bad as it could be. God help me if I somehow manage to get old enough to start getting legitimate wrinkles.

Come to think of it, my ass is rather flat, y'know — for a gay guy. Maybe I should get butt-implants. Might distract from the rest. A bigger dick could help, too. Mine's literally below-average; should I be more bothered by that?
>> No. 388352
I love hanging out with my family. I consider them my friends too, even if they get up my ass sometimes. It's pretty great, we make sure to all meet up at least once a week.

She's hot but she's not single and also 9242772384 miles away.
>> No. 388355
File 13895519097.jpg - (45.61KB , 500x500 , tumblr_msrmz5P5U61qfszjpo1_500.jpg )
here's a picture of a guy i know holding hands with an inflatable killer whale. do something with it.
>> No. 388358
>As if we still live in the early 00's where even showing a picture of yourself online was considered dangerous.
If you had any idea how easy sexual predators (and even common thieves) have it nowadays because of sites like facebook, you might not say that.
>> No. 388363
It's not that I don't get along with my family, it's that everything I do is kind of above their heads and I have trouble explaining it to them, and they don't want to particularly listen to me since part of it is hyperbole they don't agree with. I face the same kind of challenges with other people but the problem is that talking with other people can produce real changes in my life, whereas talking with my family doesn't.
>> No. 388366
Just applied for an awesome job using my new surname, didn't notice my CV's file name is still my old one. Fug.
>> No. 388368
which one of those are they more likely to look at anyway? Since I'm still in a long slog trying to get work and just wondering what the hell I'm possibly fucking up. One of the main reasons I too back to being a writer, though I've mean to do that for a long time.
>> No. 388371
first they let the homos marry and now look whats happening
>> No. 388372
least its mammal, kinda
>> No. 388374
yahoo question of the day
>are gay people mammals?
>> No. 388375
Finally getting the courage up to write something other than self-aggrandizing bullshit. :D
>> No. 388376
Do a lot of squats to make your ass and thighs look better. Weighted preferably, but bodyweight squats will still work.
>> No. 388378
indeed, don't know how my series about a schoolgirl detective coming to terms with her sexuality along with tackling mysteries at her new school will play to a larger audience, but something makes me feel writing this is important. oh and would anyone be interested in giving it a look as I go, I've got a problem catching errors as I write.
>> No. 388379

Well don't leave me hanging. Are they!?

Also, I spent like 3 hours looking for BDSM stuff in my state yesterday. It's either really hard to find or people are just quiet about their fetishes. It should not be this difficult to find someone who wants to tie me up. I know this is sexual, but it makes me wonder what other kind of hobbies people are hiding from the world. It's a good subject for a writing project. I think I'll get right on that.
>> No. 388380
I've come to think its something personal and therefore something private. This coming from the fella that been looking at restraint items on Amzaon for the last two days because they came up when searching for a leather satchel and actually pondering purchase to see what it feels like. Also always up to support American made stuff.
>> No. 388381
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>> No. 388382
sometimes i just read the stuff posted here and i want to smoke a cigarette and shoot myself in the face.
but then you come along and all i do is smoke the cigarette.
thank you.
>> No. 388383
if you smoke u go to jail
>> No. 388384

pablo, on a scale of nope to whoa, exactly how high are you?
>> No. 388385
not hight enough
>> No. 388386
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>> No. 388387
File 138960886643.jpg - (5.67KB , 259x194 , thesecheese.jpg )
forgot my pic
>> No. 388388
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>> No. 388390
I don't know and do't care about the context of this post, but I want to thank you for making me laugh like there was no tomorrow.
>> No. 388393
So I have a loft bed, which is nice for my small room. I don't use the guard rails because I'm a very stiff sleeper; I rarely move from the position I fall asleep in.

So this morning my alarm goes off and I move to swing myself over onto the ladder. I guess I was still half asleep, and instead swung myself over the side of the bed. The five foot fall was far less painful than I thought it would be, though my mobile file box suffered some damage.

I also managed to kick my monitor and half the stuff off my desk under the bed.

So that's one way to start a week.
>> No. 388394
long as you can walk away from it.
>> No. 388396
I missed an appointment with my therapist, because I lost track of time. I feel awful.
>> No. 388397
I missed my scheduled bus ride, because I lost track of time. Every day is suffering.
>> No. 388404
http://bunkerunderground.tumblr.com/ welp here I go onto path of being a writer, getting myself out in the open and whatnot. Guess I'll post some of my short subject stuff here. Still can't get the damned thing to work with my tablet.
>> No. 388407
Well, Girl B hasn't gotten back to me yet as to when she wants to get a drink. I texted her my full name so she could add me on fb (she admitted she doesn't use it much, which is understandable) and I'm flat broke right now (until Tuesday after next, at least) so I don't mind waiting a while.

Still, I don't want to let her think I've forgotten about her - I haven't called her since last Monday, should I ring her again to get a definite date?

As for Girl A... I haven't spoken to her much on fb. I'll try and get in touch either tomorrow of Wednesday.
>> No. 388409
>getting nearsighted
Well. Shit.
>> No. 388412
>just getting not just about always had

lucky you had yours longer than I did
>> No. 388413
I suppose it could be worse, yeah.

Besides, I look good in glasses, from what I'm seeing of the pair. Probably better when I'm done losing all this weight.
>> No. 388414
same here, slimming down abit after cutting the cola out still a big fella but that's genetic, I just look better overall less bulging and I feel better,least I will after getting over the last of this cold . And once I grow the facial back in, I'll look damn decent.
>> No. 388417
doesn't sound like a bad plan if B isn't into you then say it was just nice having a drink with an old coworker.
>> No. 388418
>tfw text is unreadable more than a foot away without glasses on, everything is a blurry mess beyond
>only 23, but lenses are thicker than grandma's
>still getting worse
The first day I got glasses was pretty amazing, though. I could actually distinguish individual leaves on trees on the ride back home.
>> No. 388419
I think I figured out this throat thing: Acid Reflux Disease.

I've dealt with Acid Reflux many, many times in my life, but it's always been lower in the esophogus, like I was having mild heartburn. This is higher up, in the collar bone region, and it never occurred to me that this could be the cause. Since I still have a supply of generic prilosec, I'll take that (about two weeks worth) and that should be that. It was a regular thing during college when my diet was horrible, but after I got out it greatly improved (mainly dropping soda) and I dealt with only when I had a binge period (normally from travel) or bad stress.

However, I had neither around the time this started, so I'm not sure of the trigger. I am positive that this is what I'm dealing with now, though.
>> No. 388420
Same. I was surprised just how bad it was and how great the difference.

However, I have this weird thing now where I feel "taller" when I'm not wearing my glasses. Not that I feel shorter when I do wear them, but when I'm not it's like I'm 6" taller. It's a nice feeling, even though my eyesight gets kinda shitty.
>> No. 388422
Last first day of undergrad today.

I can't wait to be done.
>> No. 388430

My nearsightedness is so bad that, without my contacts in, I cannot read standard text without getting so damn close to it (we're talking less than four inches) that it starts to blur because my eyes cannot focus on anything that close.

Which is crap because it makes me feel like I'm getting old. When I was a little kid I could touch my nose to paper and be able to study the grain. Now I can't discern fine details if I get closer to something than three inches or so. Well, I can still see well enough to realize that the individual pixels on my LCD screen are actually composed of nine sub-pixels.

It's actually one of the reasons I'm hesitant about getting laser eye surgery, besides the cost and that I'm paranoid they'll fuck up and ruin my life. I don't want to lose my ability to see things so closely. The logic tells me that I can always get a magnifying glass, but if my contacts fall out I literally become legally blind; that I need to see far off things clearly all throughout the day, but see things super-close-up only a few times per week at the most. But still! I don't want to suddenly be unable to paint with eighth-millimeter precision; I don't want to suddenly be unable to tell the difference between a flea and a tick by studying the anatomy; I don't want to suddenly be unable to discern the flatness of the tip of a needle. I know none of these are particularly useful, but it's a matter of pride to have microscopic vision.
>> No. 388431
I've been visually impaired since birth and ineligible for eye surgery. I'm not looking forward to going blind but I think I just kind of roll with it now.
>> No. 388435
eh they'll have augments soon enough. One dude is attempting to develop echolocation since he's got monocular degeneration. Something to do with feedback and magnetic fields, and he made an app for it.
>> No. 388442
Do you have super hearing as a compensation?
>> No. 388443
How come none of you fuckers told me Tallahassee Turns Ten existed?
>> No. 388444
Better than average, I think, but not exactly extraordinary.
>> No. 388448
I'm actually okay but I'm really stressed out and I just wish I had friends to hang out with aaaaaaaaa

or internet
i know i bring this up alot but i'm really fucking desperate aaaaaaaaaaaaa
>> No. 388449
fearing that I won't be able to be friends with my current only friends after the breakup, which iis kind of dumb because they haven't given any indication of that? but still.

Met some potential roomies tonight, we're very close to getting this house, there is a great bar close to it, so it's time be excited and positive and tell yourself that life changes and that's all right, also maybe I'll finally learn how to be properly social and make friends.
>> No. 388455
well as long as your ear doesn't get stuffed up and/or start having a case of tinnitus (the ringing never ends yea!!!)
>> No. 388458
Is there any way to do an RSS feed for tumblrs? Or do I have to sign up for their site and track them that way?
>> No. 388459
4x uncle. 2 nieces and 2 nephews.
>> No. 388460
okay this is very important and i need your help: i have a fancy dress party in march (theme: fictional characters) and i don't have the slightest clue who to attend as. please toss some suggestions out?
>> No. 388461
u guyz need 2 get laid

haha nerdz
>> No. 388462
we're gonna need some tips and tricks
and i'm not talking about cosmo tips

give us some of your sweet moves, pavel
>> No. 388463
those are some pretty funky moves pablo

show me how you do it
>> No. 388465
we could be nerdz 2gether4ever
would solve the laid problem
>> No. 388466
Formal so something in a dress or are you thinking costume.
>> No. 388467
Fancy dress as in a costumes of a character, not actual fancy dresses. Fancy dresses are my forte and I would be chill with that. It will be a flat party with the chance of going to a club or something maybe, so nothing too elaborate.
>> No. 388468
Pretty much any Disney princess is in, though you'd have to do the hair to make any kind of distinction.

Is what Jessica Rabbit wore considered fancy dress attire?

You could also take any notable character outfit and copypasta onto a dress. BtAS Harley Quinn comes to mind as a distinctive pattern that would lend itself to a dress.
>> No. 388469
it's a costume party. that's what fancy dress means in britain, like a hallowe'en party or something.
>> No. 388470
Yea that is what I was thinking the ones that didn't have to much poof to get in others way at a party. Which would include princesses like Zelda and Hilda from that series and Mario's Rosalina who I guess could be considered to wear a gown.
>> No. 388471
>> No. 388472
Oh. You redcoats and your weird terms.
>> No. 388473
Apparently some Ozzies use it too.
>> No. 388474
y u be hatin on making our tips kiss
its gonna be so romantic~
>> No. 388475
>> No. 388476
these are not the tips i asked for, but i should be grateful for the tips i got.

>> No. 388477
File 138984588712.jpg - (379.57KB , 1000x327 , eepadc2013_16.jpg )

what a great new stupid expensive hobby for me
>> No. 388478
Didn't you have a Power Rangers SPD badge/patch or jacket at one point? If you've still got it, it's pretty obvious what you have to do.
>> No. 388479
go Akibaranger style and just put a piece of notebook paper on the back with the initials, and a white scarf.
>> No. 388486
Oh that badge is long gone. Or in my room somewhere. Same thing, really.
>> No. 388495
Maybe found a summer internship, in Florida. Crux of its going to be talking some old professors I've not seen in a couple years for recommendations. All ready for them to decline since I've not seen them a long time but I'll remain hopeful.
>> No. 388498
crossing too many streams again.

running out of places to post about romantic interests.

going on a sort of date on sunday with someone i've been crushing on since three months ago.

flirting getting heavy with a mutual follower i know through mutual friends over tumblr. it's getting past jokes straight to other things...

still trying to figure out where i stand with another something-more-than-friend who i've been close to for years now.

and all the while i'm freaking out about grad school.

>> No. 388502
is it me, ferrous

is it me
>> No. 388504
i just...

oh god i just want all the beautiful people

mostly women

are you mostly women?
>> No. 388505
nigga I'm already a lesbian
>> No. 388506
File 138998470498.jpg - (155.16KB , 600x900 , img_1162[1].jpg )
Bow ties.

>> No. 388507
Only if you're a jolly grandpa or a kids TV presenter.
>> No. 388508
long as yoi think its cool
>> No. 388509
Can I be a jolly TV kids presenter?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'm probably going to bite and get a few outfits for bow ties when I get the money.
>> No. 388510
That outfit is nice from the waist up, tragic from the waist down.
>> No. 388511
your opinion and pablo's has done wonders for my style by getting me to think about what you said... and realizing that it doesn't change that what i'm wearing looks good to me and to the people i'm trying to impress.

i think that look is more than allowed and communicates quite a bit.
>> No. 388513
whatever makes you happy or something
>> No. 388514
Something in my gut makes me want to assault everyone who ever cared about fashion. Probably with a trebuchet. I don't know why.
>> No. 388515
I feel the same way about people who wear blue jeans.
>> No. 388516
I care about fashion as in looking good. Fashion the industry? Fucking horseshit
>> No. 388517
Man, how did wallet chains make a comeback? Did they never actually fade away?
>> No. 388518
The production side of any industry is bound to be fucked up, considering it's about making money in competition. The artistic expression side is only fucked up because it's about ideals in shape and color, and a lot of people have gotten very far in it with some weird-ass ideals, but there is some revolt against that. I hope it sticks.

Blue jeans are so comfortable though. They don't tear when I move the wrong way and they keep me warm.
>> No. 388520
there was a reason the blue jean was king of the western wear, because they last a damn long time. I've got some six year pairs just starting to wear out that need to be replaced in about a year.

As for fashion design its totally cracked with their designs looking good on only some strange model person and not actual people with actual parts and shapes.
>> No. 388521
Rang B a few hours ago - we managed to agree on Wednesday (she wanted to try this weekend, but I'm poor as fuck until Tuesday) where Ill met her after she's done with college.

As for A... it's not like I don't want to keep in touch with her, but it seems like she's never on facebook at the same time as me (a situation made even more irritating when facebook says she's available to chat, and then it says she's been away for about 6 minutes). I'd send her a text, but I have £1 worth of credit left on my phone and she tends to send long texts (I'd feel like sending short texts in response would give even impression than current silence).

I just don't want to fuck things up.
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