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File 138083872759.jpg - (83.00KB , 938x704 , 6a19826b-9981-4f3b-89e0-f26a2d59038e[1].jpg )
385170 No. 385170
Last time, on Speak Your Mind: >>384187

>sell a bunch of stuff on eBay
>six people have had their items for weeks but not left feedback
Come on, people, I left feedback for all of you. I'm not expecting Tolstoy, a simple positive feedback with "No problems" is more than sufficient.

And I put a lot of effort into my packing. I don't just stick a CD into a padded envelope and hope for the best, that shit gets some TLC.
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>> No. 385171
I hate funding issues. I hate hate hate needing to get my own funding all the time. I hate it.

Can someone just give me a project I love that doesn't require me to fund it? Can I just work for Tony Stark?
>> No. 385177
File 138084381763.jpg - (51.50KB , 575x270 , feature-114-Elon-Musk-EoY-opener-pan_7026[1].jpg )
>> No. 385178
just like this yeah
>> No. 385179

Yaaaaay slightly optimistic personal bullshittery~
>> No. 385180
i went to buy a brand new completely superfluous motor vehicle but they didn't have the colour i wanted so i have to wait a whole damn week for it to get delivered from the factory

>> No. 385185
ugh i hate female logic sometimes, apparently she did a test and im an "oak" while she's a "redwood" and we need to break up.
>> No. 385186
words not matching the underlying content. maybe she was just looking for an excuse that could be put into words the things she doesn't fully understand within herself.

that blows, bro.
>> No. 385188
Yeah but it's like, come to that conclusion yourself. Do not bury yourself in reams of bullshit in order to tell someone "I just don't feel like fucking/dealing with you anymore". "We should break up because this magazine says we're different types of trees" makes it sound like they're retarded, literally and figuratively. Own your emotion if it's that fucking important.
>> No. 385194
so tired of tumblrer shit

people actually refusing to acknowledge their own issues. I think I AM okay, therefore I am PERFECT and anyone who criticizes me is a BIGOT like wtf do they ever sit and honestly self-reflect or interact in large social groups that aren't their own self-affirming friends or at least take some drugs that will break down their self-perception wtf wtf wtf

i'm obese as fuck and have three bellies but I LOVE MYSELF IM TOTALLY HEALTHY

i have severe issues interacting with other humans, not because I have actual brain problems but because i have been trained to mask all of my self-doubt with overwhelming self-approval SOCIETY IS THE PROBLEM, NOT ME

i slapped someone for using the word 'chick' TRUE FIGHTERS FOR THE REVOLUTION, YEP

i'm a proud feminist to the point that i'm just too awesome for all these beta males i date, therefore i call them 'pussy' and 'bitch' and 'cunt' to make them feel shitty, STRONG WOMEN UNITE

i mean, i see enough 14 year olds on tumblr. today even more so than ever young adults are living at home, trapped in a college bubble, spending their free time on the internet. constantly surrounded by affirmation, approval, agreement. they just don't fucking know how to deal with other people. they don't understand viewpoints, cultural ramifications, anything at all. it is so baffling to me.
>> No. 385195
this may sound like im talking shit about feminists but i am not; these are even women i fucking know who twist it so badly they damage feminism

some of them are even like 'well black women need to stop being so slutty THEN they will get respect' I mean jesus fucking cockrags how do you even
>> No. 385197
the fuck this is a terrible situation

is there no evidence, testimony from your niece (which she might not even be able to give) nothing at all to let the court know he molested her?

does the court know at all?

i hate to say it, but i am glad my junkie aunt and her junkie boyfriend are dead because they cannot fuck up their daughters life anymore. the boyfriend used to put his fingers inside of the FUCKING INFANT TWO-MONTH OLD BABY, because he had unsupervised visiting rights. Fuck that shit.
>> No. 385198
Kind of reminds me of the bubble I grew up in tbqh

Socialization is learned, it isn't innate.
>> No. 385200
>is there no evidence
Literally everyone whose job it was to find that shit out except
1.) the first nurse we saw, who we may not be able to get as a witness
and 2.) the psychologist she saw
fucked up HORRIBLY. Like, to the extent that even though one child-services worker(or whatever they're called, I don't wanna name organizations) was a witness for him, vouching that he didn't do it, our attorneys poked so many holes into her case that even HIS attorney has started throwing her under the bus when the opportunity presents itself, presumably to try and make it seem as though the worker was just one super shitty witness instead of making it seem as though all their witnesses have different stories (which they do). The worker left looking like she was having war flashbacks, our attorneys grilled her for 7 hours.
I've told my family that if the ex had any money I'd SWEAR he was paying people off. That many people don't just all spontaneously fuck up and make up blatant lies and falsify records and reports all at once by sheer coincidence. It is fishy as FUCK, but he's hella poor so idk.
>testimony from your niece
Well she's 4 so I don't know if they'd accept her on the stand, but even if they did, it was over a year ago and she's just now getting to be happy and peaceful again, we don't want to stir shit up with her again. She doesn't know what's going on with us at the moment.
We do have the aforementioned psychologist as well as her guardian ad litem who will be testifying for her though, both believe her beyond a shadow of a doubt and I'm pretty sure the court recognizes both as experts, as opposed to his witnesses who can't even keep their story straight with the story they gave earlier, much less with each others' stories.
>does the court know at all?
>> No. 385201
File 138087083499.jpg - (152.14KB , 390x600 , tumblr_mr6jjiTbcX1qhpl0yo1_400.jpg )
>Back in school
>Making friends
>Having an awesome social life with said friends
>No job and broke as shit/In debt
>Mom is still a bitch

Can't win'm all I suppose but man things are pretty good right now.
>> No. 385203
Every time I'm starting to feel like I'm missing home, the US goes and does something stupid again.

Come on, guys.
>> No. 385207
File 138090503943.jpg - (1.28MB , 3264x2448 , 20131004_101123.jpg )
So, funny story. On Monday one of my coworkers was operating a forklift when this butterfly barges into the warehouse and shoves itself into his face. He almost crashes the lift and the butterfly goes back outside. Ten minutes later he’s carrying another load on the forklift and this little asshole decides to go for round two, startling him again and almost swerving into the truck. Now the coworker’s pissed off and he gets off the lift and goes into the warehouse, and this glorious tiny bastard just follows him into the building and kept harassing him for twenty before fleeing from a flung two-by-four.

We found him in the back of the warehouse, and he was in bad shape. My inner wiener roars to life and I rescue him from my coworker’s wrath, and take him back outside and lay him among the last of the flowers to give him piece. Five minutes of basking in the sun later and he’s flitting around, joyous for the second chance he was afforded.

Now, two questions. First, what is he? Second, what’s that orange thing on his back?
>> No. 385208
Wow, the spelling errors in that.
>> No. 385210
i've been focusing all my feelings, my sorrow and joy, into circus stuff and it's confusing the shit out of me because there's this transformation that happens where i feel elevated above it all.
also, the girl who had a strong mutual attraction with me but can't date me because she's been in a relationship practices there too. she's back after the summer. hell she introduced me to the school, and...
i don't know what to do with all these feelings, but i need to make sure that exercise and dance don't become an addiction and that i don't fall back into the bad-times-unrequited-love again.


so it turns out we're both somewhat polyamorous and the people we're dating are neither polyamorous nor understanding of polyamory/polysexuality. fun times.

anyway, we're still repairing some real big damage to our friendship a la dick grayson and barbara gordon after a huge nuclear fallout that we had over the summer. we'll see where this goes. hopefully a nice happy and deeply meaningful friendship instead of more danger zone. i'm not looking for trouble.
>> No. 385211
I'm no lepidopterist, but my first thought is that the orange stuff is guts.
>> No. 385212
Maybe it's some sort of egg sac? I'm no expert either but surely not all butterfly species reproduce exactly the same way. Or it could be the work of a parasite.
>> No. 385218
everyone has that one friend......
>> No. 385219
that you cannot fucking stand to be around when you aren't sober.
>> No. 385220
Ha, I don't!
>> No. 385221
>I'm told to put in any PTO I want to take off on/around Thanksgiving week by September 15th
>I put in the PTO request well before then - I'm the only member of my team with family out of state, so I'm the only one that requested additional time off then, and I'm using up my PTO for the year (we don't get rollover PTO, so it's use it or lose it). I am totally okay with working around Xmas.
>Supervisor tells me he's approved it, but that since it's around a big holiday, higher-ups have to approve it too, but because (again) I'm the only one on my team requesting to use my PTO then, I should get it no problem
>I buy plane tickets, tell my parents I should be good to go
>Two weeks passed
>PTO still isn't approved
>Ask Supervisor about it
>S:"Oh, the higher-ups are trying to forbid anybody in Customer Support Departments from taking PTO between November 1st and December 22nd because they're afraid of understaffing around Thanksgiving."
>Me: "Are there a lot of people on the other team asking for it off?" (note: there are two Customer Support divisions, as the company I work for has been steadily growing and moving from east to west across the country, building/acquiring offices/other businesses).
>S: "Not that I know of; higher-ups are being cautious."
>Me: "They do know that if they refuse to let us use PTO for all of November and most of December that everybody is going to start putting in PTO for October and the very end of the year, thereby creating the understaffing problem they're saying they're trying to avoid, right?"
>S: "I hope they can think that far ahead, honestly."

So...I might be out about $375 for the plane tickets, plus I was going to have early Xmas with friends and family since we're going to be all together on Thanksgiving but spread out over Xmas time, so if I don't go to my parents' for Thanksgiving, I'm going to have to mail everybody their presents...and the cost of shipping is crazy.
>> No. 385222
I have a serious problem, how do you get a cat to stop loving on you?
>> No. 385223
Things always get a little weird around fall. I didn't realize it was October already, my birthday/life changing/ego melting/casual psychedelic month. I've been very antisocial, not out of dislike for people but simply because, forget explaining. It is just the season for these things to happen.

love it and cuddle it and kiss it and pat his little butt and keep doing so until one of you gets overwhelmed and breaks away
>> No. 385224
paula please pat my butt
>> No. 385226
>love it and cuddle it and kiss it and pat his little butt and keep doing so until one of you gets overwhelmed and breaks away
Nah, I'm already overwhelmed, but I can't go away, I have to work on my computer.
>> No. 385229
Pretty sure it's a moth, dunno what kind.

Bring a cat-hater into the room. The cat will make a beeline for them and leave you alone.
>> No. 385230
I usually either just work around mine, or get her up on my shoulders. I also try to pet her some when she's on the desk but not in front of the monitor, so she knows she doesn't need to be in the way to get attention.
>> No. 385234
File 138099106294.jpg - (62.53KB , 500x441 , foxbat.jpg )
Your friend has diabetes breath. My sister and I used to spray ourselves with this acetone/sugar mix and wore yellow shirts if we wanted butterflies to land on us.
At least one of these didn't land on his nose lol.
>> No. 385236
Oh god, I'm in over my head. Oh god.
>> No. 385237
File 138099589493.jpg - (16.38KB , 380x289 , MourningCloakButterfly.jpg )
This is a mourning cloak (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nymphalis_antiopa). I don't know what that orange thing on its back is. It may be a fungus or tumour. Whatever it is, it's an abnormality that I've never seen before.
>> No. 385238
The goal is to overwhelm and smother the cat.
>> No. 385240
well goddammit i'm single and ready to satanist-mingle
whoever's next in line, please step forward.
>> No. 385246
strange people doing strange things. my boyfriend's little brother likes to get alone with me and look me in the eyes and tell me I'm beautiful. I am just waiting for it to wear off, but sometimes he goes a little further and hugs turn into cuddles turn into butt touching. I don't want to be an asshole to someone with as many emotional/relationship/women issues as he has, but he knows I fucking love his brother and the earth's molten core will freeze over before I ditch my man to go frolic with him. Except he takes that all and goes 'wow, such an amazing lady of integrity, let me worship you more' buddy, you don't even know.

I worry about the people I care about; especially the ones who just throw all their deep issues out there for you to see. One of the things I am still getting over from my childhood is that I am actually not responsible for everyone's mental health and I do not need to play therapist and peacemaker all the time. But I just can't tell people to 'fuck off'.

>> No. 385247

Have we had this discussion before? I remember this story. Either that or I can see into the future.
>> No. 385248
yes, we have. its an ongoing thing and i am still at an impasse
>> No. 385249
scrub. people can't handle their shit.


also thanks for your feels.
>> No. 385250
I karaoke'd with my little sister. We got tacos.
>> No. 385251
I apologize in advance, but I guess I don't really have anyone to talk to about this anymore.
It's becoming easier and easier to convince myself that I don't deserve to live.
I guess that's kind of a stupid way to put it because I don't know that anyone deserves life or death more than anyone else, but I don't know how else to say it.
It doesn't feel like depression or sadness or anything, it isn't me just being moody. It feels like completely rational thought processes that all lead back to "if karma or dharma or whatever the one that affects you while you're still alive were real, I would've been killed by now" or "I'd be doing people an actual favor by offing myself."
I wouldn't, but still. I just feel like I'm too shitty a person to warrant continued existence. I try to improve, but everyone tells me that doesn't matter, that I haven't changed, that I'm still shitty and selfish and full of complaints. I'd like to be able to disregard what others say and form my own opinion of myself, but it's incredibly difficult when it seems like it's all you ever hear. The family wants me gone, all of the family. The extended family practically excommunicated us, and when the close family gets upset with me, which is very frequently, they remind me that I'm the odd one out and that I'm just a burden and that they're looking forward to the day I move across the country. The ex reminds me regularly that I only care about myself and reminds me of how awful I am, then tells me she doesn't think I'm awful, then tells me that whenever she takes back the things she says about me it's only to pacify me, then tells me she was being honest when she said I wasn't awful, then tells me she's never forgiven me and that I have never changed and so I don't deserve forgiveness, and I don't know what the fuck is going on there. I guess my bros don't put me down all the time. One in particular seems actually happy to see me every time I talk to him, not just in a "oh hello a friend" way, but like he actually genuinely enjoys me specifically, which kind of makes me really happy, but maybe that's just how he is with everyone.

Good thing I'm talking to a doctor on Thursday I guess. Wish me luck in getting my brain fixed.
>> No. 385252
i hear you, friend.
>> No. 385253
Thank you.
>> No. 385254
Why would you even continue associating with your ex if she acts that way?
>> No. 385268
Wow, your life is full of problems. My life is greater for having you in it, but that's not really helpful.
>> No. 385272
Yeah dude its amazing.
Fucking Aztecs opressed every fucking village they had near 'em.

Its why the small places gathered up against them alongside the spanish while they weren't dying of pox n' shit.
>> No. 385273
I work in a call center that requires that when people call, that we verify certain points of info as a security measure. Just now I had another call from a miserable filthy bleeding cunt of a woman who wouldn't do this and was being a complete bitch about it. She was the second such woman I dealt with today, meaning things have been incredibly slow. I can't even begin to count how many of these fucking calls I get during the weekeday. In fact, we get a lot of calls from people who are irate about getting a call from us because so much of our data is outdated or flat out wrong. It's not just frustrating, it's enraging...
>> No. 385274
> continued...
For the most part our bosses are completely clueless about such data errors, even though they've been reoccuring for literally almost two years now. That or they seem to think nothings wrong and we're just not doing this right. This is a circular argument that we, the phone-drones, have been having our clueless shithead bosses for a long time now. And worse than that, the people involved with promoting our company's little endeavor know fuck all about what it is that we're actually doing on the phone, despite the fact that it's our service they're ultimately trying to promote.
>> No. 385275

My job sucks and people are fuckwits. Anyone else wanna trade workplace war stories?
>> No. 385279
Well me, I was gonna work in a call centre and it was really cool cos the recruiting guy had this cool New York Cosmos jacket. And we kinda shot the shit during the questions and stuff and I was asked to speak english and I was a native speaker and stuff so we then shot the shit in english.

And then the next inteviewing lady was super serious and hated me cos I kinda stuttered at the 'do you have a tattoo' question, and said the monthly pay plus taxes would be, like 150USD.

Before that I had this nice job at a quiet sneaker store at the mall and it was always empty and I quit for school but that was shitty and then I discoverred the place shut down.

my only 'not freelance' work experience.

>> No. 385292
Just wondering, Youtube captioning and annotations haven't been working on anything I've watched in months. Are other people having this problem or is it just me?
>> No. 385293
File 13811441293.jpg - (109.66KB , 1200x992 , 1371406545555.jpg )
I actually work on a team one removed from a call center in tech support. Our call center doesn't actually do much real "tech support", they're just a switchboard to get people to the right groups to get the thing the caller wanted. But, since most of the time it seems like they have no training in real tech diagnosis, getting relevant information or even verifying the customers' identity, they just push it to my team to deal with 95% of the time, because we don't have time limits on our phone calls.

This issue is expounded by the fact that our knowledge management system is ancient and proprietary and we won't get anything up-to-date or free (like a wiki). So while there is a core of processes that are up-to-date and relevant, it is only updated by a select group of team leads, who are busy with more important shit most of the time, leaving most of the rest of the team in the lurch if those select people aren't on. Which puts us in the awkward position of having to contact the user and ask if they have exact names for the things they want accomplished, not shorthand names. Which is garbage and unprofessional and humiliating and frustrating. The customers barely seem to know what we do most of the time, and to turn around and ask them what exactly they're talking about because there isn't an article in our database makes it seem like we don't know what we're doing, when we simply don't know what they're asking.

Something with a universal edit/revert system, an actual discussion page for articles and some super user abilities would be wonderful and fix just about every problem with clarity of process and explicitness of requests. The company chose to make its' own internal facebook (that nobody uses) rather than give us a competent knowledge management system. That one fix would solve most of my team's issues and clear up a lot of issues for other teams.

I'm describing more of this here than I've ever descried on any social network, ever. I consider the company to be my client, and I take client privacy very seriously, and never talk about what I do or who I work for on any platform that can be easily traced back to myself. But I am seriously ready to quit even without another job lined up. Shit is that bad and it just seems like it's getting worse.

We're slowly being middle-managed to death by those well meaning business-degree holders trying desperately to make up for business' schools' stark inability to teach anything resembling real leadership and functional work ethics. We've recently had to schedule our lunch and smoke breaks (which is fucking ridiculous in I.T.), because apparently "productivity is down". And this has nothing to do with the fact that most of the teams on my floor seem to be dealing with continual disasters for accounts, for which good process and delivered expertise do not seem to be factors. It also seems like this decision might have come in the spur of the moment, as if the ones responsible only looked at a single days' worth of activity to arrive at that conclusion (which, if they looked at it on Friday, yes, productivity is down. It's called nearly the weekend).

What's killer is that when I arrived, it seemed like a really great job. I had a lot of personal freedom at work, I wasn't constrained in my breaks or my lunch, I could even make use of reaction pics on the company network, so long as I kept it professional around clients and higher-ups. But as it's gone on, my freedom has been restricted and I've come to understand that the tools are inadequate, but trying to change that is trying to push a boulder up a hill.
>> No. 385307
its officia, this is no longer my house

its not even "our" house any more

its my sisters fucking house and i'm just crashing here
>> No. 385308
Didn't we find a solution to situations like this a few threads ago?
>> No. 385311
File 13811948071.png - (228.38KB , 631x348 , sfdoubledip.png )
>there is exactly one internet service provider who covers our house
>the bill just went from $30 to $50 a month for basic internet
>> No. 385314

Welcome to the wonderful world of telco monopolies.
>> No. 385316
>> No. 385321
I'm sure you could ask thousands of people that question without getting a really satisfying answer.
I guess my answer is "I don't want to throw away a relationship with so much history over some fairly recent issues." Same reason you don't instantly excommunicate a friend when they start having some sort of issue with you.
Even if it doesn't directly solve any problems, it's comforting to know. Thank you, Larry.
Comcast is several times faster than my ISP for the same price.
Comcast's wiring also stops about 20 feet from my house and they're very uninterested in extending it.
>> No. 385322
...we did? i guess history repeats

meanwhile pregnancy scare 2: electric boogaloo is in full swing
>> No. 385324
File 138123199890.png?spoiler - (270.53KB , 556x575 , do_not_forget.png?spoiler )
>> No. 385325
File 138123819151.png - (326.74KB , 500x333 , tumblr_msnmyonPIi1s3ggdno25_r2_500.png )
If it ever crosses your mind that humans aren't capable ANYTHING you just think about this.

You just think about how we will literally tear the face bones out of a Rhino and leave it alive to die or live.

If it is for gain people can do anything.
>> No. 385328
Eat your room mate
>> No. 385329
... That's not something to be proud of. That's TERRIBLE. People who do that should have all their digits removed, one by one.
>> No. 385331
i believe tiki was talking about how humans are capable of horrific acts and you shouldn't say "well no one would do that!" because they would.
it doesn't matter what.
they would.
>> No. 385333
listen to the chaplain
>> No. 385334
i feel as though when i spread my heart over too many people who can't reciprocate... i don't feel more connected.

i just feel like i'm fading and being slowly kept apart.

maybe i'm doing it wrong. or just connecting to people the wrong ways. i don't know.

my heart is spread too thin.
>> No. 385335
Dear lord, iOS 7 is hideous.
>> No. 385336
Well yeah. You're pouring personhood out, not cycling it. Why would it restore you?

Long time, no see.
>> No. 385337
Wow, haven't seen you in forever. Sup.
>> No. 385338
there's no reason it would. i just keep doing it in the hope that people will reciprocate or return what i've given.

i just have do give the attention to myself for a while until the right times and the right people.
>> No. 385344
Well yeah. You can't be all things to all people all the time, Ferro, and trying to be will leave you drained because other people can't always complete that feedback loop with you, or don't want to.
>> No. 385347

I've been around. Just not on /baw/ much. And a bunch of the time I'm posting anonymously because I can't be bothered filling in my name and trip when I'm on my phone.
>> No. 385353
File 13813309837.jpg - (299.42KB , 985x653 , tumblr_muavuq2PF21qdjbb7o1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 385354
So who's going to NYCC?
>> No. 385355
File 138135808176.jpg - (38.67KB , 483x507 , waltchan.jpg )
>realizing you're in a relationship where you feel much more deeply about the other person than they feel about you
>> No. 385356
Hi, I'm the one who wrote the posts about my shitball call center job. Thanks for writing back. I'm taking tomorrow off because if I have to come in I'm going to axe murder someone. And that's because...
My husband and I are going to NYCC on Friday. The timing for this trip isn't great, but my husband is a writer hoping to drum up some pro work. I'll be going along mostly as moral support, but also because COMICS!
If my husband scores a high-profile gig then maybe I can quit the shit-show I'm trapped at now and move on to something less stressful. He's a good writer who can get things done on time, he's ready for the big time!
>> No. 385357
whats up
>> No. 385358
whats up
>> No. 385359
The ceiling.
>> No. 385360
>> No. 385361
chillin outside of toke yo w/ no money to toke yo
>> No. 385364
The cost of living.
>> No. 385366
Why am I stupidly happy that I made a functional insult generator App
>> No. 385368
The opposite of down, but only in a gravitational field.
>> No. 385369
Because you can stick that shit on iOS or Android and make some easy but little money from ads.
>> No. 385371
File 138137989565.jpg - (7.68KB , 480x360 , shutupkissmybuttgotohell.jpg )
The Simpsons - Shut Up! Shut U…youtube thumb
>> No. 385374
Its not just the prospect of making money(okay that's a lie, its like the 2nd place ) but the rush of making it work, which sadly took about 5 hours, I mean I've really only started futzing with java a year ago and now I'm doing arduino, processing, javascript, css, R and python on top of everything else.

Its a fucking weird rush of "okay I got this thing to barely work, what features can I add to improve it", which now that I think about it is kinda of a toxic mindset if I managed to make something good, but at my skill level I don't need to worry about it.
>> No. 385375
also fuck snapchat update, shit is SO SLOW NOW
>> No. 385379
Why is it so fucking hard to register a throwaway e-mail account for silliness? I remember having like 15 accounts when I was 16.
>> No. 385380
Depends on where you're trying, I guess? Mailinator is your friend.
>> No. 385385
File 138139989171.png - (38.88KB , 352x288 , fffuuu.png )
>playing flash game and doing pretty good
>accidentally click on a shortcut to a different page
>have to start over from the beginning

>> No. 385386
File 138140619277.jpg - (26.16KB , 534x401 , 1380492259469.jpg )
>Not saving the flash to your computer so you can play it in a stand alone media player
>or to play while offline
>> No. 385387
I don't think you can save or play this one offline, or I would.
>> No. 385388
Link me and let me play, too!
>> No. 385391
File 138141019952.jpg?spoiler - (53.42KB , 698x618 , fffuuuu.jpg?spoiler )

>> No. 385392
File 138141369198.gif - (1.17MB , 400x217 , http%3A%2F%2F25_media_tumblr_com%2F28692736e1b16ab.gif )
> it took me ninety minutes to minesweeper through my phone messaging to change my voicemail.
>> No. 385398
So it's been a week since I've quit one of my jobs.
Feels good man.
I should find another one after October though.
>> No. 385399
File 138141977418.jpg - (41.11KB , 640x357 , image.jpg )
Guys. This is just a suspicion, but I think my landlord might not be very good at his job.
>> No. 385400
Is the rent at least cheap?
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