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378549 No. 378549
I'm finna get in that puss.

How do?
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>> No. 379785

"Fem" scares people for some reason and causes them to have kneejerk reactions.


Hope the online is decent for the 3DS version.
>> No. 379786
once upon a time I got into a vicious argument with a stranger who thought that

>misandry is a very real threat
>male privilege doesn't exist
>even if it does, the sacrifices of the men on the Titanic negate it
>fighting off a rapist isn't really that hard because his female friends beat him in friendly tickle fights all the time
>women are predisposed to want children because he sees a lot of women on his facebook newsfeed with babies

I don't talk about feminism on the internet anymore
I shouldn't have to "prove" that there's a wage gap or that feminists aren't behind the routine circumcision of male babies or the proliferation of idiot slob dads in sitcoms
you can literally google feminism 101
I just
I just get so angry
I turn into the angry ALL CAPS stereotype MRAs think is the true face of feminism
>> No. 379787
if the "fem" prefix scares and enrages you and makes you think the movement is stupid and unnecessary, that kind of proves that we still need feminism
>> No. 379788
misandry is an occasional annoyance and only very rarely a threat, but it is (almost trivially) real.
i cannot count how many times i've had to explain that the things that lead to men getting shafted (which is far from the net average of gender suffering) is accounted for by feminists as all of these gender biases are what we're trying to change.
also people can't tell the difference between their taught biases and what they've figured out for themselves using research and disciplined thinking/feeling because they aren't often trained to think critically about their own beliefs. let's face it.

that goes for men and women who think feminism isn't necessary nor ever a force for equal rights.

my understanding of feminism continues to evolve with further understanding of human psychology and current world circumstances/cultures, but i can't ever go back to thinking that men and women have it fair and square.
>> No. 379789
i wont be satisfied until the matriarchy ive enforced on plus4chan is carried over to real life
>> No. 379790
So the majority of my extended family is quite religious; this includes my cousin, who is roughly my age, and her husband.

If I'm reading this slighty-vague update she posted on Facebook right, she just had her third (fourth?) miscarriage. Her response to this is "We will see our children soon and hug them for the first time in Heaven! :') GOD has a plan!! I'm excited". Not "maybe something is wrong with me medically and I should go see a doctor if I want to have kids."

They're good people, and I think they'd make good parents (religion aside), so I want to tell her "Talk to a specialist about this, you could have a medical condition", but I'm pretty sure it would just make everyone from my extended family hate me, her included.
>> No. 379791
...On second thought, if they can't recognize and admit that something is wrong medically and that they should seek help, I'd rather they not be parents.

Carry on, then.
>> No. 379792
I'm a feminist because I start getting to know a guy, and he gets really pissed off because this happens:

>>Me: I really admire [x] quality in people.
>>Guy: God, stop dropping hints that you don't like me. I get it.
>>Me: You never said you liked me. I never said I didn't like you. I'm not looking for anyone right now. Please don't take it personally.

This is contributing heavily to me not wanting to date anyone. I don't have the self-confidence and certain other qualities (i.e. anything resembling sex drive) to date anyone, anyways.
>> No. 379793
A sandwich is an object, it's generally the same. Feminism is a movement, it changes pretty much daily.
So what you think feminism is may be out of date by quite a bit, either because you didn't keep up with the changes or because the person who educated you is old fashioned.

God Save the Bear Empress.
>> No. 379794

Oh great, he's back.

What you fail to realize is that all these "femnazis" (and this isn't me putting words in your mouth, it's me using a bridge term so we're clear on the type of women we're talking about) do not represent the whole. This is not a difficult concept. At all.
>> No. 379795
i wont be satisfied until the haw ive produced on plus4chan is carried over to real lif- wait

, _, .... h-haw
>> No. 379796
those videos were across the board pretty uninformative and fairly singleminded.

A occurs. It must be misandry.
B occurs. Feminism has its grip tightening around men.

No sources, studies, or useful information from what I was willing to put up with.

that was a waste.

i use MSPaint all the time for my job. you're an inspiration.
>> No. 379801
i just got home and my roommate was dominating our living room with stinky feet and farts the whole time i was gone

i am confined to my room until the air down there doesn't smell like miles of ass.

jesus christ what a mess.
>> No. 379802
Roommates are the worst. I wish I could afford living on my own.
>> No. 379804
If I may, I think part of that problem is actually in how men are taught to "approach" women. Or rather that the idea of "approach" is used.

A lot of what guys are taught as far as romance is firmly entrenched in traditional gender roles. The idea that the man is the dominant force is still very much present, and this leads to the concept of "approaching" women, as traditionally, it is perceived that the man should fight to win over the woman. This is a misinterpretation of the need to actually be social; I can't say whether the world's greatest lovers ever had a lot of friends, but studies show that people with larger (face-to-face) social networks have better prospects for jobs, better upward mobility, better quality of life, and just are in general happier. "You can't get laid if you don't talk to people". The problem is that you start talking to people with the sole intent of getting laid, and that makes them dislike you.

In pursuing women, crassly I imagine the best method would actually be to make women want you. To do that, one is actually behooven to pursue the tenants of a good life. Keeping in physical health, having a paying job, having technical assets, getting out a lot, having lots of friends, having interesting hobbies and weird diversions, always having something interesting to do. However, in pursuit of the good life, the pursuit of physical intimacy becomes a bit crass, even vulgar. Cultivation of a wide assortment of interesting people as regular figures in your life is far more pleasant, and actually leads to more chance encounters than dogged pursuit of the phrase "always more fish in the sea".

This is the kind of thing I think Feminism really can help men with, which in turn would help women. So little thought is given to the quality of life and the interaction of partners in the face of "romantic advice". The method more often than not is simply pointing someone horny who's horny at someone who can get them horny and saying "go4it". Which, y'know, no problem with that plan.

As to Feminists taking over the world, I don't think we'll ever see anything reaaaally like the matriarchy take over. Why? because Patriarchy is kind of a false ideological notion, the way the Illuminati are. Yeah, there are people who run the world, but they don't all like each other and sit around in secret meetings practicing their evil laughs. With Patriarchy (and Matriarchy, really), it's not so much that there's a memo going out every month as there's a lot of tiny decisions being made in multiple places where the people making them have not been taught to consider these kinds of things. More properly, a lot of them have been taught to think traditionally about it all.

sage for I should've put this in the sex thread
>> No. 379808
>This is a misinterpretation of the need to actually be social; I can't say whether the world's greatest lovers ever had a lot of friends, but studies show that people with larger (face-to-face) social networks have better prospects for jobs, better upward mobility, better quality of life, and just are in general happier. "You can't get laid if you don't talk to people". The problem is that you start talking to people with the sole intent of getting laid, and that makes them dislike you.

>Keeping in physical health, having a paying job, having technical assets, getting out a lot, having lots of friends, having interesting hobbies and weird diversions, always having something interesting to do. However, in pursuit of the good life, the pursuit of physical intimacy becomes a bit crass, even vulgar. Cultivation of a wide assortment of interesting people as regular figures in your life is far more pleasant, and actually leads to more chance encounters than dogged pursuit of the phrase "always more fish in the sea".

>> No. 379809
there should be a user's manual for having a y chromosome in the modern world and this could be in the foreword.
>> No. 379811
As a feminist, I seriously think people need to stop using the phrase "Patriarchy" unironically like the way you brought up. It's misleading to everyone, including anti-feminists who want an easy strawman, ambivalent people who are not as well informed about feminism and think it's just tin hats, and wannabe feminists who want an easy target to spew vitriol at, and impressionable new feminists whose attempts to find real solutions are misdirected at an entity which is more or less nonexistent.

The word implies that the problem is centralized and comes from an active secret conspiracy that actively teaches men to hate women when the real issue is with regular folks, men and women, and their day-to-day subconscious assumptions having trickle down throughout the generations. For the most part it's a bottom-up problem, not a top-down one. If feminist leaders want things to actually change they need to approach the problem with Hanlon's Razor and educate others that no, we aren't that different from men and therefore it's demeaning to treat us as if we are lesser, and save the condemnation for instances of actual explicit bigotry, like discriminatory legislation, willful ignorance for political reasons, or (to be more germane) people who are actively hostile towards women just for being women and want to do them harm or remove their preexisting rights.

It's why the whole SJ movement on Tumblr is causing way more harm than good. Echo chambers complaining about X shaming and hurling pseudointellectual insults full of misinformation instead of actually trying to educate people on their (usually not actually malicious) misconceptions is only going to alienate more moderate feminists and potential male allies, or worse.
>> No. 379812
File 137114648360.png - (109.12KB , 864x1152 , tumblr_me5p20iUMq1rlbgiwo1_1280.png )
A helpful checklist.
>> No. 379813
>As a feminist, I seriously think people need to stop using the phrase "Patriarchy" unironically like the way you brought up. It's misleading to everyone, including anti-feminists who want an easy strawman, ambivalent people who are not as well informed about feminism and think it's just tin hats, and wannabe feminists who want an easy target to spew vitriol at, and impressionable new feminists whose attempts to find real solutions are misdirected at an entity which is more or less nonexistent.

Can I just point out that this type of thinking is the same reason people flip out when they hear the "fem" part of feminists?
>> No. 379814
It's a literal fact that we live in a patriarchal society. It means that men are more valued in leadership roles and women are expected to follow. Patriarchy is not a sinister group of cartoonishly villainous men out to oppress people for their personal benefit. It's a system and does not have a will of its own. I don't think many people who use this term unironically mean to imply that it is some sort of Illuminati shit.

To make it easy: a patriarch is a person, not a patriarchy. A patriarchy is a society where most or all of the politicial and economic power is in the hands of patriarchs, who are ruling men.

You can say "Communist Russia was an oligarchy" but you can't say "Communist Russia is run by the oligarchy." That's nonsense, it's like saying "The United States is run by the democracy." The only word with the -archy suffix that I can think of that can be used like that is monarchy (and even then I think it is still technically wrong), which I guess is where the confusion stems from. It also seems to be confusing for men who don't understand what the word means because they tend to get real fucking defensive whenever they hear it. How dare women say that, I as an individual, have any absolute power over them, how dare they say I hate women! THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS. LITERALLY NO ONE IS SAYING THAT. I don't think we ought to stop using an adequate and sensible descriptor because some idiots are too hysterical to listen and too uneducated to know how to use words ending in -archy properly.

Patriarchy with a capital P that does refer to a fictional Illuminati-type group of woman-hating men is pretty much used exclusively to make fun of people who are irrationally scared of that term and also radfems. Also maybe by 13 year old tumblr users who are just parroting shit they don't really get because they're 13.
>> No. 379815
Pretty much. My technique has always been to be nice to people and talk to them if they approach me, which has unfortunately ended up with guys I was only interested in being friends with pressing hard on me on the subject to date them (assuming that girls who had any interest in interacting them were flirting), almost immediately after we met. When I gave in once or twice, and started dating them, they started pressing me for sex almost immediately after, and that's when they broke it off with me. Because I didn't feel I knew them at all yet. One of my exes wanted me to straddle him or sit on his lap whenever we went out, and I really didn't like it.

It got worse when I started dating a girl, and guys got really nasty about it. "You're not in a real relationship." "You'll miss dick." "How long until you cheat on your girlfriend with me?" We mutually broke up after that, because neither of us could handle some of the comments.

I have depression and anxiety over other things, and this is kind of...making it worse? In a way. If I date a girl again, I don't want people to be critical, and if I date a guy again, I want the relationship to develop naturally.
>> No. 379817
>men are more valued in leadership roles and women are expected to follow
Where do you live, Pakistan?

We have a queen ruling over us and had a female prime minister, every PM would probably be female if more ran for the position. A huge percentage of local and provincial politicians are female. My town hall is 99% women, there was 1 old guy on the board last time I was there.

So seriously, IDK where you live, I live in a LITERAL matriarchy.
>> No. 379818
hes back again already and now is tying to counter actual literal facts with bullshit
>> No. 379819
you don't need a conspiracy for oppressive ideas to perpetuate themselves in a society

that's the whole point of the idea of a "meme"
and obviously i don't mean an internet meme

we can do better and there's no single person to blame. that's the whole point.
>> No. 379820
That's a pretty good way to put it. These kinds of ideas percolate down society until sexist notions become normalized, so the best way to deal with this is to point out and confront the problematic aspects and self-realization rather than throwing a shitfit on Tumblr about it.
>> No. 379821
>> No. 379822


>> No. 379823
Canada, and I didn't say "there are NO women with power," I said "men are more valued." Which they are. I don't give a shit what it's like in Denmark because I wasn't talking about Denmark. Also Denmark's political situation is very unusual and definitely does not invalidate what is going on in the rest of the world, and I really don't think that having balanced genders in politics constitutes a matriarchy anyway.

I think historically Scandinavia has had a better track record of treating women like people than other parts of the world, and their feminist movements gained traction faster and earlier than, say, the United States. But you guys were still historically patriarchal. Women couldn't vote in Denmark until 1915 for instance. (For the States, it was 1920, and for Canada--my country--it was 1917, but it took until 1940 for fucking Quebec to get in on it. Just for some perspective, which I think you lack.) Having current female leaders doesn't mean that Denmark is not still socially patriarchal or suffers from its trappings, only that you are more tolerant of having a woman in charge. Looking through these names, the male:female ratio in your political parties is more or less equal (not just the cabinet--which is mostly women--but overall, across all parties). You have matriarchs, but you do not have a matriarchy. Congratulations, you have gender equality in your government. Your country is also ranked very highly on the HDI and everyone thinks it's a great place to live. MAYBE YOU OUGHT TO GIVE FEMINISM A HANDSHAKE FOR THAT, BECAUSE I'M PRETTY FUCKING SURE THAT MOVEMENT CONTRIBUTED TO IT.

You're also doing that thing where you assume every country is like yours unless it's a token Bad country that you hear Bad things about on the news (i.e. Pakistan), and also that because you're on the top you don't need to think about how you got there or if there's still room for improvement.
>> No. 379825
Doesn't Sweden have like insanely high rates of rape and other such sex crimes? Though that may have to do with the large influx of immigrants who come from from very misogynistic countries where such crimes run rampant.
>> No. 379828
It's one of the highest in the European Union apparently, but Scandinavia as a whole isn't Rape Haven. It's just the Swedes for some reason, or at least immigrants living in Sweden. They also might actually not have ridiculously high incidence of sex crime, it's just that because they have a lot of protective laws against rapists so more victims come forward.

Those rapes are mostly women too so it just goes to show that even though genders may be officially equal in a country (Sweden is #1 in the world for gender equality) there is still misogynistic shit to clean up :)
>> No. 379830
File 137117290539.gif - (699.14KB , 248x193 , 1369947677178.gif )
>this thread
>> No. 379834
Gee remember all those military conscriptions which targeted only women, and sent only women to die in droves. It sure is hard for women, they make up a huge percentage of dangerous jobs don't they, because we don't value their lives.

>be working on a rig
>foreman has to remove non essential jobs
>women complain about discrimination
>foreman says "ok, you can stay on, but you have to work rig jobs"
>every woman quits

Shh you can't mention immigrants or that women in the west are pretty much equal compared to those elsewhere.
>> No. 379836
gee remember when the military only allowed men because women are weak and helpless and killing is a man's job (as defined by men)? remember that it's still more of a risk for female soldiers to be on the front lines--even with their male compatriots' chivalry taking bullets for them, chivalry being a male virtue imposed on men by other men--because female prisoners of war get treated exponentially worse than male POWs since they've got little baby factories inside that can be abused to high heaven? remember when the draft hasn't been a thing in north america since 1971 but you fuckers still bring it up like you were just conscripted yesterday? remember that it's not a woman's fault that she can't be accepted into the military because of her gender??

remember when guys create legislation that fucks over other guys because women aren't seen as equals???? BECAUSE I SURE DO
>> No. 379837
If you're going to be smug about your argument, you should probably learn how to communicate effectively first. Because while I can tell that you're certain you're the smartest person in the thread, I can't for the life of me tell what you're trying to say. It just sounds like untargeted anger spewed from the mouth of an angry teenager.
>> No. 379838
What, of anything I've said, was ever bullshit?

Wow, so you live in one of the most tolerant countries in the world (Canada) and you don't see whats in front of your face.

>I said "men are more valued." Which they are.
Which they aren't, go out and ask people.

If you find a single person out of ten who says they value men more than women, I'll eat my hat.
>> No. 379839
>you aren't doing as bad as other people so you just shouldn't bother trying anymore
>> No. 379840
>If you find a single person out of ten who says they value men more than women, I'll eat my hat.
It's not socially acceptable to say that, so of course they wouldn't say it. They'd just choose to hire men instead of women when women are equally qualified, give the men who work for them larger raises than the equally competent women who work for them, and generally treat anything feminine as though it were nuclear waste, which are all socially acceptable ways of favoring one sex over another.
>> No. 379841
Who are you quoting?
>> No. 379842
Just ignore the troll, he's talking the same way as Rainbow Kid so he's obviously not the type that can be reasoned with.
>> No. 379843
Oh look it's gurofag again.
>> No. 379845
I recently ate a peanut butter and yogurt bar. It was tasty but now my mouth is all gritty.

I just thought there should be at least one post today that wasn't completely stupid.
>> No. 379846
My apartment no longer smells of roommate farts and feet.
That's because my roommate has been gone all day.
I hope this trend continues or that he comes back after having a whole body douching.
>> No. 379847
> peanut butter and yogurt
what the fuck
>> No. 379848
that. sounds... like faux indian flavor mixing to me.
unless it's straight up indian flavor mixing.
in which case good on you, ninja.
>> No. 379849
Yesterday I went out to run an errand with my dad. I had no reason to do so other than keeping him company, but I enjoyed doing so, and we had burgers together. The guy who manages the burger place is this very tall, buff guy, but he's also incredibly sweet and helpful and friendly.

Then we went home and I took a nap. My brother said that for me to be tired at 2 p.m., I must be nauseous or have cramps or something, but I was just tired. Slept, ate a very light dinner, and I'm going to go to bed once this roleplay with my best friend is done.
>> No. 379853
you know what.
Even though i get lonely working at night, I still enjoy it.
>> No. 379857
Welp, I've burnt my nose. The joy of the night is gone now.
>> No. 379858
>people are arguing in the comment section of a YouTube video I posted forever ago
>they're flagging each others' comments as spam and everything
>oh god what is happening am I popular yet
>> No. 379859
Why do plane tickets out of Korea cost so much. I need to go visit the states but it's like a bajillion dollars.
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