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File 136953505661.jpg - (242.45KB , 800x600 , 1366424558740.jpg )
378549 No. 378549
I'm finna get in that puss.

How do?
Expand all images
>> No. 378551
Barrel roll
>> No. 378558
I got in a little shopping with my mom yesterday morning, the weather stayed perfect all day, and I even had a small herd of deer run through what I count as my ‘backyard’ in the early evening.

Yesterday was a good day.
>> No. 378559
File 136954610064.png - (234.24KB , 629x352 , NONICK.png )
>>person is depressed
>>asks for help
>>says she's not planning on hurting herself or others, just wants advice
>>one person responds by making jokes about her going to attempt to kill herself if she gets the slightest bit upset
>>other person jokes about her shooting up the school, asks how many guns she takes to school on a daily basis

That's...not helping. In the slightest.
>> No. 378563
File 136955082493.png - (104.25KB , 469x428 , angry trollface.png )
>have doubts and fears
>tell someone about them
>get "only pussies have doubts or fears" response
>that someone is your parent
>urge to kill rises
>don't want to go to jail
>> No. 378565
It is downright infuriating when people tell you to go to your parents for advice, and your parents don't give a shit, won't even hear you out, or respond with "well, MY problems are worse". This is why I never entirely bought that "family is everything" moral that keeps popping up in kids' films nowadays. Ugh.

Vent your rage in ways other than violence, and ask us instead. We're here for you.
>> No. 378566
Thanks, but no thanks; I'll rather ask God.

No, not the one from the Bible; I believe in a different kind.
>> No. 378568
That Middle Eastern date farmer one seems oddly specific.
>> No. 378570
creative outlets

should take up drawing if they havent already
like comics
maybe fantasy would do nicely
>> No. 378572
The family is everything moral is made so kids dont grow up to be like those parents in the first place
>> No. 378581
Does anyone really worship the god from the bible?
>> No. 378583
Maybe you just have shitty parents? Mine always heard me out and gave great advice.
>> No. 378585
Only ~ 3,744,000,000 people
>> No. 378587
I say the family institute is deeply flawed. It overemphasizes the importance of biological parents, while there is ZERO guarantee that they will be good people capable of raising a child.
>> No. 378589
while i do agree with you to a good extent, i think the institution itself isn't necessarily the problem so much as the misconception of what creates a good family unit in general and when/whether or not people should even be having kids.
>> No. 378590
I don't really think the 'institution' emphasized biological parenting more than it does GOOD parenting.
And if it does, man get away from that institution ew it sucks theres nothing wrong with getting adopted by a good family who cares what that implies augh
>> No. 378592
Finally out of the "coughing impotently and sounding like my vocal cords are webbed up by spiders" phase of being sick
Into the "hocking up big, thick, yellow-brown lugies" phase.
>> No. 378594
File 136960481175.gif - (486.06KB , 250x141 , ive-made-a-huge-mistake.gif )
>going to family party
>don't do my hair, don't do anything to be fancy since family (and also watching Arrested Development all morning)
>get to party
>totally more than just family
>uncle is talking to his friend
>"hey anon I want you to meet my friend's son"
>oh god why uncle
>why today
>he's cute, same general age
>I spaghetti everywhere
>and end up walking away
>> No. 378595
File 136960575018.jpg - (18.75KB , 248x240 , Happiness_FairyTail.jpg )
>spending all day watching The Original Star Trek through Startrek.com, wearing pajamas, drinking coffee

Life is pretty good.
>> No. 378596

Now I just gotta figure out where to zoom in.
>> No. 378598
File 136961267981.jpg - (123.79KB , 450x570 , eatdick.jpg )
>my fucking phone company/ISP
>> No. 378609
That'd work.

Fair enough. It's just frustrating when they say "stick to your family, no matter what" and your family's a bunch of passive-aggressive manipulative abusive fuckwads that you should under no circumstances hang around.

They are and I'm aware they are. I have decent extended family, though. At least.
>> No. 378616
File 136963562259.gif - (3.13MB , 425x323 , BLEAEAAEEEEAAAUGH BLAAAAAAUUUGH.gif )
>Facebook and Twitter
I talk casually about football, art and maybe comics.

I talk abit about myself and my feelings regarding my art sometimes.
Mostly art posting.

I can say shit I wouldn't say in either of the above.
>> No. 378618
It has been entirely too long since I had my last grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich
Jesus CHRIST these are delicious
>> No. 378619
I had a dream last night.

>an old female friend has invited me over to her country
>she casually makes a move onto me
>we cuddle and kiss
>we are cool with it
>then some guy who lives with her comes in, starts to cry and shuts himself in his own room
>a second guy comes in, he looks pretty pathetic
>while my female friend is doing something, he shows me a box
>in that box are photos from my female friend getting jizzed on, fucking other guys, being a general slut
>that guy tells me she posts that shit on a blog named freak vampires with some twist or something
>somehow fermale friend disappears and the pictures get stolen by a nigger
>i chase him down to some office complex which kinda looks like a yard sale
>for the remaining dreamtime I collect the fucking pictures so my female friend doesn't have to live through the shame and humilation

That was one weird dream. Freaked me out.

Was posting this in the old thread, damn it.
>> No. 378621
Three days ago I dreamt I was a vampire hunter. It was fucking frightening and intense and exciting. Your dream is shit.
>> No. 378623
>don't do my hair, don't do anything to be fancy since family
I think some people don't understand how important it is to be seen in your natural state. If they guy's anything like me, the first thing to come to mind would be "I could wake up next to a girl looking like that."
>> No. 378627
File 136966137269.jpg - (44.93KB , 640x480 , bruce angry.jpg )
How does one stop feeling cynical and bitter and angry and jealous.
>> No. 378628
File 136966276057.png - (40.38KB , 690x780 , keep-calm-and-let-the-games-begin-24.png )
Three days ago I dreamt I was a vampire...
>> No. 378632
Is been a long time (almost a decade) since I experimented the nuisance and pain of a strong cold. And this last weekend that just happened.
>> No. 378633
Thing is I feel more confident and relaxed when I think I look nice. I'm really shy so it's kind of like wearing a suit of armor going into battle
>> No. 378634
That's pretty common with women.

Most guys don't seem to realize that the makeup, clothes and accessories aren't always for them.
>> No. 378635
By realizing how silly all those emotions are, and seriousing up with the important ones like naivete, joy, and love.
>> No. 378637
by focusing less on putting the cause of your bad feelings on others and the outside and focusing on how you can respond to the world to make yourself happy and accept things for how they are rather than what you think they should be.


also listen to chaplain.
>> No. 378638
if you're wearing what you wear for you and not for other people, that's just fine.
not that how you present yourself shouldn't have an effect on other people. it does. it can't be helped. but people are most awesome when they're at their most confident.
>> No. 378646
There was a pebble in my bread. It chipped off a small bit of my molar when I heartily chomped down on it. And my dental plan ran out about two months ago. This is pretty shitty. I hate you, bread.
>> No. 378649
>> No. 378650
Where did you get the bread?
>> No. 378655
Wow this exact same thing just happened to me too, it was homemade bread and the "pebble" was a piece of the stoneware that got chipped off when I shoved it into the oven.

What are the chances we both lost half a tooth like this?
>> No. 378656
From a little bakery around the corner. It was whole grain bread, so it wasn't readily apparent as pebble until it was too late, obviously.
>> No. 378657

Oh, hello /b/
>> No. 378658
Same man, multiple personalities!
>> No. 378663
you realize you can sue them for medical bills?
>> No. 378664
No, really. Your dream was shitty and uninteresting. And my dream was fucking rad. I just feel sorry is all. Have some better dreams.
>> No. 378665
>get to girlfriends house while she's still picking the kids up from school
>let myself in and go play with my phone on her bed
>when they come in one of them asks "mummy is Hydra here?"
>remark later that they recognise my car now
>"...no, they ask that every day after school"

relayed to me on facebook:
>"Mummy will Hydra be here tomorrow?"
>"No darling."
>"But mummy, i love Hydra and he is part of our family."

>both of them have accidently refered to me me as daddy while distracted/excited
>> No. 378667
That's adorable.
You been doing better lately?
>> No. 378669
Wait they're not your kids? Full story plz
>> No. 378670
I'm guessing his lady came with a family already equipped.
>> No. 378689
File 136974301551.jpg - (27.07KB , 401x600 , tumblr_inline_mgc1vtKOpg1qelu6l.jpg )
Okay so on a hypothetical you get offered 500 dollars by a mother who claims her son had his knuckles crushed by a guy after he hit on him, she wants you to similarly injure the guy whom you've had unpleasant exchanges with with in the past to say the least.

What would you do?
>> No. 378692
I'd ask Sneaky Tiki to stop making up stories on the internet.
>> No. 378694
i hope they actually call you hydra.
>> No. 378696
Take the money, seduce the homophobe, lift the veil of denial from his eyes.
>> No. 378697
File 136975413048.jpg - (129.12KB , 500x551 , tumblr_lypwzkm4Q41r4xqamo1_500.jpg )
And I'd thank you for shatter my half truths so that I can finally realize I am a destitute 39 year old morbidly obese man living with his parents who is hideously pimply and alone.

Clearly the only true answer.
>> No. 378699
Take the money, kick the homophobes ass, fuck the homo kid to make him feel better.

Also when you're done fucking him go to his fridge, steal all his butter and leave. I've done this twice and never been caught.
>> No. 378704
File 136975743911.png - (153.95KB , 755x516 , tumblr_mmk61qF4Vo1qf4eupo1_1280.png )
Ingenious but why steal the butter?
>> No. 378708
Pass. Vengeance is dumb, and other people's vengeance is double dumb.
>> No. 378712
There is a butter shortage in Norway, it's worth it's weight in gold over there.


My plan worked perfectly btw, I scored almost $2000 out of the deal.
>> No. 378714
File 136976129353.jpg - (176.40KB , 433x750 , tumblr_mlm5fd8QCC1so290xo1_500.jpg )
That....is fucking fascinating.

I haven't been this taken back since I learned about the canola oil conspiracy.
>> No. 378722
I feel like I'm stupid because questions don't really go far beyond their answers for me.
>> No. 378728
Knew too many awesome things were happening.

Guess whose mutant power really is cancer. >:(
>> No. 378729
File 136978230065.jpg - (93.38KB , 500x722 , tumblr_mn9uk4ns3s1r05wk4o1_500.jpg )
FUCK, what's the plan now Kid?
>> No. 378731
Put up with my orifices being violated and hope by the time I actually get anything my MAGNIFENT ROBOT BODY will be available.
>> No. 378732
File 136978320896.gif - (0.96MB , 326x184 , tumblr_mjtqfdZ71A1qhptjvo1_400.gif )
We'll put Doktor on it right away, would you like it with or without a sombrero?
>> No. 378733
>> No. 378741
She means she went and got her predisposition for cancer checked out. I don't think she means she has cancer at this moment.

As for robot bodies, we're not too far away. In fact, we're not too far away from repairing biology.
>> No. 378745
>In fact, we're not too far away from repairing biology.
Not sure what you mean... we already have medicine.
>> No. 378747
I meant to say MAGNIFICENT ROBOT BODY but my phone is a derp.

This. I have the gene that causes the cancer that runs in my family. Probably won't show up for another decade or two, looking at our history.

Also I've always wanted a robot body, anyway.

Why is this even a question.
>> No. 378751
File 136978878039.jpg - (41.28KB , 500x750 , tumblr_mjpunquE2y1qaogl0o1_500.jpg )
Man, Kid Hate we are gonna robro it up
>> No. 378752
Therapy that addresses the genetic derp that contributes to growing superfluous cultures or immortal growths.
>> No. 378753
What kind of cancer are you getting?
>> No. 378754
We are not even remotely close to robot bodies.
>> No. 378755
File 13697900989.jpg - (59.95KB , 500x638 , tumblr_mjsg17TAPg1r1cxsno1_500.jpg )
>> No. 378756
i got nothin to complain about so i guess i just lurk here now


oh heres one i forgot
>want to get rid of a couple of plushies because my ex gave them to me
>give them to the kids
>the iron man one is now the boys single most prized posession
>> No. 378757
I guess that depends on your haggling definition of 'remotely close'

With nanotechnology and biocompatibility, how long do you honestly believe we are from replacing major organs?
>> No. 378758
Oh you mean gene therapy? We've had that for decades now, even if it is a bit expensive.

Main problem is UN and retards ban us from doing anything more.
>> No. 378762
It's a surprise! But probably colon/butt cancer.

Also possible: thyroid, ovarian, uterine, esophageal, gastric, etc...
>> No. 378764
Oh, I thought you meant some transhumanism shit. My bad.

I do think that robotic replacements are less practical and farther away than lab-grown organs though. A titanium pump is no substitute for a biological heart, even if it is impressive, basically because it can't respond to signals as living tissue can and it can't grow. They did manage to save a little boy earlier with a tiny titanium heart (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/24/us-italy-heart-idUSBRE84N0XZ20120524) but, even if at this point the artificial one was sustainable over a long period, he would need several surgeries as he grows up to replace it, because it cannot grow with him. (This "heart" can apparently pump 1.5 litres per minute; an adult pumps about 5 - 5.5 litres per minute.) Hearts are also fairly simple organs, really, and an artificial heart mostly sounds impressive because you will die immediately if anything goes a bit wrong with it. But consider a robotic filtering organ like the liver or kidney, or a lung, or an intestine. Dialysis machines are fuckhuge for a reason: these organs actually have very complicated functions that we can't make machines with the same capacity as a fist-sized kidney unless they are significantly larger than your head. There's an "artificial" kidney being worked on right now that can fit inside a person, but it's... it's really more like a box with living kidney cells inside, it's not a mechanical thing in its own right.

Robotic parts have their uses too though, just not when it comes to transplants. Bionic limbs are way fucking easier than growing a whole foot in a lab.
>> No. 378765
I don't give a shit.

Full-on robot or bust. YEEEEAAAAAAH.
>> No. 378766
Hey, you're going to have a robutt
>> No. 378767
Bite my shiny future ass.
>> No. 378773
<3333 keep us updated please~
>> No. 378775
I don't get people who start a conversation with you and yet don't really want to say anything about their lives or what they like, and respond to everything with "good" or "not much".
>> No. 378780
File 136980270543.png - (41.80KB , 300x300 , 1366160402484.png )
I'm deciding on a new 27" monitor for gaming. I've looked at the ASUS VG278HE but the reviews cite backlight and color bleeding, despite the attractive 144hz. I also looked at the Benq 2720T, which had better reviews than the ASUS overall, but it seems a bit pricey.

Can anyone in this field help me out?
>> No. 378787
I just noticed that despite ">you will never have a gf" frog in OP's pic, the man's hand has a wedding ring on it.
>> No. 378792
I bought a guitar and a motorcycle.

Am I cool yet.
>> No. 378793
you are officially the apex predator of dat ass, miley.
>> No. 378801
File 136981892239.png - (177.68KB , 683x683 , 1368637712696.png )
Wait, is Bea really the sole mod now? I need to know if I should keep on shittalking her behind her back or not.
>> No. 378802
You should never shit talk people behind their backs. You should always bring your posse and do it to their face, in a snide, derisive manner.
>> No. 378805
Oh god I just saw the Kid Hate stuff and freaked out and then freaked out slightly less.

Take the prevention is the best cure Angelina Jolie methodology and go implant your consciousness in a Big Dog.
>> No. 378807
Wait, does her being the sole mod mean you shit talk her behind her back less, or more?
>> No. 378808
>Oh god I just saw the Kid Hate stuff and freaked out and then freaked out slightly less.
yeah this
I'm really sorry Kid Hate, I hope your mutant powers remain latent and never really develop.

I just want a badass robot eye that can see in infrared and zoom in and shit.
>> No. 378809
File 136982460139.jpg - (139.40KB , 550x407 , 1291403083679.jpg )
Keep on doing whatever it is your think you're doing. You monster.
>> No. 378810
Oh, and Kid Hate, you have my best wishes. I've had family members with cancer too, and a friend of a friend is currently battling it.
>> No. 378812
Pablo 4 Mod Campaign 2013
>> No. 378814
Bard is still around, right? As slow as this place is, how many mods does it need?
>> No. 378816

come at me, Bardo
>> No. 378819
Tobias, I swear, one day I will punch you in your lazy fucking face.
/roommate problems
>> No. 378820
Let's hear your platform. Dazzle us.
>> No. 378828

Your shitposting doesn't fit this board
>> No. 378829
You mean this off-shoot of 4chan? Put a sock in it. You might want to try tumblr, if you only want other people praising your precious special self for being super-interesting.
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