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File 135530708762.jpg - (248.61KB , 800x1147 , Bum Ossan.jpg )
29326 No. 29326
Wake up, you nutmegs!
It's ouuut!

Why is Aokiji so tsun tsun when everyone knows he wants to join the Strawhats?
30 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 29363
File 135533330158.jpg - (35.22KB , 312x411 , Lucci.jpg )
Am I the only one who thinks that looks a lot like Rob Lucci?
>> No. 29364
"who cares?"
Oh Luffy, you're like....the worst person to consider a pirate ally.

Also, Oda continues to surprise me with his devil fruit powers. A rotation man? The hell?
>> No. 29365
It does look like him, but it's probably not him.
>> No. 29366
I think we're all forgetting that we've seen someone survive the gas. A lone Den Den Mushi that broke its way out.
>> No. 29367

I thought it might have looked a bit like Vista and Jozu but it's probably just new dudes.
>> No. 29368
it's sabo.

Oda's colour walks make me feel so joyful.
>> No. 29369
If you have been reading One Piece at all, it should have been obvious the whole time.
Oda doesn't like to kill characters and suddenly killing off hundreds would be way out of character for him.
>> No. 29370

He already killed hundreds though. Those prisoners and newkamas that Magellan melted with Hell's Judgement aren't going to unmelt themselves. Surviving nerve poison I can see, but melting?
>> No. 29371
You know... We haven't had "The Fifth" have we? Dealing with all this could be Chopper's defining moment... Maybe.
>> No. 29372
Poison does not melt flesh. They're not dead.
>> No. 29373
File 135536265355.png - (629.88KB , 784x1142 , Black Market.png )
I copypasted this up for potential future speculation. It's from Panda's though, so it's probably shittier than the one I'm not going to remake from Stream's release.
>> No. 29374

It wasn't normal poison. It was the kinjite poison which was melting even the stone(?) walls and floors.
>> No. 29375
Uh, there's nothing stopping a poison from being corrosive man.
>> No. 29376
File 135536609471.png - (19.60KB , 253x254 , Shari_Shari_Fruit.png )
The marines had a wheel man.

Seemed pretty gimpy in comparison though.
>> No. 29387
I'm not sure about Baby 5's whole character

I think the gun gun fruit is too much of a goldmine and generally awesome power to simply give to one of doflamingo's dimb witted lackeys who will inevitably get beaten down by a Straw Hat that's probably not one the big three
>> No. 29388
Yeah, should have given it to a man so we could get a decent fight.
>> No. 29389
She'll be taken out of the fight anyway when Luffy asks her to show him all the cool as fuck gun shit she can do.

>He... he needs me!!
>> No. 29390
I'm assuming these two will get into a rumble with General Franky, then with Franky and Law, and will decide to book it with the Clown as per their bosses orders instead of getting into a drawn-out battle.
>> No. 29391
Honestly, Franky vs Baby 5 would probably be the most insane fight this series has seen. Two living weapons going at it.
>> No. 29392
I thought the gun-gun fruit would be like having your limbs turn into or guns or something, here they look like something she has on her person(not a complaint or anything, just an observation).
>> No. 29393
In her first chapter she was turning her limbs into it, she might just do both.
>> No. 29394
Her power is a paramecia fruit, the same way Mr. 3's was.

So... It's possible she can sprout weapons spontaneously the way he could wax?

But then her limbs BECOMING weapons... Hrm.
>> No. 29395
Paramecia is a catch-all category, for anything that isn't a Zoan or Logia. There aren't any qualifications other than that.
>> No. 29396
File 135544227211.jpg - (179.82KB , 783x484 , gunhand.jpg )
Really, this isn't speculation, WE'VE SEEN HER DO IT
>> No. 29397
Because a weapon Logia would be friggin' weird.
>> No. 29398
>>Turns all limbs into machine guns
>>Head into bomb
>>Tits into landmines
>>etc etc

Pretty sure that's a common fetish on 4chan's /k/
>> No. 29401
Franky vs Baby 5. Animated by Gainax.
>> No. 29402
Cyborg VS Living weapon

That's a guaranteed showdown.
>> No. 29405

Being animated by Gainax doesn't mean much anymore. All the talent left over a year ago.

Now if it was animated by Trigger, that's another story..
>> No. 29412
I was thinking Dead Leaves, FLCL, Panty Stocking style/era Gainax.

If the people from that time are gone, I don't give a fuck, I don't watch animu. I can still put that hypothetical forward.
>> No. 29414
You're such a cool cat. Can I sniff your farts a little?
>> No. 29415
Not only is that not only one era, Dead Leaves isn't even Gainax.
>> No. 29416
Absolutely. Nothing would make me happier than your face in my buttocks if it kept your virtual mouth shut.
See the statement in question. If I cared/watched I woulda known whatever you're saying. Fuckin I.G., Clamp, whatever. That one gooktoon where the bullets are all sloppy.
>> No. 29420
baby 5 can turn into more than just guns. She can turn into ANY weapon. Her hands turn into swords and an axe when she's trying to kill doflamingo.
>> No. 29421
which is why it's a waste of a power unless Baby 5 plays more of a role then Doflamingo's assassin who gets beaten by a random straw hat

Not necessarily nakama, but something more. The potential of the fruit is too big for a jobber
>> No. 29423
File 135573385250.jpg - (9.12KB , 259x194 , images.jpg )
Broken fruit =/= Unbeatable fighter

It's been a very obvious part of the story since Whiskey Peak.
>> No. 29424
It sounded like his point wasn't "Broken fruit," it was "interesting fruit." I.e. "This fruit is too interesting to have the user only present in a single arc."
>> No. 29425
You're putting a lot of false significance on a shitty fruit. Ooh, yeah, it makes you able to sprout things that everyone in the fucking world has!
Oh, you can make swords. Too bad that an entire subset of Fruits are immune to it naturally, too bad that it'll never be as hard or sharp as someone else with more character's, too bad some fruits are just immune period.
Oh, you can make guns. See above! Guns are the shittiest of shit tier weaponry in One Piece. Even fucking slingshots are better. If they're not flat out avoiding the bullets, your targets are just as likely to be resistant or flat out immune to them.

Sir. Every fruit has this potential you're clamoring that the Weapons Fruit does, and then some.
>> No. 29426
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Benn Beckman, Yasopp and Gold Roger disagree with you.
>> No. 29427
Her powers work as she creates weapons from her body like Galdino creates wax right? I wonder how permanent their creations are...

Just for the sake of conversation on uses of their fruits outside of simply fighting, for example if someone had the weapon fruit could they use it to go into work as an arms-dealer?
You never see the ones with fruit powers like that get tired from their use, seems like they could find a storage area and churn out a large amount of weapons for no cost then sell them to groups for a large return.

As for wax generating and moulding you could do all sorts of non-combat work.
Like with his hideout he made on Little Garden being able to whip out wax houses would be good in an emergency situation though less-so as a permanent housing solution with the downsides the material has.
>> No. 29440

It looks like she is just able to transform parts of her body into weapons, and it just so happens that she is also effective in using some other weapons that she carries around normally.

I guess we'll see what her powers actually are later.
>> No. 29446
Second to a man with one arm and a sword
Has done nothing impressive on screen, it's just implied he's good because he's on Shanks' crew
>> No. 29447
File 135577789434.png - (141.83KB , 448x337 , Senriku.png )
Oh, so only captains count? I suppose bringing up this bastard shouldn't mean much then.
>> No. 29448
Now you're just being silly and contrary, there's no logic there at all.
You might as well claim Whitebeard is dead so that means he was very weak, heck he was finished off by pistolfire in the end so in your worldview that would make him the weakest warrior ever.
>> No. 29449
File 135577967938.png - (286.44KB , 367x450 , Daddy_Masterson.png )
Honestly silly and contrarian's all he's got. Guns have never been absolutely worthless when held in the right hands.
>> No. 29458
>Every fruit has this potential you're clamoring that the Weapons Fruit does

This is the important part anyhow. No great loss on interesting DFs. We don't even know Baby 5's full involvement in the plot so save the doom talk for later.
>> No. 29470
We just know that Gol was good, we honestly don't know how. Whether it was through some mysterious fruit, or some hidden knowledge, or whatever. Calling him as an example is pretty fuckin' stupid. That he has a pistol in one panel or so doesn't mean guns don't suck. Doesn't mean he was good because of the gun. Doesn't even mean he was good at guns.

Yeah, right up until he gets beat by Usopp and a slingshot.

This guy gets it.
>> No. 29472
Except he didn't get beaten by Usopp at all, Usopp ran away from the duel, then when he finally returned Masterson instead challenged him to hit a distant target with his slingshot.

And how do you miss points so badly? Are you just looking to get into arguments?
>> No. 29474
I said "gets" not "got".
If you think that's the end of their interactions and there's no eventual fight, I wonder whatchusmoking.
>> No. 29475
Just because Beckman is second to Shanks doesn't mean guns are worthless since Shanks is one of the most powerful men in the world even with one arm. That is not a proper argument in any form.
Saying Yasopp hasn't been featured fighting is fair enough to say we don't have a proper handle on his prowess but still he's one of Shank's top guys and he only needs pistols so it hardly means you can't use guns and be a strong fighter in one piece.
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